HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-3-17, Page 610.itensornee,41e0,000,:**04‘00404,40
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It 'woe raining heavily when I
jumped on to• my reveler homew arde
bound 'bus. The conductor knew rue,
" 'SOrree) Seld. mode a
" 'Thet's all right!' be Sold. We
all make mistakes sonietiMeed
'"He said it ebeeryellite, end turned
to the nem next him aa he spoke;
but lie only grunted. ITe wile dark,
foreigoelooking; man, and I wondered
where rd. seen him before.
.60******stet, **.iteomtta epoon Of eoilit to 1 Ole of Warne wee
ter, also a cloth, au d you will • eee
Abakit the . lthe eeeessity of the weshieg,
11 you spill ink on yeur ,carpet,
, oPPlY at once fresh aki mown milk,
1:$ ruebing well With a cloth until the
liouse . .
with clear water 2-111 Toyer with a
10 re. he sponge off
stain (beep) a
94•11:P.14.47j,r, sit I;oaPeirl:i..M.11 dry, ,
I-McIrEs A paricake turner is very cony ' t
h d
r mg poac e (Igen from the
Orange areaen Sponge Calte.—Mix water, or to take ivied cage from
"Well that being the second time, h,3' sifting' three teaspooefuls ot bale. the frying - pan.
, • , : Cheese, beam', pea., eggs, meats,
and I ventured., with the freedom of I'd made the mistalte, 1 began to 13,,6„1,) owd" with °Ia. and, 0, - t and Milk are rich in nitrogen; rice,
on old acquaintance, to wish hien ' ha .to that feeling of uneasiness 1 en nenre .., 1,1,1 nnnarate (-Ash bet I ellree
oats, corn, barleY• eneds:: demnsaenifteogbsa, litsricletratear4rsile snowstorme,
"Clood-eveningl" Though not of a I mentioned just eow. 1 was extra eggs until •ttg0q add One arid i half bwolaten•tts 'and potatoes, Lnstarch; eheo
bat cups of white Bogor, one half eso of
Halifax bas tamest 11 the essen
jovial disposition, his °Ott elide to- , careful in counting after that;
wards me as a "regular" had always il had a eort• of feeling that it would
%ovitingere'.8111.(41'orgrtulat:dciA•el,Indl oufsehiittelafif 411,1,,, tnlaabLiests, eirgusitasn.dranidiiiekhei'sn• fitietn% cOetigde-i- tials of a succeeeful h arbo •• e '-
Montreal harbor' is 'lliidilc.o.Pind, leo
been one of restrained geniality, and happen again. It did—just the same
I was therefere surprised when at sort of way, and about the same 'Pint Of milk, eree egg, one teaspoon_ ,xnents in salts, acids and favor.
torted, ”Drop it!" retreating hurri- Aline
my greeting he stio-ted, glanced, lin time in the evening-. When my nos_ ful of corn stareh, one tablespooeful ' A steak, to retain its juices, ellould ilt eure.elinzate.., — , -
Solently over Ms ehouldex, and re. take was poieted out to, •nee this of tioar, and beat other ingeedients /3° eoeked in the quickest manner
I had a sort of shock, 1 rtibbgd together. Add to niiik and boll till PiAnd31° content with sedetv from ati,iii: tislaattestriite,a,tyireeerValh4igedie :21.e'us-ta' ion,
burrring, and net seasoned until Plac- ' Tee small populotion (of Oanoda )
edly to his back step. As we neared wry eyes, and I stared into the 'bus, thick. Irlaivor with grated rind
' . . States at present sere
et:Inc-14;i to satisfy hunger, but they ,Quenec, 'Mallie•eand. New Ilrauseviekn
the table.
-tore es by a Budd= impulse, come seemed to ecowl. at •me.... They , be- e between' lan'ern, .
