HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-9-8, Page 7POLIOEMEN FALLIN LOVE bim.g ,:ond„,:ted lie, to tbe
This wee the first of neon', vieits
INSTANCES WliERE TgEY and whop, ewes) six 'menthe later, the
MARRY P4FOEBM wo 1 n dot ly hinted that she
•• might he'of even greater comfort to
Risme:tames Which Peove That the iwitiOners il the. WOUld (Like op
Truth as Stranger Than her Permancnit residence at the war-
deu'e house tete consented to do eo
and to -day elle io the comfort, aed
Soule eeme ago a weli-knnwn au- hope of hunU ed o.evonien and
dlaor wrotean intereetirig "ehilling' young gitee who are doing 'varioes
ifiteeker" n w Well the beantiM her- ternis ot haprisoninent 111 the convict
olee le accused ef anurdea The calla. estatblithiremt over which. her hesbanci
ensi wine aeeeets nes fans deeperately reles.,--•LendOn 'riteBits,
in Mee with his Pretty peisoner, eud
' after the young lady• has been :found
guilty, sentenced to death) rePrieved WHERE.1.LTIEN SPEAK LATIN.
at , the' last moment, 'allainvt.11Alt t1ough. it, is esually eensidered
Ib; ough the timely remorHe And con- that Latin is a "dead" language, it
lesion of the real culprit, is set free
a je 'varY 'much alive ie at learit one
"WithOilt,, a. St *,1,111 e1.1 hey ch.aracter, part us laueopo. In the central Port. the courteous.uetective, treatny a mail oi the Beikeasseehtz, in ttia mom..
Of high family who has joined the
"force" as a aloe for ennui) pops
the- queetiata is accepted, sold the
two are made one in" the last para-
graph, This delightful ronmace has
recently had its prototype itte real
life, proving the correctness of 'the
old adage that, truth, • minus the am-
nroide,o,y, is every bit as strange as
The lady in thc. present instan•ce is,
or rather WaS, Mis LIlt ut Thothasch
of New York, wine last july had 0
terrible experience in the .Braux, an
outlying district of the. cety. She
WaS walking one evening near leard
Street with a Me. Charles Roxbury,
whom. she hacl known for fifteen
yeas, when a negro stole Op behind
them aud, with a heavy club, fceled
Mr. Roxbffry to the grained. Miss
.Thomasch fled screaming and nought
refuge in a house three streets away.
Iloabury staggered home .0 ad died as
few hours laterwithout speaking.
As soon as the murder became known
Luke P. Gordon, a policenitte attach-
ed to the Tremont Station, was sent
to arrest Miss Thomasch, arid during gatives. Above all things dent t give
the week following he kePt the Yanng him poisonous "Voothing" stufl.
kitty under surveillande, taking hey These things only make him' worse.
many times -to court to give evideuce Baby's Own Tablets are What your
BEF01111 THE CORONER, little one needs. They are a gentle
They Removed the Bad EiTects
and Now William Sharara is as
Well as Ever Again.
:Murray' 'Harbor South, P. E. I.,
0).t. 5.—(Specia1).--Hu1't through
1.t &t11)1)) his back while lifting Mr.
1', 11101)1Sharain, general storelcreler:
hire, got so weak that lie coehl
ecarcely hold up. To -day he is tee
tains between Bulgitrm, Servia, and josang the best of health once more
'rurlaty—theie is a conlinnnitY of coed when asked how he at his
anountalaeeee among whom stl,angers 114 till,
seldom, go. :During the ascendency back he unhesetatingly• an -
01 tho 'Roman. Empire, a. Roman col-
ony was founded hove, and then for-
gotten, on account of its remoteness.
Woo the reason that the deseenclauts
of 1,1108e ancient coloniats have never
mixed with the people about themi hey retain • their origleal character-
istics, even to the languagefa sev-
eral villages the Latin that the peas-
ants speak is so plain that students
of elastfie authors can anderstanZ
Tsciaor_„Now, boys, Nybo wa5 Mg disturbed and my old trouble has
Colunibu s?' ' No answer. Tea el in 1 1 fll11'1h.d.
