HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-3-22, Page 1ADVERTISERS etea en) ber that throagh the ADvQ- CA.TX; yon x'eaett more people than through ,toy other l:haatnel. "aVi �'or azty otber property sold, bought or exchangedx" a for you at reasonable mnf caisslon. A.pply- S tNDl:RS lie CIilrlsctT. NINETEENTH YEARS, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAR.. 22, 1906. 1 IF YOU HAVE MONEY LYING IDLE We extend to you a cordial invitation to be- come a Depositor in the Sovereign Bank of Canada, Deposits of $1 and upwarcls roceivecl. Interest paid 4 Times a Year. A Safety Desposit Vault at your disposal. the Sovereign Bank at Canada, JOS, SNELL, Manager at Exeter, brediton, Dashwood, and Zurich. INEEMEMMOIMY CARLING BRAS. Spring Goods are arriving every day. We are ready in all departments for the spring, rush. Come and examine our goods, It is a pleasure to show them, Silk Waists—White or black with the popular embroid- ered work on them; 7 different styles; all good. value, $2;'3, 4 ourvestings have that soft silk finish Testings X11 y which is very popular.this season. They are plain, polka dot and figured, 15c, 20c, 25c. Shirt Waist Suitin gg s—In the cotton and linen effects we, have an exceptionally nice display. Ginghams, , perfect washers for 121-2c: Mercerised ginghams, perfect washers, for 15c to 25c; Linen suitings, white or cream, 20c to 45c. "ASTORIA SHOES'" We are the people" eo , you can get them from here. P P Everyone knows they are the best shoe on the market. Once the rice of cheap shoes. worn, will coni once Dot. Only price p CARLING BROS. AOALLs At Winchelsea Store will surprise you This store has now assumed somewhat of the appear- ance of an up-to-date.estabishment. Our turnover of the entire stock and store furnishings during the last three weeks has added very materially to the appear- ance of our store, and a deal more to the convenience and comfort of those who do their shopping here. BOOTS and SNOBS Don't fail to see our new and extensive stock of, boots and shoes just opened up. You will find here the celebrated Heavy Shoes made by : Williams of Brampton, Everyone guaranteed to wear well or your money back, Women's and Children's shoes in almost every needful style and quality. CO W ARD & BLOOIVIFIELD Produce taken as Cash. Medical A F. MALLOY, M. B. (Tor. Univ.) MEMBER tl• College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Former Huse Surgeon Toronto Western Hospital. Successor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Residence: East on first street north of office, Exeter, Ontario. Legal -- illb$SON & CAItLING, BARRISTERS, .50LI01- Eight acres of Land, a good barn, also a good gat. H / . tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioner& den with all kinds of fruit, This place is situated on Solicitors for Molsons Bank, etc. Thames Road, North Exeter. Immediate possession Molloy to Loan at lowest rates of interest. given. For particulars apply to To Rent. ABOUT THE ADVOCATE. It is seldom ,that the ADD-OC<1TI? speaks of itself hut at this' particular time we feel that a tew words concern, ing our rapidly increasing circulation wall not be taken amiss and itis With a ;justifiable pride we give expression to the progress we are attaining in this particular hie,ncliofour beat ness.; We crave the indulgence of oer refider•s in referring to this Matter but to adver- tisers and those who need to advertise we have no apologies to make, k,,now- ing fall well that they appreciate one efforts and caa at' least feel that they arre being amply paid in return for the money spout for advertising in the columns of the ADVOOATE. For some time the ADVOCATF4 hats been made to stand in a false light re- garding its circulation and it is'to dis- abuse the public mind of this false im- pression that we -refer to this matter. To he plain we can say that the ADVO- CATE reaChee more home , to -they and enjoys a considerably larger circulation than any other paper ever publishediti this district, there being added tonne previously lar:a;list over 800 n eew names since OctobiTTWit. This is no attempt at boastful misrepresentation but simply a plain' statement of facts and to strengthen our claim and verify what we say, we invite an examination of our lists. They will speak for them- selves. They are open for ,inspection any time, We have earnestly''striven to make the ADVOCATE a paper wor- thy of the town and surrounding country, and by the aid n£ our able staff °of correspondents who have so largely contributed to the A-ovOCArt'S popularity'tve have succeeded in bring- ing about that end, and to them we ex- tend our hearty thanks. The mer- chants and -business igen generally have shown us by their warm -support that they fully- appreciate our ,efforts in this direction. We thank there and the general public for the hearty .and liberal support given us and:promise them if they are advertisers a still wider circulation; if readers, a still better paper in the future than in the past. We know no standstill so long as there is a field to fill. One acres of land with a good frame house and a stable on Alexander street, North Exeter. Immedi ate possession given. For particulars apply to WM. NORTHOOTT, Hay For- Sale. Offices, Main street) Exeter, WSf. NORTFIOOTT, Hay P. 0. I. R. °Annie, B.A., L,' IL Dierrsor MONEY TO LOAN. �� 1 lt Wo have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village properties at low rates' of inter- est. GLADSIAN & STANBURY, Barristers, Solicitors,Main st.. Exeter On Money To Loan. I. have private funds to loan on farm and village properties at lowest rates of interest. EitNESTIOT Office opposite Central note, Alam st•,'l;xeter LLOYD' P, JONES Organist and Choir Master of Mit. hell Methodist Church. Teacher --Piano, Organ, Voice, Harmony., Modern methods. Thorooehness Property for_Sale. A fine pasture farm in the Township of Hey, neat Sarepta; one hundred sores 86 sores Medea, frame house end good stable, good water, etc., Another 100 acre farm for sale, in the township of ilshorne,ssuth of Ellin ville,coayenient to sehootwell dr•atnod, smallorchard, 10 'agree bush, frame house, barn, stable and grateare. • Apply to SANDERS & oto ou., . Tilketet'. For Sale. That well drained, well iniproyed and truly up-to- date farts, being composed of Lot No. 11, in the 7th concession, in the Township of Biddulph, in the County of Middlesex coma ning.160 notes of land: situated= the premises are a good 2 storey brick house, bank barn 00x40, cement hog pen, wind mill and goodyoungorchard. This is truly a most desire ablero rerty, well supplied with water, eonyenient to school and chl,rches and one of the most improyed farms in the County of Middlesex F'or further pile. tferrlars apply to PATRICK.WIIELIHAN, DICKSON & CABLING, Whalen P. 0. Barristers Etc., Exeter. FARM FOR SALE: The undersigned is offering for sale that desirable. farm in the township of Stephen, being Lot'', Con. cession 4, codteining 100 scree of first elms land. There is on the >rennees a good brick house, 2 bank barns, driving shed, good young orchard, two never. falling wells and ether eoneehiencesl the land is well drained and fenced and 15 all under cultivation. Will be eoidcheap and on easy terms ns tho proprie- tor intends going west. Apply to F. W. BAITER, Crediton East. FARM FOR SALE, we felt it weeld not, be predent.toadd , to your burdens, and therefore eon - eluded that this suit case would 'bo It convenience that you could not refuse. In the itinerant life you have so lately adopted you will often need an article bf this cleseiiptinn,. Please accept this gift ail Ynit• hands. S'Ve do not wish you to trc asnr•e it as a memento but to wear it out in service, and when, through hinrot•able service,its useful- ness is no lunger apparent, ;return to Exeter and we will cheerfully furnish you with another. Yo,o will be`anhle- tees to appear in attractive and superb apparel as you will no doubt meet with many strangers and a neat appearance it hrlpfiil inivnhd business success, we would tll t.ernre advise that yon keep your finest raiment in this case. Un- less rlx•iven by..dire necessity never use it as a gold bag, or, furniture :box, or teittle ear. ' Et will have a longer lease.. i,I lire if used for the single purpose which we have already suggested, All the members of the Board join itt wish- ing yon unbounded success iu the new and ambitious province which you've selected as yoiir future houre. Our prayers will follow and accompany you through the years. Keep close to the foundations of the faith of our fath- ers and mothers. You and your be- loved wife will be greatly missed and if people up yonder fail to give yoti the 'treatment ydu deserve, you will al- ways fired a hearty welcome in Main St. Exeter: We anticipate that you will never be without plenty of friends. Y'onr genial nature, winning smiles' and engak-ingpowers of con vers ►tion will win in any well org)uiized com- munity. Rest assured that your names will be engra ven upon ' one- memories and we hope; by God's grace, to per- petnete in heaven the associations formed' upon earth. W. GODW?f7IN,Superintendent. .airs. H. trooper spent Monday in Olin ton, Art Wood of London was here over Sunday. Aliss Wickett of London is the guest of Mrs. Going, Mr, Loft .of St. Marys visited Mr. %Variug on Sunday. Miss Jean Murray visited relatives in Henson over Sunday. ie' u rani vxsit ed Rev, A. J; Fowl f E ' relatives here last week. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Miss Mabel Follicle of St. Mit.rys was visiting at her home Sunday. Address and.Presentation. Hiss 1tIerri:l' Gould has taken a posi- Mr. and Mrs. Wesley (1 Huston 1 tino as tumbler in Blyth, - and family left Saturday for h.ughy, Miss Lela and Atny 'Johns spent.a North Dakota, where they will makefew daye in London this week, their future hone-, On Thursday eve i M. J Ls. Walters, is in 1laronton and ping last the trustees of Main street I .Toronto this week=orb business. Methodist church met at the home of I Mr. H. Huston and presented W. 0. with an address aand.a handsome sni i case in recognition of'nis faithful pea:: formanceof duties in connection with the church dtiring his residence here. W. O's friends here regret his depar- ture but trust that he may meet with the best of success in the West. The following is the aidress: W. 0. Huston and wife.. — The members of the Quarterly Official Board of Main street chureh. Exeter, have met on this occasion to do you the honor of a social evening and to express our regret at your departure from among us. The efficient services you have rendered to the church can- not be too highly appreciated and words hut poorly express our gratitude. We desire to manifest our esteem by some tangible token, but were at con- siderable loss to know what would be suitable to persons contemplating a journey to the great Northwest, and having so many treasures to transport, Sale Registers® THURSDAY, MCH: 22.—Village Property, House- hold effects, driving outfit, etc., the property of Sirs. Wm. Hawkshaw, Exeter. Sale ata o'clock. John Gill, amt. SATnaDA9, MAncn 31st,—Stock, Feed, Implements, Household Effects, Etc., the property of Henry Statham, Huron Street, Exeter. Sale at 1 o'clock, H. Brown, Auctioneer. Teesunr, April 8rd. Household effects, the property ofAiignst Sweitzer, Crediton East. Sale at one o'clock. John Gill, Auctioneer. S•tTnnvar, March 24th.—Horses and cattle, the prop- erty of Messrs. Dow and Tennant. Sale at Alex. Dow's, Exeter, at one o'clock. H. Brown, Amt. Farm for Sale or Rent for Pasture the undersigned is offering forale the farm prop. erty in. the township of Biddtielph, Lot 9, North Boundary containing .184 acres. This farm is divid- ed into two seotiohs, 100 hems and 04, and will be Bold together or separate. There is in the 100 sore lot a brick hoose two bank barns, orchard, ten acres hardwood bush, Two never -failing wells, wind the attached t0<one, and other conveniences, ' On the 01 t n ' acre lot there is a bank barn 40x70 feet and aboutO acres hush. This property will be sold cheap Widen easy terms; Apply to. JOS. E. KELLY, Whaloh. The undersigned is offering for sale or rent for pas- ture Lot 26, Con. 2., Usborne, containing 100 acres, of first•class land, situated 21,4 miles from Exeter. For particulars apply to W. M. BLATCHFORD Exeter. Township of Stephen 'School. Notice. Public Notice ishereby given that a By -Law to divide Public School Section No. 1„of the Township of Stephen, into two sections, will be considered by tbe Couneil of the Township of Stephen at the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, the 2nd day of April, 1900, at Ten 5. na„ at which all persons interested will be heard. HENRY EILi1CR, Township Clerk, MarchOtl, 1000. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate' of Eliza- beth Turnbull, late of the Township, of Stephen, in the County of Huron widow, deceased, Notice is hereby given pursuant to Sec.. 88 of Chap.ter 129 of the Revised Statutas of Ontario, 1897, that 511 creditors and others having claims against the es tate of the said Elizabeth Turnbull, who died on or about the 9th day of neo., 1011, are, on or before the 14th DAY or APRIL, 1906; to send by post prepaid, or deliver to Kentreth Good- man, of the town of Parkhill, in the County of Mid- diesox, Solicitor for the Executrix of the said do• clamed, their chrietian name and eurnames, ad• dresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their (Anima, a statement of their actounts and the nature of the securities (if any) hold by them. And.further take notice that after the day last aforesaid the said executrix will proceed to dia- tribute the assets of the said deceased among the carties entitled thereto, having regard only to such laims of which notice shall have beeniveu as above required, and that the said Executrix will not be liable for the Said nssots or any ppart thereof, to any person or persons of Whose olaii01s notice shall net have been reeoived by Mein at the time of such distribution. ALICE LOVE, Extentrix, ley It1N1liTit GOODMAN, her Solicitor. Dated this 20th day of Starch 1000. Mr. `Wilt Wilson is visiting in Lis- t, *wel and• Dorbani for a few days. • �:Vliss Olt'rt Quance has. resutued her situation as milliner at Dash wood. Mr. W. H. Campbell, Exeter north, left,Thursday last for Kinistino, Sask. Mrs. M. Gill; who has been visiting S • SANDERS & OB.EEcl , Prop'r tat -I140. :OUT OURTTJ N NEXT Bverythixlg must he sold as we are going out of business: SALIE IS ON oma. Anyone desiring more than their money's. • worth, come at once. GREAT AR AINS are in store for you, as everything is REDUCED IN PR. . W. Kerr, rediton. Crediton Miss Lizzie Rutz of Parkhill is yieit- ing her sister; Mrs. Ohm. Zwicker.— Mrs. Clu-istian Either and son, Chas., of Zurich spent Sunday here, as- guests. ' of Mr. and Mt•s. Win. Wenzel. ---Young Bros. have made some itnproverrlents to the interior of their hardware sture. —Garfield Lawson is very ill, but we are pleased to report that he is ,recov- ering under the skilful treatment of Dr Haist.-:-itlx•s. Daniel Oestreieher and the Misses Melinda Trick and Hannah Fin kbeinerare visitilig tuiends in Tavistock.—The Literary Society Will meet at'the President's home en Friday evening, •March 28. Two in- teresting papers will be given. The Literary conceit to he given on 80th inst., promises to ecli.pse.auy ever giv- en in Crediton. Do not frail to hear Fax the popular comedian.—August Sweitzer•, who recently sold his house to Mr. Joseph Borst, is having it sale of his household effects on Apr hard.-- The Court of Revision -re the Mud Creek Drain was held it) toe Town Hall on Saturday. The work of those. who I had: the drain business in hand, seems to have been very satisfactory, Onlv. tt o -:light chain e- wi;1 e made, --Tire revival meetings which have been held 1 in the Evangelical,church the past eight weeks closed on Sunday evening Dashwood Dail. Mclsaaae left on Monday for Clifford, where he has secured a situ- ation as blacksmith.—Louis Kleinstiw er is visiting his daughter, Mrs. 'Ed-. Edighoixer at Bad Axe, Mich; --=Mr. Ann Mrs. E. P. Paulin attended' the Temperance Convention at Hensailon Monday, as did also Rev. Clemens. G. Kellerman and Mr. oe streicher. Mr. Panliii was appointed Secretary of the Anti-Basrrnonr. League which was or- ganized there that dey.--Geo. Edig- hotter has purchased a fine Westside colt.—Bert Pilkey wears a pleasant smile the past week, his wife having presented him with a little baby girl. Both mother and child are doing .nice- ly.—Miss 011ie Quance of Exeter has resumed her position with J. Teller man as head milliner.—Louis Moser is busy gattiering his things together pre- paring to move to his farm be recent- ly purchased front Jacob Ort, north of the Zurich toad on the Bronson Line. —John Grnybeil of Zurich spent Sun- day with his family here.—The Y. P. A. Meeting on Sunday evening led by Miss Lily Hartleih was very instruc- tive and interesting.—Ezra Bender has f•nrnrnenced to learn the Cinsxnithing i. at E.. P. Piaulitrs:-;t'Pe,lxope.hzra'may 1 sncct'ed which no doubt he will. is beim w1a et) elf tiro d that t ]relatlVeS at 1'E liaise, has rettirucd to after beteg the most successful known g tsp ton Sew town. Mrs. John Morgan of Usborne is vis- iting Mrs. Poplestone in Blyth this week. Mr. and Mrs. Robe. Sweet of Clinton. are spending a few days with relatives in town. The Masses Shirray of Hensall spent Sunday here, the guests of the Misses Johns. Mrs. 0. A. Annis of Port Union was the guest of Mr. F. W. Oollins for a few days. Mrs. R. 11. Collins attended the fun- eral of Andrew Young in Seaforth Saturday. Mrs. A. J. Ford left Wednesday for Toronto, owing to the illness of Mrs. Wm. Westaway. -- Dirs. Wm. Parsons left last week for Langdon, N. Dakota, where she will remain for a few months. Mr. Ed. Hooper went to Toronto on