Exeter Advocate, 1904-7-28, Page 1EIGHTEENTH YEAR.
(New Reading Matter appears in this space each week.)
That "Rainy Day."
Every thrifty Mall and woman gets ready
for that Rainy Day." They lay aside
certain portion of their income; and this
they wisely put away in our SAVINGS DE-
PARTMENT to accumulate.
Branches in Huron County at:- I
ONE DOLLAR starts an account.
No Trouble to Attswer Questr
F' 2' Exeter
Bladmati Staftbury,
37 pieces New NikTrapperettes to sell
at 8, 10, 12 1-2 cents.
35 pieces New Dress Goods to sell at
50, 75, 1.00, 1.25.
126 pairs Lace Curtains to sell at 25,
35, 50, etc. up to 1.95.
89 pieces of Flannelettes to sell at 5,
6, 7, 8 1-3, 9, 10, and 12 1-2.
Get some of our Silverware by dealing with us.
Free Gifts in Silverware to Our Customers.
We have a complete assort-
ment of the finest Out Glass
articles, ranging in price from 50c. to
S25 a piece.
Our Stock is acknowledged
to be one of the Finest west of Toronto
.1./ tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners.
Solicitors for Molsons Bank, etc.
Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest.
Offices, Main street, Exeter,
L R. CARLING, RA., L, IL Damsox
We have a large amount of private funds to loan
on farm and village properties at low rates of inter-
Barristers, Solicitors,Main et., Exeter Ont
Organist and Choir Master of the Trivitt Memorial
Church. Teacher -Piano, Organ, Voice, HarMony.
Modern methods. Thoroughness
Private funds to loan On farm and village pro-
perty at lowest rates of interest.
Accounts collected,
0 PPICE-Main Street, Exeter.
this county and adjoining territories, to repre-
sent and advertin an old established business house
of solid financial standing- Salary $21 weekly, with
expenses advanced each Monday by cheek, direct
fromheadquarters. Borseand buggy furnished when
neceSsasy; position permanent. Address BLEW
BROS., &CO, Room 810, Monon Bldg., Chicago, Ill.
Applications for the positions Of Keeper and Ma-
tron for the House Of Refuge and Industrial Plum in
the County of Huron will be received on or before
first day of December next.
Applications to be in writing and addreSsecl to W.
Lane, County Cleric, Goderich.
Dated July 18, 1904. Chairman of Be of It, Cam,
Dr, Ovens, of London,
"410y Oftbe:-Ooninnercial Hotel.
Dates of Visits-yugV1SDAYS,
Ootober 6, Nonembei 2, ,NgemeVelri370,.
There strayed unto the premises of the undersign
ed, Lot 8, Concession 14, Hay, on or about April 15,
1904, a red and white renewed milch cow. Owner
can have same by preying property and paying ex-
GEO. WIEGAND, Dashwood
Exeter Voters' List, 1904.
Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or
delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 8 and
9 of The Ontario Voters' List Act, thecopies required
by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of
the list., made pursuant to the said Act, of all persons
appearnig by the laet reyised Assessment Roll of the
Municipality of the Village of Exeter County of
Huron, to be entitled to vote in the saidblunicipality
at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly
and at Municipal elections; and the said list was first
posted up at ray office, at Exeter, on the 15th day of
July, A. D., 1904, and remains there for inspection.
Electors are called upon to examine the said list,
and, if any omissions or any other errors are found
therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the
said errors corrected according to law.
Dated at Exeter, July 15th, 1004.
GEO. R. EMMETT, Village Clerk
Voters' Lists 1904
Municipality of the Township of Ste-
. phen, County of Huron.
Notice Is hereby given that lilave transmitted or
cleliVered to the persons mentioned in sections 8 and
90! the Ontario 'Voters' List Act, the copies required
by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of
the list, made pursuant to the said Act, of all persons
appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the
said Mumeipality to be entitled to vote in the said
munieipality at EleCtions for Members of the Legis.
Wive Assembly and at Municipal Elections,' and the
said list was first posted up at my office, at Illrecliton,
on the Nineteenth day of Ally, A. D., 1004, and re,
mains there for inspection.
