HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-8-25, Page 1EIGHTEENTH YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1904. SA,NDERS & CREECH, Propt (New Reading Matter appears in this Space each 'Week.) A Pleasurable Duty Possibly you have need of a Bank. If so, it becomes our pleasurable duty to invite you to coine to this Bank. We itre at all times glad to explain our methods of deal- ing with the public. SIAn Opens an account in our SAY - , ‘1V INGS DEPARTMENT. Branches in Huron County eta- . EXETER. CREDITON, DASHWOOD, HENSALL. Zunion, CLINTON THE SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADA (Madman & Statthury. Sohcitors F. E., Manager, Exeter ASSEREffegliffinnat 1.11 AJ1D JE Why not keep cool, when you can secure beautiful, colored muslins for 5ca yd. We have a num- ber of ends of colored muslins, enough in most of them for a dress, regularly priced at 10, 12i, and 15c. a yard, to clear at 5c. a yd White shirt waists, 32, 34, or 36, which were worth $1, $1.25, $1,50, are to be cleared out at.. 25c. each We have just received a large shipment of Ladies' Cravenette Rain Coats. They are beauties. Come and examine them before you purchase, and you will be convinced that they are the proper coat, Prices S7 7.50, $8, 8.50 Women's full-length Rubber -lined Raincoats, made of fine cloth, with plaid lining, These ribber goods are water proof. Price $4, $5 Don't forget that we keep the famous "Faultless" and 'Peerless" Shoes for men and women. IT IS IMPORTANT a that you should remember that we adorn your sideboard with beautiful silverware, if you buy your goods from us. POPILIESTONE & GARDINEP. Legal. DICESON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, SOLIOI- tor's Notaries, Conveyancere, Commissioners. ' Solicitors for Molsons Bank, etc. ((It/ Molloy to Loafs at lowest rates of interest. Offices, Main street, Exeter, I. R. °AMINO, B.A., • L, iL DICKSON MONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farin and village properties at low rates of inter- est. GLADMAN & STANBLTRY, Barristers, Solicitors,Main st., Exeter Ont LLOYD P, JONES Organist and Choir Master of the Trivitt Memorial Church. Teacher -Piano, Organ, Voice, Harmony. Modern methods. Thorourhness ERNEST. ELLIOT, CONVEYANCER, ETC. Private funds to loan on farm and village pro- perty at lowest rates of interest. Accounts collected, 0EM0E—Main Street, Exeter. puinao NOTICE. Public Notice is hereby given that I will not be responsible for any debt or debts contracted by my wife or any other person. Dated Aug. Brd, 1904. GEO, BARTON. MEN WANTED. We have a position open for one good man in each locality, local or tra- velling, at $840 a year and expenses $2.50 per day tacking up show cards and generally advertising a New Dis- covery. No experience necessary. Write for particulars. Salus Medicinal Co., London, Ont. Dr. Ovens, of London, SURGEON, DENTIST, SPECIALIST DISEASES of EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT. GLASSES PROPERLY FITTED. Visits EXETER MONTHLY Office: -Commercial Hotel. Dates of Yisits--WEDNESDAYS, july 27, September 7, October 5, November 2, November 30. ' London Officet-225 Queens Ave. Charlton's Fair. Bargains in China, do. We are selling of odd pieces of all of our China at away down prices to make room for our fall stock, A variety of pieces from 10c. up. See our 40 piece tea sets at $4.50. They are big value, Gorman Goods. We have an excellent line of these goods.in cups and saucers. Leather Goods. We have a nice stook of leather goods --including chatelene bags. purses, etc. Air BifloL See our air rifles for boys, just the thing for holiday season. FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS, WANTED -Industrious man or woman as perman- ent representative of big manufacturing company, to look after its business in this county and adjoin- ing territory. Business successful and established. Salary $20 weekly and expenses. Salary paid week- ly from home office. Expense money advanced, Experience not essential. Enclose self.addressed en- yelope. General Manager, Como Block, Chicago. 