HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-5-12, Page 5Ni,or
exeter Abiiitoccttv,
published every Thursday Morning rat the Office,
One Dollar per annum if paid in advaace, 51.50
if not so paid.
K.S.IrortIntase mBaten cain 411.3nola.co.
No paper discontinued until all arrearag es are paid.,
Advertisements without speoified directions will be
Published until forbid and charged accordingly.
Liberal discount made for transcient advertisements
ineerted for long periods. Enery description of JOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at
Moderate rates, Cheques, money orders, &c., for
advertising, subscriptions, etc„ to be made payable
Sanders & Creech,
ProfeSSional CarttS,
DR. A. B. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S„
Honor graduate of Toronto OniveristV,
Teeth extracted iviNiout any pain, or any bad effects
Office in Fansou's Block, west aide Main street,
Honor Oinduate of Toronto University and Royal
' Oollege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Post
Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistery
(with honorable mention.)
Alluminum, Gold and Vulcanite Plates rnade in the
Reatest mariner possible. A perfectly harmless an.
aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth,
Office one door south of Carling Bros. store, Eider.
College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario.
Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office, Dash.
wood, Ont.
Dr. John D. Wilson, Office and Residence, 290
Queens Ave., London Ont. Special attention
paid to diseases et women. Office hours, 12.80 to 4
P fu.
tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners.
3olicitors for Molsons Bank, etc. Money to loan at
owest rates of interest. Offices, Main street, Exeter,
(.11. CARLIN°, B.A., L, H. Dicrasos
Auct ion eers
HVBROWN, Winchelsea. Licened Auctioneer
• for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex.
ilso for the township of Osborne. Sales promptly
ittended to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged
it Post Office Winchelsea.
LOOK .............• _
Just arrived, a large shipment
AGES and GO-CARTS which ere
very artistic in design and finish;
a good stssortment to choose from. I
Come early and pick out the good !
enes. •
Bicycles ,
We are again showing Cleveland 1
Bicycles fitted with Cushion Frann- 1
es which make Icing journeys seem t
short and short journeys too short t
Repairing E
Neatly done on shortest notice.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Brices
---THE- h
4101811 401101 011111 b
Proprietors. . n
Manufacturers of. ti
. h
and Dealers in Sf
, t
:LOUR . ,,,,, ANn FEED
STAR (Best Family Flour.)
PRINCESS (Choice Pastry Flour).
WHEATLET (Breakfast Food.)
Wheat and Oats wanted, for
which we will pay the high-
est market price.
Seed Peas
Direct from Manitoulin Island
For Sale at Exeter Warehouse
4•0 4
National Brand
Portland Cement
Seed Oats and Barley.
For mining purposes wheo, Oats
Bailey, for which top priaes will be
at Exeter, OHO trillia and Clandebeye
Jos. Cobbledick
This falling of your hair.!
Stop it, or you will soon be
bald. Give your hair some
Ayer's Hair Vigor. The fall-
ing will stop, the hair will
Hair Vigor
grow, and the scalp will be
clean and healthy. Why be
satisfied with poor hair when
you can make it rIch?
"My WO nearly all came out. I then tried
Ayer's Hair vigor and only one bottle stopped
the falling. New hair came in real thick and
Inserts ti4113e. 79 rly ." 1.1 . Barra,
141.0e a bottle, Ayan 400,,
for tollgigigeogeltwaintriti
Lowell, Maas,
Thick Hair
Sea forth
Mr. Stephen Lamb has purchased
the buildings and entire livery outfit
of Ms. Thomas Levy and took im-
mediate possession. Mrs. Levy and
family intend returning to Mitchell to
reside. -Many will regret to learn of
the death of Mrs. Robert Calder, of
the .North Gravel road, McKillopi
which occurred' on 'Tuesday after an
illness of eight days of _pneumonia.
