HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-5-26, Page 5hetiv broccitg, published every Thursday Horning at the Office. ISIA.IleT-STREET, - EXETER, -By the - ADVOCATE PUBIzi.SH I NO COMPANY TEAMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One Dollar per annum 11 paid in advance, $1,50 if riot so paid. .3.4.-srertiolass. Mciton .2L3p/al-teck- 10 paper discontinued until all arrearag es are paid. Advertisemente without specified directions will be pgbdished until forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for transcient advertisements inserted for long periods. Enery description of JOB PRINTING turned oat In the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, money orders, Sic., for advertising., sitbscriptions, etc., to be made payable Sanders tt Creech, PROPRIETORS PrereSSi011iai CardS, p 1 , A, C. ItA.M. SAY AT S Honor Graduate Ontario Veterinary College; lion. ovary Fellow in Ontario VeterinaFy Association, All diseases of domestic animals scientifically treated, Milk fever treated by the latest oxygen treatment. OFFICE; One door south of Town Hall, RESIDENCE: S000nd house north of Presbyterian Church, Bit. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D, S., ttD. S., Honor graduate of Toronto Univeristv. DENTIST. Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects Office in Panama's Block, west side Main street, Exeter. ---.... ALTON ANDERSON (D.D.S. L.D.S DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Post Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistery (with honorable mention.) Alluminum, Gold and Vulcanite Plates made in the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless an- aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth, Office one door south of Carling.Bros. store, Exeter. Medical DR. T. P. HoLAUGHLIN, MEMBER. 01' THE College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office, Dash- wood, Ont. Dr. John D. )Vilson, Office and Residence, 290 Queens Ave., London Ont. Special. attention )aid to diseases of woinen, Office hours, 12.80 to 4 a m. Auctioneers 11BROWN, Winohelsea. Lieened Auctioneer . for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex. ilso for the township of Usborne. Sales promptly Mended to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged it Post Office Winchelsea. LOOK..A.,.....,__ Jest arrived, a large shipment of PRINCE OF WALES CARRI- AGES and GO-CARTS which ere very arbistie in design and finish; a good assortment to choose from. Come early and pick ont the good ones. Bicycles - We iste again showing Cleveland. Bicycles fitted with Cushion Fram- es which make long journeys seem short and short journeys too short Repairing Neatly done on shortest notice. , Satisfaction guaranteed. Brices moderate. , S. MARTIN , I -THE- I I 4 4 1 Eletof 40//81 mil/ , 1 HARVEY BROS. , i 1 Proprietors. i i I t Manufacturers of and Dealers in a t FLOUR AND FEED J _ BRANDS: 'PURE MANITOBA. STAR (Best Faanily Fiona) PRINCESS (Choice Pastry Flour). 4.VFIULE WHEAT FLOUR. WHEATLET (Breakfast Food.) • Wheat and Oats wanted, for - which we will pay the high- est market price. Seed Peas • ANOTHER NEW LOT, Direct from Manitoulin Island For Sale at Exetee 'Warehouse National Brand Portland Cement S Seed Oats and Barley. AWanted For milting purposes Wheat, Oats Barley, foe which top priees will be at Exeter, Centralia, and Clandeboye ANer's You can hardly find a home without its Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Parents know what It does for children: breaks. Cherry Pectoral up a cold in a single night, wards off bronchitis, prevents pneumonia. Physicians ad- vise parents to keep it on hand. The best cough medicine money can buy is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. For the cough! 01 thildre"°thinirolg1212ZatiCaZind. 25e..,$O�. .y. 0. AYEa 00, All dru e Lowell. Mass, Lor endarammuntaneast Throat, Lungs Ayer's tilts greatly. aid the Cherry Pectoral in Drealung up a•' cold. Tuckerstnith, The many feiends of Mr. Thomas O'Brien, will regret to hear of his ser- ious illness, but we trust ere long be will be restored to good health. -A little daughter has arrived at the borne of Mr. James. Strong. -The fall wheat is looking. better, some few patches have been plowed up or resown.