HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-6-2, Page 5Lts ed at ed nts lth ••••• `41' '• • * • MEM by tte ity 'an 'he are ier ter rk ef- co- he lel :or BS. 5. Lst a ip LI - be d. he 3d 3c1. ti- Lil zg s. 18 ty al r- ts e- el 0 - Le )0 tr. t- ie ie ;e is ;e Lt a a THE Oxfam ativoCatt, •published every Thursday Alornins at the Offlee MAIN -STREET, - EXE'rER, -By the -- ADVOCATE PUBLISH I NG COMPANY TERMS OP SLIBSCRIPTION. Ose Dollar per annum if paid in advance, St,s0 eot so pald. SasIssrsortisizsg SR.atess =a. .25.2splloas tics= •••••••••,...1•••. NO paper discontinued stabil all arrearag es are paid. Advertisements without speoified directions will be psblisbed until forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount nuule for transelent advertisements inserted for lons, periods. Esersdescription of SOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, money orders, 4to., for ' advertislog, subscriptions, etc., to be made payable Sanders & Creech,' PROPRIETORS Professional Cards. A. C. RAMSAY! V. S. • Hasa, Graduate Ontario Veterinary College; Hon- swary Fellow in Ontario Veterinary Association, All , diseases of domestic animals scientifically, treated. • milk over treated by the latest oxygen treatment. OFFICE; Oe door south of Town Hall. RESIDENCE: Seoond house north of Presbyterian • Church. WR. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto Oniveristv., DENTIST, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects Office in Fanson's Block, west side Main street,. Exeter.. • DR. D. A,LTON ANDERSON (D.D.S. L.D.S • DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons 0 Ontario. Also Post Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistery . (with honorable mention.) Alluminura, Gold and Vulcanite Plates made In the • neatest manner possible. A perfectlyharmless an• aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth. Office one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter. Medical ldsR. T. P. McLAUGHLIN, 'MEMBER OP THE College ofsPhysicians and Sufgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Accouoheur. Office, Dash. wood, Ont. Dr. John D. Wilson, Office and Residence; 290 queens Ave., LOndon Ont. Special attention paid to diseases 0 women. Office hours, 12.30 to 4 p m. .Auet ion ears In BROWN, Winchelsett. Licened Auctioneer Li • for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex. also for the township of Osborne. •Sales promptly attended to and. terms reasonable. Sales arranged at Post Office Winehelsea. LOOKAus.s..._ Jost arrived, a large shipment of PRINCE OF WALES CARRI- AGES and GO-OARTS whichere Very artistic in design ansl finish; a good assortment to choose from. Mine early and pick out the good enes. Bicycles We are again showing Cleveland Bicycles' fitted with Cushion Fram- es which make long journeys seem short and short journeys too short Repairing Neatlydone on shortest notice. Satiefaetion guaranteed. Brices moderate. 8.MARTIN Exotei Rolier 111111 HARVEY BROS. Proprietors. , Manufacturers of asd Dealers hI FLOUR AND FEED BRANDS: • rvitg MANITOIAA. • STAR .(Best Family Flour.) PRINCESS (Choice Pastry Flour WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR. WHEATLET (13reakfast Food.) What and Oats wanted, for which we will paythe high- est market price, S.ed Peas. ANOTHER NEW LOT, Direct from Manitoulin Island For Sale at Exeter Warehouse SIS4---- National Brand Portland Cement Seed Oats and Barley. Wanted Foi rnilling durposes Wheat, Oats Barley, fel' which top prices Will he at Exeter, Centralia and Clandeboye Jos. Cobbleclick Why, is it that AYer's Hair Vigor does so many remark- able things? Because k is a • hair food. It feeds the hair, puts new life into it. The hair • • Hair Vigor cannot keep from growing. And gradually all the