HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-4-21, Page 5THE 05xder bttojcj, • published every TharedaY Morning at the Oillee, MA,IN-STREET, EXETER. • —By the—. , ADVOCATE PUBL. I RH I NG eomPAnnr TERMS OF SIMSORIPTION. Gee Dollar per annum if paid• lit advance, $1.$0 • if not o pad. Xel.argertitstaxe 'ae.tooca tinaa. No paper discontinued. until all arrearagee aro paid. Advertlsomeas without epecified directions will be published until forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for transoient adaartiseinent4 inserted for long periods. Emmy desorption of JOB PRINTING turned oub in the finest etyle, and at moclerate rates. Cheques, money ordere, &a, for advertising, subscriptions, eta, to be made payable Sanders 4ck Creech, PROPRIETORS JPrefessional Cards. , DR. A. it. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. $., Honor graduate of Toronto Univerlety. DENTIST. ‘4" Teeth extracted without any Ixdna or arty bad elects Office in Panama's Block, west • lade Main street, Exeter. DR. D. ALTON ANDERSON (D,D.S. L.D.S DENTIST- • • Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons ot Ontario, •Also Post Graduate Of Chimp School of Prosthetic Dentistery (with honorable, meationa • Alluinimun, Gold and Vulcanite Plates made in the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless an- aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth. Office one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter. Medical • • DR, I, P. MoLAUCLILIN, MEMBER OF THE College of Physicians and Sargeons Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Acomicheur. °face, Dash- wood, Out, Dr. John D. •Wilson, Cacti and. Residence, 290 Queens Ave., London Ont, Special attention paid to diseases of women. Office hours, 12.30 to 4 p m. •••••••.......mon+rma. Legal. ' DIORSON 8.5 CARLING, BARRISTERS, SOL101- tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners. Solicitors for alolsons Bank, etc. Money to loan at owest rates of interest Offices. Main street, Exeter, 1. R. Cantaxa, B.A., L. H. Mama .A.rie.tiOa0OrS R BROWN, Winchelsea. Licened Auctioneer Ale ' for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex. also for the township of Usborne. Sales promptly attended to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged at Post.Office Winchelsea. LOOK Just arrived, a, large shipment of PRINCE OF WALES CARRI- AGES and GO-OARTS which ere -very artistic in design and finish; a good assortment to choose from. Come early and pick out the good en es. - Bicycles We are again showing Cleveland Bicycles fitted with CushioneFram- es which make long journeys seem short' and short journeys too short Repairing 'Neatly done on shortest notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. Brices moderate. S. MARTIN YOU ARE QUITE RIGHT Whenyou insist on having Harvey Bros.Flour • Our STAR FLOUR is made from the choicest :Oetario and Manitoba wheat. , • The quantity of our W.FlEATLET has been improved by sterilizing it. Give it :a •• It is "1 FOOD" not A "FAD." • Our facilities for the handlieg• of the chopping trat16 ere unsurpassed. • The new Vessot grinder is giving great satisfaetion. r • , liTARVEY BROS. Millers. ..0 , • For Stele at Exeter Warehouse Cheap • National Brand , Portland Cement iSeed Oats and Barley iiVanted Fenniilling pueposes Wheat, (Diets, Bitriek, for which top ppioes ww. bo la Exeter, Centetilia and Cllandeleo.a Impure" blood always shows Somewhere. If the skin, then •boils, pimples, rashes. If the nerves, then neuralgia, nerv- ousness, depression. If the Sarsaparilla stomach, then dyspepsia, biliousness, loss of appetite. Your •doctor knows the remedy, used for 60 years. " BeturMng front the Cuban war, I was a perfect wreck. my blood was bed. and my health was gone. But St* bOttlea of Ayer's Sarsaparilla completely cured me." R. 0. noninsa, Scranton, Ps. SLO•O a bottle. ' .5. o. Align eo., carnitzarg6,.. for =um Impure Mood Aid the Sarsaparilla by keeping the •bowels regular with Ayer's Pills, SOHOOL REPORTS. SMOOT, RM'ORT.