HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-7-21, Page 7jr-LIKE A. MIRACLE
Stricken With Partial Paralysis
Be Was Unable to Use Either
Right Arm or Right, Leg.
is Mr. John Craig, a well known far-
raer living near Kells„ Nipissing
lict Oat, is another' of the many
paralytics, who owes his present
good health and ability, to go about
--if not life itself—to the Ilse, of Dr.
WilliamsPink. Pills, Mr. Craig gives
Me experience as follows ,---"But for
the blessing of God and the use eel
Dr. Williams Pink Pills I do not be-
lieve that I would be alive ,to -clay.
I was stricken with that terrible
affliction, partial. paralyeis, I had
absolutely arn power in my right arm
er leg. 1 was not able to sit up—in
fact if I tried to clo so I would fall
oVor. I had to be lifted like a child,
and my family' and friends believed
death was very near. The doctoi
• told Me that he could do nothing
•for me and that I was liable at
any moment to have a second stroke
• Which would carry sne off. 1 was in
this deplorable condition wben I was
strised to ase Dr. Williams' Pink
P401. I sent for three boxes and be
fare they -were all used I could move
the lingers on. any hand, which had
hitherto been absolutely- numb "and
powerless. You can scarcely imag-
ine my joy at this convincing •proof
tbat the pills were helping me. From
this on I kept getting stronger and
the control of nay paralyzed limbs
gradually came back until I was
again able to walk about and even-
tually to work. To my rieighbors
niy cure seems like a miracle, as not
one of them ever expected to see me
out of bed again. I gladly give per-
mission to Publish, the story of my
Cure witli the wish that it may
bring life and hope and activity to
some other sufferer."
Thecure of- Mr. Craig gives addi-
tional evidence that Dr. Williams
PinkPilia are not .an ordinary -medi-
cine, and that their power to cure
In all troubles of the blood or nerves
Y- places them beyond all otber meth -
tines. You can ,get get these pills
'from any medicine dealer or direct
rnail at 50 cents a box or six
ir 'boxes for $2.50 by writing The Dr.
Willie= Medicine Co., Brockville,
Out. See that the full slain° "Dr.
Williams Pink Pills for Pale People"
is printed on the wrapper around
every box.
0 -
Wise Saying of the Dwellers in
•the Land of the Sphynx.
Follow the liar to the gate of his
llie hasty and tardy, meet at the
God grant us not any, neighbor
with two eyes.
If thou seest a wall inclining, run
from -under it.
The mother of the coward does not
•grieve for Iiims
The devil knows his lord, but still
practice e evil.
What does heaven care for the cries
�T' the dogs?
-eSrom the afternoon it appears
whether the night will be clear.
The corn passes from hand to
hand but comes at last to the snill.
• Follow the owl, she will lead you
to a rubaed place (of bad company).
• Strike the innocent, that the guilty
ma,y, confess; • she., out of compas-
sion. • .
• The little bird picks its breast
evhile, the sportsxnan sots his net
(false security).
The wretched condition of the poor
is pictured in the saying : A miser-
able Bedouin found ne date that had
• been thrown away. Whither shall I
go? said he, (to eat it in safety).
The paltry attempts to conceal
ignokance are well hit off in the
sassing : One came to count the
waves of the sea; he erred (in the
reckoning). • There are at all events
more corning than going, said he.
• Baby laughs when mother gives
ffn Baby's Own Tablest; they taste
ciod and make him well and happy.
They are mother's help and baby's
every day friend. Guaranteed to
contain no opiate or harmful drug.
The tablets aid digestion, cure colic,
• prevent diarrhoea, cleans the bowels,
allay teething irritation, and cure
all the common ills of Childhood.
No cross, sleepless children in homes
Where Baby's Own Tablets are used.
Mrs. M. Ready, Denbigh, Ont., says:
PI don't know what higher praise I
can give Baby's Own Tablets than
to say that I would not be without
• them in the house. I have found
them all that is claimed and. keep
them on hand to meet any emerg-
• ency." Sold by all medicine dealers
everywhere, or sent by mail at 25
cents by writing The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co, Broekville, Ont.
A series of interesting firing trials
• has been undertaken by the SWedish
-Government. The purpose of these
experiments was to examine the ef-
fect of shooting against pasteboard.
