HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-1-25, Page 3IIIKAtaal AND REAUTY,
Coale From Hick, Red Blood made • by
Ase Williams' Rink Pine.
Beauty is mare than skin deep, it IS
blood deep. There' is no real ixty,
• ne good health WithOlit rich, red blood.
Oeevy graceful curve, every sparkle of
the eye. every rosy hlush, Comes from
rich, red blood. Or. Williams' Pink
Pills are tile greatest blood builder and
beetity maker in the world. Eyety
dose acttially makes new, pure, rich
blood. By making new blood Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills sharpen the appetite,
eoothe the worried nerves, regulate the
health. They banish paleness, clear
the complexion, bring rosy cheeks and
sparkling eyes.. They give plenty, of
strong blood for all the delicate rune -
Lions of womanhood. Miss Mary lack -
son, Normandale, On., says: "k.or upti
wards of three yeers I sufferei from
anaemia. I grew sq weak I could scaeetx
ly walk about the house. I had no
color in my face, my lips and gums
were bloodless, 1 suffered from bead
aehes and dizziness, and fell awes in
weight until I weighed only 94 pounee.
No treatment gave me the least beneht
until I began the use of •Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills Inside of sa few weeks atter
beginning the pills I began to grow
ter, and they soon restored my health
and while using them I gained fourtson
.pounds in weight. 1 can strongly re-.
commend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to
all pale and feeble girls."
There are thousands of pale anaeceic
girls and women throughout Can",:la
who shoind follow the example of MR'
Jackson and give 'Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills a fair trial. Bright eyes, rosy
cheeks and perfeot. health would soen
fellow. When you tiny the pills :see
that the full name, "Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale People," is printed on the
wrapper around each box. Sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents
a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing
the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
litElt BANKS ArD )3ItAES.
What Is Going on in the Taig4"
• lauds and Lowlanda of
Auld !.c )tia. •' Made by Cures Like That of Simon V.
Mr. Jariles Young, Sheriff Clerk LalldrY—fie Tells Alma i Himself.
Deputy, Lanmet, is .dead. River Botirgois, Richmond Co., C. 13,
Mr. George Amos, of leamill,On,, a Jan. 15---(Specia1).—Among the Many
Crimean veteran, has died. men M this part of Canada whom Dodd's
A new police office is to be bU•ilt at ICidriey Pills have relieved of aches and
pains and weakneSs and made strong
and able to do a good day's work is Mr.
$11110B V. Landry. Mr. Landry has
numerous friends here who can vouch
for the story be tells of his °tire.
"I was bothered for over a year," he
says, "with lame back, weak leo, pal-
pitation of the heart, general weakness
and shortness of breath; in fact I could
not work and was a total wreck.
"I could not get anything to help me
till I tried Dodd 's Kidney Pills. But
they did me good and no mistake, I
used three boxes ancl I'm back at work
it is the cures that make Docld's Kid-
ney Pills so popular. Their popularity
has grown steadily for thirteen years.
It -must be well founded.
Dalmuir at a cost of £2,000.
The Rev. J. W. Shannon, Flawiels, has
been elected minister of GillnOeS P11100
U, F. church, Edinburgh.
Brevet -Major J. E. Ignatius Master-
son, V.C., has been appointed recruit=
ing staff officer at Glasgow.
One of the oldest agricalturists in Wig-
townshire, Mr. Alexander Stewart, has
passed away at the age of 86.
Mrs. Mason, late of •^-Mill of Cammie,
Strachan, near Banchory, has died in
Aberdeen at t,he age of 99 years. De-
ceased was a native of Strachan.
General satisfaction is felt in Dum-
fries at the honor which has been con-
ferred on the burghs by the elevation
of Sir Robert Reid to •the Woolsack,
Mr. Andrew Dougall, who was long
manage t and secretary of the Highland
Railway Compeny, has died at his Lon-
don residence. Mr. Dougall resigned
office just ten years ago.
