HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-2-1, Page 7GOOF =MALTA. Ltequtres 't'hat, the Wood be Kept Kieft and. Pure,` The secret of health ---tine secret of lite itself,- IS ellen blood, Therefore a mecii- 'eine that makes new blood and supplies the necessary material for rapidly re- building wm 'ted nerve tissues, reaches the root ei most of the serious diseases. For this purpose there is no medicine can take the place of Dr, Wtlllolns' bink )t�i11s: They actually make new, rich, red blood, and through this new blood Cure such diseases as anaemia, neural- gia, rheunlatisxn, the special ailments ref women, indigestion, heart troubles, St. Vitus dance, locomotor ataxia and partial paralysis. You can find evidence C( the value of these pills in every pat et the country, among others Mr, 1). W. Maley, Crystal City, Man„ says. 9 have 'used Dr. Williams' Pink Pi11s with wonderful success. My blood was very poor, 1 was weak and nervous, suffered pinch from heart , trouble, and was scarcely fit for work. I used nine boxes of the pills, and the result i:; I am again en;oying the best of health. I do not think there is any .medicine can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills when the system is run down," But you must get the genuine pi115 with the full name, "Dr. Williams' Fin'.; Pills for Pale People," printed on the Wrapper around each box. Ask yo.u' druggist for these 'pills or get them by snail from the Dr. Williams' MedTh n? Co., at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50. TUE TONSILiTiS STOLE. Latest Menace to the Reatth of Fashion's Devotees. The latest decrees of fashion which t'•reaten the health of the feminine com- munity are the "Lonsilitis stole" and the "neuralgic hat." "I believe that the prevalence of tonsi- litis is entirely due to the new fashion of wearing the fur stole," says a London throat specialist. "Ladies used to be more sensible,: and if they wore fur ties. left them open at the neck. Naw, because fashion has de- creed that the wrap must be tossed over the shoulder, there will be a vast in- crease in diseases of the throat." A surgeon at the Throat 1-Iospital, Golden Square, London, was of the salve opinion. "The danger lies," he said, "in muffl- ing 14) the throat for several weeks In cold weather, and flinging aside the wrap on •the first mild day. It is well known that delicacy of the throat is induced by overcloth]ng " A fashionable milliner in Bond Stree, London, bemoans the fact that the velvet picture hat is going out of fashion. "'They are very . becoming," she said, "but ladies are discovering that their weight produces neuralgia, which, in time, will result in woman's greatest enemy—grey hairs. If velvet hats are required we must fashion the most gossamer of 'chiffon velours' into a miniature toque shape, which will be al- -.most as_fregile as swansdown." i IIABY'S HEALTH. "When a child is well, give it no med- icine," is a wholesome adage But at the first sign of trouble the careful mo- ther will give Baby's Own Tablets, which promptly cure indigestion, colic, con- stipation, diarrhoea, simple fevers and teething troubles. They contain not one particle of opiate or poisonous "sooth- ing" stuff, yet. they give refreshing sleep because they remove the cause of sleeplessness and the child awakens bright and well. Mrs. F. McIntosh, Wabigoon, Ont., says: "Baby's Own Tablets wrought a wonderful change in my little one. When he was two months old he began to fail and cried almost night and day. But after giving him the tablets he grew well and is now a bright, laughing baby, who scarcely ever gives any trouble The Tablets are surely a blessing to both mother and. child." All druggists sell these Tablets or you can get them by mail at 25 cents a box by writing the Dr. Williarns' Med- icine Co., Broil<ville, Ont. HOW TO AVOID "CI•IAPS." Everybody knows that, generally speaking, the effect of cold is to contract, and that of heat to expand. This general law of Nature finds no exception in our bodies, anod when any portion of the body gets cold theeblood-vessels which ' traverse it contract, with the result that the flow of blood is diminished. Subse- quent exposure to heat causes the blood- vessels to resume their former size, and, if anything, to slightly exceed' it, owing to the reaction on the effects of the pre- vious catch The result of these different operations is very naturally to crack the surface of the skin, and form the un- pleasant little wounds which we call "Cha.ps." This annoyance may be pre- vented by exercising