HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-9-1, Page 6,
Ea S Been at the Bottozm of the
Sea many Times, and Seen
Strange Sights.
The raising of the submarine 'Al
has beea considered by many to have
be* one of the most successful sal-
vage works undertaken by divers, but
it is by no means the most impor-
tant or the strangest.
I. have been. (town. in almost all the
'oceans and seas oil the globe, said a
diver attached to a well-known firm
the ether day to a London Tit -Bits
representative. and some of the jobs
I have had would astonish most peo-
ple, who know little or nothing of
the work. It is now ' twenty-seven
years ago since I made my first des-
eent, when little more than a big
sad. We were engaged in salVing a
ship which containecr a lot of bullion
ciff the coast of Ireland, and our sec-
ond, diver got badly injured by the
tido against the ship. I was thought
,too thexperienced to go down below,
but as the illness of the diver was a
serious xi:latter, and as I was keen on
the lob, I was allowed to try;
Well, I cau assure you it wasn't an
altogether pleasant experience to feel
oneself sinking to the bottom in
,s about ten or twelve fathoms of Wa-
tor. But I Wasn't one to give in,
and so I'set to work with the head
diver, and. was lucky enough to be
the first to locate the bullion, which
was half levied in sand in. the treas-
ure chamber. I had a nasty fright
:that first job, for the weather was
waren, and whilst we were at, work
one day
Seemed to be hovering above us, and
on looking up my mate diecovered
had been ;Mak about 150 Years before'TIIIS:AtEssAGE
The story, of those ships as told ina
by one of the syndicate of gentlemen
who found the money for the venture
Would make exciting reading if put
into a book. We found two ships
within a mile or two of the place the
ones we Were in search of had been
sunk a.ccording to our chart, bat they
were so broken up that any treasure
there was in them had been washed
out; and although we found a. good
many loose Spanish doubloons and
some gold churca ornaments worth,
so I believe, about $20,000, 'here
was no profit for the syndicate whoa
all the expenses had been peid.
One of the most troublesome jobs
I was ever engaged on was doing
the repairs to a minket vessel in
Australia. But we salved her, and I.
earned $60 a week whilst out there.
Then I have done many little jobs on.
My own account, such as going down
KIDNEY „riLi.s.
Suffered for 14"ears Before She
Found. Quick Relief io the Great
Canadian Kiduey Remedy.
St. Pose du Degele, Temiseouta, 00,,Que., Aag. 22-e(Speeial)4—Suffering
women all over Canada will read
with feelings of interest and relief the
experience of Dame Amedee Bradette
of this place.
"Tt gives sue pleasure to be able
to tell," says Dame Bradette, "that
I am cured of all the ills suffered
at a well-known south -coast watermg for a n,umber of years. I found in
Place after a gold presentation, watch Dodd's Kidney Pills quick -relief from
which. the owner's little child dropped
into about seven fathoms of water
off the pier. The watch was worth
about $125 I suppose, but the gen-
all my pains. I only had to take
one box to bring back; my health,
and in Ave months I have had no
return of nor trouble."
tleman so valued it that he spent Those troubles. known' only to WO -
(with what he gave me) nearly $200 ,men always spring front disordered
in recovering it. kideeys. The female organs are en -
Then, whilst wee working ia tirely dependent on the Kidneys.
United States, I was once 'engaged Dodd'i 1Cidney Pills never fail to
to find the weapon with which a well cure the kidneys. That is why they
always bring health, strength and
cheerfulness to weak, run-down, suf-
fming vcsamen.
known man had shot a young girl
whom. he had abducted and taken to
a place on the. Hudson. found'it
which cost the relatives. upwards of
$2,,000 in addition to the cost of the
handsome gold watch` they gave, me. ha,ve to get out of
One of my moat' interesting exper-
ieuces, said the speaker, in coneht- Jonah—"What for?"
sion, as he commenced to get. ready Whale—"I'm not chartered to carry
to go down below once more, \r" 011 passengers."