(lartniatitagl)0—"q'he man Cliat--" Dodd's Kidney Pills cur.0 the Kid -
Class (1e0d113)--"13relre the bank at nays. Cured kidneys' cure numerous
11fce e 1 4114) ." diseases, including Rheumatism,
Dropsy, and,Bright's Disease.,
swess, "Podd's Kidney Pine,
llaving sprained nay leicic, with
heavy lifting," Mr. Shoranxt says in
telling Iris story, "it brought on
11111131 011(1 and: Kidney Trouble. I got
so weak that I almost fainted and
could sca1ce13r hold up. 1 was ter-
ribl3r troubled with having to get
out of bed so frequently to m•inate. ,
"After using many medicines with
no good results,1 tried Dodd's
ney Pills. I have used ten boxes in
all and now, I can sleep without be-
Don't doss; Inni With nauseous
tor oil or other harsh griping pur-
and District Attorney Jerome. Ger- laxative, and make baby sleep be -
don appears to have been immediate- coals° they make him well. They
ly struck by Miss Thonnuth's un- cool lib hot little mouth, ease his
doubted good looks and refinenient, sour stomach, and help his obstinate
and though it was stated by the pro- little teeth through Painlessly. They
seentio11 thee; she was withholding' are what every mother, needs for her
valuable evidence, Gordon a, -always baby—and the older obildrell too..
(1,3, 1.114 tba,t she was hiding itOthing, Mrs. Routiiier, Greenwood, R. (.4.,
When eltima.tely )ackson, the ne- says : 'consider .Bahy's Own Tata
gro who had assatalted Ur. Roxbury, lets Ivor th their weight in o1d M
was cinight, Gerclon was again. ebos- every home where there are, children.
en. as the one to conduct Miss Thom- My only regret is that 1 did not
ascii to and from the court -house for learn their great worth sooner."
the purpose of giving farther •evi- These . Tablets will help every child
- dente, .facisson was found guilty, from the moment of birth onward,
sentenced to death, and finally elec.- end are -guaranteed to contain no
trocuted at Sing Sing. At the time harmful drug. Sold by all medicine
of the murder Gordon's wife was liy- dealers or sent by mail at 25 cents
eMg, bat she died socni after the trial, et box by writing The Dr.
and eubsequeutly the policeman pro- Areelleite Co., Broekville, Ont.
posed to, Miss Thomnselt and was an-
cepted. PROBABLY.
Mrs, GO c n was "i titervi owed"'
goon after the wedding, when she in-
formed a reporter that until she met
'her husband she always disliked
policemen. "1 neVer had a high op-
inion. of polive-oMeers," she said,
"and, in fact, WaS more or less pro-
• judiced against 'them. Mr. Gorflon
, was the most polite policeman I ever
met, and he treated xne with such
unusual courtesy that I naturally
fell in love with him, and now we
are very happy."
There is at the present tim(3 in the
British police force in the North an
officer who first met his wife under
dremnstances which one would hard-
ly expect to 'lead to the altar. This
official was one day on duty .outside
a big department store, when a sales-
man dashed out and informed him
that his presence was required in
The young officer entered the shop,
where he was commanded to arrest
a modestly -attired young woman,
who vitas accused of stealing a small
piece of lace. She had been search-
. ed and the property found on her, so
there was nothing to be done but
take her to the station. She looked
so very young and appeared so frigh-
tened that the °Dicer kindly dis-
patched a messenger for a cab, and
into this 'he quietly bundled the
young woman. and conveyed her to
the police -court, where she was duly
"charged." It was conclusively
proved that she had undoubtedly
stolen the lace; indeed, she pleaded
"Guilty," but as it was a first of-
fence she was given -the "option" of
a fine of $10 or a week's imprison-
ment. 'As the money was not forth-
coming she was taken below, but
half an hour later it was paid and
the girl liberated with a caution.
It afterwards transpired that the
policeman who had arrested her had
paid the money, and as soon as the
girl discovered this she made inquir-
ies, found out where he lived, wrote
him a letter of, grateful thanks, and
returned the money. In this -way
the acquaintance begun. under such
adverse circumstances, ripened into
friendship, and in less than three
months the two were married—the
alliance proving an unusually happy
At one of the State prisons the
chief wardeii is married to a young
woman who for three years was an
inmate of the convict station. She
had been . charged with insurance
frauds, and being found guilty teas
• sentenced to imprisonment for five
years in the "second degree." Though
She evidence appeared to be ileaslese
there 1001.0 many who believed her to
be innocent, arid these people were
not surprised when, 'three yeare later,
the mystery was cleared up by the
cenfession of her brother, on whose
behalf oho had, knowineiY,
Meanwhile, the warden, baying
taken an interest in the case, , had
menaged to make 'her life a ;little
enejer in prison by gratifitig her sev-
eral trillitig coneessions, which she
was not slow to appreciate. \Thee
the girl received het ai-don" it
was Lite warden who read it ever to
her, and ae he shook hands he told
her that' if there was any way by
whieh he could wove her she was to
let him know.,,, The ex-irrieerier took
him at his word, an CI a few Weeke
later WrOte asking permission to
visit genie of the unfortunate woanett
whet° act] ita intense she had Made
during her imprisonment. Of cotirse
1431 request wee geneted, and the
Paint does not ma.ke purity,
Sow a sin and reap a sorrow.
