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Inn4 Ilealth and Strength In the. Use of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
Every growing girl and every woman
nearing middle life suffers from ail
merits peculiar to her sex. At these
times the health and happiness of every
girl and ,woman depend upon therich-
'Sass and regularity of her blood. Look
al the young girl whose blood is weak
and watery. Her face is palms; her lips
and gums bloodless. Her head aches
and her back aches. She has no ener-
gy, no life, a poor appetite and no de-
sire for exercise. She complains that
even to walk upstairs leaves her breath-
less. And the woman In middle life—
she is nervous, irritable and depressed
--liable to sudden attacks of pain and
distress that, only a woman knows of.
She turns from food; horrible dizziness,
hot and cold flushes, mice her life mis-
erable. But Dr; Williams' Pink Pills
banish all this misery, because they till
the veins with rich, strong, healthy
blood which gives tone and strength to
every delicate organ. The case of Mrs.
Goo, Danby, of Tilbury, Ont., is one 'lf
the many that proves that no medicine
can compare with Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills in curing the ills of womankind.
Mrs. Danby says: "1 think Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills are a blessing to suffering wo-
men. For a long thn. I was a great suf-
ferer from the ailents that affect so many
of my sex. I was extremely nervous et
all times, suffered a great deal with
headaches and .indigestion. In fact, i
was in a thoroughly miserable condi-
tion when I began the use of Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills, but after taking them
a short time 1 began to improve, and,
through their further use, 1 am now
feeling like a new woman. I am sure
it all sick women would take Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills they would be convinc-
ed of the great good they can do."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can make
every ailing girl and suffering woman
h, the land strong and healthy if they
are given a fair trial. But great care
Must be takento see that you get the
genuine pills with the full name, "Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People,"
on the wrapper around each box. Sold
by all medicine dealers everywhere or
sent •by mail at 50c. a box, or six boxes
for $2.50, by writing The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
"Sir," he said, as he stalked into the
clergyman's study, "you are the man
who tied the knot,_ I believe."
"I beg' your pardon," said the clergy-
man, looking up from his sermon.
"You performed the marriage cere-
mony for me, didn't you?"
"Yes, certainly, Mr. Willings. What
may I ask—"
"Then you know what the rights of a
husband are?"
• "Why, yes, in a general way."
"And the rights of a wife?'
'Of course.'
"Well, now, sir, said the caller, draw-
ing a chair up to the clergyman's desk
and taking a seat, "has a wife a license
to torture her husband'?"
_�" "Certainly not.'
"1f she makes his life miserable he has
redress, of course?"
"Yes; but I should advise—' •
"Never mind your advice now. We'll
come to that later. My wife complains
that I don't shave often enough.'
"Oh, that's a small matter."
"Is it, sir? Is it? Just wait! I told
her that was my affair, and then she
taught the children to cry when I kissed
them, so that she could say that 'ray
rough chin hurt them."
"That hardly showed a Christian—"
"Wait a minute! Yesterday morning
I found them playing with a cylinder of
a broken music box. You know how
that seems to the touch?'
"Well, she'd taught them to call it
'papa's chin.'"
"Really, sir, I must admit—'7
"Wait till I'm finished. To -day one
of them got up on my knee, passed his
hand over my chin, and called it 'Papa's
music -box.' Now, sir, 1 ask of you ns
n Christian man and as the man who tied
the knot, what shall 1 do?"
"Get shaved," replied the clergyman,
softly, as he returned to his work.
Much of the worry . whicb every
mother of young children undergoes,
would be spared if the mother kept
Baby's Own Tablets on hand and gave
an occasional dose when the child was
fretful, cross or feverish. Nearly all the
ailments of childhood can be traced to
the stomach, bowels or teething. For
these troubles no medicine can equal
Baby's Own Tablets, and the motber
has the guarantee of a government
analyst that this medicine is absolutely
safe. Mrs. Kenneth McInnis, Lakefleld,
Ont., says:—"Baby'$ Own Tablets are a
perfect medicine in every way. There
will be no sickly children in the homes
Where they are used," Sold by all medi-
cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a
box by writing, The Dr. Williams Medi-
cine .Co., Brockville, Ont.
Son Had the instrument Under Dying
Father's Bed.
