HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-8-11, Page 2NeflanisesereiteriersretnerierifiliMMiellMel
Pails, Wash gains, Milk Pans, &
Any Fie -et -01 otou GrOCOr Oast Suppolly Vou
ralx FILLS.
rzt Fete Cases Of Aaaernia Their
Effects Were so Satisfactory that
Re Will Go on Using Thein,
Dr. Lapponi, whose skill preserved
the life a the late Pepe Leo xra to
the great age ef 92, and to Nvhose
care the heelth of the present Pope.
His Holiness Pius X., is confided,
has written the remarkable letter of
which the followina is a transla-
"I certify that 1 have tried Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills in, our eases of
the simple 'Anaemia of developmeat.
After a few weeks of treatment, the
result time fully up to my mcpecte-
tions. For that reason X shall not
fail In the future to extend. the us'e
of this laudable preparation not on -
in the treatment of other morbid
forms of the category of Anaemia or
Chlorosis, but also M coxes of Neur-
asthenia and the like."
Dr. Gdusgeme Lapponi, Pleyeician to
the Pope, who has written a
letter in praise of Dr. -Wil-
liams' Pink Pills for
Pale People.
It would be impossible to exaggeie
ate the importance of this opinion.
the Lapponi's high official position
places his professional competence
abote question, and it is certain
that he did not write as above witb:-
out weighing his words, or without
a full sense of the eteect his opinion
w maid have.
Tbe "eimple anaemia of 'develop-
ment" referred to by Dr. Lapponi is
of course that tired, languid condi-
tion of young girls whose develop -
tient tp wosnririllood is tardy, and
whose health, at the period of that
development, is so often imperilled.
A g•irl, bright end merry: enough in
childhood, will In her teens grow by
degrees pale end languid. Frequent
headaches, and a sense of mieasieess
sylaich she cannot understand, makes
her miserable. Just when it is time
for her to leave off being- a girl and
become a women—a change which
conies to different individuals at dif-
ferent ages—her development lingers—
why? 73ecause the has too little
blood. That is -what Dr. Lapponi
means when. he speaks, In the scien-
tific lariguege natural to hen of "the
anaemia of development." Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills for Pale People
have the power of making new
bleed. They eure anaemia just as
yd cur eS huirizetr. That is how
ey help growjeg girls, Avila, for
ceata of tit% eie* blood, often drift
listo ehrorele eel -health, or "go into
it deelete"—which means consumption
--end dre. Dr. Williams,' Pills could
rate them,
The value ef Dr. Williams* Pine:
Pills as a nerve tonic, referred to
by Da Lapponi, makes them valua-
ble en men as well as women. They
Fme the nerves through the blood
elates cine deteares like at. Vitus
, n -raigia, paralysis and Loco-
?. r ataeria. When "buying thee
ii Qet
it. is ieeportent to See that the
!en mime Dr. Williams' Pink PiIls
tor Valf, people" is perinted oe the
terepper aim:Intl each box. Neiier
o a substitute, as it is worse
an a we.,.%.e of .31.013.ey--it is a men-
tal to shestith. If you eaneet getthe
Llieuuine fihls from your .dealer write
e Dy. winiatasr Medicine Co„
roclreatle, Ont., and the pills will
he sent you post paid at 50 cents a
box or six boxes fpr $2,50.
NOthers Shaelel Take Their 'laugh -
tees to Market,
Every niother •should frequeetly
take her daughters with her to mar-
ket, and teach them. -what and how
to buy. Beef is beef, bat there is a
great difference in the quality of var-
ious perts of beer, and eveu in the
same parts, depending cm the age
and tateess of the animal. A. butch-
er anl his men sooll diseover whes
ther a customer knewe anything
about what is good and what is poor
meat. Of course they try to dis-
pose of the inferior pieces to those
who seem to think one piece as good
as another, It they see from yoer
looks or words that you are posted
they will rarely offer you poor stuff:
You should understand the ana-
tomy of a beast, how it is divided
and cut up into specific parts, their
names and how to recognize them at
sight. You should first learn what
is a "loin" of beef; next, what part
Xs a "sirloin"; then what part of it
gives the "porter -house steak," and
what the "sirloin steak," and where
the "round steak" comes from, The
'`buttook," the ''fore -ribs," "middle -
ribs," "brisket," etc., are parts thee
are good enough ween they are want-
ed, and everrr housekeeper should be
able to call them by name, and re-
cognize them when seen.