dark, rich color of early life comes • back to gray hair. "When I first used Ayer's Rah Vigor my hair VMS about all gray. But now It to a nioe rich meek, and aa thick as X could wish.. -Mies, SUSAN KAOPNANSTIHN, Tusounabia, Ala. 0.00 a bottle. •J. 0. AYER 00., All druggists. f" lag% Gray Hair W. C. T. U. Notes. Let this fact be sown broadvast through our land, that young step o tected girls who go. to St. Louis this • year to seek employment or other wit e may be .exposed to . terrible danger. •Let suchrun no risk. We advise every , young girl purposing going to St. Lou s to know from a reliable source that her destine is safe before she leaves home. Ask information Isom no stran- ger, save an official or from one of the r1)7.C.T.T.T. members who will be known by their badges and be constantly in attendance at the Union Station, AS Will also the Woman's Christian Asso- ciation and representatives of the Dea- coness order. J • , • ./.• str 1st / • Ns' fel A prominent club woman, Mrs. Danforth, of St. Joseph, Mich. tells how she was cured of falling of the womb and its accompanying pains and masery by Lydia 11 Pinkl2am's Vegetable CorAlpo LI rid. " D7P.A.R Mn. PINK -RAM -Life loolre dark iudeecl when a %Taman feels that Jar st•singt`t is fading away and she has 110 hopes of ever being restored. Such was ray fooling few in.enths ago when WAS advised that ray poor health vvas causal/ by orelapouts or :falling of idteS womb. •7.1'S'as words souuded like a kno,L me, salt that my SUI1 had sot; bst Lydia E. Plu.kharn's Vesse- tabla Compound came to me as an elixir of life. ; it restored the lost forces and built me up until soy good health returned to me. For four mouths 1 took the medicine daily, and each done asided health and strength. I am so thankful for theh el p I obtained through its use." -- Mrts. nosorses DANFORTEs 1007 Miles Ave., St. Joseph, Mich. - --S5000 forfeit If original of above fetter proulus senstnenees eassot be produced. " FREE MEDICAL ADVICE 'IX) WOMEN." Women would save time and much siekniess if they would write to 1)Ers. Pinkham for advice as soon as any distressing sYmP- tomi•appear. It is free, and his put thousands of women on the right road to reeoVerys Zurich Misses Ida Sipple, Ten a Hartung and Ernestine Trnetnner, who have spent the winter months in Detroit, have returned hotue.-Misses Clara and Ida Klein, of Baden; are guests at the home of Mr. Thomas Johnson. -Mrs. J. Sienion, after a pleasant visit with her sister, Mrs. D. McAlpin, in Wood- stock, returned home Wednesday.- a iVliss Magrgie Rupp, of • Pigeon 1VIich. s BEGINS ABOUT JUNE 151 Attack on Port Arthur. By the Ja,,,.s Is Scheduled. @plume* Transports Landing Troops in Northeast Corea-Rainy Season Hos Been Strut* and the Downpour Is Very Heavy -Fall of Port ./trthur, Say the Highest Classes, Ought to Connote the )3bul of the War. London, 35ay 31. -The attack On Port ArS111,1r, The Chronicle'S 'rola° correspondent telegraphs, is expected to begin about June 15. Corre- spondents leave here June 10, in time to see the capture probably about 3=0 20. The correspondent' 8,18o says that about 10,000 Rus- filans have been, Sent up the Liao River in junks to Tieling. The Morning Post's Shanghai cor- respondent wires that several Jap- anese transports aro landing troops in Northeast Corea. According to correspondents at Japanese headquarters, up to May 29, nothing important had develop- ed beyond outpost encounters, Jap- anese troops are largely engaged in building roads and bridges, The Standard's correspondent says that the force thatlanded at Taku- shan appears tq • have struck the fringe of the rainy season. The downpour has been very heavy. • Czar Fears Public. Gen. Kuropatkin, the Telegraph's correspondent at St. Petersburg, says, is fighting two enemies, one at