HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-8-11, Page 1EIGHTEENTH YEAR.
(New Reading ¥ettor •appears in this space each woole.)
Shareholders' Dividend.
Notice is hereby given that a• dividend of
one and one-quarter (Wpm cent; for the cur
sella quarter ending 31st July, being at the'
rate of five (5) per cent. per annum, on the
paid-up capital stock of this baulk, has been
Alteclared and that the seine will be payable
at the head office and at any of the branches
on and after Tuesday, August 16th next.
Branches in Huron County at:-
)rlladnian & Staiebury, F. E. Earn,
Solicitors Manager, Exeter
37 pieces New Wrapperettes to sell
at 8, 10, 12 1-2 cents.
35 pieces New Dress Goods to sell at
50, 75, 1.00, 1.25.
126 pairs Lace Curtains to sell at 25,
35, 50, etc. up to 1.95.
89 pieces of Flannelettes to sell at 5,
6, 7, 8 1-3, 9, 10, and 12 1-2.
Get some of our Silverware by dealing with us.
Free Gifts in Silverware to Our Customers.
1J UM. Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners.
Solicitors for Molsons Bantt,•etc.
Mb ey to Loan at lowest rates of interest.
Aa Offices, Main street, Exeter,
I, R. ' wire, B.A., L, H. Mimeos
We have a large amount of private funds to loan
on farm and village properties at low rates of inter-
Barristers, Solicitors,Main et.. Exeter Ont
Organist and Choir Master of the Trivitt Memorial
Church. Teacher -Piano, Organ, Voice, Harmony.
Modern methods. Thoroue-hness
Priyate funds to loan on farm and village pro-
perty at lowest rates of interest.
Accounts collected,
OFTIOE-Main Street, Exeter.
CC Public Notice is hereby given that I will not be
responsible for any debt or debts contracted by my
wife or any other person.
Dated Aug. lyd,1004. GEO. HARTON,
Sale Register.
Monday, Aug. 15. -House and Lot and Household
Effects, Etc., the property of Samuel Halls, Elim.
vibe. ale at i; o'clock. H. Brown, Auct,
Dr. Ovens, of London,
Office: -Commercial Hotel.
Dates of Visits-WEDNESDAS,
July 27, SeptembYer 7,
October 5, November 2, November 30.
London Office; -225 Queens Ave.
Thames Road
Rev. Dr. A. B. Meldrum, of Cleve-
land, Ohio, has been the guest of Rev.
O. and Mrs. Fletcher at the manse for
two weeks. The Doctor occupied the
pulpit of the Thames Road church on
Sunday, He delivered an able sermon
to a large _congregation and delighted
his many old friends who were pleased
to have an opportunity to bear him
preach once more.
E. Speare,after a pleasant visit with
his brotber, Joseph, has returned to
his home in London. -Mrs. (Dr.) .Har-
rison, of Detroit, and Ray Fenson. of
Peter, visited one day last week with
their cousin, Mrs. J. Speare and oth-
rs.--Miss Nettie Bader is on a visit
o Seaforth friends. -Mrs. M. McKaig
till continues very ill. Miss Maggie
'Karg is also an the sick list. Their
any friends wish them a speedy re-
overy.--Mr. A. Wright, after an ab-
encs of several months in Manitoba,
as returned home again. He reports
plea ant trip and great prospects of
rood tunes out there, as crops are look
ng well. --Messrs. George and Norman
Eiamilton, of Ualt,are visitors in town.
-Theca,any friends of Vrn. Dinnin
villur orry to learn of his illness.
We hope to soon see`. him restored to
;ood health. -Scott McLaren has the
nick on his premises for the erection
--If a new house. Scott intends to have
ots of comfort this winter,
W. C. T. U. Notes.
-The next regular meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. Blasdell on
Wednesday, Aug. 17th. All members
are specially requested to be present.
Council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment at Town Hall, August 6th. Ab-
sent Councillor Muir. Minutes of
previous meeting read and confirmed.
