HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-4-14, Page 3A SIRING :NEED. Indoor Coiifineinent in Winter 113ard on the. Health. Ninety-nine • people out of ovo y hundred actually need tonic during and the more he feels that they ,aro the spring months, . and the hurt,- embodiments of the wisdom "of the dredth person would make tip anis- Creator as truly as man himself, take if he too infused a, little extra, vigor and ppwor into his blood The Therefore, although nian s expert - reason for this condition is quite incurs with the mute creatures are apparent. In the desires to make sometimes a trifle hard on •them, houses• warm during the ricers is an ultimate gain in under - Canadian. minter months, ventilation is sacci- standing incl sympathy, A writer fired, and the health is impaired. .of an experiment he made on• a There may be nothing seriously spider• wrong nothing more than a variable I took a wash basin and fastened appetite; little pimples or eruptions in it a stick upright like ,tm mast, and of the skin; a feeling of weariness .r y ,i'tiou; per- hapsa desire to avoid e � haps an occasional headache. These may not seem serious; p o ha s you 'troublel maythtnkthatthewf l pass away --but it won't unless you drive it out by putting the blood right with a health -giving tonic. And there is only one blood -renewing, health -giving, nerve -restoring tonic— Dr. onicDr. Williams fink Pills for Pale People. Over and over again it has been proved that these pills cure ,,.when other tuedicizzes fail, and thou- sands ofgrateful people testify that they are the, best of all spring medi- cines. Misr D. prowl(, Collina, N, B., sayss haveuseded IhV ilma liams' Pink Pills 'for a run down system, and have found them better than : any other medicine. I have tried. In the early spring my blood was out of condition and•I had such di4zy spells that if I turned quickly I would almost f&J. I took Dr. Williams' • Pint. Pillsfora. Jew weeks and the trouble entirely dise,ppear•ed. T• think these pills an ideal spring medicine.' ,, • If you want to be healthy in the spring don't dose your system with. harsh, griping purgatives, and don't experimentwith other so-called tonics. Take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. at once and see how quickly they will banish all spring ailments. Sold by medicine dealers every- where, or sent by mail at 50 .cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing the Dr. Williams Medicine Co.., Brockville, Ont, TI; E SPIDER'S LiFE LINE. .How One of Them Escaped From An island. Tiro rnoro man learns of the ways of animals the more be respects them, NATURE OF FISH DIET. Does Not Possess Great Brain Forming Element It is doubtful whether any : given need in common use contains con- stituents whish have a selective ac- tion, •so to speak, on the property of ministering to one part of _the body more than another. As a rule, when a food is assumed to have imported for the use of foreigners, but specific reparative properties—as, for thy, playful child? In homes where freight carts • and the familiar rick- foodptee facto -c but sch (nevem find sickly, cross, sleepless chil- lood is easily and quickly assimila,t- I dren if the little one is ill the Tab- - , • ed to the body's general advantage; lots will promptly make it well', Ask It maybe only tt tri00.11 00141, :hut neg in a word, in such a case repair any mother who has used. the Tait- lett it audit will f'tstea its cv.ui 111 your quickly overtakes .(caste and a real lungs, 'old you :•ill soon be parried to tut purposeful nutrition' and restoration lets and. she will tell yell that this is . untdnela' grave. In this country we have aro Ascom dished. an restos tion absolutely true—she will tell, you sudden changes and Must expect to have' l i the coughs rind. colds 1V ie. Tablets. altva s cls. and nev- a cannot avoid them Y good, tion of such elements as phosphoraa er do harm. You can give them to bar we can effect a care p, using edi in', Anti-C°usnmptive. Syrup, .the nletliOZne. then poured inyvator enough to tine the stick into an island for my sp' der,, which I. named Crusoe. I puthim 1 hn on the mast, As soon as he was a fairly 1 Ari cast away ho anxious- ly ly a y alaxio s ly commenced running round to find the mainland. Ile would sett -armor down the mast to the water, stick out e foot, get it, wet, shake it; run round the stick and try the other side, and then run back to the top again. Pretty soon it became' a serious matter to Mr. Crusoe, and