Exeter Advocate, 1904-5-19, Page 3-"--
seai Tr ()tibia DUe to Impure Blee
Easily Remedied. ,
Bad, blood is the ono great, taus
of 1) ad compieeion and blotchy. skin'
Thes is why youe must attaele th
treuble through the blood with Dr
Williams' Pink PIUS, All blotehee
Jo p, ulcerS, pimple* and palettes
ar4 the direct, unmistakable resul
at iNvettls blood loaded with impuri
titeh Dr. Williams' Pinis. Pills con
eptSr the position; they drive out al
the impurities; they actually mak
new, rich red blood; they strik
right at the root of all coniplexice
treublee; they are e positive and. per
numeet cure for all elruleet skin dis
eseees 1)1e eczema, scrofule, pimple
' and, eryaipelas. They give you
elear, clean soft, ;skin, free from al
blemieh and full of rosy health. Mr.
Matthew Cook, Lambertem, N. W. T.,
toile how Dr. Willie:ins' Pink Pills
mired him of erysipelas after other
inediethes had failed. He gays; "My
skin was inflamed, Inv flesh tender
and sore; iny head ached; my tongue
was coateds X had chills and thought,
I wile taking fever. I tried several
medieine.e, but nothing helped in
man I began using Dr. Williams`
Pink Pills and drove the trouble
Si ont my system, and 1 am now in
the hest of health. I thinR these
pills the best medicine in the world
for blood troublee.
It is an every day record of cures
like this that has given Dr. Wilt
liam's Pink Pills their woiedewide
• prominence. They cure when other
medicines fail, but yen must get the
geneine with the full Dense: Dr.
WilliamsPink Pills for Pak Pee -
Pe, on the wrapper around every box.
You can get thee.e pills at all drug-
gists, or by mail at 50 cents a box,
or six boxes for $2.50, by writing
The Dr. Williains' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont. '
In many churches of Provence and
Italy, especially those near the sea;
paintiugs placed on the walls in ac-
cordance iit.h vows mode by pilgrims
luoinspts of ,danger are ,otteit . re-
. anterkable for 'their frainese •.' Ainweg
the CurioSi ties " may c extuindated
laths formed of splinters from shins
that have been wrecked, also fraines
made of pieces or heavy cable, oc-
casionally painted bright hues, but
seine:times left in their primitive grey
color splashed with tar. Nailed to
the laths surt•ounding a phating rep-
resenting sailors fightingwith fierce
savages may be seen African or Poly-,
pesian spears ' and darts 'or swords
made of hardwood, evidently mereena
toS;'of terrible strUggles. Sailers or
landsmen wins have made vows • dur-
df peril at .6ea and who
bay° no trophies to display will sur -
rotated their paintings with broad
bands el wood heavily encrusted: With
shells .end .seaweed, not ;infrecteently
of irire and .extremely beatitiful kinds.
The little ones are frail—their hold
upon life is slight. The ;slightest
.eyiesitom of trouble should be met bss
a reliable corrective medicine, Baby's
Own 'Tablets have pr OVed by their
record .ot success to be an ideal enedis
eine for the ills of infants and young
children. The Tablets cure all stom-
ach and bowel troubles, allay the ir-
ritation of teething, break up colds,
prevent creep'. and destroy worms.
The mother has A guarantee that
' this ineclicince contains 310 opiate or
harmful drug. Mrs. T. E. Greaves,
Maritana, Que., sayee— "I have used
Baby's Own Tablets with great suc-
ceas. They never fail, in my experi-
ence, to Cure the little ills of chil-
dren." You can get theee- 'Tablets
from , any medieine dealer, or ' they
will be sent by mail at 25 cents a
box by writing The Dr. WilliamS
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Most :European. 'railways ` •ctirry
hree claSees, of PaaSeng-ers, and 'these
of' Prussia, and S'aecony carry 'fdur.
Wurtemberg you ; can .111iYea :tieleee
.good for fifteen days, which is a gen-
eral pass over the railways of; that
kingdom. A third-class 'ticket 1 of
this kind costs, '',„about $5, Which
makes .travelling very cheap- Indeed,
for with it a passenger can ride as
often as he likes, stop where he likep.
or travel continuously if be likes,
within "the fifteen doer -limit. In
' Switzerland,. Where the main lilies` of
travel have recently come into the
hands', of the Government, a similar
Pass IS iSsutid- A Passenger desir-
ing one of these tickets has to, have
his photograph Affixed.. to ,it to 'iden-
tify lath and , Prevent transfer. A
fliteen-dey, tickot, third-claes, 'Cosee
something over $5, bet it vil1 take
you practically, all over Switzerland.
Ile did not care for svoinankind—
A bachelor hold was .11e; • „
Yet 'o'er:each 'receritiee Mind '
He'd' great au tilt/110;e
They 'watched his face With, ilgels:
Mice •
The sharp girl feared his frown;
The flat girl .teeneblacl 'at his .glithed
1Visen6.'01/ it xnet her ownL...'
