HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-3-31, Page 5A
(53teter tWoratel
publiehed every Thursday Morning at the Oilier,
Otte Dollar per annum if paid hi. advauee, $1.50
If not ito paid.
es.citexortiolzag =atom um .23.1>paieco.
Ne paper discontinued until tal Rikroarages arepaid.
Advertisements without specified direetions will be
published until forbid and charged accordingly.
Liberal discount made for transelent advertisements
Weeded for long periods. Enery description of JOB
PRINTING bunted out in the finest style, and at
moderate rates. Cheques, money orders, &o., for
advertieing, subscriptions, etc., to be made payable
Sanders tic Creech,
Professional Cards.
esTA. A. R. KINSUA.N;14. D. S., D. D. 3,,
Honor graduate of Toronto UniveristV.
Teeth extrooted without any pain, or any had effects
Gale° in Fanion's Mock, weet side Main street,
Exeter. •
Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Post
Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistery
(with. honorable mention.)
Alltiminum, Gold and Vulcanite Plates made In the
neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless an.
aeethetic used, for painless extradtion of teeth.
-Office one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter.
L., College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario.
'Physician, Surgeon and Aceoucheur. Moe, Dash.
wood, Ont.
rer. John D. Wilson; Office and Residence, 290
il... Queens Aye., London Ont. Special attention
paid to &acmes of Women, Office hours, 12.30 to 1
P m.
..• ' .....-.......—.....
' Legal. ,
tore, 'Netaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners., .
Solicitors for afolsons Bank, etc. Money to loan at '
oweet rates of interest. Offices, Main street, Exeter,
Auctioneers .
• ,
aBROWN, Winchelsea. Limited Auctioneer
• for the Countied of Perth and Ifiddlesex. '
also for the township of Usborne. Sales protnntlY i
attended to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged ,
at Poet Office Winchelsee. 1
Bicycles.1' , ,
--...... i
• We are still.in the Bicycle trade
and this year show some fine speci- 1
meas. The CUSHION FRAME is 1
the Ideal wheel to ride. Prices mod- '
erate. f
New Pianos!.t
. 2
Several New Pianos just prit in 1
stock ; newest styles and the best
makes. ' It will pay yon to see them. ,
You ;wilt be surprised at the LOW ,
• PRICES at which we sell them. i
3rgans of the .Latest El
makes always in stock 1
3ewing Machines ecc. c
We are leaders in Sewing •Ma- s
• chinesl—the best machines that the
trade produces are on our floor for
your nspection ; also repairs Need- I
les, etc., for all kind's of sewiug ma- t
• chine's, always on ha.nd, c
L'all. and see us if need of
. any of the above.
.When you insist on having '
larvev BrosSiour ,
• Our STAR FLOUR is made from
• the choicest • Outurio and Manitoba
, wheat. .
• The quantity of our WHEATLET
has been improved bysterilizing it.
Give it a trial. •
• It is ".A FOOD" not A FAD."
• Our facilities for the handling of
the ehopping trade. tire nnsurpassed.
•'The new Vessot grinder is giving great
• satisfaction.
For Sale
Clem Dry
At Exeter Storehouse
•'Jos. Cobbledick
• Grain received n
Exeter, Centralia and Clandeboye
1 .................................,
Your doctor will tell you that'
thin, pale, weak, nervous chil-
dren become strong and veil
by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Small doses, for a few days.
The change is very prompt
and very marked. Ask your
doctor why it is. He has our
formula and will'explain.
'Wb 13 13 Tears old, for many months no
one thought I could iive because of thin blood.
BM, in • few weeks, nyer's Sarsaparilla com-
pletely restored me to lioalttg."
Mas. E. BUOIENINIMEA,Vlaelsini,
INA* bottle. • J. 0, ATER 00..
All dru ate for Lowell Mass,
The Children
111111euvineee,constipation prevent re-
- _ _
wovery. taws these with Ayer'. Pills,
Thomas H. Donley. of this place was
lodged in the county jail Friday as a
dangerous lunatic, until an order is re-
ceived front the Lieut. -Governor of the
Province for his removal to an asylum.
-Donley had been examined before Po -
Hee Magistrate. McTavish, whd grant-
ed the, miler for his committal.—A. •
Aitken haVetimmeneed decking at J.