717.1.11: ' do !lot. contribute, to vital energy or Montreal , is the most important
the end of the journey, the condite- lend my eye§ met another- pair,' that' af remaining halt 'et orange: 1 Warmed-over meats till the stomach ' Tee chief'
up to me. loeged to a dank: foreigidloOlfilig I 8Panistl .. Sandwiches.—Cut
e •iiroad in strips three and a half inch-
maintein the purity of the blood as river' hatbox', ,but is harielicapped by
'1:legging your pardon, sir," he Mike And nine a fleeli lt"0001-0 thenthat be Was always there whes long and an inch, wide. Butter
my mietakes bappened; And 1 Itrieri slightly and , spread with cottage do eets at have not, been Looked the etinetite
vn . • ' ' ' ' '
Said, M a low oiee, "I was wishful eh
mixed. With a littlp cream.. to death. Economy may compel us ' 'The fishing eenson lases frem Jniie
to apologize for whamu
t st lutee
, .'' then, from 'the,Vay, ,my,mind'euniped -c
' heese.
. to ittibne theind but we should strike lst, to..August. let, and the sheetin
seemed rudeness1 aint myself to- back like iightieleg to that Jenuary Pepper and salt
to aeord Cot:Ming so much that it seneeen' froM August ist Cinwarn,, un -
night, I never am this night." Chocolate naval -Ian . Cream.— A
nnOtn. that• this was the enurderee." I
"Do you xnean on January 20th`nn over more thau td winter drides the lunitsioan frora
a er a ' su en,. ' '' refreshing -dessert for a hot day al.: onnwesto. be Warmed; I tilvoi&I:nridas.- hritig,e, over 8,0' 06 yards
jurampayatb,';,,Ilireeioari:tinea.,...,. ,,.. V'IaVarian,cream withechecolate, .
• /eat •,1 its manufacture ' is . quite. , simple. ' Where milk is not -to be had, or '
knew to, , 1. eutheo imagine It ea, sus_ "Boil together a -pint* of erearn, or
may take its place in
there is but little to use, cornstarch iinontigh,e a:,odrledrcoonfn'etcht; lirfIncl;ttr•eabirt;gitesh
Pudding sauc'es' the mainland to the south. .
pktdtli.hita;t1t...dlirdneywoniti'd'or,'- i askee, a , - iTstiteghaeri;iiiulkh,olteinndottuwiyo ctole. sidicoov(rilfrulws itobt and ear e are used.
white saucel etc., especially if butter
What. could I do? I stared 'vanilla, and add the yolks of four Mix the .c°r11- 11341111;:l'einsiole4:la'lidelio,utiiiswIniaeesil:detti°1?ii,cear.X.seitIdgee°'
eoon seated at a small table in the at :him Mid be scowled at me, and gg ' b ‘` , e . i. of etarch—two tablespoonfuls—with o
tittle cold water; cook it by adding
Sleighs are drawn by horsee, etc.
Clare Arms saloon, clad the conduce PreserlilY he got off the' 'bus. But, .1 ,ehoeolote which have linen dissolved
a pint of hot water, letting it cook
. 10. edt
--- great Several engines May be PM,V103re
AnfinICI-1 ADORN ENGLIS31 ed en clear ,the track in
SCI"° --14 ciruhpileend togerrtheor lepusrlillitQlire.neeeoinf
wonderful pacts About °anode, to the ennw, another followieg be-
hind to pull ehern back out 9( it if
Tesarned 13ritiall they stiok feet. ln the flochy
Selroolleorn- Mountains parts of the lines have to
The following are seieeti ns from
0-- — tnom from avalailenes oftenow ' that,
the chapters relating to. Canada da (tot_
e voundi g clown from the
a number of geoggaeby boeks pre- '"
heights. In summer the clooger lire
paren for tree in Englieh echools : , A t ale only pusn across a Owning ,
be vevereci by lorig sliccie to proteet
`11 e Great Lakes are sob,e t to prairie, though the smoke be se
thlek that the paesonges ere alreost
stilled. 13ut a blayieg forest
thee is the risk that a fallen trunk
or bench may at any neoment bluek
the line and throw the train a the
Exeiting melees roe teld of
erigioe &invert' lia-virg to put en all
'teem to rake the dames. Arrother
catise that coons email enough woolen
rintes lacings' a. lean, to a 'stannatill.
Phe rade become covered by seth 5.
'multitude of worms. or .insects
tee wheels get greasy-aith eruelting
them and will not turn.
