HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-3-15, Page 5.l `y " THE. zetc OI�CC t , published every Thursday .Morning et the Ogee MAXN-STREET, - EXETER. Ay the-- ADVOCATE PUBL I OM 1 NO COMPANY TERMS. OF SUBSCRIPTION. One. Dollar per annul* if paid in : advance, $111.50 if not so paid. ydLaertiaissg Ratan oxt aylellis..- tioaa No paper discontinued until all arrearagea are paid Advertisements without specified direotione will be 'published until forbid and charged accordingly. iGiberal discount made for traneoleat advertisements EAe description of JOB e for longperiods. ry Inserted, PRINTING And at a PRINTINq turned out in the finest style, moderate rates. Cheques, money orders, &c., for advertieing, subscriptions, etc., to be made payable. to Sanders & Creech, PROPRIETORS • Professional Vard.e. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto Univeristy. DENTIST, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects Office in : Fanson'e Blink,. west aide Main street, Exeter. Dashwood RoilerMiiI • The principal reason for the'excel- lent quality of White Star Flour Is due to its being manufactured .from the very best selected wheat, and the latest and most modern Machinery is used in its manufacture. b This celebrated flour is known y every person who has used it to pos- sess the very finest quality both in life and color, and to make the most ex- cellent bread, rolls and pastry of all kinds. Manufactured by Jos.Eidt, Dashwood NOW IN STOCK, Bran and Shorts and Wheat Chop At Exeter and Centralia Elevators Prices: Satisfactory. Bring in your grain and load home with feed. Jos. Cobbledick Cook's Cotton Root Compound: The only safe effectualmonthly medicine on which women can depend. Sold in two degrees of strength—No. 1, for ordinary cases, e1 per box; No. 2, 10 de- grees stronger for Special Cases, $S per box. Sold by all dr:tousts. Ask for Cook's Cot- ton Root Compound; take no substitute. The Cook Medicine Co.. Windsor, Ontario. the nniole Io Bug FOR THE HOME• Is that which gives lasting benefit .and Pleasure. Nothing will so successfully do this as a good High Grade PIANO or ORGAN Every member of the family will ful- ly appreciate it. ' We carry these instruments in the highest grade and our prices and terms are of the most liberal kind for the Purchaser. Our Sewing Machines Surpass anything in the market for beauty and durability: Call and see is; we will take pleasure in showing you our goods. S. MARTIN &SON EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat 74 Barley 40 Oats 81 Peas.. .... 65 Potatoes, per bag........ 85 Hay, per ton 6 00 Flour, per cwt., family .. Flour, low grade per cwt 1 20 Butter Eggs Livehogs, per cwt Shorts per ton 20 00 Bran per ton 18 00 Dried Apples... .... 6 ALL SICK WOMEN $HOULI READ MISS SCHWALM'S LETTER la All Parte 0 Carnal* Lyiltg $, Pinkhem'e Vegetable Compound flan !Bifouted Similar Carer. Many wonderful cures of female ills are continually coming to light which have been brought about. -by Lydia E. Pin ham's Vegetable Compound, and through the advice of Mrs. Pinkham, of Lynn, Mass., which ie given to sick women absolutely free of charge. The present Mrs. Pinkham has for twenty-five years Made a 'study *of the ills of her sec; she has consulted with and advised thousands of suffering. women, who to -day owe not only their health her helpful even life ut to fu1 ad ice. bp v Miss Annie E. • Schwalm, of •326 Spa- dina Ave., Toronto, Ont., writes: Dear Mrs. ?inkhanr :— "Ihave found Lydia E. Pinkllam's Vege= table Compound a specific for female weak= ness with .which I hay.o been troubled for years. I also had irregular and painful periods which affected. my general..healtb. until last spring. I. was on y a wreck of my former self. In my affliction I was ad- vised to use your Compound, and am so - glad that I did so. I found that in a few short months there was no trace of female weakness, my strength gradually returned and in a very short time I considerer) myself a perfectly well woman. I appre- ciate my good health and beg to assure you that I am most -grateful to you for discover- ing such a wonderful remedy for suffering, woman." The testimonials which we are oas w c con- stantly publishing from grateful women establish beyond a doubt the power of Lydia E. Pinkhatn's Vegetable Com- pound to conquer female diseases. Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to promptly communicate with . Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. She asks nothingin return for her advice. It is absolutely free, and to thoueande of women has proved to be more precious than gold. FERRYS SE D Make sures yield of quantity and quality. When yourfat'er planted Ferry's, they were the best on the market,but they have been improv- ing ever since. We are experts In flower and vegetable seeds. 1906 Seed Annual beautifully illus- trated, free to all applicants. D. M. FERRY & CO., Windsor, Ont. Auction Sale AROUND -ABOUT US. Seaforth: The. following have been ticketed to distant Points:—John Mc- Cullough, Seatorth,to Calunnent, Mich- Bigan, Miss Jessie Elder to Kamloops, ritish Columbia; T. McDonald to Milestone, Sask.; ,Elliott Somerville to Rouleau, Sask.; J, Whiting and family returned to Carnduff, Sask., on ,them Ontario excursion tickets; Mr. Robert Brown of Seaforth, to Eldray, Man. Staffa: On Monday night of lash week the members .and adherents 'of Staffa Methodist ehurch to the number of about eighty, took possession of the parsonage, Rev. R. L. Wilson and wife were ask to come forward .when Mr. F.. D. Hutchison, in unique manner, read a well worded address, in the course of which Mr. Wilson was pre- sented with a. coon skin poet and Mrs. Wilson with a beautiful chair. Brucefield: Word has been received here of the .death of Mrs. Geo, Baird formerly of this place. The sad event occurred on the 2nd inst at the home of her son, Dr. J. A. Baird, in Hem• nlingford, Quebec. Mrs. Baird was a native of this vicinity and was held in high esteem by all who knew her and the news of her death caused much and sincere regret. She was 53 years of age, The remains were brought et hereery.nd interred here in Baird's•cem- a Cromarty: Another of the old land- tnaarks:of this place, Mr. Jas. Park, sr., passed away recently at the age of 70 years and TO rnonths, after a lingering and very severe illness of ten weeks. Deceased was born in the county of Lanark and carne west to this part 56 years ago. He was possessed of many fine qualities, particularly his large heartedness and kindly disposition, which were often manifested through his life in bis sacrifice of time and mon- ey to aid his neighbors and relatives in time of trouble. He was a Presby- terianin religion and a life long Lib- eral in politics. He leaves behind to mourn his loss is Widow, and five sons and four datighters. • Mitchell: After a lingering illness Matilda Nesbitt, beloved wife of John Hutchinson passed away at age of 70 years on Friday. Ailsa Craig: Mrs. W, R, Barefoot, a former resident of this place, passed away at her home in Lindsay, on SIM - day, -Feb. 25th. 'Seaforthi A little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Daley„about four years of age, died from pneumonia on Wed- nesday morning. . - Parkhill: Mr.and Mrs. Patrick Don- ley moved to town on Wednesday ft•orn Moray and are residing in their house on Vif:toria street. Seaforth: The grocery store of A. G. At l t ChineseWere i r and a he Ch Laundry broken intorecently and small amounts of cash taken in each case. Logan: Frank Seibert and family have moved from the Eden farm .to the Neigh farm in Fullerton. Carson Elliot has moved to the Eden farm since Mr. Seibert left.. Seaforth: Arthur Forbes of town,. has purchased the farm of John Me- Millan,at Roxboro, paying for it $7,000. Mr, McMillan and family intend com- ing to town