HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-9-29, Page 5THB
extivr Abrocatt,
publiehed every Thursday Morning at the 011lea
11/1411\T -STREET, EXBTER.
--Dy the -
One Dollar per annuin if paid in advance,
, if not so_paid,
.5.43.mr sortireixao 'Rees:teeta oat. ..ILIpplice,
No paper discontinued until all arrearag es are paid
Advertisements without, specified directions will be
published until forbid and charged accordingly.
Liberal discount made for tranacieut advertisements
inserted for long periods. Daery description of aoS
PRINTING turned ont in the finest style, and at
moders,te rates. Cheques, money orders, ,ko., for
advertising, subscriptions, etc., to be ,made payable
Sanders lk Creech,
Profenislonal Cards.
Honor Graduate Ontario Veterinary College; Hon-
orary Fellow in Ontario Veterinary Association. All
diseases of domestio animals scientifically treated.
Milk fever treated by the latest oxygen treatment.
OFFICE: One door south of Town Hall.
RESIDENCE: Second house north of Presbyterian
A. rt. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S„
Honor graduate of Toronto Univeristy.
Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects
Office in Faneon's Block, west side Hain street,
Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Post
Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistery
(with honorable mention.)
Allunainum, Gold and Vulcanite Plates made in the
neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless an-
aesthetic used for painless extraotion of teeth.
Office one door south of Carling )3ros. store, Exeter.
1.." College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario.
Physician, Surgeon and Accouoheur. Office, Dash-
wood, Ont.
al BROWN, Winchelsea, Licened Auctioneer
1.-1-• for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex.
also for the township of Osborne. Sales promptly CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAN
0 t .1
i 1 u
The case of Miss Frankie
Orser, of itoston, Mass., is in»
teresting to all women.
"DnAlt Mrts. Privateer : -I suffered
misery for several years. My back. ached
and 1 had bearing -down pains, and fre-
quent headaches. 1 would often Waite
from a restful sleep in sueli pain, and
misery that it would be hours before
I could close my eyes again. I dreacle 1
the long -nights and weary day's. I
could do no work. I consulted- differ-
ent physicians hoping to get relief,
but, finding that their medicines did
not cure me, I tried Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound, as
it was highly recommended to me. 1 ani
glad that I did. so, for I. soon found
that it was the medicine for my case.
Very soon I was rid of every ache and
pain and restored to perfect health.
I feel splendid, have a fine appetite,
and have gained in weight a lot," -
Miss Fluxion' ORsitli, 14 Warrenton
St., Boston, Mass. -$5000 forfeit if original
of above letter potting genuineness cannot be pro -
Surely you cannot wish to re-
main weak, sick and discouraged,
and exhausted with each day's
work. Some derangement of the
feminine organs is responsible
for ,this exhaustion, following
any kind of work or effort.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound will help you just as
it has thousands of other women.
attended to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged
at PoSt Office Winchelsea. Wheat (old) 95 1 05
31 80
29 80
Peas ...... 60 ae
Arassim...._ Potatoes, per bag ...... 60 60
Hay, per ton ...... 7 00 8 00
Flour, per cwt., roller.... 2 75
"Butter 14
Eggs 18
Live hogs, per cwt 5 00
Dressed Hogs..... 5 75 6 25
Shorts per cwt 1 05 1 05
Bran per cwt 90 90
Wool. ' ' 16
Just arrived, a large shipment
AGES and GO-CARTS which ere
very artistic in design and finish;
goodassortment.to choose from.
Come early and pick out the good
We are again showing Cleveland
Bicycles fitted with Cushion Fram-
es Which make long journeys seem
short a.nd short journeys too short
Neatly done on shortest notice.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Brices
Ilutv's your Flour Trade?,
Cr °pd.
Then you must sell Har-
vey's Star Flour?
And it's the stuff when children bring
home good appetites. The mother
knows nothing gratifies them like the
good home made bread, made from
Star ,Flour..