Deceased who had attained the age of
68 years was always it robust woman,
jovial and generous, and she was al-
ways in her element when entertain-
ing her friends, and her bright disposi-
tion made her a pleasant and enter-
taining companion. The remains were
interred in the Egmondville cemetery
on Thursday. --Mr. Edgar Westcott
spent Sunday and Mondayat his home
in Exeter. -Mr. Win. Moran, who has
been spending some weeks with friends
here, left last week for Atlanta, Gear.
gia.-Mrs. Tweddle and Mrs. Tindall
and daughter, who have been living
for some time with Mr. F. W, Tweddle
left last week for Fergus, where they
intend residing in future. They were
accompanied by Mr. Tweddle's child-
ren, who will reside there. We are
leased to learn, however, that Mr.
wedclle will remain here.- Eliza beth
Shaw, daughter of Mr. D. W. Shaw,
died at the residence of Mr. Geo. Stog-
dill on Friday, after a long illness at
the age of 39 years. The remains were
interred in the Egmondville Cemetery
n Sunday. -Mr. Sid Town, of the Ex-
positor staff, got his hand caught its •
me of the presses the other day and •
had one finger badly squeezed. -We •
ire pleased to leans that Mr. Robert
emp, eldest son of Mrs. T. 0. Kemp,
as passed his graduation examine -
ion in mechanical engineering at Mc -
rill University, Montreal. -Mr. W. 1).
anEgrnond has disposed of his resi-
ence in Egmondville to Mrs.Rudolph
nd intends moving to Toronto. -Miss
Minnie Dickson, who has been spend..
ug the winter with her sister, Mrs.
hirnster, itt Aurora, has returned
orne again. -The first football match
ere this season was played at 6 o'clock
riday evening between Wingham and
he Hurons II. of Seaforth, in the In-
ermediate series of the W.F.A., re-
ulting in a victory for the home team
y it score of 4 to nil, there being two
oals in the first half, but, towards the
nd of the second half Seaforth had
he garde in their own hands. recalled at the instance of General steers, $5.00 to $5.20; shipping, $4.50 to
Dysentery, Smallpox and Typhus
Menace Russian TrooPs,
Urgent Cali Issued For Ono Oundred Doc,
tors-Elvaouation of Noweinvang
Russia Is Still Proceeding -Official
Statement of the Jap Losses In the
Battle of the Yalu-Aloxieff at Mar -
New York, May 10. -An urgent
telegram has been received frour
Mukden, asking for the immediate
despatch of 100 doctors, says a des-
patch from St, Petersburg. Typhus
fever, dysentery and smallpox have
aesumed an epidemio character
among the ilussian troops,
Food For Three lifoatlis Only.
Shanhaikwan, May. 10.-A mer-
chant here, who is in .a position to
have trustworthy information, has
inforMed a correspondent of the As-
sociated Press that at Port Arthur
there is only coal sufficient to last
the warships for six weeks, and that
the food supply there will feed 8,000
Man for three months ealy.
Evacuating Newohwang.
Liverpool Wheat Lower 141111 Chlealbe
Higher -Live Stook Marketti-The
Latest tjuotatloars. •
Liverpool wMhoeletafutt4aYeekilleluittedMt207-da9; 944
ifOver than Saturday, and CQrll fatUroe iff.1
At Chicago July wheat closed %d higher
arthuiti; 08tiattstifulliteyiewSueley, corn %c higher en1
tendon, May 0. -Close -Wheat on
Sage, quiet but steady. Com on passage.
(Inlet but steady,
Mark Lane Miller Market -Wheat, foi-
elgu, better demand at full rates. Eng-
ilsh quiet, but steady, Corn, Ainerlease„
nominally unteranged; Danubian, dull.
Plena Ameriean and Onglish, quiet buil
As compared with a week ago, the viable
supply of weeat in Ceuada and the
'United States has decreased 664,000 busheI0,1
corn decreased 083.000 blishels• outs de.
c. T. Notes.
The next regular meeting of the
Woman's Christian Temperanee Un-
ion will be held at the home of Mrs.
E. Elliott on Wednesday, May 18th.
An action was taken against
Uhe state of Texas to have declared
void a statute aurthortzing the major-
ity of qualified voters in a locality to
determine vehetber or not the legal
Side of intoxicatiug liquors should be
prohibited. The plaintiff claimed that
the sta tate WdS contrary to the consti-
tution of the Uoited States, We are
pleased to note that the United States
Supreme OMirt SnStains local option.
This decision will be of interest to
Oensidians on acconne of the similarity
of our political systems to that of the
nation to the south of us.
