HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-9-29, Page 1EIGHTEENTH YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 29 1904. (NeW Reading getter appears in this space each week.) An Eye for the Future Be WISE. Have an eye for the future. Save your dollars while you can. This Bank provides you with the Means, Call and learn more about the matter, as we consider it a pleasure to belp PEOPLE to save.- NO TROUBLE. E. TO ANSWER QUESTIONS. FACILITIES FOR ALL KINDS OF BANKING. Branches in Huron °aunty at:— EXETER, OREDITON, DASHWOOD; HENSALL. Zunaost, CLINTON NIIIIIIISISE6217181241211] THE SOVEREIGN. BANK. OF CANADA ulacnuan etaneursa Solicitor F. E, Kartt, Manager, Exeter Men's Single Breasted Sack Suits All Wool Domestic Tweed in raediarn and dark colors; also stripes, well lined, and shrunked at • $5.00. All Wool Domestic Tweeds in nobby mixtures, checks, and stripes, xv ell lined at - • • • •--- $7.00. All Wool Black and Navy Blue Campbell e , hard finish Serge, Italian and Selicialinings at , . . $7.50, 8.00, 9.00. All wool imported Navy and Black Worsted Serge, hard finish Indigo and Aniline dyes, Italian and Selicia linings at d $10.00, 12.00. Men's Fall and Winter Overcoats From $5.00 to $10.00. • Men's Imported English Black Beav- er at $5.00 Men's Plain Oxford grey and black Cheviot, silk and linen sewinlined with Italian liniugs at $7.50 Men's dark grey Cheviot, all wool, lined with Mohair and Italian linings at • $8.00 Men's Oxford grey Cheviot all wool, Mohair sleeve lining, best. of sewing at $10.00 Men's'Blk. Cheviot, all wool, Herring bone finish, Mohair sleeve linings, ex- cellent nytke, best style at ......$10.00 Men's Blk. Beaver Cloth, all wool. highly finished, Mohair and Italian linings, a Bargain at $10.00 • Boys' Overcoats in the latest styles, best of linings, shrunken cloths ?trona $3.00 to 5.00. Young Men's Nobby Overcoats from $5.00 to 9.00. POPIiESTONE & GARDINER. Legal." DICESON CARLING,-BARRISTERS, SOLICI- tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioner& lulicibors for Molsons Bank, etc. Money to Loati at lowest rates of interests. Offices, Main street, Exeter, I. R. ammo, B.A., L, if. Mormon MONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village properties at low rates of inter- est. •GLADMAN & STANBURY, Barristers, Solicitors,Main et., Exeter Ont • LLOYD P. JONES Organist and Choir Master of the Trivia Memorial Ohurch. Teacher—Piano, Organ, Voice, Harmony. Modern methods. Thoroutimess ERKEST ELLIOT, CONVEYANCER, ETC. Private fundS to loan on farm and village pro- perty at lowest rates of interest. . Accounts collected, OFFICE --Main Street Exeter. WANTED—Industrious man °stymy.= as- perman- ent representative of bigmanufacturing company, to look afti er its business n this county and adjoin- ing territory. Business suceessful and established. Salary 320 weekly and expenses, Salary Raid week- ly from home office, Expense money adVanoed, Experience not essential. Enclose self-addressed en- . yelope. General Manager,.0onAB,lock, Chicago. 013 MEN WANTED. We have a position open for one good man in each locality, local or tra- velling, at $810 a year and expenses $2.50 „per day .tacking up show cardi and generally advertising a New Dis- covery. No experience necessary. Write for particulars. Balms Medicinal Co., London, Ont. • Dr, Ovens, of London, . SURGEON, DENTIST, SPECIALIST DISEASES • of EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT. GLASSES PROPERLY FITTED. Visits EXETER MONTHLY •Office:—Cornmercial Hotel, Dates If Yisits..WED NE5 D A. ¥ S, October 5, November 2, November 30, London Office: -225 Queens Ave. .Exe:cittors' Auction Sale Of Valuable Real and Personal Pro - petty oil WEDNESDAY, OCT, 12th4 at 12.80 p.m., A. D. 1904, on Lot 15, Con, 15, Township of Stephen. ' • REALESTATE: Parcel 1.