Electors are called upon to examine the said list,
and, if any °Missions or any other errors are found
therein, to take inimediate proceedings to have tbe
saicl errors corrected according to law.
Dated at Crediton, July 10th, 1904.
Township Clerk
Torento -
Ailsa Craig
St. Marys
London Ditee:-225 queens Ave. Parkhill
Aug. 29 to Sept. 10
September 9 to 17
" 14-15
" 21-28
" 27-28
Oeteher 11-12
St. JOklepja
Mr. L. V. Bachand left last week for
the "Soo." Mr, Bachand was one of
the first residents of our village, and
we suffer a distinct loss by his depart-
ure. We wish him anal his family
every snecess in their new home. -It
is reported that Mr. E. Becigneul,
wine manufacturer, intends removing
from here and will look for a more
suitable location. It appears that even
the prospect of both clock and railway
fecilities is net sufficient to induce the
weary waiters to remain longer in the
"phantom city."
Berry picking is the order of the
day. -Haying is completed and the
wheat harvest commenced in this via.
inity.-Mr. Jas. Essety, who has spent
the last year in Manitoba, arrived
home last week and will work with his
father, Mr, Samuel Essery.-Mr. and
Mrs. 'Willis, of Sarnia,visited at the
home of Mr. F. Luxton last; week. ---Mrs.
Creighton and family, of Landon.spent
a few days this week visiting her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs.llarmen-Miss M.
Luxton, of Loudon, is visiting under
the parental roof. She was accompan-
ied home by Miss Maggie Douglits,who
will visit here for some thxie.-Mr. S.
Hicks raised his barn Mdnday. When
complete Mr. Hicks will have one of
the most up-to-date barns in tbe coma
ty.-All the scholars sent from this
school succeeded in passing the en-
trance examination. We congratnlate
both teacher and pupils. --Listen for
wedding bells in the near future. -Mr.
John Hunter spent Saturday at Thed-
ford visiting his son, Warren, who is
working in the Sovereign Bank at
that place. -Miss Jessie Luxton spent ft
pleasant holiday with her cousin, Miss
Maggie McDougald at Hibbert. -Mrs.
Fred. Luxton is confined to her bed
through illness.
Mr Alfred Faust is on a visit to rela-
tives in Milverton.-Mrs.D. Steinbach,
who has been confined to her bed ow-
ing :to illness, is convalescing. -Mr.
Andrew Mittelholtz's young son is re-
covering. -Mr. NelsonHoltzman, of
Mildmay is on an extended visit to rel-
atives here. -Mr. Milfred Faust, has
returned to his home in Caro, Mich.,
-Miss Seim, of New Hamburg., is the
guest; of her cousin, Miss Maggie Rupp.
-Misses Tillie and Nettie Melrose, of
Baden, are guests at the home of Mr.
Thomas Tohnston.-Mrs. Rudolph
Heideman has returned from Detroit,
where she has been attending the fun-
eral of her grandchild, who was acci-
dentally drowned in that city a few
days ag5.-Mrs. (Dr.) Buchanan and
son, Geo., of Sudbury, are attending
St. Louis Fair at present. -Mrs. H.
Yungblut is on a visit to .Auburn. -
Mrs. W. Dumart, who has been the
guest of Mrs, C. Greb and other rela-
tives in this vicinity for some time, re-
turned to her home in Milverton on
Monday of last week. Miss Nora Greb
accompanied her and will visit there
for some thne.-Weeextend sympathy
to Miss Catherine Harte whose moth-
er died in Brucefield last week. -Mr.
Wm. H. Hoffman has practically re-
covered from the injuries he received
in his recent scrap with the broncho.
DEATH. -Elda, the little 5 -year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Preeter,
died on Thursday as the result of an
attack of inflammation of the bowels,
from which she had suffered but a few
days. The little girl was a great fav-
orite. The bereaved parents have the
sympathy of all in their affliction.