Convictions on the temperance ques-
tion should be deep-rooted, The peo-
ple who bring diecreclit on the aeuee
are those whose beliefs are shallow and
superfielal. In the right environment
creased 1,117,400 Inelbela, Tee .01)01744 they are total abstainers, but the first
temptation which comes along takes
them of their feet. In these CIllQ1al,
days, 00 ove has right to be undeeld-
c.,•el as to tenineeance. Take a definite
stand; and once you have reade ip
yone mind what is eight, hold to your
belief with a grip that never lets go.
The temperance cause wants no ad-
s week nut ama 07506000 bUgheiff A mit ihsebreertittesr weffi tillysiht1791117anelvietions. It
S comparative statement for e week
endlitg to -day, the preceding week, and
the corresponeing week of last year: 5
May 0,'04. May 9,'03. May 2,'04.
Wheat, bu. -20,093,000 32,446,000 30,307,000
Oats, bu. 8,985,000 6002,000 9,202,901
Corn, bu. 6,887,000 6,210,400 7,820,0041
To recapitulate, the visible supply
wheat in Caintda and the 'United States,
together with teat rtileat in Europe, Is 80,*
§,aletliS6 bushels, against 80,117,000 bushela
Oho Foo, May 10. -Passengers ar- May. July. Sept.
riving here on the Patrarch from NewYork• • • • • • • • 93 91 84'
Newchwang say that when they left Dll'i " 11% %
u t , 9 81
Newchwang the Russians had com-
menced to evacuate. Some guns had
been taken from the forts and many
troops had already gone, In other
respects Newchwang was. quiet. The
passengers understood before their
departure. that the Japanese had cut
the railway, but they learned no
A. Sensation.
Kharkoff, Russia, Sunday, May 8.
-The order for the mobilization of
the reserves, which is to take place
to -morrow, has caused a sensation
• A.dvanced leo Miles.
Seoul, May 10. -The Japanese
Consul at Gensan telegraphs that a
force of Russians, number unknown,
eccompanied by Manchurian Mounted
Bandits, crossed the Yalu far above
Wiju, advanced southeast and oc-
cupied Changjin, 100 miles west of
Songjin, May 5.
Jap Refugees,
Washington, May 10. -The State
Department has received a cable-
gram from United States Commer-
cial Agent Greener at Vladivostock
stating the British merchant ship
Ettrickdale had sailed from Vladi-
vostock Saturday for a Japanese
port with 326 Japanese refuges, who
had been picked up at Korsakoff, on
the Island of Sakhalin.
At Harbin Now,
St. Petersburg, May 10. -Viceroy
Alexieff has telegraphed to the Em-
peror announcing the transfer of his
headquarters to Harbin, ,
0 .... ... 106 91% 87
Minneapolis ..... 03% 93% sleg , land Mr. Robinson has now under
Grain -
Wheat, white, bush
$0 90 to .... t Mrs. Harry Holmes, have the sympa-
i lease for grazing puposes.- Mr. and
Wheat, red, bush
Wheat, spring, bush, 0°909°
fierlee, bush . 0 46 '
047 .
037 O894
Liverpool, May 9, -Wheat -Spot, dulls
No. 1 California, 7s; futures barely steady;
May, Ele 354c1; July, tht 4%d; Sept., 69 5%41
Corn, spot firm, American mixed, new,
411 4%d; Arnerlcan mixed, old, 41 71j
futures, quiet; May, 4s 8ead; July, 45 8%d,
Liverpool, May' 9. -Shoulders dull; 30a.
Peas -Canadian, 6d.
The imports of wheat into Liverpool last
week were 6900 quarters from Atlantis
ports, and 79,000 from -other ports.
The imports of corn from Atlantic porta
taut week were 410(.L_quarters.
Ansa Craig
R. J. Robinson has rented the farm
belonging, to T. Armstrong in Lobo
township. This makes 1,500 ecres of
Beans, bush
Rye, bush
Peas, busk
• buckwheat, bush
Oats, busk
thy of their many friends here in the
sea. 'bereavement they have sustained
in the loss of their infant child which
occarred in London a few days ago. -
Miss Annie McKenzie has returned to
her home in London, after it pleasant
visit with friends in this vicinity. -
Mrs. H. Holmes and family have mov-
ed to London. -The remains of the
late Mr. Baynton, who died in Grand
Rapids on April 29, was brought here
for burial last week. -Mr. P. Stewart
has moved his family from Wingharn,
and they are living on the farm he re-
cently- purchased from Mr. Wien Men-
zies, on the 18th concession of East
Williarns.-Mr, McMillan, sr., who re-
cently returned from St. Joseph's Hos-
pital, London, is, we pleased to state,
much improved in health. -Miss Mary
McNaughton, who has spent the past
winter in Michigan has returned to
town again. -Miss Annie McKay, Mrs.