Inverness proposes to fix a voluntary
assessment of 4d. per LI, on houses of
a rentable value of £10 and upwards in
order to provide !uncles to oppose the
northern railway combine.
The finest Scotch fir in the country is
one which was planted in 1700 to dom-
memorate the Union of the Crowns. It
stands in the grounds of old Auchen-
drane, has a girth of 10 feet 3% inches,
a height of 87 feet, and is still flourish-
In the annual report of the Scottish
MINER'S BRAVE RESCUE. Rifle Association pleasure is expressed
that the increaeing enthusiasm for rine
shooting should -have produced a total
He Raced Against Death with a Burning entry of 3,809 for last year's comPeli-
Fuse. tions. Africa sent seven of these, Can-
. ada four, New Zealand two, and India
An act of great bravery is recorded one. •
in the London Gazette, which announces The Rev. D.4. Macdonald, Killeen,
the bestowal of the Albert medal of 'he has attained his semi -jubilee ' as an or -
second class on Edward Nicholls, a mi- dained minister. Kintyre Presbytery
ner employed at the Lake View Consols extended their congratulation's, and Mr.
Mine, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia.
Nicholls was working last April on the
1,200 feet level of the mine witletwo com-
panions. They had lit the fuses Id a
, round of charges of dynamite, and were
retiring for • safety to tbe lower level,
when one of the charges exploded. •
The lights were all eXtingiliStied by
the explosion, and Nicholls called out in
the darkness to know , if any, one were
hurt. - He groped his way over the de-
bris to the spot where he, heard his com-
rade Bentley greening.
The six-foot fuses of the other four
charges were burning at the rate f
ninety seconds a yard, and Nicholls
knew that if he could not rescue eis
comrade in less than three minutes both
would be blown to pieces.
'-'IteifeSlie'd'aip the incline, frOm the top
The a.rmored cruisers which aro being
built at Clydebank, Fairfield and Elswick
for the British Government will be the
most powerfully armed in the world.
They will each carry four 12 -inch -and
ten 9.2 -inch guns. It .may be doubted
whether such a' gun power can be ac-
commodated on a displacement of; say,
16,000 tons, but the recent, development
of the battleship goes to show that it. is
quite possible. It is a great achievement
foe Sir Philip Watts to give art armored-
cruiger with the Lord Nelson's arma-
ment on a displacement of less than
that of the battleship.
Their complete home cure. Post
free to readers of this paper.
For limited period only. '
A handsome illustrated treatise, giv-
tug full descri on ce Phoutnatism and
Macdonald's • former assistants resident paralysis, wit instructions for a coin -
in. Stotland, fourteen in number, are [nese home cure, • describing the most
succesen t ' in . the Iv orld, re-
presenting him with a tangible token ,if sful commendedt reatin by the Ministry and en dors-
their esteem. . ed by medical men
This hi
• ghl
Y in -
Aberdeen students have decided to structive book was written by W, H.
Veno, a gentleman who has made. a
raise a bill of suspension in the recent study of these diseases. The preface is
ccinvietion of a student for thrpwing a by a graduate of the University of
a bag of peasemeal and breaking a win- Wurtzburg. bend postal to -day and
you will receive the book free by re-
dow in a tramcar in Union street. The turn.—Address, The Veno Drug . Co., . 29,
students are determined to leave no King St., mot, Tel onto
stone unturned in order to • conserve _
their valued privilege of. making them- Mabel (studying her lesson)—"Papa,
selves an occasional nuisance. what is the definition of volubility?"