- Much sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McMillan in the loss they have sustained by the death •of their dear little. babe, Isabella, who passed away on Friday, Mey 13, at the age of 19 months. ' ACCIDENT -While driving from Breoefield to Rippe% on Tuesday ev- ening, Mr. Robert Bell, of this town- ship, had the raisfottune to meet with an accident that might have resulted much more seriously than it did. A man drove up behind him at a very rapid rate and while Mr. Bell was in the act of turning ont to allow him to pass, the wheels of his sulky were caught by the passing rig and the next instant the sulky was overturned and Mr, Bell was throsvu heavily to the ground and had his shoulder dislocat- ed. He managed to prevent his horse getting away. but was so stunned by the fall and shook that he afterwards fainted and had to be assisted to a neighbor's where the .e.ervices of a doc- tor vere secured •and his injuries at- tended to. The party who caused the accident never stopped to see what njudes Mr. Bell. bad sustained. Nairn Hector Munro had the misfortune o lose two valea.ble cows a few days ago. -Miss Thompson, of Steathroy, is the guest of her uncle, R. J. Thoince Douwald Fraser, we are sorry to tate, continues very ill. --John C. Mo - Kenzie has gone to New Ontario. he Nairn bxedge 'over the Sauble, is undergoing repairs, Mia Pearson has the contract. -Mrs. R. McIntosh, who eft a few days ego for St. Joseph Roe-" ital, London, to undergo treatment, s getting along nicely. -Will Thouire- OD is recoiermg from the effects of is recent accident, but it will be some line before be will have the use of his irna, as the muscle was badly injured: DEATH. --Once more it is our melee holy duty to write of the uncertainty f life Which has been manifested by he Giver of all good, taking unto him - elf the spirit of Ifra. Donohow, helov- d wife of Mr. Chas. Donohow. De - eased had been ill for a number of ears, suffering from cancer and for a fine last summer was under treatment t London. Daring ber illness, which tines she suffered intensely; she as ever patient and those who ad- inistered to her wants found it, a leasure to be at her side, and as she assed away. oo Sunday it was seen hnt her end Was peace. She was a event member of the Presbyterian beech and was also a 'woman of noble hristian chatacter, whom to know as to love, and of whom it may be rely said did her best to leave the vorld better than she found it. Those n Nairn who knew her so well, will •ong remember her as a friend, loving, ender and true: Most of all she will e missed by her grief-stricken hus- and, who has every reason to mourn he loss of a good wife. Mr. Dryden, Minister of Agtecolture nd G. E. Day, of the Ontario Agricul- nral College, will sail for England on 'une 14) to purchase thoroughbred took for the college fem. S YLOC • Shylock was the man who wanted a p‘ -:and of human flesh. There 'are many Shylocks now, the convales. cent, the consumptive, the • sickly child, the pale young woman, all want human flesh -• th can et it -take TERIFFIC EXPLOSION A Fire Works Factory BIOVen UP on Sunday. seven Persons Known to Have Been Killed and Many bleared -Only Thirty Wer0 at Work IVInlo the Usual Stan' 'Was • Over 500 -Not a wan Left Standing - Windows In Plnillay Shattered Dy the Shock Which Was Volt Ivor estielt, Findlay, Ohio, May 23, -As a re- sult of an explosion in the two drying -rooms of the Lake Shore Norttity Co,'s plant here Saturday, seven persons ere knovvn to be dead, five are so seriously hurt that recov- ery is prolaahly impossible, and twelve or fifteen are injured badly.. From reports of the physicians, ten of the less seriously injured may dio as et result of blood poisoning from the potash that was driven into their bodies, TWO employes aro missing and are supposed to have been blown to atoms, The