Miss Rose Yungblut, of Pittsburg,
N. Y., is visiting her parents. -Mrs.
Rev. Shaw and children left here last
week to visit relatives in the northern
part of the county. -Mr. James Cox -
worth, owner of the Queens Hotel, has
commenced the' improvement of the
building. He intends veneering the
hotel and making it more comfortable
for his tenant, Dr. Blackall.-Mrs.
P. Quinn, of Washington State, form-
erly Miss Armstrong, is here visiting
relatives, after an absence of many
years. -Mr. Chas. Chapman. of Brant-
ford, has been spending two weeks
holidaying here. -Mrs. Morrison of
London, formerly of this village, is
spending a few days with friends here.
We are pleased to hear that she is en-
joying good health again. -Mr. John
Stacey and his workmen are busily en-
gaged re -papering and repainting the
manse. -Mr. John Weismiller, general
merchant, who has attended very
closely to his business for a number of
years, left here last week on a trip to
the Canadian West. His friends wish
him a pleasant holiday.
Tian VOTERS' LIST. -The Hensel'
Voters' List was completed and posted
in the clerks' office on the lath of
July. It contains a total of 308 names
and there are 121 who are qualified to
serve as jurors. 210 are entitled to
vote at both parliamentary and muni-
cipal elections, 73 are entitled to vote
at municipal elections only, and 25 at
elections to the Legislative Assembly
only. There are 33 female voters.
WEDDED. - On Thursday a very
happy event took place at thethome of
Mr. Wm, Moore of this village, when
his second daughter, Miss Henrietta,
was happily united in marriage to Mr,
Thomas H. Pierson, of London. The
marriage ceremony was perform ad at
2,30 p. in., byRev. W. J. Doherty, of
St. Paul's church, in the presence of a
number of the relatives of the con-
tracting parties. The bride, who is
well known and highly respected here,
was handsomely attired. .After con-
gratulations had been extended, all
sat down to a suteptuous wedding
supper. The supper over, an hour or
two were pleasantly spent in social in-
tercourse, after which the bridal party
deove to the station, where the happy
couple took the 5 o'clock express for
the south, The bride was made the
recipient of a number of very hand-
some peeeents, We unite with their
many friends in wishing them all hap-
All of the pupils who wrote at the
recent entrance examination succeded
in passing. Ihis is indeed ereclitable
alike to them and to Mr. MeNauglaton
their teaeher.-Rev. Mr, Salton and
wife and family are visiting at the
home of Mr, E, Colwill.-Our pastor,
Rev. Geo. W, Andrews, B, A,, preach-
ed two very able sermons to fair-sized
congregatious on Sunday last, Mr.
Andrews is making a, favorable impres-
sion among his people. -During the
past vveek the weather has been ex-
ceedingly favorable for haying and
harvesting, Farmers are busy cutting
their fall wheat.
1" A. few evenings ago the members
of the Methodist ehurch met at the
home of Ma Chas.Troyer and present-
ed Mr. and Mrs. Troyer with a purse
of money as a slight token of recogni-
tion of their valuable services as care-
takers of the church, Mr. and Mrs.
Troyer, although taken entirely by
surprise, thanked the friends in it few
well chosen words, after which all sat
down to a moot enticing lunch, pre-
pared by the good ladies of the con-
Grand Bend
Miss L. Young, of London, arrived
home Monday to spend. it few weeks
with her parentsa-Mr. Sherwood and
H. Gill have gone to Stoney Point.-
Mr. Heywood gave a concert here on
Monday night and it was well attend-
ed. -Mr. Syrtis Green and Mr. Bossen-
berry have bought the pleasure yacht
owned by Mr. Bedan, of,parnitt.-Mr.
El. Gill Enid Miss Eva Gravelle spent
Stinclay near Thedford.
RURAWAY.-A lively runaway took
place on Mr. Christian Waiper's farm
near here on Tuesday. His son, Har -
'old, was engaged in cutting wheat
with the binder, when the three horses
attached became frightened at soine-,.
thing and started to run. The boy,
seeing that he could not stop them,
jumped from the binder, and the an-
itnals.continued in their mad career w
Forty rods of heat shocks were hurl-
ed in all directions by the binder com-
ing in contact with them. Before the
horses were stopped the binder VMS fl
total wreck. Luckily the boy escaped
without injury.
