HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-9-22, Page 774,4,449, A wise. cure th little on:. With sle • preparati eontairuin medicine_ timely Maes, the realize it ailing gi lets, a antee:.to MI drug, ":i'uhlets praise. stone, 0 Own T them to with ecze restless, Tablets ,tiid IS n Sold its Mail at The Dr Broekvill A Dl A. Tray, f In his James S when the plains, to which ho Steele, re great dis noticed a buffalo, N -of -the gr He was of many that now battle an Iieluctan about his to eat, the grass sound, a. sence of Presentl toward ture and with his wrinkled. fence had father, a amicably: teran edg Then a sudden a certain o ings. Th ing and t The 'old wisp ofa gathered • er, arche frig his In lame, be young bu his tail i small or eyes rolle were dis curly fore was a to every ten utmost. followed collision, Such de not last foot slipp lunge, a horn of ward thr Again an make his but in va t, feet in h ing from. to ba can Mg ' etre ,hanging t he stood unwilling came abo scornful s rmilia.tion, and sullen The oth ped away alone. • T up with tail, and to, enders held' Nims a ti'emedd asperatin ' imitate it veteran di Then hi head wi, against tl 'hurt him mother.. to notice I suspect turned sbr ed away. "Ile pos lie?" "01 former. T; whole soci ' says if he gaol ever fthere." W To Keep A lady s my comp friends sa again. M collet col but it i, when I w to try Poe suffered ju, terrible ix the heart "After 1 I was so afraid it two years e even won ing off coif its place. "1had d suspected my trc ubl actually el try Posta 'then• all in rein note Name furni tie Creek, There's a Look in ref the fin .goad to �,�57 I12'OTI3El:l. a as medicine _',Williams', teele, t The nd tiro nd pproach, esolitary d 11 ng, )ugh d ngth, heir. elf g, th ie s as st would rl.n,n, that e, nit P1re1'1vino,'' TSE wo��D'M 74I� 'ii. NEW AND STRANGE, FIRST DQ�� WENT '(Q TO SPOT RM}.TIT 1J1 OT' . .. , . TRAVELLER TALKS OF • O D'S ID- • hOD NEY PILLS.. `"- Valuable Advice to These Wl o Use the •R ilroacl Train a Fre uentl q Y r r�+ /' . et a ' '3�✓V�s'� �� c'l , 4�� , 4711, , ' 11.x ':: F , , / ;• f /- / . �✓ `°� milments er f ontVer awhic tshar1ton, her istitTer byr stul efy ng them Ping draughts, soothing ons and" ailniigr• Medicines:• o mites, lar .glass • of g p I are responsible for the un- death •of thousands of little g y not ugh some mothers maGives When, little epos are • yourtime ve thein Baby s Own Tali sold wader a guard contain, rig •opiate 4r kiarm- 'Mothers who have used the1 always sPenlc : in trial[' Mrs. A, Johnston, Eddy- „ „ nt,, says.. I find Baby's all ou recommend M bav was troublocl Y pia,, and was_, very cress' and but since giving her the has become quite well 1 ow a strong healthy child. all druggists or . set:f by, 20.'eents abox by writing' Medicine Co: e,; Ont. 0In conv�rrsation with Mr, R of the Grand..'runlc nail -the way System, who has ust returned Exon( the ".World's Tait„ at St, Louis, some intereb'tin infol'ma,tion `vas gleaned;regarding thio largest'of 7a3xposxtxons cyan hole(,.. (deny of tkra Eastern • people, said `1�1', Charlten, aro- ander the. unpreSsian"that the tempet`at,uro of St. • Louis at.; thin .of the unbeatable 'and year -is , . _ ' that the mercury reaches a high•, point: Thfs • irnpxessdon° is quite `et- tot sous ,and t'he average Ser' the: Past " ,, week shotes 72 degree;.-' The' days •. are plea.'ant ant the eI'ersinee ;. coil and Comfortable, 'l'luseinands .of Pe4- ere are now reachin . St„ Louisa -from .. all parts of the cury and during the rest of •the life of the Exhibition ;December 1st hundreds of thou- '`sands will have visited this math- moth , un undertaking. '1'o avoid thePills.y crowds that will undoubtedly be there,. later all :those wishing to see the Exposition to the best .advan- tags alould go peas. the '• -ex-'tiering ce tionall lar o • er wds• a`re evi- P y g o in donee. The attendance. ist increasing _ Peculiar Bappeninge �'hroughott�t World, The Academy of Lined, Italy,, has awarded a prize of $5,OQ0 to .Pru -COMMERCIAL feSSor Trombetti, 