Alois Szabo, the son of a wealthy pea-
sant of Szegedin, Hungary, who diel
recently, has been arrested for forging
a will by means of a phonograph.
Shortly before the death of the .Sather,
the servants were called into his room
d heard a voice proceeding from the
otilied say. I levee all my property to my
eldest, son,. Alois, and my other children
are to get nothing."
As a verbal statement made by a tes-
tator, when on the point of death, in the
presence of Witnesses, constitutes a valid
will in Hungary, this disposition of the
peasant's 'property was upheld in the
A few days ago, however, Alois' mis-
tress, with whom he had quarreled, in-
formed the police that the voice the ser-
vents heard was not that of his father,
but that Alois had spoken the words into
phonograph. He had placed the instru-
ment under his father's bed, and when
the old man had lost consciousness
called the servants in and seti4 going.
J'he pollee searched his hhuse, and
found •',lie plonogfaph :record. as rte-
erribcd, Szabo le now to he 'ohorged
with fraud.
Free Gifts of Toilet
The Coupons are the same as cash because they can be exchanged for, Toilet Soaps'•
for which you have to pay out money every week;
for nothing._
Read circular in every package, or write us for Premium List.
A gift is of little value if it consists of something you have no use for.
In exchange for Sunlight Soap Coupons you can get something you need and use
every day.
Lever Brothers Limited. 7Corosstes, Canada
Over Five Millign Children are Getting
The number of Publis schools in Ja-
pan is at present 2,138, in which 5,-
084,099 children are taught by 108,360
teachers. Ninety-three and twenty-three
hundredths per cent. of all children ci.
school age go to these schools. In
1873 29 per cent, of school age children
went to the Public schools, in 1883 51
per cent., and . in 1.893 59 per cent. A
rapid increase in attendance is noted af-
ter the Chinese war. The percentage
of attendance of boys compared with
that of girls was 40 to 15 in 1873; the
difference now is only 7 per cent. The
attendance at the various commercial
and industrial schools was as follows:
In 1901, 36,000; in 1902, 95,000—i.e., only
e,000 less than the number in the inter-
mediate schools." The university for wo-
men held its commencement exercises
recently, 86 graduates receiving the so-
called academy diploma and 132 the un-
iversity diploma.
Some Year's Since He Used Them Now
and He Has Hat : Good Health Ever
Since — Story of Well -Known New
Brunswick . Man. •
Lower Windsor, Carleton Co., N. B.,
Feb 26—(Special).--"Yes, ` I have good
bealth ever since I used Dodd's Kidney
Fills." The speaker was Mr. T. H. Bel -
yea. postmaster here, and one of the
most highlyrespected men in this part
of the country. Asked to give his ex-
perience with the great Canadian Kid-
ner Remedy Mr. Belyea continued:
"I had been troubled with my kidneys
fora number of years. I tried several
kinds of plasters and other kinds t f
medicines, but did not seem to get any
lasting benefit. Hearing Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills so highly recommended I de-
cidled to try them and they made a
complete cure of me. That is two years
ago now and as I said before .l have had
good health ever since I used Dodd's
Kidney Pills."
Dodd's Kidney Pills cure once and for
all. There is no stage or form of Kid-
ney Disease that they do not cure com-
pletely and 'permanently.
This is the age of tall Queens and
small Kings. It is a curious fact that in
the case of nearly every Royal married
couple in Europe the wife is taller than
the husband. The Czar, who is consid-
erably below the average height of men,
is fully a head shorter than his beautiful
and majestic Czarina. The Kaiser, who
is a well -grown man, is, nevertheless,
overtopped by the German Empress.
King Victor Emmanuel of Italy scarcely
reaches up to •the shoulders of Queen
1-Ielena, who is an unusually tall woman,
while he is a diminutive man. King
Charles of Portugal is also over -topped
by his Queen, although he makes up m
rotundity of body what he lacks in.
height. _
It was a custom of the celebrated hum-
orist, Sydney Smith, to have the mern-
f.ers of his household assemble in his
study every morning for prayers, each
one taking part in reading the passage
of Scripture appointed for the day. One
morning, as- the reading proceeded, the
word patriarchs came in a verse that fell
to the turn of an Irish servant -maid,
who pronounced it partridges. Everyff
one present smiled except the famous
wit himself, Vol said nothing. until the
devotions were over, when he quietly
remarked to her.
