Exeter Advocate, 1904-8-25, Page 7nee n *Me, WHI sicKtTgss coxEs. Williaan.s Pink Pills Should be Used to Bring Back Health. Steknee, coinee sooner or later in the life of everyone. Many who for years have enjoyed the best of health are suddenly seized with some one of the numerous ille sef life. Most of the ille result froni an impoverished, ceedition of the blood; thus if the blood is enriched the trouble 'will disappear, That is why Dr. Wil- liams Pink Pine have had a greater Seccess than any other medicine, in the world in curing sick and ailing people. These pills actually make new, rich., red blood, strengthen, every nerve in the body and in this way, nueee people well and strong. Alphonee Lacoussiere, a well- known young farmer of St. Local, Que., provethe truth of these state- ments. Tee says :-"About a year ago my blood gradually became im- poverished. I was weak, nervous, and generally run down. Then sud- denly my trobble was aggravated by pains Manly kidneys and blitdder, and 'clay by day I grew so much worse that finally I was unable to rise without aid, I consulted doe - tors, but any relief I obtained from • their moeicine was only temporary and I began to despair of ever being well again. Ono day I read an ar- ticle in a newspaper praising Dr. Williams Pink Pills and I decided to try them. I got six boxes and be- fore they were all gone my condition eves so greatly improved 'that I knew I had at last found a medicine to. cure me. I continued the use of the :pills for a while loner, and every cymptom. of my trouble was gone, and I have since enjoyed the best of health. I think so much of Dr. Wil- liams Pink Pills that I am, never without thena in the house." It is because Dr. Williams Pink Pills make new blood that they cure such diseases ae anaemia, rheuraa- tient,. kidney and liver troubles, neur- algia, indigestion and all other ail- ments due to poor blood. But you must get the genuine bearing the full name "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People" on the wrapper around every box. Sold by medicine dealers everywhere or sent by 'mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by addressing the Dr. Williams Medi - eine Co., Brockville, Ont. STJNDAY IN TOW/1. 1. The sun is misty yellow and the sky is bazy blue, And the chirae-bells ring out quaintly, Near and deeply, fair and faintly, Each one following its fellow in an echo clear and true. Through the streets, clean -swept for leisure, Many feet make haste toward plea- sure, And the sound is as the rustling of the leaves in paths we knew. How I wish I were a -walking in the Autumn woods with you! 11. e Oh, the fragrance of the hollows that the little brooks ran through! Oh, the scarlet maples burning Like a torch at every turning, On the way my spirit follows in a dream forever now, - Where from quiet, .distant mea- dows, ' Pim beneath the _mountain shadows, Caine the clank of swinging cow -bells - down the softest wind that blew. Oh, I wish I were a -walking in the Autumn woods with you! • 111. We have had our fill of roving where spring blossoms bound the view. We have played in young Romances, Danced the nymph -and -shepherd dances ' Now the Summer of our loving glows and throbs about us toe. In our eye the light yet vernal, 1 our hearts ihe fire eteraal, And when time has touched the branches and oin• nese-leaf days are few, , „e Oh, it's then I'd still be walkirig in Anttunn woods with you. -Caroline Duer.irathe August Scrib-, iier's CHILDHOOD DANGERS. How the Heavy Death rate Among Children May be Reduced. The death rate among infants Wad young children during the hot wea- ther Is simply, appalling. For ex- ample, in the city of Montreal alone in one week, the death of one hun- dred and eix children was recorded. Most of these deaths were due to stomach and bowel tratibles, which, are always alarmingly prevalent 'dur- ing the hot weather, and most, if not all, Of these precious little lives might have been saved, if the moth- er had at hand a safe and simple re- medy to check the trouble at the outset, As a life gayer among hi - tants and noung children, Baby's Own 'Tablets should be kept in every home. These Tablets prevent and cure diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera in- fantum and all forms of stomach trouble. If little ones are given the Tablets occasionally they will prevent these troubles and