HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-7-14, Page 2,
',1:1,157717114!IP.7.-.771Mee Sae 'a:reefs . 'n-eeeeileate leen '
In Four. Cases of An.a.ernia Their
Effects Were so Satisfaetory tb.at
Be Will Go on 'Using Them.
Dr, Leaman!, whose skill preservea
the life of the late Pope Leo XIII to
'the great rage of 92, and to whose
care the health of the present Pope,
'Lila Holiness Pius X., is (mended,
'bas written the remarlialile letter of
which the following is a transla-
tion e—
"r .certify that I have tried Dr.
'Williams' Pink Pills in four cases of
;he simple Anaemia, of development.
After a few 'weeks of treatment, the
eesult came fully up to my expecte-
tione. For that reasoa 3. shall not
fail in the future to extend the uSe
ot this laudable preparation not on-
ly in the treatment of other morbid
'forms a the category of Anaemia, or
Chlortaie, but also in cases of Nour-
asthenia and the like,"
Dr, Giuseppe Lappoei, Physician to
91e Pope, who has written a
letter in praise crf Dr. Wil-
liams' Phok Pills for
Pale People.
It would be impossible to exagger-
et° the importance of this opinion.
Lapponi's high official position
)Iaces his professional competence
o.bove question, and it is certain
'hat he did not write as above with -
nut weighieg his words, or 'without
L full sense of the effect his opinion
Would Have.
The "simple anaemia of develop-
ment" referred to by Dr. Lapponi is
of course that tired, languid condi-
tion of young girls whose develop-
• ment to womanhood is tardy, and
• whose health, at the period of that
development, is so often imperilled.
A girl, bright and merry enough in
childhood, will in her teens grow by
.degrees pale and languid. Frequent
headaches, and a sense of uneasiness
. „which she cannot understand, makes
Condon= the Food Given. to
S cb. o alb oys, $ °Idlers and
Is the British nation growing too
fast? That is a question which is
being seriously* discussed Just iow
in view or the statement by a prom-
inent medical men at Edinburgh that
the youth of the country are being
red at selmol upon a diet which en-
courages the formatiou of flesh ra-
ther thee intellect.
Dr. Yorke -Davies, of London, the
well-anown dietetic expert, is of the
opinion, and in the course of an in-
teresting interview, gave tho follow-
ing expression of his views;
"I Wu quite in agreement with the
opimion expressed by Dr. Leslie Mac-
kenzie at the meeting of the Par-
ents' National Education Union at
Edinburgh, that the average school-
boy is very improperly fest, and a
very great deal of harm is done to
the youth of this country by wrong
diet. Ere has too much farinaceous
food and not enough animal food,
The practice or giving boys beer is a
thoroughly bad ono, as at their age
they are much better without alco-
holic stimulants of any kind.
"The usual school meals are made
up far too largely of bread, pud-
dings, and jam, which are not the
foocis of energy. One boy, who was
recently brought to inc for over -fat-
ness, I ordered to be removed from
Iris school at once, so very harmful
was the diet proving. Every sehoole
boy, says Dr. Clement Dukes, a great
authority, should have a pound of
meat a day, and it should be well
cooked. With this I agree.
is not, however, in schools
-aloe° that feeding is based. on en-
tirely wrong principles. The same
is the case in the army, the navy
and nearly all great public institta
lions. Take work -houses, for in-
stance. Not long ago it was stated
that the inmates of a certain work-
house had grown so fat that the
chairs were not sufficiently large for
"The food of the sailor, according
tothe latest improved' ration, is
absolutely too ridiculoes for words,
because it contains over three times
as much. farinaceous matter as he
should be allowed. The result of the
diet cannot but affect his efficiency in
war time, rendering him far less ac-
tive than he ought to be. In a few
years, in fact, it is calculated, as I
have pointed out in an article in the
.`Gentleruan's Magazine,' to make him
fat, lazy and gouty, and he will
scarcely be able to waddle about the
"The convicts at Dartmoor also
have more than double the amount
of food—that is to say, farinaceous
foods—that they should have, with
net miserable. Just when it is time the result that they become very
for her to leave off being a girl tued
become a woman—a change which
conies to different individuals at dif-
ferent ages—her development 1ingers—
a)ec.1 obviously not so capable of do -
why? Because :nal has too little
nig the convict's ordinary hard work
• blood. That is what Dr. Lapponi
'Means when he speaks, in the scien-
tific language natural to him, of "the
anaemia of development." Dr. Wile
hams' Pink Pills for Pale People
' Have tho power of making new fatness is becoming more and more
blood. They cure anaeinia just as common. This is in some measure
obese. When I went over the prism).
