HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-5-26, Page 2DESPONDENT WOIVIEN. rind New Health in the 'Use Of Dr, Williams' PieIt Pille. A. few years ago Mrs. J alms It. Stuart, of Thorold, Ont., who is known. to most of the 0'08111011i S of 'that town, found her health seV- erely shattered as the result of an attack of anaemia, As told practi- cally in her own words, Mrs. Stuart says "My blood was turned almost, to water; I suffered from nerve reek- ing headaches, and, the least exer- tion evoeld cause any heart to palpi- tate tic) 'I-1°1mi1a: as to render me al- most breathless. 1 wasted (may in flesh and often waS :so weak that I' eould ',not walk abolat. I was under the care of a good dodos, but as I Vas: not getting better, I grew mel- tanettoly and despondent, and felt 1 Was becoming a hopeless haValid. At this stage I Was advised to lase Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I began taking them, thinking it would be a Miracle if they ever helped me. To any great gratification 'a hen X had been using the pills -less than a month I found my health improving. used about a dozen, boxes in all and found nryself enjoying once more the blessing of good health. I had been redueed to almost a sigelton in appearance, and while taking the gills gained over twenty pounds in weight. I gratefully recommend the pills to other ailing women.", Dr. Williams' Pink Pins are the greatest blood builder and nerve tonic knowai to medical Science. Through their use pale cheeks are Made rosy, dull eyes made bright, and thin wasted figures mnde plump. Alvery dose makes new, rich red blood that drives out disease Mid strengthens every organ in the body. You can get these pills from any dealer in medicine, or by raail post- paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing the Dr. Wfl- JiaTns' Medicine Ce,, Brockville, Ont. LAUGH AWAY WORRY. In a hospital wes a patient suffer- ing from melancholia. He never laughed—he never even smiled. The physician in charge of the case thought at laat, to try the influence of laughter npon his patient. To bring this about, he had a big, hearty, jovial man come each day and stand by the patient's door, and /augh a long, deep, side -shaking laugh—a laugh so joyous and health- ful and infectious that everyone around, including the patient. soon KEGS WHO PLAYED GOLF IE ia s'artT KINGS WERE FOND OF THE GAME, English Sovereigns From North of the Border Were All Adepte. The notes that King Edward is de- veloping EL remarkable enthusiasm for golf, and when he is at Windsor rare- ly Sails to spend a Couple of hours a day on the sporting little nine -hole course' there, takes one back to the days'when golf was 0 favorite pars - time of his Royal predecessors. The Stuart Kings were keen golfers to a man, and many an interesting record is preserved of their doingson the links. 'When jamas DulZe Of York:, afterwards James II., had his court at the Palam ot Holyrood, and spent his days in a auccession of balls, plays, masguer&des and diver- sions of all kinds in and out of doors he was to he seen almost daily play- ing golf on the famous links of Leith. Long years after a Mr. Tyt- ler, of Woodhouselee, wrote:— "I re- member in my youth to have con- versed with an old man 3woned An- drew Dickson, a golf club maker, who said that when a boy he used to car- ry the Duke's golf -clubs and run be- fore him and armouace where the balls fell," There may be seen to this day a substantial memorial of the Duke's love of golf in an ancient liaise cm the north side of the Ganougate, Ed- haburgli. On the house is tablet, bear- ing a coat -of -arms with, for crest, a right hand • grasping a gold -club, and the motto—"Far and sure." BEAT THIll ENGLISHMEN. It is in connection with this house that the following inleresting story is told. One day the Duke of York became engaged in a. dispute 'with two English. noblemen of his court as to whether golf was a peculiarly Scot- tish or English pastime. As the dis- putants could come to no satisfac- tory conclusion, it was decided to settle the matter by an appeal to the game itself, the nobles offering to play His Royal Highness and any Scotsman he could bring forward for a large sum of money. "The Duke," so the record runs, "whose great aim was popularity, thinking this had no bad opportunity' both for assertiag his claim to the character of rt Scots- man and flattering a national pre- judice, immediate/y accepted the found theinselves convulsed with laughter. The melancholia had He discovered a suitable partner an melted away, the gloom had vanish- one John Patersone, a shoenfaker, ed, and the man was in his right member of a famous golfing family, mind again. 