—The following a: e the names of the pupils in S,S. NO. 1, Stephen, who have taken the highest stand in ee• for the Mon t h of March. V. Mitehele Edna, MeNatight on, Mei - no (hallos. Sr. IV.-LesIie McNaugh- ton, R.1VIcOoer, Melinda Call fee, Elva Windsor. Jr. /V. -Pearl I3issett, J. White, 0. Grafton. Sr: IL[. -L. Rob- inson, 11 Baker, G. Wilson, M. Elliott. Jr, III. ---Archie Robinson, Mervin El- ston, Malvin Callftie, Margery Hen- linten Sr. IL --Hazel Hicks, Austin Duple n. Higber Jr. II.- Flo e Geetta Bissett, John Hogarth, Geo, Heeding. Part IT.--Herry Wind- sor, Everett Callfas, Anthony Whi' e. J. A. MeNeughton Teaches.s • N. Runiens • The following is a oort•ect report of the standing of the prepils of 5, S. No. 3, Stephen, for March. together with the result of the recent promotion examination in second and third beolt classes. Names in order of merit. Entre nce•-Thoe. Sanders, • Mitchell Willis, Heebie Beaver, equal. Lizzie Sanders, Edith Parson Sam Hicks. • Promoted fi•om Sr. neto Se. IV, tot- al810.-Relph Willis 555, Thos. Pen - hale 552, Cecelia Ford 519Fred Beaver 518, Harry Triebner 501, Harry Par- sons 487, Earle Box 430, Hilda Preszca- tor 485. • , . Promoted from Sr. II to Jr. III, tt t - al .010-Sherinan Willis 451, GI idys Dearing 418, Eddie Trielmer 905. Jr. HI -Earle Parsons, May Seeders, Le- vine, Cookson.' Jr. II -Preston Deer- ing Johnny Willis, Geo. Hicks, Fred Preszcator, Sam Stanlake, Earle Shap - ton, Geo. Whittaker. Sr. Rt. II -Gor- don Sanders, Florence Trielmer, Ada Willis, Almer Willis, ChesterParsons. Jr. Pt. II -Olive Preszcator. Pt. I- Wilfried Shapton. Edgar Wuerth, Garfield Stanlake, Gordon Penhale. • Parents having children to com- mence school are earnestly requested to send theme immediately after the Easter vacation. Number on roll 40, average attendance 35. Fnem. J. SANDERS, Teacher. • The following pupils obtained hon- ors for the month of March in Creditor, school. • Names isi order of merit. Division Ill. ---Sr. V. -E. Either,• Jr. V. -Ella Link, Louisa Fe hner, Sr. IV. M adelei ne Bertrand, Wallie Hill, Leure. Heist, Garnet Sweitzer,Frazer Brown, Gertie Short. III. -Edna Pack, Lil- lian Geiser, Ida Ewald, Mildred B ro vs• Bella Hill. • °beide Bleett, Teachee • Division IL -Sr. III. -Pearl Geiser. Cars -ie Wei n, Frank Gibson, Ula ri sea. Hill, •Hilda Shenk. Sr. III. -Ella Gei- ser, Lillian Finkbeiner, Almeda Fink - beerier. Etta Fahner, 'Luella Stehle, Herbert .Feliner, Hairy Trick, Clio.- euce Holtzrnenn. George Beaver, Ma- tilda OeStreich'er. Jr. IL -Vera Holtz- man, Gertie Either, Harrison Holtz - mann.' Mesa Snide Smelter, Teacher. • Division I. -Tr. I1. -Alice P'earl Teintz, Gordon Appleton, Ed- win Falmer, Si. Part IL -Lula Gee:- er. Mabel 'Wenzel, Ida Brown. Willie Mob:. Miss EclYth Robson, Teacher. The Maas for thelittleschola-rs, who' are just stale ing, to sehoel for the first, time, will not isein work until Moe - da y, Ma y 2nd. Paren ts are therefore requested to h ti ve their little ones start proMptlyon that date. Like the running brook, the recr. blood that flows through .the T 1;.einp has •to come from 'SOrnewhere.'