013 ADDITIONAL LOCALS Miss Lelia. Cooper, who has been on a month's visit to Brantford, returned home Saturday. Miss Louise Sweet left on Wednes- day for the Northwest to visit relatives for a few weeks, • Robt. Atkinson, of Cincinnati, Ohio, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Jane At- kinson, in town. The Misses Maud Petty and Flora Cudmore, of. Hensel', are the guests Miss Clara Cudnaore. Mrs. M. I. Harris is on a few weeks' visit to her sister, Mrs. James Sher- brooke, at Londesboro. Mrs, E. A. Follick and Miss Alice Hausond are spending a week with friends at GrandBend. Mrs. James Dearing was called to London last week, owing to the ser- ious illness of her sister. Miss Nettie Walters, after a few days' illness, is again able to attend to her duties at the store. s Aquilla Sheere is now in Oshawa, having accepted a position with a publishing house there. . Itilton Evans, who has been holi- daying 'at London and Port Huron, returned home Friday. Mrs.Jane Atkinson,of town, and son, Robert, of Detroit. spent Wednesday and Thursday in Clinton. Miss Tillie Yager and Miss Cave left Monday morning to attend the millin- ery openings at Toronto. Miss Maud Jeckell, who has been holidaying with her parents here, re- turned Saturday to Essex. Miss Livingston and Miss Cattle Dyer left Saturday to attend the mil- linery openings at London. Mr. G. F. Lndlow, who has been vis- iting Mr. j. T. Wtstcott, left Friday last for his horoe in Winnipeg. Ma R. B. Samuel is taking a couple of weeks holidays at Thessalon fishing, Mrs, Samwell accompanied him. Miss Olive Hooper, of Victoria Hos- pital, London, is spendiug her holidays with her aunt, Mrs. W. G. Bissett. Chas. Litidenfield left Monday on a two weeks' holiday trip to Clinton, Blyth, Stratford, London and else- where. ' Miss Ida, Dinsdale, who has been the guest of Miss Olive Westeott for a few days, returned to her home in Kippen Monday, Mr. and Mrs. C. DorWard, of ChicEt- ge, former residents of Exeter, spent part of last week here .vvith old ac- quaintances. , Mr. and Mrs. Henry jeckell and ehild, of Montreal, are here visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Tame,. lecke% Mrs. Win. Statham aceompanied her mother and sistht as ka,ras London on Teesday ad while there atteuded the Millinery Openings, Mr. Robt, Sanders left on Tuesday for Manitoba, and the NW T, where he will spend a few weeks and on bis return will visit New Ontario. I E. J. Spackinan left Tuesday on a . business trip to Toronto, . W. j, Clark, of Winnipeg, spent a few days here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Rowe visited at 13irr it few days last week. Miss Mabel Kemp has returned from it pleasant trip to Rayfield. Miss Della W. ()rocker is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. D. Johns, Mr. Geo. Samwell left Tuesday on it visit to friends in Montreal. Mrs. Hustiiii (Sr.) left Wednesday to visit her son in Princeton. Mr. Paul Madge left last week with eattle to the English Markets. Miss May Sanders Visited during the past week in London and Forest. ' Mrs. (Dr.) Amos left Monday morn- ing to visit friends at Brantford. Mr. and Mts. A. j, Snell, of Lansing, Mich., are visiting the former's moth- er bete. Mr. John Snell, of St. Thorn- as,also spent it few days here last week. B., N. Creech returimcl from a visit with friends in Oxford C)onnty on Fri- day, accompanied by Miss Madalene Howell, who will visit here for a time. MC& D. Dyer, and son, Ashton, and daughter, of McComb, Ohio,, after a short visit here, the guests of Nis. Alex. Dyer, left for London Saturday*. John 1). Spackinan, who has been spending the past few weeks at his honie here,left on Tuesday to return