HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-3-24, Page 5THE
002i.ettr gktoctoratz,
If" published every Thursday Slorning at the 01ilee,
-By tbe-
One Dollar per 'annum if paid in advance, 91.50
R not ao
asasarovtizasafg =0:total Oro. •Z:.2p)gicsixe
No paper diecentintsel unblltdlarrearaees aro paid.
Advertieemente witheut opeeilled dlreetione will be
published until forbid and charged accordingly.
Liberal discount mecle for transolent edvertiseinente
ineerted for long periods. F.sery deseription of JOR
PRINTING turned out in the finest etyleand at
moderaterates , Cheques, money orders, '&c., for
advertieing, subsortptIons, etc., to be made payable
Sanders 8t Creech,
Professional Cards.
inal)R. A. R. HINMAN, L. D. 8,, D. D. Si„
Honor graduate of Toronto Univeristy.
Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects
Office in ranson's Block, west side an street,
Exeter. •
Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Abe Post
Graduate of Chicago School of Peosthetio Dentistery
(with honorable naention.) •
Alluminum, Gold and Vulcanite Platemade in the
neatest manner posable. A perfectly harmless an-
aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth.
. Office one dor eolith of Carling Bros. store, Exeter.
College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario.
Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office, Dash-
wood, Ont..
Dr. Sohn L. Wilson, Office and Residence, '290
Queens Ares London Ont. Special attention
paid to diseases of women. Office hours, 12,30 to 4
p tn.
tors, Notaries, Oonveyancere, Commissioners.
Solicitors for Molsons Bank, etc. Money to loan at
owest rates of interest, Offices, Main street, Exeter,
L R. amnia, B.A., L. H. Dictum
n BROWN, Winchelsea. Licened ,Auctioneer
LA, for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex.
also for the township of Usborne. Sales promptly
attended to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged
at Post Office, Winchelsea.
We are still in the Bicycle trade
and this year show some fine speci-
mens. The CUSHION FRAME is
the ideal wheel to ride. Prices mod-
iNew Pianos.!
Several New Pianos just put in
stock ; neWest styles and the best
makes., It will pay you to see thetn.
You ivill be surprised at the LOW
PRICES at which we sell them.
Organs of the Latest
rakes always in stock
•ming Machines 8co.
We are leaders in. Sewing Ma-
Ghines-the best machines that the
• trade produces are on our floor for
your ofspeetion •, also repairs Need-
les, etc., for all kinds of sewing ma-
chines, alWays on hand.
Call aud see us if in need of
'any of the above.
"When yovt. insist on having
Harvey Bros.Flour.
• Our STAR FLOUR is made from
the choicest Outario and ,Manitoba
The quaiitity of our WBEATLET
has been improved by sterilizing it.
Give it a trial. , - •
it is "A FOOD' not A "
Our facilities foe the handling of
the chopping trade are unsurpassed.
The new Veseot grinder is giving great 6,
causing -
1 to go up by leaps and bounds.
Holding,good clean wheat will find
it to their advantage to see
!Jos. Cobblediok
Wl*as large orders to fill.
Grain received at
Exeter, Cottralia and Clandebosie
For hard colds, bronchitis,
asthma, and coughs of all
kinds, you cannot take any-
thing better than Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. Ask your
011,11 doctor if this is not so.
He uses it. He understands
why it soothes and heals.
4.1had a terrible cough for weeks. Then1
took Ames Cherry Pectoral and only one
bottle cororletelr eared Mc"
Rea. J. a. DAMPOZTlio at. Mine,. Mich-
see..11.11. • J. C. ATint 00.,
All druggists. for
Coughs Colds
Ye141 will hasten reccriery by tak•
. _
mg one or sayere 1011111 at bedtime.
.$20,000 Blaze at Ingersoll'.