, Rae and child, of Milton, are visiting
Cabling Steadr - Montreal Market relatives in this vicinity. -Mr. and Mrs.
Little Charmed .ist Cattle Priem Dan Gray, of Cable,Wisconsin, are on
Lonclou, May 9.-Cenadlan cattle are an extended visit to friends and rela-
steady at lle to 11%c 13er lb.• refrigerator tives in the village. -Will Alexander
beef, 9%c to 91c per lb. Sheep, 12c pea
lb.; yearlings, 13e.
quality_ of at cattle was good, many choice who has been attending College at
stock yards were 45 carloads, composed el
884 cattle, 4 sheep and 29 :calves. • The leaving for Detroit. -Rev. Jos.Jaynes,
loads "being offered.
ft,ecelpts of live stock at the Union
here left last week for Forest, prior to
111ONTEEAL LIVE STOCK. Toronto, has received a call to Barn-
ston, Qtrebec, for which place he left
left last week for London where he in-
tende taking a conrse in the Business
College. -Miss K. MacPherson, after a
pleasant two weeks' visit with friends
MOntreal, May ft ..A.botet 600 head et tbiS week. -W. R. Barefoot spent a
b ' ' cows,.ea yes few days in Orangeville during the
The A.dmiralty reports that Rear- and .90 idteep lend lambs were offered for
Admiral Jessen's squadron is at sale at the East End abattoir to -day. The , eee• e.
week, owing to the illness of his broth -
butchers were ont strong, but traide in ei . - vv . v.0. Burns, after a few weeks'
Vladivostock. . cattle was slow and prices remain without visit here, left last week for the West.
Kuropatkin WM Stay.. material change. Prime beeves sold at , The death of Mary Elizabeth, relict of
officially announced that General etgin10 Inacrare' 5fc fat cows,
lb. Goodamedclutinsi in -
St. Petersburg, May 10. -It is
ordinal), mfdluams,
co3z sold at 4 sh the late Gustavus Hamilton, occurred
Large bull:, 3Tieti at Toronto on Sunday, at the age of 75
liuropatkin's headquarters will re- ,to 4e; and the common stocks, at 2%c to , years. The remains were brought to
main at Liaoyang. He has no inten-
tion, at least for the present, 8yee per lb. Milch cows sold at from ns I Craig Tuesday for interment.
of re_ I to $60 each. Calets at *2 to $6 each. Sheep 1
at 3%c to 4%e _per lb., and the lambs at DEATHS. -Perhaps no death in child
tiring from his position there. 0 0
Unfounded. ' sold at about 5ele per lb. , • life that has occurred in this commun-
.5 to $5 each. Good lots of fat hiegi
St. Petersburg, May 10. -It is EAST BUFFA.L0 CATTLE MARKET.
semi -officially stated that the re- n g
p ceroy Alexieff will be celpfs, 5500; slow, 5c to 10e lower. Prime
ort that Vi
,ast uffalo, N. Y., May 0.-Cattle--Re-
Brantford, May 9. -Harry Baker,
ged 23:a brakeman on the T.,H. &B.,
hile shunting cars at Brantford sta-
on this evening, was caught between
e bumpers of the cars, and so badly
;lured that be died in about half an
our. Baker was married last fall and
ved in Hamilton. An inquest will
e held.
Windsor, May 9. -Grand Trunk
ardrnan Leonard Turton's cool head
ved him from being ground to death
eneath a'freight train here this after -
)on. Turton was making a coupling
Then his left foot became caught be-
eath a car wheel. He tried to extri-
ite the foot, but could not. so he
rew his arm over the draw -bar and
ung on for his life. He was dragged
veral car lengths in this position le -
re the train could he stopped. Tur-
n was taken to the hospital, where
was found that the foot was so badly
ushed that it had to be anrnutated.
Scott's Emulsion is the
means of life and of the en-
joyment of life of thousands of
men, women and children.