to Mu alai, Germany, to resume his m usi- eel studies. Mrs. Lee Bostwick. of Winnipeg,. Man.'and Ler niece. Miss Gertrude Guenther, of Orediton, spent a few *days last week at the home of Mr. Harry Parsons. Mrs. Reginald Elliot and family, who have been rusticating at Grand Bend, are visiting relatives in town a few days prior to returning to their home at Norwich. Miss Roxie Eacrett after visiting for a week with her sister, Mrs. Turnbull, in Usborne, spent Sunday and' Monday in town. She is now visiting at Bayfield. Miss Culbert, who has been the guest of Miss Cora, Cann, left for her home in Lucan Tuesday, accompanied by Miss Cann, who will visit at that place for a few days. Miss Edith Robinson, after a pro- longed visit here with her parents and other friends, returned the otber day to Dawson City, where she will con- tinue to fill her position on the school staff. Mrs. JAS. Wood, of Usborne, left on Wednesday ot last week ou a trip up the lakes to the Soo, where she will visit Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Anderson, former residents of Usborne and .„ Exeter. Mr. j. H. Walsh, for some time en- gaged with his brother-in-law, Mr. Joseph Cobbledick, left last week to visit at his home in Orono, prior to leaving for Manitoba where he will reside. • A...P. Smith, the popular Manager of the Sovereign Bank, Markham, who has been holidaying at Hensall accompanied by Mrs, Smith, was a pleasant caller at the Advocate Office Monday. Mr, Wtn. Dearing, Sr., of Stephen, who underwent an operation at St. Joseph's hospital for the removal of a growth, returned home last week, the operation being successful and most beneficial. - Miss Florence Northcott, who has been suffering from an attack of ty- phoid fever at the Hamilton hospital, has sufficiently recovered as to be able to return home and her many young friends wisla her a complete. tecovery, •Farquhar. A very heavy rain fell on Eriday night, then Sunday night it was are- peated. The water rose very fast, cellars were flooded, grain was swept away, and the water ran over the roads as deep as in the spring freshets. Miss Eacrett, of Brantford, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. W. A. Tiirnbull, left on Saturday for Bay- field. -Mr. S. Stevenson has been visit- ing his sisters Mrs. W. Ward and Mrs. Jos. Vance. -kr. Wm. Kay, who has had an attack of rheumatic fever, is improving. --Mr. end. Miss Laidman, of Manitoba, visited at Beaver Bros. last week. -Miss Cathleen Robb has been spending the vacation at Mr. D. Duncan's.-Mr. Caleb Medcoff and his gang of men, wassItre working on the englneer ditch east of here, left for their home, Thedford, on Saturday on account of the amount of water which prevented them from working. Elimville Intended for last week. Rev. Cooper and wife are taking it couple of weeks holidays and will take in the world's fair at St. Louis before returning. --Rev. Ortwein, of Hensall, occupied the pulpit on Sunday Eve and preaehed a very practical and im- pressive serinota-Mr. and Mrs. .A. Pym, of Hensall, petit Sunday here the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. Pym and Mr. Pyna's parents. --Our blacksmith has sold his driving borse to Mr, T. Holden for a good figure and is now on the look out for another. -Mr. Will Hunter and Lady friend spent Sunday with friends at Centralia. -Mt. and Mrs. T, Sceli, of Liman, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Andrun.-Mr, Win. Slearnon had a narrow escape and came very nearly making the High dive one daylast week. His i feet got tangled up n the sling ropes and he was drawn up to the track, thence into the grain mow. This ride was a petilous one but William drop- ped safely into the mow, none the Worse for his ride, -Mrs. D. Rovvdifte, EXeter, is spending a few clays un- der the parental roof. -Mr. Roy Hodg- son spent Sunday With relatives at Granton. Cupid's Darts. Ma0D0staan.