It is only aboet thirty years hack
that the Frencti-ei eating halfhreeds
of the Red Inver reeelled against
our Government. This •is the last
limo there has been any serlowi re-
bellion in Cunene:
Notes of Interest .About Soros -
Prominent People,
Mlle, Delna., the finest contralto hi
France, was diseotered by Saint -
Steens, and he loons upon the day .
wl tn he heard the prima donna for
the first time singing a music -hall
ditty as she wastrel up her dig -me.
at a. Nilloge inn ear Paris as the-
bappie t one in his life.
The Ge man Emperor poesesees
cae Whiell belonged to Frederick the
Great, who always carlied it on his
many battlefieles. Free,eziek died in
his armdliair, haying refused to take
to his bed when dying and he beed
this cane in his hand at the moment,
. Be nodded, and Seemed to
twitch all over, "Are, you in a hur-
ry to -night?" he added.
I was not in a hurry,
"If you'll wait •for nue when We
gets in, I'll explaia,", said. •
So it came to pees %vete
to unburdened himself. watched for ',him after that, I saw 111,a little box water. When it has
of thoroughly, then when a litt,le cool,
"Do you remember scene years ago him several tunes after -wards, at le- become quite cold stir in a pint
Mystery'?" er seemed to event, 40 get on . .nly ntilt frnth. put in a %/meta and set .
two, then season with salt, el lump m:It'lli-::: tftirairian.beu:ned' weves and reaugo, tem
f 1 - be •h
'on the ice until wanted.
. • '
In some cae
es dogs are trained to
draw sleighs just as the Eskimos
boat in one egg, thoroughly beaten.
what they called tfie 'Great Omnibus tervals of a week.or se, but he nev- cream which has been whipped to a R
ance o ieeNes a it
on record of a murder in an omnibus.
I nodded. It was the only Perfectly delicious for afternoor
crtood. ;leg!:
case 'bus. ITe, would look up as we pats- of buttei, or n eeer stasoning nnIti BfinriclutlhielL•inwe both to AmeriCan, and
tea' (sir fer a tee''. are grate. linlfeees eatiewPrtde sauce
train their dogs to draw the sleeze
eturn ,to the fire for a minute or - - s'
"I'm the only man that knows the•
ed, and scowl at. me, ond walk on.
And then I knew he knew." - A w get near lif t•l- •
"Knew -whatn" I interrupted. aux aux pistadhes, or piettic e ca. a with boiled onions waxmed over veal, two black lines stretobing across tbe
tree history of that crime—and the
sequel. I was conductor of that "Knew I knew!" he answered line 'Peat up five ounces each of better
dried beet or '' sa.'It'finh, like • cod- river wMch turn out to be the two
'lies." ' patiently, "Once he got on while and fine sug r, six ounces of flour.
k earl ion of sugar ad the juice of a folevrence. •
out our seeing one 'another, and whop ' er and alternately. Bet e
and launched into his tale.
fishi.t9r finnan ha,ddie, or with the grea. railway bridges across the St.
Ine 'took a long pull at his ciga., I was col/eating fares on top, with- arid three eggs'. well' beaten, adding
"It was January 20th, four years 1 got down again it was fiye minutes the 11° - • eggs ' -
' * ' ' • ' , ' h 11 w tin. When leenon, and lemon extract, makes a If the whole of Carona had a tem-
oo, e began. tiefore I could get my tickets to agree q 1 • e .
idte old cut • it into rounds with •falri-v good. pudding -sauce. I peyote . climate without gi eat ex -
a.. o ' • ht. just with the passengers There was al- a 1%rge pastry cutter; 'cover these
, 'wilillednoulonfi-torpfillotwhesrsthloaste-athrecir eolalesd_ trilletliImle:tte(illy beabtecoarxide coonled,offte-ewnrolsdt
ex -
ago," " h b "I was on the
after we started a snowstorm , came ways one too many on the 'bus. And rounds neth apricot or peat, t
on. Tne horses could hardly get I then I recognized him, and counted malacle, and pile ,. each above the
, 'deity and become hand and slightly prosperous countries of tee world.
matted,they can be restored ' T Bridge, ers of the Madedonian rebels, took
along, and the consequence was that again till I got 'em right." I other. Cover the last layer with. a
originacondition by simply to ntghieingr widhrt"i cin,orisasgar:hoSvoisipaegialis,iaonniver,
an oath when he was a boy tat hi.