1 --,giting had done it. and himself a thampion player. In Laugh away ;rm.,: gloom end your the match the Duke and his partner fears and your worries. Laugh aciliaeed alL easY victory over the :ht when evere thing goes wrong. Just „ngas men, an( . a mnes 121 stop in the midst of your eerejeats I handed over half the Lyinnings to -his eler is reminded of the hotels of the -Gee and irritations and annoyances-- I humble co-adjul.or. 'With this sum ixonae land cis the land -ladies and b waiting girls of the various inns lin- ing the tra.cra opposite the depot call out in shril voices for his patronage. The air is filled with the dry "Irasslialniathi" (Pray, come in). There is one marked difference be- tween the Western and Japanese ho- tels. In most: of the former a large part of the profit is an.agle out of drinka.bles that aro dispensed to the guests, but not so the latter. IT IS ON WHAT YOU EAT FOUND WHAT RE WAS LOOKING, FOB A COMPLETE CUBE FOIL BLAD- DER TROUBLES IN DODD'S' KIDNEY PILLS. ,Taraes Atwell Tried Other Medi- cines and Bandages, but They fled—Dodd' o dd's Kidney Pills Didn't. Campbellford; Ont., May 28—(Speci- al)—"I had Lumbago and Bladder Trouble for years. I could get no relief till I tried :Dodds Kidacy Pills and they cured me." This is the statement of James At- well of this place, and all his neigh-. hors know it to be trte, Speaking further of his cure Kr. Atwell says:— "For five months of the time the pem ins in y bladder were very severe and in passing my mine would hurt me so as to ,almost cause tears to come to my eyes, "I used other pills and got no re- lief. I used h bandage and got no relief, Dechl.s Kidney Pills cured me completely and permanently. All bladderar diseases e caused by di(rordered kidneys. There is just one natural way to cure them—by curing the kidneys with Dodd's Kid- ney- Pills. •••••••••••r••••• INNS: OF THE JAPANESE HOSPITALITY MET WITH IN THE "STJN'HISE KeNGDOBI." No Town: Too Small to Be With- out Its Hotel, for the Saps are Great Travelers. Travelling is one of the accomplish- ments or weaknesses of the Japs, which ever way you with to look at It, and as traveling takes one away from home and absence from one's one bed and board require that food and a place to sleep be fond on the journey, necessity has created, the hotel, and Japan is EL land of hotels. It is hardly possible to go into a vile lege, even among the mountains, without Marling a decent place where you can put up for the night. Whether the hotel runner of the western world lies patterned after the land -lady and . waiting girls of the mikado's realm, or whether the latter learned their methods of drumming up patronage from the former, or whether they both thought of that method of hotel management at the same time, will perhaps never be de- . termined, but when the train pulls in.- to 0,, Japanese town the Western tray - just stop and t down and have a. UT° slocina'al good, hearty laugh. A laugh that stantial house which survives to -day will clear up .your mind, invigorate in the Canongate, and on its front your body, and you will be surprised the Duke caused the escutcheoe de - to find that your worries and your cares are not so overwhelming after You will be ready to meet them with a 'buoyancy of spirit that will master them easily. Practice laughing. Do not let your mouth get so immovable that it is a ser- ious task even to smile. Keep in practice. A good laugh will do you more good than medicine, and save. you many a. doctor's bill. SENTENCE sErtmoNs. He who creates can control. A real grief needs no uniform. Character is incorruptible cash. Man is a harp