Lake Shore Novelty Works' plant covered nearly ten acres in the southwest part of the city and em- ployed about 200 men, Woinen • and children, Railroad torpedoes and Fourth of July explosives were manufactured. Owing to a rush of orders, the officials of the plant re- quested the employes to report for duty Sunday. About 30 complied. Yesterday ni,orning two magazines in separate rooms at the Novelty Works let go simultaneously with tprible reports. The exact cause of the explosion is not definitely known. It is surmised that one of the Sher- wood brothers, who were the only persons in the drying room, dropped a large box of torpedoes, but this story cannot be confirmed., The explosion, ()muffed shortly be- fore the employes assembled for duty. Human forms were strewn consid- erable distances apart on the fac- tory site. The remains of the Sherwood brothers were found in drying room No. 1, mangled and al- most unrecognizable. Their clothing was blown from their bodies, save a stocking on the right foot oC Jay Sherwood. The body of Edith Dillon was picked up 200 yards from wham the explosion occurred, The news of the catastrophe spread rapidly throughout the country, and. every train and interurban car that has arrived in the city for the past ten hours was crowded. The large plant was shattered, not one single wall remaining. Windows through- out the city were shattered, and the concussion was felt for miles. TRIES TO WRECK CZAR'S TRAIN. Balls Found Displaced When Erie Train Was About to Start. St. Petersburg, May 23. -The rails were displaced on the railway just outside the town of Kremenzug when the Emperor was about to leave it Saturday in the course of his south- ern trip. The danger was discovered before the Imperial train. started. Another train was upset. The official account says that four persons were injured-ira the accident. itussian 'Peasants Firing. St. Petersburg, May 23.-A rising of peasants, headed by Socialists, has taken place in the district of Cori,. Covern.ment of the Caucasus. The Governor ordered the troops to fire a volley, and several -es.sualties resulted. Princess of Wales Not Ill. London, May 23. -Humors are cur- rent that the health of the Princess of Wales is in. such an unsatisfactory condition that it will cause the aban- donment of the proposed trip to In- dia and also the visit to St, Louis. At Marlborough Rouse it was said that the Princess was enjoying her usual good health. The postponement of the Indian visit is not due to the state of the Princess' health. No de- finite plans have yet been rade as to the visit to the St. Louis Exposi- . Follow Dlake's Advice. London, May 23.-(0. A. P.) -The annual convention of the United Irish League in Great Britain on the pro- posal of Hon. Edward Blake, ct. P., abolished local home rule in the af- fairs of the League. The proposition was vigorously opposed, but was carried by a small majority on the becond vote. T. P. ' O'Connor, the I ea esident, declared that the League by its action in the Gateshead bye -1 election saved England from Cham-. berlainism. 1 Hurt While Fishing. • Windsor, May 21. -James Taylor of Windsor met with a serious acci- dent yesterday, e !deli may result in the ansputation of both legs. While fishing from one of the spring piles at the Canadian Pacific ferry slip, his legs were caught between the piles by the bumping of one of the huge car ferries, which was just teed- ing. Taylor was removed to his home, where he lies in a very seri- ous condition. Cardinal Leaves For Ottawa. Baltimore, Md., May 23. -Cardi- nal Gibbons has gone to Ottawa, Seott's Emulsion. °IA., to attend the ceremonies M- eld t t th 1 i f Scott's Emulsion is flesh and -blood, bone and muscle. It feeds the nerves, strengthens the'digestive organs and they feed he whole body. For nearly thirty years Scott's Emulsion has been the great giver of human flesh. We will send you a couple of ounces free. soovr ISOWN8, Cherniste;. Torootof Ontario. • see. and r,00 AB druggists. el 0 e ay ng o corner Stone of the University of Ottawa, which event wifl take place on May 24. The Cardinal will deliver an ad- dress, on the occasion, While in Ot- tawa Cardinal Gibbons will be the guest of Archbishop Joeeph Duha- incl, strararera suppresses Liquor. 