he sat down to think it over. As I was afraid he might be hungry, I put mo- lasses on the mast. A fly came, but Crime wasn't hungry for flies just Y g then. He was 'homesick for his web in the corner of the wood -shed. He went slowly down the pole to' th water and touched it all 'around, shaking his feet as• pussy does :when she wets her stockings in the dam grass. Suddenly a thought appeared to strike him. ' Up he went, likea retic et, "to the top, and'began•to play cir cus. 11c held ono foot in the .,air. then another, and. turned round two or three times. He got excited,. and nearly stood on his head before I found out what. he had discovered, and that was that the dealt of air made by the fire would carry a line ashore on which be could escape from his desert • is- land. He pushed out a thread that went floating in the air, and lengthened and lengthened until at last it caught on the table. Then be hauled on the rope until it was tight, struck it several times to see if it was strong enough to hold him, and walked ashore. I decided' that he had earned his liberty. PLAYFUL CHILDREN. SHAKE OFF THAT SPRING FEELING DODD'S KIDNEY PILL$ WILL pc) NATURALLY NATURALLY AND WELL, Cause anis Cure of the Tired Feel- ing That is Epidemic at This Season of the Year. The spring is here. You can. feel it in every part of your body. Your clotimos are too heavy and though you are not sick, you are too tired• ]i • to walk, too tired to work, yes,eveit a- too. tired to eat. It's that "spring feeling." 1.) 0 71 know now Ii eo 3 the taus of it?N all you want to know is how to. get rid of it. Well, the explanation and the ;cure .aro alike simple. In the winter you,"get used" to the cold, you think. As a matter of fact it is the body that gets pre- pared. It puts on a fortification of extra tissue that keeps the cold out. In the spring time this tissue is thrown off by the body and if the system is all in good working order, the blood carries away the cast -oft Vll' tissue, which out is in turn filtered t n f lter°c of the blood ood bythe Kidneys, and ex- pelled d oy s, from the body. This means extra work for the Kid- neys, and if they are at all tired or. worn they' fail in their work. The result is; clogged. circulation and: that. p tired spring feeling. The cure is to tone up the Kidneys, with , Dodd's Kidney. Pills.. l)odd's 'Kidney Pills "Make iieaitliy' Kidneys. Healthy., Kidneys quickly cleanso.•the blood of all impurities and the "spring feeling" is replaced with a vigor of body and bouyancy of spirit that makes work a pleasure. What treasure on earth is more to be prized than a bright, active, heal - PLAYING DOWN TO pry. Young couple (who expect the visit of a very miserly relative, from whom they have expectations) are clearing the room of every sign of luxury. Wife (earnestly)—We xuust do all. we can to make uncle feel at home.: Husband (caustically)—Then we bad better let the fire out. ANIMALS IN Jt1PAN. One of the things that soon strikes the attention of tho traveller in Ja- pan is that there are no domestic animals -no cows, no sheep, no pigs, no goats, no mules, and . no donkeys. There are a few horses, which are or Iron in -medicine As, of course, a differentmatter, but these elements are evenly distributed in the meter - Ws of .a daily diet. a child just born with perfect safety, and they are equally as good for well grown' children. Mrs. Mary : J. It is often stated that fish is a Moore, Hepworth; Que., says:— "My food which ministers particularly to lbaby:has never been sick since I be - 'the needs of the brain because it gan giving her Babys Own Tablets. contains phosphorus. As a matter They are a real blessing to both mo - of fact, fish does riot contain more ther and child, and I would not be Phosphorus than do ordinary meat without them." Don't let your child foods and it certainly does not con- suffer, and don't dose it with strong fain it :in a free state. The' notion drugs or medicine containing oQiates. that fish contains phosphorus .had Give Baby's Own Tablas which you no doubt its origin in the glowing can get from any druggist or by mail phosphorescence of fish in the Clark. at 25 cents a box by writing The This phosphorescence is due not to Dr. Williams' Medicine' Co., Brock - phosphorus at all, but to micro- ville, Ont. organisms, Tho belief, therefore, that fish is a brain food is just Its a case of quick consumption about as reasonable as the idea that1 p because a soup is thick and gelatin- withthe man who bolts his food. ous "it will stick to the ribs," or_ as sensible as the celebrated advice Navo you Eczema?