to reside. Mitchell: E. F. Davis has purchased a book and stationery business in the prosperous town • of Tilsonburg. To this he will add a .large jewelery stock in the course of a few weeks.. • Seaforth: While skating' at the rink on Wednesday evening, Mr. Alf.. Town had the misfortune to get a kick on the wrist and receiyed a' very bad gash which required three stitches to close. • Bayfield: James Thompson's grist mill began operations last week. Bay- field has been in need of such an in- (•dustry• for some time. -. The mill is —0E— FARM STOOK, `'IMPLEMENTS, & HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE; ETO. The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction, on Lot 12, Con, 2, Usborne, on Friday, March 16, at 12:30 Sharp The following valuable property, viz: • STOOK. -2 geldings rising 4years old, 1 driving mare seven years old, 1 caw o years old, due to calf 2nd April; 1 milking. cow 5 years old due to calf 25th of October; 1 farrow cow 6 years old, 4 steers rising 2 years old, 4 calves rima,* 1 year old, 2 ,vinter calves, 1 heifer rising 2 years old IMPLEMENTS.—Frost & Wood binder, Dearing mower, sulky rake, cultivator, seed drill disc harrow, land roller, pea rake, diamond harrows, 2 set wooden harrows, new gravel box, hay rack, Wagon box, 2 wagons, new pig rack, grind stone, Fleury Grinder, new hay loader, pulper, bobsleighs, cutter, top buggy, road cart, double buggy, Magnet cream sep- arator, water tank, water trough, 1 plow number 13, 1 Fleury plow number 21 new, 1 Cockshutt twin plow lieu', Hill plow, set double harness new, set double harness, a number of extra collars, set single harness. 2 milk cans, sap buckets, kettles, chains, forks, hoes, shovels, parlor stove and pipes, a quantity of house- hold furniture, 2 40 -gallon barrels, 1 20 -gallon barrel, 1 gobbler, 1 pair of geese. 00 young hens, 4 there - ed roosters, 3 turkeys, collie dog, quantity of hay; and other articles too numerousto mention. TERMS:—All sums of $5 and under cash; over that amount 0 months credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes., A discount of 6 per cent. per annum off for cash in lieu of notes. The above named farm is now to rent. Apply to Bohn Welsh, Exeter. RICH. WELSH, H. BROWN, Proprietor. Auctioneer. Auction Sale Of Farm, Farm Stock, Irrplements, Household Effects, Etc. The undersigned auctioneer will sell by public auction on Lot.4, Concession 8, Stephen, on Thursday, March 15, at 12:30 p.m, . The following property, viz: STOCK. -1 marc rising 3 years old by Phaeton;1 mare in foal to Nordin e; 8 cows supposed to be in calf; 4 steers rising 2 years old; 4 heifers rising 2years old; 6 steers rising 1 year old; 1 heifer rising 1 year old; about 50 hens, 1 turkey. mi Massey -Harris mower 10 ft hay rake Cockshutt disc barrow new seed drill, roller, walking plow, two furrow plow, set diamond harrows, wagon, pair sleighs cutter, buggy, fanning mill with bagger, putper, 2 sets heavy double harness, set single harness, hay rack, gravel box, scythes, addle, forlcs, hoes, shovels, a quantity of potatoes, cream separator, Magnate. 76 HOUSEHOULD EFFECTS.—Cook stove and pipes, heater, bre rel churn, washing machine, lounge, 2 45 cupboards,table, armchair, rocking chair, 12 kitchen 82 chairs, bedsteads, cider barrel, copper boiler and 70 other articles too numerous to mention. REAL ESTATE.—There will be offered for sale at 90 same time and place, the above named Lot. This. 6 50 is a firet-class farm, and intending purchasers would 2 25 do well to attend this sale. There is on the prem. 1 20 lees a good brick house, bank barn, good orchard, and two never tailing wells, 14 . TERMS OF SAL]'.::—Chattels—$5 and under, cash; over that amount months' credit will be given on 6 60 furnishing approved joint notes. 