M. Gibb's store.—Hugh Ross left Wed-
nesday for Niagara Falls, where he
will assist his brother, William, in the
mercantile I e. --M iss Maggie McLean
left Thursday for a month's visit in
London.—Mr. A. W. Augustine was in
Toronto last week attending the Grand
Council of the Chosen Friends.—Mr.
W. A. MaeDonald, Who has been on a
business trip to'Corona, Oal„ has re-
turned hotue.—Mr. T. A. Mayburry is
able to be out again after several
weeks illness, —Mr. Anthony O'Dwyer,
f Centralia', has been engaged as
teacher la the Bornish Separate school.
Miss Pendergast has tecovered from
er recent illness and has resumed her
uties in 'the Separate sehool.—Mr.
Wm. Resting, who has been ill is con-
ettescing.—John Watson & Son who
paned. out last fall as itiercliant tan-
ts, after conducting a custom tailor -
ng business for many years, have -sold
ut their •business to Mr. Best, of
trelph„ who took imrnediate posses -
ton. Mr. Best will move his farnily
ere shortly. Albert Watson inbends
eaving shortly for Wyandotte, Mich.,
here he brother is located.
DEATH. —On Satiirday Mr. George.
obothan, gentleman who has been
vell-known in this section' for yeers
eturned from a month's visit with
iends in London, apparently in the
est of health. Re was having his tea
hat evening at the home of his step -
on, Mr. F. W. Robotharn, when be
as suddenly seized ivith an attack of
eart tronble and fell to the floor. 'He
as placed in bed and medical aid sam-
oned hut he passed away on Slinday
orning. • The deceased gentleman,
ho was in his 83th year, was born in
reland and came bb this country whet;
years of age and settled in London,
here he lived until about 80 years
go, when he removed to. McGillivray
nd settled on the 161h con., 1 miles
est of Lieury, where he resided con-
nuously until about six years ago,
ince which time he has spent most of
is days with Mr. F. W. Robothann
he Deceased was a veteran of the
enian Raid andhad a long cermet:-
01 with the militia. His wife peed e-
use.d him about six years and he
ever had any children.
Feed pale girls on Scott's
We do not need to give all
le reasons why Scott's
Emulsion restores the strength
and flesh and color of good
health to those who suffer
from sick blood.
The fact that it is the best
preparation of Cod Liver Oil,
rich in nutrition, full of healthy
stimulation is a suggestion as
to why it does what it does.
- Scott's Emulsion present's
Cod Liver Oil at its best,
fullest in strength, least in
taste. • .
• Young •women in their
" teens " are pernianently Cured
Of the peculiar disease of •tbe
brood which shows itself. in
paleness, weak n esiand neryou s -
n ess, • by. regular :treatment
Ivith Scott's Emulsion. • • .
-TE is a true blood food and,
is naturally adapted to the cure
of the . blood sickness from
which so many young women
We will be glad to send
a sample to any sufferer.
Bs sure that this picture in
the form of alabel is on the
'fxt(.evb°t1I4 eto,s0„;.ubt7
Toronto, Ontario.
Japaneee Shells Played Havo
I With Forward earbette.
Jape WIII .riot. Laud An 4:it:ed2ti0n In
Liao Elver Vulley Defeo:. Apen 20-
• ..Jape Whipped Cossuolks, But Had 5
Killod-Nowchwang Under Illatetia
Law -Drawing China Into lt-•.7;tp
Did sulecRoo. •
THE ht A•=.1KE
Cereal eferkete F,Irlat 13 Mt Options
e r -Live Stook. M rite iff -The
latest Quotatious.
litondey Evening, Merck2• e8.
pverpoot Went retakes closed to -Clay
higher than Saturday, and corn futures
At Chicago July wheat elosedhigh-
" t4411 Sato:WU; Jijly corn 1%c higher,
and. .101,v oats %c higher,
0 , Po ax ..orta airs.
I London elose: Wheat on passage more
o,,hquIrr. Maize en passageth
raer firillog.