Wood--Armstrong-that the following
accounts be passed and orders drawn on
Treasurer for same: -Sun Oil Co.; gas-
oline, $10.83; H. Parsons, street water-
ing to July 30, $24• C. B. Snell, electric
light to Aug. 1, $98.76; Harvey Bros.,
coal for grader, $6.50; Jas. Willis, labor
at cemetery $28.50; Geo. Cudmore, la-
bor, $2; J. Ford, salary, $27; W. J. Bis-
sett, charity Mrs. Delve, $8. --Carried.
Armstrong -Wood -that F. W. Glad -
man, T. B. Carling, Hugh Spackman,
with the Reeve and Councillor Taylor
be appointed a committee to interview
Mr, Gold regarding arrangements for
a tack factory. -Carried. Taylor -
Armstrong -that the ratepayers, re-
siding north of the river, having sub-
scribed the sum of $225 in lieu of a
frontage tax for the construction of a
granolithic sidewalk, on the west side
of Main street from the Lake Road
south, to the board walk leading to
the bridge, they deem it expedient to
build said walk and that the clerk be
instructed to advertise for tenders for
said work, -Carried. Taylor -Arm-
strong -that the street commissioner
be instructed to trim the trees in front
of G. H. Bissett's residence, using his
own judgment in the matter. -Carried.
Council adjourned to meet at call of
G. H. Bissett, Clerk.
On Friday last Misses Halibel and
Gertrude Shute left for Grand Bend
to spend a week with their aunt, Mrs.
Wm. Bowman. -Mr. A. H. Doupe has
put up a cement silo, a company from
Mitchell having the ' contract. -Mr.
John. Hannah returned home 'a few
days ago with a new separator.'It has
all the latest improvements, self feed-
er and wind stacker. It was manufac-
tured in Stratford and they have the
reputation of being the hest that come
into this district. -Mrs. Austin Callen-
der and daughters, Misses Mary and
Grace, who have been on a visit at
the home of Mr. Irvine, have returned
to their home in Iowa. -Mr. and Mrs.
Henderson, of Toronto, ' were visitors
at the home of the latter's father, Jas.
Watson, 3rd line, for a few days dur-
ing the week.
Only a Mask.
Many are not being benefited by the
summer vacation as they should be.
Now, notwithstanding much outdoor
life, they are little if any stronger than
they were. The tan on their faces is
darker and makes them look healthier
but it is only a mask. They are still
nervous, easily tired, upset by trifles
and they do hot eat nor sleep well.
What they need is what tones the
nerves, perfects digestion, creates ap-
petite, and makes sleep refreshing, and
that is Hood's Sarsaparilla. Pupils and
teachers generally will find, the chief
purpose of the vacation best subserved
by this great medicine which, as we
know, " builds up the whole system."
Next Week.
Following our usual custom
and also that of country week-
lies generally, the..Anv'ooe.Tn
staff will next week take their
.. annual holidays, consequently.
there will be no paper issued_
next week. The office, hew-
., ever, will be kept open for the
transaction of business and the
reception of dollars from both
new and delinquent subscrib-
- ers. Correspondents will gov-
ern themselves accordingly.
Mr, Sam'l Stat,nlake continues quite
ill.-Wut, Oarrick has gone back near
the lake to assist H. Isaac in harvest -
me. -A number went from Sodom and
vicinity to visit the "Invisible Oily,"
St. Joseph, ou Sunday. -Wen. Issas
and wife visited at H. Isaac's on Sun-
day.--Jabe Stacey is again on the road
with his threshing ontflt,-Fred Green
has his barn ready to receive the crop.
although the basement is not yetcom-
J. G. Jones and family and C. God -
bolt and family returned home from
the Bend on Monday. -Frank Duffle
and Miss Blanch Rook and Mr. and
Mrs. T. Wheeler spent. Sunday at
Grand Bend.-Thesound of the thresh-
er's whistle is heard once more. --The.
company's machine is at work and do-
ing good work. -Miss Pearl Sgnires,
of St. Marys -was the guest of the Miss-
es Godbolt over Sunday. -Jesse Del -
bridge and little daughter left last
week for their home in 1:lamiota, after
spendinga month visiting friends here.
Mr. Rogers, of Fullerton, was the guest
of Miss Clements on Sunday. -All are
anxious to see the new school teacher.
