HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-9-29, Page 2areasserateet. • III MODERN DAYS. WIZ WAYS OP DOING- TE;XNGS item GREATLY OPIANGED. 3r.0 Branch of Science I -Is Made , Greater Advancement Than That of ldeclicine—Thousands of Lives Prolonged by Nieele= Dieeover- "Few things have• developed as .eaPidly duriug the past quarter of a century as the ecienee of medicine," said a well known practitimier re- cently. "And undoubtedly the most striking phase in its progress is in the treatment of the blood.. 'In the old days it was thought that. opening a vein and letting the blood out was a cure for most disetezes. The utter fallacy of that theory was discovered after a while, Then the symptoms of the disease were treated and the blood disregarded.. That also has been shown to be a wrong practice, for, though driven ii,vvay for a time, the symptems always return if the cause is not removed, mid the dis- ease is worse than before. It is the root of the disease that must bi at- tacked, and the most important de- velopments of modern medical science has been in discovering that, in most diseases, this lies in the condition of blood. If the blood is thin and poor, the nerves and vital organs cannot receive their proper nourish- ment, the system becomes run down and hi a condition to iavite disease. Build up the blood., restore the worn- out nerves and you remove the cause. .When the cause is gone the disease 3vill vanish." An instance of the truth of this is given .by Miss A. M. Tuckey, Oxdrift, Out. who says do not know what would have 'become of me had it not been for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. My blood seemed to have turned to water, and I was troubled' with. dizeiness, headaches and general prostration. I tried several medi- cines but .instead of getting better I was gradually but surely growing worse. - I became so weak I could no longer work, and it was while in, this condition I was -advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. After using, the Rills for a few weeks I began to gain strength; my appetite returned, thei headaches and dizziness vanished, and' before long I was enjoying as good health. as ever I had done in my life. I cannot thank you enough for the good the pills have done me, and I hope they will long continue to lielp other sufferers." Indigestion, neuralgia, heart trou- ble, anaeinia,, kidney and liver com- plaints, rheumatism, the functional ailments of women, and a host. of other troubles are all a disease of the blood, and that is why they are always cured by the use of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills which actually make new, rich, red blood, thus reaching the root of the disease and driving it from the system. The great success of this•medieine lias in- duced some unscrupulous dealers to offer pink colored imitations. • You can protect yourself a.gaiest these by seeing that the full name "Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills for Pale People" is printed on the wrapper around every box. Sold by all medicine dealers or may be had direct from the Dr., Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., at 50 cents a box or six boxes - for $2.50. APRICA'S.CAVE DWELLER -S. Major Powell -Cotton of the British service has. been taking flash light pictures of the interior of one of the great inhabitated caves on the slopes of Mount Elgon, a 'large mountain near the northwest coast of Victoria, Nyanza, in central Africa. The best of his views shows a num- ber of reed huts that have been scattered irregularly over the wide floor, their tops extending to within about three feet of the black wall above them. Wicker baskets and other utensils of the household are sprinkled here and there, and large masses or xock, harder than most of the stone that was dug away to make the subterranean home, ,jett out into the big room, filling 11 with cor- ners and recesses. Iris visit was to the east side,. of the mountain. All sides of it ha-ve now " been visited, and the west, • south and east slopes are found to be dotted with these 'inhabited caves, some or Which have been dug at an elevation of 7,500 feet. Perhaps no other mountain has a similar title to distinction. Its ,top, even under the tropical sun nearly reachesthe snow line, and its green sides are indented with deep pockets —the homes or many hundreds of hu- man beings. Powell -Cotton says there is no doubt that the whole inside surface of these cavee was hewn by the hand of nlan, but the present owners are quite -incapable of having executed so stupendous a task. They have no tradition as to who the makers were. The explorer thinks a syste- • matic examination of a considerable number or the caves might throw an interestinglight on their original in- • habitants. Some of the visitors to Mount Ligon believe that TrfrelY ARE NATIIRAL CAVES.. 