and not a hand or- gan. Nothing is lost that falls into a heart. Pedlers of ereendal are sure to be infected. A man does not have to be con- gealed to be calm. The heart, of the present is the hope of the future. Affectation is the Mpg -sage of con- scious inferiority. Science is simply the. search 'into the mind of the Supreme. The shepherd's crook needs DO crookedness in the shepherd. The people who have seen better days did it with a telescope. Wbat a men gete always depends on what he is willing to lose. Some preaching- is about as filling as a bill of fare in the desert. The cynic is a int= who sees his own heart and calls it the world. People who withbold gratitude are apt to do wholesale grumbling. The atheist can estimate God when the deaf can criticise music. Tlie man who hurries is frequently only spurring a rocking liorse. It is no use being better than oth- ers unless WO aro better than our old selves. There is a difference between claim- ing the right to rule and trying to rule aright. ROSY, HEARTY CHILDREN. you want to keep your little ones rosy, hearty and full of life give them Baby's Own Teblets the mom- ent they show signs, of being out of order in any way. This medicine cures all forms of stornaCh and bowel - troubles, breaks up colds, prevents croup, destroys warms, ,fontes loath- hale become a clever nnti Reee golfer; eng irritation, and givcs the little and the Duke and Duchess of (021 ones sound, natural sleep. No child objects 10 taking the Tablets end tbe mother has a guarantee .that they contain no oninte or herniful drug. No other medicine for Belle ones gives Ude guarantee. Mrs. Geo„ Cempbelli Killarney, Man„ Ivlio has had much exPerience $ays e—"1. find Baby's Own Tab:lite a fine medicine sfrumeet has lately been: invented Ifor children, They are promOt it endq 121 tonetant use; in the Mas- l*elieving little ills and gentle in their sachusetts : Hospital. It enablee actiren,'' All nredieine (let -dere sell eilyone to oberwve the slightest these Tablets • or you etre get there changes in the Fief ion of his owl by mail at 25. :cents a box hy writ- Iheert. Aanong ether things the in- itg The 'Dr. Williams modielbo Co., :strureente Indica-tee the stiieuinting effect of a glass of nleoliolic Heuer. ". rho ',11 11 18 1.014rd to increase a man's vitaillY Mid working ficiWer 80V0it per cent. for thir:y 1111211L 08. 'Men fon eleir it:. falling off or liL o1112 ceet. beloW the rasaraala scribed above to be ,aftixed. MONEY FOR GOLD BALLS. The first James was as enthusiastic a golfer as the second, and was, in- deed, more than a match for some of the reputed good players of his• time. He even did honor to the game by formally appointiug golf -club and ball makers under the Privy Seal of Scotland. William Mayne, 'bower burges of Edinburgh," was constitut- ed "Mr. fledger, bower, club -maker, and speir-maker to his llleness"- and in 1618 James Melvin rind (hirers were empowered to furnish "his Hie- ness' Kingdom of Scotland with golf bailie" for the space of twenty-one years, "our Soverane Lord under- standing that their 18 no small quan- title of gold and silver transported yeirlie out of his Hieness' Kingdome of Scotlenel for hying of gold trellis." lIenrer, son of James, I„ was a noted golfer, even as a boy, and of him the following story is told:—,"At another time playing at golf, a play not unlike to pale manic, whilst his schoolmaster stood talking with an- other, and marked not his Highness warning him. to stand farther off, the Preece, thinking lie had gone aside, lifted -up his golf -club to strike the ball. Meantime one standing b3r said 1.0 him, 'Beware you lilt not Master Nowtoe'; wherewith he, drawing back his hand, said, Had T. done so I had but paid my debts.' " • UNFOR'TUOTATE CHARLES. King Charles T. was equall3r devot- ed to the game, and it is on record that it was . while playing on the Meeks of Leith that a courier handed him a- letter giving news of the ris- ing in Ireland under Sir Phelim O'Neal; whereupon His Majesty threw down bis alub ;and, calling for his coach in groat agitation, was 60011 being driven rapidly to Holyrood noose, whence he started next