HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-4-14, Page 5THE • published every Thursday Morning at the Ofpee; MAZhi-STREET, -, EKE`I'ER. -By the, ADVOCATE PUBLISM ING COMPANY TERMS OF "S.UBSCRIPTION, One Dollar per annum if paid in advance, $1.So if not so paid. 3.4..trert!.siss Rates on Pip oilcw tic= No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. Advertisements, without specified directions will be published until forbid and charged accordingly, Liberal discount made for transcient advertisements ineerted for long periods.Leery description of JOB ed i PRINTING turnout n the finest style, and at moderaterates.. Cheques, money orders, &o., for advertsing, subscriptions, eta., to be made payable o. Sa1'itlors & Creech,. PROPRIETORS Professional Cards. BE, A. R. IIINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D, S., I'Ionor graduate of Toronto Uttivoristy. ,$DENTIST, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects oitleein Fanson'e Block, west side Main street, N. Exeter. D, ALTON ANDERSON (D.D.S, L,D.S , -DENTIST-- , Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons or Ontario. Also Post Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic; Dentistery: (with honorable.mention.) • Allunrinum; Gold and Vulcanite Plates made in the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless an. aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth. Office one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter. 1 ted�cai Dn. T. P. MoLAUUFILIN, MEMBER OF THE College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office, Dash- wood, ash o, wo d Ont. Dr. John D. Wilson, Office and Residence, 2911 Queens Ave„ London Ont. Special attention paid to diseases of women, Office hours, 12.30 to 4 p in. Legal. DICKSON St CARLING, BARRISTERS, SOLICIT- , tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners. Solicitors for Maisons Bank, eto. Money to loan at owest rates of interest. Offices, Main street, Exeter. I. R. Gramme, B.A., L, H. DweKSON Auctioneers �BROWN, Winchelsea. Lfcenod Auctioneer s for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex. also for the township of Usborne. Sales promptly attended to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged at Post Office Winchelsea. Bicycles ! We are still in the Bicycle trade and this year show some fine speci- mens. The CUSHION FRAME is the Ideal wheel to ride. Prices mod- erate. New Pianos ! Several New Pianos just put. in stock ; newest styles and the best makes. It will pay you to see them. You will be surprised at the LOW git PRICES at which we sell them. Organs of the Latest makes always in stock Sewing Machines &cc. We are leaders in Sewing, Ma- chines -the best machines that the trade produces are on our floor for «•- your inspection ; also repairs Need- les, etc., for all kinds of sewing ma- chines, always on hand. Call aud see us if in need of any of the abovve.°� S. MARTIN YOU ARE QUITE RIGHT When yon insist on having Harvey Brosrflovr Our STAR FLOUR is made from the choicest Ontario and Manitoba Wheat. Tou know the medicine that makes pure, rich blood - Aye 's Sarsaparilla. Your o ery grandmother, all your folks, used ft. They, trusted Sarsaparilla it. Their doctors trusted it. Your doctor trusts it. Then trust it yourself, There is health and strength in it. "I suffered terribly from Indigestion and thin blood. I found no relief until I took Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Four bottles perma- nently cured me." Mils. F. R. flAtir, Mt. Risco, N. Y. $I.00 a battle. ' i. o, APER CO., Alldru lets. for Lowell, Mass ich -od A er's Pills are gently laxative Theygreatly ald te Sarsaparilla DAPS NORTH OFTHEYALU Outnumber the Russians and Can. Drivel Them Back. Russia Protests Against I s' seneo el Chimes* Troops on $:1aaehuriae Frio, tion -Doubtful Xf Lang 1Capeoted .C•n Riot For P ilea rif Yalu. River WIil liver O o ar-Ja s Must e Quick NowEffort. $1,C r . t London, April 12.