as we turned ant of Oxbridge Street "'How long did tkiis state of' things.' -little of the marina.lade and then like
in % o G ranary Street we were absoe '
last?' I asked. ,sprinkle very thickly with hlanc c them out of doors for the day. Down a number of others in America, has later life be woind go to the inouna_
lutely empty. We'd gone about half- 1 '`For months," he replied. "Some- ' pistachio nuts. Fill the centre witb quilts can be given netv life in. the two storeys, the lower track being
same way, and feather beds left out for carriages and foot traffic° and tan s and eavote himself to the' lib -
way up the street, when I heard times I'd not notice anything for see- whipped cream, strew it with nuts,
of doors all day will resemble the the upper for trains of the Great
quiet footstep e in the snow behind eral -weeks, and would begin to feel and garnish the lease with little
softest down. Do not hang feathers We 'tern Canadian line.
me, and, 'coning round, I saw a niore easy in my mind. Then one hears of the cream and flute
in the gen, for' an oil exudes from The roar of Niagara Falls, is said
young woman come running up andday, quite unexpected like, I'd. have! Tapioca Pudding --n Cover three
them which cauees a dcoided odor, to have been heard in Toronto, over
jump on to the step. She stood the old sensation of there being one tablespoonfuls tapioca with water:
and is apt to discolor the coveeing. forty miles away.
Care for a moment looking over her more on the 'bus than there ought let it stand over night: add one
Articles stuffed with down can be A Canadian tiny once said that
thoulder, and I noticed that she was to be, and as sure dark, as I fele that I'd quart of milk, a small piece of but -
Very Rale, and had a sort of fright- spot the k, foreign:Peeking ma.n. thung directly in the sun for a few the winters tN ere "delightfully cold,
fr. a little salt, and boil; beat the.
hours. 1 thoeigh milk is deliveled to custom- team to Australia be 1882, and
enrol look on her face. She was ! "And so it went on. A few weeks' yolks of. three eggs with a cup of
A window seat both pretty and ers in a solid state, though the there when playing a match in tee lifel-
nreathing fast after her run, and her !quiet, and then another repetition of sugar and boil the whole to a thick
erviceable .ay be de with a mometer sometimes i egisters 60 de- bourne Club grounds cut his hand.
net and shoulders were all wliite the old sensation, with that foreigner 'custard: flavor with vanilla.. Take grees of frost, and the ground is T1 e attendant borrowed a lady's.
' ' - from the fire and cover %vith the frame 5 toot long by 18 inches wide.
' ' . covered with four or five feet of handke, chief to bind it up, and Mr.
of his death.
Peto Gillen, one of the cede( lead-
eraticn of Macedonia. Some of hie.
schoolfellows took the same vow,
and ale- now membes of his band.
The .Countess of Darnley is one of
the few Australian peereeses. She,
met her husband under most roman-
tic circumstances. The Hon. Iva
Bligli, as he then was, toolc p. CriCket
erith snow. . ig nring at me, an e pey
tour legs, which can be bon,
"She sat down in the left-hand cor- 'near him, that wasn't altogether erap- whites of the eves heeten with a little ler
furniture store for 12t- cents s -now. The rivers and the lakes are
oer-seat by the door, Ider hand ty. At first I think he avoided my sugar. Cover -the whole with a plate aec;
Fit the legs into the corners then held in bondage by the iron
trembled as She gave me a Penny. I 'bus, but I believe that later he wait_ that the heat of the pudding may e!', grip of the ice, and the vast tern -
noticed her so particularly, she being ed for it out of a kind of bravado. cook the merit -fate. of thedframo. and nail strips of
boar across the bottom of this tory of millions of square 'les is
the only tare. She was a nice -look- 'And I, 'knowing what I knew, could I, Lemon Pudding. — One cup of rice one mass of 'dazzling white.