When you can enake a choice of
beef, Which you can always de in a
market, choose that which has a
loose grain, with bright red lean
and yellowish fat, athich is pretty
sure to be ox beef. Good cow beef
has a little limier flesh, with a whit-
ish fat, and meat not quite so red.
The beef of the poorly fed or old
cattle may be recognized by its dark
red color and hard skinny fat, with
more or less horny gristle running
through it.
If you press the lean Meat with
your fingers and the dent rises up
quickly, yon inay know the meat is
from an animal in prime condition;
but if it rises slowly or not at all,
it is safe to leave it for those who
do not know' any better than to
take what offered to them.
Entombed in a grim castle on the
outskirts of Lisbou are some of the
most miserable men on earth. These
are the he:eaten of Portugal's deadly
prisons of silence, In this building
everything that human ingenuity can
Suggest to render the lives of its
prisoners a horrible, maddening tbr-
ture is done. The corridors, piled
tier on tier five storeys high, extend
from a common centre like the spokes
of a huge wheel. The cells are nar-
row—tomb-like--and within each
stands a coffin. The prison garb
is a shi'ohd, The attendants creep
about in. felt slipper. No one Is
allowed to utter a word. The .sil-
enee is that of the' grave. Once a
day the cell doors are unlocked', and
the half a thousand wretches march
out, clothed in shrouds and. with
ram covered by masks„ for it is a
part of this hideous punishment that
none may look upon the countenances
of his fellow -prisoners. Fewof them
endive this torture for more than. ten
At an e,xerninaeion Iry an English
school the teacher was so pleased
with his clasge that he said they
I could ask him, .any question they
liked. Some were asked. and replied
to. Seeing one little fellow in deep
thought, tho teacher asked him for
a question. The boy answered, with
a grave face:— "P -please, sir, if
you was in a soft mud -heap up to
your neck, and I was to throw a
brick at your head, would you
duck?" The answer is not recorded.
.Angry Father—"How dare you
show your face here again?" Persist-
ent Suitor—"Because t could not
leave it at home."
When a girl steps trying to make
yourig 3nart joalinis he may as well
iridi out of the game.
. •
"She is full , el -music."
what a pity elle allows it to escape."
But Still in. the Fashion.
There are now 26,171 total ales
stainers in'the Army in England said
24,000 hi India, .. which, with the
hOnorary, members, eyes a total of
67,804—nearly a quarter .of the total
strength ,of the Army. About one-
third of the recruits sign the pledge
soon. after joiniantg.
The darker the sin, the fairer the
mune the devil will -select for it.
The summer months! are a bad time
for babies, and an anxious time for
Mothers. Perraeritation and decom-
position iti the stomach and beweis
are the cause of the many summer
eoniplabite of babies and young child-
ren. This ie the reasoe why the hot
weather months are more fatal AO
littIe ones than aty other season.
Baby's Oven TabIete should always be
foiled in every home, where there are
young cbildren and their prompt use
during hot weather rae.y save a pre -
claw; little life The tablets cure con-
stipation, diarrhoea., ' and Stomach
troubles, and are guctranteed 'Ls con-
tain o opiate or harmful drug, Mrs.
Walter Ilollins, Sissons Ridge, N,S.,
Saye tieing Baby's cSWn
Tablets my little one cried alms*
continuously with stomech troublea
can truthfully any I never, had any
medicine act No promptly and giye
Wear satiefeetion an the •tablete do,
do not thenk you make eny- etaim
tor then OW their infe will not
aubstiab* be faeleie can W
had from, any inselicino dealer or by
mail from The Da 11/filiame' )1441 -
eine Co., Brockville, Ora.Price 25
ants re box.
It, is an ever new and interesting
store- to hear how ono can be entire-
ly made over by change of food,
''For two years I was troublecl
with what my physician said was the
old fashioned dyepepsia.