8per cent per an• 20 Qf) num off for' cash onday creditofsola drnounts, Terurs of tarn 6 MRS. ALMA (TIIAMDERS, JAS. STANLEY, Proprietress, Auctioneer 18 00 made known ar ........, Cling to Hold fast to all you have. There's nota single hair too areas. Then 1 1. fasten it tightly ht in place. e 'Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer 1 Stops falling hairVs mtalte>, the hair grow, keeps the scant healthy. ft r II air liar the whiskers and moustache we make e w ' DY r, It o o Mown e BUCK AMS L a I rs a rich ow _____ IM ora.A-Ctbinok:..Ia.Y:FiA1,Y,kC .liTashuf.-N.Ti. equipped with the lateen and most im- proved machinery. ' Clinton: John J. Drummond, son. of the late John Drummond of Blyth; and a native of Clinton, has recently graduated from the American school of Osteopathy. He will practice his profession in Lyons, Kansas. Mitchell: Oh Tuesday Thos. McLar- en, sr., met with a painfull accident at his blacksmith shop. While coming down the steps from the paint shop he. slipped and fell head first to the bot- tom, knocking his shoulder blade out of the socket. Clinton: H. Plumsteel, who has been a resident of Clinton for a good. many years, most of which tine he has been in met•ohantile life, closes up business herethis week, and will re- move the balance of his stock to Moose - jaw, where he has rented a store. Seaforth: The death occurred on Wednesday morning, of the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Amen t. A few weeks ago the child contracted pneumonia and being in very delicate health since its birth, it was not able to stand the ravages of the disease. Mitchell: The widow of the late Thos. Alcock, formerly of Mitchell, died in Vancouver on Feb. 28, aged •78 years and 8 months. She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Adam Mulholland and Mrs. Thos. Babb. Deceased was it daughter of the late Win. Small, one of the first settlers of this town. Seaforth: The death took place on Wednesday of Mrs. McDermid. De- ceased had been ill- for about three months having, suffered from an at- tack of pneumonia, which resulted in her death. She has been a resident of Seaforth for thirty-three years, coming here from Bowmanville, in which town her life partner pre -deceased her. Blanshard: Walter Gowan, reeve of Blanshard, was seriously injured in a runaway accident at St. Marys last week. He was helping a neighbor to move. After unloading he was driv- ing across the sidewalk, when one of the sides of the wagon box got out of place. Mr. Gowan leaned over to ad- just the loose side of the wagon box, when one of the horses, a spirited ani- mal, made a sudden lea.p'forward, and, as Mr. Gowan was holding the reins in one band only he was 'overbalanced and fell out onto the bard road. One of the wagon wheels went over bis stomach, and it is thought caught the side of his head. When picked up two long deep scalp wounds were found on the right side of his head and the lobe of the left ear was nearly sev- ered, AUCTION SALE Of Village Property, on SATURDAY, MARCH 24, at 2:30 p.m. The Executors of the Estate of the late Jas. Moir, will offer for sale on above dete on the premises, the following valuable property being LOTS 18 & 19, ANN ST., EXETER. , On the premises there is a comfortable frame house, l storey high, containing five rooms with cel - 1 lar and woodshed. TERMS, -10 per cent, or equivalent of purchase price on day of sale; the balance in 30 days without interest. For particulars apply to the undersigned T. CAMERON Amt. J. G. STEIVART MADMAN & STANBURY JOHN TRAQUAIR Barristers, Exeter. Executors, Heneall AUCTION SALE Of Farm Property on TUESDAY, MAROH 20, at 2:30 p.m. Tho Executors of the Estate of the late Jas. Moir, will offer for sale on the above date; that farm prop. erty, being the .South Half of Lot 16, Concession 13, Township of Stephen, 2/1 miles south of Dashwood, Containing 50 acres, nearly all cleared and seeded to grass. There is on the premises a good well and wind -mill for pumping water. • TERMS: -10 per cent. or equivalent of purchase