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Exeter Advocate, 1906-4-12, Page 6
tumuli IN S>K'itING. Natenee Need* Assistance in Making Now aileolth.Gavilg Blood. LANA OF THE IsAIUS CARMAN. Taco to 'swat Ile Returns' 't'1'ith His Saving to End Itis HAys. Spring'is the season when your system It is a peculiarity In Paris, which every needs toning up. In the sllrmg you kisitor .who knows enough Drench to must have. new blood, just es the trees toll one dialect front another list have; must • have new sap. Nature demands noticed, that nearly all, Waris cabzllen i It. :Without slew blood you will feel aurae front the sante part of the -corns-! weak and languid; yeU shay have try, says the London Standard. The; twinges of rheumatism or neuralgia, ne- samR thing Is true _ at coal merchants castanet headaches, a variable appetite, and .of dealers in roasters chtaitnuls, vvlio ptnlpies or eruptions 'of the slain, ora came i'ram Auvergne; of the goatherds, rale, pasty eolllpiexion..' These are sure who hawk their milk about the streets, steins that the blood is out of order, A tonic is needed to give new energy, 'Dr. Williams' Pink Pillsare the best tonic i.ail 'the world. They make new, r tC1 , blood—your greatest need in spring. l b. They clear the shin, drive out disease and make tired, depressed men and wo- men , bri*ht active and strong, Mrs. bright, Chas Masson, Yamachiehe, Que., proves the great vaiue of I)r. Williams' Pink Pills in building up people who have be-' come weakened and rue down. She soy, —"ln the winter of 1.04'.1 1 was very much run down and lost flesh rapidly: Ary blood was poor. I suffered frons irldieestion, severe headaches and gen- eral debility. In this condition I decid-. et', to give Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills a trial, and thanks to this valuable medi- cine I am again enjoying perfect health." Dr, Williams' Pink Pills cure all the ailments due to poor blood or shatter- ed nerves. That is why they cure anae- mia, rheumatism, neuralgia, kidney trouble, indigestion and the secret ali- ments of women and girls. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., 'Brockville, Ont. GORDON'S ONLY WEAPON. }lad a Cane An Itis hand When. Be Fell at Hhartoum. In some reminiscences of Sir Fred- erick St. Jahn, a diplomatist who served his country well, we have the facts which prompted General Gordon to carry no weapon but a cane when lead- ing the Imperial troops during the • Tai- ling struggle. I•iow he came to do so has not, so far as we are aware, before been told. We therefore quote Sir Fred- erick St. John's explanation :— "When acting in conjunction with the Chinese general, San-ko-lin-sin, against either Nankin or Foochow, Gordon re- ceived a message from the rebel lead- ers, offering submission if their lives were guaranteed. Having obtained the consent of the Chinese commander, ne agreed. The town surrendered, and the Lhree rebel chiefs appeared before San- ko-lin-sin. He seeing that they had not shaved their heads in sign of submission had them decapitated on the spot. Whereupon exasperated beyond control by such treachery, Gordon armed him- self with a revolver, and was hastening to the general's tent with the intention Or chastising him in the most summary manner for his breach of faith, when suddenly he paused, and coming, on reflection, to the conclusion that his contemplated act was simple murder, he threw away his weapon and registered n vow that, so long as he remained In China, he would never again carry any weapon more formidable than a cane." NOT AS ANTICIPATED. A somewhat vexatious law in China compels every doctor, after dark, to hang up in front of his house as many lighted lamps as ho has had patients die. One evening a European who was staying in Peking on business set out in search of a doctor for his son, who had ;been suddenly taken ill. He called at 'The houses of a good many, but was de- terred by a large number of lamps ex- hibited before each. At length, after tramping about for several hours, he came to the house of a doctor where only three lamps shed a melancholy light over the entrance. The happy Eu- ropean dashed into the house of (his ex- cellent