my Australian trip. When the work:
was clone on the steamer I watt offer-
shark—a stray one, probably, out ofed a job to go to pearl bank and Mmaro s Unmet .Cores
the Mediterranean. He inauaged. to dive for oysters. I was six months *
at the Place on and off, for we could
make me understand, and we both
retired for a time intothe treasure not work sometimes for days to- Young Motilier—"Harry, dear von
gether owing to bad weather, and
chambei. Vol tuna e y .rascal
mastn.'t go near the baby." Young
sheered off and we did not
can truly say that I learned more of Eather,—"Mayen't I just look at him
see him.
the bottom of the sea and the -things a minute?" Young Mother— No
again. .
thitt swim there and crawl el dear; he asleep. ra let you take
I soon, continued the spenker, was
put; on the regular list of divers at- than during three or four years of hu -e. when he wakes up in the /tight."
tached to the firm, and found it more other work.
interesting work than pumping air on Forone thing I'm sure I EstaV the The most Popular Pill. --The 'pill is
or attending to the linesMy sea-eerpent or his first conein ,ne te.tmacsust 1:Is:pouts ofaltforms of medi;
job was at a. little place on the , next
day, although my mates chaffed me Partielee's vegetable Pillr,tbleaseartlaiery
banks of the Seine,. endeavoring to and said it could only have 1 c en e. do what it is asserted they . can . cai,
conger. Anyway, it was pretty well 0.)G
lart rt fcww4rd on. any Acta
recover a lot of fersollery which wa,s poo e:cceilence. They ere
supposed to have been thrown into as long as a 500 -ton ship, and bad Compact anlusd rta.ble, they are easily
the river many years before. We a monstrous head with a horn -like taken they do not nauseate nor gripe.
didn't find the jewellery we were in
search: of—no doubt it had washed.
.dowri many miles or even into the
;sea long before—but we found some
;gold ornaments, which a gentleman
rsaid were More than 800 years old,
a beautiful mug of nand gold, a sort
of crown, several daggers which had
jewels in their b.o.ndles, and also a
couple of skeletons with heavy rusty
ehains round wrists and legs. I was
told there was a story about them,
which said that they were the bodies
of a noble's daughter and her lover,
who were thrown by her father into
the river from the walls of an old
castle which usod to stand there-
abouts. Anyway, the country folk
were so alarmed at those old bones
that they would scarcely go to bed
till they had been buried.
. was salving the wreck of a yacht lost
in the Mediterranean. 'We were em-
ployed by the mother of the owner,
who was an only son. and as soon as
the news of the disaster came to
England we were dispatched with all
our gear (except boats) overland.
The job must have cost $8,000 or
$3,500 first and last. We found the
aedy without much difficulty—the
yacht lay in about eight fathoms in
one of the little bays along the Ita-
lian Riviera—and in the young fel-
lOW'ri arms, in the cabin, was clasp-
ed the body of a beautiful young
woman he had carried away from
Paris, This fact, I may say, was
never allowed to got into the papers,
both I and ray mate being well paid
to hold our tongues at the time.
bad a job at the Tay Bridge,
continued the speaker, and never
want another like it. Of all the hor-
rible sights, some of those poor,
deadfolk beat all. At last, efter
more than a week of it, the whole
thing got so on niy nerves—the wa-
ter was dreadfully cold—that I had
to give it up for several shifts. ly, upon what are asserted to be
can tell you that, though I'in not changes of recent growth in national
growth on. it. I never saw it tganas,
and never wanted to. If I had
thiak 1 should have refused me go
down ally more. We got up isacet
twenty -flea) tons of oysters iltogether
aa 1, although the yield was n
and they give relicin the most stub-
born cases.
It is only lactfol people who should
be allowed to give personal reminis-
poorer than the parties employing us '''''-ee.„, but unfortunately they- are
expected, I believe there were about es'
not -the only ones who do give thorn.
