Exeter Advocate, 1904-10-6, Page 7WAEFAlE OF THE FUTUII
Nations Would Be Compelled
Make Changes in Their
War in the stir is not an inerned�ia
poneehility; but with the gradual d
velopn ent of aerial navigation 'it
,1p,raetically certain that in the di
eant future the armaments of n
tions will. include flying- rnachiue
writes Major Baden-Fowell in Lund
The possibilities of "Weir in tl
Air" is a problem which must necc
eerily depend so mueli• upon the d 1'
'Utile of the machines evolved:
great problem which' must be fir
overcome is to invent a machine cc
able of carrying a. great'deal of a
munition, explosive shells, dynamit
and other high-power powder. Up
to the present the powers of bal-
loons and flying-machineskinve not
'been capable el careging much 'dead:
Weight. As a anatter of fact, inven-
to s m.o.—devoting all their skill. to
ucing weight in the effort to per
1' a- flying -machine.
Once, however, a machine can bo
made to carry . -•a good supply of am-
nitler* it seems to nae that steles
such as we know them now, would
become an impossibility,
The Japanese do not appear to
have • made any use of balloons in
their war against the Russians, and.
it is rather difficult. to find a reason
for this; but they have made use
.of man -lifting kites ;exactly-, shriller
oto those I have frequently experi-
mented with, arid which were pur-
-chased by the Japanese Government
from my agent about twelve months
ago. `Those kites are capable .: of
lifting a yuan to an. altitude of about
1,000 feet, and during the South Af-
rican war, experiments were made
Ito manipuilate a camera from that,
height with the object of securing
photographs of the enemy's lines.
The results -were not very good; but
a camera is not at all necessary f or
that purpose if a man, sent up in
the: air by kites, has a good know-
ledge of what is required, and is
capable of drawing simple, but ac-
curate, plans of the enemy's lilies.
The nation which first gains pos-
session ofa really efficient airship, a
inachine capable of travelling at a
great speed- and remaining in the air
for" hours, will simply revolutionize
That time will come when the fly-
ing -machine reaches the sante stage
of evolution as the submarine vessel
stn ds to -day, and, as to how long
it`" will he before we see a really ef-
ficient airship, everything ;must nec-
essarily depend epee whether men
still he found who will devote suffici-
ent ,energy to -experimenting. It
seems to me to be entirely, a matter
of .a man giving the subject his whole
attention, with- wealth to back hint
up, -to .evolve a practical airship --a
inuehizre capable of fighting.
An aerial warship would compel
the nations to make drastic altera-
tions in their armaments, in the first
place. For instance, naval guns are
unable to fire upwards -that is, their
upward elevation is every slight, and
they could not concentrate direct fire
on a machine hovering over the ves-
sel; and, to a very large extent, this
applies to 'field artillery. It would
become essfential to introduce an en-
tirely new weapon into both Services
to cope 'with
for the American Government, Bee
in cause ill areas have failed up to
now, However, I do not see that it
AN means permanent failure, They aro
going ahead with aerial machines in
America just at present; and in a
to few years we may see ]%nglisiirnon
take the problem jai hand again.
The Hague Convention was re-
sponsible for some stupid remarks
to some time ego on the question of
oe war in the air; but it is 'almost line
is possible to define in exact termss- what really 'does constitute an aerial
a- machine, A rocket or 'a shell may
s+ be called an 'aerial machine. It flies
on through the air and falls to the
ground, just as a flying-macliine
to wouldclo, the only difference being
s- Whether there is a man in it or not.
e -
he 4
m- You will always find that the mo-
The arming of an aerial warship
sounds a very difficult task, but once
having secured a -machine capable of
carrying dead weight, the problem
b es at once half solved. As
have already stated, inventors aro
at great pains for the moment to
reduce to the lowest possible maxi -
inure all weight, anicl Santos Du-
mont has achieved fame for the
lightness of his apparatus. He car-
ries' a very small, supply of -ballast
wit ,him, and his machines are of
the ightest possible description. At
the present moment 1 • ataengaged in
reducing•the,Weight of a motor, and
the amount of time 'and trouble
whicee it involves is enornious. It is
a two -horse power motor, and,: so far
1 have' reduced the weight to less
than twenty -Eve' pounds. I hope. to
still further reduce it; but it shows
the tendency• of the moment, and
nobody could conceive unless they
have tried, what time and labor such
experiments entail.