---Waniciss, A quiet but very pretty house wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. Hugh Specimen on Tuesday morning, Aug, 10, when Miss Susie, third daughter of the late William Weekes, was united in marriage to Mr. Evan Allen Mac- Donald, of Guelph. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. M. Martin, B. D., in the presence of only the inimediate relatives, the affair be- ing of it quiet nature owing to illness in the families of both contracting par- ties. The bride is prominent in social circles, amiable and accomplished and the warmest wishes accompany her to her new home, to which Exeter so fav- orably contributes. The Advocate joins the many friends in wishing the newly wedded conple a long and use- ful life and continuous prosperity. Ortaneaoaa-MaaTne.-The Presby- terian church was on Wednesday of last week the centre of attraction for a large and interested assembly who thronged that edifice to witness the solemnization of the nnptials of Rev. R. Allen Cransaon, 13, A., of Cromarty, and Miss Jeanette Munro, eldest daughter of Rev. W. M. Martin, B. D. Daintily arranged flowers, pekes, ferns etc. graced the interior of the church, brightening all the solemn scene with- in and adding to the joyous effect of lovely bridal costumes and happy ex- pectant faces. About two o'clock the stillness of the assemblage was broken by sounds from the church organ'ac- companied by the sweet voice of Miss Violetta Thompson, of .Mitchell, in a beautifully rendered solo, entitled, "0 Fair, 0 Sweet and Holy." The bridal party reached the church a few min- utes later and entering, proceeded up the aisle to the inspiring strains of Lohengrin's wedding chorus played by Miss Kate McFall, theisricie resting on the arm of her brother, Mr. W. M. Martin, of Regina. The bride looked charming in a simple but beautiful gown of white crepe de Paris over ta- ffeta, with the usual bridal veil and carrying a bouquet of lily of the valley and maidenhair ferns. The brides- maids were Miss Anna Martin, the bride's sister, and Miss Mary Martin, cousin of the bride. Miss Martin (sis- ter) as brides -maid -in -chief, wore a pretty gown of Ivory point de esprit over pale green taffeta, while Miss Martin (cousin) was beautifully attired in -green silk eoliene, and both looked charming. The bridegroom was sup- ported by his brother, Mr. W. A. Olranstou, of Montreal Presbyterian College, while J. A. Martin, B. A., of Totowa). and D, L. Cranston, B. A., of Sarnia, acted as ushers. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. W. M. Martin, B. D., father of the bride, assisted by Rev. J. A. Cranston, M. A., of Collingwood, and Rev. R. M. Glassford, of Chalmers church, Guelph. The ceremony over a reception was held at the manse adjoining the church where a large number of friends offer- ed congratulations. A dainty wed- ding breakfast was then served and Rev. and Mrs. Cranston left for a trip down the St. Lawrence. The amiable bride is a general favorite with all classes here, prominent in social circles and is much loved and respected where best known. The very warmest wish- es follow the happy couple upon their bridal tour. Friends were present from Mt. Forest, Cannington, Bramp- ton, Collingwood, G-uelph, Mitchell and Caledon East. POPPLESTONE.-BISHOP.