'They 'say they found no evidence that the ceverns could • possibly be the Work of" Man. They also •report that years ago the natives lived on the plain in or- dinary villages, esing the caves • 'at times as, phicee of refuge from their • enemies, untilthey finally made t hem their permanent abode. 'The more scientific explorers, en the ()thee hand, soy there is n mis- take about tbe caves being of artifi- cial origin. Joseph Thomeoe , who • discovered them, said that they were cat out 'of compact volcaule agglom- •erate, and he belie -red that they were miees in •Sorne past age, • • ,The Works were evidently too vast to be achieVed by the simple savages who now iftlialeit than, and he won- dered What euperior race could forte- erly have °templed that region. Sir Mary Johnson also saye that there js ere eoeelbility that the eaves eetild heve beenartificial. Theee two explorers, as Weil as Powell -Cotton, Speak of the interior let Ow caves' aS being 'Very, irregular, KEALTIIX Maltby babies are alWays happy babies, if elle ettanaah and be-Wela aee 'kept right the littre ones NV1112 healthy and liaPpy, Balers `Own Tablets are the eeet, thing" he the world to accomplish this purpofe. The Tableta are the' favorite pre- scription of a doctor who for years made the ailments of little ones a specialty. :ghee- are used in thou- sands of homes, bringing health to little ones and comfort to Mothers. The Tablets reduce fever, break up colds, expel worms, (-heck diarrhoea, cure constipation, promote indiges- tion, alley the irritation of teething and brieg sound healthy sleep. Ask any mother who has used these tab- lets and she Will tell you there is no other medicine so safe and effective. Good for the new born baby or the well grown child, and guaranteed to contain DO opiate or hernial], drug. Medicine dealers everywhere sell the Tablets or you crin get theni by men at 25 cents a box by writing The Dr, Williams Medicine Co„ Brock- ville, Ont. as the harder part of the rock •hes been left jutting out in mest incon- venient cornees, while the softer stone was cut away. ' Powell -Cotton made an entirely new discovery, north Of Mount gon, of a tribe living on the tops 01 two mountains in two otory house. No hate of the kiad have hitherto been reported amoug the barbarous tribes of Africa., It is possibIe that they: conceived the idea of the two story house to provide more room lin their habita- tions, for as they live on the tops of Mountains they cannot give much space to their dwellings without en- croaching Upon their tilled lands. Almost under the equator, they suc- ceed in raising crops on the very summits of high Inotintains. SETTLERS LOW RATES •WEST Via the Chicago and North Western Railway', every day from Sept. 15th to Oct. 1511i, settlers one way second class tickets at Very low rates from Chicago to points in 'Utah, Montana, Nevada,, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, California, also to Victoria, Van- couver, Nev 'Westminster, Rossland and other points in the Eootenay District. Correspondingly low rates from all pointe 111 Canada. Full par- ticulars from nearest ticket Agent, or B. IL Bennett, General Agent, 2 East King Street, Toronto. • Ont. 5 l'EAM-TITRBINE EVOLUTION. Patents Taken Out 'Sixty Years Ago, But Commercial Failures. Sixty years' ago patents were tak- en out containing all the essential! points. for tha construction of a • steanasturbine. The principal pioneers seem to have been: -4(1) Philbrow, who in his patent of 1848 desrzribed motors very closely allied to .both the De Laval and the Parsons type; (2) Robert Wilson, who in 1848 describ- ed the system of compounding for velocity, which has been introduced of late years by Ferranti, Curtis and Reidler and Sttimpie and 1(3) Thos. Baldwin, •who