Exeter Advocate, 1906-3-8, Page 4Core's
For Infants and. Young Children.
' Instantly relievescolic, cramps,
teethiug troubles, restlessness, peev-
ishness, and sleeplessness.
Perfectly, Harmless,
As it contains no opiate or narcotic,
It will also prevent that exceedingly
troublesome affection of the inembrar:ne
of the mouth arising from acidity,
known as white mouth. Prescribed
for years by the medical faoulty.
Price 25 Cents.
—0 ---
W. S. COLE, PM, B.
Central Drug Store, Exeter.
or: .der atwinatt,
Sanders & Creech.., Props.
Among the bills to be discussed in
the Legislature at Toronto are three
brought up by South Huron's member,
H Silber. They are: -To amend the
insurance Act; To amendthe Munici-
pal Act; To amend the House oi' Refuge
Snot. Regarding the latter it .is said
that it has the approved of and will be
;supported by the Government. The
bill proposed that where the inmates
of such institutions are known to be
possessed of means they shall be com-
pelled to contribute something for
-their own support. For instance,
;among the 96 inmates of Huron coun-
ty's house of refuge, at Clinton, it has
peen found that there are several with
Daid-up instprance policies, a few who
,..---610flasscahinsiteicks, and one elan who is
the owner of a house and lot.
On the face of it this is an amend-
ment that should carry. There is no
reason why the public should be bur-
dened with the care and expense of
keeping people who have tbe means of
paying for their keep.
Chas. Alsworth, while engaged with
other men sawig wood with a circul-
ar saw at Amos Wildfong's on Wed-
nesday of last week, met with a very
L rortrtci'i'ate accident, By some means
his coat got canght on the shaft and
winding around threatened to draw
him onto the saw. To save himself be
threw out his arm and it carne in con-
tact with the saw and was badly cut.
He also had one rib broken.
Clandebo ye,
Mr. Tyler of Bryanston spent a few
days in the village. -Miss Anna Cun-
ningbam of London spent Tuesday
visiting her cousin, Mrs. Eli Carter.-
Last Tuesday evening a Box Social
was held at the home of Lou O'Neil in
aid of St. James church.. A. very
pleasant evening was spent by all
Wresent. -The ftin ern' of the late Mrs,
illiam Oarter of Parkhill took place
to St. James cemetery on Saturday
last. Mr. Carter, husband of the de-
ceased, is a son of George Carter of
this place. Rev. Newton of Parkhill
.conducted the funeral service.
expected was. the death on Sunday
last of another of our oldest residents.
in the person of Mr. James Ouuning-
ham of the 2nd Con. of McGillivray,
a.nd his sudden demise has •cast a
gloom over the whole community.
The deceased bad attended the funeral
-gf Mrs. Carter on Saturday, after
which he went to C. 0. Hodgins' sale,
and while there was taken suddenly
ill of paralysis. A physician was ixn-
mediately called, but nothing could be
done to relieve him. He was removed
to his home cohere he died Sunday
morning at two o'clock. Besides three
sone, he leaves four brothers and two
sisters. His wife predeceased bier
about two years. Deceased bad been
a lifelong resident; of McGillivray and
was highly rca::pecte d. He was 58.
years. of age. The funeral takes place
to St., .Th es Cemetery on Friday un-
deal the auspices of the Worlrnren, of
which order he was a valued mernl,F'v,
The lwreaved ones have the sy npatl,y
of the whole eolnrnnnity.
Then your blood must be in
a very bad condition, You
certainly know what to take,
then take it—,_
Ayer's Sarsa-
parilla. If you doubt, then
consult your doctor, We know
what- :lie .,will say about this
grand��++old family medicine.
askiietis the filet grtestienyour doater would
Are yourb o s r gnlar7 ird knewa
that daily action of the ewers ie absolutely
eseanttsi te racovoxy. Keep your liner attar your beware regular by takiattarng laxative
doses. of Ayor , Pine,
Made**, O., Ayer Oo., trivial!, Mali.