Ilia eVer,y metion they. obeyed,
. Corepliant to hie eod,' „
err, it• the .pretty laggards stayed,'
'Ilo urged them with a rotl.
The reason. he coulcl laa4 each laes
• •81111tni,eitve tO conernerid?
tatight thein iu a 11111510' eleees-e.
16iithsetc>r :of the bench.-
st tineleretand that en
051i)1itil eat nails, scrap-iron—any-
thing, in feet, 1hat a goet can eat.
Secolei (1-oeisefe1iehtil 1/.110 °Stria
%inlet lei the billy -goat, of elle deei'1.
a --
A n oilicelloider needs little push if lit
fie l)as a Ptilt. 111
8Powrs ;CIF THE ENOLIgli
'.Phe sportsmen whose thoughts ru
to trout etreams or salmon pool
and an infinite satriety of ,"teking'
flies will tell you tkutt "tingling" i
still a 'calm, quiet, innocent rect•ea
tion" within the i•each of the pool
M1111'S purse; but "angqing" xnean
to him the patient individual • who
may be eeen 011, MIX of the quie
reaches of the Thames, sitting on a
kitchen chaie, in the middle of a
punt, with a rod, black bottle, a
dog, and a paper bag, listlessly
watching a float.
Or peraps -the quiet lookthg men
who may be seen by the fake and
sixties sitting on soap boxes in the
summer time on the banks ,of the
canals near Loudon, watching each
other's ereds, apparently ownerless,
lying on the banks. This is the
poor man's "fishingcompetition,"
and there at many worse Wrti,.S of
spending a holida.y.
"Fishing," to the same sports -Man,
means something infinitely more ex-
citing and more difficult to :obtain.
A beat on a Scotch or Irieh salrebn
river, or the right to fish a small
portion of a West -country trout
stream in the brief dry -fly mason—
that kind of fishing is Mst becoming
Each Fish Caught on One Beal
It is Estimated 'QRSt
"Clod never clicl maks a more calre
quiet, Innocent vecretetion than angl
lAg," wrote izaak WAlton some thre
hundred years ago.
If the philosopher could come t
life again in this twentieth center
country of preserved waters, $ay
the Leaden I/aily Mal, he weal
probably hasten to add "exs:iensive'
to the list of adjeetives.
The ''silver salmon" is a misno-
mer. The king of British nett should
be at once rechristened the 'golden
salmon," for the man who takes a
beat ' on a. Scotch river nowadays,
may be well excused for muttering
"that fish cost me exactly fifty sov
•ereigne" when ,he lands a thirty -
Peens*, or 'even a grilse, ,
A very wealthy English Duke often
tells his ft -lends a story against him -
sell which serves to illustrate the. ox-
penses and surprises of salmon fish-
ing. He took two beats on the
Tweed --beats which had yielded over
two hundred salmon the previous
season, and he gelid .C1,200 for the
autumn fishing. The days passed,
the river was low, , and not a fish
was killed.
Just before' the time - was up the
Duke killed a grilse, a friend killed
two eighteen -pounders, and .e gillie
landed a fourth fish. 14 ate the
grilse myself," said the 'Duke. '`It
cost nte £800, so I didn't see why I
shouldn 't.'
'Trout fishing is 'still ivithIll the
reach of the man of moderate means.
From many Scotch, Welsh and Irish
inns very good sport can be obtained
Lor a trilling addition to the hotel
In the County Galway; for instance
good trout fishing can be enjoyed for
three shillings per day; and in many
parts of Scotland the hotel proprie-
tors to buy up the fishing rights of
five or six lochs, and add "trout
liShing" to the list of attractions
which are still issued on a few rivers
in Ireland and Scotland at a guinea
per day, are well enough for the
Man on a short holiday; and if he
have luck he will do well out of it,
tar the rule with these "tickets" is
that the market price of the fish kill-
ed is deducted from the guinea, Thus
one day, he may pay a guinea and
another day two shillings—but he
must give up the fish when he hae
landed it.
The prices of sporting estates affor-
ding grouse shooting and salnion
tishing have reached sums out of all
proportion to the sport they afford.
The in,illionaire who wishes to "en.;
tertain' ,is said, to be the cause of
the inflated suing now asked. by
owners Of even thirdrate shOotings
and fishings;' but then the millionaire
often a much -maligned person, and
still 'more often a much -deceived one.
In a certain London banker's safe
are several papers yelloW with age.
The letters are from an old client,
who) about the year .1.832 strongly
olairctecl to having to pay the sum
Baby FOOS a Bottle of Carbolic
' Acid and 'Drinks It.