-One of the fairest and naost estimable of the daughters of Usborne township was last week induced to leave her home and friends and cast her lot with one of Exeter's prosperous young mer- chants. The young lady was MissVic- toria Bishop, daughter of the late Arch. Bishop, ex -M, P. P., and the lucky man is Mr. S. A. Popplestone, of the firm of Popplestone & Gardiner, Exeter. The ceremony which united these two for life took place on August 17th, at the home of Mr. John T. Mor- gan, of the 5th concession. A large number of guests were in attendance to witness the interesting ceremony which was performed in front of it bank of flowers, palms, ferns and other floral effects. Mendelssohn's wedding march was played. by Miss Addle Bell, of Hensall, cousin of the bride, and the ceremony was performed by Rev. Col- in Fletcher, M. A. The bride was giv- en away by her brother-in-law, Mr. J. T. Morgan. .The bride wore a dress of white silk, trimmed with pearl and lace, with the usual bridal veil and car- ried a beautiful bouquet of white ro- ses and ferns. Miss Victoria Rowcliffe, niece of the.bride, made a charming maid of honor, while little Miss Myra Morgan was bewitchingly attractive in a costume of white crepe-de-chene. The ceremony having been concluded congratulations and good wishes were in order and the party then sat down to the wedding breakfast, so richly prepared and beautifully arranged by Mr. E. A. Follick, of Exeter. The bride is well and favorably known and her sunny ways and sweet disposition have made her countless friends,as was testified by the arrayof beautiful pres- ents bestowed upon her. Mr. and Mrs. Popplestone were driven to Lucan where they took the train for Sarnia, Detroit and the Soo. The Advocate joins with the inany friends in wishing them all that goes to make life happy. Mrs. John Floyd and daughter, of Seaforth, who have been visiting with friends in town, returned last week, accompanied by her mother, who visit there it short time prior to leaving 011 a visit with her sons in Kal- amazoo, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Agana Snell,of Win- nipeg: who have been visiting rela- tives in town, left Monday morning for Chicago, where they will Spend it few days prior to taking in the St. LOIliS Exposition, after whith they will return to their hoMe in Winnipeg. 111111•11i RICH GUT GLASS! e have a complete assort. ment of the finest Out Glas$ articles, ranging in price from 50c. to 825 a piece. Our Stock is acknowledged to be one of the Finest west of Tbronta S. FITTON. Corbett John Corbett has returned from his visit to Forest. -Misses Laura and Carrie Leask, of Oshawa, are the guests of their grandmother, Mts. A. Laurie. -Judson A. Corbett and L. O. Corbett are attending St. Louis Fair. -Rev, W. W. Hodgins and wife, of Toledo, Ohio, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hodgins. -Mechan- ics are bnsy at N. H. Pollard's new residence. Calvin Bison has the con- tract for the blinding, and W. H:Mark of Parkhill, is furnishing the material for the wood. work. -Mrs. James R. McIntosh, of Mayne, Neb.'Is here on an extended visit, to old friends and acquaintances. She was formerly Miss Minnie Laurie and left these parts some twelve or fourteen years ago. Her many friends are pleased to see her and wish her it pleasant visit. Mooresville Miss Lizzie Clark, after a two weeks' visit with her mother here, returned to Detroit Saturday. -We are pleased to see Mr. James Miller around after his recent illness. -Mr. and Mrs. Ern- est Simpson, after a week's visit with friends around here, returned to Dut- ton Saturday. -Threshing is all the rage around here now. --John Bloom- field, accompanied by his son, Gordon, visited his son in Thedford on Sunday. Mrs. Thos. A. Gray and son, after a week's visit here with her mother,have returned home. -Wes. Maguire had a be shingling the church shed on the 2nd of McGillivraythis week. -E. 0. Jones lost one of his valued drivers a few days ago. -Mrs. Rich. Webb left Tuesday for the Northwest. -William Smith has rented the farm owned by Geo. Carter. -Patrick Boyle has receiv- ed the self feeder for his threshing ma- chine. It is working fine and is a de- cided improvement on the old way. - Albert Simpson spent Sunday at the lake. -W. H. Bloomfield moved last week to his home in Moorsville. We wish him every success in his new bus- iness. -L. Kelly is confined to the house through illness. SPINE BROKEN. -An appaling acci- dent