. • The springs of red blood are found in. the soft core of the bones ealled the marrow and, some say red blood also comes froin the spleen, Healthylone marrow and healthy .spleen are full of fat. , • Scott's Emulsion makes new blood by feeding the bone marrow and the spleen with the, richest of Tall fats, the pure cod liVer oil . For pale. school- girls and invalids and for alt whose blood is thin,. and pale, Scott's Emulsion is a pleaSaM: and rid"): blOOd fOOd. t 110t,On1y feeds the b100d-Making organs but "gvts them strength to 'd their prOper, work. Send for free ample; ' ; • . • •' „„• ' SCOTT,' Ft,,, 110tMU;'elvdmisb,' Jos. Cobbledick Toronto, Ontario. soc, mid at,ao all druggists, RUSSIAN COAXING VAIN ARE UNJUST TO CANADA Jags Would Not,Attack Enemy's Exposed Flanks and Rear. Iltusgime Outposts Aro Olt Mende in Yalu River 109 Yards /reel jerett elle Olt t. pelt'. nee Letter Are Preparing to • itettre-ittassian Fleet Belies out. el Suelness, $t, Petersburg Xs Qut.ubig • At *Tap Piing. • Seoul, April 19. -The commission- • er of customs at Genstin reports that a strong Russian force, the number of which is not known, is advancing On the great south road, following the inland coast of the Province of Southhamgyung. The Russians pass- edt to the rear of Stingjin, which was - Occupied by a ecouting party. The •main body occupied. Poukohyong, 80 miles north of Gensari, on the 1.7th inst. Flanks and rear- were exposed, with the evident intention of draw- ing a Japanese .sexfrom th:o • St. Petersburg,- April 19.-A de- tachment of Russian troops which left., Southern Ussuri, has retiched Ma,pershan, ou the west bank of the Yalu River, •175 miles Mirth of Pingyang without having encounter- ed any . of the enemy. The detach- ment has occupied a mountain pass between. Manchuria. and Corea, which it is fortifying with 'mountain bat- teries. - ' No Change in Yalu.. An official telegram states that there is no change in the situation iolitiethe 100 yards from the Japanese Yalu River. The .Russian. out- posts aro now on islands, of the river, ' outposts, which are preparing to re- • tire. Major-General. Pflug, chief of the military staff at Port Arthur, tele- graphs that all statements regard- ing a siege and fall of Port Arthur are unfounded. Vice-AdMiral Makaroff's widow has been granted an annual pension of $10,000. Guesses At ;Tap Plans. St. Petersburg is .flooded with ru- mors from all directions regarding the plans of the Japaaese, now that the Russian fleet at Port Arthur, is unable longer to menace their troop transports. The Associated Press, in a despatch from Fort Arthur, Sun- day last, gave twenty as the number of Japanese transports reported as having been sighted steaming in the direction of Yinkow, the seaport of• • Newchwaug. Officials of . the general - staff, while, having no information. M. • thisrespect, would not be surprised if the number should turn out to be correct, or even that a larger num- ber are steaming there. • Gen. Xuropatkin recently inspected Newchwang. He is fa,nailiar with the strategic position' there and. disposed a strong force to contest a Japanese move at that point, and if such a move is made it is believed he' • will be able tie check it. •. Baltic Fleet to Go. , • Paris, April 19. -"The Emperor, in receiving a visit from Grand Melte • Alexis to -day," says the St. Peters- burg coreespondent of The. Echo de Paris, "informed him that he , desired the Balticfleet to be ready to start July 15. Orders have accordiagly been sent to Kronstadt to hasten the preparation of the fleet, for , its sailing on the date fixed, under Rear - Admiral Rojestvenski, unless anoth- er admiral, of whom' there has been much talk, shall be selected." . WAR NOTES. St. Petersburg, Aerie 19. -It is as- serted here with great positiveness that Russia has purchased two bat- tleships, Atschichau• and Elbing. Paris, April 19.