HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-11-10, Page 3NEURALGIC PAINS,
Enrich the Blood and Neuailgia
Will Disappear—It . is Only Those
Whose Blood. Is Poor and Wa-
tery That Suffer:
An, Instrument Has Been Invented, HOW DODD'S ICIDNEY PILLS
' for Measuring tho Sense of • BANISH PAIN. IN THE.
Touch. BACK.
Amongst the wonders of modern..
science must surely be included: cel•,.
No part of the human system is . taro instruments and machines lately Cured, Mrs.. Jas, Murphy a,ll..4
more sensitive than the nerves; Many invented, by means of which senses . Everyone Else She Recom
lel the most excruciating pains that and thoughts eau be measured and
afflict mankind come from weak, weighed, and hitherto mysterious se- mended Tiiens to.
shaky, shattered .nerves,and among crets connected with the human brain River Gagnon, Que., Nov, 7.--
.—iho nerve pains there is perhaps revealed: In feet, so remarkable have (Special)—No .complaint is so cone
mono causes more intense suffering, been the results of experiments with
mon among women as Fain in -the -
(than neuralgia, which generally at- thesemachines that doctors and seaBack. It is a safe estimate that fully
tacks the nerves of the dace and entists of both the European and , half the women in Canada are afflict -
head, sometimes causing swift, dart- American Continents have united in ed with it. For that reason every
ing, agoeizing pains---atother times . declaring them to be the most im- ;evidence that there is a sure and
b. dull, heavy aching feeling which" portant discoveries. of the ago, ( complete cure in existence is thank -
makes Wo miserable. There is, only ( Perhaps. • the most interesting of ; fully received. And there is abun-
one way: to got rid of neuralgia and these instruments is ono by which dant evidence that Dodd's Kidney,
other nervous troubles, and that is the speed and duration of thought Pills is. just such a cure. This dzs-
r u•� theblood Poor watery'can r
,the „h � be 'determined. the subject sits trict could furnish a dozen cures, but
blood makes the nerves shaky and with his hand on an electric switch, r one is enough for an example. The
in"rite disease. Rich, rod blood makes connected with an electric clock,.! one is that of Mrs. Jas. Murphy.
(the' nerves strong, and banishes a11 which measures the smallest fraction She says z
nerve troubles. No medicine in the of a second. Immediately in front is "I suffered for thirty-eight months
world can. equal Dr, Williams Pink an upright metal tubo, inside of with a pain in my back. I tool. just
Pills as a blood builder and nerve . which runs a slender rod of .steel, one box of Dodd's ICidney Pills and
tonic; every dose helps to make rich, while„directly opposite the eyes of the .I have never been troubled with the
rod blood, and ever drop. of this am since. I also recommended
subject is an opening in the tube; P
now blood leads and strengthens the es Kidney,Pills to other people,
As the rod slides down the interior
nerves and banishes all nerve aches of the tube a white 'disc appears' at who, complained as 1 did and in
and pains. Among those who offer the orifice, ri'he exact scconii tlifs' every case the Pills did their duty
sltrong proof of this Is"11Sr. John Mc t
and brought relief.,
Perinea, Bond Head, Ont., who .
appears the rod touches a spring a
says : "A few years ago while work-: the bottom of the tube and ,the clock
Ling as a carpenter in 'Buffalo .I got is set in motion. Tho subject is in -
wet. I neglected to charge: , my structed to stop the clock Just as Liverpool Excited Over Manifests-
clothes and next morning 1 awoke soon as the ,white disc appears. This
tions 'in a Haunted. House.
with cramps and pains throughout he does for thirty times. The length
this I Not being able to support its ter -
my entire body. I was unable to go to of time required for him to do
work so called in a doctor, 1 fo1- is noted, and an average struck. This restrial fame, a modest ghost, whose
average is called weird pranks have created a sena-
tion in tho neighborhood of Islfng-
BIS PHYSIOLOGICAL TIME; ton, Liverpool, England, has uiysteri-
The subject is then told that the ously vanished.
