HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-11-17, Page 1(NeW Reading Matter appears in this space each week.) .�� Invitation To All We want. our Banking business and ex-- tend xtend to yon a standing invitatihn to visit any of our Branches antilearn our methods of dealing with the public. If you :we not already a customer of this Bank, allow us to suggest that,you become one: We believe you will soon appreciate the wisdom of this advice, BEST FACILITIES FOR ALL KINDS OF BANKING BUSINESS. Branches in Huron County at: - EXETER; CREDITON, DASHWOOD, "HENSALL, ZURICH, CLINTON THE SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADA Giadniaft Stafiburyy, F. E. Karn, Solicitors Manager, Exeter EIGHTEENTH YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1904. SANDERS & CR,EEca, Prop's NSIMITIMNIMINMarkel i>IOKSON & CARDING, BARRISTERS, SOLICI- 1, tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners.. Solicitors for Masons Bank, etc. Mousy to Loale at lowest rates of interest. Offices, Main street, Exeter, I. R. OAaLixa, B,A., L. It. Ihmeson MONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village properties at low rates of inter- est, • GLApMAN & STANI3URY, Barristers, Solicitors,Main et.. Exeter Ont LLOYD P. JONES Organist and Choir Master of the Trivibb Memorial Church. Teacher -Piano, Organ, Voice, Harmony. Modern methods. Thoroughness ERNEST ELLIOT CONVEYANCER, ETO. • Private funds to loan on farm and village pro- perty at lowest rates of interest. Accounts collected, 0I7FIOE-Main Street Exeter. HEIFER STRAYED 111JTwo-year-old, red and white heifer strayed from the premises of the unde>;signed, Lot 2, Con, 2, Bid- dulph, on or about Oct 1. Anyone knowing of the whereabouts of such will confer a favor by leaving information at this office, or NORMAN MITCHELL, Centralia. FOR SALE. Farm -50 Acres, all cleared and bile'drained, Cen- tu}Road Ribbert, brick house, barn with stone cables Tinder, large orchard, two spring wells, school beside and daily mail. T. J. MURPHY, London VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALE. Tho undersigned is offering for sale that desirable village property, beingpart of Lob 20,.Exeter North containing decree of coice land. . There is' on the premises a good frame house with cellar, a good barn a number of choice fruit trees, good well of water and other conveniences. This is a good property and will be sold on reasonabe terms. For particu- ler?apply. to, JAMES Moons, Hay, P.O. • BRUME DWELLING FOR SALE. The undersigned is offering that .desirable Village property being Lot 41, Victoria Street, Exeter. There is on the premises a 1 story brick dwelling containing 10 rooms conveniently arranged; a good frame stable, hard and soft water, and other con- veniences. This is a good property and will be sold reasonable. For particulars, apply to JAMES JEOKELL, Exeter. Sale Register. Parties getting their sale bilis printed at the AnvoOAru office will receive a FREE notice under this heading until date of sale. TUESDAY, NOV. 29. Parra Stock and Imple- meats, the property of John Neeb, Lot 17, Oon. 12, Stephen. Sale at oneo'clock. Ed. Bossenberry, Auctioneer WEDNESDAY Nov 804 -Farm Stock, Implements and household effects, the property of Joseph Heist, Lot 18, Con. 7, Stephen. Sale at 1 o'clock.. H. Brown, aunt. TITURON COUNTY HOUSE OF REFUGE AND INDUSTRIAL FARM. Applications for the positions of Keeper and ,Ma- tron for the Houo'f Refuge and Industrial rial Farm in the County of Huron will be received on or before first day of December next. - Applications to be in writing and addressed to W. Lanae, County Clerk, Goderlch. fj - Ii. SrAm nsAN, Dolled July 18, 1904. Chairman of H. of R. Com. DISSOLUTION' or PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the partnership here- tofore (listing between Thomas Willis and Henry Dearingearrying on business at the Village of Cen- tralia, Butter Manufacturers, under the naive, style and firrnof Willis & Dearing has this day been mut- ually dissolved. ut-ually-dissolved. T000tAs Wmas, .HY.NOYDSALING. Dated, Nov. 3rd, 1904. Flaying purchased the interest of Henry Dearing in the