' Ingersoll, lfarch 20. T -Damage- to the
extent of , • v by aflre
that broke out in the McKinnon build-
ing, corner of Thamesand King steets•
at two o'clock this naming. The
building comprised: -R. N. Thurtell's
drug store,. F. Dutton's grocery . store,
Andrew's barber shop and the rooms
of the:Ingersoll Amateur Athletic As-
sociation. • Some of the contents of the
barber shop ' were saved, but neatly
everything else about the building
was -totally destroyed. with the excep-
tion of the books at the drug. store.
The cause of the fire is a mystery, but
it is sapposed to have started in a pas-
sageway between the drug store and
the grocery store. There was insur-
ance in eatili instance blit not sufficient
to cover the Josses. The McKinnon
building was the property of the Mc-
Kinnon estate of London.
• W. C. T. U. Notes.
••The priors of the Main s.treet par,
sonag•e were comfortably filled on
Wednesday afternoon by niembers.of
the W. 0. T. U., it being the. regular
meeting. A very able address WaS giv-
en by Mr. Godwin and was listened to
throughou t with marked iitteution.
"Dorcas" was the subject, "lamented
by those for Whom she had spent her
life in Charities and good works.",
"The transformed life is the source
whence should proceed all goodness."
"Restored to life again is a type of
the resurrected life from the sleep of
sin to -activity, and as one result the
world wide organization of the -Wo-
man's Christian Tetriperance Uninrn
AwAkened to existincs"evils, planning
and executing ways to lessen these,
and -save the tempted and lost. Three
ways present themselves as a measure
to that end. First, moral suasion, -
second, legal suasion and third prayer."
A magistrate in Harlem court, New
York, make the following significant
declaration the other day:
"Yesterday I had before me --thirty-
five boy prisoners. Thirty-three:of
them were. eprifirmed cigarette sink-
ers. To -day, from a reliable source, I
have male the grewsorne discovery
that two of the largest cigarette man u-
fa.cturers in this country soak ,their
product in a weak solution of opium."
Thelact that out of thirty -live pri-
soners thirty-three smokbd cigarettes
Might seem to indicate- Some direct
connection . betWeen cigarettes , and
Consumption is a hurna.n
.weed -flourishing best in NVeak
lungs. Like other weeds its
easily destroyed while young;
when 'old, sometimes im-
Strengthen the lungs as you
Would weak land and the
weeds will disappear. -
The best lung fertilizer is
Scott's Emulsion. Salt pork
is good too, but it is verylard
to digest. •
The time to treat consump-
tion is when you begin trying
to hide it from yourself.
Others see it, you won't
Don't wait until you can't
deceive yourself any longer.
Begin with the first thought
to take Scott's Emulsion.. If
it isn't really consumption so
much the better; you will soon
forget it and be better for the
treatment If it is consump-
tion you can't expect to be
cured at once, but if you will
begin in time and will be
rigidly regular in your treat-
ment you will win.
Scott's Emulsion, fresh air,
rest all you can, eat all you
can, that's the treatment and
that's tlie best treatment.
We willsend you
a little of the Emul-
sion free.
Be sure that this picture in
the form of a label is on ilia
ITIrrion fruc37 bottle of
Toren to, Ontario.
Sec, and $1; all druggists.
Jabs in Possession After Com-
bined Land and Sea Attack.
Rapidan Army Loses 600 Men, Rilled and
wounded, 4it Chyeags en g-aluirp En
counter Reported 30 Mlles lcortheast
• of 'Olio on the Yalu 1iver-P.1ring Off
Yinkow---Ruselan Pladlrosteck Squad
s'op's A.ttnek.
London, March 22.-A number of
rumors are printed in. the newspap-
ers this morning, but they must be
'taken with great reserve,
The Daily Telegraph's Tokio corre-
• spondent cables a newspaper report,
of the Japanese occupation of Port
Arthur after a combined land and
sea attack Saturday and Sunday.
