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published every Thursday Bforning at the Otllee
the -----
One Dollar per annum if paid in advance, $1.'dO
if not so paid.
.8.dru•artI. asp Rated ran .8.3pplleer-
No paper discontinued until all arrearage are paid
Advertisements without specified directions will be
published until forbid and charged accordingly.
Liberal discount made for transcient advertisements
inserted for long periods. EAery description of JOB
PRINTING burned out in the finest style, and at
moderate rates. Cheques, money orders, &e., for
advertising, subscriptions, eto., to be made payable
Sanders & Creech,
Professional Cards.
IDR. A. R, KINSMAN, L. D, S., D. D. S.,
Honor graduate of Toronto Univeristy.
bad effects
Office in extracted
non's Bloch, westl side , or any
ain street,
Roller Mill'
A real good time to buy our famous
White Star Flour
is now, Made from the very finest of,
wheat—acknowledged to be the best
in Arnerica—The Mills, the Millers, 1
and the Milling Process all thoroughly
adapted for obtaining the highest re-
sults.—For strength, richness, whole
ness and appetizing flavor it is with- ;
out equal; makes more bread easier
and better than any other—gives solid
satisfaction to consumer and producer
—Buy it and yon will please yourself
and your good wife as well.—House-
wives all over the county endorse our
claims. We solicit your patronage.
Jos:E idt, Dashwood
Bran and Shorts
and Wheat Chop
Vigorous Healthis the creat Source
of Power to Inspire and Encourage
—All Women Should Seek it.
Oneof the most noted, successful and.
richest men of this century, in a recent
article, has said, "Whatever I am and
'whatever success I have attained in this
world, I owe all to my wife. From the
day I first knew her she has been an
inspiration, and thegreatest helpmate of
my life."
To be such a successful wife, to retain
the love and admiration of her husband,
to inspire him to make the most of him-
self, should be a woman's constant study.
If a woman finds that her energies are
flagging, that she gets easily tired, dark•
shadows appear snider her eyes, she has
backache, headaches, bearing -down pains,
nervousness, irregularities or the blues, she
should start at once to build up her system
by a tonic with. speci fic powers, such as Ly-
dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Following we publish by request a
letter from a young wife :
Dear Mrs: Pinkhani : •
"Ever since my child was born I have suf-
fered, as I hope few women ever have, with
inflammation female weakness, bearing -
down pauis, backache and wretched head-
aches. It affected my stomach so I could
not enjoy my meals, and half my time was
spent 3n bed.
"Lydia E. Pink -Mina's Vegetable Compound
made me a well woman, and I feel so grateful
that I am glad to write and tell you of my
marvelous recovery. It brought me health,
new life and vital ity."---Mrs.Bessie Ainsley,
611 South 10th Street, Tacoma, Wash.
What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound did for Mrs. Ainsley it will do
for every sick and ailing woman.
If you have symptoms you don't un-
derstand • write to Mrs. Pinkham,
daughter-in-law of Lydia.E, Pinkham, at
Lynn, Mass. Iter advice is free and
always helpful.
Of Village Property on
FRIDAY, MARCH 30, at 2:30 p. tn,
The Executors of the Estate of the late Jas. Moir,
will offer, 'or sale on above date, on the premises the
following valuable property being
LOTS 232, and 233, 'MOIR.'S SURVEY,
entralia On the premises there is a comfortable frame house
Exeter all ' C h stories high, on brick foundation with kitchen
and woodshed; also the Hensall laundry with upper
storey fitted for living rooms.
TERMS: -18 per cent. or equivalent of purchase
price on day of sale; the balance in 30 days without,
interest. For particulars apply to the undersigned.
MADMAN and STANBURY, Executors Hensall
Prices: Satisfactory. Bring in
your grain and load
home with feed.
Jos. Cobbledick
Cook's Cotton Root Compound:
The only safe effectnalmonthli'
medicine on which women can
depend. Sold in two degrees of
strength—No. 1, for ordinary
eases, $lperbox; No. 2, 10 de -
es stronger for Special
see, $8 per box. Sold by all
d ists. Ask for Cook's Cot-
ton Root Compound; take no
The Cook Medicine Co.. Windsor, Ontario -
Re arlic!e 10 Bug
Is that which gives lasting benefit
and Pleasure.
Nothing will so successfully do this
as a good High Grade
Every member of the family will ful-
ly appreciate it.