stud partnership I will continue the said busi- ness in the old stand and respectively solicit the patronage of all the old customers. THOMAS WILLIS. MEN WANTED. We- have a position open for one good man in each locality, local or tra- velling, at $840 a .year and expenses 2.50 per daytacking •u i show rd $cards g p and generally advertising a. New. Dis- covery. No experience necessary. Write for particnlars. Status Medicinal Co., London, Ont. London College of Commerce. trail November 20th, Scholarship in either the >Commercial or Shorthand and Typewriting .Department $35.00. l+uil course -Commercial andShort- hand course oaken together $45.00: Special offer. Will nob be repeated. W. N. ;YERBX, C. B. 1?rifraipal. • DrII Dve s, of London f SURGEON, DENTIST, SPEOXALIST DISEASES " of EMal,EAR, NOEL and TIiROAT. GLASSES PROPERLY FITTED, Visits XETER. MONTHLY Ofce:=-Commercial Hotel. r,,„45of Yisits__WNovDmve r o A Y London office 225Queens Ave, Two Port Huron ladies visiting near St. Thomas developed smallpox pox on Saturday. A. great many people have been exposed to the contagion, COUGH EARLY CROP Fall` coughing has be- gun. ' White Pine Syrup is beginning to sell. People think more of it than ever. It : certainly is a good remedy for Coughs, Colds, Iloarseness and Throat Troubles. Try it. Big Bottle only 25 cents, W. S, HOWEY, Phm, B. CHEMIST & OPTICIAN. EXETER - ONTARIO Eaiinville The fine ° eautiful weather of No- vember has been very much appreci- ated by the farmers, enabling them to complete the fall work. -Mr.. Geo. Wilcox, of Pullman, I11., is spending a couple of weeks renewing acquaint- ances and visiting under the parental roof. -Mrs. Eliza Andrew returned on Monday from Hamiate,. Manitoba, where she bas been visiting her sons for the past two years. -Rev. Kenner, of Mitchell, has been . engaged by the Official Board to take charge of the work in the place of the Rev. Fallis, who has accepted a charge in Michi- gan. -Mr. and Miss McTaggart and Miss Olive Hawkins, of Exeter North, spent Sunday the guests of a 112r. and Mrs. Joseph Hawkins. -Mr:‘: Henry Andrew, of Hamiota, is renea.:..3g ac- quaintances and visiting his sister, Mrs. Joshua Johns: It is about 16 years since he went to the West and Lie will no doubt see many changes. -The wedding invitations are outfor the marriage of Mr. Albert Mitchell, of Centralia, to Miss Zeta Andrew, to take place to -night (Thanksgiving.) Creditoln Our Police Trustees are having. a fresh coat of gravel placed on the, gravelwalks. They have several men at work digging a large drain. -The revival meetings in the Evangelical church are being well attended,. Rev. Yaeger, of Zurich, assisted last week and this week Rev. Clements, of Dash- wood, will occupy the pulpit. -Mr. Jas. Lamport has returned from Manitoba, where be has been visiting friends for some time. -Mr. and Mrs. Greb, of Zurich, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, August Hill last Sunday. -Mr. Ezra Krein and Miss Emma Krein left for Ubly, Pigeon and Elkton, Mich., on a visit. -Mr. George Finkbeiner left for Bell River, where he has secured a sit- uation in the flax min. -Mr. William Fritz, of Zurich, has been here this week with the object of starting a butcher shop. -Mr. B. Brown has had his storerepaired which was damaged by fire last week. -Pig killing is now the order of the day. Sausage and sauerkraut completes the principal diet of our citizens. -To -day is being observed as a holiday -Thanksgiving., -The Literary Society met on Monday. evening at the home of Mrs. Kerr. Two interesting papers were : given:: "Advance in Medical Science," by Dr. Haist; and "Canadian Authors," by Mr. Ohishohn. Musical selections were given by Misses Dowswell and Clark, Mrs. Zwicker, Miss Ella Beaver, a duet by Mrs. Chisholm and Dr. Heist and a male quartette composed of Messrs. Kerr, Eilber, Brown and Sweet. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Zwicker on. Monday evening next, Nov. 21, This will he a musical. eveningrand a paper on "Wagner" will be given. There will also be one on "The Life of Shakespeare. --A social will be held in connection with the Epworth League Methodist church on Wednesday evening, Nov. 23rd. A good program is being provided; Miss Johns, of Exeter, assisted by local tal- ent. Admission 10 and 15 cents. Not long ago a man who was always cross and tired arrived home smiling joyfully; he explained to his delighted wife that his liver trouble was cured at last through Vito Laxative,. Bo nit. Pills. Dr, C. Lutz, druggist, keeps thein in stook; price 26 cents. ADDITIONAL LOCALS $ 1 Pays for the ADVOCATE until December 31st, 1905. cofntu>Y.' Dr. Butler, London, will be at the Central Hotel, on Monday, November 21st; from 10 o'clock a.m. to 5 p,rn., for Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat consult- ations, Eyes tested and glasses sup- plied. Box Social. At the Royal Templars of Temper- ance hall, Monday, Nov. 21st, 8• p. m. Each lady brings box ,for two and is admitted free. General' admission 20cts, which entitles gentlemen to. lunch with Lady whose number he may possess. Good program and all invited., PERSONAL. Miss Jennie. Taylor is visiting in Lon- don. Mr. H. Hawkey, of Parkhill, spent Monday in town. • Miss Gerbie Sheers left yesterday to visit in St. Thomas. Master Clifford McAvoy is spending the holidays in London. Misses Lida and Jennie Quance are visiting in Ailsa Craig. Miss Hannah Parsons, of London, is visiting relatives here. Mrs. F. W. Collins is spending a few days with friends in London. Mrs. (Dr.) McDowell, of Listowel, is. visiting her mother, Mrs. Welsh. James Acheson, of London, spent a few days in'town during the week. Airs. Elliott, of Mitchell, is visiting here at the home of Dr. Anderson.. Me. and Mrs. Samuel Fulton, Huron St., are on a week's visit to Granton. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Oke are here spending the Thanksgiving holidays. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wood are spending Thanksgiving with relatives in. Hol- stein. Mr. John Evans, who has been in Manitoba and the Northwest,returned Monday. . Mrs. Yager and Miss E. J. Cunning- ham are visiting their parents at Clan- deboye. • Mrs. Floyd left Friday for Seaforth, where she will spend the winter with her son John. Messrs. Aldowin Evans and Robert Barnes, of London, are spending the holiday in town. M>;s. Robt. Barnes, of London, is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Adolphus Evans, of London, are spending Thanksgiving with friends in town. Mrs. John Stanlake, of Stephen, who we reported last week as being quite ill, isslowly recoyering. After spending a week with his -par- ents here, Mr. Czar Rollins returned to Detroit Saturday evening. Mrs. Hooper was in Bowmanville on Nov. 10, attending the Convention oftheOntario W. C. T. IT. C. H. Sanders was in Seaferth Fri- day attending a meeting of the Huron Press Association committee. Mr. F. E. Kern attended the annual meeting of the Canadian Bankers Association in Toronto on Friday. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Cobbledick, and Mrs, (Dr.) D. A. Anderson left Tuesday evening for the St. Louis Fair. Mrs.. John Sanders and daughter, Miss. Nora, leave this morning for Toronto, where they will spend a few weeks: - Mr. Caston Willis, who has spent the summer in Manitoba, returned to his home in Exeter North on Tuesday evening. Mr. James Bonthron, of Toronto, spent 'Silnclay in town, the guest of his sisters, Mrs. Collins and Miss Kate Bonthron. - Miss Whimster, who has been the guest of her sister,' Mrs. D. Johns, re- turned to her home in St. Marys Fri- day last. Mr. and Mrs. T. Shute, of Tacoma, Wash., are visiting the former's sis- ter, Mrs, John Evans, and other rela- tives here. Mrs. Wm. Cornish, of . Marlette, Mich., is on a few days' visit to her parents; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dearing, Sr., Stephen. Mrs. W. J. Bissett and daughter, Miss Gladys, are spending Thanksgiv- ingwith the former's sister,Mrs. Ink. sater in Paris. Mrs. D. Johns returned from Sarnia last week where she had - been spend- ing a, few days with her daughter, Mrs, W. Goodison. - Mr. James Beers, who has been fol- lowing his trade as a .worker in wood in Yorkton, Assa., during the summer, returned home