"It was too bad of you, Mary, to
make game of the patriarchs."
If you would be classed as a good
fellow, all you have to do is applaud
your, tool friends.
„m.ac. wdal,arn.P1wy.:a,ammnm.+1.,/eA.•n,aw0(Gt •aeea�su
'f1 � �
f>'t' �
h G 5 1
k' • 1$0) 't tt11 i E O OrSO!'ip
ilvt, . • !F use y ds
fr, 191. 7h . c 1;e.tinaY +
' • mtAhilnSp 5atf•1 Only. In
"I'm tired of life! In fact, 1 wish 1
were dead!" sighed the despondent man.
"Then why don't you see a doctor?" re-
marked the cheerful idiot.
Their complete home cure. Post
free to readers of this paper.
For limited period only.
A handsome illustrated treatise, glv-
tog full description of Rheumatism and
Paralysis, with instructions for a com-
plete hone cure, describing the most
successful troatieent in the world, re-
commended by the Ministry and endors-
ndowed by medical men. This highly in-
structive book , was', written by W. H.
Veno, a gentleman who has made. a
study of these diseases. Tho preface is
by a -.graduate of the University of
Wurtzburg. Send postal to -day and
you will receive the book free by re.
Immo—Address, The Veno Drug Co., 241
King St., ,Wwt, Toronto.
Physician (looking into his anteroom.
where a number of patients are waiting)
• -"Who has been waiting the longest?"
Tailor (who has called to present his
bill) -9 have doctor. I delivered the
clothes to you three years ago."
Many patent medicines have come and
cone, but Pickle's Anti -Consumptive
yrup continues to occupy 'a foremost
place among remedies for coughs and
Colds, and as a preventive of decay of
the lungs. It is a standard medicine
that widens its sphere ol usefulness
year by year. If you are in need of
something to rid yourself of a cough
or cold, you cannot do better than try
Sickle's Syrup.
"Do you. favor the idea of the whip-
ping -post for wife -beaters?" "No, suh,"
answered Mrs. Euphemia Goober.
"While I can hassle a mop, slick or a
flat iron 111 'ten' to dat job myself. Den
Pi: know it's done right."
Will It stay where you put it? Ob, yes
"'rhe D Jt L" Menthol Plaster will, and it will
quickly cure rheumatic pain, lumbago, sciatica,
face ache neuralgia, etc
He entered the drawing -room and
seated himself on the green sofa just as
he had been doing three nights each
week for the last eight years. "Speaking
of science," he yawned, "1 see some pro-
fessor says the world will last 100,000,-
000 years longer." "I am so glad'" she
exclaimed. "Why so?" "You will yet
have time to propose!"
It Keeps the Muscles Pliant.—Men
given to muscular sports and exercises
end .those who suffer muscular pains
from bicycle riding will And Dr. Thom-
as' Ecicctric Oil something worth try -
Ing. As a lubricant it will keep the
muscles pliable and free from pains
which often follois constant use of
them, without softening them or im-
pairing their strength. For bruises,
sprains and contusions it is without a
A. Few Simple Rules by Which Yon
Can Reveal Nature.
Palmistry is divided into two branches
---chirognomy, the study of character
by the general shape and proportions
of the hand, and the older, chiromancy,
the reading of the lines and surfaces of
the palm.
That the hand indicates the character
is a n'atter of every -day experience.
though some doubt the relation of the
various lines to the events of one's life
despite most convincing evidence to the
To read characteristics in the hand is
not a difficult matter, and the study is
interesting and profitable. Here are the
principal types:—
Large hands are the hands of people
fond of very fine work, or intent upon
the minutae of life; they generally write
a small hand; are great sticklers for eti-
quette; are easily offended by little
breaches of courtesy.
Small hands show the opposite. Their
owners write a large hand, look at
things in a broad, quickly satisfied man-
ner, are easily pleased and slowly
offended, are not fond of delicate work,
and prefer the bustle of life to its smaller
duties. •
The soft hand is that of the poetic
temperament, one ruled by imagination,
nerves or the senses. Hence it is more
frequently a woman's hand.