We understand she comes from Owen
Sound. Some of the children niay
see her soon enough.
The economic Thresher Oo., have be-
gan operations for the season. John
Westlake is operating the machine. -
Rev. J. A. Turnbull and his daughter,
Miss Elsie, who have been spending
the vacation with friends here, retun-
ed to their home in Torontolast week.
-Miss Helen Monteith, who had her
face badly cut in a runaway last week
is doing nicely. --The Paterson, Whele-
han & Ellis Co., of St. Marys, are put-
ting in three new cement bridges in
vicinity. These structures are
permanent and the Council is to be
praised for having these jobs done in
such a way. -D. McDean has erected
a fine new stable and drive house for
Beavers Bros. It is a splendid build-
ing and a credit to the owners. -W.
Kay has sold a number of fine horses
and has realized a good figure for
Miss Olive Quance, of Exeter, who
was visiting the Misses Hartleib here
for several days last week, left for her
home on Friday. -Mr. and Mrs, Jacob
Kellerman entertained visitors from
Berlin last week. Mr. Henry Willert
shipped a carload of lambs to Buffalo
on Friday. -Messrs. Guenther and
Willis are having a feederput on their
machine. -Miss Laura Goetz, who has
been in Detroit for some time return-
ed home Friday evening. On the Same
evening Miss Annie Goetz, of Linwood,
came to pay the Goetz family a visit.
They picnicked at Grand Bend Tues-
day. -Several from here attended the
Children's Day services on the 14th.
concession on Sunday. They report a,
pleasant. -Miss Lizzie Bender and her
sister, Miss Tena, of Sarnia, are visit-
ing their parents here. -Peter Mclsaac
has bad cement laid from the sidewalk -
to his building; also a cement step
which greatly iinprovesthe appearance
of his building. The work was done
by Mr. John Bender, who is a master
hand at cement building.-Areat
many people came to see Mr. Henry
Callfes' feeder, which he started Tues-
day morning at George Kellerman's.
All seemed well satisfied that the ma-
chine was a grand success, doing its
work to perfection without a single
Miss Sara Shank, of Detroit,is home
on a visit to relatives. -Miss Ethel Bee,
of Parkhill, was the guest of Mrs. A.
Glendenning last week, -Miss Lottie
Eagleson is visiting her aunt, Mrs.
Hotson. Her little brother, Robert,
had his foot hurt by a horse stepping
on .it. -Mrs. Dan McGregor and child-
ren, of Detroit, are visiting relatives
here. -Miss Ethel Wilson, daughter of
the Iate Seines Wilson, was married in
London to Mr. John Digman, of Fern-
hill, on Aug.3. We extend congratula-
tions. -Howard Hill is visiting his aunt
Mrs. Jas: Wallis. -Ernest Jennings
and cousin, from California, called on
friends here the other evenin.-Rev.
J. A. Agnow, after a six weeks'pastor-
ate here, left on Monday for London.
He preached a very interesting and in-
structive sermon on Sabbath last, tak-
ing his text from Hebrews, chapter 12,
verse 1. -Mr. Agnew's heart is in his
work and we predict a successful min-
isterial life for him. The pastor and
his bride are expected this (Thursday)
evening, when the young people of the
circuit will give then a reception in
the Methodist church.
DEATH. -Death visited our village
on Thursday and took Willie, the
youngest child of Mr, and Mrs, Henry
Eggert, to his last home. The little
one had been ill with inflammation for
several day and suffered severely. The
funeral was conducted by Rev. Clem-
ens, of Dashwood, from the Boston
Methodist church, the remains being
laid to rest in the Parkhill cemetery.
His parents, sister and brother have
thesyrnpatby of the neighborhood in
their sorrow.
Grand Bend Sports,
The annual sports of the campers
took place on Friday, Aug. 5th. As in.
other years it was proposed to have
water sports consisting of swimming,
wading, boating, etc., in the morning,
but on account of the roughness of the
lake the aquatic program had to be
postponed to a later date. At 2 p.m.
a large crowd gathered on the recrea-
tion grounds to enjoy the land sports
which this year were unusually .inter-
esting under the management of Thos.
