Exeter Advocate, 1904-12-15, Page 1EIGHTEENTH YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO, ' 11TRSDAY DECEMBER 15 1904. (New Reading Matter appears in this space saoh week.) Drafts &Money Orders If you are sending money anywhere for Oh Rstings interview THE SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADA' • before doin,so. We have best facilities for sending money ato ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD by SIMPLE, SAFE and olmEAP METHODS. WH U E YOU Alts~ SUCCESSFUL. While you are enabled to Uri with ease ,and 'comfort that is the tine to lay plans that will give permanency to your happiness.. The surest way is by saying;, and the surest wiry to save is with a Savings Account at this Bank We add the interest to the principaland compound it four times a . year. $r.00 will open an, account. EXETER, OREDITON, DASAWOOD, HENSALL. Zmticil; CLINTON THE SOVEREIGN BANK OF .CANADA. filadrnav &. Stanbury, P. E. Knr1x, Solicitors Mrnal en Bxetcr rote; ,5 raay.xJP+awty:� t In season and-ont of season this store is always in evidence with attractive goods of every sort, at special prices. We're Fancy Goods students and we make a study of meeting thewantsof shoppers. . We have made large and special purchases for'Chr$tmas trade and no store—we don't care where—can offer you the-vairety we can. We don't ask you to buy if yon don't see what you waut, but we feel, we know we can satisfiy any- body and everybody because we have the stock. You Should See Our Shaving Outfits, Hair and Clothes Brushes, Fancy China, Per- fume cases, Jewell cases, Manicure setts,' Fancy lamps, Purses, Dolls Toys, Bring the children in and make then happy—we have the .goods to do it. Confectionery Y • We constant?y keepa fresh stock of : all kinds of can- - clies, nuts, oranges, lemons etc,, and to supply the Xmas trade we have laid in hundreds of pounds.' 2. oz. Oran es for 25c 2 doz. Lemons for5o Dari and See Us Charlton'sFair Lergai. DIOIcsoN & °enema, BARRISTERS, SOLIOI- tore, Notaries, Conveyancers,` Commissioners. Solicitors for Molsons Bank, etc. ' Money to Load atlowest rates of interest. Offices, Main street, Exeter,. I.; R. OdTLLING, B.A., L, If. DICKSON MONEY TO LOAN. est. GLADMAN STANBIIRY, Barristers, Soticit0rs,Main;et., Exeter Ont We e have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village properties at low rates of inter - LLOYD .il', JONES Organist and Choir Master of the Trivitt Memorial Church. Teacher—Plano, Organ, Voice, Harmony, Modern methods. Thoroughness RNEST ELLIOT, CONVEYANCER, ETC.' Private funds to loan on farm and village pro- perty at lowest rates of interest. Accounts collected, . OFFICE—Main Street Exeter. TAHE NOTICE. 1 Notice is hereby given that I will not be respon- sible for any debts contracted by anyperson or per- sons other than by myself. ROBT. COLBERT, Centralia. STRAY YEARLING G STEER. There strayed on to the premises of the undersign- ed, Lot 4, Con. 8, Usborne, on or about Nov. 17th, a yearling steer,xed color. Owner may have same by proving property, and paying expenses. 1L$D LIIxTDN, Exeter P.O. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale that splendid 100 acre farm in the township of McGillivray, being� Lot i, Con. 10. On the premises is a good brick pouSe and frame outbuildings, good orchard, an abundant supply of water, splendid fences and other•,00nvien- ees, • '"he•land is well drained and is in a good state of cultivation. Will be sold reasonably and on easy terms. Apply to Mat. Anafeenoxe, Centralia. MEN WANTEQ, We have a position open for one *mood man in each locality, local or tra- velling, at $840 a year and expenses $2.5 er day tacking up show cards and ge ally advertising a New Dis- covery. O experience necessary. Write for pa" Salitg Medici Co., London, Ont: T,ondon College of Commerce,ad Comprising Business, •Shorthand and• Typewriting, and Academic De- partments. In writing for catalogue containing full particulars; Address,. W. N. YERRX, C. B. Priiteipal. Dr, Ovens, of London, SURGEON DENTIST, SPECIALIST DISEASES of EYE, EAR, NOSE and eintoeT. GLASSES PROP eli,LY FITTED, Visits EXETER 1-VIO14'1'x1LT Ofllce:—Oommercial Hotel, _.