HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-4-19, Page 4r.
.r.ra.NM+• w.
Shipka Chisellturst
ti l rul�n. Lehreeder visited friends in .l The swop making season is now
ode 11
Baking Powder
d • t L w borne h t d `t' I k with
'BECAUSE it makes the lightest,
whitest and most delicious tete bis-
cuits and cakes, thus producing
results that cannot be obtained by
using any other powder without
,occasional failure,
Wholesome and Nutritious
Because it a pore
Cream Tartar
Baking Powder
Containing no. Alum, Phosphates or
other Adulterants or fillings, All
wise cooks will accept no other.
Cole's Baking Powder
The kind that never fails
To Please.
x.et.er Abvo.Clitt.e,
Sanders de Creech.. Props.
` '.iaURSDAY, APR. 19, '06
Parkhill hist week.--� la D, 1Ttaunitn
moved Tburs ay into his uew
formerly owned. by Soni, lfclG,-R'a1-
ter Baxter sold a fine Horse to Robt.
Besteld last week. -Glad to see Addie
Grigg back to his work again. --Alvin.
Armstrong moved to the 14 con, of
Stephen last Tuesday. Alvin is going
to work the place of Jerry Brophey.-
Miss Annie Besterd is home from Lon-
don spending her Easter holiday.
Mrs.Johu Mallachian and her daughter
have returned horde after spending a
few' weeks in Detroit visiting friends.
-David Webb was in London Friday
on business. --Simon Sweitzer has in-
vested in a bronco. Look out now. -
Frank. Besterd left for London hast
Monday, -Miss E. Weston is spending
her Easter holidays at her home in St.
Marys. We hope she may not forget
to come back to iter school work. -
Chas. Baumgarten sold a horse to Tim
Eagle of Mount Carmel.
Mr. B. Seale and family of St.
Marys have moved into the village.-
Miss Minnie Ounningham,aafter apend-
ingseveral months in London, return-
ed home ou Friday. -Archie Runt -
ledge spent the Easter holidays at his
home in Dashwood. --- Mr. Charlie
Raritan and sister, Della,, are in Port
Hurou this week attending the wed-
ding of their brother, Manford, to Miss
A Baker of Port Huron. -Mr. Harry
Shoff of Toronto is spending a. few
days with his friend, Elie Hudgson.
-Mr- M. Farrel of .Port H nron is visit-
ing his parents. -Rev. Thomas held
divine service i,i St. James church on
Good Friday. -Arthur Legg and Ar-
thur Parsons of London spent a few
days in the village. -The suit held in
the hall Saturday between A, Odweir
and R. Grunday over a drain running
through farms was not settled. Mc -
Beth of London and McDermid of
Lucan pleaded the case. -Mrs. Ed-
ward Irwin of Belgrave spent a few
days with her cousin, Mrs. W. Cun-
ningham. -Miss Eliza Cunningham
spent Easter in Exeter.
Rev. G. D. Damm is attending the
kt anada Conference of the Evangelical
church at Bisinark this week. As this
is the last year forMr. Datum's pastor-
ate among us, we are anxious to learn
who his successor will be, -The follow-
ing took advantage of the Easter boli -
days and visited friends at a distance:
:Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawson, Jno. F.
Brown and wife to Detroit; Robert
Walker and son,Otta, to Sarnia; Misses
-Lydia Finkbeiner and Mary Rader -to
Hamilton, while Bert Clark, Herb Sil-
ber, Ira Brown, Art Zwicker, Fred
Harris took in the sights at London.
-0. W. Gilmour was in the village
the past week inspecting the local
'branch of the Sovereign Bank. -Jos.
Haist moved into his dwelling at Ored-
dton East on Monday. -A number of
sour citizens attended the entertain-
mentin the Methodist cburch,Oentral-
ia, Easter Monday evening. -Our citi-
zens are busying cleaning their yards.