Words are the ' windows of the
He cannot help who does not
Seek hamiiness, you find heartache.
A. little charity makes a lot of
Cherishing malice is nurturing mis-
Every biography embraces all his-
The world net righteousness more
than rites. .
'There is no work in anything that
lead's to waste. ,
Rhetoric is a fine exubalming fluid
for religion. -
Failure may make a good founda-
Unless the soap you
use has this brand you
are not getting the best
theic tor the Octagon Bar., 04S
`el hate considered, your proposal,"
said Mrs. Billks, the builder'e widow,
to the exM
expectant suitor, r. )'43 ly
"end I adrait that yowl) pereonal
qualilicatio,ns are above reproach,
whilst your business knowledge
would, T have 110 doubt, be useful in
carrying .en my .late husbancre trade
as a going concern."
was the reply.
"But there is one fatal objection.
Our present sign -board would have to
be altered, and I am afraid it would
not be to elle advantage to change it
from 'Binks, builder,' to `Jerre,
Good -clay.''
"What eVidenee have we," asked
the teacher in the night -school, that
people live longer nowadays than
they used to live?" The young num
scratched his ear and reflected,
"Well," he said, "the people that
used to live are all dead, ain't
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all other diseases
put together, end until the last -few
;years Was supposed to be incurable
For a great many years doctors pro-
nounced it a local disease and prescrib-
ed local remedies, and by constantly
failing to cure with local treatment.
pronounced it incurable, Sience as
proven catarrh to be a. coustitu tional
disease and therefore requires constitn-
l treatinent. Ban's Catarrh cure,
tuanulactured by F. J. . Cheney &
Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitution-
al cure on the 'market. It is taken in-
ternally in doses from 10 drops to ri
teaspoonful. It acts directly ,m the
blood and mucous surfaces of the 4)714-
tem,They offer one hundred clottate .
for any 'case it fails to cure. Send for
Circulars and testimonials.
Address: J. CEIEN1DY & CO., .
Toledo, 0.
.Sold by Druggists, 750,
Take 11'ex:111y Pins for eonsti-
Potatoes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Apples
us have your 000.8110.131001 of any of these articles and we will
get you good prices.
1rHE DAWSON COVIMIS31 114 ca, 1 rra
a.t 3
Cor, Myst Market nd Colborne Sta TO4061Y0,
D. DODS &. CO. montreal,
WW Cry In 8 Hours.
en Sall at KO Earth...are Seaton;
Toronto, Vancouver,
"Tell me," she asked, after elle had
accepted him, "arn I really your first
and only lover' ''Well—er—no,
tion for success.
you would be a- force you in.---ust retailed the absent-minded
(sitetalerra'an'an, "but you are something
lose your feelin,gsjust as good."
The pictures we admire -make our
own portraits.
You cannot save wandering ones Minard's Liniment Cures fl' S1
with a field glass. , • • •
A man does • not have to have a
The talkative traveller hacl corner- frozen heart in order to have a firm
ed the driver of the express, and was will. ,
'holdingforth on the dangers coati- Religion is - 'sure to have a queer
tinily encountered oii the line and. the taste to the man who only takes it
aced. of reforms. ease .L% areal" .,
Now be was saying, "I have It's no use praying for it heaven -
been ea -Gaged ter many yeaes on a lit- ly blessing when you won't pay your
tie idea- o•f snsr own. In the near fu- earthly bills. •
Jure I hope to be able to stop an One man's righteousness 'does not
express train, travelling at sixty depend on his ability to prove =-
miles an hour, in its own lengthother's wrongnese..
Now, whet do you think of that?"
"Not nauchl" was the blunt . re- TO EXTERMINATE, HOUSE FL1ES.