recently I found that most ot them
were too fat even to walk properly,
as they should be,
"I have noticed that among the
upper classes in this country over -
food curee hunger. That is how
they help growing girls, ate, for
,want of this new blood, often drift
.into chronic ill -health, or "gonto
'a decline' means consemption
1- -
ie wh 1 a they need. ' It is also due
part to the abeminable dishes
—and die. Dr. Williams' P1118 could 1 n
. ,
Nave them. which pass as French cookery in this
The value of Dr. Williams' ip ilk country,
•"So difficult, in fact, is it to get
o Vills as a nerve tonic, referred to 1
by Dr. Lapponi, makes them value-
French cookery properly done th.at it
I ought. as a general rule, to be rig-
ble to nien as well as women. They ,
'act on the nerves through the blood I °I4c)usbr eschewed. I am not refer -
a • ring, of course, to great hotels like end thus cure diseases like St. Vitus '
ii Claridge's or the Savoy, where the
t• dance, neuralgia, paralysis and loco -
Oe motor ataxia. When buying these I very best chefs procurable are •em -
t pills. it is important to see that the 1 Pl°3red o nor to some of the dinners
full name Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Preparecl at the homes of tbe weal -
for Pale Peeple"
o ' is printed on the (Vilest tipper classes, but if you go
wrapper around each box. lnever ;to the .middle-class homes, where at -
take a substitute, as it is worse ;tempts are made by third-rate Eng -
than a watite of mouev—it is a men- tlish cooks to reproduce delioate
due to the fact that the luxurious
eat a great deal more than they
ought to, some even trouble and treb-
ace to health. If you cannot get the !French sauces and garnishings, • the
gentile() pins from your dealer write 'result is most ludricrous.
the Dr. Williams' Medicine Cse, "Qur reputation as a eneat-eating
Brockville, Ont., and the pills will b.attob eaeurits ti6 doubt for tho'
be sent you post, paid at 50 cents a moderate average of girth of the
box er ?ix boxes for p.5o, British nation, in comparison with
arm the middle class in Continental cone-
.• tries, such as /taly, Femme, nolland
• "But I hope," said the Pedy, atom and Belbium, where a large propor-
r the photographer was endeavoring ,tion of the diet is farinaceous,. and
o to get into position, "1 bope you 'the tendency is for the people to be -
won't display iny photo in the win- conic very obese. The Germans are
o . ' !low afterwards!" "Oh, Do!" re- also, as a race, very stout, and this
plied the photographer as he tried. seeme to be in a great measure 'dee
i ' not to look pleasant, "we shouldn't to their drinking such large quanti-
• think of such a thing." • ties of thin beer, which is Very fat-
•tening. '
Some women are busy little bodies
and one others are little busy-
bodies. •
You cannot watch your little ones
too carefully during the hot wea-
ther. At this time sickness conies been thirty-five instead of forty-six
•iwirtly arid the sands or the little owl not so fat when he fought wrolt-
• Ur() are apt to glide away almost be-
fore you know it. Dysentry, diarr-
hoea, cholero infantum, and stomach
troubles are alarmingly frequent
during the hot weather. At the first
xign of any of these trainees 'Baby's
Dem Tablets should be given—aeteee
etill. an occasional dose will prevent
these troubles tom 1 ng, end the Tab-
• lets should therefore be kept in 'every
home. Promptness May save your'
Child's life. Mrs. j. It. Standen,
Weyirurn, says: "Baby's Own
Tablets are valuable in cases of
rhoea,• constipation, hives, and
when teething, r have never used a
Medicine that gives such good sates- contented man oveiefat; because so
taction.” Tide Is the experience of much of hiS eliee is devoted eo Wore
alt mothers who have 'used the Tab- nth% over hin grieVanCegi Whethec
• fete, If you do net find the Tablets real or imegthery. That °is what
at your druggists meld 25 eente to I meant eihen T said in the Gentle -
Pio Winiarrite Medicine Co., Arageeine the t, I should like to
BrockVilIe, &Die, end bOX bo see a tiventeestone Anarehlet,
"Over -fatness undoubtedly tends to.
didi'the intellect and decrease energy.