Friday night. The schooner Annie Falconer, with coal from Fairhaven, N.Y., to King ston, foundered off the False Docks on Saturdlay: in a gale. The crew all escaped bot tbe mate, named Sullivan, died from exposure and injuries. On Saturday, Nov. 12, H. M. Moir, charged at the -assizes in Stratford with theft from the Dominion Express Co-, St. Marys, was found guilty by Justice Teezle and sentenced to one, month in jail. A petition from St. Marys people recommending mercy no doubt prevented the sentence from. being more severe, Two boys, named fohn Trethewey and Robt. Carey, aged 16 and 14 re= spectively, Were arrested iii Goderieh last weak charged with the perpetra- tion erpetra-tion' of a series of crimes such as house- breaking, robberies, etc. On being arrested and,charged with the crimes they confessed their guilt and will stand trail next month. Woodham Mr. Thos, Fotherin haul' and family have moved to London, where they will reside in future. We are sorry to lose them but wish them every hap- piness. -Mr. Samuel Lovell, who has been engaged with Mr. J. Shier for the summer, left a few days ago for Port a, where be has taken a po- sition as a machinist. Sam is a model young main and we wish him all, kinds of success. -Mr. and Mrs, Storey and family, who have been on a visit to friends here, lett a few days ago for their home in Lacombe, Alberta. Ray Connell The Council of the Township of Hay met in the Town Hall on Tuesday, Nov. 8th. All members present. Min- -rites of last meeting read .and adopted. Engineers Certificate for cleaning out ditch, Deters Award, amounting to $8.3.20 for the work and $2L20 for the engineer's fees, chargeable against lot 28, con. 4, and lots 27 and 28, con. 5, were laid before the Council. The amount was ordered to be paid and the Clerk instructed to notify the parties interested. A large number of ac- counts were ordered to be paid. Ooan cif will meet again on Monday, the 5th day of December, Drysdale Word has been received here of a serious accident, whichbefel Mr. James Howard, who left for the West some time ago. Mr. Howard' had engaged with a Telephone 00. as a lineman and was in the act of climbing a pole when in some way he lost his hold and fell heavily to the ground and unfor- tunately broke one of his legs. He is being cared for at a hospital out there. Mr. Henry Howard left a few days ago for the West and will bring "Jim" back with him- He has the sympathy of his many friends here. -A bad fire occurred about a mile and a quarter north of this place Friday morning. The barn on the farm recently pur- chased by Mr. Jos. Jeffry in some way took fire, and with the contents, was totally destroyed. The contents, com- prising about 400 bushels of oats and about 25 tons of hay, belonged to Mr. Chas. Screenan, - who had the farm rented the past season. Mr. Screenan had the contents insured in the Hay Mutual Fire Insurance Co., for $500. Staffa The many friends of Mrs. Robert Norris will be pleased to learn that she is rapidly improving from her recent illness, as is also Mrs. Andrew Patrick, jr. _i try Sadler, who is under the doctor's care, also shows signs of improvement. -F. D. Hutchison was in London last week on business. - After a summer's sojourn in the West Mrs. James Jeffery has returned to the village. Her many friends are pleased to see her back again. -Mrs. Ed. Ham- ilton, of Seaforth, was 0 pleasant visi- tor in our burgh for a few days during the week. -Mr. Kemp, sr., who had the misfortune the otherplay to fall down cellar and dislocate his shoulder and break his collar bone, is getting along as well as can be expected. -At a meeting of the Literary Society the following officers were elected: Pres., Robt. Norris; Vice -Pres., Geo. Wilson; Sec'y.-Treas., F. D. Hutchison; critic, Miss M. Davis; editor, Miss Ethel Nor- ris; literary com., F. D. Hutchison Mr. Munro, Misses Gillespie, Norris, and Gorle and Mrs. T. M. Hamilton; musi- ca,lcom., Messrs. G. C. Robbins and Frank Harburn, Mrs. Wilson and the Misses Drake, McLachlan, and Norris. The first meeting will be Tuesday, No- vember 22nd at 8 o'clock. • Zurich To -day is Thanksgiving day. -Miss Lizzie Rennie is on a few week's visit to friends in Dashwood. -Mrs. Wurtz, of Michigan, is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Melick. -Mrs. Julius Bloch's many friends will be pleased to learn that she is re- covering from her serious illness. -Mr. Levi Stelck. of Hillsgreen, has returned from the West, where he has spent the past few mon ths.