HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-5-26, Page 8Cafe.
.Examine �.ne
Merchant Tailor.
—Two days only—
Call early and avail yourself of his
'valuable service, as this is a rare op-
portunity to have your eyes properly
tested free of charge. No guess work,
but a scientific certainty. Difficult
cases accurately fitted, ALL WORK
A, full litre of Art-ific1al Eyes added
to our stock.
riarw,�' >
Latest and best china wedding pres-
ents at Charlton's.
Some big bargains infurniture at
Rowe & Atkinson's for house cleaning
Sky Rockets, Torpedos and . Fire
Crackers of all kinds at 20 .for lc.
and up et Charlton's.
Master Harry Carling had his hand
badly jammed by the falling of a win-
dow upon it on Sunday night. .
Recently MVlr.Jarnes Grieve sold a
dozen of Golden W yandotte eggs for
$3 to a gentleman in Newbraska.
Mr. R. Davis has rented Mr. Thomas
Dearing's cottage on Elizabeth street,
and has taken up his residence Therein.
Mr. J. W. Duncan has entered into
partnership with Mr. L. M. Appleford
in the publishing of the. Seaforth
News. `)
Mr. John G. Gardiner, son of Mr. M.
Gardiner, of town, has entered the
employ of the Sovereign Bank as jun-
ior clerk..
. The juveniles of the North and South
ends played a game of baseball on the
24th, resulting in favor of the latter'
by 20-11.
Garvey Acheson is suffering from a
very sore hand as a result of a prema
titre explosion of a fire cracker on Vic-
toria Day.
Invitations are out to an "At Home"
to be given in the Opera House on Fri-
day, June 3rd; by the officers and mem-
bers of the Exeter Masonic Lodge,.
Mrs. John V. Crocker disposed of
her household effects by auction on
Thursday last, realizing good prices.
Mrs. Crockerintends in future to re-
side with her son in Buffalo, N.Y.
Rev. Dr. Hannon preached a very
appropriate sermon oo Sunday even-
ing, on the "Training and life of Qneen
Victoria, the Good" drawing from it
many beautiful lessons. The subject
was ably handled.
Specially prepared soap for insects
on Rose bushes, which is highly re-
-commended by florists and is said to
be a sure remedy; also good insect
Powders, Hellebore, Paris Green, Lon-
don Purple, Sing Shot, Bordeaux mix-
ture and other insecticides. Sold at 0.
Lutz's, Central Dreg Store, Exeter.
Charlton's Fair, agency for all kinds
of hay forks and slings.
Spring Suit
For ONE Price.
We have secured a limited number of
$500;00 Accident and Disease Policies,
in the On.t do Accideut Insurance Co.,
one of which will be given to each pox. -
cheerer of a suit of clothes to the value
of $10.00 or over,
Yon will meed to order early to get
one of these policies.
Our ,Spring and Slimmer Suitings
and Pantings are all New and Tip -to --
date. Our Workmanship always gives
Merchant Tailors Exeter, Ontario
;A who prefers the pity weekly
mart to a home paper beoause "it's got more
in.it," reiniods one Of the halt who
pieked out the largest pair of boots in
the box beoa4use they cost no more
than a pair that fitted him,
R. R. Gamey, M.P.P„ "The mart
from Manitoulin" will zrddresethe elec-
tors of North and South Perth in
Mitchell, on Friday evening neat,May
27th. A number frond here are con-
templating a visit to 1i1itchell on. that
Mr, J, D..n.tkinson has moved to his
own residence on Andrew-st. irr. B.
Makins now occupies the residencere-
oated by J. D. Mrs. Harness, sr., has
proved into the house vacated by Mr.
Makins. Both of the latter homes are
on Main street.
Mr. Wit. Bagshaw, one of Stephen's
most popular and progressive farmers
has decided to retire from farm life and
become a citizen of the village, Last
week he moved with his familyinto
Mr, John Snell's rosidence on uron
Street. 'We welcome Mr, Bagshaw
and vvorty family to our midst.
Mr. Chris. Zuefle, who has been in
charge of the electric power house
here for some years, has secured a po-
sition with Mr. Lighton in Sacriston;
and now has .charge of similiar works
there. Mr. Zuefle is a thoroughly com-
petent man and Harriston has secured
one who will give them satisfaction.
Mrs. Zuefle will not leave far some
time. Their house and lot is now for
sale or rent.