- WEDNMSbAY Dates OfiS1tS . December 28. London office: -225 Queens Ave. County Council Election County of Huron. Public Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors of County Ditnsion No. 4, composed of the Municipalities of the. Townships of Usborne and Stephen, and the Village of Exeter, will be held at TOWN HALL, EXETER, - on Monday, the 10th day of December, 1004, at the hour of One o'clock in the afternoon, for the pur- pose of nominating candidates to represent them in the Council of the County of Huron, for the years 1006 and 1009; and that in case a poll is demanded, polls will be opened on the 2nd day of January, 1006, in each polling subdivision at the time and place fixed byby-law of the Municipalities in the said. County Envision. FRANCIS MORLEY, Nominating officer' for Co. Council, Div„ No. 4 Dated at Whalen, this 8rd day of Eecember, .1904.. • Stephen Township Nomination, PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that a - meeting of the Electors of the township of :Stephen, will he held in the TOWN HALL, CREDITON, - _ON_ - ll1oitdny, Dec. 26th, A.D., 1904 at o'clock in the afternoon,' for the purpose of nominating candidates to represent the Township of Stephen, as Reeve and Councilmen for the year A.D. 1905. And in case a poll is demanded, polls will be opened on the 2nd day of January, A.D., 1006, in each polling sub -division as fixed by by-law of the Township of Stephen. Of which all persons will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly." God save the Krum. . Thiry, menet, Tp. clerk. Dated' Dec. 6th, 1906. ADDITIONAL LOCALS - See our Military Brushes and Cases before purchasing hairbrushes. How- ey's Drug Store. Notice). • For the convenience of customers who may be in a hurry or find it too far to walk to the mill we have made arrange- ments for orders to beleft at W. S. Howey's drug store, brie door south of the Post Office, and the orders will be forwarded from there and. receive prompt attention. Harvey Bros. Railway News. On Friday last a deputationof the Board of Trade, consisting of L. H. Dickson, Dr. RoIlinss, J. W. Taylor, W. H. Levett and T. B. °arling, drove to St. Marysto meet their Board of %rade and consult about a proposed line of railway through this section of country. St. Marys had had corres- pondence with and visits from officials of the O.P.R. After full consultation it was decided to apply for a charter, at the coming session of Parliattlent, to bnild a railway from some point on the C.P.It, (preferable North East of Stratford on the new Guelph and God- erich branch) through Stratford, St. Marys, Kirkton, .Exeter, Crediton, Greenway and straight on to Sarnia, The preliminary notices for this char- ter will appear at once. It was ar- ranged that probably in it month it meeting would be held in Tleeter when a delegation from the West would he invited. The branch superintendent of the (.P.R. will visit St. Marys and Exeter this month. This road in all probability twill be built and running in the near future. SANDERS & CREnoH, Prop's Drysdale Messrs. Emerson Snider and .Enke Horner shipped two carload of choice heavy cattle to the Old Country this week.—The shores of old Lake Huron are again covered with ice. Wad fowl are hovering about in large numbers and sportsmen are everywhere numer- ous.—R. J. Talbot, has purchased the fishing station on the lake shore, op- posite this village, formerly owned by L, Menore and has it removed to his residence: --Mr. H.. Talbot our veteran thresher is doing a rushing business with his giant locomotive.—John Dur- and is in Kincardine atpresent. —Alex. °ballet, framer, who has spent the past summer in Hensel', has returned; • Tucke 17iith.