ing, young woman, very dark, and I do nothing, only wait for I didn't after it-. is boiled; .one pineof milk; . to the.se, with stout cord, andframe. Fasten old bed springs solid- Although -the inland- lakes and
judgedy her to be a foreigner. She know what. It came—what I was- heir a cup of sugar", the yolks of i rivers are Unnavigable for six
. said 'Butcher Street' when she paid waiting for. Oh, it came right three eggs, the grated rind of one cover with any durable material
such as jute or sackleg. Pad with months in the year --although they
her fare, and wont on staring back enough! For a year went by, and it lernon, a nenall piece of better. Bake are fields of ice from October ' to
along tile dark street and the white was January 20th again. I thi: ty minutes; stir while -baking. ex
,celsfore and cover the whole with June—and although frost reigns sil-
1 "It rv
i of any preferred upholstering goods. preme for five . months out of every
road. Presently I went up on top I as a pouring wet night, very :Make a meringue of the whites
Celorrei or stomped jute eau be pure twelve, wioter to the Canadian is a
to see that the tarpaulins were much like ft is to -night. We were the eggs, half a cep of sager and a
dk"d fag 1f rents a yard, and is season of activity.
straight on the seats, and to have a full inside almeet from the start, but taelesereenful of le.reon juice-. When e
particodarey satisfactory and inoxpen- The Atiamtic coast ie the most use -
word with old 11111, my driver. 1 not a single out,side fare. I was very pudeting is done spread rowing -ire over
sive for thts pro -pose. Finish with ful at present, for several reasons.
stopped talking to him for some abserrterainded and occupied that it nod reture to the OVeia till brown
a cord are4 you will not regret the It bas sedendid railway communira-
time. When I went down the stair eeveling, thinking of what had hap- v. trifle,e a
light amount of money and labor don inland by railways. It has elm
again the young woman was loaning toned a year ago, and of what I'd ninet PuddIng,.— fhie euP of moias
back in her corner with her eyes shut_ been through since, when a man, with ses; cne of sweet milk; vim of suet spent in its C°ustruction- great drawback—most, of it is frozen
e *Butcher Street!' I sans. But she his streaming umbrella weer his head chopped fine or a half cup of molted
didn't stir. and his Goatee-011,er turned up, jumped di -latter; one cup of resins; half a cup • SEA WATER IS IntYG=NIC
up in winter.
.At Montreal the St. Lawrence is
briciaed by the Victoria tubular
"I tapped her on the shoulder, and on the step. of currants, two cool a halt eupe of
bridge 1 8-4 miles long.
thn 'bus gave a little lurch just then " inside, sir!' I said. flour, half teasnoonful Or soda. Sewers •Flushed With It and Ottawa, although nuite a" small
and she came oft the seat to the floor "Tee muttered ' something low, and Mix well and add salt and spice to
like a bundle. There was a big red stumbled by me up the stairs. As he taste. Ste a.m two hours. Ser
. Streets Sprinkled- town; is a suitable place for the cap-
' ital of the Bond eon.
Several years ago the city council When in whiter we have come
stain on hex white blouse, and she reseed me I looked' sharply round. 1 with a fluid salice.
was quite dead." • I could 'nave sworn I heard the swish ! A Simple Dessert. -,--One of the best of Hastings, England, tried the ex- round Newfoundland sailing past -le e
Evidently the horror of that awful of a woman's skirt behind him en the
family desserts can be made of ap- pc iment of employing sea water for eesolate Island of Anticoeti into the
moment was on him still. He shiv- step. and something like a cold wind pies and stale bread: Peel ten good- watering the streets and Rushing the Gulf of St. Lawrence, we find - the
ered miserably. brushed my face. , . steed apnlos, core and elice them, and towers, and their example was soen sea there, too, all turned to 'ice.
''There was an inquest, of course. '1 dnn't know how 1 get through stew them . to a pulp with sugar followed by. tee local authorities of Only half the year is tlie navigation
She was identified as a young French- collecting the fares inside. My brain enough to sweeten them. Meantime a number of other town e on .the ;men to let us finish our voyage by
-woman working In a big dressmaker's was whirling, and I had cold trick- tbictly butter the ,sides and bottom coast- ' The wastefulness, not to -etearaing op the St. Lawreace to
in Deal Street. But beyond the lines down iny hack. I kept chlling of an oval earthen baking dish, and say folly, of using for such purposes Quebec and Montreal.
