HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-7-14, Page 3ATIENT A tilisATIsF /ED intbaoituot.ya„totioinapioy‘tys.: joi,,,,im,inies Praotioal Lesson. to Those Who Have Made a Failure of Life =Peered' According to Ace of elle tyre nutrient of Canada, in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred Ana Veen by Win Batty, a Toronto, at tee Department of Agriculture, cnitewe A despatch troll.). Los Angeles says : Rev, Frank De Witt Talmage preach- ed front the following text : Exodas xiv, 13, "Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord." To fall back, in order to go for-. ward; to retreat, in order to ad- vance; to evacuate, in order to con- quer; aye, that .is the course most military chieftains have to take, at, least once in life, before they, wen their ultimate triumphe. • • Very easy it is for most of us to' go forward in the battle of life when the divine command is given clearly and distinctly : ' "Charge! Let the Whole line'charge!" Easy it is for most of us to retreat when the com- mand is given clearly and, distinctly: "Fall back!. Let the whole line fall back!", Bub it is another matter to patieatly wait. 'Yee waiting is a very great element in spiritual suc- cess, as • it is in temporal seccees. How much, a factor is "the waiting crisis" in the .successes of life can ,• be- Well learned in the words which • Dr. Cuyler taught a few years ago, when. •lie said, "I have beei. conver- sant in my time with thousands of failures of talented men, both in New York and Brooklyn, and. I can bear testimony that ninety-nine lima, dreths of all those failures were, without doubt, due to the lack of pa- tience, both in a spiritual sen et as tvell as a temporal." It is to teach the important lessons of sanc- tified patienc,e that I ara preaching this sermon. The waiting crisis comes to thou-. sands upon thousands of faithful erten and women in the struggle for a financial existence. It comes not )ci the lazy, good for nothing human 'dings, who think the world owes them a living, and, theefore, they, do nothing. It comes not to the tramps, the loafers, tho deadbeats, Who, as derelicts on the great high- way seas of life, are ,a menace to all with whom they como in touch. But It eneues to the young inan who gets .up promptly at 6 o'clock and goes to the store punctually on time. It collies to the conscientious lawyer and. doctor and 'mechanic who are striving with all their power to do . right. It comes• to men and *omen who in every sense are noble, who always seem to ,be on the verge of making a great success and yet nev- er seem to be quite able to reach the goal.. • MANY ARE UNFORTUNATE. • These men are true and good men, eat unfortunate men. • They are what worldly people call "unlucky." We know there is no such thing' as luck. Men are not lucky or un- lucky-, but there are some who seem to , have more misfortunes than otbers; who, through no fault of their own, miss the good things of life. The strong man triumphs over them, but as the world witnesses his struggles under successive strokes of adverse fortuue it calls him "un- lucky." You 'are unlucky, in the fact that just as you were about to go to college your father died and you were taken out of school and had to go to work. You are unlucky in the ...fact that just after you had saned up a little money and put it in the .:natle. the cashier became a defaulter and you lost all. You are unlucky • in the fact that just after • you had leavned to be a good drafstman and had a fine position about to be of- fered you fell and broke your arm or had your fingers cut off by having -them caught in the coge. of a fac- tory wheel and you had to start e all over again. You are unlucky, be- cause just as you were about to be appointed to a certain position an enemy lied .about. your character as an enemy lied about ft young friend of mine who -was about to become pastor of a prominent church in the east. Though your character in one . sense was vindicated, yet the dam- age was done. 