To the men Scott's Emul-
sion gives the flesh and
strength so necessary for the
cure of consumption and the
repairing of body losses from
any wasting disease.
For -women Scott's Emul-
sion does this and more. It is
a most sustaining food and
tonic for the special trials that
women have to bear.
To children Scott's Emul-
sion gives food and strength
for growth of flesh and bone
and blood. For pale girls,
for thin and sickly boys Scott's
Emulsion is a great help.
Send for frad sample.
SCOTT az BOWNE, Chornitts,
Toeonto, - Sentare>.
50c. and $1.001 All drugedete.
Kuropatkin and Vice -Admiral Skry- $5.00; butchers'e $4.25 to $4.83; heifers,
dloff is absolutely unfounded. v.50,0) S4:50 cows! $3.00 to e$e4.00;buII,
ity so profoundly affected everyone
with sorrow as that of Harold, the
four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Ola.rk, who was called home on Thurs-
day April 28, after a brief illness. On
the previousSunday he was in pertect-
ly good health, but early in the week
took ill, suffering)* from a
malignant15,000 Retiring. tie $4,40; stock! heiters, $2.75 to $3.25; good type of scarlet fever. The little fel-
London, May 10. -The Tokio cor- others steady; good to chc:lee, $48 to $60; low's constant struggle with the grim
1 fresh cows and springers $2.00 higher;
respondent of The Daily Chronicle , medium to good, $32 to 645; common, $20 reapee had filled everyone with hope
says that 15,009, Russians are retir- , to $30.
ing from Newchwang to Liaoyang. that medical ekill and careful nursing,
I Veals-Receipts, sae head; eteady, 34.00 combined with the strong vitality of
The correspondent also says that , ir t° $ 11
Chinese bandit§ have destroyed the 5g.5s-Recelpts, 17,000 head; pigs, slow .thi,,e patient would finally win the bat-
Hoand lower; °thews steady; heavy, 35.15 to ,..,e, out it wits not to be. Many preei-
road to Tashichia and to Huicheng. , f5.20; mixed, to 5%; ,17yorkers, *50 rn
The Russian ous einories will linger in the family
s are making a new o /5.15; lags, $4.80 to $4.85; roughs $420 circle that he has left for the home
The correspondent adds that band- •
. to $5.00. Sheep and lambs -Receipts, 20,200
head; active; en'eS • 25e lower; iambs 50
its have attacked and cut other higher; others steady; Iambs $4.50 to $6.40;
parts of the railroad, and points out yearlings and wethers, 35.25 to $5.65; ewes,
that the capture of Dalny vvill en- $4.50 to $4.75; eheep, mixed, *3.25 to 35.00.
New York, May 9. -Beeves- Receipts,
3488; steers active and 10c hi•lier• bulls
and thin cows,steady; medium and good
Shanhaikware, May 10, -The evacu- cows, shade lower; steers, 34.60 to $5.20;
ation of Newchwang continues. The no choice here; tail ends, 83.85; bulls, 33.75
Russian authorities have promised to to $4.20; cows, 82.00 to $3.90.
leave a sufficient rear guard to pre- a nr141.411 .ittc;anrItGerrrali 91Z1 c.attle, 1250 sheep
vent pillaging by the Chinese band- Calves -Receipts 7129. !Mflarket 50c higher;
its, who are in the vicinity and some sales 75e higher. Vests, $3.10 to
awaiting an opportunity to get into
$5.75; choice, *5.90 to *600; culls and little
road. to 4.40' stags $3 00 to $3 50. dairi s, $4 80
able the Japanese to cut off Port Ar-
thur's electrical supply.
Evactustion' of Newehwang.
calves, ep.30 to O.W.;
the city.
• Sheep and lambs--Receipta, 6,814. Sheep
Nothingfurther has been heard of • steady. Clipped lambs, firm to 15e higher.
the Japanese transports which were Spring lambs, Steady. Wooled sheep, 34.51
seen recently near Kaichau. to $5.50; efipped, ditto, 33.50 to $5.00; culls,
The Russians erecommandeering $rt d)00; :0 choice sheep here, unsheern
cattle on the west side of the Liao $7.25; clipped, ditto, ;5.21 . to $6.50;
Clipped culls. $4.50 to $5.00; Spr1 ng lambs,
River, and the Chinese are indignant 0.25 to $5.00 per heed.
at this procedure. Eight hundred Hogs -Receipts, 9753. Prime state hogs,
head of cattle have been taken at 35.50. Idarket barely steady.