keep the children healthy. The Tablets coet only 25 tents a hex, and a box of Paby's Own Tablets in the home linay save a little life. They are guaranteed to contain no opiate or harmful drug, and nifty be given with safety and advantage to a new beret babe or well grown child, If your dealer doe:4 not keep the Tab- lets, send the price in Om Dr. Wil- liams Medicine Co., Broeltville, Ont., and a box will be sent you by mail post paid. remonstrated Bobby, "wheri I was at grandmashe lot me hove fruit tart twice/' "Well, She Might ihanot to have done so, Bobby," said ''his mother e "I think once is quite enough for little boys. The older you grow, Bobby, the more wisdom you will gain." Bobby was silent.„ but only for a Moment. ''Well, ma," he said, "grandma is a good deal ofeler than yell are," 1341T1811 RAlL RE(JORDS ANOTHER VOIGE Now-sToP BUN FROM tOist/DOIsr ON THE PRAIRIE XO PLYSIOU'Ili., English RailwaysRivalry in TELLS OF DIABETES CURED BY Time Reduction - Mail. DODD'S ICIDhl'EY PILLS. Train's Speed. neW rac°rd in rallt.°411 linhas heen established y tra.‘14" W G Bartleman could get no re- g refit Western Itailroee of Great lief till lie Tried the Great Can - On -July 1. a reeliar eon- adian Kidney Remedy stop daily train ser vice was estab- lished between the London terminus 'Wapella, Assa., N.WT., Aug. 15. - at Peddington and Plymouth. The (Seecial)-This thriving town fur - distance is 246 miles, and tho "Cor- nislies one Of tho most remarkable nislaman Limited Express" is schedu- euxes of Kidney, Die:ease that has led to over the journey in each three- ever been reported on the prairies, tion in 265 minutes without a single Mr. Wm. Ct. Bar tleman, aWell- stop. Tine supplies an average speed known farmer, is the man cured and of 55,69 miles for the journey. This, he makes the following statement : therefore, constitutes the longest "1 had Kidney Trouble and it de - non -sop railroad run in the worldveloped into Diabetes. I went to the LONG HELD RECORD. doctor but his treatment was of no . Ever since the year 1896 this rail- use wbatever to meI 'began to road has retained such a non-stop take Dodd's Kidney Pills in Decenn record, for in that year the railroad leer, 1902. I took them all winter conapany initiated a through non_ and flummer while I was unable to stop train from. London to Exeter, work my farm. I took twelve boxes 194 miles, covered in 3 hours 40 in all and n August I was able to minutes. During the subsequent uoik' years, however, this run has been Now am quite strong. I work - increased to 3 hoers 80 minutes eci all winter without pains in my equal to an average speed of 51.4 back or any part of nay body. Dodd's --idney Pills cured me." • rniles per hour. In tlie recently in- If the Kidney Disease is of lOng augurated run, hoWever, the time between. these two points has been standing it may take time to cure it. But Dodd's Kidney, Pills will do it. still further reduced by 5 minutes, increasing thereby the average speed to 56.7 miles per hour. Hitherto 'ASKED AND ANSWERED. this railroad ha.s not been able to ”I nay, doctor," queried the man. make the journey a non-stop One who Was looking for free information beyond Exeter, owing to the absence "can you tell' me why liquor makes of the water troughs between the illy nose red?" tracks from Which to replenish the Sure thing," calmly replied the engine'e water supply. Now, how- M. D.: "Because you drink it ever, a trough has been laid down at Starcross, between Exeter and Prevent disorder. -At the first symn- Plymouth. • Furthermore, the coal toms of internal disorder, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills should be resorted to capacity .of the ennine has been con- intnieeiateiy. ' Two or three of these siderably increased'', and larger lu- tacptejoryjoiNreletsi) tai,lroesnebeforre going t too bricating boxes have been sup- piA}3 for two orYthree snig0htosnfn osruccwes- plied, so that the oil boxes can con- sloe, will serve as a preventive of at- tacks of dyspepsia and all the discom- tain a sufficient supply for the entire forts which follow in the train of that loneney. fen disorder. The means are simple NOT YET AT LIMIT. when the way is known. miles Meritoriousin65 though this run of 24.6 . cttiE PUT HIM To T1471'• TEST 2,minutes is, yet, if the • necessity arises, the speed can be "Yes, darling," he said, in tones considerably