in 1873 described (without draivings) a• (seam turbine which appears to be closely allied to the "compartment" type, which: has has recently been so capably develop- ed by Professor Rateau. Many of tkese early inventore seem to have such very clear ideas as to essential features of a successful ste.am-turbine that their failure to make their ideas commercially successful is somewhat singular. One rock in their path may have been the rela- tively high met of the accurate - workmanship needed. f The Tartar alphabet contains 202 letters, leeing the long -eat in the world. The largest Bible -class in Great I Britain is that connected with All 1 Saints' Church, Sheflold. The aver- age Sunday attendance is 1,500. -+ CHANGE FOOD. Some Very Fine 'Results Follow. The wrong kind of food will put the body in such a diseased condi- tion that no medicines will. cure it. There is no way but to change food. A Irian in.Mo. says: "For 2 years I was troubled •so witli my iierves that sometimes I was prostrated and could hardly ever get in a full month at my work, - My stomach, back and head would throb so I could get no rest at l• night except by fits and starts, and v always had distressing pains. "I was quite certain the trouble came from my atomaelf, but two physicians cove! not help me and all the tonics failed and so finally I turned to food. 417hen I had studied up on food and learned what might be expected nt froleaving oft meat and the regu- lar food I had been living On, X felt that a change to Grape-Xtits would be just what was required so X went to eating it. 'Prom the start, X got stronger and better nrii4 I was well again and from that time I haven't used a bit of ineclicine for I haven't needed any. 'I am so an ich better in eVery way, sleep soundly now -a, -days arid arr.' free frOin 1) r ir.r1 dreams. Tinleed tkils food has• /mule slid' a great, chaps!? in nib tifei my wire and daiighter hate taken. it np and we are never without (rape -Nuts our table now-a-dayS. It ;s a wondor- ltd and we frequently have nothing else at. all but a saucer of Grape -Nuts and cream. for breakfast Or supper .1 Name giveft Postion Co., Battle Creek, Mech. Good food and geod rest. 'nage are the tonics that succeed whore all the bottled tonics and drugs frail. Ten days' trial of Grape-Nette Wilt show one the road to health, etraegth arid vigor. "'There's a reaeon Look in. each paekage tor the fame oils little book, "The Road to ville." AT .1* E AS ti ZINC SU N,SeXINE, nd. Stinehlue is so rare in Eglan tenet • 'the egOvoletinttalt, taloa great ettre to 4nenaM'e Tholi ofelal stun - being tip An:1003 as regards Sun - Shine shows that all diStriets' e th BritiSh iSICS, With one extateetfen, foil 'sheet of the teveritge. The excep- tion Was England northwest, includ- ing ManClieSter, Mkt curiously had an C0$or ilfty-seven sunny hours, in St.'qtlxinld, north, .wesf and east 'the defih cit was eighty -ono old's r , foty-eight hr ous, and one hind and thirty-three nortewast nod Lei:let were short bY 107 'hours and 130 hours,. while ia England sciutli aucl southwest the oBeit was sixty-eight hours and One Hun:a:red am" fifteen hours. The Midladne wele.? behind by ninety- eight hours. Li Ireland north and south the shortage was e,ighty-one !hours, and oup hundred and thirteen hours, Commonly the islands in the Eeglish Channel have a large share 'of sunshine, but last year they went short by one liendeed and thirty-five sunny hours. Ships of war are usually fitted with lightning conduotors. Thie precaution is rendered necessary by the explosives stored away in their magaeines. A Pleasant Duty— " When I Iteow any- thing worEhy of reconnneudation, I consider it ray duty to tell it," says lacy. Jas. Alurdock, of Hamburg, Da. "De. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder has cured me of Catarrh of five years standing. It is certainly magical in its effect.•The first application benefited Me la five na'nutes. •50 cts."