HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-3-1, Page 7LET
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Convincing Proof Tbat Curb Was Permanent—in Five Years
the Patient Has Had no. Relapse ---Facts in a Remark..
able Case Substantiated by Sworn Statements
• Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are not a vilie, where he made the fallowing
patent medicine, but the prescription c.f statement:
' a physician, placed on sale with full "Before 1 began taldng Dr, Williams`
directions for use under a trade marls Pink Pills I had been treated for a tang
that is a guarantee of their genuineness time by my home doctor who pronouns-
to every purohaser. They contain no ed . my trouble creeping paralysis.. I
stimulant, opiate or,riarcotic, and while always believed that to be ray trouble
they have cured thousands have never and I dq yet believe so. 1 had also spent
injured- anybody. To show that cures five weeks in the University Ilospitaa m
effected by this remedy are really per- Philadelphia without the treatment bene-
manent and lasting we recently roves fitting me and had returned home to
ligated the case of Mr, Frank A. Means, die. 1 began taking Dr. Williams' Piiik
of Reedsville, Mifflin _County, Pa. Mr. Pills- in 1897, but did not give a state -
Means has been an. elder in the Heeds- trent of my ease for publication until
ville Presbyterian olturch for many 1 was sure that I was cured. After ; e-
¢' years as "county commissioner and as turning from the hospital 1 did not tette
school director for nine years. Ile any other medicine for my trouble and
was afflicted with creeping paralysis, I owe it to Dr. Williams' Pinlc Pills and
losing the entire use of the lower hall to them alone that I ant able to be about
of his body, and for a year was a help- to -day. Since my cure, as related in
Mess invalid, confined to his bed with my statement on April 17, 1001, I have
no power or feeling in either leg, and never suffered any relepse nor had o0-
physicians had given him up as hope casion to employ a physician except for
less. Mr. Means was cured by Dr. Wil- minor troubles such as coughs, colds,
t ?shams' Pink Pills and his tesimonial was etc.. I endorse Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
iprinted five years ago as follows: as fully and heartily to -day as I did five
k l "I had the grip for four winters and years Si ago."
t' as a result my nerves broke down. i Suscribed sand sworn to before me
lost the entire use of the lower half of this 22nd day of January, 1906.
Justice of the Peace.
• 7c tyn'y body. My stomach, liver, kidneys,
c to 7c, „theart and head were never affected, but
geese, the paralyzed condition of the lower
r choice li
or the bowels. Foryaawhole year bladder
Ilaya n
f4bed perfectly helpless with no power in
- either limb and the feeling gone so that
,I couldn't feel a pin run into my legs
Fat all. I couldn't turn over in bed
without help...` R,move me a pulley was
igged up on the ceiling and a windlass
on the floor.
"During two years of my affliction I
ad six different doctors, but none of
*' hem gave ma 'relief. A specialist from
r. hiladelphia treated me for three
onths, but he was no benefit to me.
hese doctors gave me up and said it
as only a question of a few weeks
d.th me as nothing more could be
one. After . the physicians had given
E up, a friend sent me a phamplet
cntahning statements of two men who
ad been..afilicted something like me,
nd who had beencured by the use of
r. Williams' Piek Pills. I began take -
g them at once and although my im-
roverrient was slow it was certain.
low I can walk most of the time with-
'9eac to 'but a cane and everybody around here
Maks it is a, miracle that I can 'get
No.c. as I do. Yourpills ills. have certain-
--r >Iy•been- God -send to me. Within
&stents, the last thiee y ers 1 have answered
to $4: 'dozens of letters fiore invalid who had
O ' $4.50; heard of my case ande who asked" inc
in bags, , -if it was true that I had been cured by
7..75. , ;;Dr. Williams Pink Pills. I have told
gs, $19; ? ;them all that this remedy cured me and
in bulk ;I' am glad of this opportunity of telling
mouille, ' :cutout my case so that others may find
Ile, $25 relief as I have done."
Signed, F. A. MEANS.
• Subscribed and sworn to before , me
this 17th day of April, 1901.
75c per
c out of
k, and
as taken
ssible `10
1..1 tin
o $6 for
ton for
an iii.
r feeling
No. 4
o $1.95
2 $7 to
to 18e,
.to 13c.
o $1.70
90e lo
65e to
13c 10
to 9c;
" Notary Public..
