HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-3-1, Page 113il heads
azo Staterneots .are
necessary jtist.about
now; Send in your
orderto the ADVO,
CATE. , Good work,
YSendingMoney. Away?
For Small Amounts Use a
Payable anywhere. No Blanks to fill out. Receipts given to purchas-
ers. Issued at the following rates, •
r' 3oOver 0 and upto 30 100
$5 and under >, $1, �
f{. lf.
to $10 '60 50 15o
Over 5 and u ,
Over $50 Drafts issnod at best rates.
made to all points by Cable or Telegraphic.
Tra>asfer; Bill. of Exchange eo1d on -all Foreign
JOS. SNELL, Manager of Exeter, Crediton, Dashwood, and Zurich.
"Just Arrived" our new spring `Dress Goods. They surpass anything
we have previously shown. We have something that will please everyone
and will be ouly too pleased to show you our full range.
Crepe de chene all shades' good quality 50c per ycl
Eolrnnes " Silk or Wool 75c "
Light Gray Tweeds very new -- 50 and 750 "
Venetian cloth all colors 50 and 75c "
Broad cloth 75 and $1 "
Mohairsin plain and mixed, goods 50 and 750 "
Sheppard's check new and natty 50c
hummer Suitings (Shirt Waists)
A big bunch of all kinds.
Plain Ginghams
a` Linens
• Satins
Ducks, Drills and Prints all
Fancy Gingbains
• Linens
• Vestings
• Checks
td • Satins
� & 116uio11ila, •Wiooisea
Are showing 45 pairs Misses & Boys' Shoes regu-
lar $1.15 for 75 cents.
Thelr first consignment of New Spring Goods, amongst
which you -find,
High' class English Prints of beautiftd patterns in all the best colors, every
piece' guaranteed to hold its color in the'washing. Price 12ic.
New high class English Ginghams and Chambrays, in plain pinks and
blues, also checks in navy and white and black and white. Price 15c.
New English Voiles, in four leading shades, Oxblood, navy, Oxford grey,
and, grass green. Price 15c.
New Rock fast Drills, colors can't be. washed out. These are the right
things for shirts, and boys blouses, 3 patterns to choose from. Price ].6c.
Necvw'Cream and White Flannelettes at old prices, in spite of the advances
in all lines of cotton goods.
The prides aid : here forproduce are
p s paid as good as were ever
paid. We'°pay cash ° when you don't need -goods.
Producetaken as Cash
gpmelm ere.
Medical To Rent.
AF. MALLOY, M. B. (Tor. Univ.) .MEMBER __
• College of Physicians and'Sur eons Ontario.
g One on A of ander tee Norb are -oust and a
Former Souse Surgeon Toronto Western.'Hospital. stable on Alexander streets North•Exeter. Immedi-
Successor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Night call at office, ate possession given. For particulars apply to
Exeter, Ontario.
tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners..
Solicitors for Molsons Bank, etc.
Molloy to Loait ;at lowest rates of interest.
Offices, ]Plain street, Exeter,
L R. f. Amato, B.A., ]7, I'I..DICKSON
For Sale.
Eight acres of land, a good barn, also a good gar-
den with all idnds of fruit. This place is situated on
Thames Road, North Exeter. Immediate possession
given., For particulars apply to
For Sale.
A f ONEY TO LOAN. That well drained, well improved and: truly up -to-
1CL date farm, being composed of Lot No, 11, in the 5th
We have a largo amount of private funds to loan concession, in the Township of Biddulph, in the
County of Middlesex, eontn nang 100'
o n farm and village properties at low rates of inter-
est Situated on the premises area good; acres of land
S storey brick
GILADbIAN & STANBUBY, house, bank barn 90x40, cement hog' pen, wind mill
and good young orchard. Thisistrulyamostdesir-
Barristers, Solieitolrs,Main et., Exeter On able property, well supplied with water, conyenient
to school and churches and one of the inostimproyed
farms in the County of Middlesex. For further par-
ticulars apply to
Whalen P, 0. Barristers Etc., Exeter,
NVloney To . Loan,
I have private funds to loan on farm' and village
l properties at lowest rates of interest.
Offlee opposite Central Hotel, 7Efain•st., Exeter
Organist and Choir Master of Mitchell Methodist
Chureh. Teacher -Piano, Organ, Voice, Harrohy.