price on day of Sale; the balance in 30 days without interest. For particulars apply to the undersigned, CAMERON, .T, D. STEWART Auctioneer, JOHN TRAQUAIR GILADMAN & STANBURY . Executors Ii:ensall Solicitors AUCTION SALE Of Village Property on FRIDAY, MARCH 30, at 2:30 p. m. The Executors of the Estate of the late Jas, Moir, will offer for tale on above date, on the premises the following valuable property being LOTS 232, and 233, MOIR'S SURVEY,. H ENSALL. On the promises there ie n;eonfertablo frame house 1% stories high, on brick foundation with kitohcn and woodshed; also tho klgrisalt laundry p Wieb upper P storey fitted Ion living roams. TERMS: -10 per oont. or equivalent of purchase price on dry of anis; the beleneo in 80 days without interest. For particulare apply to the undersigned, 13, S. PHILLIPS, J: D, STEWAItt Auctioneer. JOTIN TttAQUA113 0LA,DJIAN and STANJ3tYIi , Executors Hentall Solicitors. How's This P Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh. Cure, - F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, 0. We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years,. and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm - WAtmxo, KINNAN & MARviN, 'Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0 - Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting di- rectly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bot- tle. Sold by all Druggists, Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. •- tiliammelneellismallowlwarealsiemeaullsommesestomelesesalewassamemmemeeremiessila The Red Rose Flavor • and a Strength No Ceylon tea nor Indian tea alone can have the "rich fruity flavor” of Red itoseTea;because' neither variety in itself possesses all the qualities of strength, richness, delicacy, and fragrance. Each has its own peculiar qualities, but each has its weaknesses. 13y combining the two in the Red Rose proportions, I produce a tea with the "rich fruity .flavor" and - strength of Red Rose Tea, a flavor and strength found in no brand of Ceylon alone. Red Rose Te is good Tea T. H. Este brooks Si. John, N.B., Toronto, Winnipeg,, Edwin St. George Banwell and bis wife were committed for trial, The.evi- dense showed that it was Mrs. Banwell who purchased the diamonds. .11cxdca8cadcadcalclacaacaecacSx.ice= dcI8c •,w.,ak� ass. OXYDONOR The Most Wonderful Discovery of the Ag3 What does Oxydonor do? It gives the body an affinity, for OXYGEN, and makes it absorb nature's revitalizing force—oxygen—through every pore Disease -simply cannot stay in the y system that is surcharged with oxygen. Dyspepsia, . Rheumatism, Fever, Indigestiory Insom- nia and all disease simply vanish before oxygen—and Oxydonor gives the body oxygen. Read it ••what those who have used it say. NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM. it,_, ,----,—.77.—"'"^-0 Col. R. B. Hamilton, Provincial Board of Health Registrar General's Office, Toronto, Can writes, August 31st, 1901, "My experience with Oxydonor has been most satisfactory in ever o efficiency acute cases such as la grippe and sever respect. Personally I can vouch for its e e cy ing PP 1? etrmn. In both instances its action being remarkably quick, cases, the results agreeable mid permanent. For more chronic affections, such as neuralgia and rheumatism, my wife has experienced Ilt very great local benefit, and would not be without an Oxydonor for many times its weight in gold." Send us your name and address and we will send you our booklet "T" fully explaining the workings of this wonderful instrument. 