One day recently Me. Means was ede-
fted at his handsome home overlooking
.the valley of Honey Creek, near Reeds -
Justice Kohler, of Reedsville, before
whom the atildavit was made, volun-
tarily gave and signed the following
"I have personally known Mr.. Frank
A Means dor the past forty-five years
and know that any statement he makes
is entirely reliable. I personally visited
hila when he was confined to bed and
utterly helpless. I now see him daily
and lcnow him to be in as good health
as most men of his age."
Mr. Daniel W. Reynolds, postmaster at
Reedsville, Pa., stated that he had re-
ceived many inquiries from all parts of
the country concerning Mr. Means'
marvellous cure, and he cheerfully ad-
ded his confirmation of the truth as
"1 certify that the facts stated in the
testimonial of Mr. Frank Means are ab-
solutely true. I knew. him when he was
unable to move . and I see him every
day now on : the streets and in my of-
Here is evidence that must convince
the most skeptical. .• But because many
of the cures accomplished by Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills are so marvellous as
to challenge belief, the following offer
is made:
85000 1 UWARD — The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Company will pay the sum of
Five Thousand Dollars for proof of
fraud on its part in the publication of
..the foregoing testimonial.
No sufferer from paralysis, locomotor
ataxia, St. Vitus' dance or any of the
lesser nervous disorders can afford to
longer neglect to try Dr. Williams'
Fink Pills, the great blood builder and
nerve tonic. Sold by all druggists or
sent by mail on receipt of price, L0
cents per box; six boxes for $2.50, by
the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
Young « Policeman (running ins Old Oi-
fendei)--Mind that step there '
Old Offender (scornfully) Garn wi'
yell I knowed these 'ere steps afore
you was born." •
0; Am -
an cut ries half the nig
The baby that C night
e lard,does not cry for nothing. It cries be-
cause it is not well, and the. chances
arc the trouble is•due to same derange-
tD xnent of the stomach of bowels, • which.
ountrr oir
would be speedily -removed if a dose
5 slid o. Baby s Own Tablets were given the
+ little one. • These tablets make children
sleep soundly and naturally, because
they remotes the cause of crossness and"
wakefulness: They are a blessing teethe
little one, and bring relief to the tired
worried mother, Mrs. A. C. Abbott,
our - Hudson's }leights, Que., says:--- "1 have
No. 1 found Baby's Own Tablets a splendid
offer- medicine for stomach • and bowel trou-
c; No.
1o. 2
'ted at
0.41 tt� .
dpi rt
in. A
5' per
to '1f.
hies, from which my little one was trou-
bled. Thanks to the relief" the Tablets
have given my baby"fiow sleeps quietly
teed naturally, and is in the best, of
•health,' And the Tablets are absolute -
1y: safe --they always do good -they can-
-riot: possibly do harm, They will cure
the ailments of a' new-born baby or a
roll -grown child. 25Sold by ,druggists,
a sent by mail at cents. a box by
writing; The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,,
Brockville, Ont.
'goodmany people find it easier to
sir' "f. ant thine, 0 Lord," whein they,
have left their purses at home in an.
ether pocket.
Long ago, when inscriptions upon
tombstones and memorial tablets con-
stituted a larger portion of the literature
of the time thanthey do at present, they
gave expression to sentiments, which
to -day • seem out of . place. The author
of "Princess and Pilgrim" gives an epi-
taph from Winchester Cathedral that Is
characteristic of its day. In reading it
one will realize the changes that have
taken place during the last century and
a half.
IN Memory of
a •grenadier in the North Reg. cif Hants
Militia, who died of a violent Fever con-
tracted by drinking Small Beer wizen
hot, the 12th of May, 1761. Aged'26 years.
In grateful remembrance of whose
universal good will toward his Com-
rades, this Ston is.
Stoneplaced here at Their
expense, as a small testimony of their
regard and concern.
Hera sleeps in peace a Hampshire
Who caught his death by drinking
cold small Beer,
Soldiers, .be wise from his untimely
And when yere hot, drink strong or
not at all,
'fills memorial being decayed, was re-
stored by the Officers of the Garrison,
A,D., 1789.,
An Honest soldier never is forgot
Whether he died by Musket or by Pot.