disc appearing may be a colored one. The "spook" evidently made its
If so, he is to stop the clock: Should arrival a few clays after four girls,
lowed his treatment, but it did not
help ,me, As I was unable to work
Q returned to my home at: . Bond
Head. Hero I consulted a doctor,
who said.I was suffering from neur-
algia but though he treated Me for
some time, ho also failed to help me. it bo white, however, he is to pay throe of whom are named Moran, left
.1 had often read of Dr. Williams' no attention to it. The tune requir- their mother's house and took up
Pini: Pills, do decided to try thena ed to stop the clock at the appear- their residence at 99 Field street, off
I had not used more than three ance of a colored disc is always long- Carver street, Islington, ai'roit five
boxes. before I feltthey were helping er, and when the physiological time weeks ago. Tho house is situated in
me. From that on I gained day by fs subtracted from .the longer time the middle of a rose of tall three-
day, and after I had used some ten the remainder is called the mental storied dwellings, each of which is
..boxes I had fully recovered my old-
time strength and have since been
able to work at my trade without
any trouble. The pains and aches no
longer torture me :and I have' gained
lin. weight. .I think Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills an invaluable medicine
and shall, ,always have a good word
to say for them.”
Neuralgia, sciatica, rheumatism, is quite possible, with the aid of an -house they were greatly perplexed on
St. dance, and the many other invention, returning home at mid-day to lind a
other wonderful scientific
blood and nerve troubles all vanish to actually weigh the thoughts. This large mirror, which had been left on
when Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are
time—or, in other words, .it represents only one room deep except on the
the time of the object fixing itself on ground floor, where there is a flack
the eye, its passage along the optic scullery. Winding stairs lead from
nerve to the brain, and tho action of one floor to another.
the brain and impulse of tho will di The maidenly quartette lett their
resting, ' through the nerves, the fin- habitation eacli morning at six
ger to act. t o'clock to go to work in the neigh -
In addition to measuring the speed borhood, returning to dinner and to
and duration of thought, however, it tea. Two .. days after taking . the
used—but you must get the genuine
bearing the full name, "Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills for Pale People "
machine might be best described as. a ing face downwards on the kitchen
shallow coffin, exactly balanced on the wall in one of the bedrooms, ly-
knife-blades so as to gently rock like floor. It. was replaced, but at noun
on the wrapper around every box,a perfectly poised sea -saw. The sub- nee.day the girls tz ombled to see
Sold by druggists or direct by mail jest is placed supine within the steal- the looking -glass again hiding its
at 50 cents a box or six boxes for low tray, and after his,laiody has come. face on the hearthrug.
'$2.50 by writing The Dr. Williams' to rest weights are shifted until an ; Then other familiar objects in the
Medicine Co.; Brookville,. Ont.: ._ even balance is maintained:. Gradu- house became possessed with evil
} ated scales, spirit-lovels, and indica- spirits. When the door was opened.
JAP SOLDIERS'' LETTERS.. tors: betray the slightest disturbance some unseen influence closed it, some -
of the subject's equilibrium. i times slowly, sometimes with .ui
Secrecy is Preserved as to Move ,To have your thoughts, weighed by•.elastic-like spring, frightening the
' meats of the Army. this machine, you lie flat upon ,the girls terribly:
i - sliallow coffin with your .Bands et The ghost began to manifest itself
A minor proof of Japanese eif}tic en your sides. The operator will then in nocturnal visitations.. Dreadful
cy may be seen in their methods of askyou to think of love; jealousy, or ramblings kept the girls awake
Handling the correspondence of an anyother of through the long dismal night. At
army in the field. The authorities
in. Japan aro not troubled '?y disgrun-
THE HUMAN PASSIONS. such times shadows flitted over the
fled privates writinghome about ill- As you do so you will find your head ceilings, and the girls hid their white
faces under the blankets.