If soft to flabbiness these characteris-
tics are increased till they become lazi-
ness, selfishness, heartlessness. These
are often the hands of the traitor and
The hard hand denotes a practical and
generally imaginative nature. If the
hardness is not exaggerated it is the
sign of a straightforward disposition,
fond of activity and even hard work.
An exceedingly hard hand will show
lack of intelligence, brutality and indif-
ference to pain in others as well as In
one's self.
If the palm is thin, skinny and nar-
row it indicates timidity, meanness and
poverty of intellect; also a lack ` of
A very thick palm, in fa soft hand,
sensuality, material instincts, over -con,
fldence and selfishness.
A vary thick palm in a hard hand with
short fingers is that of the 'Unskilled, lin-
ambitious laborer; with a bad thumb
the brutal criminal.
A very hollow paint invariably denotes
failure in life.
What joy one .little baby. brings!
When' he his nightly squall begins,
You hug him to your breast and bless
Your lucky stars he isn't twins.
Nature . Revolts Against High Living
and it has set its seal to it by adding to
man's ailments the scourge of diabetes.
Eminent medical men until recently pro-
claimed it a "no cure" disease, but South
American Kidney Cure has knocked
down`'their pet fallacy and has proved
itself master of kidney disease in all its
forms. Belief in 6 hours. -110.
"It's a, great thing to be single."
"We bachelors realize that."
"But not as a married man does."
naught Neap 11 better Sass Omer seapa,
but is best whoa used in tho Sunlight way.
Buy lhodight Beep sad fallow direction&
_ Once in a while the man who is too
lazy to work poses as a reformer.
Not a Nauseating Pill.—The excipient
of a pill is the substance which enfolds
tne ingredients and makes up the pill
mass. That of Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills is so compounded as to preserve
their moisture, and they can be carried
into any latitude without impairing;
their strength. Many pills, in order to
keep them from adhering. are rolled in
powders, which. prove nauseating to the
taste. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are
so prepared that they are agreeable to
the most delicate, -
He Is a Total Abstainer and Also a Foe
of Tobacco.
France's new President, M. Fallieres,
differs from all his predecessors in office
in that he is not only a total abstainer
but also a foe of tobacco. President
Loubet loves his pipe, as did the late
President Faure. But Fallieres is -averse
to tobacco in any shape or form, and,
while he makes excellent wine, which
he sells end gives away, he never
drinks. Ori the other hand, he is pas-
sionately fond of music, for which Lou -
bet has as little ear as had Faure,
Grevy, Marshal MacMahon and Thiers.
Ile isas good a shot as President Loubet,
and an infinitely better one than poor
President Fallieres, who is an agnos-
tic, is deeply attached to his umbrella,
which accompanies him on all and every
occasion, and which will from now on
become a favorite subject for French
political caricaturists. The only other
ruler who this ever been given to um-
brellas was King Louis Philippe, who
was rarely seen without one, and •n
whose hands it took the place of both.
sceptre and sword. Yet, in spite of this
analogy of tastes, it was Fallieres who,
as. Premier, was responsible for the ex-
pulsion from France of King Louis Phi-
lippe's grandson, the late Count of Paris,
and of the Duke of Orleans.
M. Fallieres is married, and the couple
have two children, a son practising ut
rile Paris bar, and an unmarried daugh-
ter. Madame Fallieres is described as
"kindness personified. The worthy lady
is a pattern housekeeper, and it is even
said that she is not above paying an
occasional visit to the 'nearest market.
She is extremely charitable." M. Fal-
lieres has always been extremely acces-
sible to callers, is well known for his
hospitality, and, altogether, has the mak-
ing of as capable and popular a Presi-
dent as M. Loubet has shown himself
during his seven years' term of office.
A College Man's Experience.
"MI through my high school course
and first year in college," writes an am-
bitious young man, "I struggled with my
studies on a diet of greasy, pasty foods,
being especially fond of cakes and fried
things. My system got into a state of
general disorder and it was difficult for
me to apply myself to school work with
any degree of satisfaction. I tried differ-
ent medicines and food preparations
but did not seem able to correct the diffi-
"Then my attention was called to
Grape -Nuts food and I sampled it. I had
to do something, so I justbuckleddown
to a rigid observance of the directions on
the package, and in less than no time
began to feel better. In a few weeks
my strength was restored, my weight
had increased, I had a clearer head and
felt better .in every particular. My work
was simply sport to what it was for-
"My sister's health was badly run
down and she had beeome so nervous
that she could not attend to her music.
