HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-3-22, Page 4Mr. W., F, McLean has introduced. a' bill in the Dominion Perliatrtent for I;I1EJ1IEEtiitsoEj i•elltttil of both the indemnity: and Pett• bion bills which were passed hist year All are known tis 'the sa evy grab, .M1i Leau.desires to give every member tt+. Enke on it, An antiseptic tooth paste delicately perfumed and a pleasant preparation to cleanse and whiten the teeth. CREME DENTRIF10E PREVENTS DECAY HARDENS THE GUMS SWEETENS THE BREATH REMOVES TARTAR AND Imparts a delicious sensation of clean slaws to the mouth, If you are look- ing for the hest DENTRIFIOE on tate market look into the merits of CREME IERTRIFICE In large 25 cent collapsible tubes, _0_ MANUFACTURED BY *W. S. COLE, Ph1. B Central Drug Store, Exeter. Sanders & Creeoh,.Prone. TRURSDAY, MAR. 22, '06 NOTES A3r'D COMMENTS James Tucker, M. P. P., intends to. introduce art einendtnent to his bill re- specting the width of sleighs and the probability is that all sleighs in use after the first of December next will have to be four feet in width. Under the. act as its stands to -day only sleighs manufactured after that date must be four feet wide. * * Among the many bills being intro- duced in the Provincial Legislature with a view to furthering temperance, is one by Mr. McNaught to prohibit treating. The bill proposes that no person shall treat another to spirituous or fermented liquors over a bar, -and any person convicted of same shall he liable to a fine of from $5 to $20 be- sides costs, or to imprisonment. The `proprietor of the premises, waiter or other person serving such to a person who treats is also to be considelted guilty. It also prone, tltatthe fur- uisbina °et :'ilalis'at a dinner in the - . . lung room shallnot be an .offence.. A new bill has been introduced by Bon. Nelson Monteith in the Legista- ture regarding County Councillors, to take effect in 1907. Following is the essence of the bill: Every town not separated from the county for munici- pal purposes and every township and village shall be represented by the reeve, and, in addition by deputy reeves, as follows; If over 1,000 and not more than 2,000 persons on the voters' ;hist, one deputy reeve; 2,000 to 3,000 names, two deputy reeves; over 2,000 names, three deputy. reeves. The num- tier of councillors is to be decreased by the number of deputy reeves elected. but this provision shall not apply to towns or villages. Reeves and deputy reeves are to be elected by general vote. In the election of warden, if there he a tie, the reeve, or, in his absence, the deputy reeve of the municipality that has the greatest assessment,shall have a double vote. The largest and most complete news- paper press in Canada is now installed in the World office. Toronto, and the paper now beingrinted is its product. This machine will print, paste, fold and deliver counted 50,000 twelve- page Worlds an hour, It will print the front and back page in two colors, if desired. The World has always been a strong ad vocate of public rights. It has been in the foremost rank as a fighter against the corporations which have securrd control of so many of the .city dailies. Lately it has been con- ducting a vigorous campaign in favor of the policy holder in the insurance Companies of Canada and the action of the Dominion Governrnentin appoint- ing a commission to investigate insur- ance has been largely the outcome of public feeling aroused by the World. 'he people of Canada will regard with satisfaction the fact that The World ;is meeting with success. Does Your Hew't Beat Yes. 100,000 tames each day. Does it send out good blood or bad blood? You know, for good blood is good health ; bad blood, bad health. And you know precisely what to r take for bad blood - Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Doctors have endorsed it for 60 years. Ona lregqn�ent cause or Uad Maud is 14'1262 llvari` This prodnoes aonatipatiion, substances' are than absorbed Into the blood. Keep the boiaels open ,101 Ayora rills, itrade by 9. C. Ayer Oo., Lowwl11, Mx a. ateo 2ubnaxreeturors o W.IR Yh10Et, ArIiJL+'CUR11. yerS Y L. Pe fO Gltk itA We Were rxs docret$1 Wo pitft 1t the formulae Of 411 our inedfolfe*. *s; Mr. T. H. Lennox, M.P. P. for North York, will inteoduce in the Legisletuve this week a bill providing for an an- nual tax of $300ion all ceromerciel tra- vellers doing business in Ontario for houses outside the province; The bill is along the same lines as the bills re- cently passed bythe Quebec and Bri- tish Oolomble egishttures and is be- ing introduced as a measure of pro- tection and retaliation, at the request of the Outnrio commercial travellers. It provides a fine of $500 in case any outsider traveller tn,kes Orders iu the province without first taking out the license. 