13rantford, May 23. -Sunday was rt dry day in this city. Promptly at 7 o'clock Saturday night every bar closed and evois the regular etistoute , ers could not gain admittance. 1it is not known whether .the closing, is due to the effort of Chief Slemin or the pew license inspeetois George Miles, or whether there was a mutuel agreement, anmeg the hotelmen, MARKET", London end Eiveryool leforkels Closed On Saturday -Chicago Grain Markets Strang -Latest Quelotions. London, hilly 21 ,Ig • rain Intirkete here t d teih.deaayt, ctEuttiegtilellimteesituelatliTy. markeatii tonlay Yee: •208F leo(ttr-- Spo t quota li Due, hiloneapolls, Xarts-Ctose-.-Wheat - Tone quiet May. 211 25e; Sept., And pee„ 201 40e. 2,11 M0Y, :It 30c; Sept,, and Dee, TORONTO err. EAWEENCE MARKET Wheat ,white, bush. 40 95 to I.... Wheat, red, busk 0 94 Wheat, spring, bush-0 00 w1u'4t, goose, bush. 0 82 - 84 Ella.earint's3:' bush . 3 01 4°5 A • • Ityc, luisb ..... . 0 08 .... • Peas, bush. , 000 Buckwheat, 0 47 o -ii Oats, bush .. 0 37 0 3814 TORUNTO Lila: STOCK, • Reeelpts of Ilye stock at the eity yards were 19 ear loads, 267 cattle, 85 sheep, 33 calves and 500 hogs. Exportere-Cholce, welt -finished heave tii,edeirters unj 1,01(1 at 0545:9.0 to 25.10 per cwt..; • Export bulls-•Cholee export bulls sold at 53.75 to 54.25, medium at $3.50 to $3.60• , Export COWS -Prices ranged from. to 54.20 per cwt. Buteeers'-eholee picked lots of butch- • ers', equal in quality to best exporters, 1100 to 1200 lbs. each, sold at ;4.60; loads of good at $4.50 to $4,60; medium at $4,25 M $4,40; common at $3.50 to $4; mak and inferior at 13,25 to 53.40 per cwt. Feeders -Short -keep feeders, 1100 to 1200 Ills. each, sold at $4.50 to $4,90, Those weighing trope 950 to 1050 of good quality '1 insanity Consiluiption and an Early Grave. sold at 44 to $4.25 per cwt. Stockers -Choice yearling calves sold at $3.75 to $3.90; poorer grades and oft colors sold at $3 to $3.50, according to qualitY• Mlleh cows --Milch cows and springers so from $30 to $55 each. Veal Calyes-.Calves sold from 12.50 to $10 each and 23.50 to $5.25 per cwt.. feheep-Vxport ewes, heavyweights, sold at 14 to $4,50; light export ewes, 14,25 ter $4.75; export bucks at $3,00 to $3.50. Lambs --Yearlings grain -fed lambs sold at 25.e0 to 25.75; barnyard lambs ra 54.00 to 25.00 per cwt. Spring Lambs -Prices ranged from $2.50 to f0.50 each. Hogs -Prices for gtraight loads, fed and watered, were e5 per cwt., aed saes- for lights and fats. Get the Most Out of Tour Food • You don't and Mel if your stainaeli is weak. A weak /stomach does not di- gest all that is ordinarily taken into it„. It gets tired easily, and what it fails to digest is wasted. Among the signs of esweak stomach are uneasiness after eating, fits of net... vous headaelae, and disagreeable belch- ing, bave been troubled with dyspepsia for years, and tried every remedy I heard of, but never got anything that gave me relief until I took Hood's Sarsaparilla, I cannot praise this medicine too highly for the good it has clone me. always take it in the spring and fall and would not be without It." W. A. NocaNe, Belleville, Ont. Hood's Sarsaparilla Strengthens and tones the stomach and the whole digestive system, Wood's Phosphodine, The Great English issadr, is aa old, well °ash- lished and reliable F preparation. Has been .xtra-Early EXETER XIARKETS. CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat. , . 90 94, Barley ., . 40 42 Potatoes, per bag.. , ..... 70 70 Hay, per ton... .. - .. • ..., 8 00 8 CO Flour, per cwt., roller..., 2 50 Butter. - ,. - .. •13 F 14 • Hides, per 100 lbs , ., ... 