It will be found by studying his-
tory that very few really greet and
successful soldiers or thinkers have
been fat. think there is some
truth in the assertion of a military
friend of mine that if Napoleon had
erloo, the resell:. of the battle *rot
have been different. As it was, over -
'fatness had sapped his energy and
crippled the ease of his movements,
'Wellington, on the other hand, had
the advanteige Of being a eompara-
tively thin manes
'If we take the leading' state'Sinea
of to -day, afa ChareberIain has do-
eidetny slina figere, and Ras Bat -
'tone also errs on the right side.
Among the -Liberals, Moe Merley, per-
haps the most thoughtful of hie
party, hae no superfluous. fliteb to cm -
combo' him.. Of couree, there ar.0
"Yon Will Very seldmn find a die -
Pent yene eaall pest paid on tie ot er lore , w aro eng
Great laterest in the Cane a.s Peo-
ple Realize Whaa Cure Dia-
betes Will Ours Any Kidney Dis-
Torouto, Ont„ July 11,—(Specia1).
—As the people learn to realize how
much the general health depends on
keeping the kidneys right, and how
many diseases are the direct result
of bad kidney melon every verified
cure OR a severe kidney disease • is
received ivith interest.
For that reason the ease of A. W.
Holman, the well-known butcher of
193e Mutual street thie city, is well
worthy of attention.. Mr. Holman
had Diebetes. Now he is a well man,
Dodd's Kidney Pills cured it. Asked
concerning his ease, M. Holman
• "Yes, I had Diabetes for six years.
I tried all kinds of remedies, but to
no use. My attention was called to
Dodd's Kidney Pills by an advertise-
ment and I began to use them. I
only used six boxes when. I was com-
pletely cured."
As it is concocted that what will
cure Diabetes will cure any Kidney
Disease it must be admitted •that
Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure any
Kidney Disease.
obese and
FATare usually
"Those who have the misfortune to
be over -fat have at least the con-
solation that it is a disease easily
cured by proper dipt and exercise.
As it is caused almost invariably by
improper food, it can only be dealt
with by the patient with proper
food. Medicines are useless, and
shoula never be taken for that pur-
pose. The quack medicines which
you seta advertised so freely, and
such drugs as acetic acid, thyroid
tablets, and purgatives of various
kinds. ir they bring *about reduction
of weight at all, do so at the ex-
pense of health.
"Of course, it is impossible to lay
down a'particular diet suitable for
all cases of' over -fatness. The proper
food for one individual is not the
proper food for another; in fact, in
this case nothing could be more tree
than the old adage that, 'What is
one lnan's food is another men's
poison.' "
Italian Ia.d theHonor—Two Of
His Instruments Remain.
It was a harpischord maker, Chris-
tofori, in the employ of the Duke DS
Tuscany who in 1711 made the first
pucceesful piano. As Curator of Fer-
dinand de Medici he had a splendid
collection of Belgian, French and
Rath= instruments to look after,
and this undoubtedly aided. him,
though the model was so crude that
the inventor could never have dream-
ed a monument weuld ever be erect-
ed in his memory. There are only
two grand pianofortes of Christefori
in existence, says a 'writer in 'Immo-
keeper. One decorated in gold and
Chinese figures is in Florence and
the other • is in. the Crosby -Brown.
collection. in the Metropolitan Art
Museum. Three documents attest the
authenticity of this last enstrument;
which was purchased from Sigeor
Diego Martelli. From this feeble be-
ginning a lOng list of names could
be mentioned of men who lielped per-
fect the piano. But factories clone
could never have achieved without
• Had to Switch.
Even the most careful person is
apt to get on the wrong track re -
gelding food sometimes and hae to
switcei °Yen
When the right food is selected the
host, of ails that come from im-
proper food and drink disappear,
evea where the treuble bee been el
iiielong standing.
- "From a child I was never strong
and had a capricious appetite and I
was allowed to eat whatever
fancied—rich cake, highly seasoned
food, hot biscuit, etc.—so it was not
surprising that my digestion was
soon out of Order and at the age of
twenty-three was on the verge of
nervous prostration. a had no ap-
petite and as had been losing
strength (because I didn't get nour-
ishment in my daily food to repair
the wear and tear on body and
brain) I had no .reserve force to fall
back on, lost flesh rapidly and no
medicine helped me. .
"Then it Was a wise physician or-
dered •Grape -Nuts and cream and
saw to it that I gave this food (new
to me) a proper trial and it showed
he knew what he was aboeft, because
I got better by beunds from the very
first. That was in the summer and
bY winter I was •in better health
than ever before in niy life, had
gaineti in flesh arid weight and felt
like a rieW person altogether in mind
as well as body, all dee to nourish-
ing and completely digestible food,
Grapc-Nu Is.