-Ha►e you to Verdant Green to lay in a stock any skin disease or eruptions? Are yon of Reading biscuits to assist his subject to cbafing or scalding 1 Dr. Agnew's reading. - Ointment prevents and cures any and all of Fish, of course, is excellent food; these, and cures Itching, Bleeding and partly because of the nourishing na- Blind Piles besides. One application brims: tura of its constituents and partly relief in ten rniuutes, and cases cured in because of .its digestibility.. Ilut it three to six nights. 33 cents.—rye is in no sense a•specific for brain or •r nerve; LIVING FROM DRAVG73TS. A swallow of . brandy often turns ;Official - Whose Duty is to Protect out to be a bird of ill omen. Royalty From Them. 4- Draught hunting does .not . sound EMPTY NOW;, • a very promising profession out of, How One Womantut. Medicine. which to make a living, yet there is Q one gentleman, at least, who fott„ws it, and, it is to bo expectc4i, leakes "While n, coffee user nay stomach a good thing out of it. too, troubled me for years says a. lady Ileis attached to the court, and of Columbus, 0, "and I had to tike his solo duty is to visit diose build- medicine all the time. I had what. Ings in which royalty, for some eer- I thought was the best stomach meth emony or other,; FIX o to remain sta.- eine ta-eine I could get, had: to keep getting' tionary for any length of time, and it filled all the time at 40 cents -a to ' see' that the place where they bottle. I did not know what the are to sit, or stand, as the case cause of my trouble was, but just may be; is carefully shielded from. dragged along frons day to day wit_ the slightest draught, item{ and tithing medicine all the Whenever, for ithstttilco, the Ring fs time, • to be present at a banquet, the "About six months ago I quit tea draught hunter precedes him, and and colied and began drinking Pos- examines the room easefully, tires tum andel have not had nay prescril,- the spot where the royal chair is to tion filled since, which is a great sur 1)e; and the fables must belaid to prise to me for it proves that coffee suit his instructions. •. r. was the cause .of all rny trouble al- ITis word is law, and many a time lI hough I never suspected it. have. the whole arrangements of a "When my friends ask ins (how. _ tum city ban.ctuet been turned topsy-, feel since I have been taking Postern tttrty through the draught hunter are; riving a little late and decreeing 1 say, 'To tell the 'truth I' don't feel that the royal chair shall :be placed y p at all only that I get hungry and eat in some spot far away from where 1 evere-thing I want and Lots of it ,and it has been alr•eudy fixed. 'rho it never .hurts nae and I am happy and well and contented all the time.' "'I could not get my family to drink` Posttun for a while until x nixed it in a little coffee and kept oil reducing the amount of coffee un- it I flet it all I'ostw.u. Now they all like it and they never belch it u. 111: j fisc. p e ?O Wo all l:noty that Posttlm is a unsli ne ma1pr. 1 lend it helps ono' neatly for we 410 not hat's to think if aches and pains all the tinge and can tm5e our minds .for other things." Maine given by Postum Co,, Battle Creek, Micii. , TJic one who has to bother with ollee aches and pains is badly handl lipped ill the race for fame and for - Imo. Poeireeih is a Wonderful r•ebuild- a There's i, reason. Look in each package for the fam- es littlo 4tr1)ok, "The Road to Well - that leas never. been known to fail i11 cur- ing; coughs, colds, bronchitis and :ill af- fections of the throat, lung, ;ted cheep. If a. man is satisfied with one meal a- day lie can afford to write poetry. A woman uses a glass to color her face and a man uses one to color his nose. WONDERFUL IN,ESOUR CES OF THE WEST. If you are looking for a home and want to ,visit the West you can do so with very little expense, as the Union Pacific will sell One -Way Colonist Tickets every day at the following rates from: Missouri river terminals: (Council Bluffs to Kansas City in- clusive. Until April. 