HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-6-9, Page 5b THE ONt ter ;kbococatt published every Thursday Morning at the Ofilee. MIN -SET, EXE'rER, --De Oise-- ' ADVOCATE PUBL I SH I NG COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One D011er per annum 3 paid in• advance, $150 •, if not so paid. 4.42.-sf‘ird,n1.2;42, 0.8..tsso oar+. paper disoontinued until all arrearag mare paid. Advertisements without speoifled clIreotions will be published until forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for bransolent advertisements inserted fer long periods. atm description of jOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style and at moderate rates. Cheques, money ordere, &o., for advertising, Subscriptions, etc., to be made payable t 0 Sanders it Creech, PROPRIETORS RrOfeSSional Cards. A. 0. RAMSAY', V. B. ilono v Chaduate Ontario Veterinary College; hon- orary Fellow in Ontario Veterinary Association. All diseases of doraestic animals scientifically treated. Milk fever treated by the latest oxygen treattnent, MICE: One door south of Town hall. RESIDENCE; Second house north of Presbyterian Church, Di. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D, D. S. Honor graduate of Toronto lIniveristy. DENTIST, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects °Mae M Panson's Block, west fide Main street, Exeter. DR. D. ALTON ANDERSON (D.D.S. L.D.S ---DENT1S7----- Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal , College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Post Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistery (with honorable mention.) Ailuminum, Gold and Vulcanite Plates made in the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless an- aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth. Mod one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter. Medical Telt. T. P. efoLAUGHLIN, MEMBER OF THE College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario, Physician Surgeon atKi Ammucheur. Oificel Dash. Wood, Ont. Dr. john D. Wilson, Office and Residence, ‘29U Queens Ave,, London Ont. Special attention paid to diseases of women. Offtee hours, 12,,S0 to 4 111 - Auctioneers flBROWN, Winctielsea. Liceaed Auctioneer .. tor the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne. Sales promptly attended to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged at Post Office Winchelsea. LOOK - Just arrived, a large shipment of PRINCE OF WALES CARRI- AGES and GO-CARTS which ere very artistic in design and finish; a good assortment to choose from. Corne early and pick out the good enes. r Bicycles We are again showing Cleveland Bicycles fitted with Oushiou Fram- es which make long journeys seem short and short journeys too short Repairing Neatly done on shortest notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. Brices moderate. S. MARTIN -THE- Exeter Roller Mili HARVEY BROS. Proprietors. Manufacturers of and Dealers in FLOUR AND FEED • BRANDS: • PURE MANIT013A. • STAR (Best Family Flour,) • PRINCESS (Choice Pastry Flour). WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR. WHEA.TLET (Breakfast Food.) Wheat and Oats wanted, for which we will pay the high- est market price. Seed eas ANOTHER NEW LOT, Direct from Manitoulin Island For Sale at txeter Warehouse National Brand Portland Cement Seed Oats and Barley. Wanted For milling prerposes Wheat, Oats Baeley, for which top prices will be • at'Exeter, Centralia and Olandehoye Jos C�bbledick Nerls. Sometimes the hair is not properly nourished. It suffers for food, starves. Then it falls out, turns pretnaturely gray. Ayer's Flair Vigor is a tiairVigor hair food. It feeds, nourishes. • The hair stops falling, grows • long and heavy, and all dan- druff disappears. • "M1 hair was coming out terribly. %was almost afraid to comb it. But Ayer's Hair Vigor promptly stopped the fallingAnd also restored the natural color." • Mae, E. G. X. WAJED, Landing, N.X. Zle 21.00 * bottle, AT Ail for Uwe% Mass. druggists, amatarearearansisi Poor Hair 4111111111111111111111111111111116. Yarn a The Misses Maggie Reid and Dora Erratt, who have been on the sick list, are recovering. -Mr. T. Carr has com- pleted his contract on the cement foundation of the new sebool which is now readyfor the brick work which will be done during the summer holh days. -Mr. W. F. Keys has secured the contract for the new church sheds at Holmeseille.