Boyle, of Exeter, starter; Messrs. Gray
and MoHarg, of London, Judges; and
James Grieve, of Exeter, official scor-
er. The following is a list of the events
and winners: -
Boys' race, 25 yards -Gordon Kirk,
Kivkton; Willie Anderson, Kirkton.
Girls' race, 25 yards -M. Heywood,
Exeter; M. Huston, Exeter,
Boys' race, 50 yards, 12 and under. -•.-
A. Anderson, Kirkton; R. Elliott, Nor-
Girls' race, 50 yards, 12 and under. -
G. Freeland, London; I. Gray, London,
Boys' race, 100 yards, under 16.-0.
McSarg, London; Neil McOriminon,
Ladiesnd' race. -•S. Marshall, London;
J. Mc0rimmon, London.
•Men's race, 100 yards, W, Davidson,
Stratford; A. Hayhow, Stratford.
'Fat man's race. -W. H. Tovell, St.
Marys; T, B. Carling, Exeter.
Needle and thread race, 50 yards -G.
W. Hosting, Parkhill; W. H. Trovell.
Hurdle race, -H. Laughton, Park-
hill; A. Hayhow.
Button sewing. -G. W. /lasting, S.
Jones, London.
Married Ladies' race, 50 yards. -Mrs.
Gundy, Toronto; Mrs. Hosting, Park-
Three-legged race.-Hayhow and
Farror, Davidson and Wood, Strat-
Hop, step and jump. -Mr. Brown,
Allem Craig, 40 feet 7 in.; H. V. Laugh-
ton, Parkhill, 36 feet.
Wheel Barrow race.-Hayhow and
Neal, Davidson and Ward.
Running jump. -Mr. Brown, 17 ft.,
10 in.; H. Laughton, 16 ft., 2 in.
Tug of war, Capt. Wright's,.(Strath-
roy) team, MoHarg's team, London.
Won by Capt. Wright two straight
pulls. '
PARADE. -A grane masquerade par-
ade of Major Malone's (Strathroy) raw
recruits to the number of about 25
took place in the evening at 7.30
o'clock, led by the gallant Major in
person, astride a quadruped of the
Missouri type, noted for the shortness
of his ears and the length hf his tail.
The first officer under the/valiant Ma-
jor was an old t eterztn, nce other than
the redoubtable Captain Wright, who
seated: upon a pony, two atone lighter
than himself, was dressed .as. a female
of the semi -civilized Fiji Island varie-
ty of humanity, and looked the pic-
ture of womanly fearlessness and in-
trepidity. Sergeant Gray (London)
was commander-on-foot'of the com-
pany. The privates were a noble'look-
ing band dressed in all manner of cos-
tumes and composed of picked men
from the district lying between Mani-
toulin Island and the river Don. Their
firearms were of the variety called
multitudinous and -heterogeneous. In
this style the regiment marched in
and about the park and through the
village of Grand Bend, here and there
stopping to give an exhibition of the
proficiency of their drill, which by the
way, was highly complimented by the
spectators. The only unfortunate fea-
ture of the parade was the event by
which the Major was placed 'mule' -de-
s combat,
`combat, although he was not seriously
Later in the evening a grand display
of fireworks was given under the man-
agement of Messrs. McHarg and A. E.
Smith, of London.
The Campers vs. Y.M.O.A., of Strat-
ford played an interesting game of la-
crosse on Thursday last. Score 2-1 in
favor of the latter team. Jas. Grieve
The attendance at Grand Bend Re-
sort is this week conservatively esti-
mated to be 1500 campers.
Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Faust have as a
guest their daughter, Mrs. W. Fink-
beiner, of Milverton. - Miss Mabel
Hardy, of Exeter, was the guest of
Miss Ethel Williams last week. -Mr.
Bender has the masons employed do-
ing the brickwork on his new resi-
dence. -Mr. Wm. Eilber, of Newark,
N. Y., Miss Dora Wentzel and Mrs. F.
Dawley, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs.
J. F. Eilber, of Crediton, spent Tues-
day of last week in the village, the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. 0. Eilber.-Mr.
Fred Rickbeil intends going to the
Northwest in the near future. He has
for years been anemploye of J. Preet-
er.-We are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs.