We carry these instruments in the
highest grade and our prices and terms
are of the most liberal kind for the
Our Sewing Machines
Surpass anything in the market for
beauty and durability.
Call and see us; we will take pleasure
in showing you our goods.
heat.. rley_, 40
Oats .... 31
Peas...... . ... . 65
Potatoes, per bag , . .. 1 00
per i1:.
Fleur, per cwt., family,
Flour, low grade per cwt 120
Butter.. .
1 10
7 00
2 25
1 20
Auction Sale
The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to
sell by public auction, on London Road,
Usborne, n mile south of Exeter, on
at ONE O'CLOCK the following vain-
able'property, viz:
2 Bedrgom Suits, quarter cut Oak; 1 couch, 1. quar-
tercut Oak centre table, 1. window table, 6 dining
room chairs, cain bottomed, quarter cut Oak;1 Side.
board, quarter Oak; 1 Extension dining table, quer.
ter Oak; 2 Kitchen chairs; 3 Bookers, Oak; 1 drop.
leaf table, 1 single bedetead, 1 toilet set, 2 screen
doors, 2 boilers, 1 wash tub and board, oil cloth,
harness 1
Hary stove,new cutter,1 robe,setsingle
i ver achine 2 shovels.
lawn mower, sewing •
Proprietor. Auctioneer
David Hodgson entertained a num-
ber of friends on Monday • evening in
honor of his son, Lloyd. All report a
pleasant time.—John Torrance spent
Sunday at Bethel.—Mr. and Mrs. Ed,
Avery Sundayerl sit Zion.—Mr. and
Mrs. John Hutchinson spent Sunday
here.—Mrs. J. Wright of Elimville is
home on it visit. Mr. Wright was here
on Sunday.—Cbristopher Carty has
engaged with James Hodgson of Gran-
ton for the summer. ---Miss Ethel Mill -
son is on a visit to friends in Winchel-
sea, Zion and Elimville.-Mrs. J. V.
Millson received the sad intelligence
on Monday apprising her of the sud-
den death of her father, Mr. John Gil-
bert of McGillivray. Mr. Gilbert had
been to Ailsa Craig on Saturday for a
load of lumber and while returning
home one of the horses.. dropped dead,
thus causing Mr. Gilbert to fall to the
ground the wagon and lumber falling
ou him, killing him instantly. Much
sympathy is expressed for Mrs. Mill -
son in her deep sorrow.
How's This P.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case
of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
• F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, 0.
We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for
the last 15 years, and believe hint perfectly honorable
in all business transactions and financially able to
aarry out any obligations made by his firm.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0 -
halls Catarrh Cur is taken internally, act g -
'Shorts per ton.... .... .. 20.00 20 00 system. Tests nonials sort free. Price 15c. per hot -
18 00 18 00 tic, Sold by 011 Druggists,
6 6 Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
in .11
Livehogs, ipe> cwt.. + ... 6 75 redly on the blood r.
and ,nu sty surfaces of the
oor ton'
Make it new again! Get rid of that
r.old, faded color 1 Arrest old age I
Restore freshnese itre'eth. youth
to our grayhair! Ha11Vegeable
Sicilian Hair Rene RetteWor will do
tlsfa. Sold for over' half a century.
For the whiskers and moustache Joe stoke
BUOIK,TN'GHAM'S IWIT. It colors it rich brown
tSloft ±heli ;P DA.LT. & i10, Ysselma
We learn that !VIr, Geo, Moir, wbc'
has been residing in Traverse City,
Mich., has sold out his sale and feed.
staple business there, and will move to
Usborne and r'eside.on one of the farms
of his father, the late James Moir, near
here.—Rev, Colin Fletcher bas receiv-
ed word of the death on March 15 of
his brother, Ed. Fletcher, at his home
in Islay, Scotland, Deceased was also
a brother of Ales, Irving, St. Marys.
Miss Anderson and Mr, Peebles of
St. Marys spent Sunday at the home
of John Anderson.—Miss Lettie Kirk.
by and Ella Hewitt of Salem spent
Sunday at the Tatter's home.—Mrs.
Airthrope of Town Line, who has been
visiting friends on the 21st con: of
Blanshard for the past month, return-
ed home last week.--Quitea number'
from here took in the Literary at Sa-
lem on Thursday night. ` They report
having a good time.—Mrs.- J. Ander-
son. is visiting friends in Windsor.
Mr. W. Jarrot has fully recovered
from his recent illness, which caused
him to return from Toronto where be•
was attending business college.—Ed.