This stone was placed: by the .North
Hants Militia when disembodied at Win-
chester on 26th April, 1802, in oonse
quence of the original stone being de-
One dell readily see how muchin
toncU Is attached to thc solem1 warning
conveyed by the untimely take of
Thomas, since the original . stone has
been tweet replaced by a'new one.
In the, Iaitbend of London there has
recently been opened a public -house of
a' distinctly novel' sort, for .there it is
not possible to purehaso Moro than a
qun,rtcr of a pint of ale at one, time, and
with quarter of a pint a ; andwielr-•dust
be token. Moreover, the purchaser of
the hn.lfpenny sanckwic:ll end the questar
pint of drink i., only-allowetl to remain
m the bar a sufttcicnt tilde for the eon-
8umptfon; his further Oilers are refttsod
end lie may not loiter on the ptclnfses.
Clothes washed by Sunlight. Soap
are, cleaner and whiter than if washed
in any other way.
Chemicals in soap may remove the
dirt but always injure the fabric.
Sunlight Soap will not injure
the most dainty lace or the
,; hands that use it, because it is
absolutely pure and contains no
injurious chemicals.
Sunlight Soap should always
be used as directed. No boiling
or hard rubbing is necessary.
Sunlight Soap is better than.
other soap, but is best when
used in the Sunlight way.
Equally good with hard or
soft Water
$5f to an000 fleWArtyo wpersonl l ne para
proves that Sunlight Soap contains
any injurious ohemieais or any form
of adulteration.
r59 Lever Brothers Limited, Toriontea
"What makes Pecic look so worried?'
"He's been contesting his -wife's will."
"Why, I didn't know his wife was dead."
"'That's just it --she isn't.
It is easier to prevent than it is to
cure. Inaatumattou of the lungs is the
companion of neglected colds, and once
it hinds a lodgement in the system it is
difficult to deal with. Treatment with
Bickie's Anti -Consumptive Syrup will
eradicate the cold and prevent iniiarn-
me.tioa frosts setting in. It costs tit,
tle, turd Is as satisfactory as it is sur-
prising in its results.
Bifferley: "When you and your wife.
were first- married you used to call each
other 'birdie,' didn't you?" M'Swat :
"Yes." "Da you still do it?" "Well, 1
call her a parrot and a magpie, and she
usually refers to me as a jay,"
,. The U do L " flenthot Misters are marv4'h
bons in their quick action when applied to lease
acks or stiff rheumatic muscles or Joints- They
give immediate relief.
"His attentions to . you have been
marked, have they not?" said the young
woman's experienced friend. "Oh, yes.
IIe -has hover taken the price ticket off
any of his presents."
"They Sell. Well" says Druggist O'Dell
o� Truro,'"N.S. Want any better evi-
dence of the real merit, of Dr. Von
Stan's Pineapple Tablets as a cure for
011 forms of stomach trouble than that
they're in such great demand? Not a
nauseous dose that remakes one's very
Insides rebel—but pleasant, quick and
harmless --a tiny tablet to -carry in your
pocket. 35 cents. -104.
Mrs., Smith: "Flad your daughter a
-pleasant voyager' Mrs: • Newrieh: "Yes,
but they must have had an accident.
She wrote theybanded on Terra Firma,
and 1 know the boat was bound for
A Sonali Pill, but Powerful.—They
that judge of the powers of a pill by
its size, would • consider Parmelee's
Vegetable Pills to be lacking. It is a
little woinderam.on pills. What it
lacks in size it snakes up in pointy -
The remedies which it carries aro put
up in these small doses, because they
are so powerful that only small doses
are required. The full strength of the
extracts is secured in this form and do
their work thoroughlyr
A Scottish .lady who wanted a servant
so badly that she hurriedly took ono
without a recommendation happened one
day to look into a book ;which belonged
to the girl, and immediately thereafter
went to her with some uneasiness ex-
pressed in her fare. "Is• this your book,
Sarah?" she asked, "Yis, mum." "•How
is this, then? When you, came you told
me your name was Sarali Brown;, but.
here in this book is the name, 'Bridget
M'Ginty.' "It's all roight, mum,". said
the girl; "that's me nondy plume."
"Ever have experience with hold-up
`sOnce." a
Sand bag or.pistol-
"Neither. Village Topics."
He: "If you loved me, why did you at
first refuse me?" She: "1 wanted to see,
how you would act." "But I might have
rushed off without waiting for an expla-
nation." "I'd locked the door."
