HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-3-31, Page 7WOW= "i FOR MEN. Something That Will Banish Wor- siefi end, Brace up the System. us, little wind cotyle blow Him. there," "Every John Crow tink (think) Ifni piel;,aenitxy white" neede leo explanation. "To-day.for you, to- morrow for Me" takes the place .of IIaa it ever occurred to you that ow "Evers' dog has his day." How you need a medicine as Tj ells --Trot as 1 trite is the saying, „Ceitf ul (dee. eit- old men or young men, but as moo ? Are non never conscious that the epeeist ;wear and tear of life which men sustain need repair ? Wordy wears a man out quicker than work, but worry is not an accident, it is a syuxptctot—a symptom of nervous ex hauetiets, ,Other symptoms are ner- vous 'headache; morning laziness, that, unites it difficult to get out of bed; Aa weak feeling in the back; in- digeetaon; breathlessness after slight exertion; irritable temper: perhaps Some nerve pain,; as neuralgia, eeiati- ca or itz'•ipient paralysis. Dr. Wil- liaens' Pink. Pills, en a, medicine for Vault, eat dirootly upon the - wereo of discern -Sort, They re,atore manly vi-, goranti energy, improve the appetite and tone up the nerves and the whole verstcne,• Mr. Neil Il, McDonald, restas:et'd, N.I3„ is one of the many men who has prayed the . valuo. of Dr, Wit'tiianls' PinlcPills. He says : I ate.glad 'to be able to say that I have found Dr, 'Williams` Pink Pills all that is claimed for them. I was uomp1etely run down; my appetite a$ .poor,. and I suffered ,Inuolh from. yore headaches. Doctors medieire did_ not give nee the needed relief, so I deertded : to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills: Y. used only a few boxes when my former health returned, and now I feet like a new xnat),. Week, nervous, broken down men— and women, too -will findtnew health and ha#pi ess in a fair use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, —But be sure that 'yeu get the genuine with the full name 'Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ''-for Pale People" printed on the wrapper around every 'box. Sold by medicine dealers or sent by mail at 50 cents a boa, or six boxes for $2.50, by writing The Dr. Williams tledt Co., Brockville, Ont. 3:A AICA NEGROES. ;wludie Manor and Philosophy in 'd ieir Quaint Maxims.. The fTemaica negroes have a lingo of dret own. They laconically ex - .press tiloughtaa of wisdom which would. de credit to Ring Solomon It is possible that aptitude for making maxims has been inherited from tile Spaniards, who occupied the island until the middle of the seventeenth century: Their sayings cannot be compared; in literary merit with the ebeatitiint proverbs of the -Spaniards, but they are fined with as deep .phil- osophty and, added to this, there an - pears therein a keen sense of humor .something quite absent in the lingo. of the American darkies. Out of the . mixture of philosophy . and laminar have come many quaint s xnga • which are as familiar in Ju- Mica at; ` our own. Some of them. -are differently wordedversions of fa- miliar arniliar proverbs; still others express most aptly that ;which we have often thought in many words, but which -they have condensed. Have you not hoard some ane say, "Oh, I don't mind her paying me a visit, but I would net have her live with me for -til 'id?" The Jamaica' negro su up thus: "Colne see me is one Ong (thing), come live with. me -is Irian another." Wimp_ you have put yourself out to. -do a• kbielness and that kindness has bees entirely unappreciated, how well noes this apply: "De good you do, de tankey (thanks) you get." -When yen hear a man call another all sorts of names behind his back, but in his presence change his manner .and voca.bu ary, becoming polite and civil, tlxe, proverb applied by the negro be "Behind dog, it is dog; be i'ore dog, it is Mr. 1)og." When they desire very much to do :something and seen a reason, liow- -ever exivial, therefor, they say, "When Veto want to go to. Ilio Mari; u fun) line the star apple leaf, the said leaf being double-faced, silver on one side, a dull green on the. other. "No call alligator long moat (mouth) till you pass him by" would teach us to beware of calling others harsh names until out of their power: Other proverbs that need xxo expla- nation aro Els follows; "When cookroaeh give dance him no invite fowl," Naturally, for fowl would eat him. "Maugre (poor) plantain better none at all" isvery like our "half a loaf is butter than none." "fnuattie (3 cents) buy trouble hun- dred poundscan't pay for." "Shoes alone know if stoekizlgs got Bole," "Before dog go' widout him supper him eat