-A despatch to The Temps' from St. Petersburg says the Japanese are preparing to .cut the Russian line of communicathin. alone tbe Peninsula of ,.Liaotung,, at • the 'same time that they -cross the Yalu River. • • Tienstin, April 19. -From several sources reports have ,been. ,received here saying that a Japanese fleet of over severity • transports is heading for Xinchou, north • of ' Port Arthur:. St. Petersburg, :A.pril 19. -An at - tamped •landing by Japanese troops on the shores • of , Corea Bay, between Port Arthur ' and the Yalu River, April 12, was frustrated by the Russians: • Hai Paid oebt to. soeietr. • Toronto, April 19, --Among those released from Kiagsion Penitentiary last week was Reginald Launcelot Middleton, • thepromoter, of the Brattferd & Woodstock Railway; whose proposed venture caused se much, excitement. in Woodstock five years ago last summer, and the story, of whose fraud is still fresh .in the meeraries of Wtiodstoek citizent. Middleton , w'as Convicted there, of , bigamy after his railway seb.eme fell through,. and received a sentence of sevenyears', in' Xingstorc Peniten- tiary. Ile! has, :been released afteee • serving over five andea, hale .years. A bandit's oesPerittibn. • Chicago, April 19..2.Petor Neider'- rneier; one of the car barn bandits, attempted to, tonnnit Paticide in his cell .early Yeeterday. The heads cif ' snatches Were eaten as one mothed; the other method was by opening an areety in hit Tett arin b ineami or a, lead pencil, with which lib • tore a, jagged • wetted' in his Wrist. Later' he re -opened the wound with his fin- ger:Iafter It had been dressed: He wrote. a imee expressing eepentarme, but boesting of • suicide becaude • he would' cheat the scaffold. ' • robably Winnipeg; Apiii kauf a torniector etiiployed on the steel frame work or 'the' tall now 'Onion Bank building, fen' yesibed4 friee the ninth -storey to a platforni Of planke thi•ee floors loyer anei eese tt, Med '!injtiries* to hid) od:d n d sid thati,v111 likely provefatale' tomes frotrt St, John, N,13,,, • 1 Liverpool Chamber of Comrneres •• an the Cattle Embargo, .L b*roi1 :01 ut itoi las Dx0::usieali sl a ret; * or:::: o • Mrielria ea Canaalan C.Oov,,rji- s000t Z Urged to 'Iterionglaler the litieflulattons As 4410 LiteCtlette MAMAS(' Now Baum Le Canada'. • London, April 19.-(0-A.r.)-At a meeting of the • animal • and Meat trade section of the Incorporate Chamber of Commerce at Liverpool, a telegram was read front Sir Alfred Jones urging the section 'to press the Government for the removal of •the embargo on Canadian cattle, The Chairman strongly advocated .the removal, oz the ground that it would be an excellent thing for this country from a hygienic point in view of the fact that • we are sending our best beef stock from this country, and as a consequence our stock are interbreeding, which natanuit'ay0fllyIs'etsouelkt, a deteriorating qu . Also, the embargo might be re- • moved for reasons of friendship for 'Canada. Mr, J, J. Gilbertson of • the. Canadian Pacific Railway and others spoke strongly in favor of the section taking action. Professor • )3oyce, referring to the health of English cattle, stated that, owing to lack of fresh stock, 25 per .cont. of the cattle wero infected with tuberculosis. • _ The following resolution was car- ried unanimously: "Thee the pre- sent restrictions on the li-eportation. of Canadiaa cattle to Great Britain are unjust, so far as they are based on •the dread of disease existing among such cattle since any out- break of disease is as rigidly dealt with in Canada as in Great Britain, • and no infeetious disease now exists in Canada." • The resolution concludes by ask- • ing that the present regulations be at once reconsidered, • cheirehni a Liberal. Winston Churchill has decided to stand for the northwest division of Manchester, under the auspices of the Liberal Association. ' Quarrel Only With inn:Jana. Chas. Devlin, /CP., retorting upon the Irish Secretary, said