Greenock Harbor Trust have made a Mabel's Father—"My child, volubility
claim against the Glasgow and South- is a distinguishing feature of your mo -
Western Railway for 20,000 in conneas ther when, on account of urgent busi-
tion with the purchase by the coinpany ness affairs, I don't , happen to reach
of ground at Inch Green, Greenock, be- home until after two o'clock in the
longine to the Harbor Trust and the ac- morning." (
. .
quirement of. ,groundby the Trust from
of which Bentley's groans came. On the the railway company. The matter has
top he found his comrade lying under been awaiting settlement for twenty
an enormous stone. years. • •
He had to roll the stone away before Lord Stratheona, Glencoe, has pur-
he could move him, but he succeeded chased fro Mr. MacAlpine Downie, of
in getting his comrade down. of about twenty-five miles, marching
Just as he reached a place of safety there with the estates of Sir John Stir -
the other charges exploded. Bentley ling Maxwell, M. P., • Sir N. Menzies,
subsequently died of his injuries. Lord Strathcona thrdlhrdl hrdl r rdrr
Lord Bredalbane, and several others.
It is one of the finest grouse and deer
CHILDLIOOD INDIGESTION. preserves in the Highlands.
Ayrshire has just lost, by the death
of Captain John Marr, one of its most
Nothing is more common in childhood prominent seafaring figures. The cap -
than indigestion. Nothing is more tain was born at Troon, in 1841, the son
dangerous to proper growth, more weak- of one of the leading captains of the
ening to the constitution, or more likely day, and at the early age of eleven went
to pave the way to dangerous disease. to sea 'smith his father. After sailing for
Nothing is more easy ..to keep under con- various owners, he joined the City Line
trot, for proper food and Baby's Own in 1876, and for a quarter of a century
Tablets will cover the whole ground. was .a valued servant of that firm. For
FIere is strong proof. Mrs.G. G. Irv- many years he commanded the City
ing, Trout Brook, Que., says: "My baby of Bonibay, and about fifteen years ago
boy was troubled with chronic indiges- with this vessel broke the then existing
tion and was a constant sufferer. -.No- "tea" record from India to this country,
thing helped him until I tried Baby's .carrying the largest tea cargo that had
Own Tablets, but these promptly cured up to that date been brought from Cal -
him and he is now as healthy a little cutta to London.
lad as you would care to see. I always
keep thee tablets in the house and they
quickly cure all the troubles of child-
hood," Every mother should keep these POSITIVELY RUDE.
Tablets on hand. They cure all the Sapleigh--"Each night before retiring
minor ailments •of children, and their .1 write down mes thoughts in a little
prompt administration when trouble notebook, doncher know."
conies may save a precious little life. Miss Cutting—"Indeedt -And how long
They are guaranteed to contain no opi- have you been doing that?'
ate or harmful drug. Youcan get Sapleigh—"About three yeahs."
Baby's Own Tablets from any druggist Miss Cutting—"Then you must have
or by mail at 25 cents a box by writ- the first page nearly filled by this
ing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., time."
Brockville, Ont. ,
Which is the thriftiest town in Eng-
land? Speaking at the foundation -stone
laying at the new savings hank at Pres-
• ton, Alderman Roper, the actuary, said
that years ago Samuel Smiles stated
that Preston was the thriftiest town M
the country. This was true to -day.
• Through the znedium of fifty penny
banks and the savings' banks the deposi-
tors tottilled over half the Reputation nf
• the town, • and cluringssliis connection
with the bank eheecapilal had increased
from ;8170,0091,o £1700000.
,..seetiediurn, as explained by Professor
Dttrwin, is a substance which is perhans
milliens of times more powerful than
dynamite, Thus, 1( 10 estimated that an
,bunee of radium tv,ottIcl contain enottgli
power to raise 10,000 tons a mile above
the earth'e sUrface, Another way of etat-
ing the Same estimate.is tills: The energy
needed to tow a ship of '12,600. tens a
distance of 6,000 sea mllee at fifteen knots
is contained in 22 ozS.,of raditun. The
Saxon probably burns 5,000 or 6,000 tons
of coal on a Voyage of approximately
the same length. •
"What are Yon studying hew?" tiSked
Mrs, CuMrox. "We have takeri ttp the
subject, Of • molecules," ansWered her
Pan. "I hope yOu Vvit • a.1 y-attentiVe
end practise Constant • d the mo-
ther, "1 tried to,.get• y ,er to wear
' '2,,,enev'bilt he dotikatt m d .0 stay in his
How it Often Happens From Coffee.