'Another stepped in aad got the place, even as tbe poor airier:lid at the pool of Bethesda, was itughed aside by others again and again when the angel of health "went down at a certain season into the pool and -troubled the waters." After having been. repeatedly, struck . down by misfortune after nrisfortune you are to -day on tho verge of com- plete despair. You are eaying to yourself : I am always unlucky! What is the use of my trying any longer?" Pe' • BE PATIENT, NOT DISCOURA.C4- ED. • Discouraged, aro you? "Yes," •you mutter, "fearfully discouraged!" You have conscientiously done your level best? •"Yes, I have. done my levelr best. can do hothing more." Oh yes, you can, my brother. You cart let God now come_ and do the rest. You are simply "encamped be - Joe° Pi-hahiroth, between Migdol and tho sea, over against Baalzephon." God is goieg to open a, way for you through the Red :sea to escape the pursuing Pli ilisti nee . Hole? do not know. This, hOwever, I do know. ood will rosette you if you are patient, only patient. He evil!, if like Job amid the tragedy of a evrecked hone and amid a ruined for - tette and in the agonies of phypical ag well as meutal pain, you can say, and still continue to say, "Though he sla•y me, yet will I trust him." Gad will show to you a Weed mettris of escape if you will Wily stand atilt just where you are and continue to look for the salvation of the. Lcad. You may not now think it, but all things, even amid the greettes dis- couragernents, all things are Working together for good to them that love the Lord. , After the darkeet • of nightg theta always comes the Wet- ness of a Agin giering dawn. Amid the blackeet of troubles there Will alWays come a pillar of fire to lead God' e children to a promised land. Trust him, brother. Continue to trust God. 13e patient. Juet go on and continue to do your level best, All things will ultimately, come out right IS you do.. That is the teach- ing of this grand old text, "Stand still and see the salvation. of the Lord." • But there is another class of hear- ers 3. lied to -day eneemped among the Israelitish hot e near Piehabi- eoth. They are the Men and the -women who are not necessarily struggling for a financial existence, but who are unhappy ad dissatisfied with the fields in which God has compelled them to, labor. They linow they could da beets); work -amid other surroundings, Or they are laying to themselves : "I do not know why it is that all 'Iny labors should be misconstrued and unap- preciated. lf God does not open to me another field of work soon I shall drop this position anyhow." P0 yowl wo:4K THE BEST, YOU CAN. , Going to give up' your present pos- ition? You :say you are •not happy hi it? Don't you do it, my brother. What you need in life in this waiting crisis of yours is a great big invig- orating doge of patience. Stand till just where you • are„ and do your work the beet way you can and see the salvation of the Lord. God does not, as a rule, call his workmen from nothing to something great, but from a, amain position of influence to a, higher position.of in- fluence. 'When Christ wanted to eel - cot his cabinet and to fill the apos- tolic Positions of the "fishers of men," he did not go into tho mar- ket place, where he could/1nd the loafers idling around. 'He went down to the shores of Lake Galilee and found two stalwart men casting their nets into the sea. He said to Peter and Andrew his brother, "Fol- low rne, and I will make you fish- ers of men." It is nearly always a hard struggle for a man in a small position to climb up into a higher position. But it is nearly alway,s an almost impossible struggle for a man out of a job to be called to a fine position. Christ uttered sound philosophy when he said in his para- ble : "Take therefore the talent from him and give it unto him who bath ten talents. For unto every one that hath shall be given and he ehall have abundance, but from him that hath not ghall be taken away even that which he WW1." It is easy enough for the pastor' Of a success- ful church of New York to be called to a prosperous church of Chicago. But a • miniater Without a pulpit, though be be a giant. periwig preach- ers, has an almost insurmountable undertaking to . be called to any strong pulpit. The man without a , job is a man whose failure is stamp- ed upon his brow, and- every one looks at him with suspicion. Be pa- tient. Everything will come out all right. Just be patient. NOT • AS IMPORTANT AS WE THINK. But there, is still another reason I d why o no wan you to give up queer. One clay jack comes in and tells us he it going to teaeh winter Sch001 in order to go to college. We think then he is crazier etill, After awhilo Jack, by working all his sum- mers and, all wintors, gets through college, and then comes home and tens us that he is going to the law school. We think he is crazier still. Altor lf- tee awhileJack, by years of se Sacrifice and hard work, is graduat- ed. Then he goes to New York city, After awhile my brother Jack pushes his way to the front of the New York bar, What is the result? Do We boys praise Jack for his labors? Do we say, "If we hact worked as he worked we could be whore he is?" Pelhaps, But that is not the gener- al role of the average family. We immediately begin to complain, be- cause Jack does not send us meneY and help to sapport us. We take from him all we can get. And so, when any man honestly tries