ADOnfitaturnrs Of
• - 0 HAIR V1000i
ril>r>�Rt' s tro
vire (mire ea *berets r Vie publish
Dm fotnittlai aelr our medicates,
How's This
We offer One Unwired Dollars Reward for any case
of Catarrh that eamiot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
F, J. CHENEY S. Co., Toledo, 0:
We the undersigned have known F J, Cheney for
the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable
in an busines transactions and financially able to
Quay out any obligations made by his firm
. - WAI.DISG, KINNAN 4 AtAltvtN,� ...
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0
Hall's Catarrh Oure is taken internally; acting di.
reotly on the blood and muonous surfaoes of the
system. Testimonials sent free. Sold by Druggists
price 75c. per bottle; -
Take Hali'sFamily Pills for constipation.
WEDnir(.--Wedding .bells peeled
forth yesterday (Wednesday) and thus
cupid gains another victory. We -re-
fer to tbe marriage which took place
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Boa,
near here, when their second daughter,
Miss Margaret, gave her heart and
hand to George Srnale, a prosper'ons
young farmer of Assinibola district,
At foro'clock the bride, gowned in.
a handsome creation of white, entered
the parlor leaning on the arra of her
father where the groom awaited her:
Her sister, Miss Addie, who was also
attired in white, acted as bridemaid,
while the groom's brother, Henry, did
the duties of best elan. Thecereinony
was performed by the Rev. W. Martin
of Exeter, in the presence of over one
hundred guests. This being aver the
company repaired to the. dining ' room
where'a most sumptuous and dainty
supper was served. Probably no bride
in this neighborhood ever received
more expensive -or numerous presents
than the present'one did, which is an
indication that, she is highly esteemed.
The evening was spent in tripping the
light fantastic toe and other amuse-
ments. Mr. and Mrs. Smile leave on
Monday next for their home in the
West. The best wishes, of all are ex-
tended to the happy couple and may
their future be bright and prosperous.
Mr. L, Hanmee and wife of Mile-
stone, Sask.,have been during the past
week the guest of Mr. Wm. Elliott,
Several cars of horses have been ship-
ped to Mr. Hamner by Mr. Elliott this
year. -Mrs, Wni. Elliott left the hos-
pital Wednesday of last week, the op-
eration - having been entirely success-
ful. -Fred Bloomfield, who has been
pressing hay for Mr. A. Hicks, has re-
turned to town. -Luther Pym and
sister, Mrs. Wm. Bullen, of London are
visiting their father who is very i11. -
Alex McFalls is still confined to the
house. -Marshall Bloomfield who has
been working for W. J. Moffatt for tbe
past two years is taking a rest on
accouut of ill health: his place has
been filled by Thos. McFalls.-James
Curtin of Detroit, Mich., is visiting his
parents here. -Lawson & Brown ship-
ped two cars of hogs on Tuesday last;
price $6.95.-R. Simpson attended the
funeral of the late Mr. James Cunning-
ham of Olandeboye, on Tuesday. -
Wesley Lnker, who has been working
in St. Johns for the past three years,
returned home Saturday.-Theleading
business men are very, busy those days
looking after the affairs of a new
school which we expect to have soon.
Keep on s.trikiing gentlemen, while
the iron is hot. -Geo. Hodgins of Lu -
can, is visiting friends in the village. -
Milt. Atkinson and Donnie Carrell
attended the hall and supper in the
Town Hall, Lucan, last week. -Wm.
Sando of Ohicargo was here this week
attending the funeral of his father, the
late Richard Sando.
DILD.-There died at the family resi-
dence yesterday (Wednesday) William
Pym, at the age of 77 years.