• ,,
What Makes you Despondent?— Has
the stomach gone wrong? [-lave the
nerve centres grown tired and listless?
Are you threatened with nervous pros-
tration? South American Nervine is Na-
ture's corrector, makes the stomach Hell.
gives a world of nerve force, keeps the
circulation perfect. A regular constitu-
tion builder for rundown people. One
lady says: "I owe my life to it." --84
Mrs. G.—"I never have any trouble
with baby. I've only to sing to him and
he goes off to sleep at once." Mrs. P.
(gushingly)—"What a knowing child"
"I had no idea," writes a Duluth man,
"that it was the coffee I had been drink-
ing all my dile that was responsible for
the headaches which were growing up -
en me, for the dyspepsia thatnomedi-
eined would relieve, and for the acute
nervousness which unfitted me not only
for work but.elso for the most ordin-
ary socio/ functions.
• "But a' last the truth dawned upon
me I foeertwith bade the harmful bever-
age a prompt farewell, ordeied in some
Posturn and began to use it. The good
effects of the new food drink Were ap-
.parent within a Very , few days. My
headaehes grew less frequent, and de-
creased in violence, my stomach grew
strong and able to digest My food with-
out distress of any kind, my nervous -
nese has gene ancl I am able to enjoy
life with my neighbors and sleep sound-
ly o'elights. My physieal strength and
nerve poWer have increeeed so.
• that I can do double the work. I used to
do, • and feel no undue fatigue after.
• "This impibvernent set in just as soon
as the old coffee poiSen had 86 worked
out of my systeni as to allow the 'food
elements in the Postum to get ahold to
build me up again, I cheerfully testify
that it was Posturn and Posture. alone
that• dld all thia, ler when I began to
drink it 1 'threw physic to the dogs.'"
Name given by Postum Co, Battle
Creek, Mich.
There's a reason. Read the fani.118
little hook "The Road to' Wellville" 111
Nothing looks more ugly than to see
a person whose hands are covered over
with warts. Why haye these disfigure-
ments on your person when a sure re-
mover of all warts, corns, etc„ can be
found in Hollotvay's Cora Cure.
An old couple were gazing at a marble
memorial to a bishop, which showed him
sinking into the arms of an allegorical
figure intended to represent the Angel
of Death. The old lady surveyed the
monumene critically; and then remarked
that. it, was a good likeness of the Bish-
op. "But," she added, "it ain't a bit like
his wife. I knew her well, and she wore
spectacles end side curls."
Much -Petted -Animal likely to be Vehicle
The apparenUy harmless doniestic cat
is a source of great danger, according
to the London Lancet, fax two cases of
Diphtheria have practically been traced
to children kissing and petting these
The bacteriologist for the Burgh cf
Govan is responsible for this latest
medical scare. tie has issued an inter-
esting report on the result of his investi-
gation into the possibility of the infec-
tion of diphtheria being carried by the
lower animals, especially WS-.
Two cats were- taken to the labora-
tory, where their throats were exam-
ined. Micro-organisms, from .the throat
were cultivated on artificial media away
from the body and were found to cor-
respond in every respect to those ef
the human subject.
In case the anirnal had been in the
habit of sleeping in the same bed as
the patient. and in the other the child
had been carrying it in her arrne and
kissing ` it, as children frequently do
with domestic pets.
' As both, cats had been ailing before
Ike children beCame affected, infection
ie quite likely to have been carried in
this wess, and it is perfectly reasonable
to Suppose that similar instances of un-
detected or unrecognized attacks of dis,
ease among the lower animals . have
materielly contributed to the prevalence
of diphtheria.
