HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-3-15, Page 6a !BROWING BOYS, Need an Occasional Tonic to Maintain Strength altd Keep the Skin Clear. On overs gide one secs young Illen. and growing boys with palet. hasty. comnplexions, their faces covered with pimples and their gateshambling and listless. Such a condition is extremely t.tangerous--•the blood js out of order -- n complete breakdow'irn may result. To put matters right; to give that spring ti the step; that clearness to the skin and thatglow of active health to the face, n. tonic is needed—Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are needed. As proof of this, Mr. Charles Diefenth;;i, 12 St. Ursule street : , Quebec, says:, --(Frequently my studies .necessitated my remaining up until a late hour. The result was that in Decem- ber, 1903, I seemed to collapse. I was completely run down and went un lar the care of a doctor, but instead of gaining strength, I seemed to grow weaker. I could not take solid food, ,tri not sleep well, and weakelitfag. . u;ght sweats gave me further cause tar alarm. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills 'were. brought to my notice and I began their use. Almost from 'the outset they seem- ed eem,e i to help me, but it was some weeks before there was e. material change for the better. From that on, however, re- covery was rapid, and in a couple of. months I was fns well as ever I had been and able to resume my studies." Every dose of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills make new, rich, red blood; every drop of pure blood gives strength and vitality lo the whole system, and this strength trings health That is why. Dr. 'Willi- ams' Pink Pills cure such cases as anae- mia, all stomach and kidney troubles, St. Vitus dance, heart palpitation, the afflictions known only to growing girls, and women; and a host of other ailments from which both young and old suffer through bad blood. Sold by dealers in medicine or by. mail at 50 cents a bot yr six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Hvl'EFUL. Mrs. Hiram Offen---Why, Bridget, at this rate my dishes won't last any time. Bridget—Don't ye worry, ma'am , they'll last as long as I will, fur I'll be -1""ing no- the morrow, it wi11 stick to You always, of course it will. because its the " D tk L" Menthol Plaster and. 'made tostiek on until it drives away the pain. tfineicelledfor lame back, neuralgia, rheumatism land all coin. SILENCE NOT GOLDEN. Stella: "Silence gives consent." Bella: "Yes, but the trouble is that it won't pop the question." +._ A Magical Life Saver is Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart.. After years of pain and agonywith distressing Heart Dis- ease, it gives relief in 30 minutes. Thos. Petry, of Aylmer, Que., writes: "I haa suffered for .five years with a severe form of 'Heart Disease. The slightest ex. ertion produced fatigue. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart gave me instant re- lief, four bottles entirely cured me." -115 4 INDIAN WIDOW BURNING. A case of widow burning is reported, from Margpur village, in the Eternal dist •trio, India. A woman wbo lost her hus- band two or three years ago recently made a funeral pyre, set fire to it and ?perished in the flames in the presence oI a large number of persons. All efforts to dissuade her proved unavailing. The police did not arrive in time to save her life. 4 ROSY-CIIEEKED BABIES. Nothing in the world is such a com- fort and joy as a healthy, hearty, rote/ - checked, happy baby. But the price of baby's health and happiness is constant vigiience on the mother's part. The lit- tle ills of babyhood come suddenly, and the wise mother will always be in a po- sition to treat them at once. Inprornpt- baby- hood . I ' relievingand curingthe,ill, J 5 Of baby hood and childhood no other medicine lean equal Baby's Own Tablets, and they are guaranteed absolutely free from oml. ales and harmful drugs. Mrs. Wee Sinclair, Hebron, N. 