Modern methods. Thorouc'hness
Property for Sale.
j,ai;; ;•uiture farm in the Township of flay, near
Sarepta, o ^ hundred acres, 85 acres seeded, frame
e d n'' stable; good water, etc.,
reatfe n
1 .
Another 100 acro fares or sale, in the township of
i7sborne,south ettlimvil ,convenient toschool,We1l
drained, small orchard, .aores bush, frame house,
barn, stable and grainer .
A ply to
,SANDICII,S & usll0H, Exeter. `
The undersigned is offering for sale that desirable
farm in the township of Stephen, being Lot 7, Con-
cession 4, containing 100 acres of first class land.
There 16 on the promises a good brick house, 2 bank
barns, driving shod, good young orchard, two never-
failing wells and other conveniences; the land is well
drained and fenced and is all under nultivatiol;.
Will be sold cheep and on easy terms as the proprie-
tor intends going West. Apply to
I+', W. BAKER, Crediton East.
The undersigned is offering for sato the farm prop.
erty in the township of BadduIph Lot 0, North
Boundary containing 104 acres,' This fare, is divid-
ed int* ttvo sections, 100 acres and 04, and will be
sold t 'etheror se era a There is i e
hr, p t , nth 100 acro
lot a Brack house two bank barns, orbhard, ten aeres
hardwhocl bush, two two `'ells, wind mill
attached to ono, and ether, •i ,nu• •oes. On the04
acre l0bthere is a bank hat i fir, a feet and about,0'
acres brash.
This property wine sold cheap and on easy terms,
' Apply to JOS E. KELLY, Whalen;
r VUh ge
0 oi' any
other property sold,.
boo l;ht or exchringed
for you at reasonable
commission. Apply-
SAN,lalwieei & °AMOR,
SA ns & CRl Ecl , Prop?s
South Huron( Farmers' lostitute Rev. pry Willoughby Dies.
The supplementary meetings of the
Institute hrueld during the pest week at
Farquhar, Dashwood, Zurich,Rensel',
Varna, and Strong's Hall in Tucker-
smith,Were all that could bedesired.
The president, Mr. H. Horton, and the
secretary, Mr. Robert Gardiner, who
took charge of the different meetings
feel well pleased with the result. The
roads were good, the weather fine and
the attendance large at all tbe meet-
The speakers were on different ocoa>
sions Mr. D. C. Anderson, Professor
Arkell of the O.A., Mr. Thos. Mc-
Millan of Hulletr, Mr. W. D. Sanders
of Stephen, Mr. B. S. Phillips of Hay,
Mr. Barbour of Crosshill, Mr, P. Madge
of Thames Road, Mr. Wm. Lewis of
Crediton, Mr. M. Y, McLean of Sea-
forth, Mr. Jacob. Kellermann of Dash-
wood, and Mr. J. Rider of Hay.
Among the subjects taken by the
different speakers were many of great
interest, all of which were well and in-
terestingly delivered. Some of them
are: "Rotation of Crops, Care and Ap-
plication of Manure;" "Breeding and
Feeding Beef Cattle;" "Our Country;"
"Farmers' " "Foodstuff;"; ,.,
Farmers Sons; The:
horse, its conformation and chtaracter-
iatics; "Farming as an Occupation;"
"Relative profits of grass and stall
feeding;" "The draught horses:" "The
fertility of the soil;" etc, etc.
The evening meetings at the differ-
ent points were particularly entertain-
ing owing to the rendering of excell-
ent musical programs, many choice
numbers being given by local'talentof
the districts, in solos, recitations, hi-
strumentals, etc.
Much greater interest has been taken
in the meetings throughout South Hur-
on this year tnat ever before by the
farming community particularly, and
this is very encouraging to the direct-
ors who are yearly at a great deal of
trouble and expense, and who are pro-
portionately anxious as to the result.
To the president, Mr. Horton, and the
secretary, Mr. Gardiner, much of the
credit is due,and they are deserving of
the thanks of the people for their good
work. -
Messrs. W. Taylor and Kenneth
Greenwood were in Mitchell Tuesday.
Misses Ila Oottle and Mary New-
combe have gone to London where
they have secured situations.
Mrs. G. H. Hughes of Ottawa arrive -
laalt-i:*eti�tfizb`lfi�r-reserrous iil-
e e tiess of her father, Mr. Thos. Fitton,
Miss Annie Oudmore, who has been
visiting relatives here for some weeks,
left Tuesday for her home in Crystal
Cit Man.