• • The farmers here are taking advant- age of the excellent sleighing, whtle the young people are enjoying the meery sleighing parties.—Mr. Ashton, who has been on it visit to Clinton friends, has returned and is again re. - siding with his daughtete--Mr. and Mrs. Josiah White, who have been in Maiiitcsba for some time, have return- ed and are at present residing in Chu - ton, --Mrs. albite, sr., who has been indisposed, is slowly improving. -Jas. Addison, who has been residingat the boom of Geo. Turner for the past sum- mer, has returned to his home in Lon clesboro.—On Wednesday wedding halls tolled, while Mr. Ed. Plewes, for- merly of Tuckerswitb, aid Miss Vino Elliott, were united in holy bonds of matrimony. They left on Monday for their future home in Moosomin, carte,- ing with them the best wishes for their future welfare and happiness. Farquhar. A GOOD ENTER,TAINILENT.-The en- tertainment given,: in Fassold's Hall; under the auspices of Companion Court. Independent Order of Forest- ers, on Friday night last proved an llugnalified success in every particular. The Coughlin Family as advertised were in attendance and to say the least they are truly remarkably clever for their musical proclivities. They prac- tically gave the entire program, '. their everyn umber being most enthusiasti- cally applauded and on almost every piece the audience insisted on an en- core. The father accompanies the family and besides playing an instru- mental he gave two comic selections that were thoroughly enjoyed. The singing by the- Misses Conlghlin was also of a high order and brought forth laud applause at their every selection.. Miss Blanche Rook and. Miss Miller, of \'Vinehelsea, favored the audience with reading selections whiele were well received The Box Social is n at s unique innovation in the proceedine:•,: The ladiesof the neigborhood had pre- pared pared a large number of fancy and costily designed boxes. These were filled with the choicest kind of edibles and contained the name of the lady preparing same. The boxes were put up by auction at this entertainment and sold, the prices ranging from 40c, to $1.25. The sale over,the purchaser would seek the lady whose name ap- peared on the slip of paper and . when found both would participate in the contents of the box. Mr. Thos. Cam- eron•made a capital auctioneer for the occasion which the fancy prices real- ized. eal ized-`w'ould indicate. Taken on the whole the evening was most thorough- ly enjoyed by everybody, rand the Companion Courtis to be congratu- lated. upon the success of their efforts. The proceeds amounted to over $45.00. Luean. F. H. Willis has returned to the West.—Mr. and Mrs. Murray, of For- est were or-est_were visitors at the: home of Mrs., Carrigan.—Mr, and Mrs. B. Stanley have gone to California to spend the winter.—Thos. Dew, of Forest,late of the St. Marys Argus staff, has accept- ed a position at the Sun office. -Wm. Rollins is recovering from his recent illness. -The various congregations are preparing for . their genas. entertain- ments.—Rev. Geo. Jackson, of Strata ford, occupied the pnlpit.iu the Meth- odist church on Sunday. -John S. At- kinson and wife, of Manitoba, are here to spend. the winter.—We under- stand Miss Gertie K. Elliott, who is attending the Model school in London has been engaged to teach in Bent- path inrLambton Oo.,forthe year 1905. DIED.—This week it becomes our sad duty to record the death of one of our oldest residents in the person of Mary Howard, who departed this life on Wednesday of last week, - The funer- al took place on Friday to St. James church for service and interment. Mrs. Howard had been ill for some. time, but the immediate cause of death was attributed to the"general breaking up of the system, When quite -young she came to this' country from Eng- land. She was always an industrious lady and owing to her sweet disposi- tion was clearly beloved. Mrs: How- ard's creed wets of a simple, evangeli- cal kind thatevery follower, of the Re- deemer would assent' to. Her life was