Sot Amerleark mixed toe, Flour, epot
Minn, 275•
Paris -a-lose: Wheat, Lone dull; idareh,
21f 70e; july and Mg., 231 25e. 111°"r'
tcp'r dull; 'UM), 28f 65e; July anci Aug.,
Antwerp: Wheat, spot steady; No. 2 Kan -
1211, 17%t,
London, Mardi 20. --The • Daily
Telegraph's Yinkovv correspondent
. says the • Japanese boraba.edinent
badly damaged the !Amer(' bartratte
of the Russian 'battleship •Ceara-
vitch. The correspondent adds: -Ac-
cording to a rumor the -Japanese
transports, escorted by .four creisers,
approached. Newchwang Saturday
arid ,then departed southward, it is
•'stated Viceroy Alexieff will return
to Europe in •a fear clays."
The • Morning Fost's NeWeb.wang
correspondent learns that the ‚lea-
anese will not land- an expedition in
the Liao River Valley before April
20, as their • transports are still
engaged in conveying troops to Co-
The correspondent at Shanhaikwan
of The Daily Mail asserts that the
ChineSe have reeelVed ,official au-
thorization to turn over to the
Japanese the plaiht of the Shanhai-
kwaa-• RallwitY. • ••
The Standard's Tientsin 'correspon-
dent says that in compliance with
Viceroy Alexieff's demand the Tar-
tar General of Fengtiea has with-
drawn within a distance of 60 miles
from. Mukden. He adds that the llus-
slams are now left in complete con-
trol of the revenue and • other de-
The Wei -Hai -Wel correspondent of
The Times says: •
"A Chinese junk, which- has arriv-
ed here, reports having seen on the
morning of March • 28, eleven sea-
worthy Russian 'vessels manoeuvring
in the vicinity of a Japanese aoet,
which was also mancieuvring. No
sound of firing was heard here."
Saps Whipped Cossacks.
London, March 29.—The Seoul
correspoudent of The Daily Mail says
that in the erigagement of March 23,
which Japanese infantry hd with
Cossacks, between Anju and Chong-
ju, the Japanese were victorious,
but lost 50 killed,
7e.f ew g tinder Martial Law.
Newchwang, March 29.—The civil
administration late Sunday evening
notified all the foreign consuls and
residents of Viceroy Alexieff's order
placing the *city and part of New-
chwang under martial law, explain-
ing that it had been ordered to
safeguard the commerciat interest.
The regulations' will stop New-
chwang s trade.
In some quarters the order is re-
garded as an apparent challenge to
neutral powers, especially to China,
on account of the appropriation of
her territory, and that it renders
the United States gunboat Helena
and the British cruiser- Espiegle
liable to an order to leave port.
Drawing china Into It,
London, March 29.—Up to late
last night no official comniunication
had reached the foreign office con-
cerning the declaration. of' martial
law at Newchwang, and officials are
inclined to the opinion that this in-
dicated the Russian Government he.d
not yet sanctioned Viceroy Alexieirs
action. The declaration of martial
law is somewhat anxiously discussed
by the Londonmorning newspapers,
• among which the question has arisen
as to whether Russia is desirous of
• dragging .China into the confiict.
• • . Saps Did Succeed.
London, March 29.—A telegram re-
. calved from Newchwang yesterday
(lifer/160n says that at 3 o!clock
Sunday Morning the Japanese suc-
ceeded in sinking four steamers at
the mouth of Port Arthur harbor:
• A flotilla of destroyers convoyed the
merchantmen, which were subse-
quently sunk, and rescued the volun-
teer crews. Later the •Japanese bat-
• tleships bombarded the town and its
defences. •
Col. Otter Seriously Hurt,
Toronto, March 29.—Col.
Dillon. Otter, C.B., A.D.C., 0.0.0.,
commanding officer of Military Dis-
trict No. 2, was very severely injur-
ed last night about 6.30 by falling
Or being thrown from his horse on
Beverley street, near his residcmce.
Col. Otter had left his home but a
short time with the intention of tak-
ing some horseback exercise, and it
was impossible to ascertain exactly
how- the accident happened. The ani-
mal he was riding was the well-
known Paddy of Pattrdeberg. The
officer was picked up in an uncon-
scious conditioh by McMaster stu-
dents. The doctor pronounce the in-
jury to be a very serious concuseion
of the brain, The patient was still
unconscieus at 10.80 last night.
On Trial For • Murder.