to mako a success out of life, he im- mediateler has a lot of indigent, sel- fish, lazy folks about bim, trying to 1107_ off the results of his hard-earned THE RIGHT TIME TO DIE, But when the advancing years pass on, and by sickness or old age we seena to be laid away upon the shelf as useless by a busy world, then most of us do not appreciate the pe- tition of that song prayer. We do not want to be "nothing, nothing." We want to be "something, some- thing.," and have that something a very active "something." SOme- times at the funeral of a strong man we see a suggestive floral tribute in a broken column. That means the man died in his primer' That means most 01 us say, "Is it not too bad that he had to go when he had so much to live for." But I do not think it takes nearly as much divine grace to diet in your physical and mental prime as it takes to live On in physical invalidism or in. decrepit old. age. In the first instance a Christian man like a warrior is struck down at a blow. In the sec- ond instance a man is like an aged veteran in a soldier's home like a Job's war charger smelling the'bat- tie from afar and yet not able to answer the bugle call for the grand charge. The saddest scene. during all my study in the west was when in the Methodist Episcopal confer- ence five noble 111.021 who had served their church as bishops long and faithfully wore retired and placed upon the superannuated list. But as God has *placed some of you upon the great "welting list" as physical or mental ineffectives, 'be patient. Trust him. Even in your retired field of waiting you have a work to do. It will all come out right. Yes, sick one and aged one, it will all come. out right. You may not be able to understand God's ways now, but it will all dime out right. Thus to -day, as tho "waiting" les- son is the hardest of all gospel les- sons to learn, I.am going to close in the beautiful words of ono whose poem has been very near and dear to me. I ant preaching against my own impatience jpst as I am against yours. I know that a parent can never bring his child up right unless he teaches that child to learn to trust him and wait; therefore, no child of God can ever trust God ern - less he is at times ready to "stand still and see the salvation of the Lord." that position whichseems to fret , you. As far as I can make out, you ARMY REFORM IN ENGLAND. are getting in life, just as much as you deserve. Instead of complain- ing, you ought to get down on your knees and thank GO for the posi- tion which he has given to you. Why should you expect' God to make you his favorite child ancl allow you. to rest upon a bed of roses? Are you any difTerent from any of his other children? Are you so smart or so good or so humble that you have a right to expect more than they? In- stead of grumbling. about your small position) you should see men,in every Way your superiors, physically, mentally and spiritually, occupying smaller positions than you. Be pa- tient in that, work God has given to you. Most of us—aye, pelhain: all of us—have all eve deserve in life, and more too. If God wants us to go higher, he will open the way. If he does not open the way, then'lee us do what he wants us to do. You and I are not so important or • so perfectly sanctified as some of us think we are. In order to impress upon you this fact, 1 would read to you: a quaint piece of poetry by James Whitcomb Riley. It has help- -and encouraged me much in 'life. hope the reading will mako you con- tented in -the field of labor to which God has called you to work. But, roaming in and out among the Israditish hosts encamped at Pi-hahiroth, I find the ranks of the Mosaic army cursed and retarded with hangers on. There were many bravo men in that army. Men there wore like Joshua. and Caleb, but there was also a host of lazy, good for nothings, as in every army, who expected others to do all the work. When the tents were' to be lifted, they were not there; when the man- na was to be collected; they Were like the five foolish virgins Who wanted to borrow the oil of the five wise virgins: And so to -day when I flee a strong, Willing man I inevit- ably see a lot ef human leeches dinging' to that man as barnacles stick to a ship's hull. Furthermore, to -day I See scores and hundreds of you hardworking Men and Women re- belling at the injustice by Which Others are trying to live Oil the re- state of the sweat of your brow. SUCCESSFUL MAN'S Bultrak. But I have a brothee leek. The young folks say' he is queer and Mean and stiagy. Some people say Ito is certey. My brother .Tatle is not lazY. He Woeks just as hard as we do, but when he Makes a dollar., instead Of spending that dollar as Wo do, he stenos it or gee§ and