500 500 Live hogs, per evvt4 80 Dressed Hogs. • , .. ....,5 75 0 25 Shorts Per owt,,,i, ..... ,1 00 1 00 Bean per Owt 90 90 For Sale SPECIAL ONE WEEK prescribed and used over 40 years. All drug. ofCanadaInnate Dse°1minil and recommend as being 4 Varieties. Also Before cold 4fter, the only medicine oe Seed Potatoes. its kind that cares eh' Sora.e, of the Eating Kind gives univeesal satisfaction. It promptly and Permanently cures all forms of Nervous Weak- ness, Emissions, Elpermatorrluea Ibipollmosee and all effects of abuse or excesses; 'the excessive use of Tobacco Opium or Stimulants, Afental and Brain Wor're, all of whioh lead tei Infirmity, • Price per package °raiz for $5. One will please, six will cure. Mailed prompty on. we- t leapt of price. Send for tree pamphlet. Addaxes Itho Wood Conapasy, roods Phosphodine isIsVolbid d"in Eirxietearih;CD17414, Browi ing andLutz, Druggists. The New Butcher. Having piteehtised the butchering business of 'Messrs. Wood & Flake, I beg to announce to the public that Livzite0Or, GRAIN AND PItOntycE. intend keeping nothing but Liverpool, May 21.-C1oas1ng-Holiday lit The •Choicest Kinds grain. Weet-Extrn Indiiness, ensy 58s Od. Pork -Prime mess,evestern, easy, 02s- 80. Dams -Short cut, 14 to 1.6 lbs., quiet , 45s. Bacon -Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs., firm, 361; short rib, 10 to 24 lbs., steady, 35s; long clear middles, light. 28 to 34 lbs., quiet, 308 66; long clear middles, heavy, 35 to 40 lbs., quiet, 35s; short, clear backs, 18 to 20 lbs., steady, 358; clear bel- lies, 14 to 18 lbs., dull, 30s: shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs.. firm, 32s. Lard-- APmrineii,eierievnesrteefirineecii,n htlierpcaeisls, 0332ss 9643.; Butter -Good U. S.. steady, 74s. Cheese - American finest, white, old, easy, 40s; do. new, steady, 38s; American finest colored, old, 43s; do, new, steady, 38s. Tallow --Prime city, easy. 20s. Turpentine spirite steady, 45s 3d. Rosin- Common, flrat, 75 Sd. Petroleum, relined, quiet, 7e. tinned 011. -Dell, 10s 3d. NEW "YORK GRAIN AND PRODUCE. New York, hfay 21. -Flour -Receipts 12,747 barrels; exports,19,660 barrels; sales, 4700 pachnees; quiet, with little business reported. Rye flour, Orin. Cornmeal, dull. Rye, quiet. Barley, steady. Wheat -Re- ceipts, 20,300 bushels; sales, 1,460,000 bush- els futures; spot, Oleo; No. 1 red, nominal, elevator; No. 2 red, nominal,to.b., afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, el..03, f.o.b., afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal,. f.o.b.. afloat; options opened easy ou account of foyer - able weather west, and prospective larger southwest receipts, but I:eel:leered on pros- pects for builisn weekly statistics on Mon- day and reports of rain In the Northwest, closing yec to lee net higher; May closed Deieee; July, 02/e to 92%e, closee 92e; Sept., 83 3•1ele to 841/1c, closed 84efee; nee., 84e, closed 84e. CHEESE MARKETS. rowansvOle, Que., May 21... -At the week- ly meeting of the District of Bedford DalrY- ineres association here to -day 1.9 creameries effered 1370 boxes butter, 20 factories of- fered 730 boxes cheese. Hodgeon Bros, secured 710 boxes butter at 16eee and 20 J'. Brice bought 50 boxes butte: at 17c; boxes at 16eeee, and 58 boxes at 16%e; A. dames Dalrymple bought 30 boxes butter at 16c; Fowler bought 297 bons cheese at 7%e. Hodgson Bros. bought 283 boxes cheese At 8c; Loyel and Christmas'bought 27 boxes cheese at Sc: Dalrymple bought 39 boxes cheese sit 8c, 508 boxee butter; 24 boxes cheese held over. ' Belleyille-There was 1820 white and 283 smiored cheese offered this date; sales . 810 white to Alexander at Syec; 805 white to Magrath, at 8 8-16e; 35 colored to Watkin, at 3 3-16e; balance refuses 8 3-16o on market, but will accept on the street London--SeYen factories • offered 6$0 ilexes; sales 250 at 8V50; 100 at 814e. NEW YORK DA.TRY MARKET. New York May 21. -Butter easie2 ereantery extras 20c to 2014c; receipts 517 Cheese firm, unchanged; receipts 1546; weekly exports 6908; eggs quiet; unchang- ed; receipts, 11,090. EAST BUFFALO CATTLE MARKET. East Buffalo, May 21.