that -• Ire- land had no quarrel with any nation in the world except England, and would have none with England •if she were allowed to manage her own • affairs. manitoba's Wheat. • The Washington correspondent of • The Financial Times says that much interest has been aroused • in the 'United States over :the statistics re- lating to Manitoba wheat growing. Manitoba raised 50 per cent. more wheat per acre than -Dakota or Min- • nesota. One-fourth of the • wheat landof the Northwest would be suf- ficient to supply three Wises the en- • tire wheat supply of Britain. N'ct kerare of It. Right Hon. Alfred Lyttelton, Co- lonial . Secretary, replying to Sir Gilbert' Parker, said he was not • awaro that any colonial. Legislature • had passed resolutions against pre- ference. colonial ehow in 1905. Influential support has beea secured to repeat .arid expand the Colonial and Indian Exhibition of lass at the Crystal Palace in 1905, in view. of the rapid strides of Imperialistic sen- timent, :Among theaclvisory commit- • tee were the Duke of Argyll, Lord Strathcona. and, Sir Gilbert Parker. • erow TAX Expect:ea. London, April 19. -The budget statenient to be made in the House of 'Commoes to -night by Austen • Chamberlain, Chancellor of the Ex- chequer, ..is anticpated with the keen- est interest, •. - Premier Balfour yesterday made an unintentional admission that some new form of taxation is expected, but otherwise the secret is well pre- served. It is understood to be quite ' unlikely that this new taxation will be placed on petroleum. 1 It is regarded as practically certain ! that the , income tax will be raisede,' possibly a .duty will be imposed . inverted flour. Central ramp Put OBI • Ottawa, April 19. -The idea Of hav- ing a central camp of Instruction this year has now been definitely abandoned. The Minister or Militia is anxious to get the best possible property, but there isas been no, time .yet to .exeirdne the free site which was offered the department near Sherbet Lake by the Ontario Gov, 'errimerit. The winter has been so long and the snov so deep that it has not beexi feasible to carefully in- • spect this property. Accordingly, the central camp of instruction has been postponed for the present The King In Ati Accident. Copenhagen, April 19. -The Ny- berg-leuenen train, conveying ICing Edwardand queen Alexandra ' from Copenhagen on their way to Lon- don, wan - derailed ;yesterday 'after neon, The last carriage but one left the rails. Their Majesties were in the last carriage and sustained no dam- age, the mishap only resulting in a slight delay. ,ntrawa Man !allied' N. Y.; April 19, -- Mete repairing a switch :yesterday, Ale:kat-1(10r MtuTay.,, assistant' ineeh5ri- ica,1 repair -mail ost the New York Central Railroad, became confused bY'' 'two • approaehing tralos,steme.cl in front of .011, tiegiee and nees .• In- stantly killerie lilueray's.• Immo was in Ottawa, .Ont.• • , i'tiliini,iimnItaltnul, Lah4011 , :April 19, -The, submarine 'boat "Al," which ,was. run doWii by the' Donald 'Currie Line 'steamer Dur- wik March 18, off the Xele et wiglit, rou1ting. itt the, Riee her ereee; '111.1111fietinabilkers and Mee,' Was raised yesterday nmening and dOCked itt, Vertsmouth last night,. 1111 Staffed Up That'e the 000ditiou of Many sufferers f TOM Catarrh) especially in the morniug. Great difficulty is experienced ha clear. ing the bead and throat. No wOnder catarrh causes headache, impairs the taste, smell and heariug, pollutes the breath, deranges the stem. ach and affeets the appetite. To 01,1f9 Catarrh, treatment must be coristitutional-alterative and tOrtiO. "1 was ill for four months with eatarrh in the head and throat. Rad a bad cough and raised blood. I had become die, couraged when my husband bought a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla anti persuaded me to try it. I advise all to take it. It has cured and built me up." ides. Huaa Rix. Deere, West Lisconib, N. 8. Flood's Sarsaparitta Cures catarrh -it soothes and strength- ens the mucous roembrane and build up the whole system. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Ladies, Favorite, Ts the only safe, rellabld regulator on which woman can depend "in the 1.01111 and tirne of need:, Prepared in two degrees of strength. No. 1 and No. 2, No. 1. -For ordinary cases is byfar the best dollar medicine known. No. 2 -Por special cases -10 degrees stronger -three dollars per box. Ladies -ask your druggist for COOK'S Cotton Root Compound. Take no other as :an pills, mixtures and imitations are dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold and recommended by all druggists in the Do- minion of Canada. Mailed to any addresS on receipt of price and four 2 -cent postage stamps. The Vooln Compaur, . windsor, Ont. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold in Exeter by Drs. Lutz and Biriaming,. Druggists. •Entga MARKETS. CHANGED EACH 'WEDItilaltYAY BarleY , , 40 60 Potatoes, per bag . 70 flay, Per ton 8 00 riour, per cwt., roller..,. Butter .... - Hides, per 190 lbs ..... 5 00 Live hogs, per cwt.... Dressed Hogs ,.. • 5 75 Ehorts pei.‘ cwt- 1 00 Bran. per ewt, 00 32 60 15 900 250 15 500 460 0 26 100 • 90 0100$1101.01 Duria HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL Capital Paid 10p 6,000,000 Rest - 2,700,000 A general Banking business transacted. Interest at most favorable current rates allowed ott Savings Bank accounta and Deposit Receipts. i Goinniercial Letters of Credit ssued, available in China, hpan ttt,d other foreign countries, Travelling Letters of Credit issued to travellers in all parts of the world, TROS FIBRE, OPACia41, alasattaa. E.P.HEBDEN, Scar or Miasmas & Cum laseeteroit CEEDITON, ONT. OHISHOLIVI, Ma na ger. REAT:TD A SENSUH1N IN 0 The Whole Country Ringing with Praises of (PRONOUNCED Sl -KEEN) Dir Weaver, Cured two years ago. continues to spread the good news of his recovery from • Grinder's CONSUMPTION Publicly corroborates the history of his restoration to health, as published recently by the daily press of Canada. 112121:00==.1r=i• Doctors and specia,lists despaired °fa, cure arid gave Dlr. Weaver but three months t live. MR. L. WEAVER, GALT. Who desires to publicly Confirm. the -history of his remarkable recovery, as published quite recently by the daily • press of Canada. Mr. 'Weaver was as bad a case of Consumption as might well be imagined. He was employed for five years in the grinding room of James Warnock & Co's, better known as "The Axe Factory," in Galt. Here he contracted consumption front the v.teeLladen duist. • He persisted with local physicians' treatment for over a year, also consulted a number of lung • specialists. They all did their utmost • to cure, but declared Mr. Weaver's an incurable case of grinder's consump. tion giving him but • three months to live. Mr. Weaver himself, de- spaired of a permanent cute, as two of his h befor hirn had alread died of cotistimptiOn. • et is but seldom that any remedy receives such strong ezidorseinaut aa 1,'sychine is r, ceiving daily. Seldom 'indeed that the cured COMO forward voluntarily to state their case a second time so that ail may be convinced of the ,truth. The instance herein reported front the Imeytown of Galt Ont is a typical instance Of what is interest of Lung Specialists mul of medic:it'll:Len and whose cure and complete restoration to health is the talk of Galt and the wonder of the medical profession. Such, in 'Mier, are the open- . ing remarks of the case of Mr. Weaver, of Galt, whose