treatment and. bad food, and
ea_ falling, your feet rising, and the . Two of the girls were sitting read -
comfortable beds, and thus stirring plane of your equilibrium so altered ing just over a week ago when the
up M.P,'s to descend upon the Ad- that, were it not for the stop -catch _ apparition presented itself to ono f
ministration and the War Office. Tlie on the scale, you would find yourself diem. The next door neighbor, a
'Japanese soldier, so an American turning a soniersalt. Tho opposite working omen, declares that not a
army officer reports, is 'allowed to result follows when the operator asks pedestrian was within a Hundred
send nothing home in the way of Yoe to think of running, jumping, or yards of the house, but the girls,
mail, but a card, containing no in- kicking. In this case your feet will sprang out of the doorway with
formation save that he is well. He sink and 'your Bead rise in propor- alarmed faces, shrieking "The
is' not allowed to tell where he is, en- tion to the intensity of your gliost i "
stead of writing with a pen or pen- thoughts. One of the girls swore that the
cil, lie affixes his name to the carol. This effect is brought about.by tllte phantom had ssed in front of liege
1 pa '
with a stamp. • Tho Dards are bion action of thought on the blood of the another states that she was scrub -
taken back to Japan in large pack- body- The machine is, in fact, a bins the stairs when a. fiat iron sans
ages. and put into the mail there, keyboard to the brain, enabling the handle, which was last
placed in the
so that a card on reaching its des- operator to follow the course and ' kitchen fire -grate, came tumbling g in-
tination contains no postmarks to
inform the folks, at home. of the
writer's whereabouts. . •
Five kinds. oi.day are recognized,.
and.- it hasbeen. said that the • word
"day" has no real meaning without
an adjective defining what kind of a
'day is meant. There is a civil day,
the astronomical day, the apparent
solar day, the merte solar day, and
the sidereal day. The dell day be-
gins at the midnight preceding mean
noon, and consists of twenty-four
hours counted after twelve o'clock
the astronomical day begins twelve
hours after the civil day, or at the
mean non of the corresponding civil
day. These hours are reckoned from
0 to 24. It will be seen, therefore,
that• while 10 hr. 12 min., January
1st astronozimienl time, is also 10 hr.
12 min. January 1st civil time, yet
22 hr. 12 min., January lst astrono-
mical time, is also 10 lir, 12 min a.
in., Jaritiary 2nd civil time, There
are ninny anomalies growing out of
this t;se of the civil day, and there
are many arguments in favor of us-
ing the astronomical day. It is one'
of "the reforms which undoubtedly will
come some time.
' .it doesn't help a sick baby .to give
' it "soothing" drugs. On the . con-.
trary, it ,lessens baby's chance of re-
covery. If your little ones show
any signs of being unwell promptly.
give Baby's Own Tablets att'd see
how speedily they will be •bright,
cheerful well and happy This medi-
eine is sold under 'a guarantee that
it contains no poisonous soothing
stuff, or hurtful drug, rind it cures
all the little ills of babyhood, and
chilithoad. Mrs. W. 'IT. Austin,
S., Farmington, N. S., says; • "Baby's
Own Tablets are just what every
mother needs when her little ones are
cutting their teeth. When my little
one cries I give hint a Tablet and it
het ;is ham at once. Mothers who use
the Tablets will have no trouble
with their babies." Baby's Own
Tablets are sold by all medicine
dealers orcan be had by mail at 23
cents a box by writing the Dr, Wil-
liams' Medicine Co.„ BreekpilIe, Ont,,
speed of the nerve telegrams sent by
the brain to the heart, and then to
follow wihathave been described as,.
the "hurry : up' orders' oft the heart
For .a new supply of blood corpuscles
in whatever part ' of the body they
may, be needed.
It is also 'quite possible ,with this
unique instrument to compare mental
processes. It may be made to ' show
for instance, whether multiplying 789
by 56 brings more blood to the brain
than multiplying the same number by
26; whether the brain which is work-
ing out a problem in trigonometry
weighs more then one which is fol-
lowing the lines of
whether happy thoughts weigh more
or less than unhappy ones, and, per-
chance, whether bad thoughts are
weightier than triose which are pure
and virtuous.