-A correspon- dent orndent of The ',rims at Seoul, cabling under date of April 17, says; "It is believed that the Russians north of the Yalu are not sufficient- ly numerous to withstand' the Jap- anese advance for any con.siclornbin distance beyond the river," The Tientsin correspondent of Thu Standard says that Russia has again protested against the presence of Chinese troops on the Mancha; ian frontier, and has demanded their withdrawal within a five -mile limit of the Great Wall. .1 A. correspondent of The Times with the Japanese headquarters, • sends the following, • dated April 11, by wireless telegraphy, via Wei - Wei: 111tarmtttfeu It, StIlree..' EXPERIMENTAL UNION,. DISTRIBUTION r CHOICE SEED. rD. The.members of- the Ontario Agri- cultutal and Experimental Union ate pleased that for 1904 they are prepared to distrihrite into every township of Ontario trlaterinl for experiments with fodder crops, roots, grains, grassers, clovers and fertilizers. Upwards of 1,500 varieties of farm crops have been. tested in the Experimental Depart- ment g.' aceto the e n 0 t ru ct 1A Agricultural nitul•t , r- 1 C> l lege, Guelph, to at luast five years in succession These consist of nearly all the Canndian sorts and several hund- red new varieties, some of which have done exceedingly well in the carefully continued expet irents at the College and are now being distributed free of charge for cooperative experinit nts for 1904: No. EXpez'imenis Plots. 1-3 varieties of oats :3 2.3 varieties of barley 3 3-2 vnrfears of hillless barley 2 4-2 varieties of spring Wheat 2 5-2 varieties of buckwheat 2 6-2 varieties field peas for Northern Ontario 2 7-Ifmnter and Spilt 2 8 --Cute peas and 2 varieties of Soy, Soja, or Japanese Beans 3 9--3 varieties husking corn 3 10-3 eelieties of mangolds 3 11-2 varieties sugar beets for feed- ing purposes 2 12-3 varieties Sweedish Turnips '8 13 -Kohl Rabi and varieties fall • turnips • 3 I4 -Parsnips and 2 varieties carrots 3 15-3 varieties fodder or Silage corn 3 16-3 varieties Millet 3 17-3 varieties Sorghum 3 18•-Gi'ass peas and 2 varieties of Vetches 3 10-2 varieties Rape 2 20- 3 varieties Clover 3 21 -Sainfoin,. Lucerne and Burnet 3 22-7 varieties Grasses 7 23--3 varieties of field beans 3 21-3 varieties sweet corn 3 25 -Fertilizers with corn • 0 20 -Fertilizers with Swedish turnips 6 27 -Growing potatoes on the level and in hills 2 28-2 varieties of early, medium or late potatoes 2 29 -Planting cut potatoes which have not been coated over with land plaster 2: 30 -Planting corn in rows and in squares (an excellent variety of early corn will be used) 2 The size of each plot in each of tit first twenty-six experiments is to be two rods long by one rod wide; in Nos. square (one-tenth of an acre.) Eich person in Ontario who wishes to join in the work may choose any one of the experiments for 1904, and apply for the same. The material will be furnished in the order in which the applications are received until the sup- ply is exhausted. It might be well for each applicant to ninde a second choice for fear tb'e first, could not be granted. All material will be furnished entirely free of charge to each applicant, and the produce of the plots will, of course becouto the property of the person who conducts the experiment. C. A. ZAVIT7., Director. Outario Agricultural College, ()neigh, April Gth, 1904. It is estimated that no less thstn foam Million acres will be seeded in Mani- oba this year. ConsurnpBa The quantity of our WBEATLET,'t has been improved by sterilizing it. Give it a trial. is r h It FOOD" not '7 "A A FAD. Otir facilities fo.r the handling of the chopping trade are unsurpassed. The new Vessot grinder is giving great satisfaction. HARVEY BROS. Millers. Fors ..al e Clean Dry American Cori At Exeter Storehouse �l+ Jos.. Cobbledick Gee in received at eterr Centralia, and Claildeloye 11 The only • kind of