-Collecter Troy- er is on his rounds again. -Messrs. J. Stacey and G. Smailaconrbe, painters, of Hensall, were doing some work in town last week. -Mr. Henry Walper, Sr., and wife, of the Bronson line, moved into the house he recently pur- chased from Mr. A. Heideman. -Mr. Moore, of Guelph, organizer of the A. O.U.W. was in the village last week looking after the Ideal lodge. -Robert. Williams, of the Sovereign Bank, Clin- ton, is here relieving Mr. Wiltsie, who was obliged to return home owing to illness --Mr. Henry Walper, Jr., has purchased from his father, Mr. Llenry Waiper, Sr„ the homestead on the Bronson Line. -Mr. Wm. Baker bas returnedhome from the West looking hale and hearty. -Mrs.. John Schilbe, of the 14th con.,met with a painful mishap the other day. She was in the act of going down tbe cellar steps when she was overcome by a fainting spell and fell to the bottom, causing a pain- ful fracture of the arm. The fracture. was reduced and we are pleased to state that she is now on the road to recovery. -Mr. Orville I3, Ehnes, who has been on the stat of the Sovereign Bank, here for about seven months, has been transferred to the Arkona branch for which place he left last week. He has proved himself to be an efficient and pains -taking' junior. Mr. Wiltsie, of the Clinton branch takes his place, Miss Dolly Hagan, of the Parr Line, has returned from an extended visit to friends io Detroit. -A. grand ball and fowl supper will be heldat Rau's Hotel to -night (Thursday.) Among the Japanese constipation is almost unknown. It would he equal- ly" unknown in Canada if everybody used Vito Laxative Fruit Pills, Na- tures remedy, composed of herbs, barks and fruits. • Mr.. C. Lutz, druggist, keeps them in stook;; price 25 cents. Another lot of Xmas Goods Received When looking around for Xmas Presents do not - fail to see these goods. They consist of - Japaneeeware --'n fine China Vases, Choco- late Pots, Cake Plates, Celery Dishes, Spoon Trays, Cups and Saucers, Tea Sets, Jardineres and Salters. Leather Goods ---in Handkerchief and Glove Cases, Tie Sets, Stationery Sets, Manicure and Dressing Sets. The Most Complete Stock ever shown in town. S. FITTON. Dashwood Mr. Neeb, one of our oldest and best farmers, has disposed of his fine hund- red, acre farm in the township of Stephen, being Lot 17, Oon. 12, to his. son, Alexander, for $5200. Mr. Neeb intends retiring from farm life and will offer for sale by Public Auction on Tuesday, Nov. 29th, all his farm stock and implements. Winchelsea - - The following is the report for S.S. No. 6, Usborne, for the month of Octo- ber. Names are in order of merit. Sr. V. -Hazel Hagar, Cecil Camm. Jr. V, -Olive Berrybill, Alden Johns, Wilfred Johns. Sr. IV. -Willie El- ford, Othella Heywood,Newton Clark.. Jr. IV. -Nettie Campbell, Laura God - bolt. Sr. III.-Lilia Heywood, Nella Heywood, Virde Berryhrll. Jr. Room, Jr. II1-Mary Cornish, Clarence Oree- ry, Ella Veal. Sr. IL-Almeda Coill tis, Ray Fletcher. Jr. 1I. -John Creery, Minnie Talbot, Lillis Godbolt. Sr. Pt II. -Jennie Campbell, John Brock, Clara Kellett. Jr. Part II. -Emerson. Pratt, Emma Heywood. D. McDougall l Teachers Jean. Campbell I , Goshen Line Stephen Miss Turner spent Saturday and Sunday with Rev. and. Mrs. Hender- son at Crediton. -Mr. Elmer Gower took a trip to London on Saturday. - Wednesday our sports went shooting and were successful in bagging a few rabbits and partridges. -Mr. Will Hen- derson left for Berlin Tuesday, where he intends spending the winter. -Mr. Garfield Lawson had the misfortune to have a nail run in his hand and is now obliged to carry his arm in a sling.