Almost_ as remarkable as either of
the aforementioned instruments is one
which has .been invented for nneasur
ing the sense of touch. This -instru-
nment consists of Tittle discs, each
three millimetres in diameter, stis-
pended by fine, delicate thread from
wooden handles, which are stuck in-
to holes round' a block. The highest
ciisc is taken out and touched on the
skin, the subject having his eyes dos-
ed. If nothing is felt, the next hea-
vier disc is used, and so onuntil the
pressure is noticeable. The discs
weigh from one to twenty milligrams,
and with their aid it has been proved
that the sense of touch in an average
Person is conveyed by two milligrams
on the forehead, temple, and back of
the forearm; five for nose and cliin,
and fifteen for the inner surface of
the fingers.--Lon'ton Tit -Bits.:
Ireland is now coliipeting. with
Delzmarlc in supplying Eegiislt break -
explicably down upon her from
above. It was followed by the shuf-
fling .of feet.
At last the terrorized quartette
.removed- their goods and chattels at
midnight, - and went to dive with a
relative. Thousands of people went
uightl3r to see the haunted house, and
stones were hurled through the win-
dows, but it was not even then be-
lieved that the ghost had been laid.
At last a wager . was macre by a
man named Hugh Morgan that he
would enter the place and 'tackle the
hobgoblin. By this time the agents,
What the Baby Needed.
I suffered from nervousness and
headache until one day about a
year ago it suddenly occurred to me
what a great coffee drinker 1' was
and I thought maybe this might
have something to do with my trou-
ble. so I shifted to tea for awhile,
but was not better, if anything,
"At that time I.1iad a baby four
months old that we had to feed an
the bottle, until an old lady friend
told mo to try Postum Food C eitoe,
Three months age, I commenced using
Postum, leaving off the tea and cof-
fee, and not only have my headaches
and nervous troubles entirely disap-
peared, 'but since then I have been
giving plenty of nurse for me baby
and have a large, Healthy child now.
"I have no desire to drink anything
but Postum aud know it has benefit-
ed my children, and I hope all who
have cliildren will try Postum and
find out for themselves what a really'
wonderful food drink it is." Name
given by Postum Oct., Battle Creek,
}loth tea an*l coffee contain quanti-
fast tables with eggs, largely bo: ties of a poisonous drug called Caf-
cause the co=operaterative poultry feine that directly affects the heart,
societies, ,of which there are 800, are kidneys, stomach and nerves. Pos-
showing how poultry keeping may tum is made .frons, cereals only, scion-
be Made profitable. TEo owner of tificaIly blended to get the coffee
only 25 hens ina join a society by.flavor. Ten days trial of Postural in
taking one share at five shillingisi: place of tea or eoffee will show a
The cackling of Ireland's' henp is health secret worth more than a
likely to be mord beneficial, to the gold. mine, There's a reason.
country, than the fervid " oratory of Cet the book, "The Road ;to Well -
its politicians. wills," .fit each package,
Shirt waists and dainty
linen are made delightfully
cleanand fresh with Sun-
light Soap. xB
Messrs. Sykes, of Brunswick road,
had boarded up the front windows,
but Morgan went behind and forced
an entrance by smashing another
pane. His investigations were
not complete when a policeman ap-
peared on the scene and arrested
He isst 1 i
1 in n fa ti0l.
The seam has not yet subsided, and
many visitors gpnightly to inspect
the house,
Deserted From the British and
Then From the Boers.
"The Adventures of a Coward," is
a title which suggests itself es being
appropriate to a remarkable story
told to the Aberavon, Wales, magis-
trates recently by George Robert
Day, twenty-three. .
Day was charged with being, on his
own confession, a deserter from . the
Manchester Regiment, and his at-
tempt to free liiinself from militar
fem. was made, ho said, when lie was
witli his regiment in Ladysmith dur-
ing . the Boer War.
Some time before Lord Dundonald
relieved the town, Day essayed to
break through the lines: Slipping
away in the darkness- of night he
eluded both the British outposts and
those of the Boers, but his progress.
through the country, although lie was
aided bit friendly Itafiirs, was very
slow. -
Hunger compelled him at last to
give himself up to the Boers, and in
their ranks lie fought against his own
countrymen. In fact, he was recog-
nized by some of his own comrades
who liad been taken prisoners.