SAD ACCIDENT. -A sad.and lament-
able accident happened in our midst
on Thursday last, which resulted in one
of our best known residents losing his
Life. Mr. Sando, was engaged is draw-
ing hay and was on his way to get a
load weighed when it supposed the
roughness of the road, caused the load
to upset, and Mr. Sando unfortunately
was buried underneath. By his ago-
nizing cries and groans he attracted
the attention of M'r. Henry Mills, who
ran to ;his assistance and succeeded
in extricating him from his uncomfort-
able position, but -it was all too late; be
never regained consciousness. In the
fall he struck his head on the bard
ground which caused a large wound
and fractured the skull. He was at
once removed to the station where his
injuries were dressed and from there,
was taken to his Home, where he died
next morning about one o'clock. De-
eceased was one of the oldest residents
of Centralia and his sad and untimely
end has cast a gloom over the coin-
munity. Deceased: had been success-
ful as a farmer and although to some
degree eccentric, he possessed man
1 good points. He, was aged 70 years,
{ and besides twri or three brothers
leaves one' son to mourn his•loss. The
funeral took place to the Exeter ceine-
tett' Sunday. ,.
Sonoran RJPanx.-The following is
f he report of the Sr. and Jr. 'Depart-
,alents of S.S. No. 1, Stephen, for the
month of February. V, -Harold Du -
•n 770; Enos Windsor 752, Vernon
1.1,0=4111 745. Sam. McCoy 713, Wilfred.
Uo i 7 W.2 r
1 r,l ns 03 Sires L0 . S . IV. -
',iadys.Essery 851, Margery Hepburn
828, Lily Robinson 821, Gifford TTo-
1 girth
821, Gordon Wilson 801, Jos,
White 794 Frank MiteheI1 788,Crt
Wilson risen 724, Archie Robinson 660, M.
Elliott 627, Nene, McCurdy. Jr. IV.-
; Hazel hicks 823, Austin: Duplan 822,
',Trarvi Elston 738,Eddie •Sims 416, ,1.
Dempsey 594, Sr. II. -John Hogerth
il.i. luras Wallis 777, Malvan Callas
Iva Essay 079; Mexwelll3aynharn
(109. John White 560, Norman Fleanran
497. -Minnie Botterill, teacher.
Jr. Department. --Jr. 1IL Flossie
Davey 1114, Earle Oallfas 1104, Edna
Davey 1066,; Harry Windsor 996, Roy
(,.Alfas 984, Hubert White 940, Bessie.
Anderson. 005, Elymer Wilson 838,
Ella Baker 527, Willie Alexander.. Sr.
TL --Lloyd England 1177, Fred Essery
1116, Anthony White 023, Fred Fair -
hall 028, Elva Brooks 372, Jr. IL-
Mnrvan ()allies 1203, Everett (Unfits
1152, Estella Neil 1047, Lower Jr. 11.
Ma;ldan England 1196, Victor Hogarth
1143, Othello Mote 1108, M, iaisie 1062,
V. Motz 1008, W. Baker 655, E, Only.
beet, W. Oulbert, ll, ivic0urdy. Pt, 1T.
Hetitilat, 815, 1-1. Neil 0338. F ewlle.
)37, .li, Wallis 262, M. Elliott. 853,
rA'teatnr,.+' P. T.-jA. (lak, G
i licin kttaYdey, Louits K y'ke.
e fetterc, tea'ey
Wine( elsea
Messrs. Coward & Blomfield were
in London Tuesday on business. -In-
spector Tom visited our sehool;Friday.
=Miss Gilmore of Montana, who has
been'spending the winter with friends
On the Ttl:unes 'Road, called on Mr.
and Mrs. D. Coward on Sunday week.,
Following is.the February report of
S.S. No. 6,. Usborne. V. -A, Heywood,.
W. Elford, E, Gardiner. Sr. IV. --N.
Campbell, L, (xodbolt, L. Heywood,
Jr. IV. -A. Johns, A; Elford H. Hun-
ter' Sr. UL -E. Washburn, 0. Ornery,
E. Johns.
Jr. Room. Jr. IIL-P. Gubr, M. Tal-
bot, L. Godbolt. Sr. II. -J. Campbell,
A. Clarke, Jno. Brock. Jr. II. -E.
Heywood, Pt. IL -M. Bloomfield, A.