• Ottawa,March 29.—The trial of
Williana Halton, proprietor of the
Oxford Cafe, for the murder of John
Fitzgerald,• late of the Dublin Fusil-
iers, is in progress at the Assizes
'before judge Teetzel. The evidence
given is somewhat similar to • that
presented at the preliminary hearing
before the-- magistrate.; Very am-
flicting medical evidence is being
given. The court Sat until after 10
o'clock last night, when the -jury Was
accOmmodated in': a neighboring
hotel in charge of the sheriff'S offi-
Lsienoena Is Lost.
Marshfield, Ore., March 29,—The
steamer Allitmee, 'which arrived yes-
terday, reports picking up a boat
belonging to • Immorna, British
ship from Greenock, which 16 sup -
prated to have foundered during a re -
tent storm. The boat was vpside
down and damaged. Reneefor the
safety of Larnortut is steadily wan-
ing, The belief is that the Lareerna
foundered en li/Earch J.J. it Berkeley
Sound, ' '•
• As compared with a week ago, the visi-
ble supply of wheat in Canada and the
etroillliitedtneSrteantse4 b5a3s9,d000eerebausesdhei481;4,0000atsbu• dske.;
• creased 833,000 bushels. The following Is
a comparative statement for the week end-
• hag toelay, the preceding week and tile cor-
responding week of last year:
• Wheat, bull!.11322,85'1°41,000. Me3121.,2814",000344c3h,2181,0%
• 0ats, im —.10,321,000 10,654,000 7,857,000
Corn, but —.10,050,000 9,511,000 10,202,000
To recapitulate, the visible supply of
Wheat In Canada and the United State1,
together with that *flout to Europe, 1/
74,511,000 bushels, against 73,285,000 busk*
els a week ego, tied 73,139,000 bushels a
year ago.
Followingare •the closing quotations RI
• important wheat centres to -day:
Cash. Mch. 11147..
New Terk f e ••• 41-6 If" OS" 90%
• Chicago, 06%
Toledo.., 103% 103% 102
Duluth, NO. 1 N.... 97% 97% 97%
TortoNTo Sr. LAWDENCX MA21E1s1e,
Wheat, white, bush .,.„$0 98 to $....
• Wheat, red, bush ...... 0 97% ...•
Wheat, spring, bush ... 0 92
BWeabar elnessy, bh
tgb:usurishe bush • •• • 00 4377%
B 1: .)
1 35
Beans, hand picked 1 65 ...•
Rye, bush •
0 58
Peas, bush ...
0 66 • .• •
Bwhuelt, bush 0 47% 0 48%
Oats, b
LivErtroo OIt A EN A.N?3856RD11.oni8tC9E.
• Liverpool, March 28.—Wheat—Spot dull;
• No. 1 Ceti., 7s; futures closed steady;
March nominal; May, 6s 7ead; July, 61
• Corn -Spot quiet; American mixed, new,
48 212; do, old, 4s 6%12; futures closed
quiet; March nominal; May, 4s 3%d.
Hams -Short cut quiet, 45s 612.
16111°51188-toitit7 rAssa.dun (Pacific coast), arm,
Imports of grain Into Liverpool for the
past week: Wheat -From Atlantic ports,
5200 quarters; from Pacific ports 2000;
from other ports 123,000. Corn -From At-
• lantic ports, 74,100 quarters.
Cables Uneltanged-Good Priem]; for
Easter Cattle at Montreal.
London, March 28, -Live cattle steady at
114e to 11'%c per lb. for steers, dressed
weight; refrigerator beef, Be to 8%,c per
lb. Sheep, slow; 13c tb 13%c per lb.
To:eosin arnacrrroar LIVE sTOCK.
Receipts of five stock at the Union stool(
yards were 24 cars, consisting of 480 cattle,
98 sheep and yearling lambs and 19
MoNT.118.3.E. 'LIVE STc:ocie.