—Composed of lot 15, con. 15, Township of Stephen, 106 acres of first claes land upon whieh is situated a frame house and a good bank barn, Paecel 2.---Oornpbsed of lot 16, con. • 16, To•wnshlp of Stephen. containing • 100 acres at land. Pe reel 'I.—Composed of North half lot 16 arid South quartetlot 17, con. 16, Township of Stephen. Together with a large amount of Farni Stock inni Implements. *ILlite- For particulars see posters or apply to Executors. •No reserve. • CHARLES WILSON, Atictioneer. •JOHN SHERRITT, GEORGE SHERILITT, 1-1A.NNA.11 LAM PORT, ExectitOre of Themrat Llititiport,, de- cenSed, Teacher Wanted. • Teacher for 3. S. No. 3, Stephen, with first or second class certificate; duties to commence about the first or eecond week in October, 1904: state sal- ary and certificate. Apply to FRANK TRIEBNER, Sec'y Trees, Exeter P,O., Onto T11017.GHBRED REGISTERED CATTLE FOR The undersigned is offering for sale on Lot 7, Con. 17, McGillivray, the following thorougibred Regis- tered shorthorn cattle: --1 Buil 5 mont old, 1 Bull 9 months old, and two. Bulls 21 mon s old; also heifer calf 6 months okrand one 19 months old in calf. These are excellent animals and persons re- quiring such should see them before purchasing elsewhere. Prices reasonable. J. R. Potter, Lieury Sale Register. ffilrParties getting their sale bills printed at the ADVOCATE office will receive a FREE notice under this heading until date of sale. WnerresnAY, Oar. 5.—Farm stock and implement& the property of Wm. Beaman, Lot 8, Con. 4, Stephen. Sale at one o'clock. Jas. Stanley, Amt. THURSDAY OCT. 6.—Fami Stock and Imple- ments, the property of Chas. Holt, Lot 10, Con. 13, (Khiva) Stephen. Sale at 1 o'clock. Ed. Bossen- berry, amt. SATURDAY, OCT. 8.—Farm Stock and Imple- ments, the property of Win. Redden. Lot 9, Oon. 5, Stephen. Sale at 1 o'clock. H. Brown, Anat. Notice of By -Law, A By -Law to raise by way of lean the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars, for the purpose of building and furnishing a new school house and to aubhorize the issue of debentures therefor. WHEREAS it is necessary to raise the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars for the purpose 'of building and furnishing a new school house; and in order thereto it will be necessary to issue debentures of the Trustees of tlae Roman Catholic Separate School for the Section number Six, in the Township of Stephen, for the sum of two thousand five hund- red dollars payable as herein provided. AND WHEREAS it will be requisite to raise In each year during the currency of such debentures the several sums hereinafter seb forth. THEREFORE the Trustees of the Roman Catho- lic Separate School for the Section number Six, in the Township of Stephen, hereinafter called the Truatees enact as toilet% 3. It shall be lawful for the Chairman of the said Trustees for the purpose aforesaid to borrow the said sum of two thousand five hundred dollars, and. to issue debentures of the said Trustees to the arnount of two thousand five hundred dollars, in sums of not less than one hundred dollars each, payable in fifteen equal annual instalments, payable respec- tively on the fifteenth day of December in each of the years 1905 to 1919 inclusive---- and to bear interest at the rate not exceeding five per cent. per annum, payable yearly, on the fifteenth day of De- emi ber n each of the years 1905 to 1919 inclusive. 2. Tho said debentures as to principal and inter- est Shall be payable at the Sovereign Bank in the village of Orediton. 3. It shall be 'lawful Per the Chairman of the said Trustees, and he is hereby tudhorized and instructed to sign and issue the said debenture, hereby author- ized to be issued, and to sign the same and the in- terest coupons attached thereto; and the Secretary of the said Trustees is hereby anthorized and th. strticted to attach the Corporate Seal of the said Trustees to the said debentures and to sign the said debentures and the interest couponsattached thereto. 