Creery, Sr. Pt. I, -R. Goulding, Inez
Creery. J.r. Pt, I. -M. Clark, B. I3lootm-
D. McDougall Teachers
W. Howard
Eli Sweet and Garfield 'Hill left for
Edmonton, Alberta, on Monday where
they have taken up land, We wish
them a, safe journey and every success
in their new home, -Mrs, John Young
and Mrs. Chris.. Beaver are on the sick'
list. We trust they will soon recover..
-Bert Clark is busy delivering his
wall paper and taking orders. He car-
ries a fine lot of samples.--Ohas. Zwick
er was in Toronto last Friday on bust
ness.-Mrs. Garfield Oestrereher and
daughter 'were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Dan. Oestrercber last Tuesday.-
uesday,-Miss Lydia Finkbelner bas returned
from Sarepta after visiting her sister,'
Mrs. Daniel Treumner for a few
weeks.-Thereare several cases of
chicken-ppx in our village. -Harmon
Clark, .of Barrow Bay, is visiting rela-
tives in our midst. -Mr. Hoist, of Cay-
uga, is visiting his uncle, Mr. August
Baist.-Albert Wolf has been engaged
as apprentice to learn the blacksmith-
ing with Alonzo Hodgins. Albert is
kept busy poundingiron and can make
the anvil ring in great style. -Miss
Ethel Farrow spent last Saturday and
Sunday with her parents in Goderich.
She was accompanied by her friend
Miss Myrtle Clark. -The revival meet-
ings are still being conducted in the
Evangelical church. This is the sev-
enth week and almost every night,
there are new seekers. The total num-
ber who have found grace, will easily
number a hundred. Let the good work
continue. -The .special anniversary
services of the Evangelical church will
he given next Sunday and Monday.
Rev. Christain Staebler, of. Cleveland,•
a former pastor of this church, and at -
present editor of the Sunday school
literature of the Evangelical .Associ-
ation, will be the principal speaker.
He will preach three sermons on Sun-
day, the morning and evening services
being in German and the afternoon in
English. On. Monday evening he will
give an address. All come and enjoy
these special services. -The Literary
Society of our village are making ata
rangements to give a concert. in the
town hall, on Friday the 30th. They
have secured the services of Mr. Geo.
Fax, of Torontowho is a well-known
comedian as well as 'our Rrand. More
particulars will follow.
SCHOOL REPORT: -The following,is
a report of Crediton Public School for
Feb. 75% of the marks are required
for honors, 00% for a pass. Names in
order of merit. Division III.--V.-
Honors, E. Park; Pass, G. Short, G.
Sweitzer. IV. -Honors, P. Gaisei;;
Pass, E. Hill, 11 Meadd, 0. Bill, Sr.
IIl.—Honors, E. Geiser, L. Finkhein-
er, M. Oestreicher;.Pass„ W. Oestreich-
er, P. Heist, H. Trick, A. Wuerth, A.
Finkbeiner, 0. Holtzmann.
Claude Blnett, Teacher.
Division II. --Intermediate III.-
Pass, E.Fahuer, G. Beaver, B. Redden.
I. Hirtzel, P. Treitz, R. Redden. Jr.
IIL-Pass, E. Heist. G. Appleton, H.
Shenk. Jr. Il:. -Honors, L. Redden;
Pass, E. Bluett. A V. -Pass, V. Gei-
ser. ATV. -Pass; L. Hedden, R. Eng-
lish A. Sambrook.
Miss Farrow, Teacher.
Division. L -Sr. II. -Honors, Q. Hod,
gins, F. Hill, Pass, L. Oestreicher, W-
Motz, W. Hoist, F. Hill, E. Anderson.
M. Brown. Jr. II. -Honors, G. Ben-
edict, F. King; Pass, I. Erb, H.Shenk..
A III. -Pass, V. Rill, I. Wolfe, V.
Redden. AII. Pass,R. King, E.Gei-
ser, 0. Oestreicher, A. Carter. A I. -L.
%Rust, M. Guenther, M. Geiser.