'While this bill may he al- right as a protection, it seems exceed- ingly ridiculous that such ineesures should be considered necessary or ad- vivable between the Provinces of Can- ade.. According to the following clipped front the Mitchell Advocate, Mitchell is having its troubles like other towns in Ontario regarding the removal of its citizens and the lack of industries and other concerns to keep then longe; -"In your issue of last week you asked , what was ' the matter with Mitchell' that so tntany citizens were leaving? Nosy, if you asked those file sighted ones Who are leaving and gone the reason what will they tell you? "Trade is not the saute as forrnerly. It seems to hay's vanished. We are moving to a live town, -where there is industry and progress." Think of 200 men and boys in this town lying idle( No fault of their's for doing so. They are willing to work, but they Can't get it without rnoving to live, towns. Mitchell world be all right if we bad a fete industries to keep the people here, and unless we secure- some it will continue' to grow' worse every year of our e,dstence,"-PnOGREss. Hensall Bob, Cameron Ieft a few days ago for the 'West. -Mrs. Wm. Muir is vis- iting her daughter, Mrs.Case. Toronto. -Chris Fraser was on a business trip to Merlin, Essex Co.,a few days during the week. -J. 0. Stoneman attended the Grand Council of the Home Circle in session last week. --Nelson Richert. left Monday for the West where he in- tends starting a barbering business. - Gordon Manns left Monday for Fro-;,, brisher, Sask., where he has taken a position in a hardware. store. -A. Mc- Morrin who has heeu spending a coup- le of weeks with his sister, Mrs. White,. has gone to Lucknow where his son resides. -Colin Smith. Hudson, son of Mr. Hudson, Egmondville, and wets; has been employed for three years past with W. J. Miller, has 'leased the paint shop and busineeenif the latter, and is now in eh a -e. -Another busi- ness change be. taken place in town. rte`'boo ;' vho has been running a harness shop here for sone years has disposed of his busiiness to Albert Mc - Brine. We understand that Joseph intends moving to the West in the near future. -The remains of the late Tbos.E.Peart, were brought herefrom Fort William last week and laid to rest iu the Hensel' cemetery. He was a former resident of this place and a son of Thos. Peart, and had reached the age of 27 years. Last January he contracted typheid,fever. but was get- ting along nicely 'until complications set in, which resulted in his death. He leaves a wife and one child. -Fred Dieters, whu recently purchased John Johnston's farm, has sold his back 50 acres to Walter Fee who gets poses- sion in December next. -Messrs. Thos. Boyle and William Wilson of Exeter have purchased the store business of .Mr. Wm. Bawdeu, which has been run for some months by Messrs. Baw- den & Cook. Stock taking commences next week and the new proprietors will take iintuediate possession. -An enthusiastic and largely attended meetingof representative temperance workers of the south riding ofHuron met in the Methodist church here Monday. An organization known as the Anti -Barroom League was organ- ized with Rev. Wm. Martin, of Exeter as President; E. P. Paulin, Dashwood, as Secretary, and Vice Presidents were elected from the different municipali- ties of the riding. A. T. Cooper, re- presenting the Dominion Alliance,was is attendance. Several important res- olutions bearing on the temperance work were passed. - Zurich Zurich has organized a gun club with C. Fritz, Pres.; and W. G. Hess, Sec. -Tres. A medal