home,, e other Manchuria. While his military reputation is un- dergoing a terrible ordeal, he also is accused • of failure as Minister of War to make proper preparations for war. The Emperor is alleged to • be Flo dissatisfied that he would dismiss both Alexieff and Kuropatkin were it not that he fears the effect of public opinion. The general impression among the highest classes is that the fall of Fort Arthur ought to connote the end of the war, and that if the Jap- anese succeed in this aim, Russia's best interest would be to make peace, but nobody, the correspondent avers, possesses the moral courage' to make such a suggestion to the Etnperor. Saps Occupy Alyangpienmen, • London, May 8.1.-A despatch to The Central News from Tokio, yes- terday, says thessllapanese captured a quantity of powder and fifty-six railroad cars at Lhashutue. The de- spatch also says that the Japanese, after defeating the Cossacks aL Aiyangpienmen, northeast of Fong- wangcheng, occupied that place and reinforcements were sent forward to support there. The Report Has Color, s St. Petersburg, May 31. -There is no confirmation of the general staff of the reported defeat of 2,000 Cos- sacks at Aiyangpienmen (northwest of Feng,wangchenga, but the mes- sage from General Kuropatkin re- • cording the Japanese advance from Kuandiansiang (Kwantien) to Sia- matsza, lends color to the Tokio re- port in view of the fact that Ai- yangpierimen lies between the above points. Knro Reports Jap Advance. St. Petersburg, May 81. -The war office has received the following des- patch from Gen. Kuropatkin, under yesterday's date; "1 this morn- ing received a report stating that the Japanese advance on Kwantien has begun from Siamatsza. The numbers of the enemy are not known." Chased By the Japanese. London, May 31. -The Standard's Che Foo correspondent says that a Russian gunboat, believed to be the 13obr, which was in action at Tal- ienwan Thursday, has arrived from Fort Arthur. She was chased by Japanese, but was able to take some refugees from Dalny. • Jap Objective Is Port Arthur. ' Liaoyang, May 31. -The impression at headquarters is growing that the main objective of the enemy is Port Arthur, and. it would not be surprising if the actual assault on that- fortress began within a fort- night. Russian Scouts. Captured. • Tokio, May, 31. -Gen. Kuroki, re- ports a number of outpost affairs, nd the capture of eight Russian couts. is visiting her parentsbere.s-iss.Pred Rummel attended the funeral of the. late Mrs. Cook at Ililvehosi on Tues- day week. -Mr. -Addie Koehler has gone to Stratford, where he will take a course in the Central Business Ool- lege.-Mr. Ephriam Holtzman, who has been living in Ohesley for a num- ber of years, has arrived here with his family and is speeding a few weeks With his parents.. He intends locating! in Michigan. -Mr. Louis Prang, who 1 has been in the employ of J. Deicbert ' & Son, blacksmiths, for a number of years, has accepted a sitnilar position , with Mr. W.Weseloh.-Our boys drove 1 •over to Exeter on May 24th to do bat -1 ball honors. Lang and patiently they waited for the appearance of the Dash- wood teat ti -be t that was all that came of it -it was a wuuting gase.AS it was Oil I' boys defined the prize money and got ib. -The dates for the Zurieh 13'a,11 P'air have been flied for Sept.1.4th and 15th. CO Ti • Those who are gaining flesh and strength by regular treats merit With Scott's Emulsion should continue the treatment In hot weather; smaller dote and a little cool milk with It will do sway svith any obleotlort • whioh is attached to fatty pro- ducts during the heated season.. sone for fro,' onsols sdOlur & DOWNE, Cbetnists, Toronto, ' Ontario, sea and Icoo; all druggists THE MARKET Liverpool Whe4t Lower-Amerioart Mars hots Closed For Decoration Day -Live Stook -The Latest Quotations, Monday Sivenieg) 41147 30. Liverpool wheat futures closed toslas Ms1 lower than yesterday, and corn futures also %d, lower. Chicago and other ,A.merican grain, mar. /Ws were closed for Decoration Day to- day, AiREIGN 111AD•KEI:S• • London, Sias 80.