At a special meeting of the directors
of the Stephen & Usborne Branch
Agricultural Society, held at the Man-
sion House on Saturday afternoon last
the advisability of building an addition
to the palace was discussed at. some
length and it was decided that as more
room was an essential a 40 foot addi-
tion should be built on the east end of
the building. The work will be begun
shortly and a commodious braiding
will be the result.
The Sunday School Anniversary
Services of Main-st. school will be held
next Sunday and Monday evening. On
Sunday at 11 a.m. a Floral service will
be held, the pastor preaching to the
children on the subject of " Flowers."
At 2.45 p.m. an open session will give
parents and friends an opportunity to
hear the children and others.. At 7
p.m. a song service will be given by
the school. On Monday evening a free
tea will be served to the children, and
at 8 o'clock a program will be render-
ed, consisting of solos, choruses, drills,
readings, etc. Special contributions
during Simday on behalf of the funds
of the school,
The regular meeting of Lebanon
Forest Lodge, No. 133, A. F. & A. MMi.,
Monday night partook of a special
character, the occasion being the an-
nual inspection of the Lodge by the D,
D. G. M., Rt. Wor. Bro. Win. Elliott,
of Mitchell The work of the Third
degree was exemplified in a manner
that reflected great credit on the offi-
cers and proved highly pleasing to the
distinguished visitor, who compli-
mented those taking part in the high-
est terms of praise. At the conclus-
ion of the degree work the D. D. G. M.
gave a brief but most interesting and
instructive talk on Masonry which
was listened to most .attentively by
the large n u rn ber of members in atten-
Mr. Geo. May, of the London Road,
South, met with an accident a few
days ago that might have been attend-
ed with serious results. He was en-
gaged in rolling land with a spirited
team of colts attached to a heavy rol-
ler and when about to do, something
behind the roller the team backed up,
catching hint underneath and pinning
him to the ground. In this trying po-
sition he was compelled to remain un-
til his cries attracted the attention of
his brother, who immediately ran to
his assistance. When released it was
discovered that no bones were broken
but his legs were badly bruised. heves
fortunate that the team stopped when
they did, or otherwise he would have
been in great danger of losing his life.
Mr. Daniel McCurdy, of the Elim -
✓ ine road, Usborne, met with an ac-
cident on Tuesday last which was
nothing short of a miraculous escape
with his life. He was engaged in mov-
ing his brother Archie's effects with a
team of colts and one of the lines be -
corning caught he stepped onto the
tongue of the wagon to release itwhen
the team became frightened and made
a dash for liberty. Mr. McCurdy was
thrown to the road with considerable
force, the horses tramping on him and
one of the wheels of the wagon passed
over his body,with the result that a
number of his ribs were broken, his
hip fractured, the base of his skull. in-
jured and he was otherwise badly used
up.: The team ran some distance,
while Mr. McCurdy lay in the road
for half an hour unable to move, when
Mr. John Farmer of town happened
along and assisted him tp his home,
Medical aid. was summoned and his in-
juries "dressed and while it, is expected
hewill recover he will ire confied to
his bed for some time.
Good plain cook. Good wages. Ap-
ply at Central Hotel, Exeter.
Wiaeat and Oats Wanted
Harvey Bros. will pay the highest
prices for wheat and oats delivered at
the Exeter Grist Mill,
Long haired Scotch Collie, yellowish
color, white breast, long tail with
white tip. Reward by leaving at this
office information that will lead to his
Notice of Meeting.
The shareholders of the Exeter Salt
Works Co., will hold their annual
meeting at " the Town Hall, Friday,
June 10, at 2.30 p.m. sharp.
• P T. B. Carling, Sec'y.
Smith Comilla.
If you have defective eyesight don't
fail to consult with T. P. Smith, the
Noted Eye Specialist, of Elora, who
will be at the Commercial House, Exe-
ter, en May 27, 28. See "ad" in anoth-
er leolnnin.
Dr. Metier, London, will be at the
Central Hotel, on Friday, , June 3rd,
for Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat consul-
taplietiorins, Eyes tested and glasses stip-
Plants for sate.
Heaidquarteis for Tonto to, Cabbage,
Cituliflower, Asters, Stocks, Vertenaa,
.f'1ox, Foliage, and all kinds of bedding
Louis Day, Market ilardner,
Carr Load or BugaleS tot Sate.
They are new. Bissett & Johns,
nett Oyer 'eau Next Week,
A report of theptoeeeclings of the
W.M.S. District Convention held et
XVoodhani last week, owing to lack of
space has been left over until next
week, Also partof the Fest Huron
Teachers' Convention.
Women's Institute Notes.