Miss 0. Kienzle,Teacher,
Women Angrily Aroused
All Over The Dominion.
lnforrriation from various Provinces
of Canada points to the fact that many
women have been deceived and induc-
ed to use the weak and adulterated.
package dyes put up by unskilled and
unscrupulous manufacturers to imi-
tate the popular DIAMOND DYES.
One Canadian women,' thoroughly
aroused, after loss of time, money and
valuable materials through the use of
muddy, blotchy end weak dyes, have
directly, laid the blame for their losses
on the retail merchants w ho.sold thein
the deceptive dyes. This action of in,
dignent women hes en,iised many of
our retail and wholesale dealers
pack up and return to the inrtnufactur.
ere responsible, their' worthless and-
dangerous (lyes.
M When decide r.
i c,idetolila
honedyeing *oak, ,t
pays E
use the
celebrated and popular DIAMOND'
DIES, which have been the horne
friends of the ladies for over 25 years,,
when buying, see that each pa,.ckage'.
hn.nded to y0IT bears the words DIA-
DIAMOND DYF4 soon become ex
pets in the fascinating work of home
colaring,and find that ten cent pack-
age will renew the life of any faded
and dingy sant, dress, skirt, :blouse,
jacket, carpe or husband's orson's coat,
vest or trousers. Allow no' dealer to
offer von the something he calls"",JUST
AS GOOD." No other dyes equal the
Send yonr naive and it ddr'wes f olWells
tSs1?icbtrdson Co,,Limited, Mon treal;
P, Q., and you will receive free of cost
new Dye Book, Card of Dyed Cloth
Swamies acrd Booklet in .t erse, entitled
"The hongjohn's`.riip to the Ilton,"
erU h: G. M. Elliott, for so long
opt etre of the 141A plc Leaf Oro.
)41 China Brill, bee sold ,out to
McEveen Bros., of( he,Bedford
A Baker's Triumph•
The Mooney Baker cannot
produce anything better than
MMooney's Perfection
Creme Sodas
The very best of flour, butter
and cream— the most modern
plant, the very best baker °in
Canada, A. biscuit superior to
any other you have, ever tasted
Say "Mooney's" to your grocer.
Miss Susie McLaren spent afew days
during the' week with her sister; Mrs.
Stewart, at Seaforth.-Mrs. Will Mc-
Laren have returned from an extend-
ed visit with friends in Walton. -Mr.
Brown has moved into the store re-
cently vacated by Mr. Miller, May.
every success attend him. -Mrs. J.
Weitzman is visiting at her old home,
owing to the continued illness of her
father. -Sandy Miller has sold his fine
farm to J. Laing. Much regret is felt
in the neighborhood at losing so good
a citizen as Mr. Miller has proven him-
self to be. -George Oliver and family
left Staffalast week for the Province
of Saskatchewan, where they intend
making their future home. Mr. Oli-
ver's many friends hereabouts will
wish himself and family, a prosperous
journey, and much prosperity in their
new hone.-
Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart and
daughter of Emerson, Man., are on a
visit to friends in this vicinity. -Our
grain market is receiving a good share
of the grain. -R. Mellis is the oldest
resident in this village. Fifty years
ago this February he started in busi-
here, and has been a continuous resi-
dent here since that time. The wish
of his many friends is thathimselfand
estimable partner may be spared for
some years yet. -T. N. Forsythe,teach-
er in S,S. Ng. 2, Tuckersmith, purposes
holding an examination and entertain-
ment he a few weeks.
WADDING. -On Wednesday there
was a pretty andinteresting scene in
the Kippen parsonage, when Sterling
McPhail took "for better orfor worse"
Miss Hannab, fifth daughter of Wm.
Ivison; of this place. The bride and
groom were unattended. The nuptial
knot was securely tied. by Rev. Wm.
Baugh at 4 o'clock. The bride was
attired in a neat and becoming travel-
ling suit. Mr. and Mrs. McPhail left
the saline evening for a short honey-
moon trip to London, Detroit and else-
wbere, after which they will settle
down to the sterner realities of life in
the groom's fine home at Porter's Hill.