-Mr. Win. Archer had the misfortune to lose one of his horses the other day. It was playing around the orchard when it broke one of its legs,and had to be shots -Mrs. Robert Dennison while at work in the cellar the other day bad the misfortuneto trip and fell, and to dislocate the bones in her hip. As she is an old lady the accident will, no doubt lay her up Lor some time. Her many friends hope for her speedy recovery. -Rev. and Mrs. Davidson have gone to St. John. where Mr. Davidson will attend the assembly.. They will visit friends at the Soo before returning. Mrs. Rosa Adams, niece of the late General Roger Hanson, C.S.A., wants every woman to know of the wonders accom rlished by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. DEA,R Sirs. Rumness : -I cannot !ell vol./ with pen and ink what good Lydia E. Vegetable colnpound did for me, suffering frOM the ills peculiar to the sex, extreme lassitude and that all gone feeling; I would rise frees my bed in the morning feeling more tired than when I went to but before I used two bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Con r pound, I began to feel the buoy- ency of my younger days returning, became regular, could do more work sne.not feel tired than I h acl ever been eble to do before, so I continued to nse it until I was restored to perfect health, it is indeed e boon to sick women and heartily reconamend it. Yours very truly, Alas. RosA. ADAMS, 819 12th St, I.ouisville, Ry." $6000 forfelt if original of aboue letter proving genuineness cannot be produced. REE MEDICAL ADVICE TO • WOMEN. Don't hesitate to write to Mrs. ['inkhorn. She will understand your case perfectly, and will treat you with kindness. Her advice is free and the address is Lynn, Mass. 'No woman ever regretted havin„.7.- written her, and she has helped' thousands. • Ansa Craig Mr. Webb, frither ofV. 0. Webb, of is p de W e 611 from a land roller a few days ego while working on his farm at Granton fracturing four ribs, is, we are pia ed to learn, recovering. -At it meeting last week of those interested in base- ball the S Ws were re.orgetnized for tbe season with the following officers: Pres.,. S. R. Gillies; Vice -Pres.,. T. S tep- hensnn; Manager, H. Morgan; Sec.- Treas., A. White; Capt., John McKay; Scorer, Sellire Smith; Umpire J. CI, Bowlon.-Rev. I. M. Webb, who has been confined bo the hospital for some time, has sufficiently recovered as to be able toleave there. -On Tuesday et the towa hall before Police Magistrate &Bibb, Robert Petela was fined $6 and $8.10 costs for nsing profane langnege, it being his third offence. On the same rley for cruelty to animals, by ill-using a colt, has. Grieves was Jibed $2 and $8.10 costs. The ch 11 ag;tinst Grieve Was preferred by ?etch, while dint against Pe tch was plleferred by Grieve. MP WARSHIPS SUNK! Port Arthur Squadron Made Son., tie-Oeught Enemy Napping. EePovt Xs Seat By the Itusslans, fa licit Yet Confirmed -A itusslan Bout of • the Cilisk Type, Name Unknown, viz., ploded-Rusalati Boat Sunk Oft Tellers - wan -Two Sharp Outpost rights Reported. Liaoyang, June 7. -It is persis- tently reported here that the Port - Arthur squadron made it sortie shortly before dawn Saturady, with the torpedo boat destroyers leading, and found the Japanese fleet quite unsuspecting the presence of hostile . warships, with the result that four of the Japanese ships were Sul* due-, ing the attack, lifnknown to Russians. St. Petersburg, june 7. -The Gov- ernment has no advices of it sortie having been made from Port Arthur by the Russian squadron, resulting in the sinking of four Japanese ships. They neither affirm nor deny the re- port that Gen. Baron Stakelherg is I moving south. I Thomism Boat - • I • Tokio, June 7., -The