This is the reason of the steady,
growing sale of this pure and wbole-
some flour.
on Hand.
at Exeter and Celltalia.
The Best Cement in Can-
ada -National Brand.
HP) t•
Prices low enough tp suit every.hody.
Jos. Cobbledick
filorcliots Dodd GailoUg
Paid Up •6,000,000
Rest st Undivided Profits 3,218,959
Interest at most favorable current rates from date
deposited allowed Savings Bank accounts and De-
posit Receipts:
Commercial Letters of Credit issued, available in
China, Japan and other foreign countries,
Travelling Letters of Credit issued to travellers in
all parts of the world,
A general Banking business trrxnsacted.
Taos FY811E, .GinieltAL MANAGER.
W. S. CHISHOLM, Manager.
Shorthand, like all other inventions and discoveries,
is continually improving.
The latest, fastest to write and most easily transcribed
system is the Gregg -over 400 leading- business schools
have adopted this system and discardecethe older ones.
The Forest City Business and Shorthand College
teaches Gregg Shorthand and Touch Typewriting. And
every other department is up to the same high standard
�f efficiency.
Students may enter any time dining term. Booklet tree.
J. W. Westervelt Prineigel. Y.M.C.A. BulldPg, London.
joerroot V 541t WOW, Sharp. Brotsir
Cbicago Prices -Live Stock 311(Arkots
,..-Ths intent guotations,
Monday Evening, Sept, 28,
Liverpool wheat futures cloSed
Vad higher thau Saturday, and cora future'
At Chicago, September wheat closed 840
lower than Saturday, SePteMber corn un-
changed and 4eptember pate Jhe lower.
o atat TON M.4. It KE•eS.
London, Sept, SO. -Closing -Wheat o,
passage, buyers and sellers apart. Corn ou ,
passage grin, but not active, Corp, spot ;
quotations American mixed, 21s 80. Flour,
spot quotations Minn, patent, 33s 94.
Londos-Mark Liui MlIIr Market-.
Wheat, foreign and English arm and, retie -
sr dearer. 'Corn, American steady; Dann-
rrota quiet but steady, Flour, America*
in and rather dearer; English firm at ins
advance or 6d.
raris-Close-"Wlient, tone weak; Sept.,
Ilaf TOG, an. and April.,25f 10e. Flour, One
dull; Sept. 81f 60e, Ian. and April 32f Ofic.
THE VISIBLE sereierr.
As compared with it week ago, the visible
supply of wheat in Canada and the United
States has increased 1,193,000 bushels; cora
increased 819,000 bushels; oats Increased
8,000,000 bushels. The following Is a com-
parative sto.tTment for the week ending to-
day, His preceding week and the comae
Reeding week last year :
Sept.26,'04. Sept.19,'04. Sept.26,'03.
Wheat bu....15,223,000 14,030,000 17.250,000
Oats, bit. 14,881,000 6,156,0W
Corn, bm 7,044.900 0,225,000 8,320,000
The vilible supply of wheat in Canada
and the United States, together with that
afloat to Europe, is 50,103000 bushels,
against 50;190,000 bushels in the previous
weak, and 49,399,000 bushels a year ago. •
LICA.DING W11EAT sraatiewrs.
Sept. Dec.
New York ..$1.14 $1.1374
Duluth 1.131/4 1.091,
., 1.15 ,
1.15 1.15
. 1.18 Lie '
St. Louis
Grain- '
Wheat. white, bush. 02 to 51 08
Wheat red. bush, ..... 1 07 1 08
Wheat, spring, bush.... 0 05 ....
'Irfieat, goose, ,bush:... 0 90 0 92
Beans, hush. . ..... 1 00 1 10
Barley, bush. 0 48 0 54
Oats, bush, .. . . 0 30 0 30
Rye, bush. 0 85
Peas, hush. 0 35 ....
Buckwheat, bush. 0 47 0 40
LurinteooL cilium: AND PRODDDE.