"But, my dear man," went on the Scientists having proved that the
other, ''I'm afaid you know very common house fly is responsible for
little about your business to ialk -the spread of some of the most dead -
litre thatIn wlatt distance could ly diseases, it becomes the duty of
you stoP this train on an emer-
gency?'' every housekeeper to assist in exter-
minating the little pests.
"Oh, I could stop 'es in less 'an„ Many contrivances have been used
half her 011711 length; if I liked." for the purpose, including fly traps of
"Nonsense!" ejaculated the othermany kinds, sticky paper, and differ -
'Why, the thing is utterly i
-1:11- ent makes of poison, but although all
possible!13111 kill some flies there always
But 1 $ay it ain't!" seems to be as many left as ever.
"Well, how would you set about
There is only one really effectual way
it?" demanded the passenger.
"You know the curve just through
the junction?"
"Well, if I just closed my eyes on
the signals an' went straight through
without stopping, we should meet the
down express on that curve—an' I
reckon we should pull up pretty
Miss Inez Sent—"It's an opal ring
Mr. Cheeply gave me."
Miss Sharpe (extunining m!
Do you—er—like it?" ,
Miss Inez Sent—"011, yes; but you
know the old superstition. I'm
afraid it will bring me bad luck."
Miss Sharpe—"I wouldn't worry.
This can't bring you anything worse
than an imitation of bad luck."
We Are All in the Apprentice Class.
When a simple change of diet
brings back health and happiness the
story is briefly told. A lady of
Springfield, Ill., says: "After being
afflicted for years with nervousness
and heart trouble, I received a
shock four years ago that left me in
such a Condition that my life was
despaired of. I could get no relief
item doctors nor Crone the number-
less heart and nerve medicines I
tried beectuse I didn't know that the
coffee was daily putting ale back
more than the Dos, could put me
"Finally at the request of 11 313041(1
31 left off coffee and bestir the use of
Postum 0041 ogainst 41 3 convictions
I grachaelly improved in health until
for the ,Past .6 or S months I have
been entirely fret! from nervousness
and those teerible einking, weaken-
ing spells of heart teouble.
"My trcatbles alI came from the use
of coffee whir -h I lied drenk front
chi 1 clho ocl and yet they :its:ippon recl
when 1 IpIlt coffee arid took up the,
use 'of l'ostme Name given by
Pastore Co„1attIe Creek, Mich,
Mary people raarvel at the effects
of leaving ea cork.° and (binkiug
Poetum, but thelT IS nothing mar-
vel 0118 about it—only corranon eense,
Coffee is a. destroyer—Posts:1m ie a
rebuilder, That'the reeeon.
Look each pftekage for the 1)111
0113 little book, "The 'load to \Yell-
to kill them all, and that is Wilson's
Fly Pads, being, sure to follow the
directions carefully. One ten cent
packet. of Wilson's Fly Pads has been
known to kill a bushel of flies, and a.
few pads properly used will kill all
the flies in any room ill a few hours.
It's no use casting a moldy crust
on the waters in the hope of getting
back a nice hot biscuit. „
Dear Sirs,— For some years I have
hadonly partial Ilse Of my ar3)1.
caused by a sudden strain. I have
used evei'y reined -$r without effect,
entil I got a sample bottle of MIN-
Arnys LINIM'E,N.T. The benefit I re-
ceived from it caused me to continue
its 11,50, and new ani hapny to say
my arm in completely restored.
GIamis, Ont. P. W. I-IARRISON.
suppose,'' said th'e pbysician,
'after he had sounded the new patient
"that you exercise judgment hi the
matter of smoking? You clo not in-
dulge M it to foolish exeeser "No
indeed!" replied' the inveterate indi-
vidual. "I never smoke more than
one cigar at a time!" .
The superiority of Mother Graves'
Worm PliCterteinato • is shown by its
good oriecti4 on the thildren. Purchase
a bottle and' give it a trial.
Sonic Men ttrimi re a well...formed
Woma31 more than they do ct -well-in-
formed one.
On account of the Triennial Con-
clave ol' knights 'Templar at San
Francisco, the Union Pacific will sell
round trip tickets front Missouri
River (Council :Bluffs, to Kansas
City, iticlusive), to San leraneisto
and rettirn at $45.00. Tickets on
sale August I 5011, to Sept. 10th, in-
clusive. Shortest line, fastest time,
1104 ti lighted trains. Pollinate
Palace Sleepieg' Carg, Dieing Cars,
meets e la carte, Tourist Cars, etc.