full of years and she hada large share of all that it brings to human kind of sorrow and. grief and joy and gladness. Wide was the circle of her friends and deep .is the sense of loss, but one and all, who through the long years of her stay with thein were accustomed to look upon her kind, benevolent, saint- ly face as that of a very dear friend not to be parted from, who will now look forward to the time of re -union.. Tuesday saw all that was mortal of Isabella, beloved wife J. H. Rod- gins, laid in the et, James cemetery. The home 1s now left destitute and ead and to -day the husband mourns the. departure of rt beloved wife and neigh- bors sigh for the kind word and genial' smile which were always given by her. Deceased who had attained the age of 66 years, 8 months; and 10days, had been til for some time and el- thoirgh she received the best medical attention rind kind nursing all proved of no avail and on Friday her s irit took flight and ascended to the Giver. To the sorrowing' and bereaved ones We extend our sympathy. The Ontario Provincial f Election Takes Place January 25th next, Nomination one 'Week Earlier. Winchelsea J. G. Jones was in London on Mon- day of last week on business. --Quite a number of our young people attended the Sox Social held at Farquhar on 'rhorsday evening of last week and re- po, as pleasant evening. Miss Rooke epe,Miss Miller did not :fail to please et r;rybody with their readings.—J. G. Jones acid O. Godbolt are sporting new c t yrs.—Miss Campbell visited friends in Seater over Saturday and Sunday. -- • ,bile moving his engine one night la: t week Hal Brown had the nrisfoe- tuue to upset,it into the ditch, break- ing the fly wheel and causing consider- able damage to the engine' generally. —Sunshine will hold their annual. '.liras. tree on Monday evening, Dec. 26te, when, the London Harpers will fuLniah the movie, The conirnittee is sparing no paius to make the enter- tatttnerxt a success. The Rev. Mr. Coositis, of Wood ham, will conduct the services on Christmas Sunday both a-fi,e:noon and °evening. O editton Next Sabbath is Missionary Day in the Methodist church here. Mrs. Mc - Chan, of London, Ex -President of the Wonren's Missionary Society and one of the Strongest missionary advocates in the .Methodist church, will .speak both morning and evening and at Ebe- rt( eer in the afternoon, Collections and subscriptions will be taken in be- half of the Missionary .Fund.—Miss Lilian Dowswell, who has :been en- gaged as milliner by Mr. C.Zwicker for the past season, has returned .to her ,hoxne in Dutton. -Mr. and Mrs. John Wein have moved into the dwelling lately occupied by Mr. Geo, Mantle. We welcome them into our midst.— Several of our citizens have received their Xmas. Globe numbers and are greatly pleased with them. The sup- pl`ttilents are beautiful and are a fine piece of the Lithographers' skill.—Mr. Ehler Gower has accepted a situation ars clerk with Mr. C. Zwicker.—Joseph Hetet shipped his household goods and etttats-from Ailsa Craig to Durrut, Miss., on Thursday. He will leave here with his family the beginning. of next week.—Now that the date of the Pro- v incird Elections has been set, our pot- itir i •.ns are again seen talking earneet- ,yLL:.b one another. In the event of an tel boiicipal"Eleetion also aur citizens will surely receive their share of cam- paigns.—The annual Xmas. Festival of the Evangelical church will he given on Chr•tstmas eve. Particulars later.