$75,000 to $100,000 worth of
pn,age' "How wen 1 reniember your fa -
washed out of the putrid mass.
that when I was a little girl!" late-
4..--- ly said an elderly woman to a clergy -
WHAT THE DOCTOR DOES. man. "Ho used t� conic often to
our house to dinner. We were al-
ways delighted to see- hm children
— ,
The first thing the doctor does and an." .
when he is called to see a fretting, "Th t ' very pleasant to hear,"
eine to move the bowels and sweeten —1
worrying baliy is to give it a mettle „al the
clergyman, with a ,smile;
but narrator remained gravely
the stomach. The doctor knows unconscious of his interruption.
that nine -tenths of the troubles at-
fecting babies and young children "r remember what a hearty appe-
-,,ite.1 he had, she continued, blandly.
aro due to irritation of the stomach it was a real pleasure to see him
or bowels, and tbat when the cause e„
t Why, when mother would see
is removed the child is well and '''''''
happy. Baby's Own Tablets are an him coming along the road of a
always -at -hand doctor, and promptly Crning; she'd send me running out
core all the minor ills of little ones. to cook a.nd say: 'Tell Mary to put
They contain no poisonous "sooth- on just twice as much of everything
big" stuff, and may be given with as she had planned, for here is Mr.
safety to the tenderest anfa,nt, or the Brown coming to dine with us!' "
well grown child. Mrs. J. Overand, The eminent son endeavored to
Hepworth Station, Oat eays :—preserve a proper expression. of coun-
"My little one was much troubled tenance at this interesting rerainis-
with indigestion, and Baby's Own C011ee; but his composure was sorely
Tablets gave immediate relief. I tried when, with great cordiality, the
have found the Tablets the most lady said:—
satisfactory medicine I have ever "You are so much:like your father.
used for children." Sold by all med- Won't you come home and dine with
icine dealers or sent by mail at 25 us after the service?"
Results from common soaps
eczema, coarse bands, ragged
clothes, shrunken flannels.
.ksix res. the Octagon aim
Cyclist (to driver a waggon,
which is blocking the road)—"Hullo,
there, pull out and let me by."
Fariner—"Oh, I dunno as I'm in
any hurryl''
Cyclist (angrily)—"You seemed in
a hurry to let the other fellow's car-
riage get past." •
Farmer—"That's 'cause his horse
wuz eatin' my hay. There hain't no
danger o' you eatin' it, though."
"If Nye ask a person to estimate
the number of stars visible on a clear
night," says Houzen,u, ''we shall
have an exaggerated answer, the ac-
tual number only being a lietle ovals
cents a box, by writing .The Dr. 'Virile
lianis' 'Medicine Co., Brockville, Pat—"I say, Bridget, you look very
Ont. smart in your new hat." 'Bridget:
"Ohl go on! You'd say that even if
ENGLAND HAS THE ROT. you 'didn't think it." Pat: "Yes,
and you'd think it even, if I didn't
To Die for the Country Is Not a. say
Glorious Thing.
Some striking points are made in AS EASY.
a letter signed "R. E. V.," which
appeared it the London Times recent -
in the least a nervous sort of chap,
I couldn't sleep at nights for several
weeks. We were well paid; but eoth-
ing could pay for what we went
through. And when we went ashore
wete often beset by relatives of
the victims, simply hungering for the
information. One poor larlyeaI am
never likely to forget her face—used
to spend the whole day on the bank
The requirements of a nation that
is to win a war are, it is stated,
three in number—money, brains, and
bra.very. it has been the custom to
assume that what Englishmen la.clsed
in the second qualification they made,
up by possession of the last to an
unusual degree. The' writer believes
this is a misteke that may some day
lead to disaster.
"The Mat really is that we have
lost, as a nation, that absolute fear-
lessnese that we once possessed."
There is a "rot" in the national
spirit, a lack of self-sacrificing pat-
"What would be thought," it is
asked, "if one were to meet the fa-
ther of a young man just killed in
action and were to congratulate him
o11 his son's death for his country,
as they do in .Ta.pan, and have, no
doubt in. England? I am afraid it
would not be prudent. The spirit is
not there, and until we go through
the fire and give death he proper
value we shall remain so clogged
with prurience tee to be apparently
"It is not too late to stop the
trot.' but ae every step backward
must he paid for, so must this, and
paid for with some sacrifice.