-Close--Flour-Minne- apolis patents, 205 00. Wheat -On pass - Lige, buyers indiffereut operators, Corn - On Passage, quiet but steads. Merk Lane Miller market; Wheat - Foreign aad English, quiet, at a deelioe of Cora-Anierican, nominally unehanged; Danubian, quiet. Flours-Ainerican, quiet but stett0Y; ESSlIsla dull, at a deellne 3d, s Paris -Close -Wheat -Tone dull; May, 191 850; September mid December, 201 15s, Flour -Tone dull; May, 271 15c; September asd December, 251 15e. WISEAT AN is rsoust AssoAT. Total quantities or cereals afloat to -day with comparative figures for a week ago: Wheat, Inish ,..M:93;6380(;,00'004. 1•114179,42584,'00001 Corn, bush .......0,320,000 5,120,000 Thus the wheat and flour on passage de- creased 80,000 bushels during the past 1Tw1he2semk,,valebnaiultshocenoirsn.pasillegreeasaedye8a8r0,a0g000 was 87,- TOIttiOn.N_TO ST. LAWREN9111 MARKET. Gr, Wheat, white, bush .,,.$096 to $....• . Wheat, red, bush . • .. • . 0 SI 'Wheat, spring, Lush... . 0 90 Wheat, goose, bush .... 082 .,•••4 ' Barley, bush 0 ss .... • Beans, busk . 1 35 • • • • • liye, bush Peas bush 1 0 66 Buckwheat, bush ...., 0 47 0 48 Oats, bush 0 37 0 38 LIVERPOOL GEA.ES SSID PRODUCE Liserpool, May 80 -Closing -Wheat - Spot, easy; No. 1 California, 6s 10Vgcl; fu- tures, quiet; May, nominal; Silly, 6s 414d September, 6s 44:..tl.' Corn -Spot, firm; Arne dean :nixed; new, 4s 558d; American mix- emclinaoll;d, suly,6SS4sr13; %ftdituree, quiet; Mart 11.3" Bacon -Short clear backs, 16 to 20 lbs.,. rm, Lard -Prime western, in tierces, quiet, 32s 9d; Americas refined, in palls, quiet, 33s 95. Turpentine-Spirlts, steady,. 430e.OsTitoopsoln i15Lso,adon (Pacific coast) -Firm, The imports of wheat into Liverpool IsSi week were 18,400 quarters from Atlantic ports and 106,000 quarters trom other ports The imports of corn from Atlantic porta last week were 27,700 quarters. .it Stuffed Up That's the condition of many sufferers from catarrh, especially in the rooming. Great difficulty is experiencedin clear. ing the head and throat. No wonder catarrh causes headache, impairs the taste, Smell and hearing, pollutes the breath, deranges the stom- ach and affects the appetite. To cure catarfh, tres.tnaent must be constitutional -alterative and tonic. "1 was ill for four months with catarrh In the bead and throat, Had a bad cough and raised blood. I had become dill- couraged when toy lansband beagSt a bottle Of Hood's Sarsaparilla and persuaded me to try it. T advise all to take it. It has cured and built me up." MISS Hutu us, Ea- For Sale soWest Womb, N. S. EXETER MARKETS, CHANGED EACH WEDIVESDAT Wheat, ., .., 4, _ .... - .. 90 • Barley, ,. , . • .. - . , ..•,, • - 4° . ....... ., GO Potatoes, per bag.. .., ,.. 70 70 s . II • 8 00 8 lith • Flour, per awt,, rolless.., 2 SO I Eggs, ...... ..... _ „ _ , , , Hides, per 100 Ihs 5 00 • s5 :Do IL" h , p .5 die : Dressed Hogs-. . 0 75 .0 trhtoisnptsrert, 90 r: 1/0 1 00 1100 I Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures catarrh -it soothes and strength.- 011•111111MMiliallia. ens the =mous membrane and builda up the whole systena. Cook's Cotton Root Cotnpount& Ladies/ Favorite, Is the only safe, renal:SS regulator on Which woman can depeucl, "in the SiollS and tlxne of ^ Prepared In two degrees Of Strength. No. 1 and N. 2, No. 1 -For ordinary eases, is by far the best dollaznedlclne known.r NO. 2 -For special cases -10 degrees stronger -three dollars per box. ladies -ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Take no other as all pills, mixtures and imitations are dangerous. No. 1. and No. 2 are sold and recommended, by ale druggists in the Dos minion of Canada. Mailed to any addresd on receipt oS, The and four 2 -cent postage stamps.Whe 17491s Cossissoi, • Windsor, Ont., No 1 and Nd. 2 are sold in Exeter by Drs. Lutz and Browning, Druggists, NOTICE. SPECIAL ONE WEEK. „ Extra.Early Seed Potatoes. 