30th. $25.00 to San Francisco, Los An- geles and many other California points. $20.00. to Ogden, Salt Lane City, Butte, Anaconda and Helena. $22.50 to Spokane and Wenatchee. $25.00 to. Portland, Tacoma, Se- attle, and. many other Oregon and 1Vashington points. hrom Chicago and Ste Louis pro- portionately low rates are in of e,ct by lines connecting with the Union Pacific: The Union Pacific has also extended territory to which round trip Home- sceners Excursion tickets will be sold as follows: Prom Missouri River terminals to many points in. Kansas, Nebraska and. Colorado; To many paints in Wyoming, Utah, Montana and Idaho; To many points in Eastern Oregon and Washington.. One fare plus $2.00 for. the round trip. Tickets on sale March 15, April 5 and 19, May 3 and 17, August 2 and 16, September 6 and 20, October 4 and 18, For full information call on or ad- dress II. F, Carter, 'r.P.A., 14, Janes Building, Toronto Canada. THE SUN AND CENTRE. The character of the young men of a community depends much ou that of the yoking women. If the latter aro cultivated, intelligent and' accom- plished, the young' men will feel the •equirenients that they themselves should be upright aird gentlemanly, and refined.; but if their female friends aro : frivolous and sillythe young men will be found -dissipated and worthless. But remember al- ways that a sister is the best guar - (Watt of a brother's intregity. She if the surest inculcator of faith in fes male turit and worth, A. a daugh- ter y As g ter she is the trite light of the home. The pride of the father oftenest cen- tres on his sons; but his affection is expended on his daughters. She shorted, therefore, be the sun and cen- tre of all. change, perhaps, means that the whole plan of the tables' is upset, but the ardor must be carried out or the banquet will take place without its principal .guest. BELOW I'IU3EZ1NG POINT, A Berlin professor has been experi- menting with the effects of extreme cold on fish life. He has found that many fishes remain alive in a tette- peraturo of 45 deg.. below freezing point, but they then become' so hard ttnd brittle that they splinter like a piece of ice when struck against a hare( substance. NO SALT: IOU HIM; Agent ; "Madame, ceuld 1 sell you this book of, fairy tales ?", Mrs, Muchwel: "No. I've been married four tithes, and fairy tales are a chestnut with mc,'•c f "Don't you suppose it Is possible or a man to go through the world withoitt telling a lie?" "I doubt it. lmott every man Lias been In love. at some time in, his .life." r ISSUE NO 15-04 475 It little Sunlight Soap will dean. cut glass and other articles until they shrine and sparkle. Sunliglil` Soap will wash other things than clothes. ill PROGRESSING. Jones : Well, old boy, how are you lroeP e r n g with MissBudd TDo s she smile h m le onur suit t? Y set ye Jenkins : Not exactly;but I'm in great hopes. The last time I saw Ler she laughed at my overcoat. A sailor was once asked by a.tness- mate not quite so well un in matters social as himself to explain to him the third figure in a quadrille, "You first of all heave ahead," said he, "and pass your adversary's yardarms; then in a jiffy regain your berth on the other tack in the same hind of order; de slip alongsharp,and la- c your station with your partner in line; back and fill, and then fall on your heel,:. and bring up with your craft. She then manoeuvres ahead of .along- „side you;, then . make sail in company with her until nearly' astern of the other line; make a stern board; cast her off' . to shift, for lie rself,; cgafii your place out of the sgitadron'e. beat you • can, , and let go your.an chor.,, STATIC OF omO, CITY em' TOLEDO, 1 LUCAS COUNTY. f S1. frank J. Cheney makes oath that be is senior partner of the firm of .F. J. Uhutaey & Co., doing business in the t)iLy of Tuledo. County and State aforesaid and that said Erni will pay the sunt of ON L•' B71JNDI2blD Deft hall~ for each and every case of Catarrh that Cannot be cured by the use of Bail'a Catarrh Cure:' : FRANK J. OEENEY'. Sworn to before the and subscribed in my presence, this Gill day of December, A. D. 1288. A. VV, °L:+ Ascr , : VEAL : '�otai-y I•�ithho Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal. ly, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free.. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all 'Druggists 75c. Take Hall's Family Fills for constk, paLon. t -t A few spinsters have been disap- pointed in love—also a great many Married women. • $33.00 to the Pacific Coast •Via the Chicago -Union & North-West- ern Line from Chicago daily during. March and April, to San Francisco, egos Angeles, Portland; Seattle, Ta- aoma, Vancotst;er and other Pacific Coast points. Very low rates to Re ;Iona, Butte, Spokane, Ogden and :Salt Lake City. Corresponding low rates from all points. Daily and per- sonally conducted excursions in PulI- man tourist sleeping cars to San Francisco, Los Angeles and Portland, through without change, double berth only $7:00. Choice of routes. • For particulars address B. H. Bennett, 2 Eget King St., Toronto, Ont. When a man is unable to matte a living at anything else he is eligible for a Government job. Mild in Their Action--Parmelee's 'Vee etable Pills are very mild in their action. T'liey do not cause griping in the stomach or cause disturbances there :i, so many pills do. Therefore, 'the most delicate can take theta )vitbout fear of until meaub results, They can, too, be administered to children without imposing the penal- ties which follow the use of pills not so carefully prepared. TO FITTING sKELE TION, "Not one skeleton in twenty that you see in museums or in the ,. sur- geries of quack doctors is composed of the .bones •of one man a or one WO- man said a man Who, deals iii such things. : "A complete: skeleton is a difficult thing to get, even by a physician who •:°ants • to put ' it to a legitmaatc use. Most of theskele- tons seen in museums aro made from '" miscellaneous bones collected irom hospitals all over the country. There is a regular trade in separate bones for special studies. When a pian who wants to set up a skeleton gets a good collection of bones the employs an experienced anatomist to articulate it. But any expert can see that the joints do not all belong• to the swine person. . When there are any joints missing substitutes are made of paper pulp, which answers every purpose, and from a short dis- tance looks like real bone. Even then skeletons are expensive. It costs very nearly $200 to put a good one together.'' Many a fool DIOR expresses willingness to die for awoman wouldn't even take in washing him. 1 his who for You • can't cure a cough or cold from the outside, You mast cure it through the blood. 1l .. s Consumption CureTonic Tito Lung 'stile only remedy that will do this. It gets right to the root of the an '.. trouble. It is g ear tsed tocure. Prices: 6, C. Testae & Co. 313 25c.50c. $L • LeRoy. N.Y., arontb, Can. . r,--04 etz,mtety .9 "—er,/lir' e' V� LOWERi _ PRIOgS QUALITY IrCo -,- y3 10; eeueantt A.0.4811. CAN BE HAD IN Pails, Wash Basins, Milk Pans, Any First -Claes Grocer Can Supply You. misc'8sT ON GETTING EDDY'S. A DANG EIRO US MINE. "He calls her his baby -mine." "Well, 11, she'll blow hl n me all right after the ceremony," Have you tried Holloway's Corn Cure.. It leas no equal for removing these trouble' someexcresences, as many have testified, wee have tried U. "I. can :.hardly .make. up. my. -hied to accept Reginald. • Ro is so self- satisfied that I fear he will prove exacting:" "On ° ,the- contrary; niy dear, the circumstance shows that lie is very easily satisfied." da Years of Vile Catarrh.—Chan. 0. Brown, joureal et, et Delutli, Minn., writes: "I have been a sufferer from Throat and; Nasal Catarrh for over so years, during which time my Lead has been stopped up and my condition' truly miserable. Within x5 minutes after using Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder I obtained relief Three bottles have almost, if not entirely, cured me." sec. --es "1 thought you promised your wife you wouldn't drink any - more." "I did, and I'm keeping my *word, Don't drink-, a bit more than I used to . For Over Sixty Years MAP. WINSLOW'S Sooxurao SYser has been used by miilioee of mothers for the,r children while teething Itsoothes the child, Rofttns the ggums, al alit oath, aura wind cello, regular es the al amnoh and bowels, and is the best remedy tor itlarrhont Teehty-fire cents a bottle Sold b7dru'gist,l throughout the world. Ise cure and ask for " faits. S4ixsnowsdoomrxvusystrl.' 22-01 Patience—"I always think of all the mean things I have said during the day • before I fall asleep at night.'` Patrice—."Gracious! Do you stay awake as long as that?" Pale sickly- children should use Mother Grave's Worm Exterminator. Worms are one of the principal causes of suffering in System childre.n and should be expelled from the 3M2-XED PICKLE. She —You met Miss Borem through Jokelcy, I understand. I didn't know he was a friend of yours. He—Ile isn't. She—Oh, I thought he was. He—So did I. 60 Speck.11sta on The Case.— In the ordinary run of medical practice a greater number than this have treated cases of chronic dyspepsia and have failed to cure —but Dr, Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets (no in a box at 35 cents cost) have made the cure, giving relief in one day. These little " specialists" have proven their real merit. -72 OMINOUS. C1ioIly—So you told your fattier I loved you? 