The farmers are all busy harvesting
these days. -Mrs. Angus McDonald
had the misfortune the other day of
having several other ribs broken by
falling- from a wagon. -Miss Mary
Querrin and her brother John were
visiting their parents on Sunday. -
Miss Tillie Witzel visited at her home
here on Sunday. -Mr. Frey, tea agent
who has been in the neighborhood. for
the last month, returned to his home
on Saturday. He was. a jolly, good
fellow. -Mr. Fred Wuerth is busy
these days looking after his flax. The
"red men" will soon be around to pull
it. -Mrs. John Kinney was visiting
her daughter at Mr. Chas. Holt's one
day this week.
(Too late for last week)
Miss Brame Cunningham visited at
Mrs. Heitzan's for a few days this
week. -Mrs ; Kinney, of Detroit, and
her sister are visiting their parents,
Mrs.. McCaiin.-What might have
proved it serious accident happened to
Mr. Chas. Holt on Thursday last. He
was about to oil the mower when one
of the horses kicked him in the head,
inflicting a painful gash and fracturing
the skull. The wound was dressed and
he is now doing nicely. -Mr. Duncan
Burk and his brother Daniel, of Michi-
gan, were here attending the funeral
of their brother William.
Mrs. John Trevethick and Mrs. Louis
Roedding and daughter, of London,
are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Trevet-
hick.-Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Brown at-
tended the funeral of Mr. John Free-
ter's daughter in Zurich on Saturday.
-The farmers have commenced cut-
ting wheat. They report a good crop.
-Mrs. Fred Cawley and family arid
Miss Dora Wenzel, of Detroit, are vis-
iting relatives in the village for a few
weeks.-Severalrof our young people
spent Sunday at Grand Bend. -Flax
pulling has been commenced, -Mr.
Fred Wein went to London a few days
ago to take treatment in Victoria Hos-
pital for itilixient affecting his legs.-
Mr. Chas. Zwicker has had the front
of his store torn out and is making
preparations to replace it with a large
plate glass front. Mr. Albert Morlock
has made the concrete foundation and
the workmanship reflects credit on the
builder. -Our boys are at hard practice
in foot -ball. We understand the Zur-
ich team is coming over to play a re-
turn game some time this week. --The
Misses Kaatz, of Waterloo, are the
guests of Mrs. (Rev.) Danita. -The
household furulture and effects of the
late Jacob Eilber will be sold by public
auction on Friday 29th inst. Mr. H.
Brown will wield the hammen-The
Band concert was postponed last Fri-
day :evening on account of the wet
weather. It will be held on Mr. D.
Sweitzer's lawn on Friday evening of
this week at 8 o'clock p. m. Ice cream
and lemonade will be served. A silver
collection will be taken at the gates.
Everybody conic, and show that you
appreciate the efforts of our Band
boys. -Several of our citizens are
beautifying their premises by fresh
coats of paint. The amateur painters
are doing fair work. -Mr. and Mrs.
John Hauch are visiting relatives in
Brigh t. -Mr. Oscar Wolf had a narrow
escape from being seriously. hurt one
day last week. He was in the act of
pulling the hay fork along the track
in the livery barn when, in some man-
ner, the fork became unfastened and
descended with great force just graz-
ing his head and bruising his arm very
badly. It was indeed a close call.
Oscar is around again not much the
Worse of the accident.
has again removed from our midst
another highly respected resident of
the township, in the person of Mrs.
Mary Ann Chambers, who departed
this life on Friday last at the age of 68
years, 7 months and 24 days, The de-
ceased has been an invalid for some
time, and yet her death cantle quite
unexpected. Her remains were inter-
red in the Exeter cemetery on Monday
the Rev. Henderson oflaciating, A
grown-up family, besides a large nutn-
ber of friends and relatives,mourn her
demise, We extend one sympathies
in this their sad boreal/WWII t.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A Gray, of
London, spent Sunday with their
mother, Mr. Robert Clarke. -Farmers
around here are busy cutting wheat.
-Mr. A. Neil gave Ailsa Craig a flying
visit Saturday evening, -Mr, Gordon
Bloomfield is on the sick list. -Mr.