Don't forget to attend the practical
demonstrations given by Miss Mils, of
Toronto, and Miss Miller, of Guelph,
who ere seat out by the ,Department.
The meetings will be held in the Town
Hall, on Jens 2nd, afternoon and even-
ing. Miss Hill's subjects . are "Talks
on foods with demonstrations in cook-
ing, and Practical hygiene." Miss Mil-
ler speaks on "Some practical hints on
lane nnrsing and emergencies (illus-
trated) and 'Women's Institutes, Past,
Present and Future." All the ladies
of the town and surrounding country
are cordially invited to be present.
Any wishing to join will be given an
opportunity of doing so. A silver col-
leetiou will be taken to help defray
A Plucky Boy,
Roht, Alexander, son of Mr. Lance-
lot Alexander, a farmer living three
miles south of town, had an unpleasant
experience one day recently. He had
been working in a field disk -harrowing
and was called to the house to assist in
killing some pigs. In doing so he got
some blood on his hands and when he
returned:to the field the horses smelled
the blood while he was near their heads
and they started after him. The boy
immediately grasped the bridle of one
of the horses and in the mad gallop
that ensued he was forced to hold on
for some minutes for fear of being cut
to pieces if he,let go. Hs was finally
released from his perilous position 'by
Mr. Geo. Walker, who came from some
distance to the rescue, having heard
the calls of the boy for help.
Empire Day.
The teachers and pupils of the Exe-
ter Public School expressed their pat-
riotism by a public demonstration on
Monday, May 23rd, Empire Day. The
pupils lined up ort the school and
marched down Andrew street as far
as the Jarnes street church, thence to
Main street and turning North, went
as far as Main st.chorch.thence back to
the school. The pupils were provided
with banners and flags and . presented
a very pleasing spectacle as they pass-
ed through the street. At the school
grounds a platform was erected and
speeches were given byRevds. Martin,
Godwin and Perkins, also Messrs. H.
E. Huston, P. Frayne and N. D. Hur-
don. The speeches were interspersed
by songs,from the school. Mr.Frayne,
chairman of the Board, occupied the
chair. Miss Dorrington, of the staff
at the school, after the demonstration
was over took a number of the girls
down to the restaurant and treated
therm to a dish of ice cream and pea-
nuts. We trust the boys will not be
forgotten next time.
Council Minutes.
Council met pursuant to .adjourn-
ment at Town Hall, May 20th. All
present. Minutes of previous meeting
read and confirmed. A petition signed
by T. B. Carling, W. T. Acheson and
96 other ratepayers, resident on Main
street, asking the Council to water
Main st.,from the South Boundary to
the North side of the Presbyterian
manse property, was Iaid before the
Council. Taylor—Wood—that the
prayer of the petitioners be granted,
and that a By -Law be prepared con-
firming same. -Carried. Taylor—Arm-
strong that the offer of the Sun Oil for
gasoline be accepted.—Carried. Muir
Wood --that the Masonic Society be,
granted the use of the Town Hall on
Friday, June 13.—Carried. Taylor—
Armstrong—that the Reeve and Treas-
urer be authorized to borrow the sum.
of $1000 to meet current expenses.—
Carried. Taylor--Armstrong—that the
clerk ask for tenders for excavating a
tank at the corner of Victoria and
Andrew streets—size 9 ft. 6 in. wide;
31 ft., 6 in. long and 12 feet deep, with
a well at one end 3x3 feet and 2 'feet
deep.—Carried: Armstrong—Muir—
that the following accounts be paseed
and orders drawn on Treasurer for
same:—H. parsons, street watering to
date $20; Jas. Willis, labor at cemetery
$15.—Oarried. Council adjourned to
June 3,at8p.m.
G.H. Bissett, Clerk.
Mrs. Brewe'r is visiting in Seaforth,
Mrs. J. W. Taylor is visiting T.
y gin St.
John Oann, of Blyth. was here on
Miss Addie Morlock was in Mitchell
Mrs. J. A. Stewart visited in Torelito
on May 24th.
Mr. I. Carling was in Loudon Thurs-
day on business.
Mr. Isaac Bissett spent Monday with
friends in London.
Mrs. W. J. Heiman spent the holi-
day in Woodstock.
Mr. Floody has returned to Halley -
burg, New Ontario.
Mrs. Amos spent the holidayswith
feiends in Brantford. .
Miss Cora Fowell visited Mrs. Good-
ison in Sarnia this week.
Miss Lizzie Taylor, of Stratford, is
visiting friends in town.
Mrs. Geo.Atkinson and children vis-
ited in Clinton this week.