Appel moved into E. Hess' new dwell-
ing last week.—Miss Bennett of Blyth
has taken charge of D. S. Faust's mil-
linery department.—henry Albrecht
has returned to Langdon; N. D. after
a few months pleasant visit with relat-
ives in this vicinity.—Mrs. Casper
Weber left Last week for Crosswell,
Mich., to attend her daughter, Mrs.
James Laidlaw, • who is ill.—Miss E.
Gibson of'Blyth has taken charge of
J. Preeter's millinery department.
Miss Gibson was milliner for D. S.
Faust a few season's ago.—M. A. Bu-
chanan, of the staff of the University
of Chicago is visiting his patents, Dr.
and Mrs. Buchanan.—The large num-
ber of horses being shipped to the
west from this section at present is
making it hard for farmers to buy
good working horses at a reasonable
Deice.—A meeting of the directors of
Hay Branch Agricultural Society was
held in the Town Hall on Monday of
•ternoon. Parts of the Prize List were
revised, and the ladies' work depart-
ment will be.thorolighly gone over.—
Miss Minnie Doan returned home from
Minneapolis, Minn., on Wednesday,
.where shehad spent about four months.
—Many in this vicinity are making
preparations to sow a large quantity
of onion seed this spring.—Miss Mc-
Dougall of Exeter has taken charge
of J. J. Merner's millinery depart-
ment.—Jacob Ort has moved into the
residence he recently purchased from
E. Appel.—The Gun Club is getting in
one of the best traps made for tbrQW.
ing blue rocks.
11:cGilliyray -
Alex. Todd, sr, of Maguire, is re-
covering fromrecentillness.—Robert
Patterson and son, Sandy, have gone
on a two months' trip to.New Ontario.
—Miss Jennison, town line, who has
been very i11 suffering from an attack
of inflammation of the lung8'and heart
trouble, is showing slight, signs of im-
provement.—Prior to their departure
for their new homes Messrs. W. J.
Nichols and Albert Ranting and fam-
ilies were presented • with well filled
purses by their neighbors.—Jas. Pat-
terson of Craig has accepted a position
as blacksmith with J. C. Reid, Lieury.
—Mr. Ross, Lieury, who has been ill,
is • recovering.—Frank Boyd's • many
friends willbe•pleased to learn that he
israpidly'regaining bis usual health.
He is receiving treatment at Victoria
Hospital, London.—Messrs. Isaac and
Jos. Dorman left Thursday for Sa-
skatchewan, where they have a home-
stead. Success boys.—The little. child
of Wm. Carter, 7th con., who was ta-
ken very ill last week, is recovering.—
Ben. Shepperd has purchased George
Nichols house at Parkhill.and will re-
move to that town in the fall.—Win.
Lonsbrough left a few `days ago for
Manitoba where he intends residing.
His wife and daughter have gone to
Owen Sound where they will spend a
few months. Edgar Darlinghas rented
the farm vacated by Mr. Lonsbrough
for a term of years, and moved there-
on a few days ago.
MARRIED.—Cupid scored another
victory and thus two.more of our res-
idents are made happy. We refer to
•the pleasing event which occurred at.
the Baptist parsonage, Parkhill, on
Wednesday last, the interested par-
ties being Wesley Neil, of Lieury, to
Miss Anne, daughter of Wm. Reid of
the 8th•con. The bride was unattend-
ed and was attired in`a pretty travel-
ling suit, The nuptial knot was se-
curely tied by Rev. McGregor. Mr.
and Mrs. Neil will reside near Lieury.
To the happy couple we extend our
heartiest congratulations and may the
choicest blessings of earth ever rest on
them. On the Monday evening prev-
ious to the wedding a number of the
members and friends of the McGilliv-
ray Baptist church met at the home
of the bride to spend a pleasant even-
ing. Mrs. Neil has been the organist
of the church for some time—a position
she has well and honorably filled—and
her many friends felt they could not
let the oceaslion pass without showing.
their respect for her and her duties, so
during theevening she was presented
with a handsome couch, accompanied
by a flattering address. .
