HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-3-22, Page 5THE published every Thursday Morning at the otnee MAIN -STREET, - - EXETER. ---Sy the -- A DVOOATE he--ADVOOATE PUIA, ISMING COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION.. Ono Dollar ket annum If paid to advance; $1,1R) if not so paid. J4&'ar agog sna. oaa .Elp4sey.p s tioen. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are wild Advertisements without specified directions will be publlehed until forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for transeient advertieements Inserted for long periods: Eeey description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest Style, and at moderato rates. Cheques, money orders, &C., for advertieing, subserlptiafs, etc., to be made payable to Sanders & Creech,. PRQPRIETORS ofesrttmnnl Card a. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. A S., D. D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto Uaiveristr. 'DENTIST. s Teeth extracted painyn, or ad tfcTansai without wb aidAdnn street, Exeter. Dashwood Roller Mill. The principal reason for the excel- lent quality of White Star Flour Is due to its being manufactured from the very best selected wheat, and the latest and most modern Machinery is used in its manufacture. This celebrated flour is known by every : person who has used it to p pos- sess the very finest quality both in1 and color,and to make the most ex- cellent bread, rolls and pastry of all kinds. Manufactured by Jos.Eidt, Dashwood NOW 1N STOCK, Bran and Shorts and Wheat Chop t Exeter and Centralia Elevators Prices: Satisfactory. Bring in your grain. and load home with feed. Jos. Cobbledick cook's Cotton Root Compound: The only safe effectualmonthl7 medicine on which women can depend. Sold in two degreesot a,trength—No. 1, for ordinary eases, El per box; No. 2, 10 de- grees stronger for Special, Cases, 13 per box. Sotd by alt Ask for Cook's Cot- ton -Root Compound; take uo substitute. The Cook Medicine Co.. Windsor, Ontario The grilole to Bug FOR THE HOME. Is that which gives lasting benefit and Pleasure.. Nothing will so successfully do this as a good High Grade Tuinors Conquered Withou t Operations 'Unqualified Success of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in Cases of Mrs. Fox and Miss A.dame, PIANO or ORGAN Every member of the family willful- ly appreciate it. We carry these instruments in the highest grade and our prices and terns areof the most liberal kind for the Purchaser. Our Sewing Machines Surpass anything in the rnarkab for beauty and durability. "Gall and see us; we will take pleasure in showing you our goods. & MARTIN &SON EXETER ' MARKETS. CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY 74 Barley 40 Oats! 31 Peas ...,,.. 05 Potatoes, per bag ......,85 Hay, bon 6 00 Flour, Per cwt., family Flour, low grade per cwt 1.20 Ruttee Eggs.. ,' Live hogs, per cwt Shorts per ton. . 20 ran per ton . . , 18 cried Apples...... , . , . One f the greatest triumphs of Lydia E, Pinkhuu's Vegetable Compound is the conquering of woman's dread enemy, Tumor. So-called "wandering pains " may come horn its early stages, or the presence of danger may be made manifest by -ex- cessive monthly periods accompanied by unusual pain extending from. the abdomen through the groin and thighs. If you have mysterious pains, if there are indications of infauainution, ulceration or displacement, don't wait for time to confirm your fears and go through the horrors of a hospital operation ; secure Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Coiia- pound at once and begin its use and write Mrs. Pinkham of Lynn, Mass., for advice.. Read these strong letters from grateful women who have been cured Dear Mrs. Pinkliam (First Letter.) "In looking over your book I see that your medicine cures Tumors. I have been to a doctor and he tellsnie I have a tumor. 1 will be more than grateful if you can help me,'as I do so dread an operation, "---• Fannie 7. Foxe P.rodfhral, 1'a. Dear Mrs. I'hikliaut:-- (Second Letter.) "I take the liberty to congratulate you on the success I have had with your wonderful medicine. r - "Eighteen months ago my periods stopped. Shortly after I felt so badly I sub- mitted to a thorough examination by a phy- sician, and was told that 1 had a tumor and g would have to unalubo an operation. '` I soon after read one of your advertise- ments and decided to give Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound a trial. After taking five bottles as directed, the tumor is entirely gone. I have again been examined Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ; a Woman's Remedy for Woman's Ms. St. Mal Ye: Fire early Friday in: the. Bao'gi.tb iviede- thousand dlarsdemMRat- ty loses heavily on thelluilding. Her- mon S; Lenlond, furniture, were also badly burned. Insured