Patrick Boyle is having a self -feeder
connected with his threshing machine.
-The English church on the 2nd con.
of McGillivray will be closed for the
next two Sundays. -Mr. Fred Simp-
son, of the 2nd concession of McGilliv-
ray, sold a fine team of horses the other
day for $450. -Mr. 1,Vin. Fraser is coil -
fined to his roonathrough illness. '
Following is the report of the suc-
cessful candidates at the recent pro-
motion examinations at West School
(S. S. No. 8, Mchtillvary).
From III to IV. Maarimun 750, re -
(mired to pass 375. Lionel Charlton
500, Bartle McIntyre 430, Jos. Tweddle
402 Edna Robinson 380, Mary Harmer
370,Fred Bice 320, Ella D. Harmer 278.
From II to III. Maximun 550, re-
qiiired to pass 275. Gordon Cassidy
287, Cleveland Brownlee 225, Joseph
McIntyre 242, Bruce Harmer 231, Os -
hurt McKinzie 220, Chester McRann
194, Maggie Burgess 191, George Harm-
er 146. P. S. Banes, Teacher.
Miss Nellie Hodgins,of Owen Sound,
spent a few days of last week in town.
-Miss Nellie Irwin, of Toronto, was a
guest of Miss Lena Guilfoyle last
week.- Lucan's civic holiday is on
August 11. -Miss Maud 'Willis visited
in Guelph last week. -Mrs. T. W.
Hawkshaw and daughter, Myrta, of
London, v. ere• guests of relatives here
last week. -Dr. T. D. Orme attended
the Masonic Grand Lodge at Brock-
ville last week. -Many of our towns-
people and others from the neighllor-
hood spent it pleasant eveningon Wed-
nesday of last week on the Rectory
lawn, the occasion being the Bargain
Tea and Entertainment. An excellent
tea and good program were features.
Miss Jean Mustard left a few days
ago for St,. Louis to see the Fair, and
to visit friends in Chicago. Miss Mus-
tard's entrance class was successful
in passing the recent examination, due
to a considerable extent to her faith-
ful work as their teacher. Her holi-
da.y has been well earned. -Mr. A. P.
Ketchen of -the agricultural depart-
ment, Ottawa, is home spending his
vacation. -The injury to Alex. Baird's
fingers, which be received in handling
stones recently, is doing nicely. -Mrs.
James Mustard has moved into the res-
idence which she recently purchased
from James Robinson. -Mr. John Mof-
fat, wife and. family and Wm. Baird
left last week for Moose Jaw, where
they will spend the summer. They
are this week attending the Winnipeg
Fair on the way westward. -John Cas -
key and wife left recently for their
home near Portage la Prairie, Manito-
bo. They journeyed part-way by boat.
DEATH OF Mns. HART. -Deep regret
was felt among our citizens last week
on hearing of the death of Mrs. Geo.
Hart, which took place on Saturday.
Mrs. Haat had been ill for several days
with pneumonia, but, although it was
known her case was critical, all hoped
she would be able to overcome the dis-
ease. But it was not to be. Mrs.Hart's
maiden name was Christina Cameron„,
and she was 58 years of age. She was
a most estimable lady,and was univer-
sally beloved by all •who knew her,
and the regret at her death is wide-
spread and. sincere. She will be great-
ly missed, not only in the home where
she was so greatly beloved, hut in soc-
ial and church circles. She had been
for many years a teacher in the Sun-
day school and secretary of the Foreign
Missionary Society and was foremost
in every good work and cause. The
funeral took place to Baird's cemetery
on Tuesday.
Master Tommy Stilwell, the little
grandson of Mr. Thos. Stinson, hap-
pened with what might have been a
serious accident the other day. VVhile
horse -raking with his grandfather's
driver,which is usually very quiet,
the animal took fright, running away
atd throwing Tommy off, the rake
passing over him. With the excep-
tion of a few bruises he escaped un-
hurt. The rake was badly smashed.