— On Monday evening last the Literary Society inet at the home of Mrs. Blu- ett. The subject for theevening was "Germany," and two interesting pa- pers were given, "A general descrip- tion" by Dr.: Haist, "Bismark" by W. Kerr. Musical selections were given by Messrs. Amos and Beaver and a male chorus. The next meeting will be held on Monday evening; Dec. 19, at the home, of Mr. H. Eilber. There will be an open debate, subject: "Re- solved that the future of Ontario is brighter for the success of our young people than that of the Northwest." Dashwood The spirit of Christmas has reached our burgh. It is to be seen every- where. There is a bustle and a joy- ousness about oyousnessabout the crowds that line our stores and, above all, a certain some- thing in the demeanor of the `children that betokens the near approach of the da,yof peace on earth and good- will to all. The children are the true barometers of the Christmas season, and in proportion as the older folk catch the contagion oj, the child con- ception of the day does the season wax to its full tide of happiness.-S.S. No. 11, Stephen, will give a concert on the evening of Dec. 21. A splendid pro- gram of music, songs and plays is be- ing prepared. The play " Our Domes - ties," is intensely interesting and full of humor.—Mr. Horatio Reynolds, who has been in the West during the past summer, is again in:our midst.— The trustees of our school have engag- ed Mr. Sherwood as Principal, and Miss Clara Koehler as one of the assist - tan ts ssisttants for the year 1905. Another as- sistant is needed.—Ho! Holl Every- body is going to attend the Evangeli- cal Xmas. eutertainment on Friday evening, Dec. 23rd. It's to be a record breaker in point of entertainment and we are sure ali who attend will be am- ply repaid.—Mr. and Mrs. John Wein, of Crediton, were in the village Sun- day at the home of the latter's par- ents.—Sol. •Miller, of Grand Bend, was in the village Sunday. -A goodly num- ber of our, young people attended the Exeter Public School concert on Fri- day night and report a splendid time, —Mrs. Henry Srnith, of Sarnia, is vis- iting friends in the village. -The home of Mr. Ezra Bender has been brighten- ed by the appearance of a baby girl.— The remains of the late Mrs, Morris passed through the village Thursday, enroute-for the Rodgerville cemetery. It was a very rough day to make such a long trip, the undertaker informing us that it was over forty miles for the round trip. --Geo. TCellerman, of the school trustee board was in Goderich Monday on business for the school. Mr. John nail, of London, was in the village Monday. It looks quite famil. gar to see Mr. Hall driving around the village. The dissolution of the Parliament ended the North. Grey election trial. Among the Japanese constipation is almost unknown. It would be equal- ly unknown in Canatda if everybody used Vito Laxative 'Fruit Pills Nae (area remedy, composed of herbs, barks and fruits. Mr. C. Lutz, druggist, keep6thein in stock; price 25 cents.. A FULL STOCK To Choose Your Xmas. Gifts From, Mantle 'Clocks are useful. Watches, either e o Ta p eeiate them. Knives,F•orks, o'oons� are always in. demand. Cut Glass makes a rich gift. • Fine apanese China is nift . Leather Goods are tasty and useful. FIT ' - Staffa Won Donnelly left at few poi. Brussels, where he has accepted fosition with Mr. John liewittas ber. Will is quite a favorite will be much missa,d, and we every success in bis ueu enterprise.-- Mrs. F. HatnxiIton bas returned Guelph where sheattended the Institute Convention, -Henry has finished the season's threshing, which was a long and successful —Messrs. Kenneth and -John spent a few daa:ys in Stratford the week.—Miss Gilmurry, pleasant visit here with her Mrs. Feeney, has returned to in New York. days ago , bar- here and wish him born Ladies' •Butson one. Drake during after a cousin, her home of all he Satur- sleigh- long- is pre- and hoard is .busy putting a sum sick list. around his barn is a fine purchas- ride. an in- pleasing interest andMrs. evening, daughter, to At the entered un- ceremony Cooper, was and The by her in. a with carried a Little gown- Mr. beauti- evening and happy a show- congratIF a happy ACCIDENT AT ST. MARYS. St. Marys, Dee. S,—Isaac Corbett, sr., who is close on to 90 years of age, and wile resides with his. daughter, Mrs. Jobneton. Wilson, here, met with a wish ip on Tuesday, Mr. Corbett had ascended too near the top of aflight of stairs, wben he slipped back and fell to the -bottom, fracturing the right :lege between the knee and ankle. Dr, Smith, who reduced the fracture holds out no hope for his recovery. His wife was acc'identally killed about nine years ago by being tun over by a G.T. R. engine backing down near one of the switch crossings neer theSt:Marys G.T.R. town station. - BIRTHS Whs King tug Wiiltel xsamleonarch surveys. -The snow -which fell day and Sunday bas made the ing good, and as a consequence nest. is quite brisk. Everybody paring for Christmas, and happy joyous children can be seen and everywhere.