'who la. said to be master of everyran' ua spoken language. le. the tvorlct, , . ,. '2no tramps in Winkleapeer County,. Montana, have formed a trade anise. The moialbers have agreed to, g shun ttorkhouscs Where buckwheat tales aro not on;tila breakfast menu, Irl producing his old -ale pension- book at Geelon a resident f Mel- g, o bourne inadvertent)pulled forth a - 3 bank book showing that he had over .est $d0,000 in the Bank of. England. At Manurwa in New South Wales, ' a young lady named Swears, has treated a,'nuxrtber of huge eels to an- swer her call, to climb the bank, and Permit her to lift them from the the water, . Sentenced to eight days' confine- meat at Shanghai recently for Slane a Pixliceman,', an Austria,n'citi- den was allowed to work out the sen- fence at his own home because the !'o..ru ;' Sept' 1cJ•-1(SPeciai) , Jt•, -fir; .1, J.X.liIreland one of the01 d and best llx otvn cornntercial tre- °((els on the road, 'leas coma outpOt(�tO�jV �vxth tr statement for the benefit of his Yellow travellers. • - 'It is wit:h'Pleasure," says 1Vlr. Ire- land, "that I endorse Dodrl's Kidney While on. a dtrip through. the Maritime Provinces Dodd's Kidney P�uitry, Lot us have. your, consignment of any of these get 'you good prices, COMshe TH'EDAWSO y MISS! 0 Car., Market ,and Colbbrna8•la .. - • u:i�jr ar•ticlea V 0 TORONTO; , i Qablets' ,Applesbe. , and we will LI mita A Pills completely cured me of a se- were pain in my back that (tad both- eyed mo for some. time:, The first dose scoured to go right .to the spot" and removed the trouble so, efTectual- 1 that it . has not and is not likely y to return. ; "Dodd's Kidney Pills are just , as advertised," Mr, Ireland concludes; They euro to stay cured, Travellers, .railroad men and others wlio ride on the railway a creat deal are. subject to,-KidneyTroubles, They. b y will' -find Mr. Ireland's statement` , . t z. r• nant MA maga a.; w:. 1 K{, ,_ ? �� _' •ent �'•+r't .� ^ � , , .' � {', i�} ` 'r:;:�' r, 'Y * ” _.• ' .. Vt ' l .414.'6' 'd s}d1a•:,. '• USE— 4IS� AND HOUSE ■ Will CP Cn Sala at all CITYP! AND FLOOR In '8'Hours. Kardaare Dealers, .of iI]tONED MONARCH. every day and fast Mondaynearly state of his health. .__ 200,000 people po sed through the A French bacteriologist declares lies 'Dells of an Old Bnzf- gates. Another 'erroneous idea which that lemonade, cider, seltzer, and tie's Humiliation. • Seems for have gained'; ground is the similar drinks w111 kill typhoid germs rico charged `for accommodation at while alcohol at 25 par cent. destroys "Frontier Sketebes," Mr. St, Louis, the;. rumor' of which is un- per cent. prevents„ Y microbes, anti at 2 writing of the days warranted. ' There . aro hotels and their development. ' buffalo still roamed the private boarding houses which' cater It is affirmed of the people of. Pas- lis of a pathetic incident of to the .ppeli,ets, of ,all classes and a kov,. in Russia, that when svinter 'comes •each famil was the. witness. , Mr, letter to the Information Bureau, y lies ;down. beside sting en a little hill at no "World's Fair" will readily bring a the stove to sleep. For four months, tance from a feeding herd, Iist of ;these riaces. Without 'a per- silence reigns in the .huts,. and. the scarred and shaggy old.sonal visit no one has any concep- members of the family only get' up :hieh stood on the. outskirts tion. of the,magnitude, grandeur, ar- to replenish the stove- and to eat a. )up, ' - ' tistic beauty and greatness. embodied piece'of- black bread 'dipped •in water,, i r Want a 'big old fellow, the hero in ' the,`1240 acres'• that .contiti'n''the 1Va tt of food' is the reason 'of this e fight, but' It was evident displays froze. • every country in the method- of ,living, . he,,had been defeated in universe and embrace the acme of • A French -authority has discovered l that his rule was ended, perfection and evolution of liberal a curious fact.. He liad two ther- to accept the fact, he hung arts and science up to the twentieth mometers-one of the ordinary glass, former