4,. There shall be raised and levied in each of the years hereinafter set forth on alithe property upon which the said Trustees havepotter mid authority to levy rates the following 6111118 tot the payment of the interest, and elf the respettive itiataimente of princi- pal falling' duein each of the saki years respectively, 'Year Stint levied for Stun levied for Total amount interest principal levied 1005 125 00 166 07 201 67 19,06 116 67 In 87 . ' 283 34. tan ies 83 160 67 276 00. 1008 100 00 106 07 200 07 1000 01 67 166 07 258 84 1010 '88 33 166 0/ 250 00 1011 . 75 00 160 07 241 07 101206 07 160 67. 238 84 1913 58 sg 166 0/ 225 00 1014 5000 16607 210 07 1016. 4187 160.07 20884 1010 tS 38 160 67 200 00 1017 '25 556 6 191 07 1018 6. .666 01.7 la 34 1010 8 83 let 07 • 175 00 Which said snow shall be inducted it: tho rumen- tive yearly Separate School rates imposed by the sald trustees for thossid years, . 5. This 13y -Law WWI take effeat en the Id day of October A )1,1004. Dated at th.e. Village of Mount Car in the Town, ship of Stephen, in the Monty of Huron, this nine- teenth day of September. A.D., 1004. D, Fonforia, • JC113113141 GGAV1N, •ahrtitntAtt, •Seerdttry. LONDON College of Com- merce and Sliorthand.and Typewriting Academy. For Catalogife, etc., containing full particulars Address, W. N. YEREX, C. B. Principal. South Huron Liberal Conservative Felt. ventron. A meeting of the Liberal -Conservative .ASsociatiOn as formed for Dominion purposes, Will be held in Ooxwotern'S HALL, DENSALL, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER, 131h, 1904 • . At the hour of 2 o'clock p. For the .purposo of Nominating a Candidate for the Electoral Diutri t of South Introit in the approaching Dominion Bhp tip, and for the transaction of other business of importance. A full, representatiye and properly accredited delegation from each municipal- ity in'the District is urgently requested. ' BY ORDER OF THE EXE0IITIVE. Joseph 'Threshieg in this sectiornt is nearly over and reamers are through sowing' their fall w hea t. —Qu i te a -num her of our citizens attended Zurich fair on Thursday.—Mrs; Matilda Brenner, at - ter a few mouths visit with relatives d friends, has retn reed to her home in Millersburg, Mich.—Mrs. August Masse'has moved. into the village,—St. Joseph Separate School is fast nearing completion.—Mr. Nelson Masse will open up an up-to-date general store in 'our burgh shortly. -.-N. M. Conlin Was at his home here last. week. • Greenway . , Large quantities of grain are going out to inai•ket this week. The good prices are inducing the farmers to sell early this year. --Mrs. Geo. E. SA unders, of West McGillivray, is spending this - week with her parents, Mr. ',Ind Mrs., Ed. McPherson.—Mrs. °Mirka portz and Miss M. Eg,gert, wile have .'been very ill and under the care Tif Drs. Caw & Wilson, are impr•ovinge which is pleasant news -to their Melly friends. —Mr.. Jas. L blePeerscin, who has been engaged with W. H.Wack Sc,Co.,Park- hill, is home this week.—The Epwerth League of the Boston Methodist church visited the League at Parkhill last week.a.nd report as having a very pro fitable tinae.—Any parties wishing to subscribe or renew for any newspaper can save money by banding their sub- scription to Postmaster W. J. Wilson, —Mr. Thos. Belt, of Sarnia, visited has father and brother here last week. Crediton Our celebrated,rnale Quartette took part in the program given at the har- vest Home Festival in the Presbyter- ian church, Corbett,on Tuesday Mr. Wm. Lewis acted as chairman for the evening and we understand he ex- celled himself.