"There was nothing I could cat
but .20 or 30 minutes later I would
be spitting my food upin quantities
until I would- be very faint and
weak. This went on from day to
dav until I was terribly wasted and
without any prospects of being
"One day I was advised by an old
lady' to try Grape -Nuts and cream
leaving off all fatty food. I had no
confidence that Grape -Nuts would do
all she said for me as I had tried
so inaty things without any help.
But it was so simple 1 thought I
would give it a trial, she insisted
'Well I ate seine for breakfast and
pretty soon the lady called to see
her 'patient' as she called me and
asked if I had tried her advice.
" 'Glad you did child, do you feel
some better?'
" 'No.' I said, 'I do not know as
I do, the only differetice I eau see is
I have no sour stomach and come to
think of it 1 haveint spit up your
fotu• leaspooes of Grape -Nuts yet.'
"Nor dM 1 ever have atter trouble
with Grape -Nuts then or any other
time for this food always etessee
cloefii and my idol/lath digests it
peefeetly; I Soon got strong atel well
au and Woe that eld lady every
Wive T. see her,
"Orieo• ea invalid 01 08 pounds
eow weigl1/4 125 pounds arid feel
etrong and weltend it is dee etttiree
and only to litening found the
people.' toed irt. GeepestIrutte' Neeee
glare by Postern 0o., Bettie Creek,
Get the little book "The Road to
Wallertte" in- Mak Pedknge..
T. PC. Relyea Postmaster of Lower
Windsor, NB., ndorses an
Opinicin Popular in all parts of
Lower Windsor, Carlton Co., N.B.,
Aug. 8.—(Special)—T. 11 13elyea,
postmaster here, has come out with
an emphatic statement that is heart-
ily endorsed by the great majority. of
People of this (Varlet.
"I believe," says the postmaster,
"that Docld's Kidney Pills are the
right medicine for Kidney Trouble
and will •do all that is claimed for
th?,nIebeiti been
bothered with Kidney
Trouble for years and tried several
kinds of plasters and other ineclie
oleos but did not get much lasting
beeefit. • Then I tried Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills and would say they seem
to have made a complete cure as I
feel as well as over I did."
There are eunierous people prepared
to make statements like that of
Pestmaeter Belyea, but the case of
ICideey Disease that Dodd's Kidney
Pins will not cure has yet to be
One Tennessee innkeeper described
his establishment as "not the larg-
est hotel in the burg; not newly fur.,
fleshed throughout; no free 'bus to
trains; not the best grub the xisra•ket.
affords; but simply clean beds and
good food, n?wenty-flve eents
sleep, twenty-five cents en eat.
Toothpieke and ice -water thrown in.
Try us! Pay up! And if not satis-
fied, keep mum."
The Friend --"Why do you call thesir
verses 'Poems of Travel'?" The
Poet (Sadly)—"Because they have
been travelling round for the last
fire years!"
A Clear Healthy Skin.. --Eruptions of
the skin and the blotches 'which blemish
beauty are the result of iinp-ure blood
caused by unhealthy action al the liver
and kidneys. In correcting this un-
healthy action and restoring the or-
gans to their normal condition, Parme-
lee's Vegetable Pills will at the same
time cleanse the blood, and the blotch-
es and eruptions will disappear without
leaving any trace.
Prayer for others leads to care far
Mines Liniment Cum .„ Einhihetia,
"When we do not spend our mon-
ey," says an old gentlqrnan, "we are
economical; , whoa other *people do
tot spend their anoney, they are
stingy." - • ,
Very rnanY Persons die annually from
cholera, and kindred summer complaints'.
who might have been saved if proper
remedies lia.clrbeen. used- If attacked do
not delay on getting a bottle of Dr.
J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial, the
ineilicine that neversfeils to effect a
'cure. Those who have used it say it
acts promptly, and thoroughly subdues
the pain and disease.
Miss Mark—"Does she patronize
bargain sales?" Mrs. Down—"Does
she not? Why she would buy eggs
at one.".