"Thee beppeeed three years ago;
and never site() then have I had any
but petfect boa' eh. for sleek to my
Crepe -Nuts rood and cream and still
think it delicioes, I eat it every
dey. tester tiee of this food and
can enjoy •a -saucer of ' 0 rape-Nots
end cream when nothhig else Satisfies
my appetite and it's eurprising how
eestained toed strong 0 small saucer-
ful Will. Male: oite feel for hour''
gainet given by '1'0MM-in 00., tattle
Creek , kch
True fora that ea rrieS One tolorg
and I`theee.' 8 reaS 0 (IMPS -Nu tS
10 dayStreves big things.
(let theAittie book, "The Road ee
fe each paticage,
Sunlight Soap not
burn the .nap off vvoolen's
nor the surface. off linens.
Aelt for the Octagon HU. so
royalty 't0 ellOoltrage end virteceess
to play, Frederick the. Great order-
ed ave pianos for his palate, where
they can be seen at the present day.
Marie Antoinette WaS a patron of
the art. Clementi, England and
Mozart, in Gernmey, intreduced the
instrumeut so it became a part of
life. It was. in Pleyel'S concert
room that ' Chopin played, tied
our later Arms have brought' out
a long list of artists, el oeeffy, Paster-
ewski and others.
One could assuredly find no worse
ground to build upon than a, bed of
sponges, such as we use for Abe
bath. And yet London has for its
subsoil only sponges, although we
call th.em flints. 'Once they grew as
sponges do now in salt water shal-
lows, and they are found in layers
petrffled among the chalk of south-
ern England. The Thames Valley
chalk has been melted like so enticb
sugar, and carried away with the
running waters; but the flints bay°
been left behind, and on these the
whole city of London has found its
excellent foundatious.
How's This
We otter One Hundred Dollars Iteward
for any CaS0 of Catarrh that, cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh. Cure.
IP CHENEY & CO„ Toledo, O.
We, 'the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the hast 15 years, and
believe him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions, and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by his firm.
'Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Ball's Catarrh Cure is taken internal-
ly, acting directly upon the blood and
raucous surfaces of the system. -Testi-
monials sent free. Price, 75c. per
bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Take nail's Pamily for consti-
Willie Peebles—The horse was go -
in'—" Teacher—iDon't forget your
g, Willie. Willie Peebles—Gee, the
horse was goin'--."
Wilson's Fly Pads, Three hen-
dred times cheaper than sticky paper.
The modern peerage of Japan con-
sists of 10 princes, ' 25 marvises, 80
counts, 852 viscounts, and 98
Lifebuoy Soap—disinfectant — is
strongly recommended by the medical
profession as a safeguard against in-
fectious diseases. 22
A fool envies another man's luck
and a wise man envies his pluck.
Men who go to law aro sure to
get satisfaction—is they are lawyers.
Wilson's Fly Pads, One ten
cent packet has actually killed a
bushel of flies,
When genie men lend a hand they
expect the loan of two in return.
The pessimist may have hopes, but
he never expects them to be realized.
They Cleanse the System Thoroughly—
Parmetee'e Vegetable Pills clear the stom-
ach and bowels of bilious matter, caus-
the excretory vessels to throw off impuri-
ties from the blood into the bowels and
expel the deleterious mass from the body.
They do this without pain or incouvena
fence to the patient, who speedily realizes
their good offices as soon as they begin to
tette effect. They have strong recom-
mendations from all kinds of people.
"His wife is an ardent temperance
worker, isn't she?" ` 'Yes; she
won't travel in the West tocCause she
heard that the climate is stimulat-
Wilson's Fly Pads are sold by
al Druggists and General. Stores.
Geese aro driven to the great Pra-
gue fair with their feet encased in
tar boots to prevent them from in-
Minard's ilhiment Lumbermag's Vivid
Cook—Shure, mune Fido's just
either bitin' the lig. av th' .butcher
bye! • Mistress—Dear, dear! IIcav
dreadfully annoying! 'r cio hope he
was a clea.n boy, Mary.