Mr. Herman Beaman, of London,
was here on ``Victoria Day.
Miss Ardell, of London, - is visiting
Miss Tean Hawksbaw. •
Miss Mathews, of Toronto, is visiting
her sister, Mrs. S. Fitton.
Mrs.John Snell and Miss Lille Johns
were in Sarnia this weak.
Mr, and Mrs. Joe Harvey spent 24th
with friends in St. Thomas.
Miss Nettie Walters spent the bola
clays with friends in Toronto.
Miss Ruby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs..
Daniel Wood, is on the sick list.
Mrs. D. Leech, of Naitsbury, Wash -
ton, is visiting relatives in town. r.
Mee. John Taylor, Exeter North, is.
dangerously ill with erysipelas.
`Mrs. D. Johns has returned frons
visiting Mrs. (oodison, of Sarnia.
Mies Delphie Essery is the guest of
her grandmother, Mrs. upstart, Sr.'
Norman !fern, of Norwich, spent
the holiday at his home here.
Mt", lad, CL•oCker, of Toranta,, spent
it law clxaye at his hotue here during
the Weetc'.
Mr. T. Jerald Sullivan.
The above is a photograph of Mr. T.
Jerald Sullivan, well known in Lon-
don, Ontario, as the Repressentative
of the International Correspondence
Schools, Scranton, Pa, He will be at
Central Hotel from May 26th to 28th
to give information and take enrol -
areas for this immense institution.
Miss Laura Rau, of London, was the
guest of Miss Ida Mitchell last week.
Mr„ Hilts and son, of St. Marys, are
guests at the haute of Mr. L, D,`
'Victor Sanders, of St, Marys, speut
the holidays with his neusin Clifford
McAvoy. •
Frank Sweet, of Clinton, and Fred
Sweet, of Kirkton, spent Victoria Day
In town. :•.
Miss Alda Dinsdale, of Hippen,sppent
the holiday here as the guest of Miss
Miss Lottie Hynclinan has returned
from Toronto and will remain daring
the summer.
Dr. A, It. Kinsman and Mr. Allen
Myres spent Sunday with friends in
Miss Daniels and Miss Deane, of Lon-
don, are the guests of. Mr. and Mrs,
John Cookson. .
Mrs. Anderson, of Fingal, niece of
Mr. David Mills, visited at the Batter's
home this week.
Mr, Mark Mitchell and wife, of Lon-
don, are spending a few days with
friends in town.
Miss Ethel Levett, of Parkhill spent
the holiday at the home of her broth-
er, W. H. Levett:
Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Sheere, of
Brantford, spent a few days with rela-
tives.here this week.
Mr, and Mrs. James Miller, of Olen;
deboye, spent Sunday -the guests of
lilt. and Mrs. E. Treble.
Mrs. John Sanders, of Killarney,.
Man., is on an extended visit to friencls
and relatives in this vicinity.
Mr. Geo. Jewell, of London, spent
the holiday here with bis wife, who has
been' visiting friends here for some
Mr. Robert Sanders returned Mon
day morning from Bruce County,
where he spent ten days angling for
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bawden and son,
Clarence, of London, spent Victoria
Day as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jos.
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Spackman and
daughter, Stella, and Mrs.JohnS.paek-
man spent the 24th with friends in
Mr. W. J. Carling and wife returned.
home Friday last from the St. Louis
Exposition reporting an excellent out-
ing of sight seeing.
Messrs. F. E. Barn and Ed. Christie,
of the Sovereign Bank branch here
are this ween in Wyoming establish
ing a.branch of the bank.
W. B. Ross. of Detroit, was here for
the 24th, visiting his parents. Short-
ly after his return to Detroit he will
leave for Campbell, Minn., where his
brother is practising medicine.
Mr. George Sontheott, of Toronto,
spent a, few days in town during the
week. On Sunday night he delighted
the congregation of the James street
church with a well rendered solo.
Mrs. John Sanders, and daughter,
Miss Nora who have been een visiting the
former's daughter, Mh
s. Ri
hale At Toronto, for the past six weeks
returned home Wednesday evening
Chas. Heiman, son of Mr. Jeremiah
Beaman, of. London Road south, is
very ill as a result of catching cold
when recovering from the mumps. He
was working for Mr. Wm. Baker, Step-
hen; at the time and is there confined
to his room,
Other 'visitors here from London
on Tuesday; Miss Polly Welsh, Thos.