Holloway's Corn Cure Is a spectle for
the . removal of corns and warts. We
have never heard of its falling- to re-
move even the worst kind.
Postmaster. Lee Looks Ten Years Youn-
ger Than His Seventy -Six Years and
.Oe Gives the Credit to the Great
Canadian Kidney nenicdy,
Tabucintae; Cumberland Co., N. 13.,
F eby. 10—(Special).—Horatio J. Lee,
]postmaster here, is now' in his 'seventy-
:sixth year, bat ,so bright and healthy
does he look add so energetic is he in
hie movements that he would easily pass
for ten years younger.
"How clo I keepyoung looking," the
postmaster says, "Well 1 attribute It
] ostltl , a
largely to my good health and my
health is ' mainly due to the use of
Oocld's Kidney Pills.
"1 first learned the value of . this Kid-
ney Remedy some years ago. 1 was
thele suffering from Kidney Dis@ase. My
feet and legs swelled and 1 bad to rise
eight or ten tinges in the night becanse
of urinary troubles. ',Six boxes of
Dodd'S .ltidne;y Pills restored .my health
at that bine and 1 have used 'them at
intervals slam.
"Po anyone afflicted with Kidney Trou-
ble 1say, Dodd s Kidney Pills are lull
'try,. thele and yeti will be sure
to Grid a benefit,"
"'there's just two things that break up
most homes," observed a philosopher.
"What's them?" inquired a listener.
"Woman's love for dry goods an' man's
love for wet goods, b'goshi'
Dropsy and. Heart. Disease.—"For ten
years I suffered greatly from Heart Dis-
ease. Fluttering of the Heart and Smo-
thering Spells made my life a torment.
Dropsy set ill. My physician told isle
Lo prepare for the worst. I tried Dr.
Agnew's Cure, for the eart. One dose
gave relief, one bottle cured me com-
pletely."—Mrs. James Adams, Syracuse,
„, ,
That's what any woman is after a .hot cup of fragrant
It chases away that old tired fe ling and fills her with • new life.
So DeficioUs too,
Only one best tea. BLUE RIBBON'S IT.
"Why are you burning our old love
letters, Adolph, dear?" "I've just made
my ;will. I don't want it contested on
grounds of feeble intellect."
Overworked Persons, either mentally or
physically, should try 'rerrovfm," the world
renowned norre and blood tonic and they will
quickly recover strength and health.
Life's outgo makes its increase.
Sacrifice sanctifies any service.
Sin is setting appetite before author-
ity. i
Deceit is the poorest kind of dip
Gold on the heart does not 'Make the
golden heart.
'-Ilaste to be rich makes waste of the
real riches.
Every duty neglected is the loss of
something divine. .
At times of revival it is easy to mis-
take racket for resubts.
Verbal virtues are blown away on
the first wired of persecution.
He who is in &'Tlurry to be wise is apt
to succeed in being foolish.
The most mistaken endeavor and
fervor is better than sleek apathy and
" Oshawa " Steel Shingles
�i1 :tri
They are making . the least out of.
life who are ever thinking of what thek.
can make.
He who is too busy ,to listen to the,
voice of a child, is likely to miss the
voice of his lord.
The feet of men are not kept in the
path of right by the light of brilliant
thoughts alone.
The heretic hunter thinks that the cut -
Ling of many thistles will create at least
a few roses.
Not he who has no weakness is the
strong man, but ho ,who makes them
serve his strength.
• The•best cure for the blues is to stop
thinking of yourself and begin plan-
ning happiness for others.
How would the men who are going
to heaven on their wives' religion look
wearing their wives' wings?
Too many Christian . soldiers expect
to become warriors by hearing others
lecture on the manual of arms.
Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying from $2.85 to $5,10
per hundred square feet covering measure, This is the most desieable cov-
ering on the market, and is an ideal covering for Houses, Barns, Stores; Ele-
vators, Churches, etc. Any handy man can lay the "OSHAWA" shingles: A
hammer and snips are the only tools required.
We are the largest and oldest company of the kind under the British
flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada,
malting them
We also matenfacture Corrugated Iron in long sheets, Conductor Pipe and
METAL SIDING, in imitation of brick or stone.