There never was, and never will he a
universal panacea 10. 000 reMed5r, for
all illS to Which 'flesh is heir—the very
nature of many curatives being such
tho,t were the germs of other and dif-
ferently seated diseases rooted in the
system of the patient—what would re.
lieve one 111, in turn 'would aggravate
the other. We have, however, in Quin-
ine Whir:, W11011 obteinanle ift a sound
unadulterated state, o remedy for many
and grevious ills. By its gradual and
judicious use, the frailest systems are
led into convalscence and strength,
the influence which Quinine exerts 00
Nature's own restoratives. It relieves
the drooping spirits of those with
Whom a. chronic •state of ' In orb id des-
pondency end leek et interest in life is
a, disease, and, by traneeiiizing the
nerves,; disposes to sound and retreshing
sleep—imparts vigor to. the &teflon of
the blood, which being . stimulated, 1
courses throughont the veins, strength-
' ening the healthy animal functions of
the system, thereby making activity a
necessary result,. strengtheran (4 the
frame, and .givieg life to tile digestive
.eigens, welch naturany demand in-
creased substance—result, Improved itp-
petite, Northrdp & Lyman of froeon.
to, have given to the public their su-
perior Quinine Wine at the usual rote,
and, gauged by the opinion.. of scien-
tists, this wine 'rt.ppl'ottellev is oar est per-
fOttiOrit of auy In. tee inerket. Alt drug-
gists tell it. •
.€44d ise,a 444e,
a/nAft, ,t;784,Loal
44..e,, /Wm*, eAtio
" • 1 .e
Pails, Wash Basins, Milk Pans, /it
Any riret‘C/aos Groctor Can Supply you.
.1a...oie,,F.Iiiet;,«M'araqi.*""att. •
Potatoes, Poultry Eggs, Butter, Apples
Let us- have your consignment of any, of these articles and we will
get you good prices.
car. West elarttet and Colborne ate;
-Attractions for Sportsmen on. the
Line of the Grand Trunk.
The Grcuul Trunk Railway Company
has Witted a handsome publication,
profusely illustrated with half -tone
engravings, descriptive of the many
attractive localities for sportsmen on
their line. of railway. Many of the
regions teached by the Grand Think
seem to have been specially prepared
for the delectation of mankind, and
where for a brief period the cares of
business aro cast aside and life is
given up to enjoyment. Not only 'do
the "Ilighlands of Ontario" present
unrivalled facilities for both hunting,.
fishing and camping, but the 30,000
Islands of the Georgian Bay, Thou-
sand Islands and St. Lawrence Riv-
er, Rideau River and Lakes, Lake St.
John, and the mans, attractive lo-
calities in Maine and New 'Tama-
sbire, present equal opportunities for
health, pleasure and sport. All these
localities are 2 -cached by the Grand
Trunk Railway System, aacl 00
trains unequalled on the continent.
Abstracts of Ontario, Michigan, Que-
bec, New Ha.mpshire and Maine fish
and game laws are inserted in the
publication for the guidance of
sportsmen. The Grand Trunk Rail-
way has also issued ,descriptive il-
lustrated matter for each district sere-
arately, which are sent free on ap-
plication to the agents of the Com-
panY and to Mr. J. D. McDonald,
District Passeneer Agent, G. T. .11.,
Union Station, Toronto.
Money occasionally makes a fool at
a man by helping him to break into
society.. .
Wilson's Fly Pads are the best
fly killers made.
An eccentric woman is ono who
dresses for comfort regardless of
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere
Never judge a man's knowledge of
human nature by the opinion he lia,s
el himself.
A Cure for Rheumatism. —The intrusion
of uric acid into the bleed vessels is a
fruitful cause of rheumatic pains. This
irregularity is owing to a deranged and
unhealthy condition of the liver.. Any
one subject to this painful affection will
find a remedy in Parmelee's Vegetatle
Pills. Their action upon the IthineyS is
prononnced and most beneficial, and by
restorineabeelthy action, they correct im-
purities -in the, blood. _
Sister—You have told me her name,
yet I know no more than I did be-
fore. Is she beautiful? Brother--
Bea:LAMM. Why, she could make ev-
en the present taphions look artis-
Mimes Liniment Is used by Physicians
There are no genie laws to handi-
cap the man who hunts trouble.
Many a man takes a joke for tha
purpose of working it off as one of
his own,
'Who t did the teacher say a boort
I Sour atierty?" asked Mrs. Gudley. "Ile
said it yews tautological," answered
Item girl graduate. "Gracious We!