--0 Lucky is he who marries a widow itIvehro.se flrst husband was mean 'CQ• Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion sand kindred ailments, take wings ;before the healing qualities of "South Arnerican Nerviae. Thomas Hos- kins, of Durham, Ont., took his preach- er's advice, followed direetions, and was cared permanently of the worst form. 01 Nervous Prostration and Dyspepsia. He has recommeacled ' it to others with gratifying results. .31.t's a great nerve eenegenee, ' When a • $2.000 fire insurance policy eubs against a $1,000 house it is apt to start a. conflagration. a • Cholera nimbus, cramps and kindred complaints annually atinke their e.p- pee.rance at the same time as the hot weather, green ;fruit, cucumbers; melons, -etc., and many persons, are debarred leen; eating these tempting things, but they need not abstain if they have Dr. J. laellogg's Dyseatery Cordial and take a few drops in water. It cures the cramps and cholera in a remarkable • manner and is sure to .check every dis- turbance of the bowels. It is best to settle a quarrel with- out an3r outside interference. Mead's Liniment for sale everywhert • Any young man who ccin save up money during his engagement can_ ford to marry. For Over Sixty Year; Vas. WINe1.01r11900TIII-No BYTW:p bus been nsest millions of mother ler their children while toetliln Deno:hes the child, cottons the gums, alloys pain, ours irtoiloolte, regulates the etommeh and bowels, end is the brstreinedy for Diarrhoea. •Ttienty-Ilra cc:ate a. bottle' Bold l+Silrticeists throughout the world. Be sure aud aek tor c`idite. Nrreici,o iv' S °orate° arse -a. 2-o4The only two mil -Mills whose bralis are heavier than that of a man are the whale and the elephant. Eat What You Like—Oive the diges- tise soiree work to do. These (unctions need exercise as mach as any part of the human anatomybut if they re 1.1 , , aid that Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets afford and you can eat any- thing that's' wholesome and palaiable-- 60 in a box, 35 cents. -8 a For $300 year a man can, in Japan, pay for a house, food, •and two eervants. • The Dernon, Dyspepsia.—In olden times It •was ' a popular belief that demons moved , invisibly through the ambient ma seeking to enter into men and trouble theca, At the present day the &moil, dyspepsia,. is -at large in- the same way, seeking habitation in those who by careless or unwise living invite han. And once he enters a man Wig difficult to dislodge. him. Ile that finds hinmelf so •posseesed should know that. valiaut freed to do battle for him ' with the unseen foe is Parmelee'. Vege- table PIM, which are •ever reedy for the trial. Minzrd's CilreS Bums, etc, The Bank, of England contains -er ingots which have 'alit in ite Milts sinee 1696, itching; liturnirsg, Creeping, Cransting Skin Diseases relieved in It few min-." ides by Dr. Agnew's Ointment. Dr. Agnew's Ointment relieves instantly and cure. Tetter, Salt Itheuni, Scald Head, tezimm, Vicers, Blotches, and all lerup- ions of the Skin. It is soothing and quieting and acts like magic in all Baby ifinnors, frritation of the Scalp Or- Rashes during teething time, se cents a box. -7 The pheasant is Asiatic, the fowl and the peacoe4 East Indian, the turkey :American, l'ilerft never was—, --and never will he a unnaltv:reof rs itirranjttlit,thea; 10 one e,rebreelentigy,sufeori. all ills to Which fie -eh is heir.—tbe very filet vere ilia germs of other and ilia ferei iti y eatert diseasee rooted in the sy-stem of the; patient -44o1. IVO tild pe. Belie olid ' -111;, iii 'iern would eaggrievaeo -Ifer'ile °NATO.; Yih ha'otet'affin°albviativeirti ilt SClotluienj unadulterated date, a remedy tor niany and ,grevious file. By ite gradual and judicious use, the frailest systems are led into Of in mist:obeli and strength, by the influence width Quinine exerts pu Nature's oStrn restoratives. It relieveS, the drooping spirits: of those with whom a chronic state of morbid des- pondency and lack ofeleitereet In life 14 it disease, and, ,by tranquilizing the nerves, 'diSpOsets to sound end refreshing tli1P-"bliargrtheriviifegg'r , to itgruf sitilinfatinle.te°r11, coUrSee throttadloig, the Veins, strength, ening tile heti itity , animal funations of itle,a3esyttert;m, reliutirey fntiralkitigatcfieatteiritigvitY thao frame, and giving life to the digesti ve organs, w 11 cli r air aly demand in-: creme -ell eu bete nce—rogni g, lin pre veil ap- petite, fiOribrop & Lyman of Toron- to, Noe given to the public their su. O an, gauged hy the opinion et t ftitt.t:nlifvfienoWine al,,pl:tEiclh..ohse ilvesottre,618 drto Or- fection of any in the market. all drug- gists sell it. 