Jeckell. Me. anal,' Mrs. J. C. Inwood,
Mrs. Wm. Down, Miss Carrie Davis,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Tomlinson, Mr. Jury
at Mr. Samuel Martin's, Misses Cora,
and Molly Lamport, Miss Beatrice
Friend, Mr.Chas. 33rimacombe, Miss
Edith Beers, Mr. J. A. Sanders. Mr.
and Mrs. Wnr. Prodger and child, Ed.
Stewart, Mr. and Mrs, E. ,McCormick,
Miss Martha Beaman.
Mr. Geo. Osmond left last week to
accept a position in the organ factory
at London Miss Cora Bawden went
to London lust week to enter one of
the hospital, as at nursein training.—
The widow and family of the late J.
Clark, wino carne out from England
•ibout a year ago, and was killed at
Hibbing, Minn.,shnrtly after arriving,
have move to town.—Mr, NV. J. Ross,
who has been connected with the or-
gan factory for the past ten years, for
nearly two years es superintendent,
lately received several handsome of -
fees from outside firms, but has finally
deckled to remain and has made a new
engagement. with.the company. His
host of friends Will be much pleased to
know that he will riot leave town af-
ter all. In various circles Mr. Ross
and his estimable bettet• half would
have been much inissed.-Mr.'.1. Taa,y-
lot• is one of the thirty Ont iio lawn
howlers who left on Tuesd•mv for Mont
reel, where they took Brett fur' Great
at "
Britain tto make six weeks' tour of
x f
kluglund, Iaclamnd. and Scotland, Thir-
ty yenta close and successful ti
tion to business well entitles Ala Tay -
lot. to this trip. '
Seeds of all Kinds!
ANY Person wanting good, clean
Alsike, Red and White Clover
Seed, Timothy Seed, Orchard
Grass, Kentucky Blue Grass,
and Field and. Garden Seeds of
all kinds for Spring Seeding
Will find it to their advantage to
Cali and Examine our Seeds before if _Buy
We have a quantity of Clean SPELTZ which is
splendid for dry and poor soil, and yields from 60 . to 70
bushels s els per- acre, Its present use for feeeding hogs and
cattle 1s very superior.
Cement—Portlandd and Star, Manger Seed.
4424040.4 .4. �TA.s 11,R..:A
Found in
Huron County
a place where furniture can be purchased with so little money as,
at our store? No. Snell is impossible.
We have an endless variety.of furniture of every descrip-
tion which is going at a low figure during the House Cleaning
If you. are interested don't fail to call on us.
TRADE, _ n 0 tT S• E .
And if Prices, Variety and Quality count we should have it.
Undertakers and Funeral Directors.
A• M
Warm weather has arrived -are you prepared for it?
New, White Shirt Waists
New, White Corset Covers
New, White Summer Corsets.
New, White Organdies, Swiss
Muslins, Lawns,Ewbroideries, and
many other lines which space will
not permit to mention.
See our Range of Summer Gloves.
Several hundred yards of the
Priestley high class goods, as
Canvas Cloth, Knop Voiles,.
Roxanas, Venetians, Lusters, Eolien-
nies, Etamines, and a host of elegant
materials, in fashionable weaves for
all style costumes—shirt' waists suits,
separate skirts, waists, etc.
Fashions latest fancies in millinery arrive at this store weekly. Our
system is to be always in touch with the market and the result is that some-
thing new is to be seen in our show room each week.
You -are always welcome to make us a visit.:
J3eadiluartersfor the
Celebrated Sandford Clothing.
Furniture and Undertaking r.
appears and with it comes the wants of the. House
Wife. We have a full stockW to choose from, such as
Fine Mattresses, Springs, and
s, Beds (Wooden
Couched Extension Tables, Rockers, Dining Chairs, Easy
Chairs, Sideboards, Secretaries, Bed Ronm Sets, Parl r Suites,
Etc, Try one dour Hygienic Health Mattresses. .
Practical Embalmer
Funeral Director
hoes R Men
$3.00 ' $3:50 $4.00
Widths, '
We are Sole Agents ' in (Best for Wear
Exeter for the Sovereign - Best for Style
Shoe. Each t
guaranteed. II Best for Fit
-- Patent kid a
9�4 veryneat, dressyboot,
dull �-
calf top, full toe, new round shape:
,1 —Pat. kid Oxford, newest
3.50.style of Blu-
cher cut, single sole, neat round toe,
$3 ;50•- Dongola bal. double sole, dull kid top
iSuitable for street or everyday wear.
—Kid Bal. one of the popular
OCA most .p�puh r
boots, with single or double sole, neat round
toe; good wearing.