The trials 'were conducted on the
wharves of the Swedist naVy in
Itarlskrona, and the target used
was a prepared one of rtaillboard,
against which fire •froni revolvers,
rifles, carbines and machine guns was
directed, 'The pasieboarcl, which
was 8 inches. thiek, resisted coin-,
pletely, the bullets fired from the
emelt arms, but was perforated by
the projectiles from the Machine
gl111S. The experiments may be said
to have given very interesting re-
sults. Bullets• from the, earbines
Used are able to penetrate wooden
lanke 5 ;lichee in thickness, but they
au1dnot penetrate the pasteboard
hich vvas only 3 inches thick.
• .,
r• Own—"Croker's down with ileitisi
fe or. The doctor Opera if he rocov-
era his mind be aelalank." Grece.
"-"Sorry to hear that. :He owes me
The Dowager Empress Has Coln-
pletely Shut ,r/ut the Young
, CZarina.
The IV01110/1 of the hrghest Russian
aristocrasy, gram the Czarina herself
down, are devoting tbeMeelves to
the aid of the lied ()rose Society,
and through their efforts many mil-
lions of roubles hava been ialised for
the siek and • wounded in the Far
As the Czarina. Dowager still holds
the same position at the Russian
Coert as she' held when Alexander
IIIwas alive, there is no position
there for the young Czarina, to hold,
no work for her to clo, no duties for
her to fulfil--ehe is, as it were, • an
interloper in her -own husband's
house. This is a painful eaougli
state of affairs foe her when things
are at peace with Russia; but it is
infinitely worse now when the whole
Empire is seething with excitement,
and the air is alive with the clamor
of arms, .
She can do nothing, for whenever
she tries, she is promptly told • by
the Czarina Dowager, she has already
arranged to do it. Then, if she per-
sists, she is made to understand that
her one duty in lifo is to provide.
Russia with a Czarovitch, and that
until this is accomplished the quieter
she keerfs herself and the less she is
seen or heard of the better.
always • accompanied by her eldest
sister, the Greed Duchess Elizabeth,
wife of the Czar's uncle, has been
making trips through the rower quar-
ters of St. • Petersburg., urging pat-
riotism upon the. poorer •()lasses; and
the police have been purposely warn-
ed not to interfere with these expe-
ditions' of the Empress, so as to
avoid • any appearance of premedita-
tion. The Grand Duchess Elizabeth,
who lives in Moscow, where her hus-
band is Governor-General, is a high
favorite with the Moseovites on ac-
count of her democratic ways. ,She
has succeeded in raising enorrnons
sums from wealthy MOSCONI/ merch-
ants solely by the charm of her cor-
diil She invited the mer-
chants to a bazaar, • shook hands
with them, and, addressing them. bY
their patronymics, gave them re-
freshments with her own hands. She
also called upon their wives and
drank tea. with them, although she
dislikes that beverage.
The head and front of this work
for the Red Cross is the Grand
Duchess Vladimir, who lends her
presence to all the sessions of the
St. Petersburg braiach, and personal -
13r• aids in other ways. She presides
at bazaars, sews with tbe sewing -
classes, and visits the girls' schools,
where she helps the pupils to make
lint and bandages for the soldiers at
the front. The Grand Duchesses Al-
exandra and Constatine. the. latter
one of. the most beautiful women of
the Empire, have placed their palac-
es at the service of tlie Red Cross,
and tour the city in their troikas,
calling on members of the aristocracy
and the well-to-do in general to in-
duce them. to give up' their old linen
for wounded soldiers. Behind their
equipages travel • covered furniture
The striking from. the Czarina's
Court list of the name of Princess
Marya Michailovna Dashkoff for an
innocent remark, shows how serious-
ly the Czarina takes her duties in
connection with the war. When Prin-
cess Dashkoff was aslced, like all
other court women, to join the sew-
ing class, she consented; but re-
inarked to a lady of honor that she
would prefer to biro twenty seam-
stresses, who would do more work
than all the Czarina's two thousand
aristocrats. This observation was
retailed to the Czarina, who forth-
with put the Princess on the black-
list. The incident created some sen-
sation, as the Princess belongs to
ono of the best-known families of
the higher Russian nobility.