13., says; "Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine i know of for curing the. ills of young children. I always keep the Tablets in the house, and do not know bow T ttculd get along without them." Xol1 by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a. box, from The Dr. William.' Medicine Co., Brockvile, Ont. PARLIAMENTARY COMPLIMENTS. Itound-about Ways of Saying What You Mean. No member of the British Parliament 9e permitted to say bluntly and directly that another is drunk but he may hint at the fact in periphrase, as .when ,Mr. Gladstone, replying to the unconven- tional speech of Disraeli's, remarked: 1'he right honorable gentleman has evi- dently had access to sources of inspire- tion that are not open to me," A violent scene has been caused in. the I ariiainent of Victoria, Australia, by a labor mem- ber saying of a legal colleague: "The honorable and learned gentleman was once caller oto the bar and he has'since gone frequently without being ;called." The angry barrister retorted: "Yoil tea- drinking skunk!" Eventually both with- drew and apologized. Sir Richard 5ebb, when. professor . of Greek at Glasgow university, used, to- wards the end of his lecture,., to be some- what troubled by the boisterous. "rough ing" (stamping) of the suss in moral philosophy abmve his class -room., when ai well-known lecturer finished with his • eerorattn.I, On tine o1`casiolt: a slab of plaster f,,ti err .Tebbs head and be quiet - 3,f remarked tohis class. "It is obvious, gentlemen, that my pr enlises do not suit, •Dr. N.'s tlr,rhelnsk ns." When Wham ilfakepiece .Tha.ckeray was running for a.:seat in Parliament he ehanded to meet his. opponent a few (Jaye before the polling began. After c Irw minutes' friendly conversation, the obvious remark ANTS ilrado: "Well, may the best roan win." "Oh, I hope not," vies 'I'harkr whys courteous, reply 08 they Owl( handy and parted. ABIN -; fsli�tl I:� � rlrr; IIOfvUf3,.. Dobby --Pa -Pape, Why do floetors can 1 � 1 a Consultation over a patient? Pope •.UOlialls t.o:divide the blame and iIouble,, the b!lO, GAVE CHANCE 'fro REPORT• HE FEELS AS British home Offfco Ilan Agreed to a New Criminal System. YOUNG ASEVER A new movement in the direction of criminal reformation has been initiated by the British 'bonne Office, acting with the Salyation Army, Tis is a movement. to give to the very worst class of crim- inal a ahanee of repentance and of a new life, ; , We are toldthat the idea ie based up - en the theory that crime is a disease, ani that short sentences and a change (1 surroundings are necessary for the "e- generation of the "patient,'.' Recently the Salvation Army were notified .by the Governor of Aylesbury meson thattheha3thori les would be glad to hand over to heir care a Mrs. Mary Meakin, who was convicted of murder 'committed under the influence of a fit of jealousy. The Home Office took the initiative in the platter but intimated that there would be no financial grant by the Government for the care of the woman. Mrs. Bramwell Boothat once decided to accept the offer,and when an emolal of the Army was sent to see the .woman at Aylesbury, where she had been con- fined for more than twelve years, she expressed her desire to be placed under the Army's care. As soon as the neces- sary details havebeen arranged. Mrs. Meakinwill be released and sent to one of the many country homes of the Sal- tation Army. The Salvation Army, it is announced, are prepared to take charge of all the criminals that the Home Office will re- lease regardless of the offence. T . 4 HIS EXCUSE. "Excuse the liberty I and taking," wrote back the escaped convict to the warden, "but I never was much With my work at the pen." • South American Nervine tones the nerves, stimulates, digestion, all essenti els to perfect health. In no case has as potency been put le severer ,test than that of W. H. Sherman,. of Morrisburg, Ont. He says: "I was completely run down, nerves all agog, stomach rebelled at sight of food, constant distress and generally debilitated. %Four bottles made me a well man. -116 Langharn—"Yes, the poorfellow had three doctors attending him before he died." Kahn—"Weil, can't they find out which one was to blame?" A Successful Medicine.