man, wakened him, and took him eft to his lodgings. "I presume you are the best practi- tioner in the city?" he said to his com- panion as they went along. "What makes you think so?" "Because you have only three lanterns hung over your door, while your col- • leagues have dozens an their house - Iron ts." "Ahi is that the reason?" calmly replied lite medico. "The fact is, I only lately set up in prnriicc, and have had but three patients." II.EALTII IN TIIE DOME. Baby's Own Tablets are equally good. for little babies or big children. If a sll!Id fs suffering from any of the minor ]lis of childhood a few doses of the Tab- lets will cure it. And an occasional 'lose to the wen child will prevent sick- ness, Mrs. A. Mercier, I'i!viere Ouelle. Que., says:—"My baby was cross, irri- table, did not sleep at night and did not mem to thrive, but since giving her ]Baby's Own Tablets all this is changed. gee now eats wen, sleeps web and is vowing fat. The Tablets have proved I blessing to both myself and the child." Po say all mothers who have used this medicine. Baby's iron Tablets are sold ey all druggists, or you can get ,,them tram The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., tlroekville, Ont., at 25 cents a box. PAYING PROFESSION. The finest profession In the world from t+ money -making point of view Is the taw for those; who get front places, as witness the ease of the Tari of Hals- irury, vete resigns the Lord ITigh Chan- ltello'ship nn a eomfortabls pension of 825,000 a year. For five years---1:375.30-•- be was Solicitor -General, drawing about $45.0)n per annum in salary and fees, and he has occupied the 'Woolsack, with I,nt • n brief interval, for seventeen years at a salary of $50,000 per annum. Jrito the present, therefore, hehas re- ceived i for h , iS services to the State ;about 8075,000, to which another w25, - A00 must now be added for every year '!tat: he survives. The Irish Lord Chan- cellor, ford Ashbourne, whose retire - anent was also necessitated by Mr. Bat- ' fir's resignation, has reCetved from ;public money about $72,000, _Ile will pow tiavo to rest content with the mee West pension of 8181't60 per annum, She: Do yon love Me as nmtti 'hen 07.1 are away from me?. He (fervently)— %love you More, 001041. She (eigitin'.i max. nisi I col' '1 lee nettle you then, who• are Breton peasants, and of many other trades. The cab drivers' land is 'probably Pt - Ile " in tic known to Englishmen, . 1 �,•a is itscapital, Roam' , and 1 to the � tan c z r. A tp a , tiny -village, where the wnrst language and the best hearts in all erence are ,to, bhfn found, The eldest of .each family in Batley. talus the land and Use paternal cottage: The old folks live with hint un- til their death, and the younger sons go to Paris and drive e cabs. For years they drive about in all wen-. thers, scraping together sou by sou tin - tit they have garnered enough to go i''ene and pay for their board and lodg- ing for the remainder of Uieir days. They go with the elder brother to a notary oe the first _day of. their return home and sign a deed by which he is bound to keep them for the remainder of their days in idleness in return for their say- Ings. There is an old priest In Rodes Who thoroughly understand's his flock. Ire .never asks them to enter the church, but chats with them outslcle R. and preaches • informal 'sermons as he thinks fit,' A few days ago a deputation of the men took him a plaster statuette of St Fiacre (falsely believed to be the cabmen's pat- ron saint), whose rake—for St. Fiacre was really a gardener—they had cut away,- and substituted a tiny cabman's whip. 0 is THERE IS NOW A MASS OF PROOF TIIAT LUMBAGO IS ALWAYS CURED BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. • Quebec Man Cured his Kidneys with Dodd's Kidney Pills, and his Lumbago Vanished. Quebec, P. Q., April 2.—(Special).