in the Ottawa Fite Insurance Company. Mrs. Agnes Gillespie loses $1,000 on stored timid - tore and A. E. Teskey $1,000 in the same wey. Clinton: William J. Moffett died, soddenly at an early hour on Tuesday, He arose shortly after one o'clock and on his mother asking bin why he got up so early he pointed to his heart, tbus indicating that he was suffering from a severe penin there. A doctor wits summoned but before he could ar- rive Mr. Moffatt was dead. He was in his 04-th year and has is grown-up f a wily in the West, but for the past few years has lived here. Seaforth; Andrew Young, one of Seaafortb's oldest and most prominent business men, died very suddenly Thursdaylast, Heart trouble was the ca nse nf death. Mr. Young was 59 tears old, a native of .Blenheim, Ox. - ford county, and had been in business eta Seaforth for over 30 year's, Re was for several years a member of the polo - lie school boned and leaves a widow and three daughters, . I{y the physician aria ho saya I have no sign, of a tumor now. It has also brought iny_ periods around onee more; and I am entirely well. I shall never be without a bottle of Lydia Pinkliaiu's Vegetable Compound in the house."—Fannie D. Fox, Bradford, Pa. Another Case of Tumor Cured by Lydia I. Pinkham's Vegetable Comte pound. Dear Mrs. Pinkham :-- "About three years ago I had intense. pain in my stomach, with cramps and raging headaches. The doctor prescribed for me but finding that I did not get any better he examines` me and, to my surprise, declared I had a tumor. "I felt sure that it meant' my death warrant, and was verydisheartened. I spent hndred of dollars in dootoring, but the tumor kept growing, tillthe dootor said that nothing but an operation would save me. Fortunately I corresponded with my aunt in the New EnglandStates, who advised me to tr Lydia E. Pinklam s Vegetable Compound before submitting to an oper- ation, and I at once started taking aregullar treatment, finding to my greatrelief that my general healer began to improve, and after three months I noticed that the tuunor bad reduced in. size, I kept on taking the Compound, and in ten months it had entire- ly disappeared without an operation, and using no medicine but Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and words fail to express how grateful I am for the good it, has done me."Miss Luella Adams, Colon- nade Hotel, Seattle, Wash. Such unquestionable testimony proves the value of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound, and should give confi dente and hope to every sick woman. Mrs. Pinkham invites all ailing women to write to her at Lynn, Maas., for advice. AUCTION SALE Of Village Property, on SATURDAY. MARCH 24, at 2:30 p.m. The Executors of the Estate of the late Jas. Moir, will offer for sale on above dete on the premises, the following Valuable property -being LOTS. 18 es 19, ANN ST., EXETER. On the premises there is a comfortable frame house, 1 storey high, containing five rooms with cel. lar and woodshed. TERMS: -10 per cent. or equivalent of purchase price on day of sale; the balance in 80 days without intereet. For particulars apply to the undersigned T .CAMERON Auct. J. G. STEWART GLADMBarriste s, Exeter. A NB URY JO HN tors Executors, Hensall 76 45 32 70 90 6 50 2 25 1 20 18 14 665 •D�� 20 00 00 18, 00 Larger eisce 811 and $2—alit druggists 6 . 6 UR. T. A. SLOCUM, Limited, Toronto. AUCTION SALE of Village Property on FRIDAY, MARCH 30, at 2:30 p. m. The Executors of the Estate of the late Jas. Moir' will offer for sale on above date, on the premises the following valuable property being LOTS 232, and 233, M:OIR'S SURVEY," HENSALL. On the premises there is a comfortable fraise house 114 stories high. on brick foundation with kitchen and woodshed; also the Hensall laundry with upper storey fitted for living rooms. TERMS: -10 per cent. of equivalent of.pttrehase price on day of sale; the balance In :30 days without interest. For particulars apply to the undersigned. B. S.PHILLIP3, T. Ti. STEWART Auctioneer. JOHN TRAQUAIR 0LADMAN and STANBURY, Executors Hensall Solicitors. WELL KNOWN IN JARVIS, ONT. ftald'unand County Councilor tells how Psychine cured his Lung Troubles - " 1 contracted a series of colds from the changing weather," says Mr. Bryce Allen, a well-known resident of Jarvis, Ont., and a member of Haldimand County Council for his district, "and gradually my lungs became affected. I tried medicine and doctors prescribed for me, but got I no. relief. With lungs and stomach diseased, nervous, weak and wasted, F -began to use Psychine. With two months' treatment I regained. my health. To -day I am as sound as a bell, and give all the credit to Psychine." There is a proof of what Psychine does. It not only cures Colds and kills the germs of LaGrippc, Pneumonlaand Consumption, butit helps the stomach, makes