subjects, pretending century. To see this with one's own the other painted black -placed in herd was busy cropping eyes is worth years of study and is the sun. • In the white glass the with a continual rasping an education in itself. mercury rose to 144 degrees. •TJnder utter( ignoring thethepaint it went upto 157 de- y g g pia- His Majesty's famous Grenedimr black their, former king. Band from England and renowned grecs in the same position. The in- y a young calf came out throughout the British Empire open- ference,isthat people who wear black coats are some 13 degrees warmer in solitary grazer; a minis- ed a six weeks' engagement at the g foolish slip of abuffalo, Fair on 'August 29th and crowds sur- the' sunshine than those who dress Little black ;lose all wet and rounded the stand applauding lustilyin white. . Cilri05it 'find 1nCx Cr- , PP g y p to every number. The night effect on Before the discovery of lucifcr mat- moved him to come to His the grounds with the buildings ilii_ cries, a large boof-shaped fungus the two touched noses minated 'with myriads of electric growing on the trunks of trees was As if encouraged, the ve- lights is beyond description, and used throughout Northern EuroFe for ed a little nearer the herd. must be seen to be fully apprecan i making amadou or tilider. The thick; strong' young bull made a brown, woody flesh of the same fun- ed. One noticeable feature of the giving utterance to Exposition is the .facility for the bus, cut into slices 'and beaten until urinous groans and snort-, it assumes the appearance of felt, is economy of the visitor's time and ono stopped clioai- the saving of Iiia strength that has used" at the' present day, in Germany he antagonists faced. g for the manufacture of chest-protec- boy straightened out his been provided, Gondolas, electric tors, caps, purses, bed -room slippers', tail to a line with Itis hack, launches and boats traverse the two and various other articles. Miles of lagoons.which surround the There are three kinds of bridges in his four black hoofs togeth=g his spine and stood shah- Main buildings and an intramural Korea. The first-class variety is we front. He was old and railway reaches every part of the siluply an assortment of planks nail- t he never faltered. The grounds. Rolling chairs may be se- ed together. These are scarce. A came on slow( twistingcured for trips through the buildings second-class'bridge is a series of iso- yget,' a circles as grand as that and elsewhere, and large automo- dated stones, from one to another of gan could compass. His biles with well informed. Guides make which the visitor may jump. A 1 in redness and his nostrils trips throughout• the grounds.'Mcals third-class bridge, much the, common- can be secured 'on thegrounds at est variety, is invisible its teniied., - Whack! The two position heads came togetlxer. There zea onaUlo rates • from twenty-five being indicated by a couple of posts, straining push in which cents up to any price one likes to one on each side of the river. Theyproved Lou seemed stretched to the Pay. The Grand Trunk Exhibit of mean that one may safely. wade The' vigorous thrust was the Forestry, Fish ani( Game Build- across, as the water will -probably- by an easing off for another ing is attracting much attention and not reach much higher than the the concensus of opinion is that it chest! ad set of strength could is trio finest in the building.The The Russians are complaining that long.1'lie old crusader's many fine the Japanese eniploy pictures of the fishing, a considerable ed. There was a sudden liunting and summer resort districts number of wooden articles painted spring .forward, and the in the Provinces of Ontario and Qua- to resemble heavy carmen; the young bull raked up- bec appeal to the sportsman rind now that smokeless powder is used, his antagonist's flank. tourist and the animated picture are often mistaken for genuine artil- again the buffalo tried to machines showing the "International lery. On these dummies the Bus- old ward of head to