C. 0, RICHARDS de CO.,
Dees Sirs —1 have used KINARD'S
LINIMENT in my stable for over a,
year and consider it the very best
for horseflesh I can get and strong-
ly recommend it.
Livery Stables, Quebec.
--- A
Secrets Revealed by Recent' Exca-
Women used to lose their hairpins
a thousand years ago much in the
same way as they do to -day. That,
at least, is the impression one gets
from the antiquities found during
ltasitleyear at the Silchester excava-
ieThe most interesting discovery was
the building whIch formed -apparent-
ly the principal baths of the Roman
town. The exploration of the baths
yielded a number of arclitteetural
fragments, including a small altar,
portions of capitals and bases, part
of a large basin of Purbeck marble,
and some singular pieces of metal.
In a filled -up hypocaust were found
at least 100 bone pins, which had
evidently been used to adjust the
back hair of Roman women who
used the baths. Probably they had
been dropped—in the Way woman
throughout the ages has shed pins,
and were collected by the keeper of
the baths. Some of them are quite
three Males long, and would make
pa' sable hatpins for the present fash-
:A. pair of gold eatrings with uncut
grew gems are so bright that they
look 8$ if they might have just come
olit of a jeweler's shop in Bond
• In the antient cathedral of Genoa
a wee of irernenee value has been
preserved for 600 years. It is cut
from a tangle emerald. Its princi-
pal diarneter is 12ein. and VA height
Sein. It is kept under several locks,
the keys Of which are in different
hands, and it is rarely exhibited in
then only by at order of the
(debate. Wen shown to the public
it is efeePened round the neck of a
Prieet he' a tort), and no one else is
allowieto touch it, A decree pass-
ed in 1476 forbid' fenyete goteg too
Yeear tli, neicioue relic,
'' Pure soap r You've heard
the _word; In Sunlight
S o a p-3,have the fact.
5 ,
cap R.X.DucE9
Ask for the Octagon Oar.
"lioctor," said the beautiful ioung
woman wbo had become the wife of
a rich olcl man, 'tell me the worst.
I will be brave and try to bear it,"
Leading her gently Irons her suffer-
ing hueband's bedside, the doctor
answered:— 'Nerve yain•sele than,
for a torrihie shock. He's going to
get well."
At Neuhausl, in Hungary, the po-
lice have struck work on the ground
that their number is not sufficient,
their pay too small and the superin-
tendent too exacting,
Dr. Salim Lem Strom, a Gorman
scientist, seers that by means of elec-
trieity it Is possible to force freit
and vegetables to twice their ordin-
ary size,
No man ever thieks a woman talks
.loo meths -for a woman,.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
-3)31 local applications, as they cannot
'reach the diseased portion of the ear.
Them in only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional /*medics,
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con-
dition of the mucous lining of the
tahian Tube. When this tube is in-
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is en-
tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and
unless t'le infla.mmaticus can be taken
out and this tulle restored to its norm-
al condition, hearing will be destroyed
Lot -ever; nine cases out of ten are caus-
ed Catarrh, which is nothing . but
au inflamed condition of the mucous
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by cat-
arrh) that cannot be eared by Hall's
Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free.
F. J. CliFWVILY -8c CO., Toledo; 0.
Solci by all Druggists, '75c •
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti-
"The bride nearly fainted during
tqae ceremony, and had to be sup-
ported by her father until it was
over." "Yes, and now I hear her
father is supporting both of them."
,Use Lever's Dry Soap (a powder)
to wash woolens and flannels,—
you'll like it.
Success at the price of the soul
is failure.
111 etting boots and shoes cause
corns. Holloway's Corn Cure is the
article to use. Get a bottle at once
and cure your corns.
"There isn't very much to eat,"
said the ,E,slchno hostess, as she
handed a candle to each. guest, "just
light refreshments."
For Over Sixty Years
Mts. Wrssi.crw's SOOTHING STOW has been usid
inlilions of mothers for their children 'While teething.