— John Bail, a bricklayer, residing at 57 Little Champlain Street, this city, has added his statement to the great mass of proof that Lumbago is caused by dis- ordered Kidneys, and consequently easily cured by Dodd's .Kidney Pills. Mr. Bali says "I was troubled with Lumbago for two years. I could not work. I had to get up at nights to urinate so often that my rest was broken. I read of cures by Dodd's Kidney Pills and made up my mind to try them. After the first box 1 ' could see and feel a change. Three boxes cured me completely." ,, Lumbago, like Rheumatism, is caused by uric acid in the blood. Uric acid can- not annot stay in the blood if the Kidneys aro working right. Dodd's Kidney Pills make the Kidneys work right. -4^ TIIIS MAY STARTLE YOU. It your servants knew as much as you expect them to know they would not 1:e your servants. flow long have your Kidneys been sick ?—fIere's South American Kidney Cure evidence that's convincing : "I am a new man—three bottles cured me." "Five bottles cured me of Diabetes." "I never expected to be cured of Bright's Disease, but half a dozen bottles did it." "I thought my days were num- bered, but this great remedy cured me:' It never fails. -134. SMELLED TIIE INVENTORY. Mrs, De Lush—What has kept you out so late? Mr. De Lush—Been talon' inventory. Mrs. De Lush—I knew It. I smelled rb on your breath the minute you open- ed the door. IInaUg't Veep IS better tiles =err neaps, but is hest when need in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Heap and follow dueotione. TIIE "A'S" HAVE I'1. Adolf, an Austrian artisan, adored Anna, an aristocrat. Anna adored Adolf.. Another aristocrat, Alfred, an ambas- sador, adored Anna. Anna abhorred Alfred. Alfred addressed Anna, admitting ad- miration. Anna assumed amazement. Alfred adjured Anna. Anna admonished. Alfred. Alfred adopted agressiveness. Alfred's audacity alarmed Anna. Alfred attempted abducting Anna.. Anna, afraid and agitated, acquainted Adolf. Adolf accused Alfred. Alfred, angered, abused Adolf awfully. Adolf answered Alfred Alfred attacked Adolf: Anna, aghast aided Adolf. Adolf and Anna almost annihilated Alfred. Alfred abdicated absolutely. Anna accepted Adolf. Adolf and Anna abruptly absconded, abandoned Austria altogether, arrived at Antwerp, and always abided abroad afterward. FARMING IN LONDON, The Great Metropolis Raised U10 Crop' Last Year. Millions of people who look upon the capital of the Empire as .anything but agricultural .cet'llre will be surprised In lethal that during 1905 2,060 bushels of wheat were grown ipa the county of London. The agricultural returns, which were issued recently, show that the acreago under cultivation In London and the estimated yield were as follows: Yield. Acreage, Wheat ..2,050 bushels (15 Marley , 880 bushels 22 Oats ort• E , 3,h,1r 0 bushels 72 Beans 440 bushelssteel s 2w Peas 044"bushels 27 Potatoes . , —1,Q60 tons 324 Turnips and swedes .. 7:L 0 tons 50 Mangolds .. 4,919 tons 246 Hay ., . 4,032 tons 2,871 The only class of produce included in the general returns which London did not raise was hops, Doctored Nine Years for Tetter. -Mr, James Gaston, merchant, .of \-Vill:os- barre, Pa., writes i "For nine years I have been disfigured with Telfer on my hands and face. At last I have found a cure in Dr. Agnew's> Ointment, IL helped me from the first application, and now I am permanently cured." -135. "Boo -hoc -hoot" roared Sammy"Billy's eaten all my cake." "You said I might have a bile," said Baty, "and it isn't my fault if my bite is as big 'as your cake." TICE „SAPS did it. They supplied the Menthol found in the "D & 5" Me abli41 Cla;ter, which re- lieves instantly backache, headache, neuralgia, rheumatism and sciatica. MUSICAL BED. A native Indian ruler owns a musical bed. The weight of the body sets the works in motion, and it play§ half an hour, while life-sized figures of Grecian maidens at its head and foot finger stringed instruments. Fans are waved b•- a concealed motor, which keeps then going the whole night long. No heart too Bad to be Curet.