head, sians concentrate a scathing fire, Limited" and scenic pictures of dif- inis , eyes i h hehagony of flow -e- ferent sections of the lineliolds the while the realaau few are view, and e screened start attention of visitors, bringing 'Can -I his wounds, he still refused oda prominently before the people in an artillery . attack sometimes qu•ered. finally, with fail- of the American continent, P makes all the difference between vic- open-mouthed, with tory and defeat, the Japanese we Triose who desire to keep in touch y,.pet_ mo ionongue less,d. punable to fight, with the world's progress and who Y cavoftheir successes to this to' retreat. The others wish to spend a most pleasant andwell time valuable reading;' —___+. "- �, - - .� "What is the difference between a p. De ; aDs, CO Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, - • violinist find a fiddler?" • "The dif- �., „ _ ference, answered 'rite concert, man =' ager, "is enormous; anywhere 'from $500 to $1,000 a week."' ?? In Nature's Storehouse There Are Cures. -Medical experiments have shown conclusively that there are medicinal virtues m, even ordinary' plants grow- deg up around ns be a give them a value that cannot be estimated, It is held by some that Nature provides a cure for every disease which-'neglect.rnd ignorance have Svisitod upon man Now - ever; this ma bo, it is well l r,own that Parmelee's Vegetable .Pills .d tilled from roots and herbs, are a sovur," n remedy in curing all disorders of the digestion. Who knows anything about 't BANNIGER "? All Buyers, Sellers and Users of i EDDY'S IMPERVIOUS SHEATHING PAPER • Are interested in this question ? Y ? 7 a 9 T Will everyreaderof this enquiry "Who° q y Knows Anything About C nnlger Please dtop aline on the subject to Patient -"I'm not • afraid to die, The E. B. EDDY . COMPANY, HULL,CANADA t doctor; but I do dread being buried alive," Doctor -cheerfully), "Don't ??l I? , let that worry you, I'll see that you are not."- . .. , Mr. Plant (who is fond of dogs)-.aa4r "Miss White, hon't you think you ^ x A' modern weapon in the battle .for health,- If disease has taken your citadel of health, the stow= ach, and is torturing you with indiges- g g ought to have an intelligent animal about the house that would protect Plant in This i Seo siss " White -"Oh, 14Ti .-. v, �.j OINTMENT Corea Blood y`(� Poison, r oAmputatlons� ` x Sores and Skin Diseases, Burns. Large 8ampte tion, dyspepsia. and nervous prostra- tion, South American Nervine is the weapon to drive the enemy from his Faulty Kidneys. - have you back- ache? Do you feel drowsy? Do your feel heavy') have frequent F- • FREE. Address Foster ®a,frg Co'y, Toronto ` ` 111 Ya ld'' at the point of the bnyon- trench by trench, but swift and et," trench sure, it always wins. -4 limbs you headaches? Hare you failing vision? Have you dizzy feeling? Are you de- Is dry Have you jl� lie Pay a Good Salary "I have heard that sae walks . in her sleep," •said the gossip. "In- deed!" returned Mrs.' Parvenue, scornfully. "So co isn't it? pressed? your skin a tired feeling'? Any of these sings g prove kidney disease. EXperience has roved that South American Sidney never fails. -6 To Ladies and Gentlemen. Pernlan- ent os'ition, ra id advancement;• saI- P P ary and expenses. Clean desirable business. The J. L. Nichols Co,., Limited, ghto I. should have thought she would I ha'e ridden." young man," said the young wo- man's father, "you have boasted s8vr Toronto. (Mention this paper. ) 1 Millard s Liniment Cures Dandruff oral tunes that you possess an hon - ored name." "Yes, sir," replied the suitor haughtily. "Well, may 1' in- g Y honored �t Isar(�aret's S •which, "You married a rich wife, didn't quire what bank it will be at anal for -how much?" �+��l�� Toronto �/ t • your' asked Jones of ]iia friend "yes," he sighed, "but she's not de- clared any dividend yet." Re -open ,Sept. 12th. A high-class residential and day _� lave year. Abed -"For eighttyears suffered as no one ever did with r inatism; for two years I lay in bed; could not so much as feed myself. A friend recommended South American doses could Rheumatic Cure.After I tam eas strong as ever. I was." Mrs. John Cook, 287 Clintin street, Toronto. -2 Gentlemen.