. While the 'Mother; Was :Unpacking
"rAd• trunk ' a little, 1.8' months •old
.bab'y • got hold Of a betties of carbolic
acidewhila playing on the tleor and
his '',stoniticit wasso badly ,burned .it
feared he evetild not live for he
eonid' not eat Ordinary 'foods : The
Mothee says in -telling of Ole case
"4 was all tWol.' doctors' could do
to eave Wei ,ats 11, lierat his 'threat
and' 'eteMaeli so; hied that for two
inonthe atter ha' took ehe pofeen
nothing would 14Yon his staniach
Finaily 1 took him into the .nount/67•
and ,treed new Milk and that was. nO
'better . for him, His •Ortiedenas
by suggested Orepe-Nats and ani
thenkftil adopted the fOod 'for
conitnencedl.to got 1101 eight; away
and Weald not eat anything else. He, g
Cominenced to get .ficieliy and his I
e.elra like red risees anti, now he is i
entirely' Well. • f
."1," ;Wok libit to Matsimorrts . ,
°Very place We wept to eh
stey.'te, oat lie called for Grape -Nuts a
and 1 svotliel hiee-e to oxplaie how he st
;to tall for it ae • it wee his in
laegie, tepee, s • '
naniee ;al the physicians: who ee
attended *ha baby Arc 'Eddy f
this ,eossee and .•Dr, Geo: 'Gale Of,' ',NOV,
1)oft, 04, and anyone (el) •Wisite' ' „
•1110. ) tit` ' and learn .Sehat•
Grape -Nate .lood.:,Sedh.de ler • children.
'rind .grosetieepe tees"' Name given
bY. (loa llaetle Crack. b1 1011.
Look ., each -pkg. ter 010 faelo)rai 1)
. „ , ,
,tin book,' 4"1.4.10 Bead', to ',Vella
HIS Lux334Go.wAs curtEP 13X
DoDvs icipicwg nr..41.4s,
Suffered for Twenty Years Befoee
Ile.Found Relief in the Great
Canadian Kidney Remedy.
Roseclene, Gate May 9,—( Spc010)—
Robert C. launpnian, the well known.
Gainsbaro farmer and -stock grower,
is completely cured of a long-stand-
ing case of Lumhago, and he hale
matte a stetement for the benefit of
the Public, in which he gives the en-
tire credit for the cure to Dodd's
Kidney Pills, In his statement Mr.
T-41.111pmun says.
"For twenty years I suffered from
Lstiouliainnieesb..agoI ItIVaidt h t ahlel 115 w-orst t/YraP-
coupled with an irritation of the
pains it seemed pnolsossibtledtiostr7besaillrg,
"At times 1 ','.IIS entirely prostrat-
ed and was for weeks unable to do
anything whatever, and required the
services of my family to a.ssist me
in dressing and moving from a chair
to the sofa.
"I tried doctors and medicines, but
got no benefit till, on the advice ot
Da odnde.,isghRlaj)frii,TeyIpiitiosi.riniAenlcteedr to A111.sset
box I noticed an improvement, and
when I had taken six boxes every
symptom of my trouble had vanish-
ed." .
Like Rheumatism, Lumbago is
caused by, Uric Acid in the blood.
Sound Kidneys take all the Uric
out of the blood. Dodd!s Kid-
ney Pills make sound Kidneys.
of £300 a year for a certain sport-
ing estate in Inverness-shire. •
The present millionaire tenant of
this same estate pays £8,000 for the
autumn season; and not many inilesi
from its border's are two riVers
which yield gold tO 'four big estates.
Two hundred pounds a beat for the
spring or autumn season. is the low-
est price accepted an either of them.,
'And the beats anever .go a -begging,'
for the pools are famous, and- the
drea.ded nets are things unkno,wn.
Prom all aCcounts the spring fish-
ing in this year , of grace is far from
.good; and yet there are fishermen
,11,11O are nibbling n doubt, at ri,
.tempting ,
in Aberdeenshire, . which is going for,
eta,200 without a house of any sort:
Last year, it is stated,: was a. bad
:Year; but 150 salmon is the average
on this particular beat. •
•, Supposing therefore, that the sier-'
erage is maintained, which is else-
tremely doubtful this next autumn,
each fish killed wilt represent 'when
•all extra expenseseare paid something
like 425. . ,;' •
..• But what is; £25; or even /S100, to',
the man who spends his _days '"think -
the ie thonsands" in the city ?
'I'he magic whirr of the reel when
4 thirty -pounder, fair. or . foul hook-
ed, runs away with yards.: of line,
the sulking under the hidden stone,
the cunning: of the fish matched
against the man—in fine, the play-
ing of a game fish—surely such a
fight, lasting perhaps an hour, is
worth any money to the fisherman
for the 'very -thrill it gives him.
The -rush for Norway and Sweden
as a cheap fishing ground for salmon
began in earnest some ten years ago.
To -day,. if the expense of getting
there and back and the "incidentals"
aro considered, Norwegian rivers
have little' to offer the man of mod-
erate means who disdains the trout.
Excellent trout fishing is included
in the hotel bill in many Norwegian
and Sweedish villages, but the sal-
mon fishing . in Norway is becoming
annually' more difficult to obtain at
rea.sonable rates.
Twenty' , years ago an' Englishman
bought the entire fishing rights of a
certain. Norwegian river for £50.