Schafer who moved to Hensen last
week.-Mr.McDonald,' of Parkhill, has
purchased the 80 -acre farm of Joseph
Smith, on the Bronson line, and takes
possession in the fall. Mr. Smith is
going.to the Northwest on a prospect-
ing trip. -An operation was perfortn-
ed on the little son of Andrew Mittle-
haltz last week and about a pint of
matter was taken from the lining' of
the little lad's lungs. He is5,,doing
nicely. -Because of the absence of two
of the county's license commissioners
the licenses were not in the hands of
our hotelkeepers on August let, at the
expiration of the three month's exten-
sion from May 1st, The bars were
consequently closed part of the day,
but as Mr. Douglas, one of the com-
missioners, returned the previous Sat-
urday a meeting was held in Seaforth
on the 1st and the licenses issued and
desppatched here the same day.
VOTERS' LIST. --The Voters' List for
the Township of Hay has just been is-
sued and we take the following statis-
tics from it: Number of persons entit-
led to vote for membere of the Legis-
lative Assembly 856; number Of per-
sons entitled to vote at Municipal elec.
tions 026; number entitled to act as
jurors on the list 495.
We have a complete assort -
menu of the finest Cut Glass
articles, ranging in price from 50c. to_..
825 a piece.
Our Stock is acknowledged
to be one of the Finest west of Toronto
S. FI i TON .
Rcisseld ale
SUDDEN DEATu.--The old, the young
and the midie aged alike form the har-
vest of the insatiate reaper, Death.
We are called upon this week to re-
cord the death of , a loving wife and
mother in the person of Elizabeth A.,
beloved wife of Alexander Fraser, of
S. T. road. Deceased had been suffer-
ing from heart trouble for some time,-
ime;but appeared to be in her usual health.
On Monday evening she retired
but at 1 a.m. her spirit had taken
flight. She was aged 56 years,1 month
and 2 days and leaves a husband, two
sons and one daughter to mourn her
Messrs. Wuerth, Haist & Co. have
engaged a large number of Indians
from Munceytown to work in the flax.
They appear to be a respectable lot. -
Miss Myrtle Clark has returned from
Dutton, where she has has been visit-
ing her friend, Miss Lilian Dowswell.
-Messrs. Dan Sweitzer and J. H.
Holtzman are having their dwellings
repainted. Our painter, Mr. Amos,
has the contract and is doing a good
work. -An Eilber picnic was held itt
Grand Bend last Wednesday. -The
Misses Siebert, of Plattsville, are visit-
ing their aunt, Mrs. ,Samuel Brown. -
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kestle and fam-
ily, of London, were in the village last.
week visiting friends. -Miss Elliott, 'of
Exeter, was the guest of Miss Ada
Kiengle last Sunday. -Mrs. Harry
Dyer, Mrs. Oscar Hodgins and Miss
Mercy Sweet, of Detroit, are visiting
relatives in the village. -Miss Lizzie
Eilber, is visiting her brother, Chris.
Eilber, of Zurich, this week. -The
Misses Orismore and Bennett, of Pan-
dora and Finlay, Ohio, respectively,
are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Morlock.-Richard Handford has been
drawing gravel this weekfor the main
street through the village. -Will Eil-
ber, of Newark, Ohio, and Master
Charles Wind, of Detroit, returned to
their respective homes last. week, after
visiting their parents here . for a few
weeks. -Chas. Zwicker has bought a
parrot and is kept busy teaching Polly
to talk. -We learn with regret, that
Miss Edith Robson, of Clinton, who
has been teaching in one of the rooms
of our school the past two years, has
been obliged to resign, owing to ill
health. Miss Robson was a great fav-
orite with all the pupils and those who
had the pleasure of making her ac-
quaintance. We hope she will soon
regain her former health. -Miss North-
cott, of Exeter, is visiting Miss Mary
Rader this week. -Our barber is paint-
ing his shop and dwelling, which adds
greatly to its appearance. He has
done the work himself and deserves
praise for his neat work. -Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. L. Lewis left for Granton
Wednesday for a short visit, after
which they will leave for their home
in South River. -Our boys went to
Exeter and played a game of football
on Tuesday evening. Score 2 to 0 in
favor of Crediton. -Mrs. Thompson
returned to her home in Ingersoll, af-
ter visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. S.