—Everyone wish. .osoot sl ;I. •o9•oliva, ,four ell gargm as' Rutaiv;Japnm Loa ut inissaoans ,so o1 sa fore, t extremely grtitifyieg to the pro- prietors of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills to know that tha'r efforts to compound a medicine which would prove a bless- ing to mankind. have been successful be- yond their expectations. The endorse - tion of these Pills by the public is a guarantee that a pill hasbeen pro- duced which- will fulfil everything claim- ed for it MOST SOVEREIGNS SMOKE. Even the Pope Indulges in the Luxury of an Odd` -Cigar. From amass of interesting matter con- cerning the smoking habits of the rulers of the world, collected -by a former diplon mat in Washington, it appears'that'while. King Edward and.. the Austrian. Emper- or prefer cigars, the Kaiser and the Czar are devotees of, the -cigarette. .- Tho Sultan of Turkey, in spite of the popular idea to the contrary, is a non- smoker, and the King of the Belgians contents himself wite a cigarette if he cannot indulge in his favorite briar pipe. It is said that the King of Portugal smokes forty cigars a day, and he has been declared to be the most inveterate smoker of all the crowned heads. Pope Pius X. occasionally smokes a cigar. With the exception of the Queen cf Holland, the King of Bavaria and the Sultan, every reigning monarch is ad - dieted to the use of tobacco. $ TIIE YOUNG JACK'S JOKE. "Yes," said the old mule, "exercise is good ood thing.I alwaysbelieved ' bee din• but not on te towpath." Vit' "Ahl" remarked his bright young grandson, with a self -appreciative hee- haw, "that was where youdrew the line, eh?" 4 ' THE 13 SUPERSTITION. "'What's the matter, my man?" asked Mr. Williams: • "Nothin'. much," the convict said, "only I'm a victim." "Victim of what?" "I'm a victirn of the flgger 13--a judge and 12 juryrrmen." A NECESSARY EVIL. Experience of a Minister 'Who Tried to Think That of Coffee. "A. descendant of the Danes, a nation oI coffee drinkers, I used Coffee freely 1/11 I was 20 years old," writes a clergy- man irorn Iowa. "At that time I was a student at a Biblical Institute, and suddenly became aware of the fact that my nerves had become demoralized, my brain dull and sluggish and that insom- nia was fastening its hold upon tile. "I was loath to believe that these things came from the Coffee I was drink= ink, but at last was forced to that con- clusion, and quit it. "I was so accustomed to a hot tahle average and Mit the need of it so much, that after abstaining from coffee for a dime and recovering my health, I. went back to it. I did this several times, but always with disastrous results. I had about made ilp:my mind that cotter was a necessary evil. "About this tittle a friend told Inc that 1 would find Pnstuin rood Coffee '.very fine and in many respeats away: ahead of coffee. So I bought some .and, mak- ing it very carefully according to 'the directions, we were delighted to finri that be had not exaggerated in the least. From that day to this we haves liked it Letter than the old kind of r;offee or anything else in the Way or a table ftrink. - "Its use gave tile, in a very short time. an increase in strength, clearness of brain and steadiness of nerves; and sleep, restful and restoring, mere back to Inc. r am thankful f that we Ireo.rd rf �� Iotrshall gladt Postum, m andhetotestify i .;, any time to the good it has done ire." Name given' by Pasterns Coe Bane Creek, Mich. • 'Mores a reason. flt=ad the lithe hook "The Bead to Wellviile," inplegs,: : MI. CHESTER LOOMIS TOOK DQDD'S KIDNEY PILLS And Front ' a Used Man Ile Beeame as Smart . as a Boy. Orland, Ont., March 5—(Special) Mr. Chester Loomis, an old and respect- ed fanner living in this section, is. spreading brfioadcast the good . news that Dedd's Kidney Pills