Enpeck was dining at the herne Of a
friend. "Will you have some of the
tongue?" aeked the hostess. "NO thank
yol4" replied Envolt; "I get too much
, : .....-...-......+..--...:..' '
, .
I, Mrs. Hotriebuddy— Home Is the dear-
est spot oti earth after ell." Mr. I-1,
—"Yes, When you count in the Tent; and.
, - 11
It^ "•••,'L.e."SittV
c non RE,WARP will
w••••••••iv,130 paid to any
person who proves that
SunilEeht Soap contains any
injurmus chemicals or any
form of adulteration,
is better than other soaps,
but is best when used in
the Sunlight way.
Sunlight Soap contains
no injurious chemicals.
Sunlight Soap is pure
soap, scientifically made.
Every step in its manu-
' facture is watched by an
expert chemist.
Sunlight Soap saves
labor, and the wear of
rubbing which Common
soaps require in washing
Your money refunded by
the dealer from whom you buy
Sunlight Soap if you find any cause
for complaint.
Lever Brothers Limited. Toronto
That's why any woman is after a hot cup of rragrard
TEA. It chases away that old tired fee ling and fills her with new life.
Only one best tea. Blue Ribbon's It.
" Oshawa" Steel Shingles
Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying from $2 85 to $5.10
per hundred square feet covering measure. This is the most desirable coy-
ering on the market, and is an ideal covering for Houses, Barns, Stores, Ele-
vators, Churches, etc. Any handy man can lay the "OSHAWA" shingles. A
hammer and snips are the only tools required.
We are the largest and oldest company of the Itind under the British
flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada,
making them
We also maurifacture Corrugated Iron in long sheets, Conductor Pipe and
METAL SHINGLES, in imitation of brick or stone. ,
• METAL CEILINGS, in 2,000 designs.
• Write for Catalogue No. 14R and free -samples of "OSHAWA" Shingles. Write
Boarder (warmly)— Oh, I know every
one of the tricks of your trade. Do you
think I have lived in a boarding house
twenty years for nothing?
Landlady (frigidly) — I shouldn't be
at all surprised.
to -day.
767 Craig $t. 423 Sussex St. 11 Colborne
Head Office and Works,
$t 70 Lombard St. 615 Ponder St.
Oshawa, Ont., Canada
The Southern California New Train.—
Best Route.
The Los Angeles Limited, electric
lighted, new from the Pullman shop's,
with all latest innovations for travel
comfort, leaves Chicago 10.05 P. M.
daily, arrives Los Angeles 4.45 P. Mf
third day via Chicago, Union Pacific As
NortheWestern Line and The Salt Lake
Route. Pullman drawing-roorn and
tourist sleeping cars, composite obser-
vation car, dining cars, a la Carte ser -
vide. For rates sleeping car reserva-
tions and full particulars, apply to your
nearest agent, or address, B. . 13ennett,
2 East King St., Toronto, Ont.
Sleeplessness.—When the nerves are
unstrung and Om whole body. given up
to wretchedness, when the mind is fill-
ed with gloom and dismal forebodings,
tha result of derangement of the diges-
ti V° organs, sleeplessness roines to add
to the distress f only the subject
could sleep there would be oblivion for
a while and temporary relief. Parme-
lee's Vegetable Pills will not only in-
duce sleep, but will act so benenciany
„that the subject will twake refreshen
and restored to happiness.
"Your honor," said the attorney, "this
man's insanity takes the form of a be-
lief that everyone wants to rob him.
He won't allow even me, his counsel, to
approach him." "Maybe he is not so
crazy after all," murmured the Court,
in a judicial whisper.
Heart Disease Relieved in 30 Minutes.