Montreal, March 28. -About 1000 head of
cattle, 200 calves, 20 sheep and 5 Spring
lambs were offered for sale at the east -end
abattoir to -day. Good beeves were Ds ac-
tive demand, and about 40 extra Baster
cattle were sold at froat 53/4e to 5%c per
pound, and a few choice ones at 51/4c per
pound. Prime beeves sold at 43/4c to 5c,
good to medium at about 414e, ordinary
mediums at 3%c to 4c, and the common
stdek at 23.c to 81he per pound. A lot
of 10 bulls, averaging over 1100 pounds,
were sold at 41/4c per pound. Calves sold
at from 31.75 to 39 eacb, or from 21/4e to
Sc per pounO. Sheep sold at Me to 44e
per pound. apriria lambs sold at 33 to 35
each, but they were not good. Fat bogs
are higher; good lots sold at 514,c to near
5-Vao per pound-.
etas r ISOFFAT. ) ()ATTICA; MAI:irk:T.
Bast Buffalo, March 28.—Cattle—Be-
celpts sem head; heavy grades active and
higher; others opened steady to strongo
closing easier; prime steers, 35.25 to $5.50l
shipping, $4.75 to 35.15; butchers', 34.25 to
35,10; heifers, 33.50 to 34.05; cows, 33 to
34.25; bulls, $3.25 to e4.25; stockers and
feeders, 33.50 to 34.25; stock heifers, 32.25
to 38; fresh cows and springers, $2 to Sa
higher; good to choice, 315 to 355; medium
to good, 335 to 342; common, 320 to 332. ,
Ye:de—Receipts 550 head; steady, 35 to
Hogs•—Recelpts 10,200 head; Wive; pigs,
35c to 50e higher; others 10c to 200 higher;
heavy mixed and yorkers, 36 to 36.05: pigs,
36; roughs, $5,10 to 35.30; stags,, 34 to
Sheep and lambs—Receipts 15,000 head;
active; 150 to 25c lagher; Iambs, 35 to
3%.0rStOe, rs3
a, few 36.75;
t36.o35.60; ewes, wLleiilge3
ss, 35t5.50o i$35.2$561
sheep, mixed, 33,25 to 35.25, •
New York, March 28.—Beeves—itece1pte
3265; fat steers firm, others steady; bulls
and fat cows steady; medium and COMM711
slow and 10c lower; steers, $4.25 to 35.50;
bulls, $3 to $4.50; cows, $1.40 ?to $3.70;
shipments, 12 cattle and 30 sheep.
Calves--Reeelpts 1252; 50c to 75e higher;
seals, e4.50 to 38.50, general sales, $5 to
$1,75; little calves nominal; city dressed
veals, firm at 7c to 12c; country dressed,
itluo'Sths°6770p5112. ea;ndubulatemebS-1%. ecelpts 6291; sheep
steady; lambs steady to 10e higher; sheep,
$3.50 to 35.25; culls, 32.50 to *3; lambs, VI
Flogs—Receipts 5819; market 20c to 25e
higher; Penna. and state hogs, $6 to
ctrro..too Live ',TOOK.
Chicago, March N.—Cattle—Receipts, 29,-
000; market steady to weaker; good to
prime steers, 35.25 to 35.60; poor to medium,
$3.75 to $5; stockers and feeders, $2.75 to
$4.35; cows, $1.75 to $4.40; heifers, $2 to
Hogs --Receipts to -day. 32,000; market leo
higher; rougb, heavy, $5.25 to 35.50; light,
$5.20 to $5.56; bulk of sales, $5.40 to $556.
Sheep and Lambe -Receipts, 22,000; mar-
ket 10e to 20e higher; lambs 10c higher;
good to choice wethers, $4.00 to 35.50; fair
to choice, Mixed, $4.20 to $4.60; western
sheep, $4 to $5.55; native lambs, 34.50 te
Lost at Sen.
St. John, N. B., March 29.' -Wm.
Summerfield, a steerage passenger,
Was lost overboard from the' Steam-'
or Lake Champlain, which arrived
yesterday from Liverpool with 1,200
passengers for the United States arid
Canadian Northwest points. Sent-
merfield, on the morning of March
18, While the ship was battling with
ti, gale, went over the side. He wad
27 years old, belonged to lvfiddleeex,
and was bound for Parry Sound.
rive Years 3 0- Itey Thief.
Guelph, March 29,—John Cox, a
boy of 15, Was arrested for break- -
ing into the drug store of Alex.