accelerated. This fact of deep tenderness; "I would do any - was demonstrated on May, 9th last, thing to show my love for you." with the North German Lloyd liner "Ah!" sighed the gentle maiden, Kronprinz Wilhelm. On this occasion "that's what all men say when they the train covered the distance of tare striving to win a woman' S 246f miles from the dock at Ply- heart." mouth to Paddington in the remark- 'Put me to the proof," he exclaim- ably- short time of 3 hours 4.6 min- ed in wild passionate tones: "put ides. The run, however, was not a MO to the proof, test me, and see if non-stop, as a mail van was de- I fall Set me any task within the tateleed and engines changed at Beis- ton necessitating a halt of 3 min- utes 43 seconds, which stop, how- ever, was included in the time of the elision was 65.49 miles per hour for the whole journey, and the last 36 milea of the run to Paddington was covered at the rate of 79.17 mileS per hour. On the occasion of the trial runof the "Cornishman Limit- ed Express," a new record was made between London and Bath, the 107 miles being completed in 102 min- utes. The road, altbougli not so level -Its that between Camden and Atlantic City, Is yet comparatively easy, bat after leaving Exeter the road be- comes more difficult. Especially so is the last 52 nines into Plymouth, the track abounding in stiff gradi- ents, of 1 in 40, with numerous sharp Curves, which militate considerably against fast travelling. SOME NOTABLE RUNS. There is strenuous friendly rivalry at present existing among tho vari- ous English railroad companies to establish non-stop records. The Lon- don and North-western Railroad is contemplating the establishment of a through non-stop service between! London and Carlisle, a distance of 2991 miles. They have already made such a run with a "special," which covered the journey in 5 hours and 43 minutes, an average speed of 51 miles per hour. With their latest type of engines, however, this rail- road company could considerably in- crease this speed if desired. On the occasion of the Postal Congress at Glasgow last year, the train contain- ing the delegates,- and representing a weight of 450 tons, was hauled over the 401e miles between the two cities, both on the outward and re- turn journeys, without a stop, in 6 hours and 6 hours 5 minutes respec- tiveV. at average speeds of 66.9 reile.s and 66 miles per hour. MAIL TR,AINS' SPEED. Already the boat trains running from Liverpool to London in con- nection with the incoming American mails, three of four times a week, cover the 192 miles in 3 hours 45 nainutes, an average speed of 51 miles per hour. Other notable long-dis- tance non-stop runs on this system include Wigan to Willescen, 188* miles, in 3 hours 41 minutes, aver- age speed 51.1 miles per hour; Lon- don to Stockport, 183 miles, in 3 hours 18 minutes, speed 55.4 miles per hour; London to Chester, 179 miles, in 3 hours 33 minutes, HPeed 59.1 miles per hour. The Midland Railroad also have inaugurated several noteworthy long non-stop suns. The record is that recently ins ti tu ted betWeen London and Leeds, 198 miles, .in 3 hours 415 minetes, speed 52.8 miles per hour. The Great Northern Railroad, which for many years has been con- sidered the crack fast railroad of Great Britain, but which has since lost its reputation in this respect, is also completirig arrangements where- by it will be able to regain its lost prestige. Several of the through northern expresses cover the journey every day between Grantham and London, 105 miles, without a stop. 'Their preseht longest non-stop run is betWeen. Wakefield arid London, 1751 mileS, in 3 hours 10 minutes, an av- erave epeed of 55.5 miler; pern hour. Owing to the institution by the Sitid- land Railroad of a through express between London and Leeds, the Great Northern, which also serves the latter toivia, is instituting a ilar service, the 1.85* miles to be covered in 1.95 minutee-tut anerage epeed of 57,07 nalles per hour, bounds of possibility and it shall be performed.' "Ah!" she murmured, "if I could only believe you." "Put ine to the test. Say to me, do this or do that, and it shall be done." "Then rwill put you to the test." "Ahl" he exclaimed, exultingly, "you shall behold the height, the depth, the length, the breadth, the circumference of my love! What is the test?" The maiden dropped her snowy lids until the silken