From Chicago atid St. ,Lotes, pro-
Postiortally 1040 rates aro f11 efTect b3r
lines conneeting with Thilosi Pacific,
Itiquire of Ir. 13, Chen tee A,, 12I
WoOdwa Ave„ Detroit, Miele
Teacher--"Tomnry, you should not
sinack your lips. •Tommy --"Well, I'm
too young t� , go around smacking.
other people's lips!"
-1.,Tow to Cleanse the System.—Parme-
leirs Vegetable Pills are the result ol
scientific study of the effecte of ex-
tkacts of certain roots arta herbs Amon
the digestive Or galls. Their use has
demoestrated , in inany instances that
they regulate the action of the liver
and the kidneys, purify the blood, and
carry off all morbid accumulations
from the system. They are easy to
take and their action is mild and bene-
Of course your own baby is all
right, but that of your neighbor is a
crying shame.
Imam unmet CMS COO in ems.
Love may be blind, but the girl's
little .brother seldom requires the
services of au oculist.
Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfec-
'ant Soap ,Powder dusted in the
I bath, softens .the water and disin-
Tight shoes cause the blood to
mount to the face, yet there are
young men who can't imagine why.
girls blush.
• •
' Not a Nauseating Pill.—The excipient
of a. pill is the substance which enfolds
tae ingredients and makes up the pill
mass. . That of Parnielee's Vegetable
Pilis is so compounded as to preserve
their moisture, aed they can be carried-
into- any latitude without impairing
their strength. Many pills, in order to
• keep thein from adhering, are rolled in
powders, which prove nauseating to 'the
taste. Parinethe's Vegetable Pills are
so prepared that they are agreeable to
the moet delicate.
You 'may kick, you may shatter a
beein if you will, but the hopes of ite
owner will cling to it still.
Via the Chicago and North Western
Railway, every day front Sept. 15th
to Oct. 1 5tli, settlers one way second
cIase tickets at very low rates from
Chicago to points in Utah, Montana,
Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Washington,
California., also to Victoria, Van-
couver, New Westminster, Rossland
and other points in the ICootenay-
District. Correspondingly low rates
from all points in Canada. Full par-
ticulars from nearest ticket Agent,
or 13. II. Bennett, General Agent, 2
East king Street, Toronto, Ont,
"When they, tell Tae about a royal
good fellow who hasn't alt enemy on
earth," said the Millcreek philosoph-
er, "I always know of one that he
bee, and that's himeelf,"
1 Summer
Whoopind Cough
The children seem to catch wheopieg
eougheeelly in the summer time When le
• is always so muehharder to get rid ef.
Shiloh -'s
Cure RenkLung
will Care them quiOkly. Mere is no
Injurious drug in it and A is pleitSant
ito take.
I At ell druggists, 26a , 60c, soul *1,008 Wine.
Pails, Wash Basins, Milk Pans, ik
Any First -Clang Groner Oan Supply Yew.
Delegates to the Medical Associa-
tion at 'Vancouver can return
through San Francisco, Los Angeles,
Salt Lake City, Denver and the
"World's Fair," St. Louis by pur-
chasing tickets sold to San Francis-
-o, account K. -nights Templar meet-
Tickets on sale from August 15th
to September Vtla good for returu
until October '23rd, with stopover
privileges in each direction. This
is an open rate to the publie, as
tickets are not sold on the certifi-
cate plan. The rate from Toronto
will be $70.25. Correspondingly low
rates from other points. Tickete
can be purchased going via Vancou-
ver; returning through above cities,
or vice versa.
By writing it le. Carter, Travel-
ing Passenger Agent, Union Pacific,
Railroad, 14 Janes Building, -Toron-
to,' Ont„ he will give you full Infor-
Sweet Maid—"You must remember
that ours was a summer engage-
ment." The Man—"That -means, if
you see anyone you like better, you'll
break it?" "Yes." "A.ncl if I ego
anyone I like better—" "I'll sueyou
for breacli of promise."
Minard's Liniment Ems iiiphtberia,
Clara—"I wish X hadn't been invit-
ee to the reception, because now I
,shell have to give her a, wedding
present." Maud—"Never mind. You
may get married yourself some day."