Itsoothes the child, softens the gums. aiotys pain, sures
whid colio, regal atee the st 0111sch tod bores, and is the
bestretnedy for Mershon. l'irenty-fne cents a bottle
Sold tirdruggiate throughout the world. Be sure and
est tor " glue. lirishLow's400raisa Stater." 22-04
Even when a woman knows her
husband is lying sthe keeps right on
asking questions.
It Retains Old and Makes New
Friends.—Timp was when Dr. Thomas'
If:electric Oil had but a ,small eld of
distribution, but now its territoryis
widespread. Those who first recognized
its curative qualities still value it as a
specLdc, and while it retains its old
friends it is ever making new, It is
certain that whoever once uses it will
not be .without it.
"gve cured ;my next-door neigh-
bor .of borrowing our lawn -mower."
"How did you manage it?" "Every
time he did it I sent and borrowed
his bicycle."
Delegates to the Medical Amnia-
tion at Vancouver can return
through San Franoisco, Los Angeles,
Salt Lake City, Denyer wid the
"World's Pair," St. Louis by per-
chasirig tickets sold to San Frencis-
ar, account ICnights Templar ineet.
Tickets on sale fermi August 15th
to September rith, good for return
until October 28rd, with stopover
privileges in each slirection. This
is an open rate to the public, as
tickets are not sold on the certifi-
cate plan. The rate from Toronto
will be $70.Za Correspondingly low
rates frona other points. Tickets
can be purchased going via Vancou-
ver, returning thrOtiel abOtni cities,
orBvykwerviteirnsga. II, F. Carter, Travel-
ing Passenger Agent, Union Pacific
Railroad, 1e Janes Duileling, Toron-
to, Ont., he will give you full infor-
"What a change this is," said the
angry Mrs, Dressington, "from the
days when you used to call me your
'pensive little darling'!" "Yes, my
dear," said her husband, glancing
again at the dressmaker's hill,' "brit
in those days the QX wag an un-
known quantity!"
•Oefd 1)trrywIter,). tbert41
Potatoes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Apple,s
Let us have your consignment of any of those articles and we will
get you good primes.
THE DAWSON colvimissiolsk 03, Limit
Oor. Wast Market and Claiborne tits., TORONYO.
WM Dry In 3 Houre•
On Sals at all Hardacre Doatert.
P , Dops & 00., Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver.
Attractions for Sportsmen on the
Line of the Grand Trunk.
The Grand Trunk Railway Conapany
lies issued a handSonee publication,
profusely illustrated with half -tone
engravings, descriptive of the rnany
attractive localities for sportsmen on
their line of railway. Many of the
regions reached by the Grand Trunk
seem to lia.ve been sPecially prepared
for the delectation of mankind, and
where for a brief period the cares of
business aro cast aside and life is
given up to enjoyment. Not only do
the "Highlands of Ontario" present
unrivalled incilitlee for both hunting,
fishing and camping, but the so,00ef
tsituid,s of the Georgian Day, Thou --
send Islands and St. Lawrence Riv-
er, Rideau River and Lakes, Lake St.
John, and the many attractive lo-
calities in Maine and New Hartiga
shire, present equal opportunities for
health, pleasure and sport. All these
localities aro reached by the Grand
Trunk Railway System, and on
trains unequalled on the continent.
Abstracts of Ontario, Michigan, Que-
bec, New Hampshire and Maine esh
and game laws aro inserted in the
publication for the guidance of
sportsmen. The Grand Trunk Rail-
way has also issued descriptive il-
lustrated matter for each district sep-
arately, which are sent free On ap-
plication to the agents of the Com-
pany and to Mr. 3. D. McDonald,
District Passenger Agent, G. T. R.,
Union Station, 'Toronto.
Householder—"No, I cannot give
you meat. We are all vegetarians
here." Trainp—"Eh? What about
your bulldog, inuna?" •
IT your children are troubled with
W01111S, give them Mother Graves' Worm
Illsterminator; safe, sure and effectual.
Try it, and mark the improvement ,lo
your child.
"Why did you marry me?" he
asked. "Because I wanted you to
have a mother -in --law," she replied
tillaard's. Liniment iures Gelds, etc,
Madge—"Physical culture is splen-
did. I'm taking beauty exercises."