happened on Lot 5, Con. 14, McGillivray, on Saturday, Aug. 13th, whereby Mr. John F. Doyle, son of Mr. Mathias Doyle, almost lost his life. He was about to throw of load of grain and in attempting to adjust the sling attached to the fork he gave the trip rope a quick jerk which broke it, causing him to overbalance and falling to the barn floor on his head and shoulders, broke his spine. He was removed to his home and medical aid aummoned and at the time it was thought his recovery was impossible, but for the past few days he has shown signs of improvettent and now gives promise to at least it partial re- covery. se, • The ship building program of the British Government for the present year shows that six new battle ships, at a value of $40,000,000 will be built. These ships will be, beyond compari- son, the best vessels of their class afloat. BIRTHS. SIMPSON-In McGillivray, Con. 2, en Aug. 14, to Mr. and Fred Simpson, a son. Env -In Hay, on Aug. 15, to Mr. an& Mrs. John Hey, Jr., it son. SCHRAG -In Zurich, on Aug.16, to Me. and Mrs. Chris, Schrag, a daughter:. Oason-In Hay, on Aug. 12, to Mn, and Mrs. John M. Oesch, a son. DUCHARME-At St. Joseph, on Aug. 1% to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ducharme, a daughter. MARRIAGES. &anoint -Lunar -On Aug. 13, at St. Peter's church, Sauhle line, Hay, by Rev. Father Loiselle, Mr. Win. Bea dour, to Miss Flora Leney, all a Hay. DENOMIE-WooDs-Orl Aug.15, at St. Peter's church, Bauble line, Hay. by Rev. Father Loiselle, Mr. Louis N. Denomie, to Ms, Virginia Woods', all of Hay. ESLER-CA.EL1NG-At Hotel Claren- don, Winnipeg, on Aug. 3, by Rev. Mr. Stewart, Dr. John Eder, of Mil- ton, IN, D, to Miss Rosetta, eldest daughter of Peter Capling, of Blake., MACDONALD-WEETMS. At the resi- dence of the bride's sister, Mrs. if Spackinan, by the Rev. Wm. Mara - in, Mr. Evan Allen MacDonald, af Guelph, to Susie, third daughter of the late Wm. Weekes, of Exeter. POPLESTONE-BrsHoP-At the resi- dence of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Morgan, Thames Road, Usborne, on Aug. 12,, by the Rev. C. Fletcher, 1V1. A., Me. Samuel Poplestone, of Exeter, bo Miss Victoria, youngest daughter of the late Archibald.Bishop,Ex-M.P.P., GILMARTIN-HAYTER-At the residence of the bride's parents, on Aug.18, by Rev. j. Berry, Gilmartin, of Brant- ford, to Miss Alice V., third &mei,- ter of T. N. Hayter, of Greenways , CRANSTON-MARTIN-In °amen Pres- byterian church, Exeter, on August 17, by Rev. W. M. Martin, B.A., as- sisted by Revs. j. A. Cranston, a Collingwood, and 0. Fletcher of Thames Road, Rev. R. A. Cranston, of Cromarty, to Miss Jeanette Munro, eldest da.ughter of Rev. W. M. ane. Mrs. Martin, of Exeter. DEATHS WRIGHT-In Hullett, on Aug. 17, jeer- nie, fifth daughter of John 1Vright, aged 20 years, 7 months and 20 days. SMITHERS-In McGillivray, on Au* 16, Thomas Smithers, aged 61 years, St. Marys, Aug. 21.-R. T, Swales, who was temporarily- acting as night constable, was found dead this morn- ing in the basement of the town hall, When found he was in a sitting pos- ture, with an electric wire cord attach- ed to a lamp he was attempting to reach between his fingers. Evideni22, the shock had killed him. AMMO Our Silent Salesman! di•••111, mxnexamnawroste, These Goods must be Sold as we need the Space • and Money. 6 Food Choppers, regular $1.65 for $1.40 5 (I 4/ CI 1.75 for $1.60 1 meat chopper, with sausage attachraent regular $2,75 for 2.60 1 single bbl 11 (rk A Shot Gun, reg. $7.00, for $5.50 1 double " English " " " 10.00, for 7.50 2 " " " 15.00 for 12.50 1 " " " " 17.00 for 14,00 1 Woodyatt Lawn Hower regular 3,75for 3.00 1 ti 4.00for 3,26 1 Smart's 0" " 4.26for 3.50 1 " 5 ti " 5.50for 4,75 " (This has a 16 in. high wheel) 12 Screen Doors at cost 1 10 -foot Iron gate.... .$5.00 1 12 -foot " — —.ow.. 5.50 1 13 -foot . . . ... . . . 5.75 (complete with hinges and latches) Ileaman's Hardware.