day f or London. Since the Stuart days none of the Sovereigns have taken anitdi practi- cal interest in golf aantil evr , own times; though it is trnc that William 1V. was patron of the Itoyal and Ancient Club of St. Andrews, and .presented a gold medal for annual competition. Now, after the lapse of • two conturiee, golf bee once again been exalted into Royal favor. The Queen, 'under Ben Sayers' tuition, plays it excellently; the Prince of Wales, also tinder Stayers' guidance, natIght have spent many hancleeds of happy hours on the new couree at tlie Royal Iicespittil, Dublin, or on thc links at Malabidc, or at the Vicereg- al Lodge, • WATCHER OF THE HEART. An eXceptionally taxied little in - that the hope of profit is based. The one regret always is that one is not able to accept all of the smiling in- vitations. Passing through the out- er door of one of the hotels that meets your fancy, you find yourself in a passage with tatamied floors on either side of you. As soon as you are seated a girl, (called Nesan, "El- der sister"), comes tripping up to help you teen off your boots and pro- vide you with straw sandals, for the same rule applies to inns as to private ileums. Tired after yotir joueney, you turn to go up etairs, but mind 3rour head, for the houses are not built for the tall westerners. Nesan has preceded you and goes straight to the hibach- in in the middle of the floor, bright- ens it imp with the bit of charcoal she has brought with her aod puts the kettle, on, at -the same time looking. to see if there is tea in the teapot which rests with the diendeless cups -upon the tray. While you are wait- ing for the water to boil Nesan comes Indicate One coffee that 'sleep. says: -Formerly I was a slave to coffee, / was like a morphine fiend, could not sleep at night, would roll and toss in my bed and when I did get' to sleep was theturbecl by dreams and hobgoblins, would weke up with headaches and feel bad all day. so nervous I could not attend to busi- ness. My writing looked like bird 1.ra.cli9,„I had sour belchings from the stomach, intligeation, lie.artburn and palpitation of the heart, conetipation, irregularity of the kidneys, etc. "Indeed, I began to feel I had rill the troubles that human flesh could suffer, but when a friend advised )210 10 lefit'0 off coffee I felt ae if he had bieulted me. ' I could not bear the idea, it had eueli a bold on me :led I refused to believe it the cause. "Dot it turne(1 out that no advice was ever given at a more needed time for I finally consented to try Postern, and with the going of coffee and the coming of Pootum all nry troubles: Lowe gone and health has returned, I eat, and sleep web now, eervos etetedied delete ,end 1 write a fair hand (as ,yott can see), can at - 1 I teed to business again mid rejoice ;I ., that I, am free from 'the monster • Corky. ' Nome given by reetten Co.i lett tle Creek, Mich. ! lair dilye "trial tel L °seem it: place of o te : t', ill nit ,r,ontl, oes it , , 1 refle,s11 it rg.' Sleep. 'Ph ere' it n reason , 11.00k in each padkage for the ban oile . s eittle beok, "'.11-te 1 loud to Well-, i22110." BAD DREAMS. Improper Diet, 'Usually Due to Coffee. of the common symptoms of poisoning is the bad dreams spoil What phould be restful A man who foiled the reason Sunlight Soap will not injw' e your blankets or harden them. It will make them soft, white and fleec3r. with a kimono -of thin cotton' stuff for you to put on instead of your hot, utconortable garments, and by the time pier have drunk your test she egain returns tee tell yeti that your bat1 is arreeadgyla.d to go, and find a groat tub, oOlong 02' square, perhaps six feet by four and three deep, with a fire unclerne.ath it, so you can Cit and simmer in hot water up to your neck. The floor is of stone and you can splash as much as you please, It is always well to get to the hotel early, for all the guests go into the same water, one alter (mother; so that by the time Neaan takes her tarn, at 12 at night, the bath is pretty brown.; Of course no soap may be used, and the towel is EL thin striP Of stuff about a yard long, esed fitlsita'tospodnrgye. yourself, but to serve