'IN FEELS AS YOUNG As- EVEll MR, CHESTER LOON'S TOOK ` DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. And From a Usea. up Kan He Be,. pante ae Smart as a I3oy, Orland, Ont., Sept., 19---t(S.Pe' Mr . -Mostar Loomis, an old and -re- spected farmer livina in this section, Is spreeding, broadcast the gooc. news that Dod,d's Kidney Pills aro eure mire for the Lame Back and Kidney *Disease so cOmmon among old people. Mr. Loomis says: tun 76 years of age and smart and active as a boy and I give Dodd's Kidney Pills all the credit for it. 'Before I started to use Dodd's Kidney Pills I was so used up could hardly ride in a buggy and I could not do any work of my kind. Everybody thought I wou•ld not live long, Dodd's liadney Pills are a. wonderful remedy.'' ',Clio Kidneys of the young may be wrong but the Kldneys of the old must be wrong. Dodd's Kidney Pills make all wrong Kidneys right. That eisstwterientuhey are the old, folks' groat- • Mifkinsi—"Hallo, old man! ..What do you think of that cigar I gave you last night?" Dielcinsi—"Don't ask me to think. • I'm trying to for- get it." A Nagle D111. ---Dyspepsia is a foe with whichn. , --aware constantly grapplieg, tett cannot. exterminate. Subdued, and to all appearances vaaquished in one, it makes its • appearance in another direc- tion. In many the digestive apparatus is as delicate as the mechanism of a watch or scieetificinstrument in wheie even a breath of air will make it vari- ation. With such persons disorders of the stomach ensue from the most trivi- al causes and cause much suriering. To those Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are 10 - commended as mild and sure, Human hair grows better in light than in darkness, because of the stimulating effect of light and sun- shine. P11 To prove to you thab sh% Chase's Ointment is a certain W:• and every form of itching. and e.bsoluto mire for moil bloodingand protruding piles, he manufacturers have guaranteed it. See tow Imonials in the daily press and ask your nelzh. ors what they think of it. You can ase it and et Your money back 11 not cured. ClOc a box, at 11 dealers or rid011iNSON.BATEti & Co -Toronto, Dr. Chase's Ointrtseni eNWOMmeeIneet .11.011•111111001i411111111.0. Silicate of soda keeps eggs freeh for niany months. Dr. Agnew'm Cure for the Heart acts directly and quickly, stimulates the heart's action, stops most acute pain, dispels all.signs of weakness, fluttering, sinking,smothering, or palpitation. This wonderful cure is the sturdy ship which -carries • the heart -sick patient into tho haven of radiant and perfect health. „Gives relief in most acute forms of heart disease in 80 inieutes.-11 IC kenny Castle. Ireland, is -one of t eldest habetations in the werld any of the romps •are the ey were 800 years ago. c. . nicETARDs & GO. 'Dear Sus —Your IONARD'S LI:N- INE-14T • Is our remedy for sore throat, ecilids and all ordinary rents. • It never fails to relieve and anre 'premptlY. CIARLES, WAGOTEN. Port Medgrave. On the baby's third birbhday it should weigle 31 pounda, if a boy, and 30 if a girl.. It- should measure 191 inelies around -the chest. tAlnitdr; Liniment Relitves Neuralgia The "African Review" says: "In the aranevaal and the 'Orange River Colony, if the present rate of inter- marriage between Briton and Boer is kept. up., within twenty years the two races will be so welded together as to be indistinguishable." eeete• Do you catch cold easily? Does the cold hang on Try Shiloh's onsumption CureThd Lung Tonle ' -• It cures the most stubborn kind of coughs mid colds. If it doesn't cure you, your money will be refunded. Prleps: S, C. Wnees & Co. 2.05 25o.0,51 LeRoy. N. Y..4 Turotito. ea% EXTENDING TeLE LOAN, Old Mr. i)obetin was nothing if mit neighborly, but in the case .of the I'erkinSee he really felt that, •a • litie eteu st be drawn .soineivitertis -It • was, the 'fifth, tiine 'that 'week that • little' Sammy • Perkins had been ovee to borrow something, and this was only Wednesday, "Please, Mr, Dobson, mother says won't yon lend her your lawn -mower for about an hour or two'?" Ali% Dobsonecratchee hit,. head etabioesly. "Well, sonny, ',deed I !lent," hcJ said„ at Met, "I'll he needing it now, straight through tile summer, 03! lilIdi 011. 