are a sure cure for the Lame Beek and Kidney Disease so common amen old people. Mr. Loomis says: • "I am 76 years of age and smart and fictive as a .boy, and I. give Dodd's Kid- ney Pilus all the credit for it. "Before I started to use Dodd's Kidney Pills I was so used up I• could Hardly ride in a buggy, and I could not do any work of any kind, Everybody thought I would not live long. Dodd's Kidney Pills are a wonderful remedy." The Kidneys of the young may ,ie wrong, but the Kidneys of the old must be wrong. Dodd's Kidney Pills make all wrong. Kidneys right. That is why they are the old folks' greatest friend. SATISFACTION, The boy. had paid the penalty for youthful sugar crushing. When the wrench was over he asked if he might have the tooth. "What for,? enquired the dentist. "I want to take it home, sir," replied the youngster, with a revengeful grin. "I'in going to stuff it full of toffy; then I'm going to put it on' a plate and watch it ache." Weak and Sickly People envy those la robnet health. No need to stay sick when by the use t.f the bust tonic, "rorrovlm,".you can get rich blood and renewed strength nand vagos No matter bow homely an heiress may be, she is never reminded of her ugliness: DickIo's Anti -consumptive Syrup Is an unparalleled remedy for colds, coughs, influenza and diseases of the throat and lungs. The fame : of the. medicine rests, upon years of successful use in eraBleating these 'affections, and in protecting'. mankind from, the fatal ravages of consumption, and as s. neg- lected cold leads to consumption, one cannot be too careful to • light it in its early stages'. 13iekle's Syrup is the weapon, use it Many a man would stop paying pre- miums on his life insurance if he knew whathis wife•had. decided to do with the money. Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in tho Sunlight way. Bay Sunlight Soap and follow directions. THE SAHARA DESERT.. ;.The Sahara has over one-half the area of Canada and has a very small popu- lation for its area. The .Libyan ani Nubian deserts are only -a continuation of it to the Red Sea. Muscular. Rheumatism, produced hy' exposure, if neglected, develops into the chronic form with almost incredible ra- pidity. South American Rheumatic Cure is a quick -acting, safe, simpleand harm - not a liniment to temporarily deaden AT less cure, acts direetly on the system, pain. An internal treatment that will inany form':and cold perspiring feet positively absolutely cure most acute forms in cured within 80 days, by our newly patented from one to three days. -114 SUNUGHT SOAK' is better than other Soaps but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Follow directions. SUNLIGHT WAY OF WASHING FIRST:. -Dip the article to be washed in a tub of lukewarm water, draw it out on a washboard and rub the soap lightly over it. Be ea -cicala' not to miss' soaping all o••cr. THEN roll it in a tight roll, lay in the tub under the water, end go on time•same way until all the pieces have•ihe soap rubbed on, and are rolled up., • Then o 'away for thirty `minutes to one hour and let the "Sun- light" Soup do its work. NEXT.—After soaking the full time rub the clothes lightly out on a wash board, and the dirt will drpo out; turn the garment +a- side out to get at the seams, but don't use any more some; don't scald or boll a s,ngle' piece, and don't wash through two suds. If the water gets too dirty, pour a little out and add fresh. (fa streak is herd to wash. rub some more soop, on it, and throw the°plece back into the suds fore few minutes. LASTLY COMES THE RiNnSING'q which is to be done in lukewarm, water, taking special care to get all the dirty mads away, then wring out and bang up to dry. For Woolens and Flan- nels proceed as toltows Shake the articles free from: dust. Cut a tablet of SUNLIGHT SOAP into shavings, pourinto n gallon °fboning water and whisk into a. lather. When just lukewarm, work articles in the lather without rub- , fling. Squeeze out dirty aatpr without twisting and rinse thoroughly in two relays of lukewarm water. Squeeze out water without sting and in the open air. I!