consulnp- tion to fear is " neglected consumption?' People are learninthat con- sumption is a curable disease. It is neglected consumption that is so often incurable, At the faintest suspicion of consumption &et a bottle of Scott's Emulsion and begin r ular doses. The use of Scott's Emulsion x at once, has,ill thousands of CasCS, tLlrnecl the balance in favor of health, Neglected lectcd cels7pt1a1c CS not exist where. Scott's Emul- sion is. Prompt use of Scott's Emul- sion checks the disease while it can be checked. Send for free sample, SCOTT Re f30WNlt, Chemists, Toronto, Ontario Sot. and 4`•t.tio; all dregg•ists, • "At present information is setirce from the land front, owing to the distance of the existing sea base from the . advance, guard, but this 'will soon be remedied. It is doubtful whether the long -expected enstige- went for the possession of the Yalu River will ever occur, certainly not unless the Russians have been rein• forced more heavily than any . infor- mation leads me to believe. This •was• foreseen by the e JaP nesse d an h. encs their strenuous efforts to b1oek Port Arthur so that they may be able tc, reduce the length of their land cont munica.tions by the establishment of a more convenient sea base." It must be remembered that unless the Japanese secure the north of the Yalu with a new base by July the land movements from Corea will be come impossible. "Asthe time is short, a new of • fort of the Japanese must be de- veloped almost immediately." The Russian officers, says the cor• respondent, consider that Japan lost the chance of occupying New- chwang, where the defences are now amply sufficient to repulse attacks. Not Till the Summer. St. Petersburg, April 12. -Excep- tional reliable information regard- ing the Russian military plans con- firms the announcement made by the Associated Press that these plans will not mature till late in the sum - neer, They are of far greater magni- tude than is generally believed abroad, and take into account all possible contingencies. Gen. Kuro- paticin has insisted that the men and guns to be placed at his dis- posal shall cover .the extreme limit required to settle ;the fate of • the campaign. Wer Notes. Che' .Foo, April 12.-A. Chinese steamer has just returned from New- chwang. The port pilots would not respond to her signals for them to take the vessel up the river. Two British steamers found themselves in the same predicament. The part of Newchwang is practically closed to commerce, Paris, April 12.-A despatch to The Temps from St. Petersburg yes- terday says some further exchanges of shots have occurred between the Russian and Japanese forces along the border of the Yalu River. St. Petersburg, April 12. Tho Corean Government has not com- plied with Japan's reported demand for the recall of the Corean minister at St. Petersburg, who continues in official relations with the Russia foreign office. Britain, Denmark, nasals. London, April 12. -King Edward visit to Copenhagen, according- to the correspondent of The Daily Mail at. that capital, has resulted in the beginning of negotiations for a new treatybetween Great re at Britain tain Den- mark maxk and. replacing the con- ventions with Denmark concluded by the late Emperor Alexander II. It is understood that the supposed ar- rangement will ensure the neutrality of Denmark in the event of an Ang- lo -Russian conflict. Blue Jackets For itlue6elds. Kingston, Ja., April 12. -Acting under instructions from. the Imperial Government, the British cruiser Re- tribution is.now proceeding iso Dine for t e pur ose of settlin the dispute between the Nicaraguan au- thorities fields h p K and Cayman turtle . fisher- men, and also for the purpose o1 arranging for the release • of the schooners seized by the Nicaraguan Governlnent and the crews undergo- ing imprisonment at Cracais a Dios. 1t'l.shert.itt Rank Robbery. Hamilton, April, 12. -Detectives Greer and Bleakloy announce, in the Plesherton robbery, that they found that a relative of Jim Murphy, one of the prisoners, deposited $500 in one bank and $400 in another. The detectives Claim they will be able to prove that this was part of the $2,000 stolen from the bank. That makes $1,952 they have obtained from the prisetners. Tralab) t at sat, tJontingo. Port nu Prince,Haytr April 12.