—Most of the Indian •who ha.ve been working at the fl ADDITIONAL LOCALS connell Minutes. Council net pursea,nt to adjourn - went. at Town Hall, Sept 16. All pres- ent, Minutes of previous naeeting read and confirmed. Bir. Hicks, represent- ing the Bell Telephone Co., waited on the Connell in reference to a telephone service at the cemetery, stated that he would complete a line for the sumrof $10 per year rental, the same to run for a term nf three years, and • in case Mr. Smith took a service for $15 per year, it would only cost the village $25 per year. Taylor—Armstrong, that the offer of the Bell Telephone Co„ to place a phone at the caretaker's resi- dence, et $25 a year, be accepted.— Oarried. Tenders for gravel were re- ceived as follows: Geo. Ford, at $3.70 per ccrcl, from Ford's pit, and $4,50 per cord drom Wood's pit,. Muir— .Arnistrong—that ISIr. Ford's tender for gravel from Ford's pit at $3.70 per cord be accepted.—Carried. Taylor— that the contractor for tank at the cor- ner of Vitoria and Andrew streets be notified to proceed with work at once. No seconder. Muir—Wood—that the ,rate of taxation for 1901 be 22 mills on the $, and that the clerk prepare a by- law confirming the different rates to be levied.---Oarried. Taylor—Arm- strong--that the County Council be composed of the Reeves of townships and villages, and the Mayors of towns, instead of divisional representatives as at present, and the clerk be anthorized to forward a, copy of this resolution to the County Clerk.—Carried. A peti- tion, signed by the majority of the business men on Main street was pre- sented to the council asking the coun- cil to appoint a night watchman to pa- rade the streets from Huron street 'to Harvey Bros -mill. Armstrong—Wood that the Oouncil pay the sum of $10 per month towards the salary of a. night Watchman. --Carried. Wood— Arrnstreng—that. the following ac- counts be passed and orders drawn oti Treaserer for same:—J. N. Howard, lumber, $31.80; G. E. Crawley, livery, V: T. A. Amos $16; F. Gillespie, labor, $22.10; Do., freight $4,87.-0arried Council adjourned to Oct. 6, at 8 p.m. P.S. The reason the rate is so high this year is explained by the fact that the 'present council bad to face a deficit of nearly $1500, which item they de-. cided to wipe out this year. G.H. Bissurr, Clerk. Mooresville The many friends of Mrs. Fred Simp- son will be sorry to learnof her illness. We wish her a speedy recoyea.7.—Mrs. C. Sir -eosin -1, after it pleasant visit in Thediord, Teturned home Tuesday. -- Verniers around here are cOmplainang about the pothto rot.—Mrs. Thomas A. Gray, accompanied by her son, here the past summer have ret Wu'-., k.—Mr.J.Bloomfield, of Thedford,1of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. of London, is visiting at the 'I to their home in Munceytowne-ennj , "s al of our citizens took in the." VV -urea - • Mooresville a flying visit this Fair" at 'Zurich on Thursday. ' T asa. /ve seek.--Mrs,.Andy Clark is on a visit weather was fine and all report a gcs' co Montreal. --The boys around here time.—Mrs. and daughter, are having a busy time coon hunting. Detroit, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Beayer.—We are pleased to hear --Mr. and Mrs. Levi Walper, of Lon - that Mr. Henry Motz, who hat been don, gave Mr. and Mrs. Mose Simpson very ill, is rapidly recovering.—Our a. rnilliners are 'kept busy at thefall hats. Gcell on Monday evening.—Messrs. Bloomfield and Wm. Donelly visited friends in Loudon toVenship Some are beautiful and reflect great this week.—James Simpson and sister, credit or the ladies who designed them. Miss Mary .A.nn, were the guests of But then the price! We sympathize with the poor hubby. Don't use any Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Carter, Clandeboye, language ever it but pay for it 'with- on Sunday.