:Now is the time to get busy. -Eli
'_•F3sveat'r household goods 'were stripped
to Alberta on Monday where he has
'bought a farm. We wish him every
•success. The threatening weather on
.Easter Sunday caused the majority of
-our ladies to leave their new hats at
home. Some took the risk and no
doubt were delighted that they got
ahead of the others. -Work has been
•= rsomrnenced on the cellar of our new
school house. • Geo. Holtzman, the
•=,contractor, will make things hum from
.;now on. -Henry Eilber, M.P.P., re-
turned to Toronto on Wednesday, af-
ter spending the Easter holidays at
"Jaome.-Easter Sunday was observed
-with appropriate music. and sermons
;in both church, and large congrega-
tions as a rule were in attendance.
Floral emblems were much in evi-
adence in honor of the risen S;avior.-
Miss Stella Andrews spent Sunday
'with friends in Parkhill. -Ed. King of
Yale, Mich., is here visiting his moth-
-err who is very ill but is improving
slowly. -A number of our sports at-
tended the shooting match at Exeter
on Friday. -Jos. Heist who met with
a accident a few days ago, is slowing
:recovering from its effects. -Frank
:.Finkbeiner has accepted a position
-.with Mr. Henry Kraft at Dashwood.
---On Saturday Messrs; Lamport and
• :Baxter bought from Messrs. Handford
-and Kay of Exeter, that imported en-
.tire horse, "Nateby Prince," for $1,200.
`"`This horse is one of the best in this
-district; has proved himself a sure foal
getter and farmers breeding their
:mares to him can make no mistake.
'Messrs. Lamport and Baxter are ex•
terience horseman and are capable of
:dandling a horse to the best advantage.
pretty welloser,-,lltiss Emma Regan.
as accepted a pose ion as c er wi t
oar genial storekeeper and postures -
ter. -Miss Lottie Best was a pleasant
visitor at tie' hone of her aunt, Mrs,
Wrn. Leitch, during the week. -Will
Latta, who tris heeu suffering froin
severe attack of pleurisy, is, we are
pleased to learn, recovering. Mrs. Oal,
Newell is also convalesoiug,-Mr. Sin -
plait. of Hensall has moved to his fine
ferni on the ll,th cona
net -mail
Misses Carrie and Anita MacArthur
were home from Toronto for the
Easter holiday. -Alex.. Taylor is on a
trip to the Northwest, leaving last
week.- A. McPherson is recovering
from his recent illness. -W. J. Miller
left last Wednesday for Stillwater, A
berta. He will probahlyrernain there.
-Miss Tina rand, Aggie Shez'ry were in
London during the •week. The for-
mer is now a patient in Victoria, Hos-
pital undergoing treatment. -Andy
Yungblet has gone to Biandon where
he has accepted a position. -Jas. Ross
spent the Easter vacation in Brant-
DEATH. -The death took place in
Hensall on Friday of John Scott, an
old and respected resident of this vil-
lage, at the age of 77 years. He bad
been ill of pneumonia for solve 'days
and his death was expected since the
previous Tuesday. Mr. Scott was a
native of Scotland, a Presbyterian in
religion and a Reformer in politics.
About twenty years ago he retired
from. farm life, after having been en-
gaged in farming for many years prev-
iously in this neighborhood, He was
at one time Reeve of the village. He
was twice married and leaves a widow
and grown-np family to mourn his de-
mise. The funeral took place on Mon-
day to the Rodgerville cemetery and
was largely attended.
A number from here attended the
shooting match at Exeter on Friday.
-Our school teacher, Miss McArter,
is spending the Easter vacation at her
home in Brussels. -Easter Sunday was
a very disagreeable. day but neverthe-
less we noticed several Easter hats.
RECEPTION. -The home of Mr. and
Mrs. Silas Stanlake was thronged with
a happy gathering on Thursday, the
occasion being to celebrate the home-
coming of Mr. Chester Stanlake with.
his bride, who returned that evening
from a short visit to Toronto. After
the newly wedded couple had been.
warmly congratulated the company
sat down to a most dainty luncheon,
which all enjoyed. The home was then
thrown open to the merry makers and
ere long the young people were enjoy-
ing the favorite pastime, "tipping the
lightfantastic" while the older ones
spent the evening in social chat and
various other 'amusements. The wed-
ded couple were not forgotten by the
friends as an upper room would indi-
cate, for laid therein were numerous,
costly and useful presents; . testifying_
to the high esteen In -which the bride
and -groom. are bald. At a reasonable
hour the party broke up and if good
wishes counts for anthing the happy
couple will have a. life of sunshine arid
roses. They have taken up house-
keeping on the old homestead,. recent-
ly vacated by the groom's parents.