Mounting guns on a hying-miacltiine
would he a delicate undertaking, but
I can .quite conceive that the .time
Neill arrive when flying -machines will
carry armament; of no mean calibre.
There should be no danger in using
gunpowiler, and I do not anticipate
that the firing of a slice• from an
airship Would throw the machine off
its egiiilibriurn. There would ]lave
to be carefuladjustmient, of course;'
but presuming that a ship was trav-
elling at a great pace there should
be little to fear on the question of
Reverting agaih to the effect aerial
ssarehips would have on sieges, one
mhust be struck` with the great alter-
ations which would have to be made
in protecting •fortifications. Forts
Would Have to be protected with
bond b -proof domes, and, even then;
the effect of u high-power explosive
i.n being dropped from an enormous
height would be terrific in its results,
eytteth aerial warships in action,
aerial fortifications would become a
necessity, • otherwise sieges . would
only last as long as an "aerial
enemy" permitted, whilst the un-
prot cted parts of fortified towee-
anci they would necessarily include
,the great naval dockyards—would be
et its mercy. Aerial fortifications
t cont my uncanny visions to the
mind's eye.
Military flying -Machines Have. been
,. built for various Governments., ; but
iI0rrc have tarried out to be efficient,
Ili: Marton -rend" Makin)' built .ma
chines With the idea of 'using ;them
14 warfare, ant) Longley ` built one
thers who are successful in hringin
up families of hearty, healthy chii
dren are those who are careful t.
note the slightest evidence of illness
and to check it at once. The wise
mothe - gives her children Baby's
Own Tablets at the first symptom of
any childish ailment, and almost at
once the little' one is all right, Mrs.
Tiros, Stevenson, 18 Bishop street,
Halifax, N. • S., says: "It gives me
pleasure to be able to speak of
the great value of Baby's Own Tab-
lets. 1 alwacs give them to my
children when they are ailing in any
way, and they speedily make them
well. 1 would advise every mother
to keep the Tablets in the house."
The Tablets allay teething irritation,
cure colic and stomach troubles, pre-
vent constipation, destroy worms,
allay levers and break, up colds.
They can be given safely to a now
born child. Sold by all medicine
dealers or sent by mail at 25 cents
a box by writing the Dr. Williams
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
A rather amusing •story comes from
Antrim, Ireland. A gentleman had
a new head gardener who nevem
thought of having a holiday or miss-
ing a clay from work, and so some-
what surprised His employer by ask-
ing him if he could have "nixt Fri-
day' off."
His request was immediately
granted; but on the Saturday he did
not show up, and a week went past,
and then a fortnight, and still no
sign. of Mike. The gentleman reluct-
eluctantly employed' another maxi in
leake's place.
About three months afterwards lie
was surprised on going into the
grounds to Mid Mike at work just as
if nothing had happened.
'Where have your been to,
Michael?' he asked.
"Well, sorr, it's loike this. You
remimber the day you let me off? I
had to appear at the plase-coort as
a witness. When I gets there, I sees
the ould gint with the wig on 'is
'ead and his specs on the lip of 'is
An American was showing an Eng-
lish fz'iencl al'piind the capital.
"Our Government is very economi-
cal," saki he. "When we've ,ren ex-
tra thick fog,they siuck it into: a
big cistern and convert in into paint
for the warships and buildings.',
"Rally," said the l3t•iti;lher,
T'al'king abort fogs remind's me that
my brother invented a machine for
compressing London fog into bricks,
and one thiplc November day he
turned out enough material to build
a country House."