—Miss Cora Webb has ac - out a murmur.—Miss Lydia Martin, of cepteda position as clerk with Gordon '" HamBloomfleldilton, Visited her cousin, Mrs. Al- ; bert Morlock, the pest week.—Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morlock, of Aurora, Ill., are Zurich visiting relatives in this village. • Mr. Morlock has boughtlarge. tracts of Dr. L. G. Routhier and wife left last timber land in the State of Mississippi week for Ottawa.—Miss Annie Hess is and will moye,there as soon as he re- on it visit to Detroit.—The Flax Com - turns home. ,Mr. Mprlock is an cid puny have finished threshing and the Orediton boy and we wish him every seed has all been 'shipped.—Mr. Harry success in his new venture.—Messrs. Weber, tailor. is on a visit to his home Young .Bros.have decorated their *in- in New Dunce.—Wes. Merner, who doW in a very tasty manner. The one has been confined to his bed, suffering displaying the popular brands of stock from an attack of typhoid fever, is, we food is fine. Well done Frank.—Gar- are pleasedto state, able to be around net Baker and friend, Of Londoinspent -agaiu.—The new dwellings being erect - Sunday in the village. Garnet's visits ed in Our 'village are rapidly nearing have been quite regular of late. There completion.. They are it very credit - m ust be "soniethin' doin'".—. Beechnuts a ble addition to our neat little town. and .butternuts are quite plentiful this —Messrs. James Howard, Joseph. Ge - year. The school boy has.forind it out linean and Peter Durand, of near Drys- Snyway.--Mrs. Adam Geiser a,nd two dale, have gone out West.—Geo. Trott sons, who have been visiting here of has moved his photograph gallery to late, returned to Buffalo Monday. She town from Grand Bend, and he will was accompanied by her niece. Miss remain for e titne,Miss Lydia Fat* Susan Kuhn, who will visit friends in left last week to attend the Y.P.A. that city for some tinie.—We are pleas- convention at Campden. She will also ed to see Mr. John English around take a trolly.trip through the famous again, after his severe 'attack of ty- fruitlands of Niagara peninsula.—Ed. phoid fever.—Our horse shoe pitchers Zimmerman had the misfortune to lose are kept busy of late practising for the part of his thumb the other day. He great contest which will probably come. was working at one of the brakes in off at Goderich •before long., '.Mr. the fax mill and in some manner got Wertz; the Secretary of the club, Says his hand in the machinery with the there,is no dciubt but that theywill above result, win as they have the age and experi- • ANNIVRillsARY.--7The Anniversary which was held in the Methodist church on Sunday and Monday was it fgrand success. The proceeds amounted to $152. Rev. G. W. Andrews, of Oen- tralia, and the resident minister, Rev. Henderson, exchangecipolpits on Sun- day, Rev. Andrews delivered power- ful sermons, both morningand even- ing to very largo congregations. On Monday evening an entertainment Was given. Rev. Godwin, .of Exeter, filled the chair and certainly made an ideal chairman. He has ready wit and hum- or which he certainly made use of. Addresses were delivered by Rev. Sut- cliffe, of Greenway, Rev. Andrews, of Centralia.. and Rev. Denim, of the Evangeliettl church, of this village, Mrs. (Rev.) Sutcliffe sang a beautiful solo and gave an affective reading, Miss Godwin, of Exeter, gave several recitations which vvon the admiration of the audience. She has it marked till - ant and deserves to be congratulated. Her recitation "Little Dick" Was very effective, while "Them Oxen" held the attention of the audience throughout. Tho choir didwell and sang several fine anthems. This entertainment without it doubt was the best ever de- liyered it the church. McGillivray DEA.TEL—On.Sunday, the death of `Mrs. Joan Barr, daughter of Mr. end