pure, rich blood and spreads general health all over the body. Youwill never' have Consumps tion if you use psy HINE (Pronounced Si•1eeen) c.Per wale iver .dila: emeettogmeeme We ens For over 60 years we hare gol been melting thelli--thebest liver pills ever Made.. They are used in every civilizedland on'the face of the globe. All vegetable, sugar- coated, gently laxatied, Ayer's Pills. Ayer's Pills. We tate no UMW We publish J. c. r Co., the Wended at alt ens iii to lnee. r,ovroil xtaM,ar. AROUND ABOUT US, Woodham: The case of Woodbine) L. 0. L. vs. a Toronto firm regarding aa' large .flag which the former bought of, the latter three years ago at to cost of '$57 was settled in Toronto last week. The lodge sued for the price paid ow- ing 10 the slag having been twice torn and considered of poor material. The case went against the lodge, bet the Toronto house must repair the flag and pay the cost of the snit. e Hensall: Considerable interest was shown at the West street rink God er- ieh hist Wednesday evening, when the ladies' hockey teams of Hensall and Goderich played an excellent and ex- citing game. At half-time the score was one each, and in the secoud half Goderich scored another, winning the game.. hiss Petty, of the visitors, was the only one penalized, and for he home team Misses McDonald and. HebbHebbwerere the stars. Sandy Hamden, of'Jensall refereed the game. Varna: The late Mrs. Hugh Wiley whose death occurred on Friday was one of the oldest settlersof this section. Her maiden name was Agnes McCly- rMont, She was born in Scotland 88 years ago and came to Canada with her parents. At the age 22 she mar- ried Thos. Walker. They had three children. After six years her husband died. She then married Hugh. Wiley who died 30 years ago. The family bad moved to a farm near here, which they cleared. Three sons and three daughters were born there, some of whom have died. VIng harn There isa prospect ect of trouble and perhaps litigation, be- tween the town of Wingharn and the Western Foundry Co. It appears that in 1903 the company proposed to ex- tend the buildings and employ 100 hands on condition that the amount expended up to. $6,000 should be de- ducted from the original price of the foundry, purchased from .the town. The company went on and made the improvements, though they did not employ the 100 hands. Subsequently the reduction the company was en- titled to was fixed at $5,525, but this was never closed. The agreement was only verbal, and the present Council seems disposed to enforce a settlement at the original purchase price. Twen- ty-five hands had been laid orf at the foundry, and more havereceived notice. Mitchell: Thursday of last week Joshua 'Vivian, Huron Road. was op- erated upon for appendeoitis. Pre- vious to this be had been suffering from lung trouble and the operation, alth ough 'successful, so weakened bon that be gradually grew worse until Wednesday evening, when death inter- vened. Deceased was the second son of Mr. Geo. Vivian, West Ward, and was born in Pickering 47 years. ago. When ten years of age he came to this neighborhood,where he has since lived. He was twice enarried, and a wife, five sons and. two daughters survive him, to whom we extend our deep sympathy Deceased was an industrious man, a good neighbor and kind husband and father. Manitoba's M. P.P's. have increased their indemnity by $200. t7sborne: her. A. Innes nf Clinton last week sold to Mr. James Hc'rtnn of Usborne, a very fine hay filly, for $235. She is a prize-winner,and is consider- ed cheap at the price. Lueaan: The death occurred in Luc - an on Thursday of last week of Sarah Coursey at the age of 65 years. De- ceased is survived by a husband, four sons and two daughters. Seaforth: A. Forbes of town has purchased the fine farm of John Mc - Milian at Roxborougb. Mr. McMillan will retire,,from faun life, and may be- come a resident of Seaforth. Kirkton: During the last few weeks this community has been all astir over the sparrow match there in which Mr. Switzer, butcher, one of the captains,. carried off the palm. Nearly 7,000 birds were killed. Seaforth: Mr. and Mrs. -A. F. Hal- lett and two daughters of Louisville, Kentucky, have became permanent residents of the town, Mr. Hallett hav- ing purchased the grocery' business hitherto carried on by Gilbert Emery. Ailsa Craig: The sympathy of the community will no doubt go out to Mr. and Mrs. John Carson, of the townline east, in the loss of their youngest son, Herbert, whose death took place on Tuesday morning of last week. The funeral took place to Car- lisle cemetery. Mitchell: Fred Sawyer, who is in- sane and was strolling through the streetsone day last week, threw bis sister into the river. She was rescned and has now recovered. The young man is highly educated and his con- dition is greatly regretted. It