She went on Grape -Nuts and had the
salve remarkable experience that I had,
Then my brother, Frank, who is in the
postoftice 'department at Washington
city and had been trying to do brain
work on greasy foods, cakes and all
that, joined the Grape -Nuts army. I
showed him what it was and Could do
and from a broken-down condition ile
has developed into a hearty, and efficient
".Besides these 1 could give account of
numbers of my fellow' -students who have
made vi visible improvement
mentally and
physically by the use of this feed "
Name given by Postum Co,, Battle
Creels, Mlclt.
There's a reason.• dead the little bppo
"The Read to Wellville," iia. pkga, e.
'TEA because it is tightly sealed in lead packets, not lying about Bass:'
Like ordinary bulk teas. BLUE R iBBON is carefully v, atched iron
11 PLANTATION TO HOME and pleases all.
"Oshawa" Steel Shingles
J.✓o ✓,.st„
w�iyhL,ia4iJv� '
uiYtV;:OI 'Ye ,.,1617e .4-0e, 0.,,., I..F,Yci,, ry
.vUrsq,+virs vtivvoduvv v:W :agrfWft4e�r ��/'UvOalarsutlY414.d1a�Lrhn:,b+Ptviji as"
Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying from $2.85 to *5.10
per hundred square feet covering measure. This is the most desirable cov-
ering on the market, and Is an ideal covering for Houses, Barns, Stores, Ele-
vators, Churches, ete. Any handy man can lay the "OSHAWA” shingles. A.
hammer.and snips are the only tools required. ,.
We are the largest and oldest company of the kind under the British
flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada,
making them
We also maunfacture 'Corrugated Iron In long ;'sheets, Conductor Pipe and
METAL SIDING, in imitation of brick or stone.
METAL CEILINGS, in 2,000 designs.
Write for Catalogue No. 14R and free samples of "OSHAWA" .shingles. Write
to -day. -
'1'SNi 3E13E37:1L.4113EG CO Imarailial,
NIBNTAEAL, QUE. OTTAWA, ONT. TOa0NT0, 011T. LONDON, CIT, 11/11431 ,102. VANOSUY! , R.e.
7070ral% at. 423 Sussex at. 11 dolearne at SO Ouatat St. 70 L,mlard It. SS render 01.
Wiuts You* luteus, Or Ica.
Head Office and Works, • • • Oshawa, Oat.. Canada
In Western Canada L7isem bl
ed lands it
Saskatchewan, only 8 miles from two railways, C.P.E 1i G.T.P.
Strong soil, 00 per cent. plough lard, sprig creek, no sloughs
About W miles N.B. of Iatha,n Rea. • Price 010,110 per acre.
Write for map and felt particulars
R. PARSONS, in Wellesley Street, Toronto, Canada.
"Bliggins' wife thinks he is the great-
est man in the world."
"Yes. That's very pretty and proper.
The only trouble is that she is getting
Bliggins to think so, too."
10 fitting boots and shoes cause
corns. Holloway's Corn Cure is the
article to use. Get a bottle at ones
and cure your corns.
First Surgeon—"And the operation was
performed just in time?" Second Sur-
geon—"Yes; in another day the patient
would have recovered without it."
Eczema Relieved in a Day.—Dr. Ag-
new's Ointment will cure this,rdisgust-
ing skin disease without fail. It will
also cure Barber's Itch, Tetter, Salt
Rheum, and all skin eruptions. In from
three to six nights it will cure Blind,
Bleeding, and itching Piles. One appli-
cation brings comfort to the most irri-
tating cases. 35 cents. -111.
"Now .that our engagement's off, Mr.
Jones, here's the ring." "You may keep
it on one condition Miss Smith." "What's
that?" "That you keep up the payments
on it."
Allen's Lung Balsam, free from narcotics, is
never more useful than when it rids the children
of cold and saves the mother's auxiety. It
makes a friend of everyone who uses it.
Uncle—"Ilow do you like your em-
ployer?" Tommy—"I tink he's bigoted."
Uncle—"Ill what way;" Tommy —
"Well, he tinks dal words oughter to
be spelt his way all de time."