—Tes- timony could be piled high in commen- dation of the wonderful cures wrought 1•-- Dr. Agnevv's Cure for the Heart. No case stands against this great remedy where it did not relieve the most acute heart sufferings inside of thirty minutes. It attacks the disease in an instant after being taken. -131. Rivers : "What have you got that string tied around your finger for?" Brooks: "By George! I'm glad you men- tioned it. That's to remind me to ask you for the fever I lent you three months ago." DO NOT ALLOW yourself to become\alarmed because you have lost your appetite and are losing flesh, but commence taking "b'errovim' the b, v ionic. It will build you up quickly. MARIOCRACY. Mary had a little man, With liver white as snow, And everything that Mary said Was pretty, sure to go. Cure the Nerves and you will control almost every disease that flesh is heir to. The foundation of health is a perfect • stomach and good digestion -these right and you are insured plenty of nerve force, perfect circulation and pure blood. South American Nervine is a wonder - worker -gives nerve force—makes rich blood. It's a veritable "Elixir of Life." —132. Canvasser "Would you like to buy any stove blacking, ma'am?" Young `.'life (critically)—"Er: yes. What Col- ors have you got?' MONTH AFTER MONTI/ a cold sticks, and seems to tear holes in your throat. Are yon aware that even a stubborn and long -neglected cold is cured with Allen's Lung Balsam ? Cough and worry no longer.• LACKING. FIe--"I know lots of women that i haven't any sense of humor." She—"Well, what of it? I know lots' of men that haven't any sense at all." A 731E0.11.» STA.1J1 E1 T This announcement is made without any qualifications. Dom -Roil is the one pre- paration in the world that guarantees it. Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Itoid will cure any ease of Piles. It is hi the form of a tablet. It is the only pile remedy used internally. I1 is impossible to cure an established case of Piles with ointments, suppositories, injections, or outward appliances. A guarantee is issued with every package of Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid, which con- tains a month's treatment. Go and talk to your druggist about it. • The Wilson -Pyle Co., Limited, Niagara Palls, Ont. - 1 WEIGHED UPON HIS FATTIER, When Mr. Finnerty returned after a day's outing with Michael, the only son, his face was long and doleful, and quickly drew inquiries from the mother. "I mistrust Micky is not long for this world," said Mr. Finnerty, • with a deep sigh. "1 misthrust there's a spent over him aleady, and he'll not be long wid lis." "Argot, what are you tallith' about?" demanded his wife, as she removed some light brown sticky • decorations front the countenance of the sleepy Michael. "He's one of the long, thin kind, but he's got his good health and a fine pair •o' loongs In hint." Mr. Finnerty shook his head with stubborn conviction.. "You earl say wIiat places you," the remarked, sepulchrally; "but I've got this to tell you, woman. On the . plat- form o' the station there was a large, big t scales, an' stipped on, holdin' Micky by the hand. 'They hey tipped an balanced at wan hundred and siventy- two pounds. 'i'hi.n I lifted Micky up an' hill hien in the air, --ail free of the plat- forst, lanform, mind ye,—and, woman, thiln scales never dthroppcd a pound. 'There was. only a bit of a trimbie, "I'd hardly the strlitgth in inc legs to walk borne." rather: 'The Idea of marrying that young fellow 1 He couldn't scrape enough money together to buy to square Meal," Daughter: "But What difference need that make? We haven't either of Us had a bit of appetite for Menthe." rlr ?/ ■ r � NIN. is' r r m p c5U�ltaGin' �.-••. SOAP 4i' Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight wai,4.. To appreciate the simplicity and ease of washing with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way you should follow directions. After rubbing on the soap, p each roll u - p, piece, immerse in the water, and go away. -11 ES lira tarn Will do its work in thirty ri to sixty minutes. Your clothes will be cleaner and whiter than if washed in the old-fashioned way with boiler and hard rubbing. Equally -good with I-lo,rd or soft water. Lever t3ro't'eose i,tto;ilteN1, Tco••••"rite res A BOOKS, 1-?owrY BOOKS AND PAMIIILE'1'S YOU51.01) by eapreas, publilted price n:t.eut $.U. including in pant Lite of William Wallace and Stray Leave) trim 1un41i;h and de,toh Iii,t,ry, 4U0 pages, cloth, pubitahed at $*2.50; [nailed for a5 cents; &,sone duo's Mysteries of Paris, 20 oeuts; Paine's Ago of ILe, u,,, 20 cents, Inger- SOWS 511,takes;if Muses (abridged), too; Adven- tures of Sherlock Relines, by Conan Doyle, 20c, mdgastnes aad u vers, fuer hatted novels ti, each parcel; 210 song's, 15c ; ' H„y'e's Games,” 2.c; Popular Scotch -,.rags; words add music, l0. - 11- 1u, trated Laud.,u New,, Tit Bits Murray's Broadsides, eta, etc. Books specified ,nailed. puetpaid, at prices quoted, anywhere in Postat lJniuu, itr the whw10 tot together by express fed $L, Canada only. Catalogue', free t , .customers only, ethers must eirciose stamp,. Mention tido paper. Norman" Murray, 210 St. James street ' -;luntrea4 vv Ll. DRILLING NIAOH1tilE.S and DRILLERS' 3JPPPl.