Even while tngifting side by side
with the Boers. Day's martial spirit
forsook him, and once more he got
away. This time lie managed to
reach Delagoa. Bay, where ho succeed-
ed in getting on a French steamer
bound for Marseilles.
Thence ho made a voyage to Liver-
pool, add finally, after travelling
round the world as a .sailor, tie land-
ed at Swansea almost destitute and
gave himself up to the Aberavon
Day, who is a. native of Plymouth.
was handed over to an escort from
Manchester. .
With slight intervals for refresh-
ment and rest, the war of the Dutch
against the Acliinese has been going
on for more than a century; and
though the once powerful kingdom of
Achin is now confined to the north-
west corner of Sumatra, the natives
are still unsvvbdued. ]teach expedition
sent against the Adhinese, though
temporarily successful, has been fol-
lowed by little lasting_ benefit, except
that attrition has gradually worn'
away the ancient kingdom.
This long war, always conducted
with great ferocity 'on both .sides,
now seems to have degenerated into
a struggle of extermination, in which
women and children share the fate
of their sons and fathers. Tlio Dutch
regard the Acliinese as barbarians,
but little can be said for the civiliz-
ation typified by the Dutch com-
mander who calmly announces as a
detail of her victory the slaughter of
281 women and 88 children.
Strangely enough, this announce-
ment, instead of being suppressed by
the' Government of the Netherlands,
is sent broadcast over the world; ac-
companied by no adverse • continents
or a hint - of official action against
the commanding general of the expe-
dition. And the Dutch capital is the
seat of the Hague Tribunal, the
place from which rules for the ameli-
oration of the conditions of war, its
avoidance, and its final extinction,
are supposed to emanate.
The Governor's Wife a Prisoner,
Mrs. Z. A. Van Luven is the wife of
the governor of the county jail, Nap-
anec, Ont., and was a great sufferer
from rheumatism. When the best doc-
tors in the come: .idy and "specialists"
failed to help her, she buried her seep-
tism of proprietary remedies and pur-
chased South American Rheumatic
Cure, 4 bottles cured her, -4+3,
Slic:—"A: clock is different from a
marl." '.He—"In what respect?" She
—"When it strikes it keeps on work-
Biliousness Burdens Life. --The bilious
man is never a companionable man 1 it-
tcause his ailment renders laint inorese
and gloomy. The complaint is riot •,o
dangerous as it is disagreeable. )'et
no one need sutler from it who crura
procure Parmelee's Vegetable Pilis. 13y
regulating the liver and obviating :he
effects of bile ill the stomach they re•
store arca to cheerfulness and toll` vigor
01 action.
Nora -"Ah, Pat, of can't foind
worrucls to tell yez how much 01 am
indebted to yez for this lovely,
watcli." Pat --^"Sure Nora, an' it's
mysil.f: that is in debt for tt daps
enough for both av usi"
Twitohy Muaelos an d Sleeplorss.
noes. --The hopeless heart sickness that
settles en a man or woman \villose
nerves aro shattered by disease can best
be pictured iii contrast with, a patient
who has been in the "depths" and has
been dragged from Clain by South Am-
erican Nervine. George Webster, of
Perot, Ont., says: "1 utee my lite- to
it. Everything else failedto eure."—•
Last year the grand total of 160,-
000,000 horseshoes Were sold in the
United States arid Canada.
Catiel lit Ion
We can handle your poultry either
alive or dressed to best
Also your butter, agger honey and
other produce.
icor. Went Market and Colborne Ste , TORONTO.
A detective tells a story of an Ir-
ishman who, while walking with 'his
friend, passed a jewellery store where
there were a lot of precious stones
in the window. "Would you not
like to have your pick?" asked
"Not me pick, but me shovel," said
There never was, and never will be n'
universal' panacea, in one remedy, for
all ilia to which flesh is heir—the very
nature of malty curatives being such
that werethe germs of other and dif-
ferently seated diseases rooted in the
system of the patient—what would re-
lieve ono ill, in turn would aggravate
the other. We have, however, in Quin-
ine' Wino, when obtainable in a sound
unadulterated state, a remedy for many
and grevious ills. By its gradual and
Judicious, use, the frailest systems are
ed into convalscence and strength, by
the influence which Quinine exerts en.