The Official Losses.
Tokio, May 10. -The official report
of the Japanese casualties at the
battle of the Yalu, May 1, shows
that the guards lost oho officer and
twenty men killed and had seven of-
ficers and one hundred and twenty-
two men wounded.
The second division lost one officer
and eighty-four men killed and thir-
teen officera and three hundred and
five men Wounded.
The Otelfth division had three ffi-
cers and seventy-six men killed and
five officers and two hundred and
sixty-three men wounded.
Score a Shut Out?
London, May 10.-Thc Daily Tele-
graph's Seoul correspondent says:
"It is believed here that a portion
of the Russian Vladi'veiStock fleet has
been successfully shut out, and is
now in the Sea of Japan. trying to
evade the Japtmese."
Typhoon Retarded Landing,
London, May 10.-A despatch to a
news ageney from Liaoyang, dated
May 10, says: "An accident to a
train from Port Arthur to Harbin
occurred May 8, near Tieling, Thirty
passengers vete fltlfi fifty M-
istred, assd the permanent way was
greatly damaged.
"It ie reported that three days'
typhoon gretitly retarded 'the Japan.
eisse laading at Piteeivo.".
above. Mr. and Mrs. Clark have only
been residents of the town for a little
more than a year, but during that
time they have made many warm
friends who deeply sympathize with
them in the loss they have sustained.
A painful circumstance of the be-
reavement is the fact, that owing to
the contagious nature of the disease it
has been impossible for friends to ex-
tend either assistance or sympathy.
The funeral which was a private one
WaS held on Friday to Nairn cemetery.
-On Wednesday Mrs, Robt. Lorrimer
passed peacefully away at her home.
Deceased who was very well known in
the vicinity, having lived here for
many years had been in feeble health
for some while past, having attained
the age of 86 years. She and her hus-
band had both been confined to the
house during the past severe winter
and at different times were quite ill.
Kind friends and neighbors, however,
ministered to their wants and for the
week jevious to Mrs. Lorrimer's
Chicago, NAT 9.-Cattle-beceipts, 24,000 death, Fheir adopted daughter,
' inelugimg 225 Texans; steadtt to week; good Annie Lorrimer, of Detroit, was with
&um $4 to 8,90; ittockers and feedens.
to m st
ets, 'ea to 415. ; poor torn -- them. Deceased was born in Dumfrie-
to $4..40; cows, 81.50 to $4.40; heifers, $2,25 shire,Scotland, where she was brought
to 14.60; •Texas -fed steers, 84 to $4.40. up. In 1853, four years after her neat -
*tea ; tu e an inite 4rs', I .
*4.92%; .good to choice, heiten. 54.80 ri, d f th
,f Canada, living at Hamilton for a time
an rorn eve going to Esqueezing
74.82%; rough, heavy. $4.63 to $4.75; Ilcht,
$4.1) to.84.80; bulk, of sales, $4.75 to $4.83. tp., near Georgetown. Later they par-
teade o easY: Ifun 8 .• eft Y 0 ;418,1 g a few years sold it and Moved to St.
to choice wethers, *4.60 to $5.25; fair to •
weed, gaze to $4.10; clipped oar 'Marys, Where Mr. Lorrimer engaged
teibvetelea'wes, *4.25 to $5.75. with the G.T.R., when the main line
I gs-R7:eldpts tdoday. MO; , nage to Mr. Lorrimer, they came to
heept and Lars;t-Itedeelifts 20,00001 chased it farm in Luther tp., but after
Imports From Canada.