de5.tr9/QX ' illa, engaged in atelittig, I'ort Ar- thur from the eastward reports that at 7.40 p.m. on June 4, a Russian gunboat of the Cilisk type was seen ' to explode and sink near Ohentao- I - shan The vessel with aother gun- boat a destroyer and other steamers Ivicinity of mines. When the explos- 1 ion occurred, the others hurried back into Port Arthur. • Japanese Boat Sunk. was evidently engaged in clearing the • Chefoo, Juno 7. -The Russian con- sul here has received news that a large Japanese -vessel has been sunk 'by a mine off Talienwan. The news has not been confirmed. It is said to have been a merthantman. Two Sharp Outpost rights. Liaoyang, June 7. -Details have been received here of two sharp out- post fights, one at Liaotang and the other in Southern Manchuria. The former occurred in the mora- ing of June a at Yantsiantur, east of Vanangevv (25 miles, above Kin - ellen). The Russian losses were Col. Seradi ,enci 1.7 men wounded. Both sides retained their positions, The other fight was between lgajor- Gen. Mistchenko's Cossacks and the Japanese advance posts along the River Kolendzy, north of Takushan. It lasted from the evening of June 8 to late in. the following day, The Cossacks repeatedly drove the enemy from their entrenchments. Ine, one case the Japanese fled across the riv- er, but returned with more reinforce- ments, and the Russians drew off, The Cossacks' commander, Col. Star- koff, was killed and two -officers and nine men were wounded. The Cos- sacks carried the body of their com- mander to Siuyen. • PREMIER BUYS PROPERTY, Has Investecj in role willitun Land Af- • fording Dook Vaollities Fort William, June 7. -The Times - Journal says: Hon. George W. Ross 15 aige 3 Interested in Port William Lutehers were out strong and there was an , • Aching joirits Wheat Closed I•ower ,at Both LlreePeal and Chicago -Live Stock Marisete- Tile Cutest Ottotatione. 54d lower, Sloaarty veniug, June CI, ihan Saturday, and coo; futire tv Liverpool witeat totems closee to day Vd lower t At Chicago Tuly wheat closet eee lower 4914/1 G.SaatsttirAlecYio.l.euil..y corn eke lOwer and POSIETON 3tAltIERTS. Loecore Tune 6,- Clese-Flour-Spot quo - tailor's, riluneafiolls patent, 20s 61. Wheat UII paesage, buyers ledifferent operators; korn-Ori passage, firm but not active. Wheet-Pareel No, 3 northern, eIseitoba, 3 efark Lene Miller Market: Wheat- For - plea, quiet but steady; English, leas offer - 12;. DCaninumbratmaeruiteeata,binaornsitleraafli1Ty. un;liouLug.: Autericate erai with a fair business; Long- t-Toue q Met; ' Pine, Tone steady; June, 271 30e; Sept. and Dee.. 2207: 2105:.; Sept. and Dc., 200 20e. Ifleur-,' THE vxsion.E surrix. .45 compared with a week age, the yidbIa lipply of wheat In Canada and the united States has decreased 972,000 bushelS; cove facreased 51,0,060 bushels; oats aecreased 030,000 bushels. The following is a vont- partitive statement for the week ending to- day, the preceding week and the corres- ponding week of last year; June 6e04. May 31, 04,June 6,03. W1eat, bu -20,603,000 21,575,000 22,711,000 Oats, bu 6,104,000 6,740,000 -4,210,005 Corn b4,230,000 3,730,000 4,931,000 Tielhce, eellePlY Wheet Canada ao the tei ted States, together with that afloat to Europe, is 70,523,000 bushels, 068,157 bushels In the previous week and 59,150,000 bushels a year age. ',RAISING WHEAT MARKETS; • ;rely. Sept. New Tote/ ..........92 Ve :Pt Si. LDuluth ... • ... - ......... 95 82 .••.. 90% •86 86% 821 ouis Toledo .., . Detroit . ... 92 .87 i TORONTO ST. LA:WARM:1R MA.RKET. Grata - Wheat, white, bush ...,$0 93 to f.... Wheat, red, bush 0 96 Wheat, spring, bush 0 94 . .„ Wbeat, goose, bush 0 82 0.84 , Beans, bush ...... 1 .15 f Earley, bush , - .... 