Largo numbers of educated young
women of the better classes are seek-
ing to obtain employment as nurses
in the emy. Each applicant is in-
formed of the terrible rigors of Si-
beria; but not one in ten is daunted
by the prospects held out. The soci-
ety has been obliged to decline thou-
sands of requests for enrolment. The
Russian public is greatly touched
by these evidences of patriotism on
the part of the women, and the re-
sult will be a much larger measure
Of freedorn for women- in future. Rus-
slah women :already enjoy more lib-
erty than the women of any coun-
try except the Anglo-Saxon, and
the result 15 thet in times of nation-
al danger they comport themselves
with gi•eat.theroism, The part they
played at the siege of Sebastopol
It is not only araong the aristo-
crats that this outbreak of patriotic
charity manifests itself. Matilde
ICsehensky, Russia's favorite ballet
dancer, has left St. Petersburg,
throwing up her profitable engage-
ments, and has volunteered and gone
to the seat of war as a Red Cross
nurse. Not only this, but she is
touring the country on the way,
dancing to houses packed to their ca-
pacity, and giving the entire pro-
ceeds of every performanee to the
benefit of the Red Cross Society„
Another popular favorite, the' sing-
er Labonskaia, is proving her patri-
otism. • She is one of •the prettiest
singers of chansonettes in Russia,
end also IS making a striking tour of
her native country, which began at
Perm, a little west of the Ural
Mountairisi There, after singing a
little song to loud appla,use,.. she de-
liVered with ferVor and spirit a new'
patriotic ,song entitled: "Sla,vnaya,
Rossiya." Reports from Perm state
that the audience cheeeed for five
minuteslier opportunity' had ar-
rived, '‘ Blushingly she aimminceol
that 'efbe would give a modest kise to
'Any man *he would pay ten roublee
for it, ancl would send the money
snoixrxN‘a• THE GOOD WORK
Mrs. •Thomas Rumley one of the
Many who Found Health in the
Great Canadian Kidey Remedy.
• Silver Water, Manitoulin Island,
July 18.—(Special).—Every part of
Canada seems to be testifying to the
good work Dodd's Kidney Pills are
doing and ,tberca is no reason. why
Manitoalin Island should not ..c10 her
part, l‘fany it man ancl WOlnall here
blesses them for aches relieved and
health restored. Take for instance
the case of Mre. Thomas Burnley.
She says: •
"I doctored for years and did not
seem to get any better. It seemed
to be my kidneys that was the trou-
ble so I thought I would try Dodd's
Kidney Tills and tbey helped me very
"I cannot, Say how many I have
taken for my hems() is neve): with-
out them ancl whenever, I don't feel
right I take it few. Aly husband al-
so takes them once in a while. I
find them a spleudiel medicine to
have handy." •
Dodd's :Kidney Pills are the great-
est family medicine of the age. They
can be taken by young or old with
perfect safety. They cure all kidney
ailments and nine -tenths of the*sick-
noes of the present day springs from
bad. kidneys.
thus acquired to the Red Cross So-
ciety for the wounded Russians. '
The men in the q,udienee stormed
the stage, and the women present
proved their love of country by urg-
ing their husbands and sweethearts
to chastely salute the pretty singer
and to contribute ten roubles to so
noble it cause. The appeal was so
striking, and the desire to contribute
so earnest that during the evening
1 she earned fifteen hundred roabled
($750). She is slowly touring across
Russia, and the Red Cross fund is
growing rapidly
Others are also enthusiastically
working for the Red Cross. Don
Jaime de Fourbon, who recently left
Rome for St. Petersburg for the pur-
pose of going to the seat of war in
the Far East, has asked for a mili-
tary command, but pending an an-
, swer has joined a hospital corps as
la nurse. He is the only son and
'heir of Don Carlos, Legitiisist Pre-
tender to the thrones of France and
Spain, and may Yet figure as a per-
sonage of importance in European
history. • He is in his thirty-fourth
yea,r, and was educated for several
years at the Roman Catholic•College
of Beaumont, close to Win.dsor Cas -
tie. Don Jaime holds an ensign's
commission in the famous Gradno
regiment of Hussars, of the 'Russian
Bodyguard, and is looking forwarcA
keenly to seeing active service. Ile
is Don Carlos' son by the iirst wife
• (a Princess of the House of Bourbon -
Parma), who died eleven years ago,
leaving a son and faur daughters.
By Don Carlos' second marriage to
Princess • Alice of • Bourbon, the
youngest daughter Of Don Carlos,
who lately obtained a divorce from
Prince Frederic of Schoeffleurg-Wald-
enburg, was recently announced to
have joined the Russian Red Cross
Society, and to have made prepara-
tions to start for the scene of war
in the Far East. ,
• Settled the Case With Her.