- Pears X ,-Fears are kit here of an attack b,y numerous Ifaytiait exiles, organized' by General Jiminoz, former Presi- dent of the Dominican Repu'Aic, and now gathered in Dotniniectn. tor• ',Rory. The Gover/intent has declar- ed a State of Siege in all department)) of the Republic, and frontiers ale. guarded by strong forces. Vinod at Otvon Sound, Owen Sound, April 12. -Yesterday Henry ]fox, a tobacconist, appeared in the police court, charged with a breach of the recently passed eigar- ette l:ly)awv. A fine Wets imposed,,, which, with the costs, amounted to $,24,70. THE. MARKET`, Wheat X,owar At i.iverpeel and Sl5n., et Chicago -The Visible Supply -The Latent 9'3414 t1one, llfonday Evening•, April 11. changed, frlverppol wheat rutures closed %d lower to -day than Saturday, end corn futures na• At eat than Saturday, JulyOcorncl14cdlower, and July oats 36c: !nolo:, 1°tflli tr. ttt:r:t•. London -Close -Mark Lexie Miller 'Market -Wheat-Foreign dull; English quiet but steady. Corn-Anrerlean poorer demand at easier Prices; nr itatiyf;Flour--Amercaquiet declneo3d; English tgl sh weak at a .decline of 6d. 22f 2 *'_Ci-Wheiit--Tone dull; April Tone dull; April 284 eye, Sept.a d Dec, 2 f 5e n 8 Antwerp-Close-Wbeet--Spot gniet and steady; No. 2 Kansas unchanged at 17ayf, I'Iil4 t'1;%,1'.l1i.N.!iITt't�l,]'. As compared with a week ago, the visible supply of wheat in cancels and the hutted States has decreased 547,000 'bushels;,corn decreased 80,000 bushels; oats decreased. 115,200 bushels The following is a eotnpara tinweeek statement0flast for the week ending to -day, the preceding, week and the corresponding yetrr : ,Apl. 11,'0. Apt. 4,'04. Apl. 11,'03. Wheat, bu. ..81,180,000 31,7'7,000 40,164,000 Oats, hu„ ...10,4.44,800 10,400,000 6,.679,000 Corn, bu, ..,, 0,580,000 9,679,000 8,969,000 The world's wheat shipnieuts for the pant week totalled 19,068,000' bushels, against 8,- 031,000 bushels the previous week, and 8,- 5771903.,000 bushels the corl'esponding week of To recapitulate, the visible Supply of wheat in Canada and the United. States, to. Salter with that afloat to (Europe, is 73,- 740,800 bushels, r •must 75,887,000 bushels n week ago, and 73,000,000, bushels' a year ago. LEA Dn.tG 'vlt, z:.4T ITA Lt'a.. . May. July, Sept. New, Toric. 84% St. Louis ...... SS% 82% Duluth 93% 93.4 $4• Toledo Minn. 941ih .. 82% Tortox.re sr. L.a\rta,:.rat•: .,t b. Gryain- .yheaC, white, bosh Wheat, red, bush...., . Wheat, spring bash. Went, goose, bush..... Barley, bush. Beans, bush. .. Beans, hand-picked 1 65 Rye, bush. Pens, bush.... Buckwheat, bush. Oats, bush. 8098 toy . 1 02% .. 0 92 0 81 6'83 0 47 0 48 1 35 0 58 • 0.66 0 47 . 0 •l$ 038 .038% LIV1; a 1'0.11, 1111A LK AN..,. P11010 GCE. Liverpool, April 11. -Wheat -Spot quiet; No. 1 Cal., 7s WO. Futures quiet; ;lay Os 8145, July 6s 6%0, Sept. neryinal. Corn Spot steady; American mixed, new, 4s 3d; American mixed, old, 4s 7yed. Futures quiet; May 4e 4?125,' July nominal. Lard - Prime western, in tierces, steady, 34s 3d; American refined, in pails, steady, 84s 6d. Cheese -American, finest white, quiet, 48s. Hops'` -At London (Pac:ific Coast), steady, 16 10s to i7 10s. Imports of wheat into Liverpool last week were 11,800 quarters from Atlantic ports and 100,000 from other ports. Imports of corn from Atlantic porta )Met week were 62,400 quarters.. CATTLE MARKETS. Cables Firmer -Trade Active, Bat Tendency Eneier at lWontreal. London, April 11. -Live cattle firmer at 10c.to 11)4c per M. for steers, dressed weight; refrigerator beef steady at 81c to 8 4c. Sheep slow, 12yec