London, May 10. -Imports frOne
Canada for the month of April were
as follows:
Amount. 1'
Cattle . '• •.... . . . . 5,669
Sheep and 'lame .. 1,680
Wheet, eNir tS. ,
Meal, flour; Cwts., 121,700
Peas, cwts. ............, 82,670 1
Reeon, ewts. . . , . . . 31,157
Hams, ewte. g 3.523
Butter, cwts. 1,458
Cheese, ewts. 79,334 10
Careened and Sank.
of the ratlway was being built. Over
40 years ago he purchased the farm on
the 18th eon. of East Williams. After
residing on it for eight years, they
moved to Craig for a year previous to
going to Craig, where they lived for
Idae, lovir years. They afterwards returned
97•698 to Cra' ig where the remainiog years of
2.771 •
8043 their life have been spent. Mrs. Loera
61,3(14 met, was an earnest Christian woman,
,Ji,,v2 as all who knew can testify ancl dee th
"01'4 held 8no terrore for her 'Twas but ,55d •
0,250 change to greater joys,
4,211 ee
Halifax, N. 5„, May 10. -The
bartme Falmouth is a total wreek
at Parrsboro, The Vessel was loading
piling and lied her lower hold fun
when she careened over yesteeday.
The.seanie opened and 'the vessel '
ed with watet. e.1.110' ralMOtith *Ai •
in 18/0,
40 42
Oats .... .... 30
Hoy, per ton
FDloott.tTrper cwt., roller.,
.Barley, ...... .... , ,. ,.,.. . 81
Potatoes, per bag- 70 70
eus....-- ... .... ..,00 00
/3 00 804)
2 50
Eggs 12
klides, per 100 lbs 500 5 00
Live hogs, per cwt., ., - 4 io
Dressed Hogs- , .. 0 '70 6 2fir I
Shorts per cwt...., , ., 1 00 1 pale
Bran per ewt .. .. ... , .. , , . 90 90 -
Pains in the .Ba-ck
Are synaptome of a weak torpid or
stagnant condition. of the 'kidneys or
liver, and are a warning itle extremely
hazardous to neglect, so mp5rtant
a healthy action pf these organs
They are commonly attended by losa
. , qv ,
fet enetgy, tack of courage, and somes ,
times by gloomy foreboding and de-.
epondency, . a •
"I was taken ill with kidney trouble, and e
became so weak I could scarcely get around.
I took medicine without benelit, and finally '
decided to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. Alter
the first bottle I felt so much better that I
continued its use, and six bottles made me
1 a fieW Weilleil, 'Olen wy little girl was sr"
Ibeby, she cettld not keep anything on her
stomach, and We geee her Road's sarsapa-
rilla. Whieti Mired her," M. ittliceltAS IN -
NIS, Wallaceburg, Ont,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Cures kidney and liver troubles, re-
lieves the hack, and builds up the
whole system,
Wood's Phosphodine,
The Great English geniedp,
is an old, well este)).
lisited and reliable
preparation. Ras been
prescribed and used
over 40 years. All drug.
sustain the Dominion
of Canada sell and
recommend as being
Before and After the only medicine of
its kind that cures and
gives universal satisfaction. It promptly and
permanently cures all forms of Nervous Weak-
ness, Emissions, Spermatorrhcea, impotency,
and all effects of abuse or excesses ; the excessive
use of Tobacco, Opium or Stimulants, Mental
and Brain Worry, ail of which lead to Infirmith
Insanity, Consumption and an Early Grave.
Price $1 per package or six for $5. One witY
please, six wig cure. Mailed prompty on re -
wept et pave. Send for free pamphlet. Address
'rhe Wood Cozo.paay,
Windsor, Ont', Canada,
Woods Phosphodine is sold in Exeter h., Drs. Drown
ing and Lutz, Druggists.
filerolioRts Book ofREAD OFFICE, MONTREAL
- --
Capital Paid Up - 6,000,000
Rest - - - 2,700,00a
A general Banking business transacted. .
Interest at most favorable current rates allowed On
Savings Bank accounts and Deposit Receipts.
CommercialLetters of Credit issued, available in
China, Japan and other foreign countries,
Travelling Letters of Credit issued to trareilere in
all parts of the world,
E.F.IIEBDEN, Suer or Deanne: & Crum^ Iratiexcio•A
We are giving excellent
satisfaction since Re-
modelling our mill.
Kemp & Burpee
Manure Spreader
Disk Harrows
and Soufliers
(Pa t'd 1003)
Ezeter, Ontario
Scrap Iron Virauted.
20 Tons„ at the highest
market price for immedi-
ate delivery.
'Hair Renewer
A highsclass preparation for the hair. Keeps the hair soft and
glossy and prevents splitting at the ends. Cures dandruff and
atria s reatores color to gray hait.