AT SUPPER TIME the landlord comes up and asks your name and address, where you came from, where you are going to, and how old -yon are for entry in the book which he must send every day to the local police effice. When' it is dark Nesan will light a lianging lamp of parafin or in a poorer inn stand one on the floor. And when you get ready to retire, you 'do not ask for a candle and go up stairs to flirt) a nice white bed .and bedstead and toilet table and looking glass. You call Nesta -n, and say: "Pleasegpull out any bed things," and she slides back a door of thick paper, diselos- ing a cupboard piled full of futons. Fuetons are like very thick quilts, padded with cotton wool; and Nesa,n will pull out a few of these and lay them on the floor, one on top of tlie other; one or two more placed by the side, and turned down at the head end to go over you, a pillow appears from somewhere, and with a c.heerful ."Plea.so rest well," she dis- appears, and you crawl in to dream of home, perhaps, but more likely of cold feet, for the' futons of Japan are not made for sucli long people as Westerners are end unless you splice eut your bed with extra futons you aro apt to find •that your pedal ex- tremities will be exposed to the cool night air. Bowan of Ointments for Calarrh that Contain Mercury. as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through thd mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on pre- scriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them, Hall's Catarrh Cure, man- ufactured by F. .3. Cheney & Co., To- ledo, 0., contains no mercury, and Is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine, It Is tali., en internally and -,,made in Toledo, Ohio. by P. Cheney & Co. Testi- monials free. Sold by Druggist!: Price, '750 per bp ortt tiaoikeue. Hall's Family Fins for comet): Broekville, Ont, A eapitalist will respect erou inore if you try to bOrrotv $6,()00 then 11 Vetf ash,,fOr only $15, ' JAPANESE FICTION. ° Japan is a novel -writer's elysium. There is one very celebrated work, entitled "The Story of the Eight Dogs " that runs to 106 volumes, printed .or written on only, a eingle side of the page. Then, again, Ja- panese writers introduce into their stories a number of characters so confusing as to • bewilder" even the authors. No Belt -respecting novelist leaves a single personage alive at the end of the book. ilfires Liniment Relieves lode!' Lady—"Ha.ve you lost yourself, lit- tle boy?" Little Boy—"No—boo-boo —I've !maid a street I don't know!" Rheumatism — What's the CauseT—Where's the Cure?—The active irritating cause of: this most painful el diseases is 'wiser:roue nric acid in the blood. South American Rheumatic Cure neutm. lists the acid poison. Relieves in 6 boars Ilind CMS in z to 3 days, ---go Before marriage a young man pays his best girl compliments; after mar- riege it keeps him busy paying her bills. Much distress and sicknese in children le caused by worms. 'Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator gives relief by re, moving the cerise. Give 16 0. trial real be coned need, USES OF SUNFLOWER.. One of the Most Valuable cif Far- mer's Crops. It is a earemon jag; to gall interim' cigars, "cabbage leaves, but, as a matter of fact, some very good "weeda" are Made 'hem the leavee of "e"reeeemestentee,Mes'eemseenteroltePalte Worry wont core a cough. When you find a cough holding on -0 when everything else has failed— try Shiloh's consumption Cure' Zikung It is guaranteed, to tilt*. If it does&t, we'll refund your money, Pelaes: 13. C. Wetter at Co, WS 251 s. *1. LeRoy, INI,V.,Totonto,0014. 1-.120 molialmr,omirma.14 Potatoes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Apples Let us have your consignment of any of these articles and we will get you good prices, THE DAwsoal commesseoN CO Llitilitad Cor. Wost Market and Colborne eta, TOisOesnie. ilm...