Many thanks were extended to Mr.
and Mrs. Stanlake, Sr., for their kind
St. Marys: Willie,uddhad one of
:fais fingers badly jammed by the pump
.candle at the Garnet hotel on Thurs-
doy, the top of the finger being nearly
For Thin,
You can trust a medicine
tested 60 years! Sixty years
of experience, thinkof that!
Experience with Ayer's Sar-
saparilla; the original Sarsa-
arsa-parilla; the Sarsaparilla the
doctors endorse for thin blood,
weak nerves, general debility.
Doti liven this grand old medicine cannot do
its best work if the liver is inactive and the
boWets constipated. ror tho
boat possible re -
sulfa, you should take laxative doses of. Ayers
Pins while taking the Sarsaparilla.
�Ateo menbttfilatnrore afll,Maset.
WO bave 8o eaorete I Ws publish
v tho formulae df all our medielnee.
• Our teachers, Mi. McDougall and
Miss Howard are each spending their
holidays at their respective homes. -
Miss Ethel Godbolt, who has been
teaching school in Essex County, is
spending her Easter holidays at home.
-We are sorry to announce that Mrs.
Chas. Godbolt is suffering from the ef-
fect$ of a sore knee, We hope to hear
of her speedy recovery. Cow-
ard & Bloomfield have their new light
established in the store. The acety-
lene gas gives a bright, steady light
and there is not a brighter store to-
day in Western Ontario. With their
up-to-date stock and the splendid man-
agement of Mr. Bloomfield there is no
reason wh3 our store should not do a
larger trade than ever. -George Ban-
thorpe sports a new Campbell buggy.
There is nothing like .being sporty,
George. -Miss L. Adkg and little niece
spent Easter with the formers sister,
-Mrs. Thos. Washburn. -Mr. and Mrs.
Fenton Brown are spending a few days
here with friends and relatives prior
to leaving for Dutton, where Mr.
Brown has secured a good position,
managing a large butter factory. -We
are glad to notice that Master Arnold
Clarke,who has been suffering from an
attack of-pneunaonia,is iinproving and
will soon he well again. -J. Bloomfield
spent Sunday in London. -Miss Olive
Berrybill, who has been attending the
Forest CityBnsiness College, is spend-
ing her holidays•at home. Olive is
onlyone of the many who are yearly
leaving our Winchelsea schools and
fitting herself for a better position in
better for
ing more
than a.
meal o f
Mooney's Perfection
Cream Sodas
Mooney's Biscuits are an evenly
balanced, wholesome, nourishing
food, equally good for young and
old. Made from Canada's finest
wheat flour, rich cream and pure
butter. Baked by the Mooney
baker in the Mooney way.
Say ' Mooney's 'to your grocer.
, Talbot Harding is spending the holi-
days under the parental roof. -Miss
Ruby Werry is spending a few days
the guest of her sister, Miss Lou Werry,
-J. A. Hewitt spent Sunday under
the parental roof. -Two young men
in the person of Will Hodge and Percy
Sparling attended the Model Sunday -
school held at Elimville and report a
good time. Miss Bella Malloy who is
seriously ill is slowly improving. -J.
Murray is sick. His many friends wish
her a speedy recovery. -Miss Mabel
Wiles is spending a few days in Lon-
don --Mrs. G. Dickenson entertained
a few of her friends on Tuesday even-
ing last. -J. Johns of Elimville and L.
Beavers of Woodham were visitors at
ourSunday School on Sunday, April
7th. -We are sorry to hear that the
Rev. Mr. Veiale who is seriously ill is
still very low.