lashes rested on the peach bloom of her cheek, a slight smile dimpled the corners of her mouth, and bending over the youth who knelt at her feet, she wbispered:- "Marry sonee other girl." GOOD LUCK. Mrs. McCall -Is Mrs. Gassaway at home? The Servant -Faith, she is not, ma'am, be great good luck; but ye'd best Faye yer card an' skedaddle away, fur she's like to be in away minyute now. JUST ONE DAY. Free From. the Slugger Brought out a Fact. "During the tinae I was a coffee drinker," says an Iowa woman, "I was nervous, had spells with my heart, smothering spells, headache, stomach trouble, liver and kidney' trouble. I did not know for years what made me have those spells. I would frequently sink away as though my last hour had COMO, "For 27 years I suffered thus and used bottles, of inedicine enough to set up a drug store, -capsules and pills and everything I heard of. Spent lots of money, but I was tick nearly all the tizne. Sometimes I was so. nervotin I could not hold a plate in my hands; and other times I thought I would surely die sitting at the table. "This went on until about two years ago, when one day I did not use any coffee and I noticed I was so nervous and told nay husband about it. He had been telling me that it might be the coffee, but I said 'No, I hove been drinking cof- fee all my life and it cannot be.' But after this I thought I would try' and do Without it and drink hot water. I did this for several days, but got th-ed of the hot water and went to drinking coffee and as soon as I began coffee again I was nerv- ous again. This proved that it was the coffee that caused my troubles. "We had tried Posture, but had not made it right and did not like it, but now I decided to give it an- other trial so I mad the directions on the package carefully and made it after these directions and et was shnply delicious, so we quit coffee for good and the results are wonder- ful. I3efore, I could not sleep, but now I go to bed and sleep sound, am not a bit nervous now, but work hard and can walk miles. Nervous headaches are gone, in heart does not bother me any more like it "did and I don't have any of the smoth- ering spells and would you believe It? I am getting fat. We drink POSt11111 noW and tidthing else and even my husband's headaches have disappeared; we both sleep Sound end heelthy now and that's a blam- ing," Name given bY liosturn 00., Battle Creek, Look for the book, "The Road to Wellville" in melt package. Sunlight Soap will not injure your blankets or harden them. H will make them soft, white and fleecy, OS LACKAWA.NNA. OCEAN OUTINGS. The picturesque Road of Anthracite invites your consideration of its summer programme, All tickets are gopd for 15 days and rates named are -from Buffalo. July 18th, Atlantic City & Cape May, 10.40. August lst and 25th Atlantic City & Cape May, $10.00 Stop over at Philadelphia. Thrbugh $ bleAePerusst August 8th, New York and Coney Island, $9.00. Five vestibuled lim- iteJclusttratihnes.time for merchants to get first choice; just the time to beet enjoy the seashore. Full particulars from Fred P. Fox, D.P.A., Buffalo, N. Y. Shortly after going on a sympathe- tic strike a man begins to strike his friends for a dollar. Deafness Cannot Be Cured * by local applications, as thaY cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There in only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an inflamed con- dition of the mucous lining of the Eus- tachian Tube. When this tube is in - Jeanne you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when it is en- tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its norm- al condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; ntue cases out of ten are cams- esudrfabyces7atarrh, which is nothing but 0.11 inflamed condition of the mucous We win give One Rumired Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by cat- arrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure Send for circulars, free. F. J. CIINNEV di CO., Toledo, 21. f-lold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- pation. Every man makes a start in the rec.: for the almighty dollar, but at the finish he is apt to find his name among those who "niso ran." There never was, and never will be a universal panacea, in one remedy, for all Ills to which flesh "is heir -the very nature of many curatives being such that were the germs of otherand