Nature's own restoratives. It relieves
the drooping spirits of thosewith
whom a chronic state of morbid des-
pondency and lack of interest in life is
a disease, and, by tranquilizing the
nerves, disposes to sound and refreshing
sleep—imparts vigor to the action of
the blood, which being stimulated,
courses throughout the veins, strength-
ening the healthy animal functions of
the system, thereby making activity a
necessary result, strengtheningthe
frame, and giving life to the dgestive
organs. which naturally demand in-
creased substance—result, improved ap-
petite. Northrop & Lyman of Toron-
to, have given to the public their cu.
perior Quinine Wine at the usual rate,.
and, gauged by the opinion of scien-
tists, this wine approaches nearest per-
fection of anyin the market. All ts drug-
Practical8011 Aunt—"Do you think you
aro qualified to become the wife of
a poor man?" The Confident Girl—
"Oh, yes, it's all settled. Wo are to
live in a cottage, and I know how
to make cottage pudding already."
l iinard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc,
"Nature exercises a wonderful and
mysterious -influence over men. Cer-
tain plants are poison to some peo-
ple and medicine to others.", "Yes;
and my husband is always troubled
wall rheumatism when the grass be-
gins to grow tall in the garde/aid,
Matey' Strength and Womanly 13oauty
dependon purity of the 'blood, and
much of that purity depends on perfect
kidney filtering. If these organs are
diseased and will not ' perform their
functions, wean will seek in vain for
strength and woman for beauty. -South
American Kidney Cure, drives out all
impurities through the . body's 'filter-
ers"—repairs weak spots. -46
She "They say that persons of
opposite qualities make the happiest
marriages." He—"That's why I
am looking for a girl with money."
Bickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup is
agreeable to the taste, and is a certain
relief for irritation of the throat that
causes hacking coughs. If used accord-
ing to directions it will break the most
persistent cold, and restore the air pas-
sages to their 'normal healthy condi-
tion. There is no need to recommend
it to those familiar with it, but to
those who seek a sure remedy and are
in doubt what to 'use, the advice is—
try pickle's Syrup.
"And," said the girl bravely, "if
poverty comes, we will face it to-
gether." "Ab, dearest," lie replied,
"the mere sight of your face would
scare the wolf away!" And lie won-
ders why she lias returned his ring.
C. C. RICHARDS & 00.
I was very sick with Qulnxy and
thoeglit I would strangle. I used
11ZUNAIID'S LINIME3NT and it cured
me at once. I am never without it
Totn•s gratefully,
Naiiwigewauk, Oct. 21st,
Young Mistress (severely, to new
parlor-maicle)—"Mary, don't you
know that you ought always to
hand me notes upon a salver'?" Maid
—"Oh, yes, ma'am, I knew, but I
wasn't sure that you didl'
To Broca to yea that !'fn
Chasd',g Ointment lit certain
and absolute euro for eacli
and every form of itching,
bloedingand protrndinR piles,
the manufacturers have guaranteed it. see ten•
inns:L ala in the daily press end ask yournet;h-
►ors what, they think of it, You can use it and
rot your money back if not cured. flee mborc, al
iII dealers or EDMANsox BATzcs & Co., orontq
Or. Chase's OIntmeni
herr 0. Schick, a well-known Ger-
man naval engineer, has invented an
apparatus for preventing sea -sickness
by diminishing the amplitude and ins
creasing the period of the "rolls" or
-oscillations of the vessel. It is done
by means of a horizontal fly -wheel in
the middle of the hull, kept revolving
by an electric nfotor. The fly -wheel
like r so
acts 1l e a or gy os ops,
and tends to keep the vessel steady. A
fly -wheel of ten tons and 12 feet in
diameter Is expectedto serve for a
ship of 6,000 tons.