131 .111 inn you who 1,' he ' added, when. hi?. Sa eh° younget elos wu Past 130110 ten- ance. "I'luire'e the snow shovel she borrowed lad Jaftuary; Tell let her keep that it 3,11 laniser," no, he wealth roe some, but it 15 poverty for the fleeter. • 4,64,0% /76, g 4.frealzelet. 4,! 4t%' 4frvto4ie b;vj ,teeq.egitetee acoUctemt,ate eeeeteete Potatoes, Poultry Eggs Butter Apples Let us have your conslgnment �t any of these articles Ana we will get you good ,prices. THE DAWSON COMMISSION CO!, Lin*ed Car. Wont Market and Colborne Ste, +13R4AlTO. •Vr.X.WIVI CAN BR Z. -LAD IN Pas Wash Basins, WM Pans Any Flret•Claes Grocer Can Supply You. INSIST ON GETTING E F,3g:ers. 'MUrgrinESZ,VMEMW .*.t.......meetreereeeneeemeeeeetecertwe "'RAD; 14A2Jt USE— gliSLEitiND orrv" ugusE AND FLOOR PA I TS '•Will Mu In 8 Hours. on Bale at all Ilaraaare Boater*. P. D DeDD & 00., Montreal, Toronto,' Vancouver. A sign over a desk in one of Lon- aon's business lioutms reads, "A good, hard day's work will put fea- thers in any old bed." • To Know is to Prevent. --Ii the •mln- ers who work in cold. water most of the day would rub their feet and legs With Dr,•Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil they .would escape muscular rhouinatisin and render their nether limbs proof against the ill effects to the ccilti. Those set- ting out for mining regions would do well to provide themselves with a sup- ply before starting. • Aluminium is superior to any stone for sharpening cutlery. Mlnares litilmeat Cures Dandruff, KUSIOAL MOTORING-. Englishmen. Have a Steam Piano •Attachment on q.n.x.s. An English motor carriage mane, faeturer has added a' fresh charm or a new terror to. motorieg. For he has devised an ingenious motor horn, worked by an air pump, 'driven from the rear wheels, which compresses air into a reservoir. By pressing a button this air is admitted to the horn, and gives a continuous note; and in this forni the device is useful for the driver •in thick traffic. who has his hands busy with the wheel and side brake, and 'has not one to spare to toot the horn. But there is another development. Several horns may. be provided, and witli a little keybeard on the steering column, the driver can provide a very passable imitation of the coachliorn, or could even have a full octave and play tunes. Certainly the mellow caden- ces and chords are preferable to the staccato and peremptory bark of the ordinary horn; and in the course of a run through_ the Strand on a rec- -ent.afternoon, the device seemed to afford mudh gratification, not to say amusement, to the 'busmen, the cab- bies, the police, and. the public in general. RETURN TO PL.A.IN NAMES. Although a marked preference for flowery Christian names has been sliewn by the working classes of rec- ent yeers, he England, it is gratify- ing to learn from the latest returns that the plain namu es of or fathers and mothers • are still the most popular. The two Christian name that he p..d the list in order of 'ft-a- :gee/Icy are William and Mary. Then comes John; Elisabeth, Thonnets, George, Sarah, and ,James are well up. But Ann arid Jane have SOMO- what de0iiid, thougIi there is said to be one parieh ict the Midlands where every girl is called Jane. Snakes' eyes are never clos,iT ' Sleeping or waking, olive or dead, they are aiv.707a wide open. This is because they have no eyelids. Jt e '‘CkS.'4W4.1 Litt 15;PUeq -1T-1 0 ft TMEtaIT Cures Stood `Poinori, loAmpitatlons, Sorbs and Skin Dieezeees, t..trruit. Large sample 118E. Aclqress •Foster Vfg Calf Toronto To Ladies and Gentlemen. Perman- ent position, rapid a.dvancernent; sea- my and eXperises. Clean desinible business. •The J. L. Nichols Co., Lind tad, Toronto. (Mention this paper.) to: ell Cord tvan .--,—.Frywr."—s-mrsrazaFzismammum Used in H.B.K. Mitts, Gloves and ISSoccasins—tough as whale- bone, flexible, soft, pliable, scorch: Ip.00f, wind -proof, boil -proof, e1-ad:Trot:4f2 tear -proof, rip -proof, cod proof, almoit Wear-proof— certainly the grca.test leather ever used in mitts and gloves. Like buckskin it is tanned without oil, unlike buckskiit it is hot perous; it Is Outwear three buckskins. ' "Pinto"" Mitts and Gloves 'never crack or harden,,never get oc1den, are always wa,rm, pliable, soft and comfortable. Sold at all dealers but never with. out this brand :-- . , NOthifig Wiii an, dacott,:hailo. ifs. et. • 4'-‘414"417MVAVF.W..,.. ISSUE NO. 30-04, N 409 HUDSON BAY KNITTIN8 CO, Mostreal Winalleg 04sYs6" 2