Grand Bend
A. Bossenberry and Mr. Allen of.
Parkhill spent Tuesday here. The
former has closed his engageinent at
the Hastings House, as wine clerk. -
Mr. Neaman, of London, arrived here
Good Friday to spend a few weeks. -
Miss E. Wilson of London spent Sat-
urday and Sunday here with her
brother, D. Wilson. -Feed Page had
the misfortune to cut the end off his
finger on Monday. -H. Steffen, who
has been attending the Business • Col-
lege at London, is a visitor at the home
of Chris. Walper.-Mr. and Mrs. Teide-
man of Sarnia were here Friday at-
tending the funeral of the late Mrs.
Wilson. --Chas. Morrish has rented his
farm for five years to Wm. Pickern of
Shipka.-Miss Victoria Gill, who has
been visiting in Parkhill. returned
home Saturday.-Robt. Hamilton bas
made about one hundred gallons of
maple syrup this season in A.Mollard's
bush. -Harmon Gill is giving, his house
a coat of paint. -Mr. Fulsher of For-
est spent Friday in our burg.-Mr.and
Mrs. McLinchey of Stanley spent
Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Zapfe.-
Mr. Linney of London was here Fri-
day and let the contract for building
A summer cottage. -Mrs. Ward of
London spent a few days here during
the week. -Bert Flynn of Exeter • has
accepted a position with Wm. Levett
for the summer. -The township grad-
er has. been over the roads in this sec-
tion and it is hard to say which has
made the worst job of the roads -the
r, cent heavy rains or the grader.-
llamilton Bros. ' are busily engaged
refitting their steamboat, "The Scotia"
which they intend putting in the
hest of shape before launching it for
the coming season.
DEATH. -In moving .indiscriurinate-
ly along his secret pathways, Death has
once more entered this locality, claim-
ing Mrs. Edmund Wilson as his :vic-
tiro, at the early age of nineteen wears.
Her departure from this life is sad and
pathetic in the extreme and has cast a
gloon, over the neighborhood. Death
ra al s his harvest without regard to
tli• it•i'.tiity of the grain. The tender
ve:uth, the hardy adult in the prime of
lift', the care fraught parent, declining
age and frailty areal' alike his victims.
Deceased had been ailing all winter
fermi that much dreaded disease, con-
sumption, and although every possible
care and medical treatment that could
he had wits lavished upon her but all
to no avail her work on earth W;'8 com-
pleted and she new rests at peace. She
was It true friend, a loving wife and
mother, the happiness of whose home
rid the high esteem •
whose Wends
refleeted tne influence of her many
tdrl:irable traits of character. Five
years ago she was united in marriage
to her now het•t'ft husband and with
hint is left one child. We commend
the sorrowing cues to Him, who doeth
,ell things Well. The funeral on Friday
was largely attended, the interment
taking piricethe Grand Bend cemetery,
The Sick of our midstare all on the
mend: Among the number are Jos.
Amos, Wm. O'Neil, Rose Lightfoot,
Fred Windsor and _Mr. and Mrs. Will
Darling. -John Birney is now settled
on his new farm as is also Geo. Lee,Jr.
-Dame rumor says we are to have a
wedding shortly. -Mrs. J. Durr has
returned from a four months' visit to
Port Huron. Her son, Rev. George.
Durr and grandson, Ralph spent a,few
days with her during the week. -Atex.
McKay, of Nome, Alaska, is visiting
his mother on the town line. -Maple
syrup making is the order of the day.
-Thos. Prest of Toronto is home for
the holidays. -Miss Della McLeary, of
4th con., has gone to Toronto where
she intends residing with her sister.
While- there she will take a business
course in one of the colleges. -Mrs.
Walter Hill of Moray was taken.
to St. Joseph Hospital, London, last
week. She has been very i11 for sev-
eral weeksand an -operation was deem-
ed necessary which was successfully
performed on. Friday. Her many.
friends will be pleased to learn that
she is now daily .improving. -Much
sympathy is expressed for Wm. Prance
of the 8th con., who has had the mis-
fortune to lose eight head of cattle
during the past few days from a dis
ease that baffles the skill of the veteri-
nary surgeons. Mr. Prance has more
cattle sick with the same complaint.