•Livorpool, Sept. ad. -Closing -Wheat -
Spot nominal. Futures steady; Sept. Ts 6d.
Dee.- Ts- 8el.
Corn -Spot steady; American mixed, 45
6%d. Futures quiet; .Sept. 45 61/4d Dec.
4s 6%d.
Hops -At London (Pacific coast), strong;
old Z7 lOs to £8; new, £7 I5s to l'a 10s.
Bacon -Cumberland dut firm, 54s; short
rib ihnn, 51s; long clear middies, light,
otrong, 52s 6d; long clear middles, heavy,
Arm 51s; short clear backs Brut, 45s; clear
bellies strong, 54. 60.
tard--Prime western atrong, 37s; Ameri-
can refined strong, Sfis 60, ,
Turpentine Spirits -Steady, 40s 60.
The imports of wheat into Liverpool last
week were 7100 quarters from Atlantic
ports and 103,000 from other ports.
The Iniports of corn from Atlantic ports
last week were 28,400 quarters.
New York, Sept. 26.-Butter-1'irm; re-
ceipts, 0265; atreet prices, extra creamery,
201,6c; official price, creamery, common to
extra, 13c to 203/11c; state dairy; common to
extra. 13e to 10'/9c; renovated, common to
extra,11c to 161/4c; western factory, com-
mon to choice, 11c to 14c; western .imita-
tiop creamery, common to choice. 13c to
Cheese -Firm; receipts, 1009; state, full
cream, small, colored, fancy, 10c; do.,
white, fancy, 10c; do., good to prime, i)%e
to, 0%c;. poor to fair, 71/4e to 94c; large
colored, fancy, 9%e; do., good to prime,
94c to 91/4c; do., ,white, fancy, 91/20; do.,
good to prime, 91/4c to 9like; do., poor to
fair, 7Y.se to 9c; skims, full to light, 2e
to 7c:
Eggs -Dull; receipts, 9136; state, Penn-
sylvaula and nearby, fancy, selected, ex-
tra fancy, 27c to 28c; do., firsts, 21c to
224c; western fancy, selected, 21%c to
224c; do., average best, 20c to 21c; south -
erns, 17c to 20c.
Cables Igamler-Prices Well Main-
tained at Montreal.
London, Sept. 26, -Cattle are easier at
8%c to 12c per lb.; refrigerator beef, Sc
to 91/4c per lb. Sheep, 104e to 111/2c,
dressed weight.
Receipts of live stock at the Union Stock
Yards were 56 carloads, composed of 1175
cattle, 86 sheep and 10 calves.
Tbe bulk of exporters sold at 54.30 to
54.60 per cwt., but there were four or five
loads went as high as 54.75, 54.85 and 55
per cwt, Export bulls sold.at $3,75 to 54.35
per, cwt.
Butcher cattle were scarce' selling at 10c
to 15c per cwt. higher than a week ago.
More good to choice butchers' cattle were
wanted,. Loads oil good butchers' sold at
54.35 to' 54.45; fair to good at 54.123/, to
54,25; Medium, 53.80 to 54; common at 53.40
to $3.65; eoranion, rough cattle at 52.50 to
'$3:25, per cwt.
The sheep and limbs were bought by V'.
3. Levack at $3.90 ewt. for sheep and $4.25
per cwt. for lambs.
NV:titre:11, Sept. 26.. -The receipts of live
stock at the East End Abattoir this morning
were 700 head of Cattle, 100 calves, SOO
sheep, 600 lambs. There was a large at-
tendance and prices were well maintained.
Cattle -Choice sold at from 4c to 4ac per
Ib.; good SOld AT frOM SC to Sihe
per lb.; lower grade at from 2e to Se lb.;
Calves were sold at from 54.50 to $5 eitcb.
Sheep brought from 2%c to Sihe per lb.
Lambs were sold at from 4c to 41/2c per lb.
Hogs brought from 4%c to 51/46 per lb.