to 131/%e per .Ib, IIO�TDitIS 1.L r.IV'S STOCK.. Montreal April 1L -About 1000 head of butchers' cattle and 230 calves were offer. ed for sale at the East End Abattoir to. day. The butchers were out strong and Get the Most Out of Your Food You don't and ean't if your stomach is weak, A weak stomach does not di- gest all that is ordinarily taken into it. It gets tired easily, and what it fails to digest is wasted. Among the signs of a'weak stomach are uneasiness after eating, fits of ner- vous headache, and disagreeable belch- ing. s Iha have been troubled with dyap pa i for years, tider y a s, andtried every remedy I heard of, but never got anytbitag that gave lee relief until I took Rood's Sarsaparilla. 1 cannot praise this medicine too highly for the good it Xtas done me. I always take it in the spring and fall and would not be without it" W. A. "NUGEN'r, Belleville, Ont, Hood's Sarsapar WWI Strengthens and tones the stomach and the whole digestive system. Wood's Phosphodble, The Oreat Esgilsh Remedy, is an old, well estate limbed and reliable preparation. Has been prescribed and used- over sedover 40 years. All drug gists in the Dominion of Canada sell and recommend as being Before coral After, a only medicine, of ire bind that cures and. gives universal satisfactioli. It promptly and Permanently caresallforms of .Nervous Weak- ness, Emissions, ,Spermatort•hcea, Impotency, and alleffectsof abuse or excesses ; the excesstve use of Tobacco, Opium or Stimulants, Mental 'and Brain Worry, all of which lead to Infirmity,, Insanity, Consumption and an Early Grave,. Price 51 per package or six for $5. One will please, siz will cure. Mailed prompty on re ooipt of price. Send for free pamphlet. Address The Wood Company, Windsor, Oar, Canada] Woods Phosphodine is sold in Exeter by Drs. Brow: Mg and Lutz, Druggists. , CREATE A J1ircfiakts 8ao of O8iga D OZt'k'IQg, 11fONTREAL Capital Paid Up Rest 6,000,000 2,700,000 i%. general Banking husinese transacted. Interest at most' favorable earrent rates allowed en. Savings Bank' accounts and Deposit Receipts. Commercial/Attars of Credit Isseod, available In China Japan and oth orfo eiqn0nutt o es. Tr China, Lettersof Credit issued Cotravellers • la all art of the world, • 18108 F1°SI3E, OsrsaAI MANAotx. R. F.ILEBDEN, Sure or .Bxescnr s & Case isersoxoa REDITON1 ONT. W. S. CHISHOLM, Manager. TOFAR MEff& °hopping and Rolling. Giye is at call when you want' chop_ • ping or rolling done, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Mill at . Electric Light Plant. Snell & Blatolder .o S4TI 0 IN The Whole Country Ringing with Praises ©f (PRONOUNCED SI -KEEN) Mr Wearer, Cured two years ago. continues to spread the good news of his recovery from Grinder's CONSUMPTION Publicly corroborates the history of his trade ecsbut otcasewthnny; especially nasthis hew restoration to health, as published recently by the daily press sold at 4'4e to 60 per Ib.; only choice of Canada. heists brought 5e; good mediums, 4c to 4%c; ordinary mediums, about 3%c, and the common stock 2a�2c to 31,4c per lot of seven bulls, averaging 1260 lbs., sold at 4c per lb.. Calves sold at 51.50 to $10 each; very few brought' over 53 each. There were no sheep or lambs on the market. Fat hogs are low; good lots sold at abort Se per lb. i•.AS'r EIt LeivA t> ( .TTL',; sF.tti'i East Buffalo, April 11. -Cattle -Receipts, 4400 head; steady;prime steers, 55 to 55.35; shipping, $4.40 to 51.85; butchers', $4 to $4.75; heifers, 58,50 to 54,50; cows, 53.25 to 54; bulls, 53 to $4.25; stockers and feeders, 53.40 to 54.25; steel: heifers, 52.25 to 53 good fresh cows and springers active and steady; others dull; good to choice, 545 to 555; medium to good, $32 to $42; common, $20 to 530. Veals--Receipts, 1000 head; 25c lower; $4.50 to $5.75. hogs-tieceipts, 15,000; active; 5c to 10e higher; mixed, 55.45 to 55.50; Yorkers, 55.40 to $5.45; pigs, $5 to 55.10; roughs, 54.70 to 54.ilol; stags, 