.To -day the beats, vagying from. a
half to two miles, are let 'for the
season at £190 apiece.
The fainous Namsert River, in Nor-
way, ' is now divided into • beats,
'nestle' .English , Owned; which fetch
on an . average £221) apiece. ter the
treon.ths, of June and. .July., l'isher-
Men ,who go year alter year to the
Nanisfn areo aceommodated , at de-
lightful farmhouses, where every-
thing is spotlessly clean and the liv-
ing itselfa; with a SoInewhat mcmot-
°nous dietary of fish :and eggs, is
extraordinarily cheap.
Sweden, has free teout fishing. in
many quiet spots off the beaten track
,of tourists, ,. But the poor man will
say; quite rightly, "You have ta get
there first." • ,
The Dardsb. Plan fer Getting at
theTruth. -
One co-operative .company in Den-
mark which, attends to the. marketing
of the; egg product of 83,500 farmers
stipulates that eggs more than sev-
en .dayCold, must be delivered under
penalty of a fine ,of $1..84 for the
firet offetice and double 'that awn, for
*offeticek. • The. , farraeks a are re- stomach sweet -ail digeenon--keep the nerve
attired to. take their eggsdirectly to centres well balanced --they're tiature's pan-
• he' local so'ciety' to which they be- acea—pleasant and harmless. 35 centS,--88
ong, and the society is forbidden to .
.eep eggs longer than 'Mir days after
collection before sending them to One
of the shipping stations of the cons -
It is also required that eggs be
tethered every dee"-, and in hot suni-
ner days twice a day, and the nests.
inlet, be barred at night so that
fowls canhot have access to thee).
The come -May gliaratittes to Mar-
eSere that . all eggs delivered are
CW Mill and clean, and each egg is
,anipeci with the edinpany's trade -
ark Tor neW laid eggs', Each egg
alsostomped with the number of
e local society, from Which it comes
id with the nuenber of the farmer
ho tirdiVeiel it. The 'coemeny de -
Mee to tteeept eggs that ate not
>vonisly ciente eliseame in 89 inmates and tare it. It
0 Pure soap 1" You've heard
the words. In Sunlight
Soap you have, the fact.
Ask ter the Octagon /Ur.
the egg producing business or Den-
mark has/ been built.
The Danes have discovered that tile
Englishman wants an egg of 1 eertain
size, and eo eggs of this size rtrc
supplied to the British market to the
extent of from 80,000,000 to 40,-
000,000 dozen a year, the Danes
receiving for them an average of
8.8 cents mord a dozen than the av-
erage price paid to all other produc-
ing countries by Englishmee.
It is because the Danes take so
great an interest in practical, remen-
ertetive poultrY culture that they aro
the largest exporters of eggs in the
World. In 1002; the exports of Den-
ish eggs reached 35,967,000 • dozen,
worth $6,451,000.
This, of course, was in addition to
the large auantities of eggs censurned
at home. The hens of the. little
kingdom have evidently been stimu-
lated to the greatest industry.
A curious Wedding has taken place
in the little town of Kalberge, •in
Germany. The husband was tea in-
mate of the prison of that town, and
the bride an unusually pretty girl,
who lives with her parents at Ber-
lin. After the ceremony the hus-
band returned to prison; he has
still two years td serve unless he is
pardoned. They ine.rried in order
not to forfeit 4 considerable legacy.
Bowan of Ointments for Canarrh
that Contain rinrcury.
as mercury will surely destroy the sense
of smell and completely derange the
whole system. when entering it through
tho mucous surfaces, Such art icles
should never be used except on pre-
scriptions from reputable physicians, as
the damage they will do Is ten 'fold
to the good you can possibly derive
• from them. Hall's Catarrh C111.0, Mall.
ufacturecl by P. J. Cheney & Co., To-
ledo, 0., contains no mercury, and Is
taken internally, 'acting directly uppn
the blood and reuco-us surfaces of the
system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure
be sure you get the genuine. It is tak-
en Internally and made in Toledo,
Ohio, by P. J. Cheney & Co. Testi-
monials free.
Sold by Druggist.? Price, 7.5e' per
tleceHall's'ramify Pill' for ceesti-
- .
Gnest--"Well, goocit-bye, blcl chap;
and you've really , got, a very nice
little Place here!" Host -;-"Yes, but
it's rather barejust now. I hope
the trees %yin have grown a good bit
before you come again, old Irian."
ginard's Liniment Believes tieuraigia
.A. young lady sent to a newspaper
a poera entitled "1 'Cannot Malass Him
The editor ventured to et -
prose an opinion that she would have
suceeded had shP shown hira the po-
"Itis a Great Public Benefit."—Tbese
significant wercls were used in relation to
Dr. Thomas' Ecleetric, Oil, by a gentle-
man who had thorottehly tested its
merits in his own case—having been
cured by it of lameuess of the knee, of
three or four years' standing. It, never
fails to reaioye soreness as well as hone
nese, and is ati incomparable palmoni.
ary and corrective.