Dr: Agnew's Cure for the Heart gives
perfect relief in all cases of Organic or
Sympathetic Heart Disease in 30 minutes
and. speedily affects a cure. It is a peer-
less remedy for Palpitation, Shortness
of Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in
the Left Side, and all symptoms of a
Diseased Heart. One dose convinces. -83
Gussie--"Do you think she'll marry
you?" Jack—"I'm afraid not. I propos-
ed by post, ydu know, and although she
wrote two letters in reply there was no
encouragement in them." "Indeed?"
"Yes; the letters were
It your children moan and are rest-
less during sleep, eoupled, when awake,
with a , loss of appetite, pale counten-
ance, picking of the nose, etc., you I
depend upon it that the primary cause
of the trOuble is worms. Mother
Graves' Worm Exterminator effectua t •
renioveit these pests, at once relieving
the little sufferers,
"They say the Eskimos are a very ab-
stemious people."
"Never 'make a night of it, eh?"
"Most assuredly not. A man couldn't
very well stay out for six months."
You need not shed any tears if you will place
The D L" Menthol Plaster on that lame back.
Tr" and. be convinced
Mr, Penquick--"Yes, my vleseeseevas aw-
fully near-sighted when we evereeeserris
ed." Alice (with conviction)—"She must
have been."
"Man is Pilled With Misery."— This
is not true of all men. The well,
sound of lung, clear of eye, alert and
buoyant with health, are not miserable,
whatever may be their social condition.
To be well is to be happy, and we can
ell be well by getting and keeping our
bodies in a healthful state. Dr. Thom-
as' Electric Oil will help all to do this.
"Gent's," said •the trolley car conduc-
tor, "you Mustn't stand on the back
platform, 'Yu breakin the rules."
"Some of 'em ain't," piped up the lit-
tle man; "they're standin' on my. feet."
. •
v,\x ,
,------ - 4 Ti
4----- DODDS /).,
K I El , ,1
PILLS --'s
l'od/ 1 _.......-„,-.715i'
liks --' KIDNEY,r1cf ?..,
IGHT's DIS 0 i
biARETES or k
Niro " nu
si ustlysoit
/AC The pa I 0 Ion ii In
-ItarlonSold l%
_00 no,
wVith took,
tched her
Veteran Land Scrip
Wanted—state price and amount avail.
. 91 Wellesley St., Toronto.
"Belle is such a. mannish girl. She
wears ti man's top -coat, a man's fedora
and a man's tie. Now she is thinking
about getting a man's collar."
"Well, there is one thing she will nev-
e:, get."
"What's that?
"A man's heart."
The hostess had been trying in vain
to coax a young lady to sing.
Little Willie—"Grandad, what makes
a man always give a woman a diamond
en gagem ent ring?" Grandfather—"The
"Yes," said the veteran of many wars,
"i have participated in seventeen engage-
ments."' "What," exclaimed the pretty
young widow; "and you are still a bache-
lor?" .
Like little volcanoes of disease, the eruptions
of eczema pour out discharges. Bad blood causes
the trouble. The local remedy is Weaver's Cerale,
and Weaver's Syrup will drive the poison f ram ths
"All I have in the world I owe to my
wife," murmured the millionaire, who
was about to fail, "and I think I had
better square ap with her now." And
he proceeded to put all his possessions
in his wife's name.
The Pall of Rheumatic Pains.— When
a sufferer finds permanent relief in such
a meritorious medicine as South A•neri-
can Rheumatic Cure, how glad he is to
tell it. C. W, Mayhew, of Tharnesville,
Ont., couldn't walk of feed himself ler
months—four years ago three bottles of
this great remedy cured hint—not pain
since—isn't that encouragement filr Oleo.
matte sufferers? -82
Mrs. Jones—"And have you any ref-
erences? Applicant—"No, mum; I
tore 'em up," Mrs. Jones (in surprise)
—"Tore them upl 1 -low foolish!" Ap-
plicant—"You wouldn't think so, mum,
if you had seen 'ern."