Mrs. Jas. Taylor has returned from
St. Thomas where she was called to -
attend the funeral of ber father; Mr.
John Guest, who died suddenly of
heart failure.
Miss Tillie Yager left Wednesday
morning for Toronto to attend the
millinery openings and from there will
return to Niagara -on -the -lake to re-
sume her position.
Mrs. J. N, Howard entertained a
number of her friends to a social even-
ing Friday last, her sister, Miss L.
Brimacombe of Killarney, Man., being
the honored guest.
Mr. and Mrs: T. W. Hawkshaw and
little daughter, Myrta, after spending
Saturday and Sunday,with friends in
town, returned to their home in Lon-
don, Monday morning. Mr. Hawk-
shaw was about to coinmence his
route on the road from here but ow-
ing to illness was fibliged to return to
his home.
For Sale or to Rent.
The brick two-story building on the corner of Wil-
liam and Nelson streets, Exeter. The house is in
good repair and is large and commodious. There are
three-fifths of an acre of land, with orchard and gar.
den. Apply at the Advocate Office.
Rev. R. S Knetchel, presiding elder
A great many m y of the-resideTrts. of
Exeter and, neighborhood will greatly
regret to hear of the stickler) death of
Rev, Dr, Willoughby, only a few years
since a respected and much loved pas -
tele of the Exeter James street Meth-
odist; church. Dr. Willoughby went
from here to Forest,. where he remain-
ed about two years, when he was sup-
erannuated, and has during the past
three years resided in Brantford, An
account of the circumstances of his
death is given herewith:
Blenheim, Feb. 25. -During the sing-
ing of the l•he second verse of the hymn
immediately following his deliverance
of a vigorous and -impressive sermon
of one hour's duration, Rev. Dr. 'Wil-
loughby, of Brantford, dropped dead
of heart failure in the pulpit of the
Methodist church here.to-night. The
end carne. to Dr. Willoughby entirely
without warning. The second verse
had just begun when he was seen to
place his hand over his heart and sink
to his chair. The aged patient was
dead long before aid arrived. Not-
withstending.his 70 years the deceased
was in apparently vigorous health, .and
during his labors here in connection
with the revival being; held, no com-
plaint of ill -health'. or indisposition
was heard from him. He is survived
by three sons and one daughter, his
wife. having died :ehout a year ago.
They are Dr. Willoughby of St. George
street, Toronto; Rev..Gerald Willon„ h-
by of Johannesburg, South Africa;.
Harold of Capetown, South Africa,
and Mrs. Dr, Watson of Barclay East,.
South Africa, His remains will be
taken to Toronto for interment.
Robert Xing of St, Marys is the
guest of Archie Hyde. -Will Hodge
and, S. McIntosh are cutting wood at
Motherwell. -Charles Clarke. of Lon-
donisvisiting friends at Anderson. -
Miss Bella Maloy who has been ill for
some time is recovering.-Mths Mary.
Switzer is visiting her sister, Mrs.
Bickel', at Seaforth.-James Beatty's
sale is on Wednesday, March 7th, on
lot 8. 3rd line Blanshard, commencing
at 10 o'clock sharp.
Miss Claria Nebb was' the guest of
Miss Lipperdt for a few days last
week. -John Hoist has disposed of his
delwaVtV'r2,T'th to Ol ris 1i ii`r'reetor the
sum of $6000, The latter gets posses-
sion in the fail. -Tim Collins was vis-
iting friends in Dublin this week.-
Se:4e t •nerin has purchased the hotel
Fit 9t:dt McGillivray from James Maf-
fary. Possession given
May 1. We
wish John every snccess in his ven-
ture. -Thos. McOann, who has been
engaged with Harry Wing at Shipka,
is laid aside owing to illness.
For Sale.
The new brink dwelling on the corner of James and
Andrew streets, Exeter, at present occupied by Mr.
S. M. Sanders. Price x1,150. For further particu-
lars apply to
DICKSON & CARLING, Barristers.
For Sale.
The half of Lot 14,"in the 5th Concession of Us-
borne, containing 50 acres of choicest land; 17 acres
in fail wheat, 18 acres newly seeded, 10 acres pasture
10 acres ready for spring crop. Possession any time.
For particulars apply to
Seaforth. Exeter.