"You don't soy," : gasped the
'Yes, lie did. He moved into his
new hone the next April, and was a
happy man for two weeks, until one
morning be found himself, also his
family, lying out on the cold, damp
ground in company with some bits
of -furniture and 'miscellaneous join -
my. The House had gone,: but it was
g the thickest morning ever seen in
- those parts. Of course, you can
game ,what had happened. In the
night those fog -bricks had somehow
gone back into their original, ole-
"Waal!" drawled the Yankee, "I
reckon yet. rel'tiive ought to have
glazed there bricks."
"iMiclia.el Dooley,' sez 'e.
" 'Yis, soar,' see I. '
•" 'do into that box,' see 'e.
r' 'Right, sort,' sem I.
" 'Swear,' see 'e.
"I did as • 'e told me, though I
don't use bad language as a rule.
" "Three months Mr contirn,pt of
Boort,' sea 'e.
"And they've only jist let me out,
' A woman likes to jolly her husband
by telling him he is working too
Why go limping and whining about
your corns when a . 25 cont bottle of
Holloway's Corn Cure will. remove
them? Give it a trial and you will not
regret it.
When one girl tells another that
she is practising beauty culture the
other always asks if she has just
When Rheumatism' doubles a man
up physician and sufferer alike lose
heart and often despair of a cure,
but here's the exception. Win. "Pegg
of, Norwood,.. Ont.; says: "I was nearly
doubled up with rheumatism. I got
three bottles .,of South .American Rheu-
matic Cure and they cured rue. ' It's
the quickest acting medicine 1 ever..
One win -prising thing about a sur-
prise party is the ladk of surprise it
creates. ,
MInard's liniment Cures Dandruff,
Spinsters write the best love
stories, probably because their ideas
of the tender passion are imaginary.
For Over Sixty Years
MAP. Wngnr,ow'9sOOTIIngO STRUT he■ been used • b,'
millions of mothers for their children while teething.
Itsoothes the child, softens the gums. allays pain. curer
wind collo regulates the stomach and bowels, and is the
bestremeiyfor blanket'. Twenty-five cents a bottle
Sold bAdruggists throughout the world. Be suraand
ask for "NM. WIN■LON'ssooTuiscSYRVP." 24-0i
He -"You say you like a manly
man. What is your idea of a manly
roan?" .She -"Well, for instance,
one wlio doesn't stay, and stay, and
stay, just because he knows the girl
isn't strong enough to throw him
Mlnard's Liniment Believes Neuralgia
Housewife -"Now, what do You
Pedlar ---''I . have here a soap for
removing stains from paint, carpets,
furniture, and-.--l3ut, really, I 'don't
think you, reed it, for there isn't a
stain oil your paint nor hall -Carpet,,
and if your furniture within is as
spick and span-whiohi no doubt it is
-as everything appears here, 1 have
come to the wrong House. Good
mtyr; •�'-'
S#otlseteife '(pleasantly)• - "Never
mink]. You inriy let the have half .a
dozen cakes. 1 dare say it will come
in handy some. day':
When poverty comesin at the win-
dow love ,critWls under the bed.,.
"What, begging for something to
eat?" exclaimed the lady, as elle
stood in the• kitchen door. "Do you
call yourself a man?" "No, ma'am;
•I'm only the frame of one," answer-
ed -We !hungry tramp. "I need a lot
of fillin' to make a,man of Inc."
]Ylr, Noowealthy "Yes, sir; I found.
tfie people of, Paris •to be the hest
educated in the world." Mr. "Went-
erk"how--"Iotq "so?" Mr. Nooweal-
thy-"How so? Why, even.the labor-
ers kin talk" French!"
Eyes and Nose Ran Water: -
C. LI. Archer, of Brewer, Maine, says:
• '1 have had Catarrh for several years.