"Lel us tetith our children, in
School arid out, that it is a glorione
thitg to die for Etigland, and per-
haps in time we may return to our
old ideas, mid the temperament er
the Japanese in this war.
of January, February and March
whilst I was engaged on the job. She
lost her husband in the disaster, and
Is heard tell she afterwards lost her
reason, poor thing.
i I was once employed to go down a
;well in the southern counties, as it
was supposed that, the will of an old
gentleman had been thrown there by
the next of kin. I have seldom, I
think, been down in colder watet,
and there was a regular collection of
erticles at the bottom,
For one thing there were several
tabs of spirits sunk by: smugglers
fanny years before, illy amount of
Dicl• chain, mid a silver cup of the
reign of Cleorge III., and sure enough
the missing will iti an air -tight tin
case, which 1 believe Was formerly
Psed for keeping important papers in
iboard Sine. The roma of my find
was- that the property went to a
niece of the old gentleman's instead
of to the next of kin. The night be-
fore I went down I received a letter
seyleg that, if I discovered anything
and would either leave it where it
was or bring it to a certain place in
London, I should be handsornelsr re-
warded The latter was not signed,
but I have little doubt that it was
eent by the party who had most to
lose ley the discevery o' the will,
0es3 of my most e.Xeiting jobs Was
;Vistei6 privately-ctquipped expedition
which went to Clentrel America for
the purPOse of attempting to clisecita
.A. 416.pfir200 bride gives her wede
ding-pedeents to her proesote 6.8 a
elight recompenee for the t'roulile
they' have bad in rearing her,
stress (te nevi/ eervaeit)—"We
have breakfeet generally about atilt,
ofeloOk." New Serirant--"Well, if T.
it cOlittle of treetatet, ehips Whie.,11 ain't down to it, dense sea:fees.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There in only one way to cure deafness.
and that is by constitutional remedies..
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con-
dition of the mucous lining of the Eus-
tachian Tube. When this tubo is in-
flamed you have a runibling Bound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is efl.
tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken
out and this tube restored to its norm-
al condition, hearing; will be destroyed
forever; nine cases out of ten are caus-
ed by Catarrh, which is nothing but
an inflamed' condition of the mucous
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by cat-
arrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure. $end for circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo,
Sold by all Druggists, 750.
Take all's Family Pills for consti-
Needs Only a Little Thinking.
The food of childhood often de-
cides whether one is to grow up
well nourished and healthy or weak
and sickly from improper food.
It's just as easy to be one as the
other provided we get a proper
A wise physician like the Denver
Doctor who knew about food, can
accomplish wonders provided the pa-
tient is willing to help and will eat
only proper food.
Speaking of this case the Mother
said her little four year old boy was
suffering from a peculiar derange-,
ment of the stomach, liver and kid-
neys and his feet became so swollen
he couldn't take a step. "We called
a Doctor who said at once we raust
be very careful as t� his diet as im-
proper food was the only cause of
his sickness. Sugar especially, he
"So the Dr, made up a diet and
the principal food he prescribed Was
Grape -Nuts and the boy, who 'Was.
very fond of sweet things took tbe
Cs ape-Nute readily without adding
any sugar, (Drexplained that the
sweet in Grape -Nuts 18 110t at all
like cane or beet sugar but is the
natural sweet of the grains.)
"We saw big improvement ineide a
few days and now Grape -Nuts are
almost his only food and he Le once
more a healthy, shappy, rosy -checked
yourigster with every prospect to
grow op into a strong healthy
nittn,'' Name given by Postenn Co.,
Battle Creek, Afich,
Ulm sweet he Clrarecallute is the Na-
ture -sweet known as rost Sugar,
not digested io ales. itsta- Like ordin-
ary sugar, but predigested. Feed
the youagsters it handful of Grape-
- whet Vetere derneede eiVect
and prompts them to eall for eitgar.
Titeree a reeson.