"Halloa, Jack,—I—unclerstand you're
engaged." "/ am, and to the--"
"Ah, yes, I know; to the dearest,
sweetest little woman on earth. The
one woman .calculated to make you
a happy home, 'the embodiment . of
Your ideal, 4 thie dream of your
youth." , "Say, .old man, how di5.
you ever -find that, out? You—you
.don't know her, do you?"
.Bihensnees Burdens Life. --The bilious
man is never a. companionable lona be
cause his ailment render e him tnoro6e ;tn.!
gloomy. The complaint is non so danger
ous as it is disagreeable. Yet no one need
suffer front it who can procure Parmelee's
Vegetable Pills: By regulating the liver
and ohs- ating the effects of bile id the
stomach they restore men to cheerfulness
.and full vigor of action..
”At what age do you consider wo-
Men the most .tharrning?" asked the
inquisitive female of more or less un-
certain age. "At the age of the Teo -
man who asks the GueStion,” answer-
ed the man, who was a diplo.mat,
A Sour Stomach and a BOthlte
Temper travel hand-in-hand and are the
precursors ofmentalphySical wreck.
Nine hundred anttninity-ninetimasin a thou-
sand food ferment (indigestion) is the cause.
Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple T,ableti keep the
For a risky end atciting and profit-
able—if you surVive--mode of -earning
a livelihood, a new 'Australian in-
dustry would be hard to beat, It
is the collection of snake venoin, a
milmramramemmr) vir)WmoneMpisiromillia*.
It is SO 'Foal;
To Core Yon Now That
We Have Learned How-
Rohof In 30 Minutee,
For yeare the author of Dr. Agnew's
Ifeert Cure hfts believed that the health
of the heart almost ,entirely respon-
sible for the health of the lierves and
stomach end nOw it Can he proven, Dr.
Agnew's Vont% Cure will relieve heart
Xi) 01.11,4, , , feeds. the nerves througit the bailie by
Si ti" ,•`!-"‘• •--- giving tti? heltrt, the nocessarv power
h to
c QM, InEtt f.e 0$0:S7 as the Dump t ooa to the ne‘ve ti08,
1511(14, ;(I(Wa Se thit lemeall are the ' Oise stemach disorders and nervousness
di opear am by magic. Ono dose NVil I
est' buyers of Drieish eggs, the Eng- l' co" 29
h ,warket iS the basis Upon Which 10r, Agnow'is Liver Pills. .40 dots le GInt..
44-ii/e/ 4.4A-
agelleeleatietletlitima csuitteemesagegwollelollaillee
Potatoes, Poultry Eggs Butter Apples
Let us have your consignment of any of these articleand we wil
get you snort prices.
Ocir, Wont Market any Colberno eta, TOOONT O.
Felt coartEcT Args-ovxrks To onns PUZZLE,
We are speneine thousceuto of dollars to advertise our business. Each of these to small pictures r epresents
esvell.enown Garden Vegetable. CEU1 you think out the 1W11.8.1 of three of then? 1 so, tbe money us surely
watth trying for Thrsecerrectenwers SIO It you catmot melte it oueyoureele get:tome 11l8fldtO heip you.
It does not cost yot One cent te try and solve this puzzle, and if YOU are cornet eon may *In a bore
amount of Cash. We do not ask any money from you and a contest like this as 1617 inter•riting. It dors
not matter where you I ye; we clo not care one bit who gcts the money ; if you can make out the mato of
three -of these Garden Vegetables, mail your answer to us, with your name and address plainly written, and
if your answer is Corr at we will notify you. We are giving away,Seeece for correct, GOMM% And e
few minutes of your tin e. Send in your guess at ease, with youtfull ;lame and itchlrese, SO
substance that, like radial/I, is valu- 1
ed by tile grain. 'A pouted of it ifs
said to be Worth $25,000. The rep-
tiles must be caught uninjured, and
it goes without see -these that the in
dustry demands considerable Imeiv-
ledge and skill in capture. Tiger
sisakes are the best, for they carry
most Venom'.
. Port Mulgrave, June 5, 1897.
is my remedy for colds, etc. It is
the beat liniment I have ever liced.
Lady (at eelephone)--"Are you
there'? Are you Mr, Frizzle, the bar-
ber? Well, T. want my hair done for
a party this • evening." Mr. Prizzle
(at the other end of the Nvire)--"Cer-
nium. send 'a boy round
for it in five .sninates."