0 47 , Rye, bush 0 5$ Peas, bush 0 66 • Buckwheat, bush 0 47 0 48 Outs bush 0 37% 0 38% ravmtroor. unAIR AND PRODUCE. Liverpool, June 6. -Wheat, spot dull; No. 1 California, es 10%1; tuturee, quiet; July, as 46; Sept., 65 4%d; Dec., nominal. C0111, spot steady; American mixed, new, 4s lid; American mixed old, 45 Geed; fu- tures, quiet; Jelly, 4s 4%d; Sept., 4s 3%d•- Pork, prime mess western, dull, 023 66, ' Bacon, Cumberland cut, strong, Os; long clear miaciles, light, firm, 37s; long clear middles, heavy, firm, 80s Oct; clear bellies I strong, 39s 641. Shoulders, square, strong, e5s fid. Lard, prime western, in tierces, ' steady, 33s. Turpentine spirits, daIl, 420. ! Linseed oil, 16s 641. The imports of wheat into Liverpool last week were. 20,400 quar- ters from Atlantic ports; 2000 from.Pacetio ports, and 73,060 from other ports. The imp?;•ts of eorn front Atlantic ports last wetee were 4800 quarters easeeesse CATTLE MARKETS. Cables Unehanged-Better Demand for Good Pattie at Montreal. Louaon, .Tune 6. -Canadian matte ere steady at 11c to 12%c per lb.; refrigerator lieef, 8%e to De per lb. Sheep, sternly, 12c to 14c per lb.; yearlings, 15e, TORONTO JUNCTION nrs,r, STOCK. I Receipts of live stock a.t the Junction, Market were 63 car loads, 1265 cattle, sheep and 22 calves. • MONTREAL LIVE STOWS. Montreal, June 6. -About 400 head of butehers' cattle, 35 mlleh cows, 150 calves and 200 sheep and lambs, were offered for sale et the West E d Ab tt 1 to•day. Tb real estate, having acquired an inter- aetive demand and advancefl pricee paid , est in the valuable property on 1st- for good cattle. Ptime beeves, whieh were ; and No. 11,'with Dr. Hamilton °trued in the early n"raitill at 5%•1 Peo hich e pound, were afterwards sold at 5%c to as ttie .LaUrin farm, but has since been christened Brooklyn, It hes been known for some time that Hon. Mr. Ross was looking this way, and when the fact of his hav- ing actually invested became known, the most natural supposition was that he had acted in. concert with Dr. W, H. Hamilton, who has been for many years it close personal friend of the Premier, and before long the rumor took tangible form,. and was regarded as having more than a mere substraturn of truth. The land is a valuable asset, and will undoubtedly afford its good deck facilities as any of the 'river front- age. Murder a Port Arthur. Port Arthur, June 7. -The town is worked up over a murder which took place on the Fort William road, about a nine from here, yesterday afternoon, when an unknown Italian was shot. • About 5 o'clock a. man named Whitefield, who was grading the road, and a lineman saw smoke frora a pistol shot and on going to ex- amine the. cause, saw a man kneeling on a wounded man in the ditch. When the two men came up the murderer jumped up, and flourishing his revolver shouted, "If you will come near me, I will shoot you." A street car came into sight then and the murderer ran into the bush. He is still at large. The wounded man died without speaking. • Nothing on the dead man could be found to identify him. Control. of Sea Necessary. • London, June 7.-(0. A. F.) --Sir John Coleomb, M.P., speaking on Imperial &forme, says the'United Kingdom cannot live without the • freedom of the sea, and the British, I Empire would cease to be a reality I the moment the control of the sea is in serious jeopardy, Referring to a committee on defence, he says the inanense advantage Of such a com- mittee is that tbe defensive policy of the; Empire would no longer be. ruled • by a department, purely military.. in • its character, and without any know- ledge whatever of naval prinelple aad practice, and thinks coneeription is • Disease takes no summer vacation. If you need flesh and strength use Scott's Lrnutson summer as in wint/r. Send lor tree sample, SCOTT & BOW, ChelelAfg, Toronto, Oatarloi see. and Pee; all dreggists, leettish rte. Toetglets. Gibraltar, June 7, -The British battleship Prince of Wales sails for Tangiers to -day. The other ships of the British lefediterraman squadron have been ordered to remain here. Montreal, June Campbell interviewed yesterday said that his resigeetion frorri the Vresbyterian College wet fluiiol no leave to -day for his summuct' home le Muskoka. 