cockroach." "Parson christen him own pickinny first." "Ebry day is fishing day, but obry day no fer catch fish,' "Hog ,run for flim life; 'dog run for him character." "Ebert' victual for eat, but ebery story no fer talk." "If snake biteY ou, you see lizard, you run." '`Follow fashion. break monkey neckG.,,o.. rod friendsbettor din 'money wide pocket." ,'Nanny goat neber scratch hint back till him see wall." "One tief nolike see nodor tief carry long bag." Cusscuss (curses) neber 'break hole in your head." "Greedy, greedy clioke puppy. "Buckra (white man) work neber done." "Little crab _hole• spoil big race horse." DOCTOR, DID IT. Put. on. 36 Ms, by -Food, TROUBLESOME BABIES. RAILROA1l NAN J HIS TRIALS ENGINEER RA 'FERTY FOUND RELIEF IN DODD'S KID - NE' PII,44S. Was !tun Down and Laid. Up, and the Great ICidney,RRemedy Made Him Strong and Vigorous Again. Wipnipeg, ]flan,, Mar: 28 --(Special) —One of the best known and most popular locomotive engineers running out of Winnipeg on the C,1? E. is Mr. Ben Rafferty, who lives at 175 Maple some . And Mr, Rafferty 8 gives ome h advice to railway men that in these days of blockades and strain and worry none canafford to overlook, That advice is "use Dodd's Kidney Pills." Mr. Rafferty says : "Years of long runs on the railway had broken down my eonstitution. My back gave out entirely: Terrible sharp cutting pains would follow one another, till I felt as if I were being sliced away piecemeal. I would! come in from a run' tired to death. My sole desire would be to get rest and sleep, and they were the very things lcould not get. Finally I got so bad I had to lay off work, "After being laid up ten clays I' started to use Docld's Kidney Pills. The first -night after using them I slept soundly. In three days .I threw away the belt I had worn for years, and . now I have not the slightest pain in the- back. I sleep soundly and wake up joyous and refreshed, and Dodd's I%idney Pills did it." FIRE WALKERS IN FIJI. Step Along on Red not Stones Without Any Injury. Babies are not naturally trouble- some—they should be bright, active and happy and a joy to your home. When baby is troublesome you may depend upon it .there is some of the many minor albnents bothering him. These can all bo overcome bythe use of Baby's Own. Tablets. Proof of this is given by Mrs. C. L. Marshall, Falkland Badge, N. S., who says: -- "I am Bleased to state that I have used Baby's Own Tablets for .. niy.; children with great success. I think the Tablets the very best medicine for all the ailments ofsmall children and would recommend them to mo- thers who have troublesome babies." Baby's Own Tablets cure constipa- tion, indigestion diarrhoea, prevent croup, allay irritation at teething time, brealc up colds and destroy worms. In fact there are none of the minor ailments of . childhood which the Tablets will not euro. Sold by druggists or may be had at 25 cents a box by writing direct to Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. Feed. 'a physician back to health and he gains an experience that' he :can use -to benefit others. Per this rea n Grape -Nuts food is daily re- con.ended to patients by hundreds of physicians who h.evo cured them- selves of stomach, trouble. alis doc- tor says: "Although a e txysician and trying to aid and assist my fellow beings to enjoy good health it must be admit- ted I Sonnoriy did not enjoy the best of henitli myself. In Jauuary, 1899 x only wetted 110 pounds. At this none 1 was living in the Ohio valley' and began to think I had about seen ley best days. One day about 3 yeata ago I had an opportunity to try Grope—Nuts - food for my break- fast. I iilced it so well that 1 ate three teaspoonfuls thr'co times" a day and have regularly used it up to the present time, and I now weigh 155, a ,gains of 36 pounds and enjoy the 'best of health, . "Not only has C.ra13 a -Nuts made this wonderful change ,in me, but through it I have helped my friends, rola-bier:a and patients, The sustain- •ing ,pewter of this food is simply won- derful, 'T leave one patient who is a sec- tion, hand on the C. & 0. it. R. who eats aahxlring in the morning but four tablespoonfuls of Grape -Nuts and yet does his very hard work up to lunch time reedenjoys the best of health end strength. I could Warne a great .many cases like this and -I still prescribe Grape- :11Tuts iii my practico every day." Name given by Postuni, Co., Battle Creek, Mii4. Ask aaty p►iiysiciau about the scien- tific tri incipies on which Grape -luta food iy trade. He'll tell you the princip'fes tiro perfect, Th a 10 days' trial proven that the ntefplos are carried out iii the food ("all the good