-'While driving down a ver steep(fill last August horse •y g' sthinib7ed •and fell, cutting •hiarf elf fearfully about the head and body. 1 used MCNARD'S LINIMENT' freely on him and in a few days lie was as as ever. J. 13. A. BEAUC 1MLN. Sherbi,00ke. school for girls, Modern equipment, Specialists of European training and of the highest academic and profea- algae( standing. is every department of work. Foe booklet apply to MFtS. GEORGE :I)7CI{SON, Lady Priaci- pal; GEORGE !DICKSON, M.A., I)i- rector (tato, Principal Upper Canada •Cgllege), it him and added their. Profitable should not fail to see the largest and most coin rekien- Nearly all infants arc more or less P ports andhdigso, whipped sive Exposition that liar ever been subject whiledtc diarrhoea and as this peri- There he stood, whi known as a Worl`d's Fair" and now od of their lives is the most critical, but still obstinate, is the time to go, mothers should not be without a bottle er buffaloes gradually drop- of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cor- leaving him once inoro The Grand Trunk have also install -'dial. This •medicine is a •s ecific for ienthe little calf Founced ed exhibits a.t the Eastern Canada such complaints and is high,y spoken held at Sherbrooke, Que., of by those who have used 'it. The arched back and elevated proprietors claim it will cure any case gave his venerableparent at the Canadian National Exhibition, •of cholera or smellier complaint.o in: terms he Toronto, and the Western Pennsyl- .w.,+ -.•.Rt.. - Bachelors .define marriage and mis- g ery as synonymous. "= Laura. -"Yes, Ida is engaged. " Lilian- "She has met her match, A Cure for Costiveness, -Costiveness has elle?" Laura. -"Ori, no; I thinly the gentleman will bud himself de- comes from the refusal of the excretory organs w perform their duties regular- ]y from contrii,uttn causes usually dis- He -"Do you think absence makes cidedly outclassed." ordered ingestion. , Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, prepared on scientific principles, entssincomeu ,pass'd rocertain hathenstoni- p g ach and 'act upon . thO' bowels so as to remove ,their. torpor anrf arouse 'tlfem ac a, Many fly usands arcTile tli3 Heart grow fonder," Slid -"I don't know. Go away for a long while, and I'll write and ,let you know." _- e,_,,,_ _ ,..._.,. e where can I get some of Holloway's Corn Cure? I was entirely cured of my corns• by this remedy and I wish some more of it for my friends. So writes Mr. J. W. Brown, Chicago. _ and plain that in readiness to give hint vania Exposition, Pittsburg, Pa., all f`ti*e are "here to -day andgone to- efts drubbin It was. air- now takinglace. The Western "Pen- b'' P morrow," ,quoted Mr. Linger'' at ten 'young Exposition is one. of the . to see this ovn nsylvania o'clock p;m., or thereabouts: :There S ' seniors. The poor'- old lar est, annual 'fairs held in the Unit- upon -You g ((isles Boi•ed was aghast. '1 ou d not so much as look at ed States- and lasts 43 days. The don't intend to stay so long, surely?' space occupied by the Grand Trunk pr procr li prepared to bee^ 'testimon to their power in. this -respect: ' tp p,�p �s� CR.-A.M.' affil ASE'S' navyof Korea consists of twenty, -five admirals and one iron - "No, Bobby," said lis mother, r �ft CATARRH C1 RE ■.