A Medicine Chest In Itself.—Only the
well-to-do can afford to possess a medi-
cine chest, but Dr. Thomas' Plclectric
Oil, which is a. medicine chest, in itsell
being a remedy for rheumatism, lumba-
go, sore throat, colds, coughs, catarrh,
asthma and a potent healer for wounds,
cuts, bruises, sprains, etc., is within
the reach of the poorestt owing to its
cheapness. It should be in every house.
"3' hate yea!" he declared, bitterly,
"and yet I must take you, for better
or worse!" - 't'ruly, a, moh.laaststbouennpalleei.s-
ant dose is quin_ine.
For Over Sixty ye
Mao. tee FR tow's Floo'rente Sim'?
millions of mothers for their &edam while teethths.
Ilsootbes the 0141104 8of tens the gums. allaysnain, owes
wind colic. regulates the stomach and bovvels, and is Cho
best remedy for Diarrheas. Twenty-five cents a bottle
Sold bydruggists throughout the world. es sure and
ask /or " M as. Wrest° W.6 SOOTILINCI $ VA ft P, " 22-04
Little Boy—"Don't you get awful
tired dein' nothin', mister?" 'Lan-
guid. Larigan--"Terrible; but I never
complains. Everybody has their
If attacked with , cholera or sutareer
complaint of any kind send at onto fer
a bottle of Dr. . D. Kellogg's .1 lySea-
tery Cordial and uee it according to
directions. It acts with wonderfat
pidity in subduing that dreadful ins-
erts° that weakens the strongest man
and that destroys the young and Ow
Cate, •Those who heve used this cholera
medicine say it acts promptly, and nev-
er fails to °fleet a thorough euro,
A medical man, Dr. Blunt, has a
habit of saying exactly what lie
thinks, and in a. manner all his own.
"You talk too mach, woman!" he
once remarked to the wife of a pa-
tient.. "Give the nuts' a chancel"
"Mate -Me talk ?" shrieked the
'lady, "1\741y, I'm as quiet as a
'Molise all the day long. 'You can
ask any e' the neighbors an' they'll
every one toll you what a—"
'Wailers have reached this point,
1120(1 11.111 !' interrupted the • deeter,
"Your husband has , two ebaiseeal"
"Two chantes, you say, art----"
"He nuty
"Of 04)11100 he may die, an 31 was
saying to Mrs.---",
``And you may, medam—iliates 1118
real ebaneet" blurted the (teeter, ast
he Paesed oet Rod banged the door
af ter hena
Arnm,- 0. women lilonde AS
She is perOlgidiVeCi.
St. Margaret's
College, Toronto.
Re-operti Sept. 12th.
A. high-class 'residential and day
school for girls. Modern equipment.:
Specialists of European training anal
of the highest academic and profes-
sional standing In every department.
of work. Poe lsooklet apply to 'MRS.,
pal; GEORGE inroicsoN, M.A., Di-
rector (late Principal Upper Canada •
Sores of Ail Kinds
Cared by " Pieces."
al a:anima:idea by Right Re,
ar r eireAueat 0.1), e,issee at Torocato; 313. 131
IL eke, Esq., IC.C., lhe. Latild s rnpleirea
Addav.v FiValnift MPG. 00,5101443 ou
Richelieu & Ontario
148Y/ORT101,1 00.
Steamers leave 3 pan, daily, &WU
Toronto, for Charlotte, Port a
Rochester Kingston, 1,000 Islands
Points, lirockville, Rapids St. Lawe
rene.e, Montreal, Quebec, Murray Bay,
Tadousac, Saguenay River.
Heraatos ette MONTEM UNI.
Steamers leave Hamilton 1 p.m.,,
Toronto 7.80 p.m., Tuesday, Thurs..
days and Saturdays, Bay of Quint,*
Points, Montreal intermediate ports.
Further information,,apply to IL ife
0. agents, or write IL Foster Chaflee„
'Western Passenger Agent, Toronto:
Ife-L"Ist she happy, 'ittle ootsy-
wootay?" 411e.—"Oh, 80 haPPY1
topsy-nopsy hapity?" lte—"O31, fee
happy !" She—"What woald topsy-
nopsy do if there was no ootrir,
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of a Men in the 33us1ies-"TOpsy-
aopsy would be hugging seine other
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Daisy—"What do you •thirte? Clariee
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their insanity much?" "Oh, yet;
they eneared lier three times.".
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