Farm for Sale or Rent for Pasture
The undersigned is offering for Bale or rent for pas-
ture Lot 25, ('on- 2., Usborne, Containing" 100 acres,
of first-class land, situated 216 miles from Exeter.
For particulars apply to
1y. I1. BLATCI1FOl1D Exeter.
Sale Registers.
FsunAv, March 0th -1 cow, Household effects, eta.,
the property of Mrs. W. H, Cann, Gidiey street,
Exeter. Sale at one o'clock. H. Brown, Aust.
.q. ATui wA1, Kamilla-Household effects, the property
of W. 0, orth street, Exeter, Sale at 1
o'clock. John Huston,Gill, Auctioneer.
Crediton Police Villages
Public notice as hereby given pursuant, to Section
751 (8) of the Municipal Act, 1603, that a petition has
been lodged with the Clerk of the County,of Huron,
preying, that the County Connell of Huron, pass a
13y -law declaring the Trustees of the Polies Village
of Crediton it corporation under the name of "The
Board of Police Trustees of the Police .Village of
Crediton, Feb. 00, 1600,
WM. II. WENZEL Polies Trustees.
HENRY F, i:ILI{lilt,
Men Wanted.
Good reliable then in this district to
represent us and sell wires- .race to far-
mers; splendid seller. Work .daring
Spare time or permanently. Splendid,
opening for a hustler, Write for par-
ticulars to the ,,
Woodstock, C)nt.
DIED. -Another resident of our vi-
cinity passed away to her reward on
Tuesday, Feb. 20th, in the person of
Mrs, Jacob Weido. Deceased had not
enjoyed very good health for some
months and at times suffered consid-
erable, so that her death came as a
happy release to a weary body. She
was of a bright, cheerful disposition,
and was, consequently a most agree-
able and entertaining companion. Her
presence will not only be missed in the
home but by a host of friends. The
funeral took place on Thursday. We
commend the sorrowing ones to Him
who doeth all things well.
Mr. Mead, our enterprising butter -
maker, bas succeeded in getting in his
usual supply of ice. -Rev. Fair is at
present holding revival services at the
Sunshine appointment. It is to be
hoped. that much good will result from
his earnest efforts. -Miss Edna God -
bolt and Miss Ella °arum returned
home Monday, after a pleasant visit
with friends in London. -The Church
of England, Kirkton, held a social at
the home of Thos. Washburn on Fri-
day evening. The attendance was
large and ad report an enjoyable time.
-George Turnbull and daughter, Miss
Mabel, left Monday for their home in
Virden. Man. -Messrs. Coward &
Bloomfield are repairing their store
making it have a neat and attractive
appearance, and wetrust that they
will enjoy their share of the public
llimville -.
John Wright very ably filled the
pulpit here on Sunday morning, We
learn that Mr. Wright has recently
been appointed one of the local preach-
ers on this circuit, We wish him
every success. -W. Bray of Manitoba
spent part of last week with the 'Ooul-
tis Bros. and also with G. Andrews.
Mr. Bray is one of our boys and we
are pleased to hear of his financial
prosperity in :the far famed West, for
which place he leaves this week. -Mrs.
W, Bern hasreturned home after a
couple of weeks with her parents at
Goderich.-A few young inen from
Kirkton paid a visit to some of the
barns in this vicinity on a sparrow
hunt, We learn that they intend hav-
ing a sparrow: match, teams having
been chosen, and the team having the
least number of sparrow beads bya
certain time have to provide an oyser
supper' for all. - A. Andrews is this
Week moving onto his farm which he
purchased from Jas. Heywood. Mr.
Andrews moved to Exeter from here
some two years ago. We welcome him
to our midst once more. We learn.
that Mr. Heywood intends moving in-
to Mr. Hardman's house, -Miss Mabel
,Tobnti entertained a few fiends on
Wednesday evenin --Jas. Heywood
gave a. social ,tin' 5P : a' number of
.uey g , .
Friend, onT.6. % .-Mrs, I.
ti n
7•Iarris is rA Ofltribution i, V'e trust
%let rF?e i e 1)lapk currk speedy. ---Mr.
Tah".les, aprlcols Plums s.irthda au
fruits, y.