--Cattle-Steady prices uncliangetheVesils-Recelpts 100 head, steady; 54.59 heed aeto.t115%;Pp. igHs oit-tiotee?euciPtim sc3,4e1X1r; others steady; heavy and mixed, e3.00 to 0.65;••• yorkers, 54.93 to 55.05; pigs, 24.71 o 21.81-5.; roughs, $4.10 to 21.30; stags, $2,72 o $7.2u: dairies, $4.80 to $5.00. Sheep and ambs-Reeelpts 3000 head; ;lettere, sheep steady, Iambs 10c higher; lambs *4.50 to 7.85; yearlings, sae° to $6.25; wethers 5.25 to *5.75; ewes, *5.00 to $5.25; sheep: uexed, 22.20 to $3.50. Carrying Farm Produce, London, May 20. -The President of the Board of Agriculture and Fisher- ies has appointed a departnee.ntal committee to inquire as to the rates charged by railway companies in Great Britain in respect of the car- riage of foreign and colonial farm, dairy and market produce from the ports of shipment or of arrival to to the principal urban centres, and to report whether there is any evi- dence to show that preferential treat- ment is accorded to such produce, and if so what further steps should be taken, either by legislation or otherwise, to secure the better en- forcement Of the lave iui the matter. The Earl of Jersey is chairman. King Still a Diplomat. London, May 23, -Many people find in the week's incident free) mite= for-- wishing •success to King,. Ed- ward's waling visit to KieL The King sees that Froneh friendship being secure, the German Emperor's personal sympathy would 'immensely asslst whatever pacificatory Measur- es the European Governments have found it possible to suggest. Out of the Kiel visit some first approaches t owned s all rtrtainell t agreement may very well come. Ceusltod to Doglike Poet Colborne, Miry 23. -An Ital- en n anted Caren ino Scrinere, aged 18, working for 71 J Eogan, con- tractor, at nurnberStone, was killed Saturday evening by falling between tWo hettv;y stones on the stone crush- er. '2 Tons Oil Cake $1.40 per cwt. Cheap I Ain't it? Garden Seeds The kind that grow. We want TO BTJY 500 bus. GOOD Potatoes. - To Boil. WPAs TREVETHICK of Meats of the Exeter Flour and Feed Store, Various Grades sold in a butcher shop. I solicit a Have you tried our flour? The fin - continuance of the patronage of all the est you can get -for MONEY, MAR - old eustonaers and also invite new ones. BLES, or B R E .A. D Deal with us ouee and yon will deal I withus always, We buy all kinds of stock for the .• Butcher Trade. -- A OALL SOLICITED. • S. HA R Y. MINN/ ••••••• NOTICE. PUBLIC/NOTICE is hereby given that the London, Parkhill and Grand Bend Electric Railway Company has made application to the ManielottI Council of the Township of Stephen. for the passieg of a by-law to author ize the said Company to construct its rail- way upon the following highways, that is to say: - On and along the Townline be- tween the Township of Stephen „and the Township of McGillivray from the Village of Corbett to the Villege af Greenway in the said Township of Stephen; theuce northerly from the 1said townline at Greenway, along the concession line between concessions 20 and 21 in the said Township of Steph- en, to the south angle of Lot One, con- cession "B" in the said Township of Stephen; thence along the concession ling along the south-westerly Ihnit of concessions B, A and Lake Road East, to and through the Village of Grand to the shore of Lake Huron. (In so far as the said Municipal Council has jur- isdiction to grant, the pri vileges applied for by the said Company.) AND that a meeting of the said Municipal Council to be held in the Town Hall, at Crediton, on the 4th day, of July, 1904, at the hour of Two O'Olock in the afternoon, a by-law to to authorize the constrnetion of the said railways on the highways above inentioned within the limits above specified will be considered and if ap- proved, passed by the said Council. At the time and place aforesaid and before the passing of the said By - Law; the said Council will hear in per- son or by counsel anyone whose pro- perty may be prejudicially affected by such proposed railway. HENRY EILBER, Township Clerk. Dated this 9th day of May, 1904. 6-16 Ansa Craig Miss LizzieMcNaughton is confined to her bed through illness.. --Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stephenson expect to be ab- sent two years. After spending the semmer at England and on the con- tinent they will return to America, and winter in California and will next year visit Australia.