-- Miss ling,-Miss Pearl Wilson, orMaguire, visited Miss Jennie Yearley Wednesday. -We are pleased to note that Mrs. Geo. Ma- whinney has sufficiently recovered from her late illness as to be able to re- sume her household duties. -Messrs. J. Eilber and T. Hedden are digging a cistern for Mr. Wm. Mawhinney. Harpley Mrs. T. N. Hayter, who has been on the sick list, is convalescing, the news of which will be pleasant to her many friends. -Mr. Thomas Kenny, who has been confined to the house with an af- fection of the throat, is getting better, -Mr. Isaac Bestard has rented Mr. George Keys' farm for a term of five years and will remove to it shortly.- Measels is the rage here at present, sev- eral families being afflicted with them, and as a consequence the attendance at school is rather small. -Mr. George Webb, Jr., has been laid up for some time with blood poison in his leg, but we are pleased to state that he is im- proving. -Quietness prevails in our community since general election, Majority is wondering if we shall have the local election this fall. -Mr. Fred Masson, who has been laid up for some time with a broken leg, be- ing at the hospital in London, is, we are pleased to learn getting along nicely. A number of friends are col- lecting aid for him. Kliiva Mr. Herman Neel), who has been vis- iting friends here, returned to Michi- gan on Monflty.-Mr. David. Lippert has gone to Uncle Sam's domains to seek his fortune. We join in wishing him good luck. -Mrs. J. O'Rourke, of London, is at present visiting her par- ents. -Mrs. B. Mulligan, of Dublin, is visiting friends around here. No place like Khiva.-Mr. B. Cunningham had a wood bee on Saturday and reports getting a lot of wood cut. -Election all over, but all are not satisfied. Chiselhurst ANNIVERSARY SEItvIons.-The an- niyersary services in connection with the Chiselhurst Presbyterian ohnrch was held on Sunday last, The after- noon service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Smith, of Carmel church, Flensall„ and the evening service by Rev. R. A. Cranston, of Cromarty. The weather was delightful, the roads good, and everything was as favorable as could be expected. The church on both oc- casions was absolutely packed, there being present probably the largest number ever assembled in the church, and the congregation was composed of people of all denominations. And we are sure that none were disappointed as the sermons preached were practical and edifying. On the following Mon- day evening the annual tea meeting- was held. The weather was ideal and the church was again packed. The ladies of the congregation certainly know how to prepare appetitizing dishes and the luxuries were in abund- ance and of the very best, such as are usually found at a tea meeting. This part of the entertainment was a suc- cess, as usual, and seemed to be ap- preciated by those present. The social element was not forgotten and was cultivated as well as the physical and all seemed to enjoy themselves to the full. At the appointed hour the - people passed from the basement to the auditorium where addreses were- delivered eredelivered and a varied program dis- pensed with. The services and enter- tainment proved a success in every particular, BIRTHS. GAISDINER.-In Exeter, on Nov. 14, to - Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gardiner, a son. MARRIAGES. OLOSE-BoZ At the residence of the -- bride's parents, on Nov. 8, by Rev. F. H. Larkin, Mr. Elgin H. Close, to Miss Melinda May, second daughter of Mr. W. T. Box, all of Seaforth. ARCHIBALD-ORAIG-In Montreal, on Nov. 7, by Rev, Canon Renaud, Mr. Wm. R. Archibald of Tuckersmith, to Miss Jessie V., eldest daughter of Robt. Craig, of Craig Park, Stratha- ven, Scotland. DEATHS HoneaanTii-At Cromarty, on Nov. 8, Mrs. J. Hoggarth, Sr., aged 80 years and 5 -months. a\, STOVES &RANGES Do not wait until - Zero weather is here, but make the change now. See our $26 Range in north Win- dow, . i stin Inter is Interesting Prices. Ranges suitable for Town n 26 A0y 30,00 & 35.00 Ranges suitable for Country $35.00, 38.00 40,00 & 45,00 Parlor Coal Cooks $82.00, 40.00 & 45.00 Parlor Coal Beaters $14.00, & 27.00 Queen Wood Heater $3.75' to 10.00 Drums $1,75. Coal Hods 30 cts, to 50 ets. - .Lshsifter 20 ets to 35 ets, eaman's Hardware 86 Stove Store.