From the voters' list of this town-
ship for 1904, which was issued recent-
ly, we Obtain the following statistics:
Number of persons entitled to vote at
municipal elections and elections to
the legislative assembly 537, persons
eligible to vote at municipal elections
only 95, persons eligible to vote at
elections to the legislative assembly;
only 81. Of persons eligible to serve
as imams there are 865.
The farmers around here have finish-
ed hay harvest and are now busy cut-
ting fall wheat which is only a light
crop, Mr. Renry Oalfass has a new
self feeder for his theashiug machine.
As it is the arst inachine of the kind
in this section no doubt many will go
to see it work when he starts out. -
Mr. Henry Guenthner is having his
house painted. -Mr. Mike Fenn, who
has conducted a harness shop here for
the past nineteen years, sold out last
week to Mr. Edward Nadiger and .his
house to Mr. Wrn. Na.diger. Mr. Fenn
has purchased Mr. Watson's harness
shoplin Parkhill. He takes possession
Wedeesday and will move there with
his family as soon as he can get pos-
session of his house. They will be
much missed here as they are good
citizens, but our loss will be Parkhill's
gait. -Mr. Ed. Weltin who has been
working at blacksmithing at some dis-
tant town is at present at his, home
here. -Mr. and Mrs. John Finkbeiner
and daughters, of the Goshen line,
spent Sunday at the home of Mr.
Christian Finkbeiner.-Dr. McLaugh-
lin returned. home on Saturday. We
are pleased to report that the finger
which has been giving him so much
trouble isi.alright ii„aain.-Mr. and Mrs.
Tait are visitors at the home of Mr.
Chas. Stein hagen.-"Grandma" Free -
ter had the misfortune to fall from it
cart one evening last week and break
her arm. -Mr. Louis Kraft is still in
very poor health. -Mr. Alf. Tiedeman
is offering his property for sale: -Flax
pulling has commenced and the crop
is a very good one. -Mr. Jacob Rader
is building an addition to his house. -
Mr. John Hall and family left Monday
morning on an extended trip to Man-
itoba, and the Territories. -Mr. John
Graybiel and son, J. W., visited
friends in Michigan during the past
week. -The Guenthner relationship
picnicked at Grand Bendon Monday -
Messrs. Hamilton & Ireland are en-
gaged in putting a new ceiling in the
Public school here. -Mr. Henry Wil-
lert is having a new verandah built to
his dwelling.
SALTER. -In Usborne, on July 24th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Mart. Salter, a son.
Usborne, on July 21st, to
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hicks, a daugh-
Pinnscne-Moonn.--In Hensall, on
July 14th, Thomas H. Pierson, of
London, to Miss Henrietta Moore, of
July 21st, Francis J. Wickwire to
Miss Margaret V., daughter of Mrs.
Margaret White, of Exeter.
BRETT. -In Seaforth, on July 21st,
Winnifred Elizabeth, infant daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. R.A. Brett, aged
6 weeks and 2 days.
SPROAT.-In Tuokersmith, on July 20, •
James Sproat, aged 76 years,
HART. -At Brucefield, on July 17th,
Christina Cameron, wife of George
Hart, aged 48 years.
DODDS.-In Clinton, on July 201h,
Wm. Dodds, aged 72 years, and 11
CHAMBERS. -In Stephen, on July 22,
Mary Ann Chambers, relict of the
late Edmund Chambers, aged 68
years, 7 months and 24 days.
FISHER. -In Exeter, on july 25th, Mr,
Robert Fisher, aged 85 years.
Gold Medal Bind. Twine, 650 ft. at 14 1-4c,
Silver Sh,eaf 44 46 600 at 13 1-4c.
Ply Special G4 ,4 500 at 11 1-4c.
We guarantee our Prices on Twine to be as
Low as the Lowest,. Call an Examine,
Harvest Mitts and Gloves, 15 to 76c, per pair
Binder Whips, 50c. to $1 each
Machine Oil, 35cper gallon. Extra quality at 40c.
Machine Oilers, good quality, 10c.
3 prong Hay Forks, 45c. up. Scythes, 50c, to $1
Wood Hay Rakes, 20.
nopos otevery description always in stock.
neanian's Hardware.