To think of your (loin' anything lik• e
that, almost the first time tryinal"
For Over Sixty Years
Mas. Winton's socennto SYRUP has boon need tog
Willow; of mothers far their children while teethinu
lamellae the child, softens the gnus, allays pain, claw
wind collo, regulates the etornach and bowels, and is tho
beetromodg for Tharrhosa. Twenty-five cents' e bottle
Sold badniggIste throughout the 'World. Ile euro and
a& for "Ides. WissLow14$oontisio Ssnur." 22-01
•Englead's banana import has in-
creased from 1,500,000 to 5,000,000
bunches in three years. There are
no fatal slipping -on -banana -peel sta-
tistics available._._
WilsOn's ,Fly Pads will clear
yam' house of flies. •
Couneel—"I lesiet on all anewer to
rny question. Yott have tot told the
all the eonversation. I want to
know all that passed between you
ancl Mr. Bones on the occasion ere
which you refer,"
,Rellietant W1 $--"i"10 told you,
e'Veratitiag Of any wi.Zetequence."
"Yoe 'have told me tbat you said
to WM,. 'Bones, this ease ivill got
inta the court some day.' Now I
want to keow what lie said in re -
, he s.ald : 'Brown, thee. so.' t
rinythieg this butilhess that
aeliamed of, and if tiny erieopieg
yeeeluterieg, four-by-si X, girlie
let -eyed lawyee, With ball a pound
, Of breitie cold siXteen ountem of Jena
;• %vents to know what I've beeu
itiolkifig abaut, Suet tell him,' 1'
Works even both on.
stacks and la barnS,
unloado an blade Or
hay and groin either
loose Oslo sheavoe.
M. T. BUCIIANAN &CO., Ingersoll; Ont.
Via Union Pacific every day from
June lst to September 80th, inclus-
ive, with -final return limit October -
31st, 1904, from St. Louis $25.00,
Chicago $30.00, with corresporidingly
low 2-ates from other points. 13e sure -
your ticket reads over this line.
Inquire of H. F. Carter, T. P. A.,
75 Yonge St., Toronto, Canada.
There are 586 sorts of edible plants.,
known, of which 40 are flower pro-
ducers, and 21 yield sugar in paying:
Keep Minard's Liniment in the Ilrise,
In order to set up inbusiness for. .
himself, a shoemaker's assistant in
Paris stole 3,500 pairs of bootse
during a period of four months.
Wilson's Fly Pads: the original
and only genuine. Avoid cheap imi-
Letters dropped into a box in Pare -
is aro delivered in Berlin Within an.
hour and a half. They are whisked
through tubes by peetunatic power.
"Ibis a Great Public Benefit."—These,
significant words were used in relation ca
Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil, by a gentle-
man who had thoroughly tested its.
merits in his own ease—hievieg been
cured by it of lameness of the knee, or
three or four years' standing. It nevef
fails to remove soreness as well as lame
ness, and is an incomparable pulmoni-
ary and corrective.
Mrs. Sniffen—"Did that Lunatumn.
girl ever succeed in reforming her
husband?" Mr. Sniften—"et com-
pletely, although I hear that she
haS reached that point where he eaii.
resist everything but temptation."
St. Martin, Que., May 16, 1895.
entlemen,—Last November my
child stuck a nail in his knee caus-
ing inflammation so severe that I
was advised to take him to Mont-
real and have the limb amputated
to save his life.
A neighbor advised US to try MIN-
ARD'S LINIMENT, which we did,
and within three days my child was
all' right,. and I feel sograteful that
S send you this testimonial, that my
experience may he of benefit to
It01•111111. •
Clergyman—"I am afraid: you are
a child of sin. Parishioner—Well, I
have the comfort of knowing that 1 •
am not an only, child.
ieeItt imtaaynabeito‘iNitafastrtiefininigts croalndbitg,nyrg
lungs, and you will soon be carried to aa
untimely grave. In this country we bave
sudden changes and mast expect to have
coughs and colds. We Cannot 'need thane`
bill WO can effect a cure by using Bickle's
Anti -Consumptive Syrap, themedicine
that has never been known to fail in cur-
ing coughs, colds, bronchitis and all af-
fections of tile throat, lungs and chest.
"Oh, George," sighed the romantic
girl, "I wish you were like the old-
time knights.; I wish you'd do some-
thing brave to show your love for
"Q'racious!" cred her fiancee,
"ha.ven't I agreed to marry you, and
mo only getting $20 a week?"
Most people think too lightly of a.
cough. It is a serious matter and
needs prompt attention.
when the first sign of a cough or
cold appears. It will cure yeti
easily and quickly then --later it
will be herder to cure.
Pekes, lace Mee red $1,00. 311
'170—Sa' 'OXisi
N '