It is asserted that a di -Vision of
Japanese landed on the Liaotung
Peninsula Saturday and engaged the
Russians near Port Arthur, while
the fleet bombarded from Saturday
evenink until Sunday morning,
wheat Closed Lewer et Seth Llyerpood
tend ChIcagO-LiVO Stock Markets-
• Tho Latest (Imacatleas.
Monday Evening, liffireli
Liverpeol wheat futureolosed ISsves
than $o turSaY, and <emu fizturea leaver,
At Paris, wheat futtarea chased Tis to 15
centimes higher,
At Chicago, Inly wheat closed 1W,(' below
SaturdaY. July corn %a lower, and anly
osts 14essower. •
ronsIfe; st nis sirs.
Loudon--Clese--WIleat on passage • harD7
_ aud depressed. Maize on pftSsage, uothhig
Own& Spot. Anterletia iulxed,les Td.
Flour, Sact Minns_ 23e'
Paris-Close-Wneat tone firm:. Mare,.
21f 050, IfilY and Aug. 21f. 70c. Flour tone
flin; March 291 35e, SulY and Aug. 29f
XntWerP--Wheat, spot quiet; No. 2 Kan -
Seek 17%f.
As compaied with a week ago, the visible
„ supply of wheat in Canada end the Stnited
Stateshas decreased 471,000 bashels;',Corn
decreased 858.000 bushels: oats decreased •
400,000 bushels. The following is n com-
parative statement for the week ending 'to-
day, the preeeding week, and the corres-
ponding week or last year :
IlusolgUti 1,ae 600.
The same correspondent :reports a
sharp encounter at Chyongsong, on
the Yalu. River, about thirty -miles
northeast Of Wiju, in 'which the Rus-
sians lost 500 killed and Wounded.
The 'Daily Chronicle's Shanghai
correspondent hears from Newchwang
that ,the Japanese crossed Tatung
Pass, forty miles. from Haicifilk•
and collision occurred .with the
-Reports from Seoul and Tokio are
to the effect that Marquis Ito has
arranged to lend s..9-,500,000. to
Corea on • easy terMS.
Wants Extension of Thur.
Accbrding to The Standard's Tien-
stm correspondent, China is appeal-
ing to the powers for an extension
of a year in the period • for the pay-
ment of the indemnity growing out
of the Boxer troubles. •
The correspondent at Tienstin. of
The Daily Mail reports thatKa-
taoka , a J apanese Merchant, biit a
-Russian .spy, has been assassinated
• by being buried alive, but that the
Japanese authorities disavow any
knowledge of the assassins,
The Morning Post's Kamburg cor-
respondent says that Russia has
purchased, the Hamburg steamer
Hafts, which is now at Vladivostock,
for 5250,000, and that. the vessel's
name has been changed to Alexeitra-
Firing Off Yinlcow.
Yin.kow, March 22. -Firing was
heard off the coast, apparently about
six miles to the southward, this
morning. There was fourteen shots
between 7 and 7.30. The morning
Was hazy, and it was iinpossible to
distinguish Objects at Sea. A credi-
ble report has reached hero that two.
cruisers and five gunboats were off
Xinchow yesterday.
'Northern Squadron's Attack.
Constadt, March 22. -The Vestnik,
the leading service organ here sur-
mises that the Russian Valclivostock
squadron has gone to attack Moror-
an (in Volcano Day) and Otarunal
Ishikari Bay), both on the Jap -
anese Island of Yesso, whore an ex-
cellent quality of coal is supplied to
the Japanese warships.
C118160(1 811irs to Block Channel.
Lodori, March 22. -Japan is cibout
to make a sensational attempt to
up • Port Arthur once and for
Fifteen big steamships are beinr..;
.prepared at Sasebo for this new ef-
fort. They -are being loaded with
stone, and are to be linked together
with chains and wire cables. They
are to steam toward. Port Arthur in
a line, and it • is hmnaterial whether
they are sunk by Russian. guns oi•
are blown up by their crews.
In either .event they will thorough-
ly block the entrance -to the harbor,
according to the belief of the nava
officers who are engineering the
•, Through Russian Spectacles.