The bride is one of our most popular
young ladies and we join with the host
of friends in wishing herself and hus-
band s pleasant and profitable trip
over the matrimonial sea.
" Zurich
Messrs. Moses (leacho and Noah
Kipfer left last week for Illinois where
they intend remaining. -A gentleman
from Montreal opened up a general
store in St. Joseph last week. -Messrs,
Clayton Smith and Norman Geringer
have returned from their visit to Ham
irurg.-Mths Mabel, Haist and Calvin
Williams have returned to Buffalo,
;lifter a pleasant visit at the home • of
IUr. and Mrs. J. A. Williams. -Jerry
CCorriveau is laid up with Job's coin'
for tees. -David Schwartzentrnher and
John Gerber of Bronsdn line, spent •i
few days in Wellesley during' the week.
-Miss Laura Bender and brother, Da-
vid, left a fewdays ago for Hopedale,,
where they intend residing with their
brother, George: J. Ort, of the Bron-
son•line, has disposed of his farm to
Mr. Moser of Dashwood, for which he
received the sum of $9000. The farm
consists of 140 acres and is one of the
best in the township: -R. R. Johnston
has disposed of his dwelling to Solo-
mon' Kuepfer, the sale price being
$1300:: The former• will take possession
We end of this month. -141r. Tallman
Worm, who bus been cleric in 1tlernctr s
Quare for some years, has severed his
onectinn with Unit firm andd
ed a position with J. Pre eter,-W r.
IClopp has disposed of his farms and
will retire. Flis son, Elmore gets the
1 and his two on
homestead, to i s sons, Horace
to a
and Oscar, the fair in'purchasocl three
seals ago frons Henry Eicher. Mr•.
Klapp has been a very successful far -
firer, anti should be able to enjoy a
well-earned retirements --John Decher.
of the Ba.bylori Line has disposed of
hes "Minnie" mare t.0 Tilos. Handford
of Exeter, for which be received the
sum of $175. - Wm. Bender has re.
turned from Sonth Rivets -Albert, the
youngest son of w.,J, Idorner, of Dr'ys-
dale, while walking through Joshua
Snider's wood yard, fell and broke his
left, a.rw, -Miss Lamas Richardson of
Stanley has gone to Petrolea where she
still further pnrsue her vocal stud ies.
.Joe Sink, son of Rev. and Mrs. Sink,.
of Port Huron, who were here last Au-
gust visiting at the borne of E. 13osseu-
belay, while walking on the icy sicle-
walk, slipped and fell on his back with
the result that be is totally Mint(. The
phy'siciane in ,ittendance have no hope
of restoring the sight.
Mitchell: Mess's. Nelson Davidson
and Geo, Ileirnb(cher have ernbntrl<rrl:
arta the 7ecvr•it�sy btisiisasss in stroll.
India Pale Ale
Prejudiced and unscraipulous vendorsmay suggest others, but compare it sly
way you will -purity, freedom from acidity, palatableness-Labatt's Ale is,surpass-
ed by none, equalled by few -at about half the price of best imported brands,
l4 MAWS.
P 8
(incorporated by Act of (incorporated by Aot of Parliament 1805)
Head Office, _ Montreal
Ca tai raid V : • • • • �. • • • •-�3,000,OOQ
Head Office, - Montreal
Ca. ital 'aid U • • $3,000,000
Reserved Fut • • • $3,000,000
OFFICE HOURS 10 a. m. to 3 p, nt. SATURDAYS, 10 a. in. to 1 p, m,
Farmer s Sale Notes cashed or collected, Forms supplied on application.
DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain and ; United
States bought and sold at lowest rates of 'Exchange.`.
ADVANCES made to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business Men at
lowest rates and on most favorable terms.
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
posits of $1 and upwards received. Interest com-
Saving Bank De!' artment, pounded halfyearly,and added to principal June 30th
"• and December 31st.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitors. ' N. D. HURDON, Manager,
McKillop: An interesting event
took place on Wednesday afternoon at
the home of the bride on the 5th con-
cession when Mr. Wnr. Smith, of Sea-
forth,and Miss Mary Eugill entered in
to matrimonial partnership. The mar-
riage ceremony was performed by Rev..