Many great discoveries have been
made by accident and things better
than gold amines have been found in
this way, for example when even the
accidental ldiscovory that coffee is the
real cause of one's sickness proves
of most tremendous value because
it locates the. cause and the person
has then a chance to get well.
• "For over 25 years" says a Mis-
souri woman "I suffered untold agon-
ies in my stomach and even the best
physicians disagreed as to the cause
without giving me any permanent
help, different one saying it was
gastritis, indigestion, neuralgia, etc.,
so I dragged along from year to
year, always half sick, until finally
I gave up all hopes of ever being
,ldinner 'with a friend
one day she said she had a now
drink which turned out to be Pes-
turn and I liked it so well I told her
I thought I would stop coffee • for
awhile and use it, which I did.
"So for three months we had Pos-
tum in place of coffee without ever
having one of my old spells, but was
always healthy and vigorous in-
kept saying he was con-
vinced it was coffee that caused
thosespells, bet even then I
wouldn't believe it until one day We
got out of Postum and as we lived
two ..miles front town, I thought to
use the apflee we had in the house.
Ile result of a week's use of
coffee again was that I had another
terrible spell of agony and &Stress'
proving that it was the coffee and
nothing else. That settled it and I
said good-bye to Coffee forever and
since then Postum alone has been
our hot mealtime drink.
"lVfy friends all say 1 airi looking
worlds better and my colnplexion is
much improved. All the other mem-
bers of our family leave been bene-
fitted, too, by Postum in place of
the old drink, coffee." Name given
by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich.
Ten days' trial of Pestem in place
of coffee or tea is the wise thing for
every coffee drinker. Such a trial
tells the &Met truth often where cof-
fee is not suspected.
Look in oath package for the fain -
ons little. book, `The Road to Well-
Shirt waists and dainty
linen are made delightfully
'clean and fresh with Sun.
light Soap. 513
. .
Herr Budde, Prussiaxt Minister of
Publie Works, is devoting himself to
the simplification of titles borne by
railway officials. His first order is
that in future "Hilfsfahrkartenaus-
geberinnen, Telegraphistirmen. oder
Abfertigungsgehilfirmen'' shall be.
compelled to loSe their individual
titles, which are to be merged • into
the humbler one of "Eisenbahnaushel-
ferin" (railway assistant).
"I wonder what has become of
Gormley? When he was at school,
you remember, he used to talh so
much about uplifting* manklud. En-
tered the nainistry, perhaps?"
"Oh, no. He's mannfacturing ex-
plosive shells arid torpedoes."
The real "harp that once through
Tara's halls the soul of musie shed"
is in the museum of the Trinity Col-
lege, Dublin.
How's This
We otter One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. OkiliiNEY & 00., Toledo. 0.
We, the undersigned, have known P.
.7. Cheney for tho last 15 years, and
believe him perfectly honorable in all
busi ness transactions, and financially
able to carry out any, obligations made
by his firm.
• Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal-
ly, acting directly upou the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Testi-
monials sent free. Price, 75c. per
bottle. • Sold by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti-
• A luau's reputation for wisdom de-
pends less on what he really knows
than it does on what lie doesn't say.
Wilson's Fly Pads. Each 10c
packet- will kill more flies than can
be caught on 800 sheets of sticky
paper, 'costing $15.
• A Birmingham cycle repairer ha.s
recently been fined for "sowing" the
road. with tin -tacks, in ordertbat
he might reap the benefit of the nec-
essary repairs to punctures.
Minutes Liniment Lumberman's Nod
C. Smith is the champion shoeblack.
of London. He WOn it gold medal
recently I or • cl ea fling Lord Kin-
najrcl's boots in 1 minute level, beat-
ing five other competitors.
WIIsonsFIy Pads.
No dead
flies dropping about when properly
In the South of Lincolnshire many
marriages are being postponed
through the lack of housing accom-
modation. Even love in a cottage is
A Sure Cure for Headache.—D...lions
'headache, to which women are re,,,,u
subject than men, becomes so acute in
some subjects that they are utterle pro-
strated. The stomach refuses food, and
there is a constant and distressinii et -
fort to free the stomach Irvin oils whith
• has become unduly secreted there.
melee's Vegetable Fills are a speedy al-
terative, and in neutralizing the crieils
of the intrudMg bile relieves the pres-
sure on the nerves which. cause the
headache. Try them.