St. Petersburg, March 22., --The fol-
lowing despatch from Mukden, March
20, was received yesterday:
"General Zhilinski reports as • fol-
Meh.21,'04, Idch.14,'04. 11011.21..03.
Wheat, bu....32,335,000 33,300,000 45,055,000
Oats, bush. -10,054,000 10,604,000 7,182,000
Corn. bu• ,, 9,511,000 9,867,000 10,037,000
To recapitulate, the visible Sunels
wheat in Canada and the United States,
together with that afloat to Europe, is 73.-
305,000 bushels, against 72,676,000 bushole
a week ago, and, 70,070,000 bushels a year
wirm.tv .
Following are the closing quotations at
important wheat centres to -day• :
Cash. Mel). May.
rew York ... ... .... • ... 9054
Chicago - 92
TQIedo Duluth, No. 1 N 99% 98% 97%
93% 98%
Tonwern Sr. La we. vier: n ire„
G ra in
Whe t , red, bush. .. . .. 50 98 to $....
Wheat, white, bush0 98 1 90
Wheat, spring, bush.... 0 96
Wheat, goose, bush 0 80 0.871,6
Barley, bush. 047Y, 0 48
Beans, bush. ., 1 35
Beaus, hand picked 1 65
Rye, bush. 0 58
Brenacsk\vhbellastil 0 60
; bush.0 - 47% 0.48 Si
Oats, hush 0 88 0 38Si
LTVEt1P0 (1114.111 1,110i./1101t.
' ' • •
Liverpool, March 21.-Wbeat--Spot dull;
No. 1 Cal, is 11/20. Futures steady; March
nominal, May Gs 6%d, :Tuly Gs Said. Corn -
Spot in sec sen-, 4s siStel,
• •
American mixed, old, 4s 7d. Futures etnAti
. Ma rcli -nominal, May 4s 8%c1. Baron --Clear
bellies dull, 41s; shoulders, square, dull, 823.
Lard -Prime western dull. 85s Od; Anted-
- ean refined dull, 85s 05. Cheeses -American
finest colored. steady, 51s Gd.
The imports of wheat into Liverpool last
week were 12,600 gnarters from ASIantle
ports, end 96,000 ft•om other ports
The imports of corn from Atlantic ports
bast week were 60,600 quarters.
Cables SteadT-Trade at Montreal
Dull, With a Lower Tendency.
London, 'March 21. -Live cattle steady at
l'i': 111 l'A' l'',`; 1.0.or g:vt ircs`g
weight,: ,; Ig to beef, . 8 ..1
I1). Sheep, 13e to 18%c per lb.
TonoNro .sussoTD)N- LEY K STOCK.
Receipts of live stock at the Ximetion
Live Stock Market were 27 carloads, con-
sisting- of 550 cattle, 11 sheep and 3
1 cattle, 75 calves and a few sheep and spring calves.
alox•rn sae, erve STDCK.
Montreal, March 21. -About 1009 head of
Iambi were offered for sale at the East
End Abattoir to -day. The butchers were
out strong, but trade was slow, and prices
of cattle had it downward tendency All
round. A few choice Easter beeves e -ere sold
at about 5%c per lb.; prime beeves at 4Sic
i to 5lisc: good Mediums at about 414e, and
1 ordinary mediums at 3%e to 4c per Rs.
wtille the common stock brought_ 21,ic to
1 3%c per lb. The calves were a poor lot,
and sold at from $1.50 to $5 each. Sheep
sold at 3%0 to 314c per Ib. Spring lambs
at $4.50 to $5.50 each; good lots of fat hogs
sold at about .54e per 10.
'EMIT KU F if.t. i , 1 c.t.Tich A It .....,: t.: K r.