5-12c per pound n.nd is few were held at legaer figures. Good medium sold Irt 4e4c to be; oedirtary mediums, 4c to :4efic and the common stock. at Be to 3Veo per lb. . There We're iseme unusually large Eno witch eows brouglet from 'Torontso for $55 to *65 was asked, but no sales , mom made early In the day, es the milk- r.en have about all the cows they need foe tlto present. Calves sold at $3' fo $1.0 each, or 3c to 5e per lb. Shipping sheep eold itt 4c and the others tit 33ee to le per lb. Lambs sold at from 3c to 4c each; good lotp of fat hogs told at 514c to 51,1e per lb. EAST BUFFALO CATTLE hIAIDIET. East Buffalo, Rum 6. -Cattle -Receipts: retie head; active; stockers and feedere, steady; others, 15c to 40c higher; prline steers $3.T0 to 56' ahlpplug, 5525 to 511.T5; leachers', 51.85 to 55.65; heifers, 54.25 to 55.35; cows, 53.60 to 54.75; bulls, 53.50 to stock heifers, 52.75 to 58.50; fresh rows $4.70, stockers and feeders, 53.e0 to $4.65; and springers, dull, 53 to 55 lower; good sin...erVesteo' et.5onto, 551582;to2r18111.m to good, $30 ...loose -.Receipts, 800 heed; 250 higher; 56. **-1sse.see.veeeipts, 22,100 head; active, 5o evietql. 54.75 to 54.80; ti few 54.85; greee. it„,35 to 54.80; yorkers, Kea to amuse nem, $4.55 to 54.65; roughs, $4 to i rim Mice, 52.50 to 53; dairies, $11.00 to bean - niter and Lambs--Reeelpts, 10,000 head; ne• n, yearlings and ewes, steady; others, 1 ; , 56l25 to $6; wethers, $5.25 to '5.550; ewes, to $5; sheep, 7nliet1, 52.50 to 55. eTEW YORE LIVE STOCK. New York, Juno 6. -Beeves 3747; steers, artive and 10c to 20c higher; fat bulls, strong*, others, steady; cows, erns to 10e higher; steers, 55.10 to $0.15; tops; 56.20; bells, 5.3.25 to 55; cows, 52 to $4.25 e ehlpments to -day, 75 sheep; toeuon. row, 850 cattle, 1354 sheep and 5200 quar- ters 01 beef. ves-Recelpts, 6344; market, 25c to Boe higher; some sales, 50s- hesher; closed easy. Veals, 54 to $6.25; cholo to extra. earls, $6.30 to $6.50; buttermilka, 53.75 to 54, $beep and Lambs -Receipts 10,344; sheep, weak to 15e lower; yeardnes. 500 lower; lambs 50c to 65e lower; elieep, 5.8.50 to $5.25; smile, *2 to $3; yearlings, 50 to e6.50; culls, $4; Lambe, e6.50 to $$' Hege-Receipts, 11,090; mat:liceMc to 20c lower; state hogs, 55; choice, $5,10. ' CHICAGO LIVE STOCIt. Chicago, June 6.-Cattle-Receip1s,18,000; market 100 to 20e highee; good to prime steep, 55e50 ta 56,40; paor to medium, $4.73 to 50.50; stockers and feeders, 53.25 to 54.65; cows, $1.75 to 55; heifers 52.50 to e5.15; oanners, '51.75 to $2,75; bu'lle, $2.25 to $4.65; calves, 52.50 to 85.50. Hogs-ttertelpts, 42,000; market opened 50 lower; closed, firm; mixed and hutch - era' $106 to 0.80; good to choice heavy, $4,15 to 54.8234i rough heavy, 54.00 to $4,70; light, 54.60 to 54,75; bulk of sales, 54..60 te sheop-rteceints, 16,000; melee steady to 15e highm; good to choice uretinTS, $5.25 te 55.90; fair to eholee mixed, e3.75 to $5; nit' ere lambs, 55 to 56,65; spring lames, $3 to 55.60, • afre, elark Terale Deed. 's Florence, Xtely, June Samuel M. Clemeno,. thec wife of Mark Twain, the Ainericae author end decturce, died ef syncope, Imre Sunday- evening. Half an hour be- fore her death She had conversed !cheerfully Svith het hushand,, The ,botly will be sett to the United States for interrnerit, • In the Angers, tees, alTilS, and other parts Of the hociy, are joints that are inflamed and swollen by rheumatism -- that 4011 eenditien Of the blood whieh affects, the Ultleelea 4160s Sufferers dread to Move, espeeially alter sitting or lying lone and their COndit1011 Is commonly worse in wet we. "1 ered dreadfally trona rheinuatim, but have been completely cured by Ifood's Sarsaparilla, for which 7 are deeply grate• fel." Moss Fri/ewes Sines, Prescott, Ont, • "I had an attack of the grip which lett me weak and helpless and suffering from rtieu- • nudism. I began taking Ileod's Sareaea- rilla and this medicine has entirely cured Me. 1 have uo hesitetioe in saying it saved my life," M. 3. MoDonen, Trenton, Out. Hood's Sarsaparilla Removes the cause of rheumatism -no outward application can. Take it. Wood' S Phosphodinet The Orne Egad Remedy. is an old, well estate. 