of the grains so treated that anyono Can digest it 0.11'all"):NeMiown in. ronetved physical ssteetrenV foal -brain energy, ""Th erC'iS reason.". Leek tits each package for the 'fans ons tittle hoof., "The %toad to 'Fell- wilie," 11.ULPED BY AN Eli,EPIIANT. The Icing of Siam, the fiftieth an- niversary of whose accession to the throne was recently celebrated at Bangkok, is only sixty-five years of age, for he ascended the throne at fifteen. Miss Leonowen, an Anglish goyorness, whose pupil he teas for six years, described him as an apt scho- lar, handsome, .affectionate, and gen- emus, with lofty ideals. Chulalong- korn, which happens to be the mon- arch's name, has verified that charac- ter by progressive rule. Ile has giv- en Siam an enlightened government, and yet zealously guarded native cus- toms and institutions. Bence, while building canals, railways, lighthouses and hospitals, he still serves as a priest in the I3uddhist temple. Ile has organized his army on the German model. but !xis bodyguard is still composed of amazons -400 daughters of his nobles. He has, also abolished the second king, who exercised one- third of the Royal power, and has established instead a legislative coun- cil of nobles. At these cabinet,;coun- ells one of the sacred white elephants is always present. HIS GRE A'1? HEAD. Farmer Houk. -I s'pose your nep- hew has been a great help toyou since he graduated from the academy? Partner Bentover.--Well, no --not so's you could notice it. You see, he's best so busy flggerin' on a plan for fnterestin' capital i:n a scheme to build a railroad from 73udsoti Bay to Paragua, and make the everlasting fortunes of everybody connected with it, by .vhippin' broken icebergs. to Paragua, where they don't have ice, and carryin' back pampas' plumes to Hudson Day—it's kept hhu so stead- ily engaged, in fact, that ho lxain't had time to do anything •else but Gat. There elf very • few cleans- ing operations in which Sunlight Soap cannot be used to advant. age. It makes the home bright and clean. the farm begins or ends. The Moor- ish farm -house looks like a' series of 1 crumble/1g wal s, not connected; but i different sections tumble- downd se frons of the tiuinb e - down pile are three or four small,. narrow rooms, with no windows and a poor apology for .c door. This is the .. prevalent style of dwelling throughout the country, with the exception of a few out-of-town.resi- dences of the rich and powerful, For even if a`farner should possess any wealth he trust hide all evidences of it lest he attract the rapacious eyes of governmental authorities. Even the little harvests the farmers have to hide away in pits to screen them from the jealous and greedy eyes of the tax -gatherer. Tho farm imple- ments aro patriarchal in their sim- plicity; a few boughs tied together weighted witli a heavy stone, and drawn by a mule or camel, consti- tute the farmer's only harrow. His' plough is but a forked stick. Yet, though the soil is only scratched with such poor implements, it is so fertile that it yields abundant harvest in proportion to the small amount of labor expended. Those who witnessed thecorona- tion oronation .procession will doubtless recol- lect a "small group of copper -colored soldiers, with bare legs and out- standing hair innocent of covering. These strange people—Fijians--and their ancient ceremony • of the. Vilav- ilairevo, of fire walking, were the subject of a paper read by W. L. Allardyce, C.M.G„ at a meotiug of the Royal Colonial Institute recent- ly. Admiral Sir N. Bowden -Smith presided. The ceremony of fire walking,' Mr. Ailardyce explaiued, is performed by -a certain tribe at the island of Bega, and originated in a legend that in reward for having spared the life of a. man he had dug out of the ground, one Tuiqualita was invested with the power of being able to walk over rodhot stones without being burned. An earth oven is made and filled with layers of wood and stone. In this a lire is, kindled about twelve hoursbefore the fire walking takes place, and, when the hot stones have been exposed by- brushing away the char -coal, the natives, under the direction of a master of ceremoxiies, walk over them barefooted. The ternperaturo at the edge of tho oven is about 120 degrees Fah- renheit, while on one occasion, when a thermometer was suspexrded over the stones, it registered 232 degrees, and the solder was melted. Yet, stated Mr. Allardyce, after the cer- emony the natives show fee signs' of the terriec ordeal through which they have gone., By meauslof a num- ber of views the lecturer gave areal- istic idea of the cerenhony as . per- formed nowadays. Vice -Admiral Lewis 33eauinont de- scribed a tyre walking ceremony, as witnessed by himself. Although those who took part in it showed no signs of discomfort, he remarked that apparently they did xrot like it overmuch. Eopi ing to questions, !lir. Allan- dyce said the only explanation he could give of the apparent immunity from harm following on the process was that the soles of the feet of the natives were hardened to an un- usual degree through constant walk- ing on a sandy soil; covering coral, which became exceedingly hot uncler the sun. There was also the element of absolute; belief by the natives in the legend that they .were proof agelnst fire. - TILE RETORT DISCOURTEOUS, Scene -A. public meeting of '`E, nolle too successful mining company. Shareholder addressing chairman. "You, sir, deserve to bo pelted with rotten eggs." (Cheers). Complacent zhairmat "I am in- deed sorry, sir, if you Cannot find z better use for your brainsthan throwifig them at me! (Uf roar). PROFIT FROM lz:nclNta. Tlie :"s per cent. of the gross re- ceipts at the eight licensed racecours- ors accepted lir Neat York State haS yielded upwards of 240,000, The proceeds Will he distri.bttted as prizes at various agricultitral shows, "Then you have no sympathy- for the descrying poor?" said the cher- ity worker. ''Mo?" retorted tire self- made titan, "why, sir, 1 have nothing but syrnpatliy." 1f it's .necessary to lie in a. man's favor de it while he is alive, instead 01 hiring a merblectttter to do it after he is dead, YOUTHFUL COOK. There is at present living in •Chico - go a girl, live years of age, who is said to be one of the best cooks in that city. She can make bread, pies and cakes, and cook a steak as well as any paid expert. Her mother and grandmother have won prizes for their culinary skill. THTE COST OE WAR. Wars of the last 8,000 years are supposed to have cost $600,000,000;- 000. Each man who ,falls on the battlefield costs $2,740 to kill, and the countries of Europe to -day .aro paying to maintain an "armed neu- trality" the small sutu. of $50 a sec- ond. 1 The thousands of ;people who write to rue, saying that S iloh's Consumption CureThnico Lung To u etof chronic sou hti, C I t�, themi $' r Cannot all be mistaken. - There mast be soma truth in it. Try a latest*, that etuieh of yours, Prime: S. C. teras ee Co, St 21e. 80e. §l. LeRoy', le.Y.,T'orouto, Cats. 15---04 Nt0IiitocCAN it is r , Difficulties binder Which a, Fertile Soil is Cultivated. One sects no bnrn.s, nor granaries, nor settrcely atty, sift of ctiltt.vated nettle nor fence titles to drfin:e, Where Isstte No, 12-4)4. T N tl 4!1e 4 STATE OF OEM OVIT can TOLEDO "i Lvaea GovxaTE, f a, Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ha is senior partner of the firm of F. J. 0hohey st Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid and that said firm will pay the sum of UNE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. PRANK 3. OFSENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this nth day of December, A. D. 1886. BE,.AL Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal- ly, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo,. O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take, Hail's Putney Pilis for constir puttee. A. W. GLEEEASO:T, Notary Public TRADE 0.F NATAL. t -f -The exports from Natal for 1903 show a decrease of 27.5 per cent. The imports amounted to 3:15,065,454, an increase of 13.1 per cent. The in- crease in British imports, however, was only 3.7 per cent., while Gernxan imports increased 44.8 and American 42.7 per cent, • zpito ew ,441,441 /74-e,01. Ate/ '744A-4,-- 1 LOWER PRICES USE BETTER QUALITY ITY CAN SE HAD IN Pails, Wash Basins, milk Pans, etc Any Firot-Claus'Grooer Can Supply You. INSIST ON GETTING EDDY'S. Girls, don't monopolize the , conver- cation. when a. young man calls; give him a chance to propose. nine and a half milas. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Pow- der.—Rev. W. H. Main, pastor of the Baptist . Emanuel Church, Buffalo, gives strong testimony for and is a firm believer in Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. Heber tried many kinds of remedies without avail " After using Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder I was benefited at once." are his words. I:. is awonderful remedy. 