■ a built coal -barge. ,'calfship poked his foolish is 3,000 feet and it is estimated For Over Sixty Years , . a.: considerablethump that not less than half a million Mns..w,issLow''a SOOTUrxa atraur hu been met ba old one's nose..' But .it people will -visit the display. • ` n"uuoneof mothers fortbefr chndroa while teething• Ireoothe. the ohlld, eefteae the ems, eilnonein, euro. and he ambled off to his wind collo. regulateethe■tomsohsod bowels, "one piece_ of cake .;is quite enough for you!" "It's funny," responded Bobby, with an injured air. _"You say you are anxious' that I should learn - to eat properly, and yet you won't give me a chance to practise(" ,.. `' to seat direct to the diseased , parts by the Improved Blower. �'.,•/`� Heals [be. ulcers, clears 'the air n>s7 pasiages,stopsdroppin linth■.' g s throat and perrmanaro y ewes 'tit ,� free. Catarrh fl d ole�r.a o aBrr, A. W. chase llfodlolne Co., Toronto and Beffsla SETTLES LOW RATES WEST • Via the Chicago and North Western Railway, every day from Sept, 15th to Oct. 15th, settlers one way second class tickets at very low rates from Chicago to points in Utah, Montana. _4. endisthe 'he old buffalo seemed not beetibmedytor' Diarrhoea. ' Tweatr-are cerate s bottle HE WANTED NONE OF IT. Bold Wigged! throughout the world. Be euro and his babyish persecutor, but tick for"fries. WtxeLow'ssooTfzxNo artier." 22-04 it broke his heart. He There are some towns whose attrac-- rowfully, and .slowly limp- tiveness is so didicult to see with an The latest and most fascinating uninitiated eye that they are gen- method of teaching, children to read described by stray visitors as r-.----* Thought It meant death sure.- lairs. James McKim, • of Dunnville, opt.; says of her almost mirneni- ons cure from heart disease by Dr. Agnew's Cure for • rife FIenrt: "Until 3 Browne -"To what do ) hate the troubles of the world?" Towne -"To ownt -"To the mobility of the low- er jatv:" Nevada, Idaho, ,Oregon, Washington, ria, Van- ouCalve , New rnia, aWestmins Weslso to tminster, 1 nd and other points in the Kootenay' District, Correspondingly low rates P " y - from in Canada. Full -}-- erally is' put •them at work on a type rs. as as a reformer, 'doesn't "good Places to get away, from," It writer, t, he's worse than a re -was in a town of this sort, in the __ dis ideas would upset the far West, that a forlorn loo�kin man P g Catarrh for twenty year. , and al and business world. He entered tho dreary dining room of cured In at few day. -Hon. George had his tva .die'd -put. .in the untidy, hotel one, afternoon, and Janes, of Scranton, Pa., says: "I have y p seated himself at one of the tables. been a martyr to Catarrh for twenty ybody who . ought to b'e' equick "What will you have, sir? 'onquir- years, constant hawking, dropping in ed the waiter,. after some moments the throat aiid pain in the head', very began taking this remedy I despaired of my life. I bald heart failure ;and ex- trenie prostration, One dose gave me relief and one bottle cured me. The sufferings of years were dispelled Tt is an Elixir of Life. -Since forgot, ten 71i time , ofe7LifeflwhiCle tradition says once existed. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil is an Elixir, before all points par ticulars from nearest ticket Agent, or 13. di. Bennett, General Agent, 2 );est T{in Street, Toronto, Ont. b' like magic." -3 PLENTY OF ROOM. which pain cannot It is made up of six essential oils, carefully blended so that their cur- ativo properties are concentrated in one. It has no equal in the treatment of 1 lumbago, rheumatism, and x11 bodily Powerful alcoholic beverages can be distilled from bananas, the gillk of cocoanut, rice, and peas. �¢ had passed.live. 3AT'S TEE USE. offensive breath. I tried Dr. Agnew's "What have you got tliat's fit to Catarrhal Powder. The first applies- -- eat?" asked the stranger, dismally. tion gave instant relief. After using a �' y few bottles I was cured. 50 cents. ---1 a "Coffee Complexion." ' I can give you a first-rate reed Wife -"There's a burglar down in the cellar, Henry." 1 i ` • } {, bird on —" began the waiter. ays: "Postern has helped ''Stop!" commanded the stranger, Mr. Banks -"It's very kind' of you .exion so nxucii that, met with the first sign of animation he Maria, but I'd rather buy my cigars y I. am growing young .bad displayed. 'HAS a reed bird myself. Seven for a quarter is ra- y complexion used to be got wings?' flier too cheap." Mrs.