'There never was, and never vrfil bes;
nniversal .pitnacea, in one remedy. for
all ills to which tlesh Is he heir—tvery
nature of many curatives being such
that were the germs of other and Mt.
ferently seated diseases roo ted In the
esetein of the jaatien t—wli would re-
lieve one Ill. in turn would aggravate
the other. We have, however, in Quin -
fine Wine, whelt obtainable in a sound
unadulterated state, a remedy for many
and gravious Ms. By its d
gradual an
judicious use, tte frailest systeian are
kd into convalescence and strength, by
the influence which Quinine exerts 00
hature's own restoratives. 11 relievas
the drooping spirits of those with
whom a chronic state of _morbid des-
pondency and lack of interest in life is
oiseese, and, by tranquilizing the
nerves, disposes to sound and refreshing
eleep—imparts vigor to the action of
the blood, whiela being stimulated,
courses throughout the veins. strength-
ening the healthy animal functions of
the system, thereby making activity a,
necessery result, tren gthenittg the
frame, and giving life to the digestive
organs, 1(1)1011naturally (1011)511(1 in-
creased substance—result, improved ap-
petite. Northrop da Lyman ei Toron-
to, have given to the public their 871.
p0110? Quinine Wine at the usual rate.
and, gauged by the opinion of scien-
tists, th IS wine approaches nearest per-
fqction of any in the market. All drug-
gists eel! it.
Ada—"Wasn't there some talk of
Maude marrying a duke?" Dolly —
"Yes; but, you see, the duke didn't
say anything about it."
Dropsy Is one Positive Sigra
Kidney. Disease.—Have you any of
these unmistakable signs? Puffiness un der the
,e,yes? Swollen limb's? Smothering feeling?
Chaege of the character of the urine? Ex-
hanstion after least exertion ? If you haves
there's dropsical tendency and you shouldn't
delay an hour in putting yourself under i heat
great Sah American Kicluey Cure.—E6
First Man—"Does your wife do
everything you tell her?" Second
Man --"Well, she obeyed my orders
last night, anyhow.'' • ' 'How was
that?" "Well, I told her to go to
bed, and slm mid, 'I won't.' Then
I told her to 511 up, and she obeyed
They Wake the Torpid Energies, —Ma t
chi 13 ery not properly supervised (11 (1 lef-
ts) run lIsall, vevy 80011 5110W8 fault in its
working. It is the same with the
ye organs. Uuregullted Troia 11(110 time to
time they are rkely to become torpid and
throw the whols system out oe gene.
P11101118&'(Vegetahis P114 Were made to
meet Ruch cases. Thet, restore to the full
flagging faeulties, and bring hum°
"You sold me that 'horse as free
from fahlts, Why, it's blind.'''
""Blincl? Well, that's not a fault -e
that's a cruel misf or ttine."
ilinard's Liniment for -sale everywIleiv
Wornen in Korea differ remarkably
from their sex in other countriesin
0110 part icular—they are ahsolutelY
silent I The length of a tvoniner's
tongne is a frequent reproach difile-
where, but it cannot be brought
against the Korean wire, svho never
speaks snore than is etrictly neees-
sary. A bridA
e are not Ur a
Wold or make even a sign, however
much her husband limy tease or
taunt her, for to break silence Ivould
meau. I °till, loss' et caste., 'Among
the highee Chtesee it may be- Weeks 01'
inoulhe before a hutibruld beers hie
svilehs Veice for the 1101,1iMe, while
the wife doge not 'speak. or even look
at her father -in -kW tor years after
Blliard Tables
The Boat at um Lowest Price
Write for Terme
US King
Maiden Fair—"Oh, it always makes
my head swim to go on the water!"
Seiler facetious— e 'No danger of
drowning, them mein, if you shoidd
fall overboard."
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns et
Weary Willie—''Hard times, ain't
they'?"Dusty Illiodes—"Yer bet,
keeps a feller Inistlin' to 'woo from
Wby vV11 yeti:Show a cone to lauerabe
yoav throat Rilet lungs and run the risk eV
008S11/1111 ti ye's. grave, n, bv
the (1111017 use of .Sickle's- An ti -Can s n p -
Live Syrup the p75111 010 be:allayed and the
danger avoided. Tide sy rep is r leasant to
the taste, and =surpassed for Telles -lug
healing and curieg all affections ot the
throat and lunge, colds, coughs, broa -
elaitis. etc., ere.
For six weeks after marriage a inan
tells his wife everything that hap-
pens; after that he tells her a lot, of
things that happen only in hits rabid.
Liniment Cures Dandruff,
A Chinese boy who was studying
English had occasion the other day' •
to write a letter to the young lady
who was his 811nd:3,y-school teacher. -
Not wishing to begin his letter in
the 'stereotyped way with "Dem -
he took his English diction-
ary to look up an eauivaleet for
the word "dear." This is the way
the letter was commenced "Expensive
nave 'You a Skin Disease?—
're cter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm,
Eczenia,lich,Barber's Itch, TJIcers,Blotches,
Chronic Erysipelas, Liver Spets, Prurigo.
Psoriasis, or other eruptions of the skin—
whet Dr. Agnew's Ointment has done for
011101.911 con do for you --cure you. Ono as. ,
plication gives ralief.-35 centa.-87
sometimes 'tonder whether .
all those things you said to me were
trise,!' He—, -What difference does it ,
make? We. both believed them."