Mrs. J. O. Dorman. occurred at St. Jo- seph Hospital,London. Deceased, who was better known as Mrs. Wilson was married about eight rrionth,s ago to Mr. Barr of Cromarty, at which place she has since resided. SOMe six weeks ago she went to Victoria. Hospital to undergo an operation and afterwards was stopping with her husband's rela- tives in the city, until she had gained sufficient strength to go home. SVhile there she took typhoid fever, contract- ed, it is sopposecl while at Victoria Hospital. She was removed to St. Joseph's Hospital and received all the care skilled attendants could give, but in spite Of all efforts she succumbed to the disease. Her husband who was with her at her death brought the body, after a service at his brother's in London, to Birr cemetery for in- tertnerit, where a service was held at the chureb, lier parents and other relit- ,tives, as well as many friends from this vicinity being present. Besides her husband she is survived bytwo small children by a former marriage.' Much sympathy is felt for the bereav- ed family. N A.,14 %sramarmarmer.r... SANDERS 86 °REECE, Prop's Seth Thomas Clocks and ROGER'S Knives, Forks, Spoons Need no explanation regarding their, quality. We always keep:these lines of goods as our aim is to give our customers goods theycan depend on. If you want GOOD GOODS give us a call. S. FITTON. SOdOM The -abutments for the Black Creek litedge are about completed. Those for the Sauble bridge will not be erect- ed until spring as it is not possible to Obtain the ironwork this Samuel Stanlake is still confinedto the house without any marked im- provement in his condition.—Mr. Silas Stanlake, Jr.' lost a valuable horse on Friday lastfrom acnte indigestion. —Miss Lizzie' Smitli has gone to Sar- nia to visit friends.—Professor Wil- lia.in Pegg has become a resident of Sodom, anyone desiring his services CAD find him at Mr. John Smith's. His speciality is tricks of delusion and Hip-not-ism.—Mr. Silas Stanlake, Sr., is confined to his room with a severe cold. Kirkton Another oia and highly respected lady passed away in her 77th year on Saturday night at the residence of her son, William Balfour, in the person of Sarah Dickson, relict of George -Bal- four, who predeceased her three yeers ago. Not aware of her serious and what proved to be the fatal illness, her sudden demise, from acute anaemia, came as quite a shock to the people of this neighborhood. Deceased, along with her late husband, were two of the first settlers on the South Thames Road, and what they bad to 'undergo to make headway in the early pioneer days will neverfully be known, though probably often surmised by it younger generation. She leaves to mourn her demise five sous and one daughter. Chigelhurst WEDDING.—Our little burgh was the scene of an interesting event on Wed- nesday, it being the marriage of Miss Ryekrnan, to Mr. Geo. Vanhorn, of the G.T.R., Hamilton. The wedding took place at the bride's home, the ceremony being performed by theRev. R Shaw, and was witnessed by a,large number of invited guests. The bride was handsomely attired. The cere- mony being over, and congratulations extended to the young couple, all re- paired to the dining room where it sumptuous repast was held. That the btide was highly esteemed was evi- denced by the magnificent array of wedding gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Vanhorn left on a honeymoon trip east the same evening, a number of friends being present to bestow the usual quantity of rice and good wishes. Clandeboye, Miss Lizzie Ardell, of Gorrie, is vis- iting her sister, Mrs. R. Hodgins.— Mrs. D. Cunningham spent a few days in London, visiting her son John, who is suffering with typhoid fever.—Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, and Mr. and Mrs, Simpson, of Parkhill, spent Sunday in the village.