Indigestion Can't Stay where Dr. Von
Stan's Pineapple Tablets are arrayed
against it. 'Phomas Smith, of Dover,
Ont., says : "I am delighted with them
—from. almost the First using I have been
entirely relieved of the pains of indiges-
tion -1 have the greatest confidence in
the Tablets and heartily recommend
them to any and every sufferer from
stomach troubles." 35 cents.J112.
An old gentleman, on taking his first
sea trip in rather a leaky vessel, observ-
ed the men working the pumps. "Dear
me," he said, "I did not know you had
a well on board, Captain; but I'm really
very glad you have, for I detest sea
Bow to Cleanse the System Parme-
lee's Vegetable Pills are the result ol
scientific study of the effects of ex-
tracts of certain roots and herbs upon
the digestive organs. Their use has
demonstrated in many instances that
they regulate the action of the liver
and the kidneys; purity the blood, and
carry off all morbid accumulations
from the system. They are easy to
take and their action is mild and bene-
"Is Ibis really a camel's hair brush,
mamma?" "Yes dear," "Funny! 1
don't see how a camel can ever brush
its hair with that thing."
Physical Pain and mental anguish afflict the
victims of skin disoaaee. Got rid of both by rub-
bing Werver's Cerate on the heated, itching, die-
figured face. The relief given is among the
Wonders of medicine
Among the Padaungs from the Karen-
ni and Shan Stales, recently inspected
by the Prince and Princess of Wales.
the swan neck is esteemed so great a
mark of beauty that extraordinary pains
are taken to acquire it. As early as pos-
sible in the life of the female infant,
brass rods, about a third of an inch in
diameter, are eoiled around the neck and
are added to periodically so as t0 keep
the neck in a Constant state of tension.
The longer the neck the greater the
beauty, and some of the Padaungs
carried from twenty to twenty-five
Child (afraid of the dark) -Mother, wfill
you p-pleoot coupe sun" Whitt the wIn-
dory? ,
sr`t oftat3i` (downstairs) -1 dtd shut It;
a.hldd--W"IVdll, CC0Ute $Les' Open it.
Rheumatism Cured.
Why do*you suffer—Stare's Magic Rheumatism
Care will: relieve the worst cases of acute;
chronic, or inflammatory .rheumatism in 24
boars, Every butt's has a p:-:-e.,guar nttei
to cure. hundreds of mare • .i 'curse have
been made in all parte of Canada. If your
druggist cannot give you Starr's, take no other,
send direct to us, 0. 0) per bottle.
Osborne Remedy Ca, 175Vengs St,Toreeto, Oat
Send for our list of mixed farms, 10 -acre fruit
lots,.^town lots, in the South Okanagan and
Similkameen Valleys, stating particularly what
you want, bud we will and something to suit you.
land all prices. Get in in advance of the ucw
railways. Climate not to be excelled. Locations
for homes on beautiful lakes and rivers.
Penticton, Okanagan Lake, British Columbia
Before buying write us, or see our
agent near you, for prices. We havia
the largest stock of fruit trees to be
found in Canada. We pay the freight.
,Brown Brothers Company,
Nurserymen, Limited,
Brown's Nurseries, Ont. - --/
in any form and cold perspiring feet positive'
cured within 80 days, by our newly patented
Magnetic Dies or money promptly refunded.
tia:-ed anywhere 31.01. Write for descriptive
Cookies. Agents wanted. MAGNETIC ltkticlJ-
k&ATISM CURE CO., Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
Western Canada Land Co
P. O. BOX 33.
'Brandon, Man.
Improved farms' and unimproved
wheat and ranch lands, wholesale, erld,.-•-
retail, in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Al
berta and fruit lands in Southern Oka-
nagan Valley, B. C.,
Wheat lands on Saskatchewan Plains
at $7.10 per acre, easy terms till June-
lst to make selections, the finest 'wheat'.
Homesteadsdsinthe located, Selections made.'
Write or call for any information de:
Ellen—"Thercrs one thing that doesn't
suit me about this engagement" Eva-
—"What is it?" Ellen—"Tom didn't
have to go up to town for this engage-
ment -ring. He simpily went up to his
room for it."
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Fall and Winter weather. They will
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