-Binksi-- "I orod, muddy and yellow, "yes, sir," responded the astonish- know it's cheap; hut 1 thought there now clear and rosy as ed servant. must be one good one in the seven." a 1 "And dis- fI'usband-"Well,.. my dear, we ought to be thankful we are up- NO SALE .RECORDED. lYl��t�r� s 11niine�l for sale �iyerytWll�rrQ stairs," W fe-"73ut he'll come a stairs." I-Iusbaud-"Then we'll go into the cellar, my dear. Surely a teneroom- ed house ought to be big enough to hold three people without crowding. ' p The sad -faced young man knocked timidly at the door of the house, and presently it was opened by a woman with a stony eye, "2-I beg your pardon," said the •sad -faced young atiari m colifusfon. "T, see I have made a slight mistake. I'tti'c']iaser-"l'ou told me this Horse was easy to manage, and the brute ran away with me the first 'day I had him out." ilgree Deal en -"I dzdn t ea that, I said he was very y easy to get along with• He ahvays girl. was induced can it fly?" persisted the tum by a friend who had mal reap. 1 ' ` e ` { p i as I had suffered from "Why, of course," surd the waiter, bard s Liniment Cures Burns, elc, xcligestion, palpitation of who lied began to think leis customer r`` tse As a matter of fact, I hate here a 'How runs away." and sinking sells. • was a lunatic. p , She -''Brit holy can you think. lin had used Postum a week Then I don't want any of its pretty, when my nos) turns tip so much better thatC1 was exclaimed the man. "Anything that dreadfully?" Ile -"Well, all I have g 3 y to say'is; that it shows very poore�v have asst cl and I am this place,an could f1 , awe from not last, But now had wings an d didn't -no, I thank taste in backing away Froin such a P I owe it all to leav- you,that for me." lovely, mouth." so, and drinking Postum in none^ of -` bZi-s. cheerful --"2 wormer why Parents buy Mother Graves' Worm Lister minatot because they know it is a ,rank coffee all my life. 7 young Iteavytone always has to be safe medicine for their children and an it was the cause of coaxed before ho will sing?"Merry effectual expeller of worms, but it was not until T -"Wily, 7 suppose he doesn't like to --- • PIn coffee and started to' hear it any better than the rest do." Overa.)rkec1- Th.e edge on a rar- m that I became certain; �.._: ar," sated the rin'ulous barber, "fin- y troubles ceased and 1 . ' ,.....-" ' -.. 1'yirones. by ]eying. it away for a time." ' C1 editor I as!C yet" iQL the. last peones , well and strong tt (.liar being the macs" rejoined the g . CO„gain• time to pay me that five dollars you j stied by Postum; o;tat- owe me:" Debtor -„'Phe k oodnese! victim in the chair, "I'd advise you il 141ic1i. there's an end to that, silly quer- ttr lay the one you are using ewes reeve's, tion."for about 2,000 years.' each packege for copy • �,�_..... t most reknarkable work on to Become Beautiful and ).Remain e ;; . Fres last year t So.' It's price is 90 cants, and -but I can see, madam, that such a work would Tho harderyou cough, the worse g ' the cough "'�- e e yi ti`: ., : No Flies this year ry be useless to you, you have the ;sec- rat "already. Perhaps, , however, there may, be another of sorra• sex in this house to whole the przceleste gets. o r si �� .-_^ � c if roti use a: book rugine( be of value? " 'es,;' said she of the stony eye; e r. �+p, �� ,�!�.tib Fir ,pi �� lk .1. ;l' - ilS0� ,s •strict -.._ «�.Ply� ds ,, r. , - _:; there is. Aiicl she disappeared. a few moments she returned, and with her came a 5nlb, bull -flog, l'he sad eyed ;young n'ran slid down those Steps like a thunderbolt in training, and as he flew kis heard the voice; of the stony -faced woman ; "This is the only one in this house your book's any good to �'°� The• Lunn! 4� Tonic , is guaranteed to cure, if it ..., doesn't benefit your the druggist Will give you your money Uaclt, l'rleear S.C.nitres RcC©. see Pec SOc 81 LeRoy, NV.Y.,Toronto. Cam .... noun little ,book, The Kangaroo fanning Is to become an f p 1r- p s ll: establishett inititiitidn in' Australia, , Mi and S �j�l�e�t• R li��eS Jleura� �� e . —_ Next tittle you come, talk to her, and don't try MIY. our flattery �' iii a y T N 11 4bS „ On feet - f ISSUE Mi. E£l--O'ts