SteWart last Monday 'night and tak-
ing Seventy dollars Mit of the till,
Was Sentenced yesterday inornieg fd
five years ill the l'aternlat ry at
Pains la the Back
A,re symptoms of a weak, torpid or
stagnant condition of the kiclneys i
liver, and are a warning it is extremely
bazeraoos to neglect, so important is
a healthy ection of theme organs
They aro oommonly attended by loss
of energy, lack of courage, and some-
times by gloomy foreboding mad de-
spondency. •
t'T VMS taltcn ill with kidney trouble, and
becume so weak I could seareely get around,
I took reed/eine without benefit, and finally
decided to try need's Sarsaparilla, After
the first bottle lIsib so mucli better that
contineed its 1150, and six boteles made me
a new woman. When my little girl was a
baby, she could not keep anything on her
stoinach, and we gave her Rood's 8arsepa-
rilla which cured her." Mae. Dumas Ise
Wallaeeburg, Ont.
)food's Sarsaparilla
Cures kidney and liver troubles, re-
lieves the back. and builds up the
whole system,
'Wood's Phosphodine,
TM areal Eaythe %ma*,
is an old, waU estab.
Ittihad and reliable
preparation. Has been
prescribed and used
over 40 yeers. All dew.
gists is the Dominion
of Canada sell and
recommend as bolos
• Before gad After, the culy medicine sf
its kind that cures and
Irt,es universal eatisfaetten. 11 Dromptijeand
permanently.cures all forms a Nervous weak -
neer. Modenotia. Spermalorrhaa, Xmpoteney,
and all effects of alum or excesses; the exceed,'
moot raver*, opium or fitimuiarite, Mewled
and /train Worry, all ot which lead to Infirmity,
Insanity, Consumption and an Early Grave.
Price St per package oral' for M. One wit;
sprease,_six win cure. Mailed prompt r coa
Naps alpha. Send for tree pamphlet. Added"!
• The Wood Consimialy,
• mother, oar, Canada,
Woods Phosphodine is sold in Exeter by Drs. Brown.
Ing and Lutz, Druggiets.
11180348 Poi( of GO
imwontoz, MONTI-MAI.
Cepltel Peld itTp 6,000,00
Rest• - 2,700,00
A general Ranking businera transacte&
interest/it most favorable current rates allowO1 tee
Savings Dank accounts owl Deposit Receipts.
Commercial Lettees of Credit issued, Available in
China, Japan and other foreVe countnes.
• Travelling Letters of Credit lesued 10 trevellere in
all parts of the world, •
E.F.IIESDEN, SIM( Or Rasmus Ss Cense Issezeircer
W. 8, CHISHOLlita'M„nagee.
Chopping and R
Give us a call when you waiot drop-
ping or roiling done.
Mill at Electric Light Pita&
Snell & Blatchford.
The Whole Country Ringing
with Praises of
Mr Weaver, Cured two years ago,
continues to 2Dread the good
news of his recovery fTozn.
Publicly c orroborates the history of 1.-.13
restoration to health, as published
recently by the daily press
of Canada,
Doctors and specialists deapaired
of a cure and gave Mr. Weaver
but three months tt live.
Who desires to publicly confirm the
history of his remarkable recovery, as
published quite recently by the daily
press of Canada. Mr. Weaver was as
bad a case of Consumption as might
well be imagined. He was employed
for five years in the grinding:mem of
James Warnock & Co's, better known
as "The Axe Factory," in Ga/t. Hore
he contracted consumption from the
eteel.laden dust. He persisted with
local physicians' treatrnent for over a
year,. also consulted a number of lung
specialists. They all did their utmost
to cure, but declared Mr. Weaver's an
incurable case of grinder's consump..
Von giving him but three months
to live. Mr. Weaver himself, de-
spaired of a permanent cure, as two of
his brothers before him had already
died of constimption.
It is but seldom that any reinecly receives such
strong endorsctnent as Psychine is ri ceivIng
tinily. Seldom indet d that the cured come
forward voluntarily to state their case a second
time SO that all May be convinced cf the truth.
The instance hernia reported from the busy town
of Galt, Ont„ is a typical instance of what is
occurrineln evelleity, town, hanilet teal coulary-
side in this broad Dominion. Scores of people
in Gnit were long ago conversant with the
retie of this notable case: while to others the
publication of it in the daily press came as a
Scores of people receetly called upon Mr.