'bleed and reliable preparation, Has been prescribed and used over 40 years. All drag. gistsin the Dominfon of Canada sell and recommend as being Before and After. the enlY medicine of its kind that cures and gives universal satisfaction. It.reemPtisseaued! permanmatly cures all forms of evereetei Weal ness, Emissions, S ' permatorrhoscs imPoeen0111 and all effects of abuse or excesses; the exceasivi U55 of Tobacco, Opium or ilitienutants Xenia and Brain Worry, all of which lead to fatirmity, Inanity, Consumption and an Early Grave. Price 51 per package or six for $5. One ung please, sirs tail oure. Mailed prompty oa re. covet of price. Send for free pamphlet. Addreeti The Wood Company, Wegdoors Onirp Canada" Woods Phosphodine is sold in Exeter by Dm Dowd • EXETER MARKET& OHANGED J:14011 WEDNESIDA, Wheat, ..... . , ..... - ... 92 Barley, .. Oats . - .. • ., „ - ,. „ .80 1)21 Peas , " 00 410Potatoes. per bag- . . „.. GO A Hay, per ton . . 8 00 'SOD Flour, per cwt,, railer.... 2 50 12 Eggs.. . , . - . .'. „ . . . . . . Rides, per 100 lhs . „ .. „ 5 00 S oo Live hogs, per cwt 5 410 Dressed. Hogs.. ... ..-5 75 625 Shorts per ewt1 00 1 0 Bran per cwt; 95 .55 For Sale SPECIAL ONE WEE 2 Tons Oil Cake • $1.40 per cwt. Oheal) Ain't it? Garden Seeds • The kind that grow' IL WM. TREVETHIC Mg and Lutz, Druggists. Exeter Flour and Feed ',Store, NOTICE. PUBLIC) NOTICE is hereby ,given that the London, Parkhill and Grand Bend Electric Railway Company has made application to the iVInnicipal Council of the Township of Stephen. for the passing of a by-law to authorize the 'said Company to construct its rail- way upon the following highways, that is to say:- On and along the Townline be- tween the Township of Stephen and theTownship of McGillivray from the Village of Corbett to the 'Village of Greenway in the said Township of Stephen; thence northerlY from the ea id to ss' ab Green way, alongthe couceseion line between concessions 20 and 21 in the said Township of Steph- en, to the south angle of Lot Oue, con- cession "B" in the said Township of Stephen; thence along the concession line along the south-westerly limit of concessions .13, A and Lake Road East, to and through the Village of G. Bend to the shore of Lake Huron. (It/ so Inc as the said Municipal Council has jur- isdiction. to grant the privileges applied for by the said Company.) AND that a meeting of the said Municipal Council to be held in the Town Hall, at Clrediton, on the 4th day of July, 1904, at the hour of Two O'Cllock in the afterboon a by-law to to authorize the construction of the said railways on the highways above mentioned within the limits above specified will be eonsidered and if ap- proved, passed by the said Council. At the time and place aforesaid and before the passing of the said By - Law, the said Council will bear in per- son or by counsel any one whose pro - neap may be preludicially affected by such proposed railway. • HENRY SILBER, Towuship Clerk-. Dated this 9th day of May, 1904, 0-10 St. Joseph Mr. Nelson Masse has had it kitchen added to his residence which improves the iippearance very trinch,-Mr. N.M. Cantle and Dr. Routhier spent a few days in Cittaite last week on business. -The Misses Emelia Masse and Annie Plant have opened. up a dressmaking shop in 01.11' thriving little burgh. We wish the young ladies every success. - The St.Joseph Sep. School Board have hada fence erected ax•ound the lot they recently purche.sed from Mr. J. Papi- Routhier is now comfort- ', ably settled in the house recently va- cated by Mr. Miller. -Miss Mary Ba - dour, who has been on a two months' vacation at Stratford, has returned home again. -Mr. Currie has arrived from Ottawa and is working on the dock. -Miss Mary Charette is visiting her sister in Exeter. -Mr. S. Morrison, of Ottawa, is helping Mr. Collins, COM- plete the survey of the electric road. Stephen Council The Council of the Township of Step- heu convened in the Town Hall; Cred- it -on, on Thursday, May 20. All pres- ent. Minutes of previous meeting read and adopted. At ten o'clock the Court of Revision was held, the members of the Connell all subscribing to the oath. There was only one appeal against the