* The most bang delicate colors may he safely twi mashed in the Sun- light" way. THE BEST OF PEOPLE inane mistakes unintentionally.' ' But no one EVE. MADE A NOT IN BUYING ONLY ONE BEST TEA. BLUE RIBBON. BRITISH AMERICA ASSIJRiNCEH COMPANYII Seventy -Second Annual ' Statement, 3ltst December, 194& ASSETS. United States . Government and State Bonds ...3140,893 Municipal Bonds .. .... 744,039 Loan & Savings Company o Bonds and Stocks .. ..201,593 Railway. Bonds .. .... 181,000 Other Stocks and Bonds ..., 141,304 Iteal Estate:— Conipany's Building ... .... 140,000 Office Furniture 24,762 Agents' Balances . . ... 345,582 (,ash on hand and on deposit 176,769 Bills • Receivable .. .. '.. 5,402 Interest due and accrued .... 18,000 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Sub - 00 scribed .. ...9350,000 Ct 34 Less Calis in course of payment . . , 1,773 46 20 $8#3,256 54, 20 Losses under adjustment . . 144,238 61 00 Dividend No. 124, payable inn - nary 5111,..1906 .. .. .. 25,274 . Ma CO Reserve Fund .. ,. ;...1,101,607 SQ• 81 68 87 52 27 32,119,147 fid 32,119,347 89, Capital ,.....: � s...:. ..:.:: :; ..,. '...S$ • 850,000 CO P Reserve Fund ...... ....... ...... •..... ....., .... 1,101,607 SEn . Security to Policyholders' .0,... • ••...... ..... :.......91,951,607 86• Losses paid from the organization of the Company to date .... -.327,383,068 64. DIRECTORATE: Hon. Geo. A. Cox, President. J. J. Kenny, Vice -President and Managing Director... Augustus Meyers, Hon. S. C. Wood, Thomas Long, Robert Jaffray, Jolim,. Hoskin, K. C., L.L.D.; Sir II. M. Pollan, E. W. Cox. Offices: Cor. Front and Scott streets, Toronto, Ont. P. H. SIMS, Secretary.. • 400.11•2.1C..• lan • 5 OOQ WARD will be paid f to any person who proves that Sunlight Soap con- tains any injurious chemicals or any form of adulteration. Your Money Refunded by the dealer from whom you buy, Sunlight Soap if you find any cause for complaint. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED. TORONTO rya Magnetic Discs or money promptly refunded. Mailed anywhere $1.00. Write tar descriptive booklet. Agents wanted. MAGNETIC MUM. Nothing succeeds like the successful MA'XISM cuss co., Shorbrooke, Quebec, Canada harvest of a young man who has sown wild oats. 1:41 01t SALE—FOX TERRIER PUPPIES, TWO .ii. dogs, three bitches, born Novembor 15th, A Carefully Prepared P.M.-314mb time ,a.re and dam both prim winners, dain a daughter and attention were expended in the ex -01 Oh. Matchmaker. la S. Wetherell, Cookshire, perimenting with the ingredients that ' 1Que._ enter into the composition of Perme- lee's Vegetable fills before they were j.,f'+KE+ 0'0+0'40+0.0:(' ♦' brought to the state in which they were first offered to the publ'c. What- E STARR'S th4ACI3 RHEUMATIC Cu + ever other pine may be, Panne lee's Veg. stable Pills are the result of much ox- pert study, and. all persons suffering from dyspepsia or disordered liver and kidneys may confidently ac- cept them as being what they aro rep- resented to be. .• Nothing delights some people so much as .to be asked favors; it gives them so much pleasure to refuse. Mother Graves' worm Exterminator has the largest Salo of any similar pre- paration sold` in Canada. it always pogo satisfaction by restoring health to. the little folks. A FLOWERY STATUS. "I understand he is the flower of the flock." "Yes; quite a pink of perfection." Cheapest of All :tfotltcine3.—consider- ing the curative qualities of Dr. Thomas' E' electric Oil it is the cheapest medicine now offered to the public. The dose required in any ailment is small and a bottle contains many doses. If it were valued at the benefit it confers it could not bo purchased for many tunes the price asked for it, but/ in- creased consumption has simplified and cheapened its manufacture. Th trouble with most people who say what they think is that they think such disagreeable things. Convinced by Printed Testimony of of the hundreds of the cured, Mrs, Benz, of 418 E. 81h street, Ncw York, who was far years a great sufferer from Catarrh, procured two bottles of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder,, and it effected an absolute euro In a very short while. One puff through the hloever will clear the head and stop headache. 