IEast Buffalo,alarch 21.-Cattle-11eceipts,
3000 bead; good to choice 10c higher; oth-
ers steady; prime steers, $5 to $5.25; ship-
ping steers, $4.50 to $5; butcher steers, 51
• to $5; heifers. $3.25 to $4.60; &taws, 83.25 to
$4.25; hulls, $3 to $4.25; stockers and ;sed-
ers, $8.25 to $4.15; stock heifers, $2.25 to
$3; fresa cows and Springers steady; good
to choice, 02 to $50; medium to good, 00
to 840: common, 520 to $28.
Veals-Receipts, 700 head; T5c lower;
1 $5.50 to $7.
1Hogs-Receipts, 17,000 head: fgirly ae-
qive; pigs steady; others Sc to lle lower;
1casY, $r'd to 55.75; few, 55.80; mixed,
515.65 to . 5 70; yorkers $5.55 to 5060; pig
$0.30 to $5..40; roughs, $4.80 to *5; 'stags:0
fo 0.50.
Sheep and Lambs -Receipts, 21.000 .lead;
active; sheeri steady; lambs lfic to 20e low-
er; native lambs, 55 to $6.15; western, $5.75
to iVigi Yearlings, $0.25 -to 55.50: wethers,
e5d5, $3:2530te; ewes, *4.60 to $475; sheep, mis-
New York, March 21.-Beeves--Recelpts,
3434; good steers firm; tethers slow to a
shade lower; bulls steady; fat cows firm:
others slow to a shade lower; steers, $4,45
to $5.55; stags and oxen, $4.40 to 51; bulls,
$3.20 to $5.10; cows, $1.60 to 53.65: exten
tat Ohio do., $425. Exports to -morrow, 820
cattle, 1260 Sheep and 4700 quarters of
Calves-Reeeipts, 4148; market 50e to 75e
lower; veals, 54 to $7.75; choice early, 57.90
to $8; little calves, $3 to 53.50; liarnyard
calies, $2.50 to $8.
Sheep and Lambs -Receipts, 10,994: sheeD
and lambs steady; sheep, $3.25 to $5; lambs,
$5,60 to $0.65; yearlings, $5.50.
Hogs -Receipts, 12,589; 10e to 15e lower.
Chicago, March 21. -Cattle- Receipts, 28.-
000; good to prime steers, 55.25 to 55.80;
prime to inedlinn, $3.50 to $5; stockers and
feeders, 52.50 to $4.20; cows, $1.60 to 84;
heifers, $2.25 to $4.50; canners, $1 to $2.50:
bulls, $2 to $4; calves, 58 to 56; Texas fed
stecri, *4 to $4.75.
ITogs-Receipts to -day, 3.5,000; Co. -morrow,
25,000; mostly heavy, $5.25 to $5,50; r2ngh
heavy, *5.15 to $5,25; light, $4.80 to 55.20;
lank of sales, $5.10 to $5.30.
Sheep-Recelpts, 25,000; sheep, Steady to
firm: good to choice wethers, 51.25 to $5 25;
foir to choice mixed, $3.50 to 3450; western
sheep, 54 to $4.50; native Iamb, $4.60 to
"The troops are in good spirits
and there is no sickness.
"According to reports receivect
from the 'frontier guards on the '
Eastern Chinese Railway, everything
is in order there. At Udyini station
Captain Uksemoff, with 70 cavalry-
men, has driven off a band of 100
Chunchuses (Chinese bandits).
"The occupations of the towns of
Anju and Pingyang by the enemy's
infantry and artillery is confirmed.
An increased movement, of the troops
and transports on the road between
Pingyang and Anita is noticeable.
"Thirteen of the enemy's trans-
ports recently unloaded at, Chinam-
"According to reports there have
been no preparations for landing ott
the coast of Caoljaii or opposite
"All reports appearing in foreign I
newspapers of the landing of Japan-
ese troops at different points on the
coast are inventions.",
°Adel advices report the concen-
tration of armed Mongolians dis-
guised as nilgrims at Vanburen,
south of Lake Baikal, and a few
miles from the RuSsian frontier.
Russians Are Sick.