5e cents. -6S DEAD MEN AS EDITORS. A spiritualist medium. of Chevili- pout annoUncos that he is about to start a monthly publication, to be "edited" by Victor Hugo, Zola, and other distinguished literary men who have gone over to the majority. • For Over Sixty Years Mas. wzrswo ir's sooTxniw Srinrr hos bona used bi millions of mothers for their children while teething Itsootheo.the child, softens the -gums, aixaya pain, curet wind colic. regulates the r,tomneai Wad bowels, sad; is th1 bestremedyfor Dlarrhma. Twenty -Aro dents u holdi . bold by dru gists throughout the wood. lin sura and ilk sfor Liss,1YxNea,n,'ssoorAxaoSrscn' 12-44 Fernando --"Angelina, will you enter the League with me? In other words, become my wife?" Angelina —"1 ani very sorry, Fernando; but I think you had better join the Brotherhood. In other words, I will be your sister." The never failing medicine, Holloway's tlorn Cure, removes all kinds of corns warts, ete. ; even the most difficult to re stove ctunot withstand this wonderfu remedy. May--'"Whati Frowning on your wedding day?" Fay—"I'm in a quandary. If 1 go to the altar smil- ing, people will say I'm simply crazy to get Charlie; and if I look solemn they'll say I already regret the step. What shall I do?" Why will you allow a cough to taceratte yot r throat ann lungs and run the risk of tilling a consumptive's grave, when, by the timely use of Bic! he's Anti-Consnnlp- ttve Sy rep the pain can be allay ed and the danger avoided. 'nix syrup,is pleasant t0 the taste, incl tutsux insert for relieving healing -and curing all ail'ecrions of the throat and lungs, colds, coughs, broa .!,itis. etc.. etc. South American Rheumatic Cure Cues Rheumatism. --It is safe, harmless and acts quick --gives alutost instant relief and an absolute cure in from one to three days—works wonders in most acute forms of rheumatism, One man's testimony : "I spent 6 weeks in bed before commencing its use --4 betties cured mei" — 66 Many a good man who engages ie. matrimonial warfare goes down to defeat. Sleeplessness.—When the nervesare alt strung and the whole body given up to wretchedness, when the :ninth is filled with gloom and dismal forebodings, the result of derangement of the digestive organs, sleeplessness comes to add to the distress. It only the subject could sleep there would be oblivion for a while asci temporary relief. Pernxelca's Vegetable Wills will not only induce sleep, but will act so bonetciaily that the subject will wake refreshed and restored to happiness. "We'd like to have you, stay a lit- tle longer, Bridget." "Oi'd like to mesilf, mum, but how w'u'd the im- ploymiut agencies snake a livin' if. we cooks didn't trove once in a while?" For the Overworked._ -What are the causes of despondency and inelaueholy. A. disordered liver is one cause and apl'ixne cue. A. disordered liver means a disc dared stomach, Anil a disordered stomac- means disturbance of the ner oussystene This brings the whole body into subject tionand the victim feels sick all over- Parraelee's Vegetable Pills are a recon. nizetl remedy ill this state and relief will fotow 'their use. LOVE -LETTERS WRITTEN. It was the opinion of Pere Jean, who has just tiled in Paris, that edu- cation was the ruin of the people. He Wan the last of the public writers of Paris, Servant girls, market por- ters, grid others who found a clifitoul- ty in writing were Itis chief patrons, and others who could write but lack- ed imagination and style had often r ecourso to him. An ordinary love - letter' cost rid„ the seine with Well- turned senteftces 8d., auri a poecerful- iy p erstaaiive letter 1s, 3d. Fero Jean would, however, contract to completo a love correspondence for a lump suint. $23.00 to the Pacific Coast Jones (a chronic bore, tolling about an accident in which a maty was drowned) said—`'It happened in lese time than I take to tell it." "I suppose so; otherwise the man might have been rescued;"replied a disgust- ed listener, yawning, Lover's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder is better than other powders, as it is both soap and disinfectant. "How beautifully soft it is," lie murmured, laying his hand on ber glorious white arm. "How less beau- tiful, but oh! so much softer," she tenderly replied, laying her jewelled. hand on the top of his venerable head. Help the Overworked Heart. —Is the great engine which pumps life through your system bard pressed, over- taxed, groaning under its load because dis- ease has clogged it f Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart is nature's lubricator and cleanser, and daily demonstrates to heart sufferers that it is the safest, surest, and most speedy remedy that medical science knows -67 First Passenger (rising politely) — "Won't you take my seat, sir?" Sec- oucl Ditto (who has been standing and tramping rather promiscuously about) --"Are you going to get out?" First P. -"No, but I prefer standing on my own feet." "EMPIRE STATE EXPRESS" 3s. "20TH