According to sa decision given. by
the Circuit Court Judge at Newark,
a boy's life is twice as valuable as
a girl's from the legal standpoint.
Pale, sickly children should use
Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator.
• Worms aro one of the principal: causes
of suffering in cnilclren and should be
expelled from the_f_ystem.
Long engagements aro rather ex-
pensive in Russia. An engaged man
is expected to send a present to his
fiancee every day.
For Over Sixty Years
Mss. Wrsstewlesoorniset Slump has boon need by
millIone of mothers for their children while teethinii.
Itsoothes the *Mid, softens the gums. all aril pS111, caret
wind mai, regulates the stomach and bowels and le the
hest remedy for DiarrhTh
oea. eaty-$,e yeas a bottle
Sold bpdruggiste throughout the world. Be sure end
ark for " Mae. WensLoW'SSOOTUilie srnern 22-01
The engines of the first steamer
that ever crossed the Atlantic have
been salved ''off the coast of Cork,
after over fifty years' immersion.
MInaid's Liniment Is used by Physicians
• Daughter—"Papa, do you object to
my marrying a fast young man?"
Pathere-"Not if he is going in the
right direction, my daughter."
Lever's Y -Z (Wise .Elead) Disinfect-
ant Soap Powder is a boo1i to any
borne. It disinfects and cleans at
the same title.
There aro many "blarna,s.-stones"
in this country. They are set it
engagement rings.
Do not let a, cOld settle on Your
lungs. 'Resort to Bickle's Anti-Conetunp-
tive Syrup at the iirst intimation of
irritation in the throat and prevent dis-
ea,Se front lodging in the pulmonary or-
gans, Neglected cOicls are the cause
Of Untold suffering throughout the
country, all of which could have been
prevented by the application of this
simple but powerful medicine.. The
price, 25 cents, brings it within the
reach of an.
• While the plotter eeherneS the plod-
der gets there.
tlaUoweys C0113 (Jere is et speedo for
the removal Of cOrns and warts. WL
have Over illlard of its failing to re-
MOVri Oven tli* Worst kind,
91-1, /1444
&AM, ed
gsSe.el.". sea
4 Sea ease*
Pails, Wash Basins, Mili( Parts, &to
Any FIrst4Olison Crooar Clan Supply You.
ere -
Potatoes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Apples
Let us have your consignment of any of these articles and we will
get you good prices.
• oer. West Market and COlborno Otos , TORONTO.
In order to realize the full value
of . some things they should be fullY
Cholera and all summer complaints
are so quick ia their action that the
cold hand of death is upon the victims
before they are aware that dant.mr 16
near. If attacked do not delay in get-
ting the proper raedicine..- Try Is (rose
of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cor-
dial, and you will get immediate relief,
it acts with wonderful rapidity and
never fails to effect a cure.
Huggins—"I had to discharge my
confidential man to -clay. He didn't
know enough for the position. Jug-
gins—"I discharged mine also. He
know too much!"
House flies carry contagious dis-
eases. Wilson's Fly Pads kill
the flies and tee contagion too.
"Have taxpayers no rights?" de-
manded the impassioned orator.
"Certainly," replied a man in the
back row. "They have the right to
pay taxes." •
To Those of Sedentary Occupation.—
Men who follow sedentary occupations,
which deprive there of fresh air and ex-
ercise, axe more prone to disorders of
the liver and kidneys than thai..a who
lead active, outdoor lives. The for.ner
wjlltnd in Parinelee's Vegetable Pills a
restorative without question tho most
efficatious on the market They are
easily procurable, easily taken, act ex.
.peditiously, and they are surprisingly
cheap considering_their
'An attractive topographical map,
in colors giving comprehensive idea
of -the country on and tributary to
the Columbia River. This map is
in folder forra, aid on the reverse
side contains an interesting descrip-
tion of the Columbia River route.
Copies sent free by E. J. LOMAX,
G. P. & T. A., U.P.R.R.Co., Omaha,
Neb., on receipt of four cents post-
Here lies the body of Maurice Rypin-
He was killed by the Japs and has
been dead over sincesky.
r•••• ••••
No other fly killer compares with
Wilson's Fly Pads in destructive
qualities. Insist on getting the genu-
The cinematograph is being put
to novel use by Paris surgeons in
teaching students how to perform
various operations.