Weaver to see if all that had ben publivlied was
:really true, Medical men evidenced a desire to
ere the good work :wrought 1th Dr. Slocum's
tr,111011n remedy', Psychine 8i -keen), Mr.
Weever luul also 'been the recipient of hundreds
of t,,h
. all po
arts of the county enquiring
AAA mid sorrowful is the first chn ;Aar of the stoty
old by the nate whose case bas excited the,
interest of Lung Specialists er. 1 or riter"cel men
and whose cure and con:pi:xi resy.rat.ne t.a
health is the talk of Galt and t te woodier f the
medical profession. Such, in bit ie. are the open-
ing remarks of the case of Mr. Weever, of Galt
whose portrait appears above.
Mr. Weaver is to -day a splentli.1 specimen of
2tatAlteod and the picture of tolmet he ANL His
nines give MITI 110 more trout. le. He arrnue
cult]. liealtity,_eate id sleeps wet:, and feels hetter
than he hes for ten years.
tifstaver's Oasre ,szts r,lystrl 'tfa
the press, 4arte.ne..elf
Dr. T. A. Slocut.°:"1-511;orlfi*v8e4ye'ars 1 worked as
n erinder in the James Warnock, better 'mown
n..rthe Axe Factory, here. 'I he dust front the
griuding did for me what it has due fnr =airy
others. It gave me "grinder's consumption...
wits compelled, of course, to. qait wark. per-
si.ted with two local physictang, and also -tort,
salted. a Lumber of lung sneelatiAs. 'Their diag-
noses were all alike eie have Grinder's
Consumption, and may possibly lhothreie
months, but you are liable to etrop et atry
tiMe_" Thin was over tWi) years ago.
I Caen almost abandoned myself he what
seeined my fate, my two brothers It :siege•lea
of csneumption a few years previous. I was in
au advanced stage of the disease. / was thin
and weak, had night sweats, chills and fever,
a nilsaa It; rolubri cdovuegr thi
iement of "Psychine," and.
X itterunned to try it. Threugh the kind advitie
c nd assistance of REV. 231 a. KlilTTERNI
Methodist minister in charge here at that time,
I procured your treatment. The very first bottle
gave Inc great relief. and after taking six bottles
I could walk down town anci te. en work:•occa-
skins tly. Have since then t ?at irely regai Hpa my
health, and work hard every day. Xv,iit eat tend
sleet) well. r feet better to -clay than I have for
years, I ewe my life to Peychine.
Yours trah.
Mr, Weaver's soca ncilA.;:tizal;e:4;743.'e,terift
after the abovo wars published.
Dr T. A. Stamm :—The PublieetAioi'
history of any ease in Toronto anti Colt peptra
has caused quite n sensation in Otis town There
have beet; scores of people ask me if sodh
were really the case. I bare also received by
mai/ oumberg of like enquiries. Some people
hardly think it possible that I was a* near
death's door. 331.It X can My for certain that
Psychl saved :my ilia and I 'bless th e dayi saw
Psychine advertised and became convinced oflts
merits enough to try it. 1 bare spread the 3oo.1
news in three comities, and shall ever continue
to praise esyclane. Every; word, AS tublished
January 30t0, is trite to the facts of the 0.1SC.
Yours truly,
TiEVI 2Veakr4it.
If you stiffer frona Lung Tvoubls, th
Grippe. Asthma, Throat Distales„
Pneumonia, Catarrh of the Stornetla,
bronchitis, Night .Sweats, Loss •ef
Flesh or Run-down System, or
eases where a tonic is required, there is
no other Medicine in the wide world that
Will aet more promptly or effectively.
PSYCI1DIE is pronouriced SIAM&
Vor sale at all drug stores, or, if.yott
have uot tried it a satnple can be Obtairrea
by writing to Dr, T. A. Slocutritslahora-
tory, 17e• Xing Street Weet, Torottto,
Canada, Seed for Dr. Slocum's Treatise
on the prevettion and cure of Throat
and Lung Diseases,
A sample of Psychine will be sent' free ef
charge to all who desire to test it. Nitrite to-
day to DR. T. A. SLOOttlif. Limited, Offices and
Maborsitories. 119 itting St. W., TorOritOt Csfl