For Over Sixty Years
Nits. Wiaston,s SbOT1172,03 Fivwur hes been need by
Millions of mothers for their ehildren while teeibin
tenet -hos tho child, Fai teti8) the gums, 'liars nem, 01(087
wind calk, regulates the et winch and bowels, andjs
boot remedy fur Diarrluea. Twenty-five ornts a Cond.
. wit:stows sooricuso asnyr." 22-0
'!:iltdf 1;11;431:mM thropghout tho Bo cure a01
• "Aed is the air healthy here?" ask-.
ed a visitor-. a.t a monntain. resoles
"Excellent, sir, excellent. One can
beeome a centenarian here' iii a little
•Lifel)U0y Soap—disinfectant --- is
strongly recommended by the medical :
profession as a safeguard against 133-,
Lotions diseases.
. 180 MTIsES AN 1101111,
Stimulated by the laying down of
electric line between Ber-
lin and Romberg, which 58 now in
PrOcese, Of' construotiou, the French
have 00313111elleed tljt 130c0.%sary sur-
ve;c•s iOr ,a similar line between Paris
and 'Marseilles. '' Buts they atend to
open a' new record in the, matter al
spetai. The Go:email trains are to
matte 7120 tidies en lame; elle French
°nee 180 •miles an hour.
Do you catch cold easily?
Does tlic cold hang oti Try
CCuln44:utirikluPns ti°21
It etires the Mest stubliara kind
o 000gii3 and colds. If it'
doesn'tetre yeti, your' Money
Will be refunded.
:falsest', 9, C. eVetret es Co. tee
eea skle. $1 . feltees N. Vs Teem:oat:are
l'7 1i
' , tietit.
0 . . - ...
It does not cost yot One cent te try and solve this puzzle, and if YOU are cornet eon may *In a bore
amount of Cash. We do not ask any money from you and a contest like this as 1617 inter•riting. It dors
not matter where you I ye; we clo not care one bit who gcts the money ; if you can make out the mato of
three -of these Garden Vegetables, mail your answer to us, with your name and address plainly written, and
if your answer is Corr at we will notify you. We are giving away,Seeece for correct, GOMM% And e
few minutes of your tin e. Send in your guess at ease, with youtfull ;lame and itchlrese, SO
substance that, like radial/I, is valu- 1
ed by tile grain. 'A pouted of it ifs
said to be Worth $25,000. The rep-
tiles must be caught uninjured, and
it goes without see -these that the in
dustry demands considerable Imeiv-
ledge and skill in capture. Tiger
sisakes are the best, for they carry
most Venom'.
. Port Mulgrave, June 5, 1897.
is my remedy for colds, etc. It is
the beat liniment I have ever liced.
Lady (at eelephone)--"Are you
there'? Are you Mr, Frizzle, the bar-
ber? Well, T. want my hair done for
a party this • evening." Mr. Prizzle
(at the other end of the Nvire)--"Cer-
nium. send 'a boy round
for it in five .sninates."
'There never was, and never vrfil bes;
nniversal .pitnacea, in one remedy. for
all ills to which tlesh Is he heir—tvery
nature of many curatives being such
that were the germs of other and Mt.
ferently seated diseases roo ted In the
esetein of the jaatien t—wli would re-
lieve one Ill. in turn would aggravate
the other. We have, however, in Quin -
fine Wine, whelt obtainable in a sound
unadulterated state, a remedy for many
and gravious Ms. By its d
gradual an
judicious use, tte frailest systeian are
kd into convalescence and strength, by
the influence which Quinine exerts 00
hature's own restoratives. 11 relievas
the drooping spirits of those with
whom a chronic state of _morbid des-
pondency and lack of interest in life is
oiseese, and, by tranquilizing the
nerves, disposes to sound and refreshing
eleep—imparts vigor to the action of
the blood, whiela being stimulated,
courses throughout the veins. strength-
ening the healthy animal functions of
the system, thereby making activity a,
necessery result, tren gthenittg the
frame, and giving life to the digestive
organs, 1(1)1011naturally (1011)511(1 in-
creased substance—result, improved ap-
petite. Northrop da Lyman ei Toron-
to, have given to the public their 871.
p0110? Quinine Wine at the usual rate.
and, gauged by the opinion of scien-
tists, th IS wine approaches nearest per-
fqction of any in the market. All drug-
gists eel! it.
Ada—"Wasn't there some talk of
Maude marrying a duke?" Dolly —
"Yes; but, you see, the duke didn't
say anything about it."
Dropsy Is one Positive Sigra
Kidney. Disease.—Have you any of
these unmistakable signs? Puffiness un der the
,e,yes? Swollen limb's? Smothering feeling?