btlya Drastic Measures Said to Be in Contemplation. The London Express says : The re- construction of the army, which is a counterpart to war oflice reconstitu- tion, is still engaging the attention of the governmeut, hut an ea,rly statement will be made by Mr. Ar- nold -Forster on the subject. The most drastic measure contemplated is a general reduction among regiments possessing more than two battalions. The Guards are included, and it is likely that the whole battalion of the Third. Scots will be struck ofT the establishment. The reason lies in the paucity of recruits, the bri- gade of Guards being 1100 men and over 30 officers short. The Irish Guards are not to have their con- templated second battalion, and the Grenadiers and Coldstrearns will pro- bably lose 100 men each. Great ef- forts are to be made, under the dir- ection .of Major-General H. S. G, Miles, to reorganize the -recruiting for the army. He will be assisted by Colonel Crutchley of the Guards; Captain C. Mansel -Jones, V. C., and Major Dykes. Tho general improve- ments which will be effected include the following : Bettor barracks and more allowances; greater freedom to soldiers; lodging list to be extended; khaki to he euperseded by a more becoming cloth; a better head-dress for walking out; long and short ser- vice; a new territorial organization; coMpletescheme for hodefence work; creation me eation of a real army re- serve. roe the present Mr. Arnold - Forster will be unable to make any satisfactory statement with regard to the application of the Esher re- forms to the regeneration of the war office. The deadlock with the treas- ury continues, and the scheme for the establishment of a general staff, or brain of the army for war, is suse pended, becauge the treasury have refused to find the mOney. No fur- ther appointments are, therefore, be- ing gazetted at present. "Madam, you've already overdraWir your account." "What's that?" "You havea't any more money In the bank." 'rho idea! A fine bank, I think, to be out of money because Of the little I've drawn! Well, I'll go sotheathere else," One trouble with the cddeet inhabi- tant IS that he reinenibers too many inciderits of hie litoyhoed days . that Setue " boolss. Instead of loafing never happellet *********** OME, tiff W*********to A SPARF, :LIEDROOM. Eyery houeehold h.as a ghost in, it. closet so they- say. Thera celw tainly 'is a ghost that haunts almost every home and causes more illiserY and homesickness and trouble gener- ally for every guest that enter the door.s1i)t0 b1,Aeirromtolia,tdismal ,ghost is the ,, If the whole houen should be searched it ig doubtful if a drearier, more anconifortable corner could be found than this sarne "spare room." If the borne Maker doubts this state- ment it will only be necesgary for her to pack a hand bag with what she would consider articles needed when making 'a visit, and then step across the hall froni her own, little nest and spend the night in her spare room,.Thi is the only way she will ever be able to fully realize the agonies endured by her guests in that gilded cage of misery to which they are consigned. When she comes down to the table the next morning, stiff and tired from lying awake half the night, and fuming over her toilet because of thelack of toilet, requis- ites, she will be a sadder, but wiseg woman, and will doubtless set to work at once to make her guest chamber more inbnbltablC., Do not dress the bed in the* guest ebamher with dean gheets as soon as your visitor is gone. If you do the bed will grow chilly and damp • and ,musty. The old fashioned plan was to air fresh sheets and put them on the bed the same day -the, guest is expected to arrive; thus insuring a dry, sweat bed and no etiff joints the next morning. The old fashion- ed way in this, as in so many other things, is after all the best way. An extra pair of blankets, , even. In sum- mer, should be kept in the closet of the guest chamber, and the pillows should be one hard and one eoft stuffed, so as 'to insure comfort for your visitor, for if you become used to a certain style of pillow it is im- possible to sleep on any other, and no other thing causes so much dis- comfort to a person who has been accustomed to sleeping on a soft pil- low as to Sand the pillows of the, guest chamber large and hard. As soon as your guest depart have all the water poured out of the pit- chers and jugs, and donot allow them to be refilled until shortly be- fore the next visitor arrives. 