Water would run from my eyes and
nose for days at n. time. .About- four
months ago I was induced to try Dr.,
Agnow's Catarrhal Powder, and since
using' the wonderful remedy I have riot
had an attack. It relieves in ten min-
utes. ' 50 ceuts.-17
Miss Cutting -"Well, if she accept-
ed your flowers, your books, your
caresses, she must have accepted
about everything of yours." Mr.
cynical -"She did; even my rival"
No one need fear .frolera or any sum-
mer complaint if -they have a bottle of
Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dyse,ttery Cordial
ready for use. It corrects all looseness
of the bowels promptly and causes a
healthy and natural action: This is a
medicine adapted for the young and
old, rich and poor and is rapidly be-
coming the most popular .medicine for
cholera, dysentery, ete., in the market.
No woman is ever satisfied with
the way another woman arranges
the furniture.
Dear Sirs,,, -Your a;;INARD'S LIN-
IMENT is our remedy for sore
throat, colds and all ordinary ail•'
It never fails to relieve and auto
Port M:ulgrave. '
"The darkest hour," said Cholly
Staylate, sagely, "is just before the
dawn." She went to the Window
and peered out. "You are right,"
slip saki.
Via the Chicago and North Western
Railway, a every a er v day from Sept.
to Oct 15th, settlers one way second
class tickets at very low rates from
Chicago to points in Utah, Montana,
Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Washington,
California, also to Victoria, Van-
couver, New Westminster, Rossland
and other points in the. Kootenay
District. Correspondingly low rates
from all points in Canada. Full par-
ticulars from nearest ticket Agent,
or Be 1t. Bennett; General Agent, 2
East King Street, Toronto, Ont:
Totretny-' -1"apa, , is it proper ' to
call a man born in Poland a Pole?"
Papa-' Oertain.ly, my son," Tomitny
-"Then I suppose a , man born in
Holland is a Hole, isn't he?"
It Has 11Zany Offices.—Before the Ger-
man soldier starts on a long ,march he
rubs his feet with tallow for his first
care is to keep his feet in good condi-
tion. If he knew that Dr. Thomas'
Eclectric Oil would be of much better
service he would throw away his tallow
and pack a few bottles, of the Oil in
his knapsack. There is nothing like it
"They thought he was dead, and
all the papers printed obituary no-
tices. "Anil then?' "Why, then
he, tented up, and since he's read
those notices he's too proud to
speak to anyone."
Kidney Duty— It is the particular
function of the kidneys to filter out
poisons which pass through < them into
the blood. When the kidneys are dis-
eased they cannot do their whole duty,
and should have the help and strength
that South American ' Kidney . Curo will'
afford in any and all forms of kidney
disorder. It relieves in G hours. -14
Tourist -"1 say, guide, what does
that memorial stone coramemorate?"
Grub -"I put it there. It was upon
that spot a tourist once gave me five
Worry wont cure a cough. When
you find a coughholding on—
when everything else has tailed.
ure To
Thndo e Lung.
It is guaranteed to cure, If it
doesn't. we'll refund your money..
Prices: S. C. WnsLs & Co. 11314
250. SOc. $l. Lego r N,Y., Toronto, Can.
JIIRS. 47X0. C. BUFPiutfl,7
She Tells of
their Cure that You 1Ylay be
Napanee, Ont., Oct 8. -(Special) -
--(Special).There are many women in Canada
who will yet write letters of thanks
to Mrs. Jno, 0, Huffman of this
place. Mrs. Huffman suffered as they
aro sujiering now. She discovered a'
euro in Dodd's Kidney, Pills; and she
is breaking the law of secrecy that
binds the great majority of woman-
kind to let her suffering sisters know
where they may find relief. Mrs.
Iufl'man says :
"I was troubled for about six
years with Kidney Disease and the
pain was so great I could hardly,
bear it. T could not entertain any
company. One night when I was
feeling very miserable I read of some
wonderful cures by Dodd's Kidney:
Pills and resolved to try them.