'What did he say? Ethel—Nothing; simply picked tip a pair of dumb -bells and went to prac- ticing. Bnprest Test:limy DISTANT RELIEF PROM COLD', HEADACHE AND CATARRH, REV. • FRY'S 'STATE WENT llov, P, I. Trey, Pastor of the maple 1,1.. Baptist Church, Ilutlnlo, N.Y., says: "1 have been greatly troubled with colds, headache and catarrh. I have used Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal, Powder wttn best resuits. In fret it has done wonders for me, and T wish to recom- mend it to everyone." This remedy is also a perfect specific for influenza. 24 Dr. Agnew's Ointment Is without an equal for Skin Diseases and Piles. SIX SERMONls;TTES. Every mind is at times sensitive to the most trifling words.—Lew Wal- lace. When we do good we invent in a savings bank from 'which the heart receives the interest.—E•mmund Sou- ventre, As everyone may see, fashionable life is passed not in being happy, hut in playing at being happy.—Iler- bort Spencer. The true and . strong and sound mind is .the mind that can embrace equally great things and small. --An- on, A firm faith is the lamest divinity, a good life the best philosophy; a clear conecienee the best la\V; honesty the best policy, and temperance the best physic.—Anon. Ilave you ever knoton what it is to be encouraged to do right, not by be- ing told to do so, but by being near a Ivan stronger than yourself, whose mere presence Helped you so that you were the Strongerman because he was there? There are men living to -day on the strength of other amen. ---11, Campbell, 1504bot roil, 4 feet inch 150 -food f.ol1, 5 feet high i1iO400t roll, 0 feet high .-14.6' . GALI FO RN IA via ANION PA&i'F'IC EVERY DAY until April sone inclusive, colonist rates to allprincipal points in that state from: . kk o $33.00 afiosTF4T R=UTE FASTEST TOSS S1S a T IEST COADBEO Tourist. Sleeping Cars a Specialty Inquire of 1~1. F. CARTER, T, P. A., 14 Janes Building, TORONTO, CANADA Poultry,. gutter, Eggs, els, ALL G1 FRUITS And Farm Pro duce generally, coesign it to tet tat we will ge you good prices THE Dawson Commission Co. ttestess Tommy „What's an 'encore," aun- tie?" Auntie—•`Au `encore' is evhen you are asked to go over the same thing again." Tommy—"Then 1ny teacher is always encoring me at les- sons." They Cleanse the System Tboronglily-- Berme lee's 'Vegetable Pills clear the stom- ach and bowels of bilions matter, cans - the exeretor st essels to throw off' impnm ties from the blood into the ho'e'c•ls end expel the deleterious mass front the body. They do this :without pain or inconven- ience to the patient, who speedily realizes their good offices as soon as they begin to take effect. They have strong recom- mendations from all kinds of people. Edytli—" Why do you doubt Mr. Slowman's sincerity? His voice has an honest ring." Mayme—"Yes, but that isn't the kind of ringt•I'n look- ing for." Lever's Y -Z (WiseHead) Disinfect. ant Soap Powder dusted in the hath, softens the water and disin- fectn. • Dawkins—"How well Miss Antique holds her own!" Dawson—"It's a matter of necessity, She 'can't get. anybody else tit -hold it for her," Unequalled—Mr. `('baa. Brunt, tryentl in;lga, Ont., writes:— I hive to thank soli •for recommending. Dr. Thonmmms'. hlclectric Oil for bleeding piles. I won troubled n'itli thenr for nen rly fifteen years, and tried almost everything I , could hear or think of. Some of them would give me temporary relief, 1011 140410 could effect a cure. I have now been free front the distressing comphtittt fur nearly eighteen Months. I hope yott wilt continue to recommend it.p1 NO INFORMATION, "Yes, she tried to find out how much money her husband. had hi the bank." "And slid she learn?" "No, indeed. They wouldn't let the hank teller." Sit down to the Washing To economise fabric, time and strength and wash your clothes cleaner use a New Century Washing Machine. There is ncthiitg washable it will not wash—perfectly clean—do it in half the time without boiling the clothes. Funs on ball bearings, just a touch docs it. Send for des- criptive circular, better still. ask any hardware elan to show it•o ie you. The Cowmen mfg. co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont. $4.40 Thr poultry and garden. Bettor than old style. ()Closet dealer or ua Prete; it Pali% 6.10: THA+ PACE WIRE PicNiNtaE Qo., LINill3'.D' 20A 6 0.00 Welkervitle Montreal Witee 1pFg ;3t. dol ,114