A telegram haS been received from
Medical Officer Trepoil, at Chita,
r astern Siberia, saying;
"There are many eases of sickness
Chincle Satuadrea.
Cho Foo, March 22. -The Chinese
Peayang squadron, eonsisting of the
cruisers Ifaichi, }Dying, Hitien and
Ralehew, under command of Admiral
Taal have arrived here.
Ottittginoth OrItteal Out.
Signed for Two Years.
Indianapolis, March 22. -At a
rneetieg here yesterday the scale
proposed by the coa,1 operators and
accepted by the miners was signed
by tini joint sub -scale committee,
consisting of two miners and two
operators of each of the four states
forming the central competitive dis-
trict, No .change was inade from
the original proposition of the oper-
ators. The scale is operative for
tWo years.
1,200 roe tiY0
• Montreal, March 22,-Twolve hun-
dred young Englishmen boarded
St. Petersburg, March 22. -Oen, three specialC.P.R. trains yesterday
Zhilinski's official Confirmation of on their way to the Northwest, Thiei
the reports that the Russian out- „ had come out by the Tunisian; tine/
posts abandoned Anju upon the ap- Wo.te yOung and ruddy, and strorip,
proach of Japanese in force, cauSes and it 'wag the opinion of the
no surprise here, as Snell action ta R. officials that they constituted -the
in pollees accord with the Russian , finest lot of young men $3cen fOr
plan of campaignyears bent On a similar mission.
The Case of Miss Frankie
Om); of Boston, Mass., is in-
teresting to all women.
"DEAR Mits. Pissairs : suffered
misery for several years. My back ached
and I had bearing -down pains, and fre-
quent headaches. I would often walo
from a restful sleep in Such pain and
misery that it would be hours before
I could close ray eyes again. I dreaded
the long nights and weary days. I
could do no work. t consulted differ-
ent physicians hoping to. got relief,
but, finding that their medicines did
not cure me, I tried Lydia E. Pink -
ham's 'Vegetable Compound, As
it was highly recommended to n2e. I am
glad that I did so, for I soon found
that it was the medicine for 112:1 ease.
Very soon I was rid of every new and
pain and restored to perfect health.
I feel splendid, have a fine appetite,
and have gained in weight a lot." -
Miss Psalms Oilsria, 14 Warrenton
St., Boston, Mass. -;q000 forfeit If o.Iginai
of about' letter prolog genumenese cannot be pro-
Surely you cannot wish to re-
main weak, sick and discouraged,
and exhausted with each dars
work. Some derangement of the
feminine organs is responsible
for this exhaustion, following
any kind of work or effort.
Lydia E. Pinkham's 'Vegetable
Compound will help you just as
it has thousands of other women.
Remarkable Accident.
r London, Ont., March16.-Tbe
Nev York express, arrivine, here this
Afternoon from the west al 5 o'clock,
had it reinarkahle experience. The
tI in witi s ft) u t li msdred. ytti Cis fru ttt
the Wortley Road bridge entering the
city when the rear pair of driving
wheels on the etigine left the the rails.
The train traveled 500 yaids-to the
edge of the Thames River bridge -be-
fore it wi's Stopped.
It wasfound that tb e derailed wheels
had ent the bone from every fish -plate,
a,nd that- the whole train was not de-
railed is regarded as a mystery.
The baggage car was found to be on
fire from an explosion of a gas lamp
beneath the car. The city- firemen
were called out and the fire extinguish-
ed before serious damage was -done.
Seven locomotives were used to pull
the express engine to its place.
Denfield: A black horse,a cutter,a, set,
of bilrotsss and robe were stolen from
James Dean. here, Saturday, and High
bonstahle MeLond was notified of the
robbery on Saturday night.. The stol
en animal has a sore on its right side
ood Pills
Ayer's Pills are good live.:
pills. You know that. The best
family laxative you can buy.