4 Varieties. Also Some ofthe Eating Kind 2 Tons Oil Cake $1.40 per cwt. Cheap Ain't it? Garden Seeds The kind that grow. • We want TO BUY 500 bus. GOOD Potatoes. - To Boil. WM5 TREVETHiCK • way upon the following highways, that is to say:- Exeter Flour and Feed Stora On and along the Townline be - PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the London, Parkhill and Grand Bend Electric Railway Company has made application to the Municipal 0ouncil of the Township of Stephen. for the passiug of it by-law to authorize the said Company to construct its rail - CATTLE MARKETS. CableSlow-Good Competition, But No Changes at Montreal Market. London, Slay 30, -Canadian cattle are slow at 1.1S4e to 123S0 per lb.; refrigera. tor beef, 90 to 9S'se per lb. Sheep, dull, 12c to 14o per lb; yearlings, 15c. TORONTO JUNCTION LIVE STOCK. Receipts of live stock at the Dillon Stock Yards were 68 car lends, 1214 cettle, 51 sheep, 3 calves and,2 horses. MONTREAL LIVE, STOCK. Montreal, May SO. -About 750 head of butchers' cattle, 40 mWels cows, 200 calves and 40 sheep and lambs were offered for sale at the East End Abattoir to -day. The butchers were out strong, aud trade watI good, with no naaterial change in prices seise last week. Prime beet sold at 4%c to near 5c per lb.; good to mediums, 44e to 4%e; ordleury mediums' 3%c to 4e; milkmen's Eli -tappers, 3c to 4c,and the COM* mon stock' from '2%c to SiSc per lb. Calves sold at $2,50 to 88 each, or 31/0 to .5c per lb. Shippers paid 4c per lb. for good large sheep, and the butchers paid 31/2e to 4c per lb for the others. Lambs Sold at $2.75 to $4.50 each. Milch cows sold at $25 to $55 each. Good lots of fat hogs sold at 514,e to 532c per lb. EAST BUFFALO CATTLE MAISISET. East Buffalo, May 30.-Cattle-Recelpts, 4700, active,10c to 15e higher; prime steers, $5.35 to $5.60; shipping, $5 to $5.35; butch- ers', $4.00 to $5; heifers, 83.75 to $5.10; cows, $8.50 to $4,60; bulls, $3.25 to $4.50; stockers and feeders, $3.50 to $4.05; stock heifers s9.s5 to $3.40; fresh cows and ringers, $2 to $3 lower; good to cboice, 45 to $57; medium to good, $32 to $42; corn. mon, $22 to $30. Veals-Recelpts, 1000 head; 25e higher; $4.25 to $0.25. Hogs -Receipts, 17,000 head; fairly fie- Eve; about steady; heavy, $5.05 to $5.10; mixed, $5 to $5.05; yorkers, $4.90 to S5; in Ottawa during the week. -Mr. and pigs, $4.75 to 84.80; roughs, $4.20 to $4.35; Mrs. Pariean bave moved to Hensel'. stags, $2.75 to $3.20; dairies, $4.75 to $5. Mr. and Mrs. Nigh left a few days ago Sheep and lambs-Reeeipte, 18,000 head: for Seaforth where they intend mak- ing their future home. To lose such good citizens as these means a great loss to our burgh, as they were kind. and obliging and highly esteemed by all, but we Join with their many old friends in wishing them •a loug life of happiness and much •success in their future homes. --Mrs. Breugagne anti family, of Exeter, are the guests of Mr. P. Charette.-Our little village is going ahead and all the men are busy. At present they are working at the hill behind the brickyard. A boatload of ties for the railway arrived last week. -Miss Celina Durand is on a vis- it to friends in Courtright.