'Put yourself' in his place," and think how refreshing you would find it, after perhaps days of weary travel, to be shut up in a room to wash yourself in water a week ale, with a heavy scum of dust floating on the top of it. See that the towels are thoroughly dried, for a 'damp towel has a depressing. effect. Do not keep moth balls in the dresser draw- ers in yonr guest chamber. Remem- ber, they are positively. nauseating to many people. ' If there is a bathroom communica- tion with your spare room, be heed- ful that a perfectly fresh cake of soap is provided, and plenty of dry towels. If there is no bathroom, do not forget the pitcher of hot water. Do not load the dressing table with -cast off toilette articles from your own dresser that are no longer of personal value ste you, and are at the same -time of no value to your guest: Women usually carry their own precious little instruments du toilet about with them, and men de- test the "effeminate playthings." Leane the cushion bare and the shelf and dresser free for the guest's own pins, brushes, combs, etc. See that the room is provided with a stand or table to be placed by the bed to hold the lamp, matches, and a pitcher of water. Provide a night lamp, You would be surprised to know how many people require a light in the room while sleeping. An ordinary lamp smokes if turned low, and it an act of great thoughtfulness to provide a night lamp •for your guest. DOMESTIC RECIPES.. • Cheese Wafers.—Maka a good but not too "short" pie crust. • Into a small quantity_ emix as myth .dry grated cheese as it will take, adding, if necessary, a teaspoonful or two of water. Season with a dash of cay- enne pepper and a Mile salt, Roll thin and exit in wafers four inches long and an inchwide; pride thickly with a fork and bake. Nice to serve with salad. Mint Sauce.-allint pauee is the pro- per accompanimentsnof roast lamb. Wash the spriggs of mita, pick off the tender green leaves, chop fine and add a tablespoonful of sugar, two tablespoonfuls of vinegar and half as much ice water. Creamed Mushrooms—There are many edible species of mushrooms of which we do not make half the use we ought, eince they are both pala- table and nutritious; indeed it is claimed that, weight for weight, there ig as much nutrinient in mush- rooms as in beef, To prepare them, peel large, froth ones ,and sprinkle with salt and popper. Put in a stewpan with a little water. Sim- iner ten minuteg. Add a small lump of buttey—a tablespoonful to a quart of mushrooms. Then pour in a pint of sweet cream, in which you hare stirred a tablespoonful of cornstarch. Tapioca Jelly—To prepare it, soak one breakfaateupful of tapioca in throe eups of cold water OVer In the Morning pet it in a double boiler with a cup of hot water, and let it simmer until perfectly clear, stirring Often. Sweetert to taste, and flavor with the juice of baw a lemon, and two tablsespoonfels' of fruit jtlidQ Pour into cups, and set away until perfectly (told. Whipped cream and sugar nlay be served with thisti.ali3elltr lIoest,---Buttee slices of.cley toast and keep warm. Boil hard es Matey eggs as desired and sliee over the toteet. Make a. SOUCC 1W rook- ing together onnd e aone-hm alt antle milk, One teaspooeful cora starch, butter the size of a walnut, a half - teaspoonful of salt Old a slight Sprinkle of pepper. Boil till it thickellS, etinrieg to keep it from, fieoreleing. Pour OW the toast la separate hot plateSt Veal Balls—Grind or Chop YerY line one pound of veal ante two (macesof breakfast bacon or salt park.. Add etlp „et l.tmead crumbs, 5teaepeene ful of Salt, a ealeepoenful of pepper, a teaspoonful of finely minced (mien, one large or two email eggs and, half a cup of stock, water or milk, and mix thoroughly:, Shape into balls a little larger than a wahine and coat with flour. Put a table- spoonful of butter' in a skillet, a.dd the balls and Sault) to a golden brown 011 all sidee, then. cover .with water or etook and simmer for about, three-quarters of, an hour. Mix a teaspoonful of curry pewder with a heaping tablespoon of flour. Melt a tableePoon of butter, stir in the flour and when blended add the broth from the balls. Stir constantly un- til smooth and thick; .adcl more seas- oning if necessary and pour over the balls. Serve in a platter with, a bor- der of hot boiled rico. Fruit Custard—Boil one quart of milk in a double boiler. Beat two eggs very light and stir into them Lour tablespooands of sugar and one tablespoonful of flour. . Add to this a tablespoon of cold milk, then stir it gradually into the boiling milk, stirring until it thickens, When cool flavor with a teaspoonful of vanilla. Have ready in sauce dishes straw- berries or any fruit in Se-aSQ21 and pour the custard over it. Rasp- berries and sliced peaches are parti- cularly good. HINTS TO HOUSEKEEPERS. If a liousekeePer is troubled with mud around her door, she ina,y make a, pretty useful mat by spreading branches of cedar, or other