care not to expose the hands to the eictrernes of cold and heat. If the hands do get thoroughly chilled, care should be taken to see that they arewarmed again as gradually ,es possible. Anything like putting thein to a hot fire, and thus inducing a rapid change in their condition, cannot fail to induce "chaps." SLEEPING WITH OPEN EYES. All flslyee which sleep do so with their eyes pen, as they are not provided with tee1ifls, and cannot, therefore, close their 'eyes.' From experiments made, it was discovered that some fishes have. no preference, for the night-time, but sleep equally well during the day. They may be observed resting quite notion- less for periods, apparently in sleep, except that, having no eyelids, they are tunable to Close their eyes or e:kelu.cle all influence froth without. The hare al- so sleeps with its eyes open, for the simple reason that its eyes are unprovi-1- ed With eyelids. Instead of these there is a thin membrane which covers the eye when asleep. This membrane, a5 in the ease of certain birds, folds lake id curtain in the corner of'.the eye, anti, by an Insta.11tt neons action, flies beck Whei<l sight is required, leaving the eye inimedia lily' and fully open for the ex- ersise of sight. Sortie birds, such as the eagle, also have this 'Membrane, Whltlh When at rest; lies' In the tomer of iLe eye, fot,44 Up Like rt drawn .curl irk. FANATIC ARitANGES TO DILL Extraordinary Seen() Witnessed at an Iridian Shrine, Te unavailing efforts of a centenarian. to die on a particular"day have been re- sponsible for an extraordinary scene at the island Shrine of Sadll Bella, at Sul.- kur, Tndla. On Jun.. 2 a Sadllu, aged 110, arrived at the shrine from a distant village and annaunced, that he had arranged to die at 11 p, m, on Tan, 10, which happened to bo a specially sacred clay of fasting ,,among the Hindus, At the same time be handed the priest of the temple $150 aid ` gave him instructions as to the kind of funeral desired.' The news spread rapidly throughout. the district, and hundreds of people re- paired daily to the island shrine to ob- tain a glimpse of the mysterious pian. When the day he had predicted would be his last arrived, the crowds of people who came were enormous, and by night- fall it is estimated nearly 20,000 has vis- ited the shrine. For three days before the Sadhu had cut down his diet to a very small quan- tity of milk, (flit even this was discon- tinued on the day that was to have proved fatal. All the old man's efforts, however, were in vain. Several times he tried desperately to breathe his last, but fail- ed. Numbers of natives stayed with him until long after midnight in the ex- pectation of seeing his prediction fulfill- ed. •Finally, they went away, apparent- ly much disappointed. The chief results of the Sadhu's ef- feels was that a large heap of coins and sweets were placed at his feet by the curious throng of spectators, HE MEANT EVERY WORD HE SAID CX - REEVE'S InEUMATISM CURED BY DODD'S KiiDNEY PILLS. Was so Crippled That Ile Could Ilardly Get Around and Could Get no Relief from Doctors or Medicines. Dresden, Ont., Jan. 22—(Special.)— "Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me of Rheu- matism slick and clean." Mr. W. 0. Cragg, the well-known merchant and ex -reeve of this place was the speaker and he evidently meant every word he said. "It was the Inflamatory kind of Rheu- matism I had, and it crippled me up :o that I could hardly get around to do my work in my store. I had the best doctors and everything in the line of medicines I could hear of, but nothing even gave me relief. "Then I tried Dodd's Kidney Pills and six boxes cured me completely." Dodd's Kidney Pills cure Rhelunatism by curing the Kidneys. Rheumatism is caused by Uric Acid in the blood. if the Kidneys are right they will strain all the Uric Acid out of the blood and the Rheumatism will go with it. SENTENCE SERMONS. Faith is foresight. Charity for revenue is dead loss. A merry health kills more microbes than any medicine. Putting pleasure first is a sure way of postponing it. There can be no reverence where there is no respect. He who locks his tongue in locks a good deal of trouble out. The religion you can keep to your- self is not worth giving ayay. A good many are trying to wash out the slums with teardrops. Some winter is always sent to those who have a great work to do. When a man boasts of his humility you can depend on his hypocrisy. Sins that make you lose your head have the same effect on your heart. Some men expect to unload their own sins by