-The fish peddlers are again on the road. -MS. J. Papinenn has sold an acre of land to the St. Joseph Separate School for $100 and the school Will be built at once. tween the Township of Stephen and the Township of McGillivray from the Village of Corbett to tbe Village of Greenway in the said Township of Stephen; thence northerly from the said townline Greenivay, along the coscession line between concessions 20 and 21. in the said Township of Steph- en, to the south angle of Lot One, con- cession "B" in the said Township of Stephen; thence along the concession line along the south-westerly limit of concessions B, A and Lake Road East, to and through the Village of Grand to the shore of Lake Huron. (Iu so far as the said Municipal Council has jur- isdiction to greet the privileges applied for by the said Company.) AND that a uzeeting of the said Municipal Council to be held in the Town Hall, at Ceeditois, on the 4th day of July, 1904, at the hour of Two O'Clock in the afternoon, a by-law to to authorize the constriction of the said railways on the highways above mentioned within the limits above specified will be considered and if ap- proved, passed by the said Council. At the time and place aforesaid and before the passing of the said By - Law, the said Council will hear in per- son or by counsel any one whose pro- perty may be prejudicially affected its such proposed railway. HENRY EMBER, Township Clerk. Dated this 9th day of May, 1904. 6-16 St. Joseph Mr. N. M. Contin spent a few clays slow; wethers and ewes, steass; others 15c to 25e lower; lambs, 0.50 to $6.60; year- lings, 85.50 to $5.75; wethers, $5.40 to $5.50; awes, $4.75 to $5; sheep, mixed, $2,50 to $5 NEW 'YORK LIVE STOCK. New Yeirk, May 80. -Reeves -Receipts, 8578; steers, firm to it shade higher; bulls and cows, steady to strong; steers, $4.75 to $5.75; bulls, $8 to $4:60; cows, $1.85 to $4.10; tails ends, $1.50. Exports tomorrow, 830 Cattle, 4.80 sheep and 4700 quarters of beef. • Calves -Receipts, 5407; market 50e to $1 higher; seals, $3.50 to $6.25; few selects, $6.371/2 to $6.50; bulk of sales, $5,35. to $6.25; buttermilks, $8.50; city dressed seals, 6c to Oc per pound; country dressed, 5c to 714e per. pound; choice,8c per pound. Sheep and latubs-Receipts, 11,649. Sheep -Twenty-five cents to 85e lower; yearliegs' and spring lambs, 25c off; latter closed firm; sheep, $3 to $5.25; yearlings, $5 to $6.55; spring lambs, $6.25 to $8.50; by the head, $3 each. Hogs -Receipts, 12,696; market full stele 42 WALKERS MISSING. dy; state hogs, $5.10 to $5.20. =WAG() LIVE STOCE. Chicago, May SO.-('attle-Receip(s lit Many of French 1Pedestrians Succumb ta • Hardships of Race. Paris. May 81. -Fatal results fol- lowed the army walking snatch Sun- day from. tSc Place de la Concorde to St. Germain and back, a distance 01 about twenty-eight miles, in svhich .2,000 soldiets from many regiments took' part.. Reports received by the Minister of War show that forty-two men are missing and a number of them are said to have succumbed to hardships. Resides those missing, thirty-four men • were taken to the hospitals along the course, in vari- ous stages of prostration. Six were in a serious condition, one man is dead, and another in a dangerous condition. Some reports place the number of dead at four, Death in a Well. Toronto, May 31. -Caught some fit- ters') feet below the surface of the ground, by the collapse of earth in a well, William Reid met death by suf- focation in East Toronto town last sight, The aceident happened about half -past seven, and it was two hours before the body was recovered, I The unfortunate man was between 45 end 50 years of age, and leaves a Widow and family, uSstireoreLs Mayor a Suicide.. Baltimore, • Md., May 81,-Robort L, MeLane, Mayor of thie city, shot himself dead late yesterday after- noon in the bed -snout of, his resi- dence, 000; merket, 10c to 20c higher; goOS prime steers, $5.40 to $5.00; poor tp, me- dium, $4.50 to $5.40; stockers and fdeeers, $8.25 to $4.90; cows and heifers, $1.75 to $5; canners, $1,75 