"At this time my urine was some-
thing terrible and at times very dis-
agreeable to pass, but Dodd's ' Kid-
ner Pills soon brought inc • relief
from all my troubles and by, the
time I had taken six boxes -I• was
completely cured.
"I ani making this statement to
the public in the hope that it " may
help other young ladies ox'' married
During leap year contractors who
advertise for proposals should be
careful to specify what they want
them for.
Her Troubles and
They brevet .Tfnew Failure,—Car,ful eh -
servation of the effects of Parmelee's
Vegetable Pills has shown that they act
immediately on the diseased orgies of
the system and stimulate thein to heal-
thy action. There may be cases 911
which the . clisease has been long seated
and does not easily yield to medicine,
but even in such cases these Pills have
been known to bring relief when all
other so-called remedies have failed,
These assertions can be substantiated
by many who have used the Pills, and
medical men speak highly of their quali-
ties. •
Her"I saw you driving yesterday
with a gentleinan. He appeared to
mave only one arm; is that all ho
has?" She -"Oh, nor. the other one
was about somewhere!'
Mioard's liniment for sale everywhere
Customer -"have you any extract
of beef?" 'Waiter -"Yes, sir. Brown
or white?'' Customer -"Brown or
white? Waiter -."Yes, sir. Beef -tea
or mine?"
Those Worrying- Piles—One application
of Dr. Agnew's Ointment will
give you • comfort, Applied every
night for three to six . nights .and a
cure is effected in the most stubborn
cases of Blind, Bleeding, or Itching
Piles. Dr. Agnetv's Ointment cures Ec-
zema and all itching and burning, skin
diseases. It acts like magic. 35,
cents. -15 -
In society the art of talking
comes first, the art of listening sec-
ond, and the art of saying some-
thing is left at the post.
A Purely Vegetable Pill.=Parmolee's
Vegetable Pills are compounded from
roots, herbs and solid extracts of
known virtue in the treatment of liver
and kidney complaints and in giving
tone to the system whether enfeebled
by overwork or deranged through ex-
cesses in living. They:;require no testi-
monial. Their excellent qualities rio
well known to all those who have used
than and they commend themselves to
dyspeptics and those subject to bilious•
ness who are in quest of a beneficial
A South !African Constabulary
b ]a
commander wrote to a local troops
officer asking if there were any don-
keys in camp. The reply came, in
the troop officer's handwriting: "Yes
one -R, I•i. Symes, Captain."
i sent direct to the (Messed
pact■ by the Improved Blower.
Heels the ulcers,
claps the aft
eroatopeaagaathnd peenly la
Catarrh and Ha Fever. Blower
free. AU deniers. or Dr. A. W. Chase
Medicine Co., Toronto and Buffalo.
Sympathetic Sisters--d"Cheer up,
Am thur. Mabel has treated you bad-
ly in jilting you, but you will soon
forget her." Arthur (moodily)-
"Not for a long time, 1 fear. The
lovely jewellery I gave her was pur-
chased on the easy -payment system."
That Cutting Acid that arises from
the stomach and almost strangles, is
caused by fermentation of the food in
the stomach. It is a foretaste of indi-
gestion and dyspepsia. Telco one of
.rnedi tel afterseating, Pineapple im-
this distress and aid pre-
in a box, 35 cents. -1G
"We shall need," said the officer
wile was arranging for the Govern-
ment expedition, "food supplies for
six men and a boy." "Supplies for
eight, men, said the secretary, jot-
ting it 'down, "What else?"
ISB E 140. 4O—,04i
T hT
oesPoultry, Eggs, B
Let us have your consignment of any of these articles and we Will
get you good prices.
Cor. West Market and Colborne Ste, TORONTO;
:t:"•': c%`:ru1733,e,.'xs 3.wwAv.ii:,-o.33.".y: ,'�rt,.w+,•tf�.rts t4:a40.4k.