I was Cured of Bronchitis and.
Lot 51 P. E. I.
I was Cured of a severe attack of
Rheumatism by MINARD'S LINI-
Mahone Bay. JOHN MADER.
I was Cured of a severely sprained
"Sohn, what is the chief braneh of
education in your Sehaol?"
branch, sir; neastees used up nearly
a whole tree,"
Mioard's Liniment for sale everywhere
For the benefit of those who may
feel "exclusive," or "stuck up," or
who prate about blue blood, etc., it
will be well to remember that ff we
go back but twenty generations, or
700 years, each one of us hat 1,084,-
578 ancestors, and is related anore or
less clofeely to at least 270,000,000
of our fellows. Going back but a
couple of hundred years further, and
tracing down our genealogy, we
should find that we have more cous-
ins than • there are people in the
world, and that on the basis of but
two children per family, The discre-
pancy is accounted for by the fact
that there have been so nanny cous-
hit as there are people in the world
to -day, but are related to it great
number homy times over.
Isstit O. 29-04,
1 Works well both on.
stacks and in barns,
unloads all Minds or
hay anderain either
10050 °rim sheaVes,
Sendfor catalogues to
N. T. BUCHANAN &CO., Ingers011,00.
Attractions for Sportsmen on the
• Line of the Grand Trunk.
The Grand Trunk Railway Company
lias issued a handsome publication,
profusely illustrated with half -tone
engravings, descriptive of the many
attractive localities for sportsmen on
their line of railway. Many Of the
regions reached by the airand Trank
seem to have been specially prepared
for the delectation of mankbad, and
where for a brief period the cares of
business are cast aside eaad life is
given up to enjoyment. Not only 'do
the "Highlands of Ontario" present
unrivalled fa.cilitiee for bath hunting,
fishing and clunping, but the 80,000
Islands , of the Georgian Bay, Ti'sea-
sand Islands and St. Isaaviance Riv-
er, Rideau River and Lakes, Lake St.
John, an.ci the many attractive lo-
calities in Maine and New Ham -
shire, present equal opportunities for
health, pleasure and sport. All these
localities aro reached by the Grand
Trunk Railway System, and on
trains unequalled on the continent.
Abstracts of Ontario, Michigan, Que-
bec, New Hampshire and 11:1V.ine'fish
and game laws are inserted in the
publication for the guidance of
sportsmen. The Grand Trunk Rail-
way has also issued deseriptive il-
lustrated matter for each district sere -
'irately, which are sent free on
plication to to the agents of the Com-
pany and to Mr. J. D. McDonald,
District Passenger Agent, G. T. R..
Union Station, Toronto.
A song called the "Hymn -to Apol-
lo," written 280 years B.O., has
just been sung for the first time in
• There are Many imitations of Will -
son's Fly Pads ; all are cheap and
comparatively useless. 13e sure to
get Wilson's.
• The only two great European cap-
itals that never have been *occupied
by a foreign foe are London and St,
Mr. Fiddle—"How did it happen
that you were -arrested for stealing?"
McNabb—"It was the doctor's- fault;
he told me to talc° iron, and I took
a stove." .
Don't think for a minute that any
man is interested in your troubles --
unless he is a lawyer.
It is Ktiown Everywhere.—Tnese lit
not a city, town or hamlet la Canada
where Dr. Thomas' Eclectric 011 is Pt,:
known—wherever introduced It made
foothold for itself and meintabeed it.
Some merceituts may suggest some
other remedy as equally benefi. lel.,
Such recommendations should be
• caved with doubt. • There is only one
• 'fa:electric Oil, and that is D. Thema?,
Take nothing else.
Cholly—"I can't live without your
daughter!" Mr. Cashbags--"Oh, yes
you caril Work never killed anybody
Keep Minard's Lment tn the the:
Munching parties are the latest
outcome of the new health fad. The
guests at such meals aro invited only
on condition that eacia Mouthful of
food is chewed thirty-two times
foi'e it is swallowed.
A 'Summer Cough,
Is the hardest kirid notelet of and thal
inter, dangerous itirid to seiglata.
Cure Tlovrlien4
w_111 euro you eulekly h
tad eaterateal
ee fever, etrengtben % had
make you well eistiet,
M 31&tuft!** 225,tte met aidel 61.&1k.