50 cents. --113 Advice is as plentiful as good exam- ples are scarce. There is a charming elasticity about a girl of eighteen springs. Settlers' Low Rates West. 'Mc Chicago and Northwestern Flail - way will sell you one-way second-class settlers' tickets, daily, from Feb. 15,. to April '7, 1906, to points in Colorado, Utah, Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, California and British Co- lumbia. Rate from Toronto to Vali- couver, Victoria,.. New Westminster, in C., Seattle, Wash., or Portand, O,re,, <• l w,2. 5' to San Franciscoor ,. 2 , �b l Los Angeles, Sl ,. r .• .Oil Correspondingly Cai. , a ilog ro es 5v , , from all points in Canada. Choice of routes. Beat of service,NV full pat'tl- elllars and folders call on or Write 11, 11, Bennett, General Agent, 2' fast f{ing street, 'Toronto, Ont. Guaranteed to CURE E'HIIL'MA'rISM— Acute, Inflammatory, or Chronic : also + Neuralgia., Sciatica, Lumbago and all Kid- SA 'my troubles, emt Removes unc acid from the oy Ii , rm system ; giros immediate relief. Don't suffer, but send for a bottle at once. Hun- o tirade have been cured. The Osb Bao Remedy Co.,o.lbr,nto.Ont. $1.00 or bottle. Western Canada Land Co HEAD OFFICE, 38 NINTH11llSTREET,ppi�t P. O. BOX 38. , Brandon, an. Improved farms and unimproved wheat andranch lands, wholesale and retail, in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Al. berta andfruit lands in Southern Oka- nagon Valley, B. C., Wheat lands on Saskatchewan Plains at 37.10 per acre, easy terms till June 1st to make selections, the finest wheat lands in the world. Homesteads located. Selections made. Write or call for any information de- sired. APPLE TREES. Before buying write us, or see our agent near you, for prices. We havle. the largest stock of fruit trees to .be found in Canada. We pay the freight. Brown Brothers Company, Nurserymen, Limited, Broom's Nurseries, Ont. LITTLE PUZZLES. Mrs. McSosh—"It's the little things that werry one the most." Mr. McSosh—"You're dead right. It's usually easy for' me to find this house wvhcn, I come home at night, but the key- hole always stumps me!" h• • sto A R eerSr,e. esenut .sec t i MCfsdell nIn es sofa Designs suitable for all classes of work such as Churches, Schools, Stores, Halls. Also special designs for I•Iouses, Kitphens, Dining -Rooms, etc. No- thing has ever been devised to equal Pedlar's Steel Ceilings for farm houses. Cheap as lath and plaster and. will never crack or face off. • Avoid Aooldents. ,.Using Pedlar's Steel Ceilings: t r, Made to fit any size room and can be nailed on by any mechanic: Ship- ped from our warehouses painted all ready to apply. Our Catalogue, No. 14c describes many designs. Write for it. It costs you nothing. Write to -day. MONTREAL, QUE. 0=TAWA, ONT. TORONTO , ONT. LONDON, ONT, 111NNIPEe, VANCOUVER, B.e. 767 Craig St. 423 Sussex St. 11 Soibaroe 8t 69 Dundas St. 70 Lombard St. 815 Ponder St. WRITE Your& NF.SREST OFFICE. Head Office and Works, - - Oshawa, Ont., Canada Two eornern4, In Western Cagada Ba triL�'d�ale , Saskatchewan, only 8 miles from two railways, 0.P.0..k Strong soil, fro per cent. plough land, spring, creek, no sloughs About 40 miles N.X. of Indian IIoad. Pnce $10.80 par Sera. Write for map and full. particulars. R. PARSONS, 9a Wellesley Street, Toronto, Canada.. Willie—"This is an excellent picture of you,Miss Marie.I wish I owned the original." Miss Marie—"You may have the negative." We must go from heated rooms to the cold outer air, nti the change sets us conghing; Cur ing colds ias not hard for Allen's ,Lung balsam. A neglected cold is troublesome and dangerous: Trig PEOPLE OF EUROPE. Europe has a population of