is hoped that it will ,pe but temporary. Seaforth: The following: parties were ticketed to distant points last week: John Chapman, wife and daugh- ter of Brneefeld, to Oreeford, Man.; Frank Habkirk of Seaforth, to Cal- gary.' Alta,; Thos.. Hill of Seaforth, to Regina, Asea.; John Hill of Brucefield, to Beresford, Mian. Tuckersmith: In the :heath, of Robt. Peacock last week there passed away an old pioneer. He lied worked on the construction of the Buffalo and Goderich Railway, bad donebookkeep- ing for a Clinton Milling Co., and had farmed for many years. He leaves several of a fii,mily. The remains were interred in Clinton, Parkhill: On Monday evening a number of brother Oddfellows and friends gathered at the home of Dr, and Mrs. D. J. McColl, to-saty farewell to the doctor, on the eve of bis depar- ture for the west and presented the doctor with a handsome gold ebain and locket, bearing the tbree link em- blem end' bis monogram and to Mrs. McColl as beautiful pearl brooch. God (glob : The many old-time friends of Mrs. Thos. McLean (free Sands) were grieved, though not sur- prised, to here last week that she had died in Colorado- City, wheree for za couple of years she had been living with bee hesbatnd and family in the hope that she niigbt once move ' regain heir wonted health. The change, though beneficial fora time, wee nest permanent, and when she returned here on the death of her' father, the Tete Mole Sands, her nppenrat'ite Was nig such as to inspire strung hopes. The body reached Imre on. Monday in. rh+flew of her limbo nd and Wes buried no Thursday, Why: Tea Quality Varies OU know flow the quality of strawberries from the same patch will sometimes vary from one day to another: One day sweet, compact, well ripened, well colored, richly flavored -next day it rains, is cloudy,—following picking is, soggy, sour, green, coarsely -flavored, poor,' Tea, also, on account of its volatility of flavor, after picking and during the curing process is very susceptible to weather changes, A few hours of sunshine or bad weather after picking may make, the difference between good and poor tea, So that while one picking may be first class, the nett from the same garden may be very poor, I select only the pickings which collie up to the Red Rose standards of richness and strength in Indian, and delicacy and fragrande in, Ceylon tea; and thus that "° rich, fruity flavor" of Red Rose Tea is produced and maintained. is good rTea T. H. E' ssta.brocri ` s St. Jahn, N.E., Toronto, Winnipeg Japan has decided to purchase all their railways.. 4 ca4r...4k Aka&ad,tails.aek.h.- -.14.-01., lac •dSryf4abr. a& c' OXYDONOR The Most Wonderful Discovery of the Age. do?It givesthe bodyan affinityfor OXYGEN,and makes it absorb What does Oxydonor nature's revitalizing form—oxygen—through every pore Disease simply cannot stay in the. system that is surcharged with oxygen. Dyspepate, Rheumatism, Fever, Indigestion. Ineom• uta and all disease simply vanish before oxygen—and Oxydonor gives the body oxygen.. Bead what those who have used it say. NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM. Col. It B. Hamilton, Provincial Board of Health Registrar General's Office, Toronto, Can writes, August 81st, 1901, "My experience with Oxydonor has been most satisfactory in ever respect. Personally I can vouch for its efficiency in acute cases, such as la grippe and serer strain. In both instances its action being remarkably quick, and the results agreeable and tr permanent. For more chronic affections, such as neuralgia and rheumatism, my wife has experienced very great local benefit, and would not be without an Oxydonor for many times its weight in gold," Send is your name and address and we will send you oar booklet iOT" fully explaining the workings of this wonderful instrument. DR. H. SANCH)Ea St CO. 61 Fifth Street, Detroit, Mich. 2268 St.Catherine.St., 1N.onttea 1 -T ISN'T it worth something to know that Barns, Chicken Houses, Tool Sheds, eta., have fireproof roofs? Pdferason's "Wire Edge" Ready Roofing is absolutely fireproof and waterproof—and practically wearproof. It is cheaper than shingles and lasts a lifetime: - We will send you a free "sample. Test it yourself. We will also mail a copy of our illustrated booklet. Hardware stores everywhere handle Paterson's "Wire Edge" or can get it for you. Insist on having it. PATERSON MFG. CO, LIMITED • MONTREAL. AND TORONTO "Maple Leaf" Long Rubber Boots are doubly strengthened at points where the wear is greatest, and are made throughout of only the toughest wearing ,material. Insist on "Maple Leaf" brand rubbers for all purposes—they fit every shape and style of men's, women's and children's shoes. Are warns, perfect fitting and lasting. Maple Leaf V brand robbers please the dealer because they satisfy his customers and increase trades