•IES, Write tor prices. til. H. f101ItkS3€1, London One: MILLIONS IN COBALT We will shortly offer for subscription a limited number of Founder's. Shares in a Company recently incorporated. Investors, this is your opportunity. Take Bussell Sage's advice and "buy when stocks are cheap." Act quickly. Write for particulars without delay. TUE S. S. NESBITT COMPANY, Brokers, Etc., Confederation Life Iluilding,,. Toronto. Plenty of Land Southwest along the In Land ©f plenty Not as much unoccupied land as there was five years ago, but enough for your needs anyhow. Tell me what section you are most interested in—either Kansas, Okla- homa, Texas, Colorado, New Mexi-. co, Arizona or California. I will mall descriptive literature that wil interest you. Gen. Colonization Ant., A. T & 5, F. sty., Railway Exchange, Chicago. "Ignorance," remarked young Borem, "they say is bliss." "Ohl that probably acounts for it,' rejoined Miss Cetting. "Accounts for what?" queried the youth. "The contented and happy look you usu- ally wear," she replied. A SKIN THAT BURNS with eczema, and 11 covered with eruptions that discharge a thin fluid, may bo made smooth and sightly with Weaver', Cerate. But this external remedy should be used in conjtuictton with Weaver's Syrup. CAREFUL. The most careful man in the world was about to be hanged recently — we forget for what crime. Before stepping on to the platform 1\e' enquired anxious- ly: "Is it safe?" for 33 Years Shiloh', Consumption Cure. the Lung Tonic, has been before the public. and this, together with the fact that its sales have steadily increased year by year, is the best proof of'thc merit of Shiloh as a cure for Conghs, Colds, and all diseases of the lungs and ate passages. Those who Imre used Shiloh would not be without if. Those who have never used it should know that every bottle is mold with a posstive guarantee that, if it doesn't cure you, the dcalei refund what you paid for it. Shiloh Has Cured ` theasaacisoft te some obstinate msec of Coughs. Cokle and Lyng troubles. Let it cute you. "'Let when I esenhed for diree aeendr awl tlbotbt I wee tries fab CenarsM,un. 1 took all sects of but aethier tied me anY wd yyr�ttr71 wad • Cemeeoptini Cue. Four Honda owed mei winter 1 had army bed wassail obis mea ra seem was sae -mr the side ui. f lionise rv`rl ebe f eras '" toe iveil Belau 1 Jae+sb Si Hir e, Qsw baed eraal.:tie* SHILOH In WesterCanada andnig • saskatcimwa,a, enly 8 ml1el frniit two railways 0,P.R..h G:r,l: Ser .ng soul, 0,1 per coat, phan;h laid, seri r• nreok, u� sten hs- Ab.aut t) miles N. L. of In lila heed, Price 11,0.50 per acre. Write for hivp and fell particulars. R. P?.i ,ONS, 91 Wellesley Street, Toronto, Canada.. i++it^F-T,M,P^V. hLifN.`,4r13 R,Ur ,n . y�!+�{''}?�+�}�{,',• ^"e; �m �i�X'*Ta.4-4h`icy'ttR '7+y tT..'( 5.�;, t �L'L'&.L"1'W6:SL�'Lu��41,_�iV.iS. ">w.�.�' S?�"'SAgg1f1� 2�.. •,��y� e Next Sum �. F� sr c as tl:�� Plan now on seeing Yellowstone Park, Wonderland of the World:' The finest coaching trip in Amerina. The greatest of Nature's wonder- ful phenomena on every hand. Geysers, laud pools, tinted terraces, mngniflcent mountains and `bracing and invigorating mountain air. The best of hotels and accommodations. Write for " Wonderland 1906," six Dents. It tells about the Great Northwest and Yellowstone Park. Go via GAR➢INER GATEWAY, the Official Entrance, AND THE aE.eti>^ Northern Pacific R a.i h St. Paul and Minneapolis to the Pacific Northwest. Write for particulars 10 A. M. CLELAND. We H. MASON, D.P.A General Passenger Agent, 75 Yonge St., Toronto, St. Paul, Minn. to, -- Can. .rK• n ' ...'