portrait appears above. Mr. Weaver is to -day a splendid spechnen of manhood and the picture of robust health. His lungs give him no more trouble. Re is strong and healthy, eats and sleeps well, and feels better than he has for ten years. Pfir. Weaver's Case as given to t the press, January cuara0:t_h,r6r1.69s.0e 4 years I worked ao asagrrT.trhieldArxie'llSrlt°11actox-y, here. The dust from the e James Warnock, better known grinding did for me what it has done for many others. It gave me "grinder's consuinption.., was compelled, of course, to quit work. I per- sh•ted with two local physicians. and also con- sul tad a number of lung specialists. Their diagnosis were all alike 1 on have Grinder's Consumption, and may possibly live three months, but you are liable to drop elf at any ulnae' This was over two years ago. • X thea almost abandoned myself to what seemed my fate, my two brothers having alied of consumption a few years previous. I was in au advanced. stage of the disease. X was thin and weak, had night sweats, chill,' and fever, a ndIsao Ityvexr roi tibrl ea cdovuegr e want of "Psythine," and I determined to try it. Through the kind advice and assistance of REV. MR. KETTLEWELL, Methodist minister in charge here at that tinie, I procured your treatment. The very first bottle gave me great relief. and after taking six bottles I coutd walk down town and even work occa- sionally. Halve since then entirely regained ray health, and work bard every day. X can eat and sleep wellt feel better to -day than I have for . years. X owe zny life to oPusrysethriinot y , EE Mr. Weaver's secondsvtia.vitrnivr. rat after t he abovewas published. GALT, ONT. Dr. T. A. Slocum :—The publicatiorz of the history of in case in 'Toronto and Galt papers has caused quite a sensation in this town. there have been Scores of people ask me if such were really the case. X have also reteived by mail numbers of like enquiries. Some people hardly think it possible that I was so near death's door. But I can say for certain that Psychine saved my Hfe and I bless the day X saw .Rsychine advertised and became convinced of its merits enough to try it. I have spread. the good news in three counbea, and shall ever continue to praise risyclune. Every -word , as published January 30th, is true to the facts of the case. Yours truly, xxy,x If you sager from Lung Trouble, la Grippe. Asthma, Throat Diseases, Pneumonia, Catarrh of the Stomach, Bronchitis, Night Sweats, Loss et Flesh or Run-down System, Or . orittir:t Mg, in eve? y city, town, hantiet and country. eases where a tonic is required,, there ie aide in ithe'bronit Dominion. Scoree of people ifiLitnsgoinf Cttlaillst •ttvioetraVioeneng snegtO wcohriireertsoatoihttwicilt.4,11tlie twl0i101 taleiCtfintioleideipCirlolemiplltityhe rme.iffdeectiTvrelicyi .that 7112,1,1e)litactaitoliotn of it in the daily press came as a tkoras of people recently entice upon Mr. PS11011118 is pronounced SieKEEN. Weaver to see if en teed bacebeen publisted wee tor sale at all drug stores, or, if you l" -e tito gdtd work rOgligibetviwaft".ncendrao . to hR. have not tried a sample can be obtaiseed fInous remedy, reYeitine (Si•keet0.Mer* by writing to Dr. T. A, Slocum's taboret- .‘,ennjer hag ath lSo bean e recipient or ti,,,,droub f I tters front all parts of the country emparing tory:, 179 .r...1.tig Street We '' st, c..oronto, ri to his ense. Caltatie. Send. for Dr. Slocum's Treatsse On prevontion an& cure of Throat knri a u (ism. row f i ttIC first pter the story by the mart whose ease bag excited the. and, jullg piseases. A gzreple of Psychine will be sent frew of oharge to ail who desire to test it. Write &J?t0 tt. T. A, SLOOtlit, Limited, Offices and tabora,torieo, 179 Zing St. Ir., Toronto, Can,