Monday on business in connection with the Workman of the World. Mr. Geo. Gillies left Tuesday for Brantford where he will spend a few days prior to leaving for the West. Mrs. Adolphus Hooper -of the Lake Road is visiting in Toronto, leaving here Saturday morning. Miss B. Johnston, of the Seaforth Sun,' was the guest of Miss Jean Hawk- shaw Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Horne and daughter left last week for Milverton to reside with the former's son, Mr. E. W. Horne. Mr. Russell Southcott of St. Thomas arrived here Saturday. Russell in- tends going to Winnipeg shortly. Mrs. R. R. Rogers and children have returned to Ohicago after a visit with Mrs. Roger's parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Ed. Christie. Mr. Thos, Dayman visited in Kippen Tuesday. Kis little son, Georgie, ac- companied him and will remain there Some time. - Mrs. Boon of Toronto and Mrs, Gra- harp of St. Marys have returned to their respective homes .after a visit with Mrs. John White. Mr. John Thompson, accompanied by Mrs. Thos. Thompson, of Elginfield visited his sister, Mrs. Wm. Hawk shaaw, over Suaday. Mr. I. R. Bissett of Delhi and Miss Ethel Bissett, who has been visiting in Norwich, arrived on Monday owingto the illness of their brother, Harold. Rev. R. J. M. Perkins left Monday for Woodstock to conduct Lenten ser- vices in that city Wednesday night. He was accompanied by Mrs. Perkins, Mrs. Southcott and little son and daughter, who have been in California for some months, have started for house and ere expected to arrive here the latter part of the Week. Mr. A. Moore, who has been with Messrs. Snell & • Rowe as dry goods clerk, left Monday evening for OWen Sound„ where he has accepted a similar situaltion. 4 New - Messrs. Wm. Yager and Wm. contbe left on Saturday night for Wile tote City, N.Dak. where the former in- tends remaining for 'a time. While the latter .Will visit different points In the west with a view to securing a desir- able place to locate and start the bar- bering business. • in our midst for a long time. Some 185 have found grace. The revival meetings in the Methodist church are proving quite a success and we hope they will do much good. The recep- tion services -of the new members will be held in the Evangelical church next Sunday morning and will no doubt be impressive.—We are pleased to state that Mrs. Christian Beaver is recover- ing from her illness.—Quilting bees are the order of the day.—Thos. Treve- thick, our local issuer of marriage lic- enses, had better be prepared as there are the usual indication that "there'll be something doing in the good old summer time."—Thos. Zwicker was in London on business Monday.—Joseph Heist has bought a fine team to work on his brick yard.—On Friday evening a large _number of young people as- sembled at the home of Mrs. Alma Chambers and Mrs. Jno. Chambers on the 8th con., to' spend the evening, prior to their departure fax' the North- west., Mr. Win. England, on 'behalf of the company assembled, read an appropriate address and presented them with a beautiful present. Af- ter lunch had been served the remain- der of the evening was spent in tip- ping tbe usual fantastic step. : We wish these people who have proved worthy citizens every happiness and prosperity. art has the bast assortment of Room Rugs suui Carpets in town. BIRTHS RA.�Ni13.—In Hensall, on Mar. 11, to Mr. and Mrs. F. Ronnie, a son. Florio NS.—In McGillivray, on Mar. 8, to Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Hodgins," -a• daughter. 0ANN.—On Thursday, Mar. 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Cann, formerly of Exet- er, a son. Iaiona 1i.—In Hay on March 18, to Mr. and Mrs. .Alex. Ingram, a daughter. OLIVER.—On March 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Oliver of Stephen, a. daughter. BATitAar.--On March 14, to Mr,. and Mrs. Henry Batram, Stephen, a son. HoDGINs.—On March 6tb, to Mr. and Mrs. Elgin .Hodgins, McGillivray, a daughter. KAY.—In Colorado, on Feb. 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Kay (nee Annie Stew- art), a son. DEATHS. COURSEY.—In Lucan, on Mar: 15. Sarah, wife of Richard (Joursey, • sr,. aged 64 years, 8 months and 22 days. CROSS—In Luean, on March 18, Wm. ' Cross, aged 38 years, SAP TIME W ILL SOON BE HERE So the Weather Man Says. i.._ SapPans Fails s Sap Sap Kettles Sap Spiles Pails our own make,10c. Sap, Leave r Pans well made ave orders fo a to any size. Heaman'sHar:dwre & Stove Store. , 1 `:'tib