METAL CEILINGS, In 2,000 designs. Write
Write for Catalogue No. 1413 ,<' and free samples of OSHAWA„ Shingles.
to -day. -
M`0 TREAL UE. OTTAWA, Olit TOSOOlO, 014T. 1.014000, 007, 9/1111ikl0EO, VANCOUVER, O.M.
787 Craig St. 423 Sussex $t, 11 Colborne 61 OS Dundee St, 70 Lotabard St. 615 Ponder St.
Wit=TX Youa NE RST Oralca.
Head Office and Works, -
Oshawa, Ont., Canada
n Western ifi Yui isd,&,T ed lands1 iss
Saskatchewan, only 8 miles from two railways, C.P.B. Qc GF.7 P.
Strong soil, 90 per cent. plough land, spring creek, no sloughs.
About 4o miles N.B. of Indian Bead. Pnoe 110.50 per acre.
Write for map and fall particulars,
R. PARSONS, 9s Wellesley Street, Toronto, Canada,
-She—"Wouldou call a man's failure
to support his wife a misdemeanor?"
He (a. young lowyer)—'-`No, it would ne
a mrsdemeanor.'
Tearing Down Siy,nafs does not delay storms.
Opium -laden "medesinee ” do pot cure. Whet
you begin to cough take Allen's Lusts Balsam,
Free from opium, full of healing power.
"It I had a bad, aching tooth like you,
Tommy, I should have it out without
''Tbc More Postern the More Food—the
More Coffee . the Moro Poison.
The Pres. of the W. C. T. U. in a
young giant state in the Northwest
";I did not realize that I was a slave
to coffee till I left off drinking it. Poe -
three or four years I was obliged to take
a nerve tonic every day. Now I am
tree, thanks to Postum Food Coffee.
"After finding out what coffee will do
to 115 victims, I could hardly stand to
have my husband drink it; but he was
not, villin;; to quit. I studied for months
to find a way to induce him to leave it
Finally �� teal hint
off. y f ,o fl a 1 .would make
no more coffee.
"I got Postum I''oocl Coffee, and made:
it strong—boiled it the required time,
and had him read the little book 'The
Road to Wellville,' Haat comes in every
"Today Poslum has no stronger ad-
vocate than my hnshandt (Te.etells cur
Wench; how to make it, and that he got
through the winter without a spell of
the grip and hos not had a. headache
for months—he aced to be subject to
frequent nervous headaches.
"The stronger you drink Postum the
more food you. get; the stronger yeti
drink coffee the mare poison you get.
Natrie given. by Posture Co., 1".";.attie
Creek, Mich.
There's a reason,
delay." "So would I' if mine were made
to come out like yours."
They are. Caietvlly Prepared. --Pills
which dissipate
themselves in the st
. tl
each cannot be expected to have much
effect upon the intestines, and to over-
come costiveness the medicine adminis-
tered must influence the action of these
canals. IParmelee's VegetablePills are
so mads, uncle: the supervision of ex-
perts, that the substance in theist in-
tended to operate on the intestines is
through the stomia:h on ton
the bowels.ASS
Said the lecturer—"The roads up these
mountains are too steep and rocky for
even a donkey to climb; therefore I did
not attempt the ascent."
Nurse's Good Words."I am a profes-
sional nurse," writes Mrs. Eisner, Hall -
fax, N.S. "I was a great sufferer from
rheumatism—almost constant associa-
tion with best physicians I had every
chance of a cure if it were in their pow-
er—but they failed. South American
Rheumatic Cure was recommended—to-
day my six years of pain seem as a
dream. Two bottles cured me. --106
The bass drum does not make much
good music, but it often drowns a. lot
of bad.
A. Time for Everything.—The time for
Dr. Thomas' . Eclectric Oil is ..when
croupy synceptoms appear in, the child-
ren; when s rheunmatic pains beset the
old; when lumbago, asthma, coughs,
colds, catarrh or earache attack either
young or old; when burns, scalds, abra-
sions, contusions or sprains come to
any member of the fancily. In any of
these ailments it will give relief and
work -a euro
Scads—"You say he left no money?"
Baggs—"No. You see he last his health
getting wealthy, and then lost his wealth
trying to get healthy."
Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps,
but is best when need in the Sunlight way.
Buy Sunlight Soap _and follow directions. .