••••ruamonolimk the wallflower. These leaves can al- so be smolcedein the place of tobac- co, forming quite a passable substi- tute. The stalkg and leaves melte excel- lent food for various animals 'while the former can also be employed as fop). Sunflower cake is made from the steeds of this useful plant after the oil has tepee extracted, this oil being very nearly oval to olive oil, and used in cooking, The seeds not only serve as need for cattle; they are mashed and kneaded into breed by the poor, peasants of certain poets of Russia, ancl they find it; very Pala- table. Potash'is obtained from the ash of the stalks; the proportion is about ono -third of potash to the total ash left after burning. A yellow dye is made from the fiONVOr of the plant. The fibre can be worked into a silk' material. The seeds can be eaten as nuts, and if chickens be led on them their lay- ing capacity will be increased in the colder woo.th'er. In fact, every parti- cle of the plant is valuable. Differences of Opinion regarding tbe popular internal and external remedy, Dr. Thomae' Balearic 011—clo not, so far as known, exist. The testimony is posi, Sive and concurrent that the article re- lieves physical pain, cures lameness - checks a cough, is an ercellent remedy for pains and. rheumatic complaints, ancl t has no nauseating or other unpleasaut effect when taken 1 nternalljs Mrs. A. Cerbity--"You have ac- cepted Henry? Why you know ver3o well that I don't approve of hian.,' Her Daughter—"That's all right, mo- ther_ Neither does ha approve of vont" Elzhty Years Old — Catarrh Fifty Years. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder cures him. Want any stronger eel. dance of the power of this wonderful remedy over this universal disease? Wale t the truth of the case confirmed? Write George Lewis. Shamokin, Pa. He says t --"I look upon ,iny cure as a miracle." It relieves in tea minutes.—So Flora—"I wish 1 knew :whether I ought to feel grateful to Mr. Gaboy or to be angry with him," Irene— "Why?" Flora --"Ile told MO yester- day he didn't know -which be most admired,—my sparkling eye or my blooming eheelr," Acres Liniment Cures Burns, et ••••••••••• She met him in the darkencii hall. Said he, "l've brought some roses." Bier answer seemed irrelevant, it was: "How cold 'your nose is!" Sudden deaths on the hi. Croce..—People apparently well and happy to -day, toonorrow are striken down, and in ninety-nine eases oat of every hund- red the heart is the cause. The king of heart remedies,Dr. Agnew's Cure for the 1-leart, is within reach of all. Itrelieves In 30 minutes, and cures most chronic cases.—ed "He's an unfortunete man of let- ters." elehy, I never he,aed he was an author.". "Well, he was the au- thor of several letters that lost him a breach of premiere case." Vinarti's Liniment Cures Bank% Visitor—"So your poor husband has passed away, Mrs. Murphy. Ile died happy, 1 hope?" Mrs. Murphy—"Oi think so, nruni. The last thing he did Was to crack' rne over the bead with a medicine battle!" The great lung healer Is found in that excellent medicine sold its Bickle's Auti Consumptive Syrup, It soothes and. 111- reinisbes the sensibility of the membrane el the throat and air passages, and is a sovereign remedy for all troughs, colds, 'aoarsenese, pain or soreness in the chest, bronchitis etc. It has cured many when supposee to be far advanced la consume - o1011. •••••••••••••0 QUITE PAINLESS, YOU ;KNOW, Before the day e of chloroform there W0 a quack who advertised tooth - drawing without pain. The pa,tiont was plated la (2 chair, and the instru- Merit, applied to hie tooth with a, wrench, followed 'with a roar from the surprised Sufferer, "fritopl" said the dentist,. "Compose yOurself, I told y•ou I Would gave you ao pain, Mad I only gave you thee toeing° nit it epecimen to show yOu Cartwright/fa TM thod of operate Again the inetroment wee applied. Another tog; Another row'. • . "New, d021'12 be impatient. 'That is BroWeee way, Tie seated, reel 00.1111 yearifelf," A nether application; anothre tog; 0.1201110)' roar. "'Now, prey he quid, That, is Perkintiorde mode, You don't like it; end no wonder," ' By thiS time the teeth hung by a thread, and, Whipping, it otit, he ex - Claimed: "'That, hi my merle of toothetrawing 1 wi Won f, pal p , NOW,, 00121100'0 it With itha opera tion Fr of ear t,W r 10)1, TS r o Wn r Mad r ark I Mr on ," Some mothers %WO slipper solos and spoil children. Holloway's Corn Cure is a speeiflo for the removal 01 081125 Rad warts, We hav a never heard of its failiug to remove ever the worst kind. Visitor --"Has your little baby Wri- ter got any teeth?" Tonimy—"Cb, yes, I think she's got 'em, but she ain't hatched 'em yet!" dinard's Liniment for sale everywhere Janet—cella called nie his dear little, lamb." Aneette—"Whet •ancie?" an- et—"Oho then he gathered n1cm irtto the • • fold!" To Those of. Sedentary Occupation.