Chisholm, for some time. -A song
service was held in the. Methodist.
church on Sunday evening. The choir
rendered several fine anthems. Mrs.
Chisholm sang a beautiful solo "Plains
of Peace." -The band boys will give
another bend concert on Daniel Sweit-
zer's lawn to -morrow (Friday) evening.
Everybody welcome.
Khiva .
J.Hoit and wife, of Chicago, former-
ly of this place, paid friends here) it
flying vinic on Thursday of last week.
-Miss Nellie McCaffery and sister, of
Dutton, were visitors at the home of.
Mr. Patrick Sullivan over Sunday. -
Miss Ernnia Cunningham is visit ng
her au n t, Mrs. Yager, at Exeter.- Wm.
Parsons, of Centralia, is around look-
ing after the apple crop. He is paying
the highest price. -Mrs. Kenney and
sister returned home to Detroit on
Saturday after spending a couple of
weeks with their parents here. -Angus
McDonald and daughter, Miss Mary,
were visiting at Bornish for a couple
of days during the week. -David Lip-
perd sports a new bike. He visited
friends in Seberingville on Sunday. -
Miss Mary Querin is home waiting on
her mother, who had the misfortune
to sprain her shoulder a few days ago.
-Miss Katie Currie is able to be out
axound again after her recent illness.
-Mr. John Lipperd, had the misfor-
tune to lose bis valuable hound. The
animal in some way got covered np in
a straw stack at Mr. Hoist's threshing.
GEE -In Seaforth, on Aug. 3, oto Mr.
and Mrs. James Gee, a son.
BoYCE-At Blake, on July 27, to Mr.
and Mrs. Roht Boyce, a son.
NICB:LES-In McGillivray, on Aug. 2,
to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nickles, a son.
MOKEE-In Lucan, on July 24, to Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. McKee, twins -boys.
LEATEERLAND-In Seaforth,. on Aug.
1, to Mr. and Mrs. John Leatherland,
a son.
MOKAY-In Tuckersmith, on Aug. 3,
to Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKay, a
GTLSERT-In irlcGillivray, on July 30,
to Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Gilbert, a
GINGERICFr-On Goshen line, Hay, on
July 29, to Mx'. and Mrs. David Gin-
gerioh, a daughter.
GINGERI0R-At Bronson line, Stanley,
Aug 1. to Mr. and Mx's. ' Chris. Gin-
gerich, a daughter,
FoRBES--ANDRkws-At Lauder,Man„
on Aug. 3, Mr. Charles Forbes, to
Miss Maud Andrews, formerly of
DlwGMAN-WrLsoN-In London, on
Aug. 4, by the Rev. G. B. Sage, Mr.
J. Dingman, of Fernhill, to' Miss
Ethel Wilson, of McGillivray.
STEWART-Iu Exeter, on August 5,
James Stewart aged 77 years.
FORD -In Stephen, on July 30, John
Ford, aged 73 years.
CARTER -In Clinton, July 29, Emma,
wife of Jas. Carter, aged 51 years.
FxAsER-At Russeldale, on Aug. 2,
Elizabeth A., beloved wife of Alex.
Fraser, aged 56 years, 1 month.
FAIRBRAIN-In Hibbert, ou Aug. 7,
Agnes, daughter of Geo. Fairbrain,
of Tuckersmith, aged 1 year, 3 mos.
EGGART-In Greenway, on ' Aug. 4,,
Willie, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs.
. Henry Eggert.
Gold Medal Bind. Twine, 650 ft at 14 1-4c1
Silver Sheaf " 600 at 13 ' I -4e.
Ply Special 64 66 500 at 0 (-4c.
p ,
Try Plymouth Twines and be convinced
that they are the Best and Cheapest.
Harvest Mitts and Gloves, 25 to 45c. per pair
Binder Whips, 50c. to $1 each
Machine 4X1, 85c, per gallon. Extra quality at 40c.
Cement and Coal always on hand.