Chaege of the character of the urine? Ex-
hanstion after least exertion ? If you haves
there's dropsical tendency and you shouldn't
delay an hour in putting yourself under i heat
great Sah American Kicluey Cure.—E6
First Man—"Does your wife do
everything you tell her?" Second
Man --"Well, she obeyed my orders
last night, anyhow.'' • ' 'How was
that?" "Well, I told her to go to
bed, and slm mid, 'I won't.' Then
I told her to 511 up, and she obeyed
They Wake the Torpid Energies, —Ma t
chi 13 ery not properly supervised (11 (1 lef-
ts) run lIsall, vevy 80011 5110W8 fault in its
working. It is the same with the
ye organs. Uuregullted Troia 11(110 time to
time they are rkely to become torpid and
throw the whols system out oe gene.
P11101118&'(Vegetahis P114 Were made to
meet Ruch cases. Thet, restore to the full
flagging faeulties, and bring hum°
"You sold me that 'horse as free
from fahlts, Why, it's blind.'''
""Blincl? Well, that's not a fault -e
that's a cruel misf or ttine."
ilinard's Liniment for -sale everywIleiv
Wornen in Korea differ remarkably
from their sex in other countriesin
0110 part icular—they are ahsolutelY
silent I The length of a tvoniner's
tongne is a frequent reproach difile-
where, but it cannot be brought
against the Korean wire, svho never
speaks snore than is etrictly neees-
sary. A bridA
e are not Ur a
Wold or make even a sign, however
much her husband limy tease or
taunt her, for to break silence Ivould
meau. I °till, loss' et caste., 'Among
the highee Chtesee it may be- Weeks 01'
inoulhe before a hutibruld beers hie
svilehs Veice for the 1101,1iMe, while
the wife doge not 'speak. or even look
at her father -in -kW tor years after
Blliard Tables
The Boat at um Lowest Price
Write for Terme
US King
Maiden Fair—"Oh, it always makes
my head swim to go on the water!"
Seiler facetious— e 'No danger of
drowning, them mein, if you shoidd
fall overboard."
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns et
Weary Willie—''Hard times, ain't
they'?"Dusty Illiodes—"Yer bet,
keeps a feller Inistlin' to 'woo from
Wby vV11 yeti:Show a cone to lauerabe
yoav throat Rilet lungs and run the risk eV
008S11/1111 ti ye's. grave, n, bv
the (1111017 use of .Sickle's- An ti -Can s n p -
Live Syrup the p75111 010 be:allayed and the
danger avoided. Tide sy rep is r leasant to
the taste, and =surpassed for Telles -lug
healing and curieg all affections ot the
throat and lunge, colds, coughs, broa -
elaitis. etc., ere.
For six weeks after marriage a inan
tells his wife everything that hap-
pens; after that he tells her a lot, of
things that happen only in hits rabid.
Liniment Cures Dandruff,
A Chinese boy who was studying
English had occasion the other day' •
to write a letter to the young lady
who was his 811nd:3,y-school teacher. -
Not wishing to begin his letter in
the 'stereotyped way with "Dem -
he took his English diction-
ary to look up an eauivaleet for
the word "dear." This is the way
the letter was commenced "Expensive
nave 'You a Skin Disease?—
're cter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm,
Eczenia,lich,Barber's Itch, TJIcers,Blotches,
Chronic Erysipelas, Liver Spets, Prurigo.
Psoriasis, or other eruptions of the skin—
whet Dr. Agnew's Ointment has done for
011101.911 con do for you --cure you. Ono as. ,
plication gives ralief.-35 centa.-87
sometimes 'tonder whether .
all those things you said to me were
trise,!' He—, -What difference does it ,
make? We. both believed them."
For Over Sixty Years
Nits. Wiaston,s SbOT1172,03 Fivwur hes been need by
Millions of mothers for their ehildren while teeibin
tenet -hos tho child, Fai teti8) the gums, 'liars nem, 01(087
wind calk, regulates the et winch and bowels, andjs
boot remedy fur Diarrluea. Twenty-five ornts a Cond.
. wit:stows sooricuso asnyr." 22-0
'!:iltdf 1;11;431:mM thropghout tho Bo cure a01
• "Aed is the air healthy here?" ask-.
ed a visitor-. a.t a monntain. resoles
"Excellent, sir, excellent. One can
beeome a centenarian here' iii a little
•Lifel)U0y Soap—disinfectant --- is
strongly recommended by the medical :
profession as a safeguard against 133-,
Lotions diseases.
. 180 MTIsES AN 1101111,
Stimulated by the laying down of
electric line between Ber-
lin and Romberg, which 58 now in
PrOcese, Of' construotiou, the French
have 00313111elleed tljt 130c0.%sary sur-
ve;c•s iOr ,a similar line between Paris
and 'Marseilles. '' Buts they atend to
open a' new record in the, matter al
spetai. The Go:email trains are to
matte 7120 tidies en lame; elle French
°nee 180 •miles an hour.
Do you catch cold easily?
Does tlic cold hang oti Try
CCuln44:utirikluPns ti°21
It etires the Mest stubliara kind
o 000gii3 and colds. If it'
doesn'tetre yeti, your' Money
Will be refunded.
:falsest', 9, C. eVetret es Co. tee
eea skle. $1 . feltees N. Vs Teem:oat:are
l'7 1i