confessing those of others. If criticism began where charity is said to it would seldom go any farther. Heaven regards the heart that comes to the altar more than the •gift it leaves there. It will not do us much good in heav- ento think of the things we had thought of doing here. ENGLISH -GROWN BEET SUGAR. The beet sugar industry is to be given a fair trial in England. Three thousand acres on the Isle of Axholme, in Lincoln- shire, are to• be utilized for the purpose. A site for the first factory has been se- cured at Owston Ferry, on the Trent. It is estimated that the enterprise will bring to the growers $225,000 a crop. The farms will be worked on the co- operative system, THE LITTLE WIDOW. A. Mighty Good Sort of Neighbor to have. "A little widow, a neighbor of mine, persuaded me to try Grape -Nuts when my stomach was so weak that it would not retain, food of any other kind," writes a grateful woman, from San Bernard- ino Co., Cal. "I had been 111 and confined > to my bed with fever and nervous prostration for three long months after the birth nI my second boy. We were in despair until the little widow's advioe brought. relief. "I liked Grape -Nuts food from the beginning; and in an incredibly short time it gave tae such strength that 1 was able to leave my bed andenjoy my three good meals a day. In two months my weight increased from 95 to ff.3 pounds, my nerves had steadied down and I felt ready for anything. My neighbors were amazed to see Me gain sc rapidly and still more so when they heard that Grape -Nuts alone had brought the change. "My four-year-old boy had eczema, very bad, last spring and lost his appe- tite entirely, Which made him cross and peevish. 1 put hurl on a diet of,'Grape Nuts, which he relished at ()nee. He improved from the beginning, the tie- zema disappeared and now he is tat and rosy, with a delightfully soft, clear skin. The Grape -Nuts diet did it. 1 will Wil liitgiy atlawer all ingiliries," Name given tiy, Postuhl Co., Battle ' Creek, Minta• There's s a reason. , Read the little book, "The Iloif(it o WeMflle" in pkIfS a 'HE SUNLIGHT WAY Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way (follow directions). Hard rubbing and boiling are things of the past in homes where Sunlight Soap is used as directed. Sunlight Soap will not injure even the daintiest fabric or the hands, and the clothes will be perfectly white, woolens soft and fluffy, The reason for this is because Sunlight Soap is absolutely pure, contains no injurious chemicals indeed, nothing but the active, cleansing, dirt -removing proper- ties of soap that is nothing but soap, Equally good with hard or soft water, YOUR MONEY REFUNDED by the dealer from whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you iia any cause for complaint. 155 LEVER BROTHERS UMtTL-D, TORONTO SOPORIFIC. "My dear Mrs. Sharp," . said the Rev. Pondrous-Tawker, "why do you not in- duce your husband to come to church with you?" "Oh1 my gracious! It would never do in the world. 1 -le snores terribly." What is the Rest Thing to strengthen week backs? "The D d L" Menthol, Plaster. It will cure lumbago and rheumatism. $1 rolls makes coven 25c plasters. Davis d Lawrence Co. M+afeeal. "I wish I could think of some new and unusual birthday present to surprise mamma with this year," said Miss de Muir, wrinkling her fair brow in deep perplexity. "How do you think she'd like a son-in-law?" hoarsely whispered young Spoonaniore. Death Comes to .A11.—But it need not come prematurely if proper precautions are taken. , "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," andtohave prevention at band and allow a disease to work its will is wickedness. Dr. Thomas' Eelectric Oil not only 'allays pains when applied externally, but will prevent lung troubles resulting from colds and coughs. Try it and be con- vluced. TRULY WISE. "I wonder why they call them wisdom teeth?" "Because they're the last to come where the talking is, and the first to go." Comfort by day and sopnd sleep by night fol- low the use of Weaver's Cerate, for skin troubles, ne matter how tormenting they be. This oint- ment soothes and cleanses. TIME -LOCK TOBACCO BOXES. To cure the craving for tobacco a time -lock for tobacco -boxes has been in- vented. The lock is set for a certain time, and refuses to open until the right moment. The cure is effected by gradu- ally extending the intervals of abstin- ence. There is no medicine on the market that can compare with Bickle's Anti - Consumptive Syrup in expelling from the system the irritating germs that colds engender