East Buffalo, Sept. 26.-Cattle-Recelptio,
7500 head; good cattle steady; coramon
slow, 10c to lac lower. Steers, prime, 55.15
to 55.50; shipping, 54.25 to 55; betcners',
52.90 to 55; heifers, 53 to 54,50; cows, 52.50
to 54; bulls,. $2.25 to 54; stockers and feed-
ers, $2.25 to $3,50; stock heifers, $2 to 52.50;
fresh cows and springers steady; others
52 to 53 lower; good to choice, 543 to 548;
medium to good, 530 to 540; common, 518
to $25.
Veals-Recelpta, imp head; steady, 54.50
to $7.50.
}logs-lieceipta, 20,500 heid; fairly ac-
tive; 3c higher; heavy mixed and yorkers,
$6.30 to 56.40; pigs, 55.75 to 55.05; roughs,
$5.20 to 55.40; ktags, $4 to 54.75; dairlea,
50 to 50.25; grassers, $5.75 to 56.20.
Sheep and Lambs -Receipts, 15,000 head;
active and higher; lambs, $4.50 to 56.25;
yearlings, seeee to $4.75; wethera, $4.25 Oa
$4.50; twee, $4.25 to Om; tsheep, mixeds
52 to $4,20,
' :STEW VoitiE LIVE S'PocE,
Now York, Sept. M. -Beeves -Receipts,
4670; strictly good steers steady; others
slow to 10c lower; bulla and coWs slow to
lower; native steers, 53.50 to 55.25; half-
breeds, 53.40 to $3.00; oxen, 52.25 to $3.35;
bulls, 52 to 58.75; cOviis, $1.20 to $3; few
extra fat do., $8.40 to $3,50. Shipments
to.morrow, 580 cattle, 1072 sheep and 4000
quarters of beef.
Calves -Receipts, 2830; good to choice
veala steady to 25c higher; other calves
slow. Volk. 54 to $8.2til ettives, $3;
grassers, $.1, to $2,751 westerns, $3 to 88,50;
dreaSed calves slow: eily dreased yeals,
12e per lb.; coin:try dressed, (lc toile;
&eased gressera, 4e to 5c lb,
Sheep and feunhs-neestets. 10,03S; good
tlemeed and price& steady; sheep. $2,50 to
$4.80; mills, $a to $2.501 Iambs, $5 to $6.25;
cute ear, $6.351 rails, $1 to 51,78; Ctlinidtt
lainbs, 55.75 to 56.
Tregs-Iteeeipts, 12,7$0;' hogs sto'ndy ta'
'Weil Pigs ellsY; stale and Pennsylvania
h02a, $0.15 to $6.501 western pigs, 55.00.
We pay Hai
the cost or the
first bottle
to prove to you the merits of
Vito Tonle
Vito Tonic is especially pre-
pared for all diseases relating to
.The Stomach
The Lungs
. The Liver
The Bowels
Tb e Kidneys
The Nerves.
It strikes at the -root of the
disease by strengthening and
healing the tissue or cells of
which the human body is formed.
The weakest stomach can
retain it because it is composed
of herbs, barks and fruits pre-
pared in accordance with a
special formulm known only to
the manufacturers.
'4 FALLS Ci5,1\NA
"'They work together."
Our Special Offer
good for 14. days only
A $1 bottle for 50c0
We make this generous offer
because we want you who are
sick to get well, and we know
that Vito Tonic will cure yod-
children and adults alike.
Vito Tonic is a food for the
nerve tissue.
It increases your appetite and
builds up your constitution.
It Will give back to you the
energy you have lost.
It is a preparation that cures
Ctit out the coupon below and
take it to the druggist whose
name appears at tbe bottom of
this advertisement.
Please sell Me bearer
one $.r.00 bottle of Vito Tonic for
see, and charge the other soc. to
our aceounta
The Vito Remedy Co.,
.Niagara Falls, Canada,
Calvin Lutz,
Druggist, Exeter.