Robt. Hutchinson has also lost sever-
al from the same.disease.-David Reid
left last week for Manitoba. -Death
removed from our midst on Sunday
one of our most highly and well be-
loved young ladies in the person of
Miss Susie Lewis which sad event oc-
curred at her home on 4th con. De-
ceased had been ill for conte time but
she was patient and resigned to her
lot. The sympathy of all is extended
to the bereaved parents. ,
DIAD. -Word was received here a
few days ago of the death of Mrs, Jas.
Gilbert, which sad event took place on
Sunday, April 1. at her horne in Wol-
seley, Sask., after an illness of several
months duration. About five years
ago Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert left Corbett
to make their home in Saskatchewan,
and have been very prosperous. She
was formerly Miss Rachael Grieve and
resided in this township the greater
part of her life where she was highly
respected and esteemed. -Her life was
a useful and consecrated one, her aim
being to make people happy. Her age
Was 40 years and i) months. She wars
a. member of the Presbyterian church
at Corbett and taught the infant a . class
for many years before her departure
to the West and her gentle, kind die.
position endeared her to the hearts of
all who knew her. In accordance with
het own wish a memorial service was
held in the cbureh here Sunday, Rev,.
Oat officiating To the bereaved
husband and family sive extend our
heartfelt sympathy,
India Pale Ale
Prejudiced and unscrupulous vendors may suggest others, but compare it any
way you will -purity. freedom from acidity, palatableness--Labatt's. Ale is surpass-
ed by none, equalled by few -at about half the price of best imported brands,
e x cmnaadso ...3119 Mi
Mrs. Kreuger of Detroit is visiting
her mother, Mrs. S, Sipple. -Mr. and
Mrs. J. Ort are visiting in Detroit. -
Dutch setts are being shipped in large
quantities from this village. -Miss
Freda Hess is home from the Seaforth
Collegiate on her holidays. -Abe Ben-
der has gone to London to accept a
position as shoemaker. -Peter La-
mont has sold his property in Hills -
green to his brother Robert. -Mrs. H.
Zimmerman is visiting in Detroit.
Ab. Surerns has returned from his vis-
it in: Stratford. -Samuel Faust and Ed.
Waren left Idaho and Washington
states respectively last week. -Rudolph
Heideman visited in Detroit during
the holidays. -Valentine Esenboffer
of the Babylon line is ill with slight
hope of recovery. -Joseph Gascho and
family have moved to the farm he re-
cently purchased from S. Kuepfer on
the the Bronson line. -Jacob Desch
has bought an additional 25 acres of -
land on the Goshen line. -Miss Verde
Fuss is quite ill. Sam Rainnie has
bought a large tract of land in the
west. He will leave for there shortly.
-Fred Benedict was recently injured
in the car works at Toledo, Ohio. His
aunt, Mrs. Hill, has gone to see him.
-Rev. W. J. Yager was on Tuesday
last pi esented with an address and arm
chair by the members of bis church.
He expects to leave after the next don-
ference.-Gilbert Plante of St. Joseph
left last week, for Buffalo to prepare
for sailing on the lakes. -Peter Koel-
ler is having the cellar excavated prior
to erecting his new dwelling., F. Bel-
anger is hiring men tp commence the
work on the dock at St. Joseph. -An
Indian captured an otter along Black
Creek reteutly. The otter is a rare
animal in these parts. -Miss Annie
Hess is visiting in Detroit.
The Gentle
Kidney Cure.
Don't think that Bu -Ju Is not
effective bemuse it does not
"tear things loose." The man,
who talks most, does least.
lEidney remedies that purge -
and o es-atimnlate the kidneys
-upset the stomach_ -are gong
to do you 'nighty little good.
about cerin
goes about you gently,
mildly, correctly. You never
know you are taking medicine
exeeet that you begin to get
better and keep on getting
better. Bu -Ju heals inflam-
mation in the kidneys -takes
away that sharp pain in the
back and the dull ache through
the hips -stops excessive unn-
ation-and enables the disea-
sed portions of the kidneys to
heal and strengthen.
Cures Rheum tiszn Too.