will be secured and shot for. -Ed. %albfleisch has moved into Jacob Deioberts new dews- ling. -Ed. Schnell has returned to North Dakota, after spending the winter at his home here. -Miss Mandie Dei& Bert's friends will be pleased to bear that she is now able to walk about the house without assistance. For eight years Miss Deichert has been unable to move about alone and it is to be hoped she is now on the way to complete recovery. Miss Deichert. is a daughter of John Deichert, sr. - Public School Inspector Tom on the Occasion of his recent visit to our school suggested the exchanging of the junior for one of senior cam heroom J rooms in order to secure more accom- modation for the senior pupils. The change will probably be made soon.- Levi Stelck and family left for Dau - tele will a h Dau- phin, Men., lest week. Mr S work his heother's farmthis year. - Itlesers. Hess & Deichert have sold their -Diem in Stanley township, known as the Mayofarm to R. J. Talbot for $16b0,00. The farm contains about 80 acres. -A property deal has been made betwsren Jacob Gingerieh of Stanley and David Beattie of Blake by which Mr. &ingerich gets possession of. Mr. Bee Wale cider 01111 at Blake, and the bit ter gets possessiotr of M r. G i n ge ri ch's faarrrr in Stanley. -I. J. Merner was confiners to the house last week nn ac- count. of illness. -Messrs, Sol Zimmer - mein ;fattish Ort and henry, Brown left last week for the West, where they will sperml the sttmtner.-J. J. Merrier has sold a section of land, 640 acres; in the High I4iverdistrict, Alberta. Ile purchased tills hitol two veers ago end hats m:tde the emits ng" su:of; $4000 by this 8.110. Mr, Merrier still owns two and one half sections in the west. FAliderson Elgin Wight of St, llhrys spent. Sunday ander the parental roof, -The Anderson Epworth League is holding their anniversary on Sunday March 25th. On the following Tuesday even- ing there will be a Measuring Social, A good program is being prepared,. consisting of dialogues, recitations and instrumentals. Miss Miller will be present to take the elocutionist's part. All come and have a good ti tae. -Laura Hewitt spent Sunday with friends alt` Salem, (irreelWay Wil. Wallis left Monday for Moose - jaw. -Mr. Betel of l3rantfot•d gave a very interesting and instructive ad- deess on the W'hite Cross Society in the Boston Methodist church on Sun- day. -It is to be hoped the lesson the young men learnt here last week will be productive of much good. - Quite a number from this vicinity attended the silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs, \Vag, Miller the other day; all enjoy- ing :10 excellent time. Their :Dairy friends wish theta many happy returns of the day. Sliiplsa Mrs, \Vag. Holt was in Sarnia last week on business, -Mrs. Jas: Harman, Sr., who was visiting friends in Merrill,. Mich,; -last week, has returned home.. Miss Martha Gaise,' was in Crediton visiting friends anti relatives last week. -Mrs. J. McPhee was in London last week, calling on his son. -Mr. Richard Patton was :u London last Wednes- day visiting his wife who is very low in the Hospitaal.-The Mustaed,King- wars visiting am little burg one day last week. -P. Holt, who came here with his wife to visit a short time be- fore his parents left for Sarnia, was taken sick of Bright's disease last week and is now confined to hie bed in to very weak condition. - Sodoh11 A shooting match took place on Mr, Henry Stnith's premises on Wednes- day oflast week. Sides were chosen to shoot for a supper and each contest- ant shot at 10 rocks. Following is the. result: -W. Carrick, (capt) 5; W. San- ders 0, F. Nichols 10, A. Ford 7, W. Smith 6, J. McDonald 6,H. Smith 5, J. Green 5, S. Ford 2, T. Harrison .&- Total 55. F. Triebner, (capt.) 4, D. Elartleib 7, G. Snaith 9, F. Kerr 3; S. Stanlake 5, 0, Stanlake 7, I. Stanlake 3, J. Triebner 7, J. Stacey 3, A. Hoop- er 3, -Total, 51. After supper 5''.b erre joyable time was spent at.Mre Smith's home, Glancing, singing'and other harmless amusement, tieing indulged in until a late horns Eliwville --kir. Samuel Horn. who has been on an extended visit with friends in Tor- onto -end other' places, has returned here again. He proposed residing in Toronto, bat has decided to live with his son, Wesley, two miles south of this villiage,-M r. Butler Dickens bas left for Huronville, Sask, He took with him a carload of horses, farm.im- plements, etc, His many friends Wish him success. -Mr.' Jake Findlater of Crediton is engaged with Mr. Richard Hunter, in, for the coming summer.