53.50 to 54; dairies, 55.25 to 55.40. Sheep and Lambs -Receipts, 26,500 head; active; yearlings 25c .higber; others steady; Iambs; 55 to $6.40; a few $6.45` yearlings, $5.75 to 4.75 to 55,25;esheep, thers, mixed.25 ,; 3 25 to $5.tlS geed medium cattle, of which an unusually large number were offered Prime beeves 24G A' TO it LIVID STOCK. New York, April 1L -Beeves -Receipts, 3267; steers firm to a shade higher; fat bulls easier; others steady; medium and good cows strong; thin cows slow; steers,$4 to 5.35; .bulls, $3. to $4.071,x2; cows, 51.50 to 53.00. Shipments, 12 cattle, 40 sheep; to- morrow, 1622 cattle, 2840 sheep, 4700 quar- ters of beef. Calves -Receipts, 7242; opened 50c to 750 lower; closed 51 lower; common to prime vea121, 54 to 55.75; choice to extra early, ;'15.85 to 56.25; top quotation at close, 55.50; little calves, $2.50. Sheep and iambs -Receipts, 7785; sheep slow to 10e lower; lambs 15e higher; un- shorn sheep, 53.50 to ed do., 53 55.25; clipped to $4.65; wooled lambs, $6.1.5 to 56.80; culls, 53 to 55.50; wobled yenrlings, 55.90. Hogs -Receipts, 9348; shade higher; good Ohio hogs, 55.80.; IIHICAGO LIVE sTOCK. Chicago, April 11.-Cattle-Reectpts, 28,- 000; steady to 10c higher. good to prime steers, 55.25 to 55.60; poor to medium, $3.25 tp $4.90; stockers and feeders, $2.75 to $4.25; cows, $2 to $4.20; heifers, $2.35 to $4.50; canurirs,$2 to $2.60; bulls, $2 to $4; calves, $2.50 to $5.25; Texas fed steers, ;4 to 54.60. hogs -Receipts to -day, 20,0011; tomorrow, 20,000; left over, 3475; steady to 5e hlghen; mixed and br chers', $5 to 55.35; good to choice heavy, 55.15 to 55.35; rough heavy, $1.95 to 511.20; light, 54.75 to 55.1:5; bulk, of sales, 55,05 to $5.20. Sheep -Receipts, 20,000; sheep and lambs, ids to 15e higher; good to choler. w•etbere, $4.75 to $5.25; fair to choice mixed, 53.50 to £14,60; western sheep, $3.05 to $5.65; west- ern lambs; 56 to 56.45. RPT. Jdseph 1Cllgonr D.ad. Poterboro, April 12. -About 10 o'clock yesterday morning the death occurred of Rev. Joseph Kilgour, A very highly respected citizen. De- ceased was for forty-two years a preacher in the Methodist Church; and six year's ago wars su erarinuat- n eci. and has resided hero ever since. Ire, was 72 years of age, and leaves a widow., ' . r. Strike Endsiw ZMurd Rochester, P a., April 12. --As art otateonle of the strike trouble with the :)Rochester Tumbler plant late ckinday, night 1rranit Johnson, a anion glass -worker, was shot and killed by Joseph 1''inier, a private dete(.tive, who is in jail. Two Other otxlcers are held as accessories. • Doctors and specialists despaired of a care and gave Mr. Weaver but three an .04 the to live, MR. L. WEAVER, GALT. Who desires to publicly confirm the historyofhis rremarkable b e recovery, as published quite recently by the daily press of Canada. Mr. Weaver was as bad a case of Consumption as might well be imagined. lie was employed for five years in the grinding room of James Warnock & Co's, better known as •' The Axe Factory," in Galt. Here he contracted consumption from the steel -laden dust. He persisted with local physicians' treatment for over a year, also consulted a number of lung specialists. They all did their utmost to cure, but declared Mr. Weaver's an incurable case of grinder's consump. tion giving him but three months to live. Mr. Weaver himself, de- spaired of a permanent cure, as two of bis brothers before him bad already died of consumption. It isbut seldom that any remedy receives such trong endorsement as Psychine is receiving daily. Seldom indeed that the cured come forward voluntarily to state their case a second eine to that ail may be convinced of the With. The instance Herein reported from the busy town of Galt, Ont, is a typical instance of what is occurring hievery city town, hamlet and country- side in this broad Dominion. Scores or people living in Galt were tong ago conversant with the farts of this