Get the little book "The 'Road to
Welvilles" in each. package,
After two and a half years in the
Antarctic regions on board the "Dis-
covery,"a piano was found, on its
arrival at New 'Zealand, to be
"practically as good as ever."
Signals oi Danger.-11ave you lost
your appetite? Rave you a coated
tongue? Have you any unpleasant
taste in the mouth? Does your head
Vie and have you dizziness? If so,
your stomach is out of order and you
need medicine. But you do not like
medicine He that prefers sicicness to
medicine must .suffer, but under the cir-
cumatances the wise man would procure
a box of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills
and speedily get himself in health, and
strive to keep so. -
Owing to constantly living in ca-
noes a race of dwarfs in British New
Guinea are losing the use of their
legs, while their chests and arms are
abnormally developed.
Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans
with Lever's Dry Soap a powder. It
will remove the grease with the
greatest ease.
Preparations are being Made by the
Swiss Blondin, a GeneveSe named
Chapuis, to climb down a wire cable
from the summit of the Eiffel Tower
.in Paris.
A Requisite for the Rancher.—On the
cattla ranges of the West, where men
and stock are far from doctors and
apothecaries, Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil
is kept on hand by the intelligent as a
ready made medicine, not only for
many human ills, but as a horse and
cattle medicine of surpassing merit. A
horse and cattle rancher will find mat-
ters greatly simplified by using this
"She's the most insulting woman
I ever met." "I never liked her my-
self." "Just think! The last time
she visited us she didn't wipe her,
'feet when she came in, but she did
wipa them when she' went, out."
411 -e -iv rAto"
Potatoes, Poultry Eggs Butter Apples
Let US have your consignment of any of these articles and wo will
get you good prices.
Car, West Market and ialborneSts, TORONTO.
Will MT in 8 Hours.
On dale at all Hardaare Dealers
Dear firs, -1 have great faith in
MINARD'S LINIMENT, as last year
I cured a horse of Ring -bone, with
five bottles.
It blistered the horse but in a
month there was no ring -bone and.
no lameness.
Four Falls, N. B.
Pails, Wash Basins, Milk Pans, &c
Any Firet-Class Grocer Qan Supply Tau.
Delegates to the Medical Associa-
tion at Vancouver can return
through San Francisco, Los Angeles,
Salt Lake City, Denvee and the
"World's Fair," St. Louis by pur-
chasing tickets sold to San Francis -
au, account Knights Templar meet-
Tickets on sale from August 15th
to September 9th, good for return.
until October 23rd, evith stopover
privileges in each direction. This
is an open rate to the public, as
tickets are not sold on the certifi-
cate plan. The rate from Toronto
will be $70.25. Correspondingly low
rates from other points. Tickets
can be purchased going via Vancou-
ver, returning through above cities,
or vice versa.
13y writing H. F. Carter, Travel-
ing Passenger Agent, 'Union Pacific
Railroad, 14 Janes Building, Toron-
to, Ont., he will give you full infor-
It is wonderful how a' crushed
strawberry rubbed over the teeth will
whiten them.
Cucumbers and melons are "forbidden
fruit" to many persons so constituted
that the least indulgence is followed by
attacks of cholera,. dysentery, griping,
ate. These persons are not aware that
they can indulge to their heart's content
if they have on hand a bottle of Dr.
J'. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial, a
medicine that will give immediate relief,
and is a, sure cure for all summer com-
Singleton,—"Do you agree with the
doctors who consider kissing danger-
ous?" Beneclick—"Oh, yes." Sing-
leton—"What dread effect do you
think is likely' to arise from it?"
A woman's idea of a "mean, spite-
ful thing" is another woman who has
a new dress made, just like hers,
Hother Graves' Worm Exterminator
has tho • largest sale of any similar pre-
paration sold in Canada. It always
gives satisfaction by restoring health to
the little folks.
It is alleged that applications of
the X-rays will remove the marks
bit 'on the skin by smallpox.
[Mloard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc,
She—"I don't know what I would
not give to !have such pretty hair as
Irene has." He—"Wby don't you
find out what she gave for hers?"