Marjorie—"You haven't been taking
them long, -have you'?"
Ile There a Will Wisdom Points the
Way.—The sick man pines lor relief, but
he dislikes melees for the doctor, ,which
Means bottles drugs never consumed.
Ile has not the resolutien to load
stoinuch, with compounds which smell
villainously and taste worse. But if he
have the will to deal hireself with his
aliment, wisdom will direct his attention
to Parraelee's Vegetable Pills, *bah, as
a specific for indigeation and disorders
Of the digestive organs, have no squat.
A man who parte his hair in the
middle is apt to hide under the bed
when his wife goes downstairs to in-
terview burglars.
liked CUM ilistemput
$50,000 FOP. A GOWN,
'The richest aed moat expeesive
dress in the world is new on exhibi-
tion at the great World's Fair at
St. Louie. 'Phis gown cost $50,000
and has been coneidered the most
wonderful creation of the Parisian
dressmaker's art. It wag Made for
the fatuous Empress jogephine, who,
in the height Of her popUlarity, was
perhaps the most beatitifel women
in the world, The gown, weighs 75
lb. gad ha e a train 15 feet long. It
Is Made oi the heaviest and richest
velvet of the thoicest reanufaeture,
aud is bordeired with ermine that
eget a smell fort:Lille. The skirt,
bodice, and train etc etudded With
hand -worked golden heee, eynibolie
of the Napoleonic, dynasty. 'Iltisteful-
ly Worlsed into the gowu tua eatery
costie jewels.
Richelieu & Ontario
Stew:Jeers leave 3 p.m, daily, from
Toronto, for Charlotte, Port ok
Rochester, Kingston, ,1,000 Islands
Points, -Brockville, Rapids St. Law-
rence, Montreal, Quebec, Murray Bays
Tadouscie, Saguenay River.
Steamers leave Hamilton 1 p.m..
Toronto 7.30 p.m., Tuesdays, Thum -
days and Sett/relays, lases of Quinte
Points, Montreal interInediate ports..
Further juror/nate= apply to R. &
0. agents, or write IL Foster Chaffee,
Western Passenger Agent., TorOxito.
Works well both op
stacks and In barns,
unloads all kinds at
flay and grain either
loose orin sheaves.
Bend forcatalogno te
LT. BUCHANAN & CO., Ingersoll, Ont
The picturesque Road of Anthracite
invites your consideration -of it's
summer programme. All tickets are
geed for 15 days and rates named
are from Buffalo,
July 18th, Atlantic City & Cape
May, $10.00.
August let and 25th Atlantic City
& Cape May, $10.00
Stop over at Philadelphia, Through
August 8th, New York and Colley
Island, $9.00. Five vestibuled Len-
ited trains.
Just the time foe merchants to get
first choice; just the time to best
enjoy the seashore.
Full particulars from Fred P. Fax,
10.P.A., Buffalo, N. Y.
If many a so-called great man
could come back to earth and glance
over his oven biography, undoubted-
ly it would surprise him more. than
anyone else.
A Wide Sphere of Usefulness —The
consumption of Dr. Thomas' cleetric
'Oil has grown to greedt Itiroportione.
Notwitlistandifig" the fact that it has
now been on the market for over thir-
ty-one years, its prosperity is as great
as ever, and the demth
and ior it ,j,n at
period 'has •very greatly increased. It
is beneficial in all couutries, and Wher-
ever Introduced fresh supplies are con-
stantly asked for,
"The doctor has ordered me to
take plenty of exercise." "That's
easy. just wear a straw hat when
you go out on windy days."
MIMS 1.111111n 1 MN Caroni ID CM,
Doctor—Now, my little boy, de-
scribe your sYmPtoille-,
Tonnny—I ain't got rio sYMPtems'
I've got a, headaelio in my etotnech,
VIThooppirtg Cotigh
The carkliele Mem to catch ebeeeiele
cough easily in tee steamer tbiae when is
O always to meals herder to got tid'at.
will eine theei weekly,. -There is no
inferior/0411'u fit it and it is pleasant
to pike.
eta drettlibs, 45a, 800, Ingle/AO a batia