Crushed to Death
John Gilbert, a well-known farmer
living ou the Sth concession of Mc-
Gillivray, met with a fatal accident on
Saturday last. Mr. Gilbert and a
young farmer named McMahon had
been to Ailsa Craig, and were return-
ing home in the evening with :i loaded
wagon, They had gone but a short
distance from the town, and were driv-
ing along at a good rate when one of
the horses dropped dead. The animal
fell under the other horse, and threw
it a1so, completely overturning the
wagon. Young McMahon jumped and
was not hurt. Mr. Gilbert failed to do
so, and the wagon and its load fell on
hind chrushing him to death. Several
persons were en the mad at the time.
and they si'on extricated bur. Gilbert
from beneath the wagon. but nothing
could be done for hire, death having.
been instantaneous. Mr. Gilbert was
oyer 60 years of age', well known in his.
rleighhrrt•hood, and very popular, tis'
is survived by a widnW and at grown-
up family to whom the sympathy of
Granton: W. 13, Stewart has leased,
his farm to Mr, Guilfoyle of Lucan,
who takes possession the 10th of April,
Mr. Stewart bus secured a lucrative
position in St. Thomas, where he in-
tends moving with his family in u
short time. -
cl-rpton: On Saturday Mr. and Mrs.
John Brickenden celebrated their
golden wedding wedding. They are
both natives of Sotnersetsbire, -Eng-
land, and carne to this country on their
honeymoon and almost eversince have
been residents of Clinton
Seaforth: A quiet wedding took
place at the manse, in Egrnondville, on
Tuesday of last week, when Miss Net-
tie Aberheart, daughter of Wrn. Aber -
heart, of Egrnondville, and Mr. Mac.
Weedley, of Seaforth, were united in
marriage, the ceremony being per-
fonined by Rev. Neil Shaw..
Kirkton: On Monday evening lOth,
a very large gathering considering the
inclemency of weather, assembled in
the basement of the church to spend a
short time socially. First part con-
sisted of greetings and social talk, sec-
ond part, program and third part
.lunch. All parts seemed to be enjoyed
Tuukersmith; The beautiful new
school building in section No. 2, Tuck-
ersmith, was formally opened on Fri-
day by a public examination of the
pupils and an entertainment during
the day and a musical and literary en-
tertainment in the evening. Both
were successful and enjoyable and
were largely attended.
Seaforth: Mary Ann. Dunn, relict
of the late Robert Carmichael, died on
Tuesday of last week at the age of 80
years. Death was due to old age.
She and her husband settled in what
is now Seaforth about forty years ago.
She is survived by three children, Mrs.
George Whitley and Mrs. Rob't Laid-
law of Seaforth and Robert Carmich-
ael of 'Washington state.
Wingham: An ' explosion of the
water tank in connection with the
heating apparatus of the new G. T. R.
Station occurred on Mar. 20, resulting
in about $],000 damage to the building.
The east wall of the station building is
padly wrecked. Roadmaster Pender's
office and the baggageroom are so bad-
ly damaged that they will have to be
rebuilt. The force of the explosion
caused the breakage of windows in the
building. The new station has been
in use only a few weeks.
Strffa: This neighborhood has lost
one of "its most valued and esteemed
residents in the death of Henry S. Yeo
wbieh °cent red on Tuesday of last
week, at bis residence. For some years
he had been_ in poor health, and some
'months ago took a trip to the -coast
with a view of regaining strength, but
he -received little benefit. Few men
were more highly respected, and his
sorrowing family have the deep sym-
pathy of their many acquaintances.
Granton: The call of the Granton
Presbyterian church to Rev. Mr. Au-
brey has been sustained by the Strat-
ford Fresfiytery. The induction ser-
vices will he held on. Tuesday, ivhen
Rev. McIntosh will preach; Rev. Grant
will address the minister; Rev. Martin
of Stratford will speak to the congre-
gation. The service will he presided
over by Rev. Graham of Avonton. A
big supper and concert will be given
the same evening.
To Manitoba
Alberta and
With live stock and effects, from Toronto at
9.00 p.m.
Settlers travelling without live stock should
use 1.45 p.m. train from Toronto daily.
on Tuesdays Wednesdays, Fridays and Sat-
urdays. Cosi of sleeping berths as follows:—
Winnipeg - =4.00 Regina - 0.00
Moose Jaw - 5.00 Calgary - 8.00
"Settlers' Guide" and " Western Canada"
booklets of practical use and interest toset-
tlers, with rates and full information
upon application to nearest Canadian Pacific
Agent or write to C. B. Foster, D. P. A..
c; P. R., Toronto.
Died of Consumption,but this linden
lady used Psychine and is
strong and well
" My mother, brother and sister died of
consumption," says Ella M. Cove, of Lin-
den, N.S., "and I myself suffered for two
years from a distressing cough and weak
lungs. I suppose I inherited a tendency
in this direction?