F. H. Larkin. The wedding was a
very quite one.
A . Man
Who Drinks Hard
needs " Be-ju " if he wants 10
keep his health. Beer., whisky,
wine --al alcoholic beverages -
irritate the kidneys. Pain in the
back,, headaches, brick dust de-
posits in the urine -prove that
the kidneys are seriously in-
strengthens and invigorates the
kidneys, heals the inflammation,
clears the urine, and takes away
the pain.
" Bu-ju " is not a cure for ' the
drink habit, but "Bu-ju" does
protect the steady drinker against
kidney disease.
All druggists have " 13u Ju " or will
get them for yon.
—FOR --
Lumber, Shingles,Lath, Cedar
Posts, Sash, Doors, Frames
and all Building Materials,
— . Water'Panks—
Finished or in Knock down,
always on hand.
Highest price paid for Saw-
logs ofevery description.
Custom sawing prompt(
attended to.
Estimates cheerfully given.
The Ross Taylor Co. Ltd
• Exeter, Ont.
This school has become the leading Commercial
echoolin the heat. No similar institutions doing
more to thoroughly equip young people for respon-
sible positions, Our courses are thorough and prac•
Neal while the teaching is done by experienced in•
struotors. All graduates get good positions. 'You
may enter at any time. Write for cataloge.
A Beverage of
Good Health
Crarid ' Mogul ;is, the''
nicest possible, blend of
the finest and ripest teas.
Grown on the sun,
kbsed highlands, each
packageis .. h le
a Wo
brl,; uet of delicious fla-
Cr, Curd, tepid or hot, it is
a.vdoys a family luxury..
Pleasing to mothers, palat.'
able to children it is Ceylon's
best mountain gift to you.
High in tlleine(tea,tone)
and low in tannin (bitters),
it is 'thebeverage y -
ge of h�
gcine. " 25c, 30c, 40c. and
50c :,r pound,
d mogul
(1 Sold only in packages ,lined with
prepared ptiper, never to poisonous
le d. Dirert,'ons and premium coup
pons in each ,paokage.
hut more lasting and fair less expen-
sive. It's wonderful what exquisite
odors can be extracted from nature,
is always necessary in the boudoir.
We sell perfumes of standard -mike.
A delicate perfume of lasting odor is.
worth a dozen others that are inferior.
You're safe when you buy of us,
S. Phm.B.Chemist:and Optic:Ian Exeter.
Oarr rhOSPladditk,
The Great English, Remedy,
A. positive ours for all forms of
Sexual Weakness, MentaI and
DF,POItaAND ASPSR Erwin Worry, Fnnissions, Sper•
matorrhoeci, Impotency/ . Effects of Abuse or
Excess,. all of . which load to Consumption,
Infirmity, Insanity and,. an a lily grave. Pride
$1 per pkg., six for $5, Ono *01 please, six will
cure. Sold by alldruggists or nailed in
Package on-reeei tof price. Write forPamphlet.
The rtiro(arl Aftaciaaine Cow* Windsor, Ontario.
To i anirob
Marta an
With live stook and effects, from Toronto at
0.00 p.m.
Settlors tray -h d
travelling' livr, stools shoot
use l•15 pan. train from Toronto daily.
an Tuesdays, 'Wednesdays, rrirla ys and. Sat-
trrd;uys. Cost of sicoping borths asfollows: -
Winnipeg $4.00 rtetrinis - $5.00.
iooso Jaw . 5.00 Calgary 0.00
';Settlers' Guido" and "Wostorn Canada"
booklets or peaotictll tree and intorest to sot-
tlor3, With rates and fail inforrntttiou free
upon anpplloation to nearest Canadian Deal�lir
Agent, a write to C. I3. Pater, . D. P. A..,
L,. I . kt., Torozite. •