—Mr. and Mrs. Hardy visited the home of Mrs. Hoclgins, Sunday.—Mr. R. Hanson left Tues- day for a two months' trip through the North-west Territory. — Miss Mile laudgson is on the sick list, we hope to hear of her speedy recovery.—Miss Tilly Yager spent Wednesday of last , week in the village.—It has been de - meted that Lucan congregation and St. James congregation of this place be united in one parish, the Rev. Thomas will be the clergyman for both chureh- es. Lucan will have a morning and evening service every Sunday and St. James an afternoon service at 3 o'clock. Next Sunday St. James will bold their annual Harvest Thanksgiv- ing Service in the church at 3 o'clock. sarepta VYBonEn.L-Happy was the home and surroundings of Mr. Thomas C. Clark„on Tuesday afternoon last the occasion being the marriage -of his daughter, Sophia, to Mr. Thomas Is - mond, of Chicago. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Olemens, of Dashwood, in the presence of about a hundred and fifty guests, the cere- mony taking place shortly after five o'clock. The bride was assisted by her sister, Miss EmmaClark, while -the groom was supported by his brother • of Detroit. The ceremony over and. congratulations extended to the hap- • py couple, a magnificent wedding dinner was served, after which the evening was very pleasantly spent at- 4 various amusements. The bride re- ceived many beautiful and useful pres- ents. The happy couple took the. train at Exeter Wednesday morning - for Listowell, where they will spend a short honeymoon before leaving for their future home in Chicago. The brideis highly esteeined and the best wishes of all will accompany her td• her new home for her future prosper- ity. BIRTHS. AmossoN.—In Exeter, on Sept. 23rde toMr. and Mrs. W. T. Acheson:a son. PICKELL.—In Exeter, on Sept. 23rd, to Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Pickell, a son. LAIDLA.W. —At Ailsa Craig, on Sept. 181h, to Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Laidlaw, it SOD. DONA.LDSON. —On Sept. 15, to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Donaldson, 4th con., McGillivray, a daughter. ARNOLD.—In Parkhill, on Sept. 17113, . to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Arnold, a San. O'Rounisis.—On 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. O'Rourke, Stephen', a daughter. PURDY. —On Sept. 201h, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Purdy, a daughter. Hibbert, on Sept. 21st, Mrs. Robt. Bell, of twin sons. LEARY.—In Cromarty, on Sept. 16th, Mrs. John Leary, ofas son. MARRIAGES. SCHABEPER—WILFONG —At the resi- dence of the groom, on Sept. 27, by Rev. Clemens, Mr. Daniel Schaeffer, to Miss Kate Wilfong, all of Dash- wood. VAN HORN — RYOKMAN —At Chisel - horst, ou Sept. 21s1, by Rev. E. Shaw, Geo. Van Horn, of Hamilton, to Miss Ryckman, of Ohiselhurst: DUNCAN—BELL—At St. James chnrch, Seaforth, on Sept. 21, by Rev,Father Corcoran, Mr. 3. W. Duncan, of Sea - forth, to Miss Marguerite Bell, or London, formerly of Exeter. ISMOND —At the residence of the bride's parents, Lot 22, Con. 10, Stephen, on Tuesday, Sept. 27th. by - the Rev. Clemons, of Dashwood, Mr, Thomas Ismond to Miss Sophia Clark, daughter of Mr. Thomas C. Clark. C.A.14LPI3ELL —GOODWIN. — In Clinton, Sept. 21st, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. IL Goodwin, by Rev. Dr. Stewart, W. Glenn Campbell to Miss M. Maude Gdodwin. DEATHS PRESZCATOR—In Stephen, on Sept, 22, . John Preszcator, aged 77 years, a months, 17 days. Stoves and Ranges! Are you in need of a Stove or Range'? If so, call and see us A FEW OF OUR PRICES: 4 Hole Ranges with Reservoir $30 6 •64 46. 46 64 $38 Large Baseburner with Oven $32 Queen Heaters $3.75 Heaman's Hardware 16 Stove Store. Just received a car of Samson Brand Portland Cenaent.