evergreen, on the ground. The boughs should be of good size and laid thick enough to wipe feet on. • It is claimed that by boiling nicq fresh. corncobs, a. liquid may be ob- tained 'which, when added to sugar syrup gives it a maple flavor. The patent maple syrup flavor, 'which sells at a high price, is. said to be made this way. When a girl is learning to make bread, it' will be easier if she stirs the sponge to a good thickness be- fore beginning the kneading. When putting down lineoleum, whether old or new, allow an inch at the edge for stretching. It seems as immovable ae so much plank, but if cut to exactly fit it will stretch and bulge up after a few dare' nsage. When you have a number of plain pillows slips to iron, spread them in a pile, without folding, upon, the ta- ble, having the hems all at one end. Have a good hot iron, turn them all hack except the bottom, one. Turn that back the width of the iron and iron the hem. Then lay it back and smooth the upper side of the hem. Do all of them the same way, and then begin on the top one to finish up. This is much quicker than Ironing each one separately., and they will look just as well. It is: not easy to keep'grdvanized pails, washbasins, • etc., clean and bright looking as it is other ware, because the same treatment will not answer. To clean and brighten such articles,wipe them perfectly dry, then rub hard with a cloth dipped 111 kerosene. After rubbing till the met- al shows bright and clean wash in soap suds to remove the 'kerosene, and the article will be as bright as when new—the zinc bathtub and the stove zinc caa be cleaned in the same way. Many authorities say strawberries must never be washed, but notto do so often means making a considera- ble inroad on the "peck o' dirt" we are all supposed to eat before we die. 'Elie right way to washthem with- out bruising them or impairing their flavor is to drop them as they . are hulled into a bowl of clear water. Stir them gentlee with the finger tipsy then lift out in a Skimmer or with the hands, and drain in a colander. You'll be surprised to see how much sand will remain in the bowl. There is,no part of the house that innre needs thorough cleaning than the cellar. Gases and bad air from it permeate the whole house. If you don't believe it, spill an ounce of peppermint or valerian on the cellar floor and see how soon you can smell it in the attic. The walls should be whitewashed once a year at the least. No stale -vegetables, no sour beef or pork brine, no old rot- ten wood is permissible in the healthy cellar. To absorb the damp - ,CSS and keep the air 'sweet and dry it is a good plan to keep chloride of lime in the cellar, renewing it every three months. • ONE FOR THE PARSON. A celebrated man not long since received a just rebuke. A lecturer stated that the aforesaid knew how to make a most excellent cup of cof- fee: A country parson 'Wrote to him, asking hint for the recipe. His request was granted, but at the bot- tom of the letter was the following manifestation of stupendous conceit: "I hope that this is a geniune re- quest, and not a surreptitious mode of securing my autograph." To this the parson replied: "Accept :my thanks for the recipe for making coffee. I wrote in good faith, and, in order to convince you of • that fact, allow me to return what it, is obvious yon infinitely prize, but which is of no value to me—your autograph." WORLD'S COTTON crtor, Taking the last live years; the world's averege production of cot/ tou per annum has been 16,000,000 bales, calculated at 500 pounde to the bale; the production during the year 1S98 was 15,500,000 bales. This gives on "intchreeashetsionfvlomytot5u0.80,0000r pal) e°1-113"C:g(tilrilnl`:;11Nianig101171 (1:f bl()(tIP'1°M°6°P haatig With, the incediee at the worlds p0 - potation end the much greatee use and demand for cotton fa brica, which is a flunked feature of the times. TITE SUNDAi St11001 INTERN/1.110;11AL LE$s01F, JULY 17. Text of the Lesson, II. Chron xiv., 1-12. Golden Text, II. Chron. xiv,, 11. In our study of the kings eve must bear hi mind that jeliovalli ilitneell nate the rightful ruler OVOL' Israel and they sat upon the throat:net' the kingdom al the Lord ,ever fereel„ representing. Him, ebeying leis voice, doing Hie wilt I. Sam, viii., 7; 1, Carron. xxviii., 5). As Isaiah Bain, "The Lord ie our judge, the Lord' is our Lawgiver, the Lord is our 21S2i)ng ; NTho mVialinSaaTteer1160., d, s(ToSa,wn2c4xLii,i4. was the one who did right in His. eyes, not turning aside front any- thing that He commanded. (I. Kings xiv., 8; ecvne 5). The personal ap- plicationto eacli believer is that, as the redeemed of the Lord, we are here in Cluist's stead to manifest His life and show forth Hth praises that men may come to Him (II. Cor. v„ 20: iv., 11; I. Pet. li., 9)., Jerusalem was the city whieh the Lord had chosen cue of all the tribes. of Israel to put His name there, and believers aro the chose a of the Lord to bear His name, that people may bo drawn to Him (IL Ohron. xii., 13; Eph. 1.. 