Tht,r _ <
bis llibney .bU it's batt h
,Flli'1'y titan �rollg.
of Berlin, conducted the Quarterly ser-
vices in the Evangelical church last
Saturday and Sunday. Over 200 took
sacrament on Sunday morning. The
revival meetings are being continued
this week. Rev. Knetchel is assisting
our pastor, Rev. Damm, et the services,
-Mrs. Dora Link is attending the
spring millinery openings at London
and Toronto this week, --Weare pleas-
ed to state that liars, .Jiro. Isaac and
liars. Wes. Winer, who have been very
i11, are recovering: -Fred Ramsay has
been engaged as hostler at Hill's hotel.
-The Literary Society of our village
are making arrangements for a con-
acert to be given the latter part of next
month, --Mr. Mathew Stetter, from
Frankfort, Germany, has been engaged
by Mr. Feed. Hoist. The young man
is intelligent and we are sure there is
a bright .ftt:ure before him. -Revival
services have commenced in the Meth-
odist c'hurah this week, We trust
they will he of great spiritual benefit
to all. --Between 12 and 1 o'clock .Sun-
day morning this vicinity was visited
by a heavy storm of rain, thunder and
lightning. No damage was done as far
as known, -Henry 111l,er,M.P.P., whe
is attending the Legislature in Toronto
spentlat Sunday s S ndary at home with his
family, -School Inspector Tom, of
Godericb, made his usual inspection of
our school on Tuesday. He found
everything in first-class condition,
with the exception of the school, which
is in a very unsatisfactory condition.
We feel that onr genial Inspector ill
overlook the present condition
affairs. as it will only he a few months
before we will have a handsome scho
house with all the modern con veuiences.
-Mr. McLean is iu our villege for the
purpose of installing an acetylene gas
plant, and so far. is meeting with good
success. -Our butcher got in his sea-
son's ice on Friday, after a, great deal
of difficulty. He was obliged to use
wagons to bald tbe ice. -The concert
given by the Band of our village in the
Town Hall, was well attended. Mr.
Wm, Lewis acted as chairman and
needless to say performed his duty
well. Will McLeod, the comicenter-
•tainer of Seaforth, although suffering
from a severe cold, kept the crowd
laughing and in good humor. The
selections of our local talent were ex-
nelient and we are indeed proud of the
talent we possess. The band, under
the able leadership of Lloyd'Jones, did
'And many were the words of
well ``'• card after the concert, on the
praise h tplaying of the boys. All who
excellenti rr ate in being present, en-
were fore .:'i , -' 'ir" nch.
joyed themselves ver,- --,.._;,.,,,,,„-�..>.,
Following is theram ro given at
P g
the Literary Society meetiug which
was held at Mrs. Bluett's home on Fri-
day evening: solo by Miss Ella Beaver;
paper on Thomas A.. Edison by Miss
Welda Banes; solo by Dr. Hoist; paper
on "Tale of Two Cities" (Dickens) by
Mrs. Bluett; piano Duett by the Misses
Beaver. The meeting of March 2nd
has been postponed.
(Too Iate for last week)
A party of young people from Mc-
Gillivary surprised Mr. Wm. Welsh at
his home in Crediton East on Friday
evening, the 16th. The night was en-
joyably spent in games, etc. The
party broke up at 3 a, m. -Miss Hetty
Sweet of Exeter and her friend, Miss
Stewart of Winnipeg, also Mrs,. Smith
and Master Mervin Russell of Exeter,
visited last week at the home of Mrs.
Jas. Hodgins.
evening of Feb. loth, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Hill, who reside a short distance south
of the village, celebrated the fortieth
anniversary of their wedding day.
About twenty-five guests were present
and were royally entertained to a sum-
ptuous supper. The evening was
then pleasantly spent in social chat,
games, etc. A song by Messrs. W.W.
Kerr and Eli Sweet wasappreciated as
was also a speech by the host, who
hold of his successes and failures in
different occupations in life, and gave
a short account of his courtship and
and final triumph in winning the best
valentine any man can receive, a good
wife. Mrs. Hills' aged. -mother was
able to be present, Although she is past
her eightieth birthday. All join in
wishing Mr. and Mrs. Hill many happy
returns of the day.
EA' ,
A rerIo the bongs of Mr. and
Mrs, Joseph Kirk, the vacant chair,.
the empty crib, ;and the fancy toys oc-
cupying the spot where it was last
placed by the little fingers of its sown-
er, speck of the recent presencef ft
bright eeelle fellow. Thefondea-. af-
fections of loving hearts were lavishly
bestowed on little Reread, who natur-
ally responded to their gentle touches.