"But thank God I used Psychine and it
built me right up. My lungs are now
strong. I enjoy splendid health, and I owe
it all to Psychine."
Cousumption, whether hereditary or con-
tracted, cannot stand before Psychine.
Psychine kills the germ, no matter' how it
attacks the lungs. Psychine builds up the
body and makes it strong and able to
resist disease. - Psychine is an aid to
digestion and it maker of pure, rich blood.
Tlie greatest giver of general health is
(Pronounced Si -keen)
013. Per Bottle
Larger er &zee Si and $2-a11 deuggints.
there many friends is extended, DR, T. A, SLOCUM, Limited, Tot'onto,
The Difference Between Expert and
Unskilful Tea Blending
qualities of different teas prove thatthere is a
distinct difference between exert Red Rose blend-
ing methods and the usual methods.
Several kinds of teas niay be blended, but if unskil-
fully selected they will not combine' to make a perfect.
blend ; - they will retain their original individual character-
istics with their roughness and harshness emphasized.
Such tea is bitter, poorly flavored in the cup (and
there is much of it in bulk and package form on the -
market). It emphasizes the result of inexperience, lack of
knowledge of combining qualities of different teas, impel --
feet blending, poor selection, and the hundred and one.
other causes of poor tea.
But my expert Red Rose blenders select the right
grades of strong, rich Indian teas and delicate fragrant
Ceylon teas, and produce Red Rose Tea with entirely
new characteristics—a tea with that " rich fruity flavor"
—a tea so exquisitely different and better than any brand
of Ceylon alone, that no one who once tries it ever goes
back to Ceylon again,
is good Tea
T. H. Estabroolis
St. John, N,B., Toronto, Winnipeg
Tuckersmith: Thos. McL. Grieve Parkhill; The infant child of Mrs.
has sold his farm on the 5th conces- Zavitz died on Friday. This is the
sion, to Alex. Gorden of Egrnondville, fourth she has sustained through death
for 6,800. during the past few month.
TOLD you TO U _. E'l
I Illi y
It is the one roof that is not affected by
II beat and cold. It never leaks—never hardens
I + 1 or cracks—is rain, snow tend fire-proof—and
lasts a lifetime. Cheaper than. shingles.
You will want it for every building
after you know how thoroughly I ,
satisfactory it is.
Our free booklet gives lots of
information about it. Write for
a copy and free sample of the
best roofing in the world.
Hardware dealers eveywhere sell
Paterson's "Wire Edge " or will get
it for you.
Montreal and Toronto
relic s-caaRcn,.>or .n. .11
The Most Wonderful Discovery of the Age.
What does Oxydonor do? It gives the body an Affinity for OXYGEN, and makes it absorb
nature's revitalizing force—oxygen—through every pore Disease simply cannot stay in the
system that is surcharged with oxygen. Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Fever, Indigestion, Insom-
nia and all disease simply vanish before oxygen—and Oxydonor gives the body oxygen. Read
what those who have used it say.
Office,Toronto, Can
Col. R. B. Hamilton, Provincial Board of Health Registrar General's
writes, August 31st, 1901, "My experience with Oxydonor has been most satisactory in ever
respect. Personally I can vouch for its efficiency in acute cases, such as la grippe and seyer
strain. In both instances its action being remarkably quick, and the results agreeable and
For more chronic affections, such as neuralgia and rheumatism, my wife has experienced
very great local benefit, and would not be without an Oxydonor for many times its weight in
Send us your name and address and we will send you our booklet "T" fully explaining the
workings of this wonderful instrument.
61 Fifth Street, Detroit, Mich. 2268 St.Catherine St., Moutrea I
l _ .,,u� t .� • d�iQ
The World's Greatest Clearsser la
Gold Dusk Washing Powe, er
Its yearly sale exceeds that of all other washing powders combined. Looks
just a bit as if housewives appreciated merit, doesn't it c' GOLD DUST
clean° everything from cellar to attic.
OTHER GENERAL Scrubbing floors, 'washing clothes and dishes, cleaning. wood -
USES FOR work, oil cloth, silverware and tinware' polishing brass work,
cleansing bath room es, etc., add reeking the finest soft, soap.
GOLD )SUST I a ug , Esus: g
Made by THS N. K. VAIRBANlf. COMPANY, Montreal, 1,', Q.—Makers of P.AlRY SOAP.
OL.D atm? makes hart' wafer, scoff