For Over Sixty Years
MRS. VirniS7.01VSSOOTIITZIG SY1t1TP has been used sg
millions of mothers tor their children while teething.
Itsoothes the child, softens the gums. allays pain, cures
wind collo, regulates the stornaoh and bowels, and Is tho
bestremedyfor Diarrhcea. Twenty-41re cents a. bottle
Bold hpdruggista throughout the world. lie sure and
ask for "18115. WIZISLOW'SgOOTIIING StiALI/2." 21-04
"But," said the Rev. Dr. Broadley,
"you must remember the Bible tells
us to love our neighbors."
alb's quite impoeeiblel." replitad
Mrs. Upperton. "I simply hate
"Welt—er—then, hata them in mod-
It is only necessary to read the testi-
monials' to he convinced that Holloway's
Corn cure is unequalled for the removal
of corns, warts, etc. It is a complete
Many a man who rides in a parlor
car would be sadly out of place in a
drawing room.
illnard'a Igo coma coo in Cows,
J and agricultural farm, nearly 200
acres, beautifully situated, 4 miles from.
London, welt watered,' good buildings:
possession when required. Fraser &
Hoore, Barristers, London, Ont.
St. Margaret's
College, Toronto.
Re -open Sept. 12th,
A high-class residential and day
school for girls. Modern equipment.
Specialists of European training and
of the highest academic and profes-
sional standing in every department
of work. Foe booklet apply to MRS.
pal; GEORGE DICICSON, M.A., rifik
roc:tor (late Principal Upper Canada7
72, t
Cures Burns, Scalds, Sores of all
kinds Cuts, Boils, Skin Disease,
Bleod Poison, Etc.
Testimonials from most prominent people in Canada
Largo sample and book of directions free.
Address FOSTER MFG CO., Toronto. Ont.
An officer in a regiment of foot
soldiers ordered a new pair of boots.
'When he tried them on he routed
them too tight to be comfortable,
As he had orders to leave at orice
for fresh barracks, he did not trou-
ble the bootrnaker to exehange them.
Itstead, he asked his Irish servant,
Lo wear them it short time in order
to make. them fit easier.
Sense Weeks after the - officer called
the servant, and aeked him if he
thought them fit to wear.
"Well, sirreplied the meta "I
think I have stretched' them big
enough, but you will require to have
them soled and heeled before erou can
put them ota's
When a fried tells you an old
joke, laugh juet as heartily rie if
you had never heard it befsere. It
ottite posesible that you may want
to borrow triotey of hitn some day.
Richelieu & Ontario
Steamers leave 3 p.m, daily, from
Toronto, for Charlotte, Port of
Rochester, Kingsto'n, 3,000 Islands
Points, Brockville, Rapids St. LaTif-
rence, Montreal, Quebec, Murray Baya
Tadousac, Saguenay River.
Steamers leave Hamilton 1 p.m..
Toronto 7.80 p.m., Tuesdays, Thurs-
days and Saturdays, Bay oL Quint°,
Points, Montreal intermediate porta)
Further information apply tee R. &
0. agents, or write H. Foster Chaffee.
Western Passenger Agent, Toronto.
Works well both on
stacks and in barns,
anloada all lcinda of
hay and grain °hapax
loose orin sheaves.
Send for catalogue to
M. T. BUCHANAN & CO., Ingersoll,Ont.
"What is.the reason that you and
your wife are always disagreeing?"
"The reason? Why, it is simple ,
enough, it is because we are both
of one mind. She wants to be mas-
ter; so do 1." '
Minaret Liked ,C urea Distemper.
A horse in good condition can ex-
ist about twenty-five days without
food, so -long as he has plenty of
water. If he has food without water
five days would probably end his ex-
1 Summer Croup
A eroupeedemelt is b• elattgerous tales
for the little folks in tuirsoor time. '1%0
Ibarer thee accompanies3 g hi liable to
maim saviours Illtiete. GiTO thorn
Cure Th
i';":.Vit go tril:ZoltZ VA
At ell druggists, astesoe ititd 21.00a bottle.
T 404