Zurich Fair,
Oontinued from Page 1.
en broidery in silk, P. Nott, J. Oocli
mane; embroidery in muslin, T. John
goo, B. 130a1101'; woollen stockings.
W. 13, Battler, H. Neeb; cotton stoeks
bags, Nott, T. Johnston; knitted
mitts, W. B. 13attler, II.Neeb; knitted
socks, P, Nott. IL Neeb; paper basket,
Cochrane, S. G. F'arrest; Araeenc.
Work, 3. COclerane; crazy work, Tho,
Johnston, 3. G. Farrest; sille patch- ,
Work, T. Johnston, J. G, Farresr;
knitted pillow shams, H. Neel); heir
pin work, T. Johnston 3. Cochrane;
dettiog, J. Cochrane; Vattenburg, Dr.
Campbell, W. Klopp; outline work:
T, Johnston, Nott; Teneriffe lace in
silk, T. Johnston; Tenerilfe lace in cot-
ton, T. Tohnston W. KlopP; knitted
fascinator, T.Jolinstor ; outline Apron,
Cloekrane; batten wreath, E. Klopp,
R. R. Johnston; crochet petticoat, T.
Johnston, J. Geiger; Crazy deaylie, J,
Cochrane, T. Johnston; chair tidy, P.
Nott, J. G. Farrest.
SPECIALS. -Home made wool comet
cotton warp, P. Nott; side board cov-
er; B. Pfeff; centre piece, silk embroid-
ery, J. Gallmon.'drawn work, Win.
Riopp; tea cosy, P. Nott; Baby's hood
and sacque, IL Neel); handkerchief
holder, J. Gallman.
Painting in oil, landscape, J. G. Far -
rest, Dr. Campbell; water color, land -
scope, J. G. Eeriest, Jas. Cochrane;
Crayon work, B. Phfile; water color
flowers, 3. G. Farrest, Dr. Campbell;
pencil drawing, 3. G. Forrest; pen and
ink sketch, J. G. Farrest; paintingon
felt, J. G. Farrest, J. Cochnine; paint-
ing on silk, 3.0. Forrest 1 and 2; paint-
ing on plaster parts, j. Cochrane, T.
Collection flowete, W. M. Barbaro,
Jas, Cochrane; Maple Leaf. T. John-
ston, R. R. Johnston; cut flowers, j.
G. Forrest, T. Johnston; Geraniums,
W. B. Battler, .8, Witwer; Cacti, T.
Johnston, J. Cochrane; Calla Lillies,
T. Johnston, R. R. Johnston; Pansies,
J. G. Farrest, T. Johnston; Fuebias, R,
R. Johnston -
Horses, -Jas. Connolly, C. Wolfe.
Cattle. -John Shepherd, Hensall,W,
T. Stinson, Bayfield.
Sheep and Pigs. -I. Armstrong, T.
Prior, Exeter.
Int plem en ts,Me.n ufactares, and Poul-
try, Jacob Sararas, W. H. Wenzel.
Grain and Seeds. -Jas. Moore, Hen -
Horticultural Products, -D. French,
Dairy. -D. A. Pantelon, R. 3. Drys-
Ladies' work, -Mrs. William Fritz,
Mrs. Wm, Becker,
Fine Arts and Flowers.---Janies
Weekes, Exeter.
DEATEr.Irs. A. W. Brandenber-
ger, wife of the proprietor of the Ma-
son House, passed away Wednesday
morning. She had always enjoyed
excellent health up to a week ago
Saturday when she became ill. An
abscess and tunior developed so that
an operation became necessary.. It
was performed on Monday afternoon
by Drs. Gunn diad Shaw of town and
Dr. Elliott of Denver, Colorado. The
medical men found the patient to be
in a much woi se state than they had
expected but though the operation
was performed successfully Mrs.
Brandenherger siaccit rnbed shortly
after ruidnight on Tuesday. Mrs.