4; .Acts ix„ 15). Rchoboam reigned seventeen years, doing evil. Abijah'bus son, reigned three years and walked in the sins of his father (II. Chron. xii., 13, 14; I. Kings Scv., 3); yet in the matter of a conflict between his army and that of Jeroboam the Lord delivered him in a great emergency, and the children of Judah prevailed because they relied upon the Lord cod of their fathers (II. Chron. wilt, 14- 18). Notwithstanding our great lun17e,s 0rthisaakeses. He works for n. His ow m Asa; son of Abijale "reigned forty- one years, just a little longer than either Saul or David or Solomon, and did that which was good and right: in the eyes of the Lord his God (verses 1, 2; erv1.,14)„ He did a great deal toward destroying idol- atty and turning the people to the Lord God of their fathers (verses 3-5), even removing the queen Moth- er 'because of her idolatry and de- stroylag her idol (I. Kings xv., 13), - but the high places were not all re- moved. Yet it is said that his heart was perfect with the Lord all his days. There was one or all the kings of the ten tribes who did right in the sight of the Lord and only seven of 'all the kings of Judah who did so (xx.., 32; wxiv., 2; xxv., 2; xxvi., 4; xxvit, 2; xxix., xxxiv. 2), and some of these only for a time. There is only one Bible re- cord of an absolutely perfect man who never failed to do right in the, sight of the Lord. He knew no sin, He did no sin, there was no sin in Him, He always pleased the Father. He died for our sins, He is alive for - over more, .aur great Priest -King at ' God's right hand. The Lord gave Asa and his people rest on every side; the kingdom was quiet before lum (yerses 1, 5, (3, 7). This leads our thoughts to the time when a King shall reign in righte- ousness and the work of righteous- ness shall be peace and the effect ..of righteousness quietness and assur- ance forever, and the people shall drink in peaceable habitations, sure teachings and ranee resting places (Ise xxxii., 1, 17,' 18). In indi- vidual expevience, "We who have believed do enter into rest" (Heb. iv, rest, bub;ttherewe amts isnoottcomeherNVato ll . onini Begives faith and /et Him rest us. Such rest is too provoking to the adversary either in a nation er an individual (job xxxiv, 29), and he will do his utmost to disturb it. In this case he stirs up a million of men _against Asa's army of half a million, but Asa cried unto the Lord his G'•od, and his prayer in verse 41 should be carefully memorized, not only the part assigned as the Golden Text, but the whole verse. Jehovah changes not, and the heart that can truly pray. this ' prayer will find it not in vain. , With such reliance upon God on the part of Asa and hig people, it is not strange that we read, "So the Lord smote the Ethiopians before Asa and before Judah, and the Etbiopians fled" (verse 12). But it does seem strange that, having proved the ben- efit of rely—ieg on the Lord, he should afterwarci rely on the king of Syria instead of on the Lord and thus bring upon himself it rebuke from the Lord through Hamlin the seer (xvi, 7-9). Whenehe trueted the Lord and he and his people turned to the Lord and sought Him with their whole de- sire, encouraged by Azalea:, messen- ger of Cod, anatthe victory over the Ethiopians., tben the Lood gave them rest round about, and there was no more war unto the thirty- fifth year of his reign We the whole of chapter wen. Aftee that came the fellowship , with the king of Syria, the Lord's , rebuke by Hanani, the anger of the king with the prophet (arid therefore with God, who sent hilt), even put- ting him in prisoe; the king's illness, in which be also turned away front the Lord, and his death in the forty- first Year of hie reign (cbaptee wen). Taking warning- by his failure, let us imitate him in his reliance upon the Lord and hie "fight against Mole, try and note that from the ten t•ribee thera came to him an abun- dance of people when they saw that the Lord hie God was with him (ee-, 9), for the Lard honors those) who honor Him (1 SAM ii, 30). May. all who read be as muele helped es X have been by nvi, 9, and may we eve:. be wbole hearted for God, for then 1170 can act upoti and exited, a fulfilitnent of „Ter. xxxiii, 3, and lie -e 01 the comfort of Ps, ixii, 5. The devil persistently telapts to lean upon an nem of flath, but 4 the gnaw. of Goa .we overecnul him andentadfaetly., lemt ort tlat Lord alone.