to $2.90; oulls, $2.50 to 84 , iaIvoS, 88 to 85.70. Bogs -Receipts, 87,000; market steady to 5c higher; mixed aud butchers', $4.05 to $4.67S4i; good to choice heavy, $4,70 to $4.82%; rough heavS, 84.55 to $4.70; light, $450 to $4,70; bulk of sales, $5,80 to 80.75. Sheep-Reccepts, 10,000; market mostly JOs lower; good to choice wetliers, $5.23' to $e.50; fair to sholee mixed, $3.75 to $5; mitive lambs, $5 to $0.35; spring lambs, 85.50 to $7.35. rout Cock Fighters Pined. Hamilton, May 31. -Pour sports who attended the cock fight on May 24 that was interrupted by Special Officer Mabel, appeared before the police magistrate yesterday morning and were each ordered to pay a fine ol $10, with $4; added for costs. The unfortunates were: Albert Goodale, Ancsster; Tommy Meehan, Hunter streeq Larry Kelly, NoSth Macnab street; Jack ruder, Gritsts- by Townships The. officer says ha will have another bunch ready for the wart on Thus -vier,. Truth WM Come Out Sometime. Paris, Mrid"' 31 --The Minister of War has caused the arrest of an orn- cee, who is understood to have boon connected with the Dreyfus affair. The °Meer; who is held in close con- finement in the fortress of Mount Va- lerian, is said to be eharged with using considerable suits of money at the court-martial in Reanea in order to . :rococo tho SPAYidtiPP. s. Stanley improvement has been noted in the health of Mrs. G. H. Stephenson: -Ms. Fritz Wilds has rented his farm to Mr. W. 3. Stinson for the season who will use it PA, grazingspurposes.- Mr. Dan Spencer has returned to To- ronto, after to few weeks' visit here with friends. He has accepted n, po- sition in the Abel Engine Works. - McEwen Bros. have purchased Mr. NV. Reid's traction engine a.nd W. Palmer's blower, Chris. Parker, who has been engaged with Mr. W. Slack for the past few months as enginees has resigned and has accepted a position with W. Mustard; of Bay fi eld.--- Mat might have resulted in a serious con- flagsation happened a few days ago. it appetu•s a couple of lads were re, turni tag from school and beteeks thein- se.If to the 'back of D. MeNting•hton's barn. Hese they gathered a pile 01 leaves and set fire to them leaving it to do what de in age it nsay. Luckily it was noticed in thrie and Mr. and KT'S. MONA ugh ton and oth (TS exti n g - Dialled it before any dainege was done. Ruben Tuck, employed ill it Parry Sorted lumber rnill,fell against a saw and was beheaded. Ida ve s-ou tried our flour? The fin- est you CMS get -for MONEY, MAR- BLES, or BREAD. --THE-- O Tfr fJ19418 Bohol CoRagE HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL Capital Paid Up - 6,000,09/11 Rest - 2,700,1106 A general Banking business transacted. Interest at most favorable turista rates allowed st. Savings Bank accounts and Deposit Receipts. Cominercial Letters of Csedit issned, available Es China, Japan and other foreign countries. Travelling. Letters of Credit issued to travellers lit all parts of the world, THOS FYSHE, GENVOAL .11ANAGER. E.F.IIEBDEN, SOFT OF BRANCOSS & CUM, loSIICC•74171 CREDITON, ONT. W. S. CHISHOLM, Ma nagers CREDITON ROLLER MILLS, W)00-Xss)D-SC-C•C'SlCC-*QCC-S,d`CiS We are giving excellent satisfaction since Re- modelling our mill. GRISTING and CHOPPING DONE PROMPTLY. 14. SlAtEITZEI THE Kemp &Bur -pee Manure Spreader ALSO Disk Harrows and Scuillers FOR SALE 13Y 17.4,111ES 1C0721.6,79 (Pa t'd 1008) EXETER FOUNDRY Exeter, Ontario Scrap Iron Wanted. 20 Tons, at the highest market priee for iinnledi- ate delivery. raisvoimalmiskiethialikni • Vegetable, liver pills. That 1 1 is whatthey are. They cure, constipation, billo_usitess,; sick,headache. tatAttittl Want your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAM% BY sbeauttrulbrows or rich bitch? use vuo ate_or 040410ititoaa.Se SM. COSSAIIIMAire • .S tle ;Ate'