51 DR. H. SANCHE & CO. Lur Firth Street, Detroit, Mich. 2268 St.Cratherine St., Montreal : '4rV"Or'C"9coyr'0'>0"Cr"q¢'iir'firVr'Pr'eCNIr'S"Sr"Ae yr. not the GOLD DUST TWINS do your work" Goderich: Friday evening Thos. G. Lowe, passed away suddenly while sit- ting at the table. Last July he suffer- ed a paralytic stroke in Windsor and after spending a time in the hospital come to live with his sister, the second stroke coming last Friday as mention- ed above. Mr. Lowe was forty-five years of age last November and before coming here had lived fifteen or six- teen years in Windsor, where be was in business as a jeweler. Tuckersmith: Two smoothtongued gentlemen have lately been canvassing in Tuckersmith, in behalf of the Co- operative Mercantile Assn. They ob- tained a• number of members at $20 each. They claim they will buy mach- inery, binder twine, etc., and deliver them at a cheap rate. They have no plant, so bow they can compete with with good, honest business men is a, mystery best known to themselves. Our well-to-do farmers seem to be a good target., for fakes. It is best to give such strangers.a good wide berth. Hillsgreen Robert Steveson has recovered from his recent illness.—R. Love and daugh- ter have returned home from a visit with relatives at Blenheim.—Levi Stel• ck has sold his house and lot in this village to P. Laanotit of Zurich. Mt. Stelck will move to Dauphin, Man., shortly. We are sorry to lose them but wish them prosperity in their new home.—Andrew Love recently fold a handsome spell of fillies to Messrs. Richthond of 'Washington, Blenheim township, for which he received the snug stun of $400.—We understand that Alf. Reichert, t 1 s pnrr hased thee farm of Geo. Reichert. --The many friends of Stephen Troyer will be softy to hear of his illness, We wish him speedy recovery.—Mr.. 1oat hiour teacher, spent Saturday and Slndty with relatives near Exeter, The World's Greatest Cleanser is Gold Dust Washing Powder Its yearly sale exceeds that of all other washing powders combined.. Looks just a bit as if housewives appreciated merit, doesn't it? GOLD DUST cleans everything from cellar to attic. OTHER GENERAL Scrilbbing floors, washing clothes and dishes. cleaning wood - USES FOR work, oil cloth, silverware and tinware. polishing brass work, . GOLD DUST cleansing bash room, pipes, e1~., and making the finest soft scan. Made by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Montreal, P. a—Makers of FA.''RY SOAP. GOLD DUST makes hard water sots` CURED HER BOY OF PNEUMONIA Newmarket Mother is loud in her Praises of the Great Con- sumption Preventative "My son Laurence was taken down with Pneumonia," says Mrs. A. O. Fisher, of Newmarket, Ont. "Two doctors at- tended him. He lay for three months almost like a dead child. His lungs becaene•so swollen, his heart was pressed over to the right side. Altogether I. think we paid $140 to the doctors, and all the time he was getting worse. Then we commenced the Dr. Slocum treatment. The effect was wonderful. We saw a difference in two days. Our boy was soon strong and well." Here is a positive proof .that Psychine will cure Pneumonia. But why wait till Pneumonia comes. It always "starts with a Cold. Cure the Cold and the Cold will never develop into Pneumonia, nor the Pneumonia into Consumption. The one sure way to clear out Cold, root and branch, and to build up the body so that the Cold won't come back is to use PSYCHI NE (Pronounced Si -keen) ) xya"" $ 1.00 ROUND TRIP GODERICH TO ,p,':., s was �.�.it,ravta .rw. r.A °gr„ To Manitoba Alberta and akt � s a oh ewan SPECIAL, TRAINS FOR SETTLERS With live stook and effects, from Toronto at 9.00 p.m. EVERY TUESDAY DURING MARCH AND APRIL,. COLONIST CARS ATTACHED! NO EXTRA CHARGE Settlers travelling without a et should l govit till ack 518e 145 part. train from Toronto daily. TOURIST CARS on 1uesdays EWednesda ys, %blays a nd Sa: t - Bottle urays. C oa ofse¢¢e Ing:borth s at fellbws: . Wimi cl� �•p�ie fns :005Pei MoosaJ w - G.� Cal ry 0.00 . 0 "Settlors' Guide" and"'Western Canada booklets of 'Practical use and interest to eb- • tor. with rates and full ihtbtmatian treb Larger *IOW till and $2 --all druggists. upon application to nearestCanadian Paolflo URA T. AA SLOCUM, Limited, Toronto. I �„O or ata. to C. 15. Foster, D. 2..A.r