in the air passages. It is suicide to neglect your cold. Try the cheap experiment of ridding your- self of it by using Bickle's Syrup. which is a simple remedy, easily taken, and once used it will always be prime as to sovereign medicine. Father: "You sat up very -late with George again, Adal" Ada: "Yes, father; I was showing him some of my picture post -cards." Father: "Well, Ada, when- ever he wants to sit up again, you show him some of my gas bills." nave you tried Holloway's Corn Cure? It has no equal for removing these troublesome excresenees as many have testified who have tried it. A DESERT RAILWAY. Undoubtedly the distinction of being the most dreary railway journey in the world must be accorded to that portion of the Southern Pacific Railway which runs through Arizona and the lower part of Southern California. For a dis- tance' of nearly a thousand miles the country on either side of the track is practically a desert -•fiat, dreary, and totally uninteresting. Here and there patches of thorny mesquite brush alter- nate with vast stretches of grey and red sand and expanses of snow-white alkali. Other .vegetation there is none. That portion of the line extending between Yuma and Carlton, a distance of 180 miles, runs through a wilderness of shifting sand, devoid of either e.nirnul 'tr vegetable life, and absolutely uninhabi- table. For ten months in the year the temperature seldom fall's below 100 de- grees, and often rises to' 130 in the shade. The greater portion of the desert is be- tween 500 and 800 feet below the level -of the sea, rind is, as might be expected, entirely destitute of fresh water. BRUNETTES HAVE THICK SKIN. The human skin not only varies in thickness in differenC"individuals, but also in different parts of the same person, being in seine places only 1 -240th Of an inch in thickness, whilst in others it re 1 -25th of an inch. The skin of Women and children is thinner than that of men. A. thick skin is always developed over parts where there is frequent pressure, as on the hands and tett. Thiekness of the skin varies with the calor of the hair and eyes. Usually, black hair and dark brown eyes are associated with a thick skin; a moderately thick skin is found with brown hair and blue or grey eyes; the finest sl<in belongs to blondes, and is a usual accompaniment of atiburlll or flaxen hair. No mon ilas a poorer outlook than he who is on , the lookout for thimself The Southern California New Train. Best Route. The Los Angeles Limited, electric lighted, new from the Pullman shops; with all latest innovations for travel comfort, leaves Chicago 10.05 P. M. daily, arrives Los Angeles 4.45 P. M. third day via Chicago, Union Pacific ri, North-Western Line and The Salt Lake Route. Pullman drawing -room and tourist sleeping cars, composite obser- vation car, dining cars, a la carte ser- vice. For rates sleeping car reserva- tions and full particulars, apply to your nearest agent, or address, B.. Bennett, 2 East King . St., Toronto, Ont. Women are like men in one respect; some are good and some are not. They Drive Pimples Away.— face cov- ered with pimples is unsightly. It tells of internal irregularities which should long since have been corrected. The liver and the kidneys are not perform- ing their. functions in the healthy way they should, and these pimples are to let you know that the blood protests. Parenelee's Vegetable fills will drive' them all away, and will leave the skirl' clear and clean. Try them, and there will be another witness to their excel- lence. FAMILY AFFLICTION. "My dear, the coal and flour are both short." "Dear me, what a strange coincidence! So am I." —A—Sour Stomach and a Sour Temper travel hand-in-hand and are the precus- ors of mental and physical wreck. Nine I:undered and ninety-nine times in a thousand food ferment (indigestion) is the cause. Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets keep the stomach sweet—aid di- gestion—keep the nerve centres well bal- anced—they're nature's panacea—pleas- ant and harmless. 35 cents. -88 AN ACQUIRED HABIT. Mrs. Gramar'cy—"Do you think it was an intentional slight on the part of Mrs. Newrich?" Mrs. Parks—"Why, no, my dear. She hasn't been a lady long enough to know how to be Pude!" A Nagging Cough drives sleep.ana comfort away. Allen's Lung Balsam relieves hard breath- ing, pain in the chest and 1.11 -nation of the thaoat. Give it freely to the children. Many a so-called blue-blooded aristo- crat has a red nose. She (reproachfully): "Before we were nlal'riedyou used to say you couldn't live without me." 1Ie: "A man never knows what he can do till he tries," Eighty Years Old—Catarrh Fifty Years. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder cures him. .Want any stronger evidence of the power of this• wonderful remedy over this universal disease? Want the truth of the case confirmed? Write George Lewis, Shamokin, Pa. Ile says: —"I look upon my cure as a miracle." It relieves in ten minutes. -89 z MUTUAL ADMIRATION. The Heiress -But how can you love me when L am so cross-eyed? The Suitor—You're not cross-eyed, dear. Your eyes are so pretty that they can't. help trying to look Into each other —that's all. Ilse the safe,leasant, and effectual worm - killer, Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator; nothing equals it. Procure a bottle and take it house. THEATRE FOR 13:&J3IES. A theatre for the entertainment of children has just been opened in Vienna. 11 is intended to give three performances each week, the artists being adults, and the pieces carefully chosen so as to sutt the .youthful audience. Children .be- tween seven and nine, nine and eleven, and eleven and fourteen are catered for in succession week by week. PARTICULAR ULA PQFL.. LIFE stramoorsossootrestasismo TEA becauv it is Tightly Sealed In Lead Paeketes, not lying abut loose in all kinds of places like ordinary hulls teeeet;i' 13LT7'L, 111138ON is Carefully watched 1±ROIiX PLANT`A,TIOl TO HTOM111t, .. and pleases all, ONLY ONE BEST TEA -BLUE R111313ON TEAT Oshawa " Steel Shingles Wiind, Water, Storm, and Fire Proof. Locked cn All Four Sides Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying from $2 85 to $5.10 per hundred square feet covering. measure. This is the most desirable cov- ering on the market, and is an ideal covering, far Houses, Barns, Stares, Ele- vators, Churches, etc. Any handy man can lay the "OSHAWA" shingles. A hammer and snips are the only tools required, We are the largest and oldest company of the kind under the British flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada, making them FIRE, WATER AND LIGHTNING -PROOF We also maunfacture Corrugated Iron in long sheets, Conductor Pipe and LAVE TROUGH Etc. METAL SHINGLES, in imitation of brick or stone. METAL CEILINGS, in 2,000 designs. Write for Catalogue No. 14B and free samples of "OSHAWA" Shingles. Write to -day. 'z'NEXTA 3591E3X:X3C41&.' . 11PEc1307_.307, aleaTRSAL, (TUE. OTTAWA, CRT, TORONTO OHT, LOIteet7• MHT, WINNIPEG, VANOOU:'ER, OM. 767 Craig St- 423 Sussex at. 11 Colborne St 69 Dundas St. 70 Lombard St. 616 Ponder et. MUTE YOUR NEAR tST OicncE. Head Office and Works, - Oshawa, Ont., Canada CURED INTISM 30 DAYS S Are you a rheumatic? Have yon Sciatica? $1:00 will cure or your money hack. We have Cured hundreds, we can cure you. h enedioiue to take. You eat what yon like. You get relief in 4S hours and absolutely cured within 30 days. Our rheumatie cure 18 an application of the curative principles of electricity and magnetism in the earth. Your system fiirnis]'eoa the acids and salts necessary in conjunction with our Disc to make a ocmplete battery. You take no chances, we guarantee the purchase money refunded on return of the Disc if it does not cure. AOEf TS WAHTErs. iELEOTRIo-mira 8Tl0 RHEUMATISM ,CURE CO. Sherbrroke, Que., Canada' ALWAYS ON DECK. When the unexpected happens,— As it's bound to do, you know, II finds somebody waiting To shout, " told you so." The Wretched Condition of thousands is due to the fact that they neglect the simplest care of their health. when in this condition " Ferrovim" will build you up andgive you strength.' Your concern should not so much be what you get as what you do for what you get. For Inflammation of the Eyes.— Among the many good dualities which Parrnelee's Vegetable Pills possess, be- sides regulating• the digestive organs, is their efficiency in reducing inflammation of the eyes. It has called forth many letters of recommendation from those who were afflicted with this, complaint a.nd found a euro in the pills. • affect the nerve centres and the blood in a surprisingly active way, and the re - Milt is almost immediately seen. NO DECEPTION. Man calls his wife his "better half," But that's a sort of bluff; He can deceive himself, for she's The whole thing, sure enough. Dave you a Skin Disease?