— Men who follow sedentary oecuptitione wbich deprive them of fresh air and exer cise, are more prone to disorders of the Oyer and kidneys than those who lead active, outdoor lives. The fernier will find in Parmelee's Vegetable Pills a re- storativewithout question the 'most ern.. eatious on the market. They are easily procurable, easily taken, act expeditioas ly, and they are surprisingly cheap coa siderite; their excellence. "Pa, what is a scheme?" "I can't define it, my sou; but it is 'Some- thing which will fall through quicker than anything else on earth.", Lever's Y -Z (Wise Ilead) Disellect- ant Soap Powder is a boon to any home. It disinfects and cleans at the same time. "Life is but a game of give-and- take," remarked the Wise Man, ''Yes, and most of us try to do the tak- ing," murmured the Mau-Who-Idnew- A I I , A Small Pill, but Powerful. —They that. judge or the powers of a pill tor its 'dee would consider Parmelee's Vegetable Pills to be lacking. It is a little wondet among pills.- What it lacks iu size 10 makes makes up in potency. The remedies. which it carries axe put up in these sniall doses, because they aro so powerful that . only small doses are required. The full strength of tbe extracts is securedin (bit form and eo their work thoroughly. He was feeling his way. "II I were to tell you, Miss Smitli,4' be said. in a low, earliest tone, tthat am about to start on a lone jeitiancy, even across the sea, and that, it 'may be months, and possible yeses, eee return, what would you say?" If the ghe .drooped it wasn't pegeoptible. "I would say, Mr. Swanbilf," she replied, "La, ta." Por over sixty Years Map. WISISIOVIS 1300THISTA STEAM hp.8 been 10,0 bp gallons es within Jar theft &NM% White teeplitiii, Itsootlos the ettild, softens the gum. reicreillete, cures wind ealiaresulutes Abe riontseb sod bdwole, dOod lo beat matey /or Inirrhors. Tir"trAY 9. °O. 4 bell throughout gold bs druggists tlio world. tre Imre 55ask for" gas. WnisLow's Bocrraroo grouo.” 22— — "Ain't that a lovely crittee, 3:obri9" said James, as they stopped 'oppos- ite the leopard's cage at the . Zoo. "Well, yes," said John, "but be'e dreadfully freckled, ain't he?" Alfred A. Taylor, of feegeree, sayer: "One bottle Cif I VARTY.S LINIMENT cured a swelling of :the gamble joint, and savea a horse worth $14.0.00.:" Tho. W. Payne, of . saved the life of 0, valuable /mew „that the Vet. had given up, a few bottles of MINARD'S' INI- 1ENT. SHAWLS OF CAMELS' HAIR, In Bokhara, where the fineilt e and Most expensive camels' hair 'ehaeils are manufactured, the camel iv wat- ched while the fine hair on the 'snider part of the body is growing. This clipped so carefully that eot, hair Is lost, and it is put up until there is enough to spin into a vein ate - equalled for soLteess. It is then dyed all manner of beautiful 'MUM, colors, 'mid wovea in strips eight inches wide, of shawl patterne.01 ex- quisite design. These strips are next sewn together so cunningly that 11; is impossible to detect whore they are j0in.e(1. Russia is, the orinolpal market. Front that conntry'they, find their Way all over the 'Wild. IT MEANS OSTRACISM. 24 4) FOUI Breath Disgusting titschargee, 'Due to Oat:trek Make thousands or People Oblecle 08 Aversion. Or. Agnew's tertanerai Powder 110. 110140 in 10 minutes. Bon, George James, Of Scranton, 3)q,,, says: "IL have been it zesty): .to Ca- • 4 tamih foe twenty years, constant hawk - int; xuld dropping in the throat end , pain in the head, very offensive breath. tried De. AgneW'S Catarrhal Powder, The first teemeatioe gave instant 0 - ilea After using a few bottles 1 was eured use br, Agnewa WW1 Odra fOr heart. stemeoir And nerves. TNU 481 ISSI1V 11,0. 131- -04, „ V :p41 1