-- Mrs. ummer.=Mrs. H. Coultis spent last week with relatives in. Exeter, -Rey. Fair attend- ed the south Huron Temperance meet- ing held at Hensall on Monday last.- The infant child ,of Mrs. H. Fair, visit- ing at the parsonage, was taken °ser iouslyill on Sunday. Medical aid was summoned and we are glad to hear that it is improving nicely. , Farquhar. Miss Clara Duncan left for London last week to take a course in St. Jos- eph's hospital. Word was received on Sunday, by Mr. John Duncan, Sr., of Farquhar, of the death of his brother, David, Duncan, in Claremont, Minna Deceas- ed met death by his team of horses running away on Saturday. One of the best sales that has ever been held in this district was that of Mr. John Duncan's sr., on Tuesday of last week. A large crowd was in at- tendance and nearly ' everything brought a good price. One Span of mares brought $580; a colt rising two years old $100, a thoroughbred heifer $104 while the other stock and articles brought comparatively good prices. One span of first-class colts were not offered for sale owing to them suffer- ing froin distemper. On the whole Mr. Duncan has every reason to feel proud of bis sale. Women- Angrily Aroused All Over The Dominion. Information from various Provinces of Canada points to the 2 act that many women have been deceived and induc- ed to use the weak and adulterated package dyes put up by unskilled and unscrupulous manufacturers to imi- tate the popular DIAMOND DYES. Our Canadian women, thoroughly aroused, after loss of time, money and valuable materials through the use of muddy, blotchy and weak dyes, have directly laid the blame for their losses on the retail merchargts'who sold them the deceptive dyes. This action of in - caused hasat ed n a 1< n in- dignant women y of g our retail and wholesale dealers to pack up and return tothe manufactur. ers responsible, their worthless . and - dangerous dyes. MORAL: --When ladies decide to do home dyeing work, it pays to use the celebrated and popular DIAMOND DYES, which have been the home friends of the ladies for over 25 years, when braying, see that each package handed to you heave the words DIA- MOND PACKAGE DYES, Users. of DIAMOND DYES soon become ex- perts in the fascinating work of home eoloring,a ncl find that al ten cent -pack- age will renew the life of Any faded and dingy snit, dress,, skirt, blouse, jacket, cape nr husband's or son's coat, vest or 'trousers. Allow • no dealer to offer von the,srsrnethilig he caalls"JLTST AS GOOD." No ()thee dyes equal the DIAMOND DYES. Sendyogi, naalme'andaddress loWella & Ilicherdsen 0o, -liinited, Montreal, 1. A tC1.von viil1 receive freef cost new bye (Book. ('ald of Dyed Cloth elemplee and Booklet in verse, entitled 'tThe I,ongjohn's'rip to theRlondike." "Just the thing''� For a "bite at bed .time," what could be better than a glass of milk acrd Mooney's Perfection Creazn Sodas Canada's finest crackers, from Canada's finest bakery, Crisp, delicious. in the alrrtiaht boxes, that keep them in faultless condition. Your grocer has them . "4, olibt t~ Snake In Stomach. For some months a daughter of Mr, Wm. Kiernan, West 'Ward, Mitchell, has not been in good health and iina- gined that there was something alive in her stomach. At tithes she could feel it crawling up her throat and would have to take food to send it back. The sensation was anything but pleasant, but relief came one day last week when the young lady was visiting in the toiletry and, drinking a glass of cream which did not agree with her, took a fit of coughing and up canie a milk snake measuring 14 inches in length, and still alive. Judging from the •size of the reptile it must have been - in the victim's stomach about two years,. and no doubt was swallowed while drinking from a pool of water.