—Frank Morley hauling gravel. He intends basement under his barn next mer. --Joseph Morley is on the We hope to soon see him again. -Albert Gunning has completed and it certainly structure.—Wm. Morley has ea new cutter from our blacksmith. Say, y,g , who got the fiest cutter —Your scribe expect to relate teresting event next week. P HELAN—In Parkhill, on Dec. 5, to Mr. and Mrs.: Jas. Phelan, a son. ALLIsoet-In McGillivray, on Dec. 6, to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Allison, a son„ NIBLoOK—In McGillivray, on Dec. 6, to Mr. and Mes. Tho&Niblock, a son.. WANLEss-In Crystal City, Man:, on Dec. 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 'Wan - less, (use Alma Cndxnore,) of Elgin, Man..; a da>lurhtean ;-a__ MARRIAGES .. MAR.RIOTT-0REIsRToN—At the manse St. Marys, on Nov. 30, ,by Rev. A. Grant, Mr- Geo. T. Merriott, to Miss Ella, daughter of Mr. andMrs. Henry Oreigton, all of Blan.shard. PATToty—Lnwis—At the residence of the bride's parents, on Dec.' 7, by the. Rev. H. A. Thomas, of 'Liman, Mr,. Wm. Patton, to Miss Lavine, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, Abbott Lewis,. all of McGillivray. - CORBETT—WYLLIE—At the residence. of the bride, on Dec.7, by Revds. Mr. Rennie and W. H. Geddes, Mr. Core bett,M.P.P., of Springfield, Man., to Miss Jennie Wyllie, of Ailsa Craige USbOrne WEDDED.—One of the most events which centre much .took place at the home of Mr. Chas. Cann on Wednesday Dec. 7th, when their eldest Miss Vida was united in marriage Mr. Geo. Dunn, of Bethesda. hour of. six the bridal party the parlorandarranged themselves der a beautiful floral arch illuminated with wax candles where the was performed by Rev. Mr. of Elirnviile. The wedding march played by Miss Lena .Blatchford was rendered with much effect. bride who was given away father was handsomely attired gown of crepe de chene trimmed silk lace and insertion and bouquet of white carnations. Miss Blanche, sister of the bride,acted as ring bearer and was daintily ed in it dress of white organdie. and Mrs. Dunn received many. ful and costly presents. The was pleasamtly spent in music social chat. At a late hour the couple left for their home amid er of rice and the warmest lations of 'their friends for and enjoyable life. �. DEATHS GenLEY—In Duluth, Minn., on Mon - day, Dec.12, Samuel Gidley, former - - ly of Exeter, aged64years, 4months.. HowARE—In Lttean, on Dec. 7, Mary Howard, aged 82years. OLVEn—In Hibbert on Dec.1, Richard Olver, aged 76 years, 8 months, CJARTER,—In McGillivray, en. hes.. 7,, Eliza, beloved wife of James Carter,. MCALLIsTER.—Near Hillsgreen, on Dec. 5, Alexander McAllister, aged 84 year& HODeaNS.--In Lucan, on Dec. 2, Ise - bell, beloved wife of J. H. Hedging,. aged 66 years, 3 months, 10 days. San$.—In Detrgit, on December 1st, Jose h Smith formerly of Exeter a080 1 Smith for y ,_ - 1111Nr FOR X1VIAS. BUYERS Come in and we will help you Select your Xmas • Gifts. • Iia s' Pocket Kni Yves 10 to 25c. Girls' Pen Knives 15 to 50c. Ladies' Pen Knives 25 to 50c, Men's Pocket Knives 25 to 75c• Razors 1.00 to -1.50 Strops 25 to 50e. Cups 15 to 50e. Carvers 50c, per pair 11 $1.00 rF ft - $1,25. �. r 11 $1.50 " .: . 2,7 - ,: `.n cases � 5 1 " at u : if : $3.00 a is a $3,50 SciSSOIS 25 to 50c, ci In cases $1.00 Shear's 15e. to $1.00 Skates, sp... rin 50e. to � 1.00 .. per pair. �' Skates, hockey 50e, to $3.00 " rt Heaman's Stove Store.