—Either Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Eczema, Itch, Barber's Itch, ' Ulcers, Blotches, Chronic Erysipelas, Liver Spots, Pruri- go, Peoriasis, or other eruptions of the skin—what Dr. Agnew's Ointment has done for others it can do for you—cure you. One application gives relief. -35 cents -87 Politeness is the golden key that un- locks the door to many an opportunity. Sunlight Soap is better than other seaps, but ie best when used in tho Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions. IN TI -IE GOOD OLD DAYS. Many of the devices by which military indifference to life has been matured and sustained are curious. In ancient Athens the' public temples were closed to those who refused military service, who de- serted their ranks, or Iost their bucklers; while a law constrained such offenders to sit for three days in the public forum dressed in the garments of women. Many a Spartan mother would stab her son who Came back alive from a defeat; and such a man, if he escaped his mother, was debarred not only from public offices, but from marriage, ex- posed to the blows of all who chose strike him, compelled to dros's in mean clothing, and to wear his beard negli- gently trimmed. In the seine way a horse soldier, who fled or lost his shield, or received n wound in any save'the front part of the body, was be law prevented from ever afterwards appearing in public. THE TIME FOR THOUGHT. "'- oou are thinkingof getting mar. rfed ' That's right." t; g '`1'htltiobi approve rove of marrying?" Y "Well, 1 approve of thinking about it - first," "Call that kindness?" said a mall in righteous indignalen, speakingof an absent, acquaintance; "a ran who ie away front his family and never Sends• them - d farthing?'y "Ves," was the ready r ply; "unremitting kindness," • NORTH WESTERN FARMS ON THE Gra. id Trunk Pacific I have two sections of land for sale entire or in part, on line of Grand Trunk Pacific, now under construc- tion just west of Portage La Prairie. Ploughing in the Northwest will be- gin as early as February. You can sow oats, potatoes and alfalfa on breaking and get big prices from railroad contractors on the spot. Then hire out your teams for rail- road grading at $5 per day. You wont get such a chance for a start another year. Don't waste any time, as There is practically no other land for sale of equal quality in such a situation on such terms and at so low a price. Price. $10.50 per acre; six year terms I. L. R. PARSONS,.' 92 Winchester Street, Toronto, Ont, Nurses' Training Sghoor • The Lady Stanley Institute, Ottawa POUNDED 1890. e. Connected with the County of Carleton General Protestant Hospital, the Ivlater- nity Hospital, and the Isolation Hospital, Ottawa, offers to women a three years' course of nursing, The work is practical and thorough; and comprises a course in dietetics and in nie rsage. The school building' is separate from the hospital; it is comfortable and equip- ped for teaching. This school is regis- tered by the Regents of the University of the State of New York. Correspond- ence invited. For prospectus apply to THE LADY BUPERINTEr' DENT, The Lady Stanloy Institute, Ottaway Gait Customers of a shoe .dealer insist 1.1 on their rights, and they also get thei lefts. Dropsy is one Positive Sign of Kidney Disease.—Have you any of these unmis- takable signs? Puffiness under the eyes? Swollen limbs? Smothering feel- ing? Change of character in the urine? Exhaustion after least exertion? If you have there's dropsical tendency and you shouldn't delay an hour in putting your- self under the great American Kidney Cure. -80 Dashaway: "Look at that shabby mil- lionaire. You can't judge him by this dress." Cleverton: "No; but you can judge him by his wife's." - For 33 Years Shiloh's Consumption Cure, the Lung Tonic; has been before the public, an this, together with the fact that its sates have steadily increased year by year, is the best proof of the merit of Shiloh as a cute for Coughs, Colds, and all diseases of the lungs and air passages. Those who have used Shiloh would not be without it. Those who have neva used it should know that every' bottle is sold with a positive patentee that, if it doesn't cure, you, the dealer will refund what you paid for it. Shiloh Has Cured . thousands of the most obstinate saga of Coughs, Colds and Lung troubles. Let Cave you.. 4'Lsa veleta Ic,tu sthre hed for e month and t]ioutht 1 was voile tato Consumption. 1 took all inns of laed,' es, but u educt did pie any good Actin used Shiloh: Ce gumption Cure. Pour lodes aced e,e, n `o, winter I tlsd a very bed cold,'tannct ahle to arseak, my lana Wets seePse t,e side sad hock. Sic bodge of ShUoh made ane well seam. I have sivras it to several pods. �ennd every roe of them hare here cant JawEptt, SirHrsainisettZee f rtox whit ist sit siertt,.,, N U 11W9'iilk NO.