Assessment Roll. After giving the rn.itter careful consideration, the as- sessment was sustained. Ab 2 p.m. gravel contracts to amount of $870.50 Nvere let. The folio Wing orders were paid:- C. Prouty, gratuity, $25; C. Fahner, work on Crediton rond $1; 0, Brown, expenses to Goderich to meet Proyincial..Auditor, $4.50; S. &live - der, putting in box culvert, $1,56i H. Hamilton, rep. cnivert, $8; R. II. Arun - sI roeg, rep. bridge, $2; P. A.11isterAL, $1; G. Morrison, drawing plank, $2.50; A. Hayter, ditch on con. 22, $5; Re Miller, expenses on examine then etc., $29.40; I. Bastard, statute labor re $04 D. Westman, part payment of conerete tile account, $100; R.Gower, tile $3.00, Council adjonrned to meet again in the Town Hall, Ovediton, ou Monde y, July 4113, at 10 t. m. when the By -Law geanting the London. Park- hill end timed Bend Electric Railway the right to use the Public highway in the Township will be considered, H. ElIber, Township clerk. Have you tried our flour? The fin- est you can get -for MONEY, MAW BLES, or BREAD. -THE------ INBAR iS 011 IC 0 COW HEAD oeercE, MONTREAL Capital Paid Up - 6,000,000 Rest - - 2,700,000 A general Banking business transacted. Interest at most favorable current rates alloweiron Savings Bank accounts and Deposit Receipts. Commercial Letters of Credit issued, available in China, Japan and other foreign countries. Travelling Letters of Credit issued to travellers in parts of the world, Tsioe PYSHE, OfBtiFitAI, MAITAG&R. E.F.IIEBDEN, Stan or IMAgcrins & ORM itiarzorma.", CREDITON, ONT. W. S. CHISHOLM, Manager. CREDITON ROLLER MILLS. 0-2-D-WseleNlWeVeCCCIICe'KtftQat-VZ We are giving excellent satisfaction since Re- modelling our mill. e • GRISTING and CHOPPING DONE PROMPTLY. SWEITZER Zurich Mrs. Hasenpfing, has rettirned to her home in Milverton, after a pleasant visit here with her sister, Mrs. Fred Dernutb.-Miss Clara Buchanan, •de Toronto University, is hotne for the holidays. -Miss Louise Wrenn, after a few months' stay in Detroit, has re- turned to her home here --Mr. end Mrs. Joseph Gerber, of Minnesota, are on a visit to relatives and friendshere. -Mr. Wendel Colosky aud son, of In- diana State, are visiting frieuds iti and around town. -The ninny file/xis of Mrs. Win. Callfas will be pleased to learn that she is recovering from her attnek of pneumonia.- Mr. J. A. Wil- liams sold his team of heavy horses to a gentleman ie Blyth, for which he re- ceived the handsome sum of $325. - Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hey and fernilyrol Kilmanagle, Mich., are spending:a fetv days with friends and relatives in this vicinity. -Mr. and Mrs. J. Roth, IR New Hamburg, are the guests of their son-in-law, Mr. R. Schwartzentruber. -Mr. Robt. McArthur, 2nd ton., Hay, left for Nova Scotia, a few days ogee where be will attend the General As- sembly of the Peesbytei.ittn chureh 01 Canada as it delegate.-Mis. S. Zettle and her daughter, Mrs. Gerber, have returned from Galt. It will be remem- bered that Mx.s. Zettle passed theongh a very severe illness, ai id her life torn time was dispitired of, but she is nomr picking tip nicely and from all nppeax- ance will soon be as well as ever. She has a very large circle of Warn] frieede in this neighborhood, who are pleased to learn of herrecovery.--Miss Nfarthe. Strempfer, of Toledo, Ohio'is in •aa, visit to friends here. :Herfather, Rev. Strernpfer, who was here attending the Sy nod, has retureed home. -At the, recent meeting of the Junior Y. P. ,A., the following offieers were elented for the ensuing tenni-. Pres., TV/1 IV01`.• er; Vice Pres., Laura, Bender; Coe. See'y. Linnet Bossenberrv; Rees. See'v, Roxie Silber; Orggnist, St% Meth ib; Ass.'t organist, Lily Panst, Lily Johnston and Alhei•t A. Geiger. - Rey. Dir. Yapcer preach( cl. itt &mated on Sunday, while Rev. Clemens eon - (looted the services here. 11 VEGETABLE SICILIAN; 'Flair Renewer Always restores color to gray hair, all the dark, rich color it used to have.The hair stops failing, grows tong and heavy, and all dandruff disappears. An elegant dressing.!!PftrOgrammis.'"