Only ten years and 7 months of inno-
cent, joyous child -life then Harold
passed from the tenderest love that
earth affords to the richest love of
Heaven. The little lad was of a cheer-
ful dispositioo,patient uoder affliction,
an example to many who were older.
He was a member of the Junior Ep-
worth League,which paid last, respects
to his remains on Monday by taking
part in the services, and walking to
the cemetery. To the bereaved ones
we extend our sympathy.
Ceuta* a iia
,Miss Lillie Anderson, who bas been
visiting friends in London and De-
troit for the past two weeks, returned
home on Tuesday last looking much
better for her rip. -Pat. curtain,
l`hos. Ryan, Wilbur and Luther Hicks
left for the West on SFttiteday last,
after spending the winter here. -Alex.
McPalls has been confined to his bed
through illness for the past week. -
Alex. Jamieson of con. 2, Bidduiph,
has purchased a piece of ground from
Wm. Moffatt and proposes building in
the spring. -Jas Quarry of Toronto
paid the town a flying visit cin Sattit-
day last. Jing- says Toronto is just
he place for him. -Shipments during
.the week were: -Curtain and Hicks, a
t'ar riPhorses` for the West; W. R.
Elliott, a car of horses; - A. Q. Bobier, -
a car of hogs to Toronto; Lawson .and
Brown, car of hogs to Collingwood; ]?',
Abbott & Son, .car of eggs to Winni-
peg. --Sore of the village people, . who
.keep bens, say theyare missing eggs
and that something is taking them.
It is pretty early in the season for egg
thieves. -Thos. Hennessey, wife and
family ofLucan were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hodgins on Sun-
day last. -Mrs. Wm, Pym is .very. ill.
-Mrs. Wm. Elliott is improving after
her recent 1"Ilness.
DEATH. -Much regret is expressed
hereat the unexpected death of a re-
spected resident of Mooren' Ile in the
person of Mrs. Wm. Kelly, who suc-
cumbed to what is supposed' to be
heart disease on Saturday evening.
about 10 o'clock. Deceased had .been
ill about one week. She leaves to
orretrn her demise a hushandespele eie,e
-eevue,eene ne fl nnc,r ese e -see 1:2••^717
SODS, one atfieseeesantr-sseein flee West,
funeral took place on Tuesday to
the cemetery at Adare. -
GoxLn.-In'Exeter, on Feb, 27, to Mr.
and Mrs. Henry'Gould, a son.
S1nTi3-In Lieury, on Eeh. 18, to Mr,
and Mrs. Wm. Smith a daughter.
HARNESS. -In Exeter, on Feb. 26, to
Mr. and Mrs. John Harness, a son.
OOTTLE.-In Usborne, on Feb. 22, to
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cottle, a daughter.
WEBSTER.-In Exeter, on Feb. 17, to
Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Webster, a son.
DAER-TUBERVILLE--At the home of
the bride's father, on Feb. 20, Siam..
Deer, of Blyth, to Miss Mary Jane,
daughter of James luberville of
MOLE-SNOWDEN-At the home of the
bride's father, on Feb. 20, by Rev,
Shaw, Ed. Mole of Seaforth, to Miss
Enith May, daughter of N. Snowden
of Egmondville.
WHITE -In Liman, on Feb.13, Charles
White, aged 65 years.
JA.cKsorr-In Parkhill, on Feb.19, Mrs.
Peter Jackson, aged 90 years.
BIRK-At .Kirkton, on Feb. 17, Harold
Kirk, aged. 10 years, 7 months, 14
days. -
WEIDo-In . Dashwood, on Feb. 20.
Mrs, Jacob Weido.
Yes, it will soon be here, and this
is the store to supply your wants.
Everything in the painting line:
Ready mixed in 15, 25, 45
and 90c. Tins,
Elepha ,;t
Ready -mixed Paint in
15, 25, and 450. 'tins.
and ,Adamantine
Floor Paint atricesclear to out.
22 only 1-2 gallon tins,
r my 1 quart tins,
only 1 pint tins,
only 1-2
�'•� tleas,
i, 1_
�A •-
regular 90c. for 70c,
:r 45e. for 35c. -
Ir 25c. for 18c,
ra 15c. for 10c.
fix AR:ANT
Heaman's Hardware 86 Paint Stare.
rtl, airily:
s aia, an ild ea irs al