Paris, lash Basins, Milk Pans, deo
Any lwfrst-O'ass Grocer Can Supply You.
Will Cry in 8 Hours.
01, Sala at all Hardware Dealer*,
Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver.
OINTMEarT Cures Blood
Poison, Ro Amputations,
Sores and Skin Diseases,
Burns. Largo Sample
FREE. Address
Foster M'f'g Co'y, Toronto
We Pay a Cood Salary
To Ladies and Gentlemen. Perman-
ent position, rapid advancement; sal-
ary and expenses. Clean desirable
business. The J. L. Nichols Co ,
Limited, Toronto.
(Mention this paper.)
People would meet with fewer dis-
appointments if they didi't expect
more titan they deserve. ,
Mioard's liniment Cures Burns, etc,
If a girl is beautiful she soon
learns that she doesn't need to have
Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator
is pleasant to take; sure and effectual
in destroying worms. Many have tried
it with best results.
He -"You have everything arrang-
She-"Eiverything. 1 have been
thinking over our wedding, dear,
and our future life. You know how
methedieal 1 am, and how I like to
plan ahead."
Ile-"'T'hat'•s'rigli.t. I'm glad I am
going to matry a girl like that."
She --"Anil now about the wed-
ding. It will be a church wedding,
of course?"
Tia-" Oh•, certainly."
She -"And with regard to the
trip, I've been thinking it all over,
and Tr
belie e after
a few
months in Europe will be the best
thing we could do."
He (his salary is limited) -:"Do you
Wink so?"
Slie-"Oh, yes. Then won't it be
nice to pick out a cosy house. 1
know just what we want."
He --"Fine."
She "You might buy one?"
IIB -"Of course; that's` easy."
Slie--"They are so cheap now; a,
friend of urine got one the other day
.iumd only paid ,'three thousand for
&e--eeDirt cheap. Will one be
She -"Of course, you goose. We'll
need one with a stable, though.
What do you think? Will it 'be au-
tomobiles or horses, dear?"
' Ho--"Botli."
Slier"I was afraid that would be
too expensive!"
He -"Oh, not at all. 1 don't mind
a little thing like that. How many
She -"Well, if we are economical
we can get along with three. And
now, my love, there is only one
thing more you can help me with.
Wihen shall Wo have the wedding?"
Ile -"Ifo you really want to decide
Slie-"Yes, 14 do."
Ho --"Oh, I am not particular. Say
about fourteen years' time from to-
"What a methodical fellow you aro
Dobbs!" said Filkins, who had step-
ped into Dobbs' office during the lat-
ter's absence.
Why, what do you mean?" asked
"To think that you should lock all
your drawers up when you are only
going out for five minutes, 'Tisn't
likely, that anybody; would meddle
with your papers."
"Of course not," replied Dobbs,
"but how flit( you 'find out the draw-
ers,were lockod?'t
.14trs. Green '(who thinks of engag-
inn a servant) -"But 15 the girl hon-
est? Can she be trusted?" lvfir's.
Drown (the girls former mistress) -
"You need not be in the least alarm-
ed. • She is perfectly honest. :A.11 the
time she was with me 1 never know
her to take a thing -not even, ley at
vice as to how 'thireesshould be
dome,''' .
Made big enough for a big
man to work in with comfort.
Has more material in it than
any other brand of shirt in
Canada. Made on the
H.B.I. scale it requires 3:91a
to 42 yards per dozen, whereas
common shirts have only 32
to 33 yards:
That's the reason why the
H.B.K. " Big ". Shirt never
chafes the armpits, is never
-tight at the neck or wrist-
bands, is always loose, full
and comfortable and weals
Each shirt bears a tiny book
that tells the whole history
of ` the "Big" Shirt, and
also contains a notarial
declaration that the H.B.K.
"Big" Shirt contains 39
to 42 yards of material per
Sold at all dealers but only
with this brand:--•-.
Montreal!" ' Winnipeg Dawson