"Yrs, it's a very valuable property
new, but a few years ago I could
ranee laid it for a mere song." "And
you, couldn't sing?". "Ohl I could
sing, but couldn't get the right
notes ;'
Is the special work of the
Telegraph School
Write for particulars to
W. H. SHAW, Principal
Tonga and Gerrard stn., Toronto;
Maud "She's the luckiest girl I.
know,. She's got a lovely engage-
ment ring. Mary—"Oh, other
other girls have lovely engagement
rings." Maud—"Yes, but very few
girls can show the ring off as she
can.. She's left-handed,'•
The World is Full of Pains.—The aches
and pains that afflict humanity aro
many and constant, arising -from a.
multitude of indistinguishable causes;
but in the main owing to man's neg-
ligence in taking care of his health. Dr.
Thomas' Eclectric Oil was the out-
come of a universal cry for some speci-
fic which would speedily relieve pain,
and it has filled its mission to a re-
markable degree.
A manwho takes offence always,
makes a poor selection.
'1 —r—
B cardi s 1-Ialnra i Cures Diphtheria;'
Deep-sea fish make their own light
by phos-phorescence, and have teles-
copic eyes.
Lever's Y -Z (Wise head) Disinfect-
ant Soap Powder is better than
other powders, as it is both soap and
Patience—".How do you know her
love for him was strong?" Patrice
—"Because .it broke him."
For Over Sixty Veers
Sia .
WorimovesSOOTIMNO STRUT had beet' need by
millions of mothers for their children while teethlnr.
itsoothesthe child. sof bens the gums. alfnyspain, euces.
wind collo regulates thoau
stomseh d bowel, and is the
bestremady for Diarrhoea. Twonty-$ve cent* a bottle
Sold bldrurriets throughout the world- Re sure and
ask for"Stxs.WixwOW'SSoornixaersur." SI -.Q
She --"Do you hear .Matilda sing-
ing at her work?" He -"Yes; and.
I hope she'll do the work better than
she does the singing."
Itching, Burning, Skin Diseases
Cured for Thirty-rdve Conte. — Dr.
Agnew's Ointment relieves in one day,
and cures Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald •
Head, Eczema, Barber's Itch, Ulcers,.
Blotches and all eruptions of the skin.
It is soothing and quieting and acts
like magic in the cure of ' all baby
humors. Siic.-41
Office-Boy,—"If you please, it's past
dinner hour, and I'm orfuI hungry."
Ecad Clerk—"W-h-a-t? Haven't you
been lickin' postage -stamps and cir-
culars all the morning, and now—
why, I declare I never saw such an
appetite in my life.'
l jirriratat. Cures Distem eri
Daughter—"I have a scratching,
burning, feeling on my cheek." Fath-
er—"Tell him to shave more fre-
Useful at all Times;—In winter or in
summer Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will
cope with and overcome any irregulari-
ties of the digestive organs which.
change of diet, ^range of icsidence, or
variation of temperature may bring
about. They should be always kept at
hand, and once their beneficial notion
becomes known, no one will be without
them. There is nothing nauseating in
their structure, and the most delicate
can use them confidently.
Hier Father—"Young man. what is
your object in life. Young Man—
"To become your daughter's sub-
Speechless and Pa,ralyzod—"I had
valvular disease of the heart," writes
ars. 3, S. Goode, c$ Truro, N.S. ."I
suffered and was often speechless and
partially paralyzed. One dose of Di'.
Agnew's Cure for the heart gave ine
relief, and before I finished one bottle
1 was able to go about. To -day I am
a well woman." -4
"And weren't you glad when grand-
pa proposed, grandma? "Why, of
course, my dear." "I should
think so. it would have been very
awkward if he had married out of
the family, wouldn't it?".
La grippe, pneumonia, and influ-
enza often leave a nasty cough,
when they're gone.
It is a dangerous thing to neglect.:
Cure it with i
;.hiro%A 3
urs Tlteihung
T n
The cute that is guaranteed by
your druggist.
Prices: S. C. Wtr is & Co, 809
25c, Sec $1 L ialtey, N.X'., Tooront:.
ISSUE NO. 46.-04.
T N U 506