dif- ferently seated diseases rooted in the system of the patient -what would re- lieve one 111, in turn would aggravate the other. We have, however, in Quin- ine Wine, when obtainable in a sound unadulterated state, a remedy for many and grevious ills. By its gradual and Malicious use, the frailest systems are led into convalscence and strength, 1* the influence which Quinine exerts on Nature's own restoratives. It relieves the drooping spirits of those with whom a chronic state of morbid des - panda -hey and lack of interest in life, is a disease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves, disposes to sound and refreshing sleep -imparts vigor to the action of the blood, which being stimulated, courses throughout the veins, strength- ening the healthy animal functions 'of the system, thereby making activity necessary result, etrengthening tho frame, and giving life to the digestive organs, which naturally demand in- -creased substance -result, improved ap- petite. Northrop lc Lyman of Toron- to, have given to the public their su- perior Quinine Wine at the usual rate, and, gauged by the opinion of scien- tists, this wine approaches nearest per- fection of any in the znarket. All drug- gists sell it. When the stage heroine tells the villain to do his worst he usually acts that way. • . imarg's wpm Cum arm m mom Lord Wolseley says that "the Am- erican army, so far as it goes in numbers, is the finest army in the world." Per Over Sixty Years Alas. We:ether's Sof:emu/TO svelte has be use,' bY millions of smothers for their abildren while teething. 'woollies She *hilt softens the 013116. olleyspain• °area wind coke, regulates existents& and bowels, Ardis the bestreamedy for Diereses. Twenty-five oasts a hatch Sold bearer:Siete thinaskont the world. Se sure and ask tor ° Alma Waltsio w ,Soorzusu lista or." 24-0i Clara -"Do you know; Maud, Mr. Sinitliers paid me a great compliment last right?" "No; what did he say?" "He said I was among the prettiest girls at the party." "Yes; I noticed you were among them." I was Cured of painful Goitre ny MINARD'S LINIMENT. , BYARD In:MULLIN. Chatham, Ont. I was Cured of Inflammation jay SIMARD'S LINIMENT. MRS. W. W. JoirgqoN. Walsh, Ont. I was Cured of Facial Neuralgia by lICINARD'S LINIMENT. J. H. BAILEY. Parksdale, Ont. The first regiment to arrive in Na- tal from England at the outbreak of the Boer war, the 2nd West York- shires, has just returned to Belfast front Pietermaritzburg. 'MpTKING KII,LS : LIKE PP44 Potatoes, Poultry Eggs, Butter,Apples Let us have your consIgnirient of any of these articles and we will get you good prices. THE DAW8ONI COMMS D, urnit31 Cor. West Market and CollsornoSts, TORONTo. Vi.111•MICNG.11/12•16=.1.101‘•1.6.1 P D1 DODS & OO. USE-- 'ISLAND ‘WTY" 1 HOUSE AND FLOOR P T vim rri, In 8 Hours. on sale at all lfardvare Dealers Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver. see, :annex Pi-, • t•la "•...-"serzt 4-e~ • • lt-ar LOWER PRICES USE BETTER QUALITY CAN BE elfeD IN Pails, Wh Basins, ralik Pans, & Any First -Class Crocsor Con Supply You. imaisT ON GETTING EDDY'S. fels BUCHANAN'S UNLOADING OUTFIT Works well both, on stacks and in barns, unloads all kinds or hay and grain either loose or in Sheaves. Sendforcatalogno to M. T. BUCHANAN & CO., Ingersoll,Ont 25-84. MEDICAL CONVENTION, Delegates to the Medical Associa- tion at Vancouver can return through San lsranoisco, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, Denver and the "World's Fair," St. Louis by pur- chasing tickets sold to San Francis - no, account 1Cnights Templar meet- ing. Tickets on sale from August 15th to September 9th, good for return until October 23rd, with stopover privileges in each direction. This is an open rate to the public, as tickets are not sold on the certiA- cate plan. The rate from Toronto will be $70.25. Correspondingly low rates from other points. Tickets can be purchased going via Vancou- ver, returning through above cities, or vice versa. By writing H. F. Carter, Travel- ing Passenger Agent, Uelon Pacific Railroad, 14 Janes Building, Toron- to, Ont., he will give you full infor- mation. A Liniment for the Logger. -Loggers lead a life which exposes them to many perils. Wounds, cuts and bruises can- not bo altogether avoided in prepaying timber for the drive and in river work, where wet and cold coinbined are of daily experience, coughs and colds and muscular pains cannot but ensue. Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil, when applied to the injured or adniinifstered to the ail- ing, works wonders In the museum at Turin are some war cartoons 3,000years old. illoard's Liniment Emu 101Ithgtia, GlasgoW makes $2,500 a year pro- fit out of waste paper (ollected in the streets. • We have no hesitation in saying that Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial is without doubt the best medicine ever introduced for dysentery, diarrhoea, cholera and all summer complaints, sea sickness, etc. It promptly gives relief and never fails to effect &positive cure. Mothers should never be without a bot- tle whentheir children are teething. Two men are attempting to cross Australia on bicycles. Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder is better than other powders, as it is both soap and disinfectant. A. bad memory often enables us to remember the things we should for - 11=••••••••••=111b Liolment glues Colds, etc, A cliVIIMPT.31., VIEW. "But, my clear litre Meekins, you can't go home while it's raining so," insisted Mr. Wilson, He was kiloton as a poor peovider and his wife as about the worst Cook in the mai- reainity. "Really, now, you can't go home in this downpour. Stay, do, now, and have dinner with us." ",Oh, no, thank you," protested the guest. "It doesn't look very invit- ing otitside, that's a fact, but I don't think stay. I guess it isn't .as bad as all that." "Can Mrs. Croestis be teen?" the visitor &eked. "Keri she be seen?" snieketed the be* girl, "Well, ruther guess She ken; 0110'8 si,X feet Wel and four Wide. You can't sec much of anything besides when slie's there!" St. Margaret's College, Toronto. fle-open Sept. 12th. A high-class residential and day, school for girls. Modern equipment. Specialists of European training and of the highest academic and profes- sional standing in every department of work. Foe booklet ap.ply to MRS.( GEORGE DICKSON, Lady Prince. pal; GEORGE 'DICKSON, ALA., Di- rector (late Principal Upper Canada lOollege). T' On SALE --DRITISII 001.a7MBIA: 12 farms. PembertoESon, Real Es- tate, Financial and Insurance Agents, have for sale ia this fruitful and beau. tfful country, soma carefully selected farms at reasonable prIcee. Send ad- dress and receive particulars, Pember- ton do Son, 45 Fort street, Victoria, B.C., agents for Sun Fire Office, North British & Marc:m-1We Insurance Co., Sun Life Assurance Co., The Anglican Synod of B. C. Richelieu at Ontario NAVICATEOH CO. Steamers leave 3 p.m. daily, front Toronto, for Charlotte, Port at Rochester, ICingston, 1,000 Irelands Points, Brockville, Rapids St. Law- rence, Montreal, Quebec, Murray Bay, Tadousac, Saguenay River. HAMILTON AND AIONTINIAL UNE. Steaniers leave Hamilton 1 p.m., Toronto 7.30 p.m., Tuesdays, Thurs- daye and Saturdays, Bay of quilite Points, Montreal ihtermediate porta.? Low MATEO ON THIN LINO. Further information apply to R.* 0. agents, or write H. Foster Chaffee, Western Passenger Agent, Toronto. It takes three nations to intake the best gloves -Spain to produce the kid, France to cut it out and lenge land to sew it together. • Do Not Delay. -When, through debili- tated digestive organs, pollen Ands its way into the blood, the prime consider- ation is to get the poison out as rapid- ly and as thoroughly as possible. De- lay may =teen disaster. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will be found a most valuable and effective medicine to e.a- sail the intruder with. They never fail. They go at once to the seat of the trouble and work a permanent cure, Men. Mulgrew-."Are ye goin' to shed yer boy Tommy back io school this 'week?" Mrs. O'Dooley-"No, in - dada; me ambition is to make an al- dherman of birn earwhin he grows up, an' if he got too much eddica- tion he'd be shpoiled for the posi- tion intoirely." Vinard's linimant tures 016[1101k) It!, is usually imagined that the incandescent electrie light gives out a very little heat. As a matter of fact, only six per cent. of _its energne goes to make light, While ninety-fonti goes into heat. ASummer Cough 15 the hardest kind to got rid of *and the moat deeigerotte /glad to Reeled. Shiloh's Consumption Cure .-PrrA-una Will ome rou quioldy Old enroir--stop the fever, strengthen the WOO WI make you Well tsf‘hin. AA ell draggtoto, Mc, 50o ardi $1.00 a bottle„ 451 T N U SUE NO, .st