$ 1.00
2 Days in Detroll
(Incorporated by Act Perl�amoue99ee)
Head Office, - ' Montreal'
(Incorporated by Act of Parlittment�1865)
Head Office, - _ ' Montreal '
Capital Paid Up t3,000,000
Reserved Ensd•••• . • • • • : • • • . $3,000,000
CapitalPaaid Up ' - $3,000,000
Reserved Find.,..... • $3,000,000
OFFICE HOURS 10 a. in. to 3 p. m; SATURDAYS, 10 a, m. to 1 p. m,
Farmer s Sale Notes cashed or collected, Form.siipplied on application.
DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain and United
States bought and sold at lowest rates of -Exchange.
ADVANCES made to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business. Men at
lowest rates and on most favorable terms. •
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
Saving Bank Department, po=ns of $1 and upwards received. Interest oom-
pounded half-yearlq and added to principal Juno SOtit
and December 31st.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKSON' & CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager,
aSot ...nicer-!.'�.'-,isasseratte twee --.. D• a't: ' -••
Guaranteed Cured or No Pay.
If you ever hadariy constitutional, acquired or
hereditary blood disease, you are never safe until
the virus or poison has been removed from the
system. You may have had some disease years
ago, but now and then sotne symptom alarms you.
Some poison still lurks in your system. Can you
afford to run the risk of more serious symptoms
appearing as the poison multiplies? Beware of
mercury or mineral drugs used indiscriminately -
they may ruin the system Thirty years' experi-
ence in the treatment of these diseases enables
us to prescribe specific remedies that will posi-
tively cnre all'blood diseases of the worst char-
acter, leaving no bad effects on the system. Our
New Met'hodTreatinen t will purify and enrich the
blood, heal up all ulcers, clear the skin, remove
bone pains, fallen out hair will grow in, and
4, swollen glands will return to a normal condition,
and the patient will feel and look like a different
. take rather Like see , person. All cases we accept for treatment are
guaranteed a complete cure or no charge.
Reader if in ddubt alto your condition, you can consult us FREE
OF CHARGE. Remember the old adage, "a stitch in time saves nine."
Beware of incompetent doctors who have no reputation or reliability.
Drs. K. & K. have been established over 27 years. You can pay
atter cure.
WE CURE Nervous Debility, Varicocele, Stricture Blood Diseases, Sec-
ret Diseass.eKidney and Bladder Complaints. Consultation Free. If usable
to cast, v; run iur a Question List for Home Treatment,
Of -rice Hours : i a, m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 10 to 12 and Z to 4 p. m.
Marriage Licenses
Issued at the
WOoa's Phospballin0;
The Great English Remedy.
Tones and invigorates the whole
nervous system, stakes new
Blood in old Veins. Cures Nerv-
ous •ify, ental and Brain Worry, Des-
5exu Weakness, Emissions, Sper^-
murtornccea, and Erects of Abuse or Excesses.
Price it per box, sixfor$5. One will please six
will cure. Sold by an druggists or mailed in
plain pkg. on receipt of price. New pamphlet
mailed free. Tho Wood Modlicine Co.
(formerly Windsor) Toronto, Ont.
Sprina Bargaius
Spring Suits
Better can't he found anywhere.
They are the latest styles and the
values are greet. They range
from $1O to $20. You can't af-
ford to pass us if you need a suit.
Rain Coats
$4.50 to $10. These are splendid
goods and every coat is a bar-
gain. Call and see thein.
Wall Papers
Will you need wall paper this
spring? We sell them 'so cheap
that you will think we ai'e giv-
ing them away. Very pretty
patterns, •
A splendid range of
at 20, 80, and 35c,
—FOR -
Lumber, Shingles,Lath, Cedar
Posts, Sash, Doors, Frames
andall Building Materials.
— Water Tanks
Finished or in Knock down,
always on hand.
Highest price paid for Saw-
logs of every description.
Custom sawing promptly
attended to. -
Estimates cheerfully given.
The Ross Taylor Co., Ltd
Exeter, Ont.
John Lee
Having received all the necessary
applicances for turning out .
First Class Laundry work, in
future all work sent to me will
be executed at home and not
•�,�j •�,
sent to London as heretofore.
?RIbES :
Shirts, 8 Cents
2 Collars 8 cents
Cuffs per pair 8 cents
Best of work guaranteed