-Mrs.James Mac- Farlane has returned from Carlisle, where she has been for some time. - Mr. and Mrs. J. Bow man, left Thursday for Westminster tp., where he has rented a farm. -George Glendenning leaves shortly for the West where he will join it surveying party, He ex- pects to be absent five montbs.-1Wis Dennis McLean got a couple of his fin- gers cut while operating a saw at the mill recently, and is laid off work for a short time in consequence. --Mt'. Ear- nest Armstrong, arrived a few days ago from Ournberland, Englaq, and intends remaining, some time with his uncle, hir. Tho. Avinsteong, of Lobo, Messrs, John and Percy Parket. and J. C. MeRenzie left lest week for New Ontario. -Rev. A. McKenzie and Mr. 3. Trevethiek attended the Methodiet District Meeting at Exeter otaWednes- • . day and Thereday last. -THE- 11161048i113 BURY Couge HEAD OFFICE, TTONTREAL Cepitel Paid. Up 6,000,000 Rest - - 2,700,000 A general Banking business transacted. hiterest at most favorable current rates allowed on Savings Bank accounts and Deposit Receipts. Commercial Letters of Credit issued, available in China,Japan and other foreign countries. Travelling Letters of Credit issued to travellers in all parts of the world, THOS FY811E, GWIMAL MASA,M11. E.F.FIEBDEN, Serer or BailtitaES & Clintr isspzeine CREDITONI ONT. W. S. CHISHOLIVI, Manager, Parkhill Mr. A. McInnes left a few clnys ago for Buffalo, where he will again sail on the lakes this seasou.-Miss Mnggie Campbell, of Detroit,is visiting her parents here. -Miss Millie Mason. of Paris, spent a, few days here with her parents during the week. -Miss Belle Oameron has returned home from Paris. -Mr. T. A. No y t rky, who has been on the sicklist, has gone to visit his SOD, Dr. A. W. Mayberry, at Torefato.-Mr. W. McDonald, who has been very ill at the home of his par- ents at West Williams, is, we are pleased to learn, recovering. -C. J. Currie, Donald Moreison and the Mc- Cormick brothers have returned bottle from Alabama. -0. P. Berrett left last week with a number of fast horses which he will enter for competition at various raOeS on the other side. --The young ladies of the High School have organized a base ball dills -Mrs. Mc- Graw left Thursday for Tomo to. --Mr. John Watson has sold his house and lot to Mr. Wm. Easket, of West Wil- liams. The family will remove to Wyandotte, Miehaeliortly, -Mr. Thos. Stanley who has been in Alai' ina, for the last few months, has returned and will reside on his farm near here dur- ing the summer, -Angus Querrie, an old man who resided on the Centre Road,and who was committed to Lon- don a few weeks ago as insnne, has been sent to the 'House of Refuge at Strathroy.-Mr. 11. B. Me:Donald; left a few da,ys ago for Chicago, whet e he ships on the S.S. Maniton for the sum- mer. -Sid Bossen berry, who hes been at the Franklin House all winter, left last week for his home in Grand Bend where he will visit for a. few dnys be- fore beginning operations for the sea- son as assistant to Charlie Barrot.- Mrs. B. Rea,rns, of Bornish, who has been in ill heelth for some months, nn - dement no operation in St. Joseph's Hospital, London,last week and is now progressing favorably.-Cla ce John- son, who was obliged to retton home from Ailsa Craig owing to his meet- ing with an aceident, is getting it long as well as can be expected. He woe engaged at splitting wood when " the axe eame in contact with his foot, eut- ting severe`gah. -Rev. Fr, Forster, parish priest at, Bothwell, 11;1$ been ap- pointed by Mellon Meltivey to succeed the late Rev. Fit 'Tiernan at Mt. Car- mel. He will enter on his duties at Mt. Carmel at the beginning of Julie. 1 A er ....-.....5....07... n.............;„ g,„,..7.77,7,...maTir Kp wga pi. ee tic bOels re ul r. A 1 ... _ „ Aynedetshvengisreeat me.tdoi.dAilLere, xiowei sem. Want your Moustache or beard lierii10.11AM DYE a beautiful brown or rienblock Use tint Olo entlefiletki ossr.sulti tusist4 s„*.• .1