about 395,000,000, or about one-fourth of that, of the whole world. Belgium has the densest population. It is only necessary to read the testi- monials to be convinced that Holloway's Corn euro is unequalled for the removal of corns, warts, etc. 11 is a compleV extinguisher. BIRDS THAT CONSTRUCT PRISONS. The hornbills have a Curious habit of hatching Their Young. Among the hornbills of Southern Asia, the Malayan' Islands and Central and Southern Africa most of the species have a curious habit of hatching their young in the walled -up hollow of tho tree chosen for the nest. The birds have imense bills and horny crests. The mother bird, the Scientifle Amer- ican states, is walled up by her mate and remains imprisoned until the eggs are hatched, and in some species until the young` birds are ablee, to fly. Mean- while the mother has become tetripor- drily incapable of flight, as she has moulted, or at least shed all her wing feathers, during her captivity. But the male is indefatigable in providingfor his family, and is said to work so hard that he is reduced almost to a skeleton at the end of the brooding season, According to the theory of many na- tives, the female is imprisoned to pre- vent her neglecting her duty of brood- ing, and if she has been unfaithful or negligent her mate closes the little win- dow of her cell and abandons her to a painful death by suffocation. The true story, perhaps, is this: The female ivalls herself in so that she can- not fail from the nest after losing ^leer feathers, . and also to protect herself from enemies.ries. This version is less poeti- eal than the other, hill 1t ie probably nearer the truth. It is supported by the sf.atenlcft that the female liberates her - sell as serer as the young birds are well grown, so that her prison is less foi'nnld- able than it appears. IiITisli COLUMBIA—Ranches, Farms and, Fruit Lands adjoining city of Kamloops, locks of ten acres up, river frontage, produced peaches, apricots, pinnas, grapes, uielonsi, tomatos. which never fail to ripen, unlimited markets,. terms easy. Apply Strutt le Nash, Kamloops, B.C., Mrs. Springs: "How careful your little boy is of his health! My boy is con- stantly running out in all sorts of wea- ther without his overcoat, io. platter' what I say. How do you manage?"' Mrs. Briggs: "When my boy catches. cold, I give him cod-liver oil." 'You are right in regarding erysipelas.. dangerous disease. Annoiut the swoen, td 0 skin with Weaver's Corate: And take Wo&tvr'm" Syrup iuternaliy. Housemaid: "Please, Miss Florrie,, young • Mr. Jackson is in the parlor." Miss Morrie (flinging down her novel):. "Good gracious! Jane, and my hair not done yet! Go down and tell him to wait. for a little, because I'm busy in the kit- chen helping mother." 2 1 You cannot be expected, to have faith is Shiloh'a Consumption Cure, the Lan8�, Tonic, as a cure for Cold, Coughs and'aE diseases of tete air passages, if you ltays. not tried it. We have faith in it, end war guarantee it. If it doeni t cure you it coats you nothing. If it does it coats you 25e That's fair. T it to -day. Shiloh has cured many thousands of the. Inst obstinate eases, and we do not hesitate to say that it will Lure any Cold, Cough,: Throat or Lung trouble. If we did not believe this we would not guarantee: it,. Shiloh Inas had an unbroken record of success for thirty years. It has stood every possible tett without failure.: Further' Proof. h found in the many trttintortials of those; 'who have tried Shiloh and been cured., l4frs.ArchinsTaylor,Aseph;Pa., wtitrsCart-w f' I Itousht a Beide cl Shiloh s K'eascneo " e nett feared it very benefiriel. I havettvo children.. and they' bed' a terrible cossh. I save them. et ing I could drink of, bs tk pot tie bettez cot oac evie,un;t fry Iunabaai bought Shilotc. We seve ii to the children tvtxiu they; �to bell. and they Slept All nista. h cured' tlrsn eomplrtely. 1 shell always keep it in the 60 3, Wish , @owes ea *Lerma' metlieino ; a w ISSUE A'ff, t0--06, '1' Al V