notable case: while to others the puhIicetion of it in the duly press came as a revelation. upon •l'fr, i Scores of pCopte recently Gaited i p 'weaver to see if all tbet bad been published was really true, Medical men evidenced a desire to pre the good work wrought with Dr. Siocumt's i'mous reriitdy, PsychineSi-keen). Mr. Weever has also been the recipient of hundreds t+f letters frotn all parts of the couritiy enquiring interest of ),ung Specialists and of medical men and whose cure and complete restoration to health is the talk of Galt and the wonder of the medical profession, Such, in brief, are the open- ing remarks of the case of Mr. Weaver, of Galt, whose portrait appears above. Mr. Weaver is to -day a splendid specimen of manhood and the picture of robust health. His lungs give him no more trouble. Ire is strong and healthy, eats andsleeps well, and feels better than he has for ten years. Mr. Weaver's Case as giv Ja tea the press, January 30th, 1904. Dr. T. A. Slocum: -For five years I worked ati a grinder in the James Warnock, better known. as the Axe Factory, here. 7 he dust from the grinding did for me what it has done far many others. It gave nae "grinder's consumption.' I was compelled, of course, to quit work. I per. silted with two local physicians, and also eon. It umber of lung specialists. ed a n recial' ets. Their dian- noses were all alike -" on have Grinder's Consumption, and may possibly live three months, but you are liable to drop otf at any #lute." This was over two years ago. I then almost abandoned myself to what seemed my fate, my two brothers having pied of consumption a few years previous. 1 was in an advanced stage of the disease. I was thin and weakt had night sweats, chills and fever, and a terrible cough. I saw your advertisement of "Psychine," and I determined to try it. Through the kind advice and assistance of REV. MR. I WrTI,B;WEZ1, Methodist minister in charge here at that time, I procured your treatment. The very first bottle gave me great relief, and after taking six bottles I could walk down town and even work occa- sionally. Have since then entirely regained my health, and work hard everyday. I can eat and f feelbetter else we i. I to-daythan I have for years, I owe my life to Psycne, Yours truiv, 1.i~VI WRAV$R. Mr. W'eaver's second statement after trhe above was published" GALT, ONQT. Dr. T. A. Slocum :-The publication of the history of mycase itt Toronto and Galt papers has causeci quite a sensation in this town. There. have been scores of people ask sue if such were really the case. I have also received by mail numbers of like enquiries. Some people. hardly think it possible that I1 was so hear death's door. But I can say for certain' that Psychine saved my life and I bless the day 1 saw Psychine advertised and. became convinced of its merits enough to try it. I have spread the good news in threecoutsttes, and shallevercontinue to praise i'sychine. Every word as published January 8011, is true to the facts of the case. Yours truly I,gvt1 W1 i3V81a.. If you stiffer from Lung Trouble, La Grippe, Asthma, Throat Diseases, Pneumonia, Catarrh of the Stomach, Bronchitis, Night Sweats, Loss of Flesh 4rR un dQ n System or (Ms- , eases where a tonic is required, there ti no other medicine in the wide world that will act more promptly or effectively, lI a d Si. 5Eid. P5YC1 �. iiB volt i1tlCC � P 'For sale at ell drug stores, or, if you have not tried it a sample can be obtained by writing to Dr. T. A. Slocum's labora- tory, 179 Xing Street West, Toronto, Canada, Seed, for ]fir, Slocutrl's Treatise Ar.lnedsorrowfulipt1i 4retelle pie rofthe story Oti the prevention and cure of 'Throat told by the man whose case hat excited the, and Lang Diseases. A sample of Psychine will be. sent free of oho ge to all Who desire to test ni' i. ,Write' to- day to 1 Ity. ; i., SLOCUM, 011ioeS and ;':,,g,boratorieSo 119 Ring :fit. " ',, IToroJ.to, Com,