13randenberger,whose naaidea name
was Bridget Ann Costello, was born
of Irish parentage in the Township of
Logan. She was alnoctel housewife
and much esteemed by those who
knew her.
WEDDING. - Amidst the musical
strains of the LobenoTin and Mendels-
sohn wedding marches, Mise M. Mande
Goodwin and W. Glenn Campbell
bowed to the altar of lovebn Wednes-
day at high noon, being united in the
holy bonds of matrimony by Rev.. Dr.
Stewart. The scene transpired at tbe '
home of the bride's parents Me. and
Mrs. A. 11. Goodwin, It:atm.:dewy
street, the rooms being tastily decorat-
ed in green and white, asters being
profusely distrilmted throughout. The
bride wore a gown of white Brussels
net over white taffeta silk, and carried
white carnations. Their only attend-
ant was little Ruth Hoover, youngest
daughter of elayor Hoover,. who sande
a sweet and pretty flower girL. Atter
the ceremony the wedding party re-
paired to the house next d.00r. 'which
the groom has furnished as a home for
his bride, and here luncheonwas. serv-
ed, the tables being lighted by candles.
Here they enjoyed themselves until
train time, when the happy couple
left on a honeymoon trip to Detroit,
amidst the best of wishes and the
usual shower of rice. That the bride
was well and favorably known was
evidenced by the number of gifts that
she reeeived. Willis cboir gave them
a clock, and the trustee booed a 131141e.
On Tuesday- evening about fifty of the
bride's friends took the.house by storm,
and showered her with enough kitch-
en utensils, etc„ to start honsek.eeping
with. e extend congratulations :tied
wish them many yeana of wedded
Fort Francis,. Sept. 25., --An weld en b
occurred here to -day by which a young
man n;mied Warnor Hodgins,,of Luca ti,
Ont., was &owned. He and A corn-
penion by the name of M. eKeneie, were
coming down a river in a eanoe, And
when passing through the rapid
above Fort Francis npset. McKenzie
managed to climb on the top of tle
canoe, but Hodgins became e :tangled
and WAS he'd under the water.
Mooney's Crackers are aS
easy to digest as pure milk,
and as nutritious as home.
made bread- Let the little
,folk's supper be
Cream Sodas
and see how sound they sleeP
and how plump and rosy
they grow.
Air -tight
packages brit
them to your
table as crisp
and inviting
as if fresh
Fran the
At your
We are giving excellent
satisfaction since Re-
modelling our mill.
hilia and
eA0 _
B usin ea/31,f el ci;uln-
dividnal hist/action.
Each pupil is given in -
The Shorthand Systern-
rtaotritgelrits. is that used by all
newspaper and core-
Best systems of Dock -
keeping, Penmanship,
,hto t o., tlioreugitly
Situations guaranteed
Wm. DooC,
Stem Winding
To call attention to our immense
stock of modern watches, we make
this unparailed offer:
71n Open Face Stens
Winding and Stern.
Settling 71mer.lcam
Lever Watch In
Strong Nickel
guaranteed an excellent timekeeper.
' Should it fail to give satisfaction,
will replace it with another:, any
time within one year.
As the cost 1; far below the
, Wholesale price one only will he
mailed to any address in Canada
on mceipt of one dollar, and seven
cents for postage. Money refunded
it -you do not like the watcl.
Descriptive circulars nnailed free
on application.
Your visit to the Western Fair
9th to /7th Sept. will give you an
opportunity of inspecting these
watches and our geneeal,stocit.
John S. Barnard,
170 Dundas St, - LONDON.
London's, Jeweler.
Ellt• il-grte%ryiitfi
yers s this, 'ova to;d over again.
AL The best laxative, tairg,:i:
Want your moustache or heard BUCKINGHAM'S DYE
a beautiful brown or rich black? Ilse 'Alt ota, moms t,164.41.1. k ZUMUA.:}414
Till" 111[101
Who are tot subscribers
to the Advocate that it
way be had from now to
Janu,Pury It for' f; 0 Qeritsu