TWA tries all things, and as Pickle's
Anti -Consumptive Syrup has stood the
test of years it now ranks as a lead-
ing speeific in the treatment of all ail-
ments of the throat and lungs. It
will soften and subdue the most stub-
born cough by relieving the irritation,
alai restore the affected organs to
healthy conditions. Use will show
its value. Try it. and be convinced of
its ellicaty. ,
Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps,
imt in best when used iu the Sunlight way.
Buy Suniight-Scias, follow directions.
"Waiter, these are very smt411 oy
ers." "Yes, sir." "And they don't ap-
pear to be fresh, either." "Then it's
lucky they're small, ain't it, sir?"
A flatter of Importance to an those vrho ars
run down aud debilitated. is the fact that
"Ferronm" is the best tonic ever compounded.
It gives strength and builds up the system,
"Have a smoke, old man?" said Stin-
jay, proffering a weed. "No thank you,"
replied Wiseman. "What's the matter?
Don't you enjoy a good cigar?" "Yes;
that's what's the matter."
The situation is seldom quite as bad
as might he. Happy is the spirit that
recognizes this truth, and talseS •comfort
to itself in the thought of what is spar-
ed. The Irishman whose tale of calain-
ity iS related in th,e Birrningliain Post
belongs to this choice class of fortu-
Cassidy had just been injured in a
"Poor b'y1" exclaimed O'Hare, consol-
ingly, "'Tis tough luck to haVe yer
hand bloWed off."
"Ooh! Faith, it might have been
worse," replied Cassidy. "Supposo Oi'd
had trio week's • wages in it at that
The Flagging Energies Revived.---Cosre
stiant application to business is a tax
upon the energies, and if there be no
relaxation, lassitude and depression are
sure to intervene. These come from
stomach troubles. The want of exer-
cise brings on nervous irregularities.
and the stomach ceases to assimilate
food properly. In this condition Par -
melee's 'Vegetable Pills will be found a
recuperative of rare power, restoring
the organs to healthful action, dispel'.
ing depression, and reviving the flagging
Wool: "HOW do you like your new
diggings?" Van Pelt; "All right, ex-
cept that the man across the hall is
learning to play the flute "You ought
to get an accordion," "I did; that's why
he got the flute.
Three different waiters at a dinner
asked a prim, precise professor, if he
would have soup. Annoyed, he said to
the last waiter who asked the question:
"Is it compulsory?" "No, sir," said the
waiter; "it's mock turtle."
There le no such fishily as a harmless cough
The trouble goes from bad to worse unless eheolc-
ed. Allen's Lung Balsam cures the worst colds..
It allays inflammation and clears the ai.t passages
Ma—"Tommy, you seem, to love papa
better than you do me." Tommy—"Oh,
ma, I don't mean to; but, you see, pa.
always has his pockets 'full o' pennies."
"Bought my Life for 35 Cents."—This
was one man's way of putting it, when
he had been pronounced incurable from
chronic. dyspepsia. "It was a living
death to me until I tried Dr. Von Slan's
Pineapple 'Tablets. Thanks to thorn
to -day I' am well, and I tell my friends
I bought my life for 35 cents" 60 in a
box. -80
"Yes," said Miss Passay coyly, "it is
true that Mr. Duniley and 1 are to
partners for life." "Well, well," (se
olaimed Miss Pert, "what a responsible
ity for you, being the senior. partneri"
Cash or Cure
If Shiloh's Consumption Cure fails to cure
your Cold or Cough, you get back all you
paid (or it. You are nue of a Cur o es
the Cash. ,
11 it wasn*t a sme cure, this offer would
not be mode.
Can anything be fairer?
11 you have e Cold, Cough, or any Awns
�f the Thro4 Lump or Air Passages, try
SilE ILO Eli
23t,, per hot& dealess,guatentee
%SUP; NO, 3-0$ ,