•rr''M r. '... , . - . ' ra'ai,'::re'V em1v1 ..e;iE.» r.. Sr' +.co -7M Two thousand designs suitable for all classes of work such as Churches, Schools, Stores, Halls. Mso special designs for Ilouses, Kit- chens, Dining -Rooms, etc. Nothing has ever been devised to equal Ped- lar's Sleep Ceilings for Farm Houses. Cheap as lath and plaster and will never crack or fall off. Avert Accidents by Using Pedlar's Steel Ceilings. Made to fit any size room and can be nailed on by any mechanic. Shipped from our warehouses bainied all ready to apply. OUR CA'E L/NlUE, Ni). a C. RG .fiRTIumq MANY DESIGNS. WRITE FOB IT. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING. WRITE TO -DAY. THE PE =3LA.R PEOPLE MONTREAL, Ott!. Craig St. WINNIPEG, 70 Lombard St. Head Of)ice and Works, OTTAWA, 0NT, 423 Sussex et. T000m1TO. ONT. 11 Colborne St Wlirl'E Yoult NEAREST OFFICE. LO;t00N, eftr, 00 Dundas St. vAncOElveif, 13.0. 015 Ponder 3t. Oshawa, Ont., Canada oto til© Owl[ Tho Largest Stock Food Factory In The World. It covers over a citybioctr. contains over 18 acres of floor space, cost $500,000. Size of our office 360:120, 300 office people, 150 typewriters and we use fifty million letter heads and envelopcvc every year. l . car- load every 30 days. Our chemicallaboratory is one of the best. Our office is one of the great sights of the business world. Many very small concerns advertise large buildings. We invite you to of sit oug factory and see that we have everything we claim. Manufactured and Guaranteed by International Stock Paaoil Cs. "international Slack Food" "International Poultry: Food" °'international Heave Cure" "International Louse Killer" "international Worm Powdor" "International Distemper Curo" "htternalienai Sall Cure" "internatieaal Foot Remedy" "Silver Pine Healing 011" "international Colic Cure' "International Compound Absorbent" "International Sheep Dip" • "lotecnationatPheno Chloro" "International Hoot (nutmeat" "Dan Patch Stable Disinfectant" "latoxa.tionai Harness Soap" Alco"Joi4ol lacubatera" and Brooders, and Jewel Chick and den Feed. DAN PATCH rr i MAILED FREE. We have a Beautiful 6 Color Picture of our Champion Pacer, Dan patch 1.5534, size 16x24. Free of advertising, fine picture for framing. gives all the records made by out pacing wonder. 'We will mail you one free, postage prepaid, it you will write us how much stock yep own and name this paper. Write at once to INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD CO., Minneapolis, Minn., U.S. A, 1 k!%/) ilr ,i'4 .1."4 refi/.n,, ,s'wb:f l.,r - . . "Did Jerrold - get anyfittng out of ills VOR SAL.F -m Jt7S'P AIEII,IVEI1. AND ro rich uncle's estate?" "Well' rather—he ' sato 24 importocl Crydosdalo stallions an ' e Hackneys. farm 2 miles from exi • d of stieot aaet lfxie.—s), SORfIY,uelph, Ont. mar'ri'es the daughter of the toli;.'s:4r 'or the estate." American Pouitry Farm.. We Breed for Color, Vigor, and Heavy Egg Production, Our Lcghorns and Wyandotte ben, have records of ever 200 eggs per year, Eggs for Hatching from forty Broedleg 'Pens of r < white Plymouth note n d and '1 to I Rocks, [Viii a e to and • deb Whiteand Brown L w an res h w1) Le ho 5. ,rasp 00per 15,5,00per 80,15. K gga ;3 >0 i (w per 190.• Bronze Turkeys and ,Tersey Clittle. 80 years' ex, perienco in Breeding, Circular and Poeea Free, P. 11. MUNWIIR R SONS, UsKalb, 111 1 Guarartteod to S tARR S MAGIC aura ttheuma- tism, ACmte, In- RIEUMATIC fiammator is Chronic; ,deo Neuragia,'�diattca, Lumbago, and all Kid- CURE removes tfrro Acid C Rf 1rom tie system, g1vea tmmedtate relief, Dont auger, int d beetle at onto. Osborne 13oteodysenO0,11,"17.15 Yonne St., Toronto, Canada, 11.00 per bottle: • •RISI El! MATI S•MY: • In any form and cold porspir-ieg feet positively mitred within 80 days, by our newly ,tented Magnetic Naos or money promptly r funded. blasted anywhere $1.00. Write for de criptive et k boo 1 yy , Agents wanted. MAG 1uTIC i>1L U - xtiTi1M CUBA CO., Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada,. APPLE TREES. Before buying Write ins;• or see out agent near you, for prices. We • het the largest stock of feud trees to found in Canada. We pay the freight,. I8roivel Brothers Company, Nurserymen, Lititited, ItrOWn's Nmtrsei ries, Ont,' TNU !ISSUE NO. :t -,