A lawyer, whose eloquence was of the
spread-eagle sort, was addressing the
jury at great length, and his legal oppo-
nent, growing weary, went outside to
"Mr. Blinks is Malting a great speech,"
said a countryman to the bored counsel.
"Ohl yes, Mr. Blinke always snakes s,
great speech. If you or.I had occasion
to announce that two and two make four,
we'd be just fools enough to blurt it
'right out. Not so Air, I3linke, He would
"`If by that particular arithmetical
rule known as addition we desired to
arrive at the sum oOwe integers added
to two Integers we should find—and 1
assert this boldly, sir, and without the
fear of successful contradiction—we, I
repeat, , should find by the particular
arithmetical formula before mentioned ---
and, sir, b hold myself perfectly respon-
sible for the assertion 1 ani about to
rdake•--tatthe sum of the two given
integer added tet the other two integers
would be 101111'
p OR SALE Best, cheapest and nicest
located stock farm in the United
States; has a beautiful water front, and
.ontains 800 acres. SAMUEL P. W000'
COCK, Salisbury, Md.
Farman anted as
Land t;gents.
Farmers wanted ai3 over Canada as
agents for Western Canada lands; all
selected lands; liberal iomraission. 'Ad-
"Farm Lands," dress ,.,�
Wolski, an. Austrian experimenter, has
recently patented a process of liquefy-
ing; natural gas, which, It 13 reported,
has been sueeessfully employed it the
Karpathian oil -fields. The liquid can
a e or r s . or
, or star tan
bc, solely kept. f EI p
tation In ordinary soda -water siphons.
Among the uses suggested for liquefied
natural gas are the lighting of isolated
houses and the driving of MIMI entre
gines and motors.
Winnipeg, Man.
hi any form and cold perspiring feet positive'?
sired within 80 days, by our newly patented.
Yiagitetic Discs. or money promptly refunded..
Yarned anywhere 31.00. Wnte for descriptive
Booklet. Agents wanted.. -MAGNETIC BH&iF
►fATISM CUBE. CO., 'Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
It's riot by being against many.. things
that you will save the world, but by.
being for a few things with.. all your
Rose-colored spots on the bodies of ehildrer
are eometimos mistaken for measles.', The trouble
may be roseola,, a local disease of the skis!
Promptly cured with Wearer's Comte.
A small man dodges when he meets
a great opportunity.
It Cures all Creeds.—Here aro' a few
names of clergymen of different creeds
who are firm believers in Dr. Agnew's
Catarrhal Powder to "live up to the
preaching" in all it claims. Bishop
Sweatman, Rev. --Dr. Langtry (Episca
palian); Rev. Dr. Withrow and Rev. Dr.
Chambers (Methodist); and Dr. Newman,
a.l, of Toronto, Canada. Copies of theiq
personal letters fn the asking. 50 cents.
A baninn to often supplies the key
note to the situation.
Pale. sickly children should use
Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator„
Worms are ono of the principal causes
of suffering in estildren and should be
expelled from the system.
"What is the highest position in then
army?" "Commanded -in -Chief." -"No, it
isn't." "Then what is?" "The command-
ing officer of a war baboon corps.
For 33 Years
Shiloh's Consumption Cure, the I
Tonic, has boon before the public, and
this, together with the fact that its sales
have steadily increased year by year, is that
best proof of the merit of
as a cute for ,Coughs, Colds, and mit
diseases of the lungs and air passages.
Those who have used Shiloh would not
be without it. Those who have never
u sed it should know that every bottle isr,.
solcl with a positive guarantee that, if iie
doesn't cum you, the dealer wit refund
what you paid for it. Shiloh
Ilas Cured
thousands of the Most obstinate Cases Olt
Coughs, Colds and Lung troubles. Let it
auto you.
'Lest winter 1 couched for three months end
thouiht I wso teveg into Connunotinis, 1 took elf
w its of medienee, hat wahine did me any seed
nntil1 used Shilloh's Consumption Ono. Noes
tattles eared me, TI ie tviotcr I bed *vary bad
cold, was not able tci Speak, mi' tunes were sore
on the tide and beet. $rk befits of Shiloh mane
sae well again. i here given it to beyond pe eles,
over, ewe of them have bean aur+ d.—D.
,io,ouh; St. 1JtMc rtho. Que." 7 Eox
25r..with at All
11 ISSUE NO. 8.41