They keep the bowels regular,
cure constipation. Mthrg,:z
Want your moustache or heard
a beautiful brownor rich black/ Use
urn Cll. Si P. 11514.5 CO.. VISFIOL. It. IL
Earley. , ..... , „ , . 40 42
Oats , "60
, . co at
Potatoea, per hag . 75 80
Hay, per ton 8 00 8 00
lrlour, per cwt, 2 5,0
Butter .. ... 15
Eggs. , . .. . 10
Hides, per 100 Ibs 5 00 5 00
Live hogs, per cwt4 85
Dressed Hogs. „ 5 75 0 25
Shorts per cwt, 1 00 100
Bran per ewt 00 90
Illefoltagts Book of Cauila
RFAD on'icE ifozs,TREA,
Capital Paid Vp • 6,000,000
Rest - - 2,700,000
A general Banking business transacted. ,
Interest at most favorable eurrent rates allowed on
Savings Bank accounts and Deposit Receipts.
Commercial Letters of Credit issued, available in
China, Japan and other foreign countries.
Travelling Letters of Credit Issued to travellers In
all parta of the world,
Rarr or Baaamtas & Omar issescrea
We are giving excellent
satisfaction since Re-
modelling our mill.
Cook's Cotton Root CompounL
Ladies' Favorite
Is the only safe, relfaiale
regulator on which, woman
Can depend. "in the floutt
and time of need."
Prepared In two degrees oft
strength. No. 1 and No. 2.
No. 1. -For ordinary cases
is by far the best dollar
medicine known.
No. 2-3'or special eases -10 degreeS
stronger --three dollars per box.
'Ladies -ask your druggist for Cook's's.
Cotton. Root Compound. Take no other
as all pills, mixtures and imitations are
dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold and
recommended by all drugglsto in the Do-
minion of Canada. Dialled to any addresS
on receipt ot2ri0e and four 2 -cent postage
stamps?, woe .1roogla Co7.npzury, .
Wisidsor, "Ont•
No. fani xe. '2are sold in Exstei hs Ina. Lutz and
Browniag, Dresgiete.
°hopping and Felling.
Giye. cv'hep :you Want ehop-
plug Or roiling done.
Mill at Electric Light Milt.
Snell & Blatcliford,
Offer to the Sick
1,1 WOPEll °111111E
DR. SLOCUM, Lung Specialist
o Every Sufferer with Consumption, Catarrh,
Bronchitis, La Grippe, Pulmonary
and Bronchial Troubles
If you have any of the following symptoms it means that the eerros
of consumption. are in your system. Accept Dr. Slocum's generous offer.
Ara your lwigs weak-? Are you losing flesh?
.Do you Cough? Are you pale, thin and weak?
Do you have value in the chest? Do you have ringing in the ears?
Do you spit up phlegm? Do yota have kot flashes?
Is your throat sore and inflamed? Is there dropping in the throat?
Is your appetite bad? Is the nose dry and stuffy?
Do you have night sweats? Have you a coated tongue?
Call your disease what you will, these symptoms indicate that you have in pass
body the seed; of the most dangerous of maladies. In order to let all people know
the marvellous power of his system of treatment, Dr. Slocum has decided to give
free to all sufferers as a test his free trial treatment ,
Nothing could he more reasonable, more generous than Dr. Sloeues offer.
The Slocum System of Treatment has cured thousands and tenit of thousands of
eases of consumption in all stages of the discese. A system of treatment that
accomplishes more than any one remedy can ever accomplish. A system of
complete medicinal:1nd tonic rood treatment that destroys and eliminates all tubertulosis germs and poison from thc system arid assists nature hi building up healthy
Jung. nd body tissue, two esscntial fenetions far it permanent cure,
Accept Dr. Slocum's offer to -day and be cured at home among friends and loved
onm1. Simply write to Dr. T. A. Slocuin, Limited, 49 Mak Street liVest, Toronto,
Canada, mention your druggist's paint, and state your pest and express offices, and
rri will receive the treatment promptly by express. Menden at paper.