CENTURY LIMITED." These two trains of the New York Central (the two fastest long distance trains in the world) are only part of the complete ser• ee of the New York_ l'r^.tr 1 the groat four track line, but Via tY!fcab'rS TT'iC" R NC ftld_�r!,Ct . .1?I deillonstraie 6'1jn on be done on a Chimp 'ern Line lrfromic agu daily during first-class road -bed. AU agents sell March and April, to San Francisco, tickets by this line. Los. Angeles, Portland, Seattle, Ta- For further particulars write L. coma, tlyter and other Pacific Diego, Canadian Passenger Agent, Coast points. Very low rates to I3e- 69+t Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont.lens, Butte, Spokane, Ogden and ; g Salt Lake City. Corresponding low rates from all points. Daily and pot, sonally conducted excursions in Pull - man tourist sleeping cars to San East Feed, London, the senior girls Francisco, Los Angeles and Portland, are taught clay modelling, and are through without change, double berth permitted to take home their work. One of the scholars recently told ..tier companions that her mother uses. the models to clean the step with. as they make it "so nice and white." DOMESTIC ECONOMY. In one of the board sehoois in the only $7.00. 0110100 of routes. For particulars address B. H. Bennett, 2 East ming St., Toronto, Ont. ISLAND AS AIAGNET. Tito island of Bornholm, situated in the Baltic, acts as a huge magnet. it exerts such an influence on the com- pass that it can cause a vessel to turn . perceptibly aside from its course. The effect of this magnetic island is perceptible at a distance of The healthy glow disappearing from the cheek and moaning and restlessness at night are Sere symptoms of worms in children. Do not fait to get a bottle of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator ; it is an effectual medicine. RED CROSS IN JAPAN. Japan has its medical department equipped with an excelleot nursing service. The Hospital states that nearly a year ago there were more then 1;500 nurses already trained, and upwards of 600 still under train- ing, who would be available for ser- vice in the war. Both in the con- flict between Japan and China ten years ago, mid in the North China troubles of 1900, the nurses of the japan Red Cross Society vied with each other in reporting themselves ready for work. . A doctor was attending a danger - ems case, where a Scottish butler was engaged. On. calling one foronoon lie said to Donald: "I hope your mas- toe's temperature is much lower to- day than it was last night." "I'm no save very sure aboot that," replied the butler, "for he deed this morn- ing." We . Convince Sceptics. Colds, Catarrh and Catarrhal Headache Relieved In 10 Minutes and cured by Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. H'erd's one of a thousand such testi' rtaexuos. Ttev. A. 1). Buckley, of Buffa- lo, says: ".f wish alt to know whata blessteg Dr; Agnew's Oaterrhal Powder is in a ease Of eatat'rb. X was treebled wait this disease icr years, but the first time I used thls remedy it gave most tieltglttftal relief. X now regard myself entirely cured." 22 ter. Asneiv's Pine art deliahtfef ee +nisei to Cenot, There isnot a more dangerous clone of disorders flora those which af):eet the breathing organs. Nullify this danger with Ur. Thomas' Ecleccrie Oil—a pal- monle of acknowledged efficacy. ft cures lameness Wird soreness when applied ex- ternally, its well es swelled neck and crick iii the back; and, as an inward specific, possesses most substantial claims to pub - lie confidence. Parson—"I axe astonished to Bear a man with three married daughters .say marriage is a failure," Citizen— "Well, sir, when you have three hoed - lies beside your own to support you will learn that marriage is positive hankie-IOU:V.1' ?apes Womans Work Childs Play With the New Century Bali Beaming Washing Machine. nada couple of five year old childs'en— tate washing need not stand over. Viva minutes to a tubed and you will have no use for wash boards. It clean- ses perfectly. loucaunot afford to be •t itlteut it. Order through your cleall.r. We : will malt you a booklet ou application. The IIOSW LL MFG. CO., limited HAMILTON, ONT, Butter, Egg q Honey, Apples, ALL KINDS 01 FRUITS And Farrtl Pro duce generally, cdlt si g n it to tit nal we will - ge you good prices TH a e. Dawson Oom i s1cn 00, �xzeh`,>t�7S L.2 tt„yllti'ii THE It to the feria? Oat has stood the test et time - one,. urs ten heatiett strain -never sags --tad tits:Maed . the u'orill over, Ordo'a Outage. oast load sgauter direct irottxue. A WIRE FENCE {tlO hall! IED.:, i'1'" 10ot-0111e, net. tuner 'Emla os0. Ili. +yamo 9.11 ilIWII, Ng.**