--MRebell' Advocate. How's This We offer One 'Hundred Dollars steward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, F. J, CHENEY 8t Co., Toledo,0, We the undersigned have known. F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years,'.and believe hitn: perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation's made by his Brit, Waifnra,. K:NNas & MAatv1N, - Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0 - Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting di- rectly on the,. blood and mucous surfaces of the s}'sten. Testimonials sent free. Price 750. per bot- tle,' Sold by all Druggists, Take Hail'sFamily Pills for Constipation. • Centralia, Andrew Bieks has rented the Rich- ard Saudo farm. The rear barn will he moved along side the other, a bank will be placed under them making it one of the „best barns in the township. -Mrs. Edwards, after a pleasant visit with Mrs. C. Birney at Exeter, has re- turned to our village. -John Sande, who received a painful fracture of his hip bonerecentlyby falling off a load of hay, is slowly recovering, but is still in a serious condition. It will be re- membered that bis brother, in a simi- lar MAnner, received injuries that. re- sulted in his death just a week prev- iously. -Thomas Willis is busy those days out among the patrons.. Then um - her of his patrons will he far in ad- vance of previous years. Much new and distant territory will be covered by his wagons. Such . is the reward that comes of good work, -Messrs. Hanlon & O'Brien have purchased Benjamin Quarry's house and store. The house is at present occupied by Andrew Hicks, while the store is the property now occupied by the firm.-. Mr. John Parsons, an aged gentleman of the village, suffered a stroke of pa- ralysis at his home OD Monday. -Sev- eral from this district are making pre- parations to go West, -Mr. - James Godsave is off duty owing to an at- tack of grip. --Mrs. Thos. Hennessy of Lucien was the guest of Mrs. W. Hod- gins over Sunday. -The recent snow is very acceptable to the farmers as a preventive to damage of crops. Eneatn: Wm. Cross, travelling sales- man for the E. T. Corset Compauy, Montreal, died suddenly at his home hereon Sunday morning at the age of 38 years. Deceased, who had been ill only 24 hours, came here from Galt. He leaves a wife and one 'child. Fun- eral -took place on Tuesday to Drayton under Masonic auspices. - News of the Week. Prince Arthur of Connaught arrives at Victoria on a visit to Canada on the 28th. Tho new North Street Methodist church at Goderich was formally open- ed on - r Sunday. ., Sit' Mackenzie Rowell has definitely decided- to withdraw from the leader- ship of the Conservative party in the Senate, and a ballot through the mail betaken, for the selection t , of his soecessnr. 125 wen and. 12 game cocks were captured at Montreal on Sunday'by the pollee who raided a cocking main on Notre Dame street, Cornwall had a i$30,000 fire early Monday 'ruor•ning consuming a saw- mill and sash and blind factory. Monlreatl is Alvin' the home of the Stanley Cup, the big hockey trophy, winning from Ottatwaiset Week. Lens, one of the World reporters ex- cused i11 being en accomplice in. steal- ing Government documents, has been acquitted. The deeth occ'ur'red at the House Of Refuge, Wond'st.oek, of Mrs. Hamlets Awa r•t as nr ress Cri rni Y tetewatt, g ace ni, whom the refuge authorities state they have tactual proof that she was between the ages of 112 and 120 years. Porter Undoubtedly the 'best enswed on the continent. Proved to be so by analysis of four chemists, and ` by awards of the world's great .Exhi- bitons, especially CHICAGO t8n3, where it received ninety-six points out of a possible hundred, much .. higher than any other Porter in the United States or Canada. :t^•>C4Ay�S.", t aa._ '.,. . d«sK .:w'bk 4 ^ Y•":ta teete,..sie THE IVIOLSONS BANK (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1558) - Head Office, - Montreal Capitalita� Paid Up $3,000,0 00 FORTY-EIGHT BRANCHES IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA EXETER BR NCH OFFICE HOURS 10 a, tn. to 8 p, m. SATURDAYS, 10 a. nr, to 1 p. m, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, - Farmer s Sale Notes cashed or collected, Forms supplied on application. DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain and United States bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange. - ADVANCES made to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business Men at lowest rates and on most favorable terns. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed SaYinc gq�. q e� t p� }} posits of $1 and'upwards received. Interest eom- g 11 Department' podieadhalf-yearly and added to principal June 30th b and peCsmbe> 81St, Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitor's. N. D. HURDON, Manager. leifillnEtalettEMEliteSAMSMIW Forty people were killed and many were injured, in a midnight crash of passenger trains on the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad at Pueblo, Col., on Thursday, The cars were crowded. The weather was bitterly cold, It was caused by the train crews overlooking their orders. Two ,freight trains carrying settlers' effects collided at South River, Mnsk- oka, Thursday. One 'settler, Earnest Thurston of Stegner, was killed. The' Alberta Legislature met on March 15 in a skating rink at Edmon- ton. During a quarrel at Colliugwood, Thursday evening, Louis Bartelle fat- ally stabbed Fred Lewis with a pocket knife. Lewis died three hours later. Hon. A. G. Jones, Lieutenant -Gov- ernor of Nova Scotia, died on March 141b. There is a strong impression that Sir Frederick Borden, Minister of Militia, may succeed to the vacancy. The Human Barometer is the urine. Where there is a constant desire to urinate -when the urine is hot and scalding - it means Bladder Irritation. If the urine is cloudy', highly colored, or offensive -it iudicates Kidney Trouble. Heed the danger signals, Take THE GENTLE KIDNEY PILL - "Bu -Ju" stirnulates and strengthens the weakened, .clogged, overworked Kidneys to healthy action -and heals and soothes the irritated bladder "Bu -Jit" cures. We guarantee it and you can get your money back if "Bu lti " disappoints. All druggists have " .Bu Ju " or will get thein for you. TN1C III.AFUN CHEMICAL CO. UNITED IMAASOR, ONT. Highland Tea is Pure Tea Grand Mogul teas are the products of the high- lands in Ceylon. C;j They are :the real mountain dew of the Orient. q Nature put into these Highland teas a high per- centage of .theins (flavor- ing) and a low percentage of tannin (bitters). Grand Mogul teas are i a pure food a nerve tonic, and an aid to life. q Nervous people prefer them to medicine. Cit Healthy people regard them as the beverage of good health. q .Prepared by machinery from p!areee:on CO teapot. Grailti mogul T fl Sold only in packages at 25c, 30o, 40c tad' 5ee, per pound in black, green or, inix¢d, Look for the •premium ' coupon and premium list, in east()' peciaaae. The cost of these coupons is not takcn out of the ' tee but is simply a port of the adver' tiling. appropriation. ---FOR--- Lumber, FOR--Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Cedar Posts, Sash, Doors, Frames and all Building Materials. Water Tanks BEE -HIVES Finished or in Knock down always on hand. Highest price paid for Saw- logs of every description. . Custom sawing rom tl attended to. Estimates cheerfully given. The Ross Taylor Co., Ltd 4 Exeter, Ont. 'Wood's Phoflpiled!ne,;. The Great English Rented/ it,' A positive cure for allforms of Sexual Weakness, Mental and BEFORE AND AFTER Lrain Worry, Emassioua, Spe. matorrhoea, Impotency Effects of Abuse or Excess, all of which lead to Consumption, Infirmity, Insanity and an early grave. 'rice $i per kS six for $6.�One will please, six wf package on eceipt of puce.. Wri mailed The Wood Medicine Co.. Wlndeor, Ontario. JOHN LSE CHINESE HAND LAUNDRY W hen needing' Laundry Work done give me a .call, and I will guarantee the best of work." - Opposite Central Hotel Exeter, Ont. Spring Term Opens April 2. CENTRAL f_. STRATFORD, ONT. drar yourself in the oY n Why 1 content siawd youy walks of life when you can batter your condition by tasting a coarse in this sohool2 'We give a thorough, practical education and assist our graduates to good p,sitions. Coi1mence your course .now. Write for 1eart iculars, ELLIOTT & MCLA 7HLAVit, Principals. e+3.Ori"rr,;rlC,fNE 10 t; tillVINING JUNE 7t 01%EV UOUND 2 flays In Detroit