fact that she was ca.11ed Marie Doo- myse't a fool; but I had to %vait a rows all around them crumbs from water that had at considerable labor 'Meter OVCT the most part of Can -
pray, or some such name, and that innute before I could screw up pluck the inside of a loaf of bread, having' an'd expense been filtered to the oda is most severe. Tbe coldest
she'd been in London a few weeks, no to go up on top.' t them nearly an inch thick; when the light &tenable degree of nueity snap of frost We ever get is nothing
one know much about her. The men- 1 "Cf coerse, it was hirn—the dark ripple is done mix welda tablespoon-
seemed obvious, and though, of td what they must put up with for
ienl evidence 14110tVed she'd been stab- foreigner. I'd expected that, and e .ful Of butter and One egg beaten. Put caul's°, it involved the iontuelation inonthe together. Their winter
bed to the heart. - lrecognised hien, in spite of the dark—the apple into the dish without dis- 43f a esenarate system of Pumping tomes on early; ice and snow moo
station, mains and , hycirenls, the sometimes 'begin in September. When
"It wasn't an altogether pleasant ma- s and his coat -collar. What 1 turbine: the crumb -s. Over the stir-
. fact that the
cost absolutely nothing their minds to, be snowed up till
the supply was inth
estmusti- once it 'sets in e people make up
business For me—that inquest. Any- hedn't expected was the woman. She face put an inch thick layer ex
way, they couldn't poesibly suspect was sitting next him on the same • crumbs clotted with a few bits Of but-
ble and i
me o' the murder, and„es the corore seat in the pouring rain. And her ;ter and bake the pudding until the was so evident that it was strange spring.
er said, I left the room without a hat and shoulders were -white with 'crumbs at the sides are brown. Turthat this eretuoe had been neglected In the large towns people buildn .
se long ,
ehadow of a ghost of a suspicion. MOW! !a platter, just large enoug to en- j ,, ---* •
The sanitary and economic results scene from fairyland, and they hold.
. i great palaces of ice, lit up like a
My theory is that the murderer came 1 "It was all like a very awful Imo !close the dish within its rine over
. ' seemere to justify the in- - torchlight festivals, wyere • the income from his private practice is
creeping up behind the 'bus, jumped ;very distinct dream.. Just we three ethe pudding dish, quickly turn both eau ---------------`
no . n.or.o ay nothing of its guests skate about in gay faney. os.atilid to reach the lenge suM of $250, -
on the step, and stebbed her, and on the ton of the 'bus, arid the driv !ufeeid,e down so that the pudding
thteg—detilful Murder against some 1 seiel, 'Pares, please!' Be gave inc hot- - for a much longer time, arid the wormer climates. wager in society, and still drieee a
Ife es mute a.
"They term:welt it in the usual dazed sort of state. I suppose, when -wrth Powdere seem', an se • the eflects of each watering to last than en the light costunie fit for .aesemo g' the Peer'
Person unknown'—and after a few a. per -ow, and, hardly knowing what surface of the roadway was believed On the. prairies ouch a thing has enm•ch and faur at nearly nevnat3r-
days the whole affair was forgotten. II was doing, I said, ',Is the young by some to bo more compact and been known as haymakers freezing yea; s of age- •
!TINTS TO 11017SENEEPERS. Maxim Gorki, the RuSsian novelist,
colio-ive than wen fresh water was to death, M their tents.
It was just about three months after • WOMM1 with you?' He gave a• sort
the murder that I began • to be .of jump. 'What are you talking Chloride of lime ehould be scatter- ene loyed. •Beeides the retrenchment Canada is a land of 'great lakes. /diving been asited a few days ago by
strangely uneasy, and I couldn't give about?' he said. 'What young wo_ en at least once a week under sinks the new velem presented a direct, Tho higheot up of these and the I is nubllrber to write his own bio- '
any reason for it. And at last the i men?' I began to laugh sort o' hy- and in all those places where newer source of revenue in the demand by largest. is Lake Superior—the largest gennhen sat 'down, took a pen, and
truth dawned on roe. The 'bus was sterical. Tilts one,' 1 said. And I -gas is liable to lurk. many private housvholders•for a salt hike in the world. Farther east wrote : "3878 : I was appreaticell to
, '
laid my hand on his shoulder. When the rubber rollers of your water tervire to their bathrooms so comes Lake Winnipeg and other a sheen -tenor. 1870 ; I was, aPpren-
'At the totich he' was on his feet, villager become eticky, as ,they very that they Might MeV the lluturi ref smeller ones; then to the north •of ti ed to a designed 188 . ,U0 lOn,
with a horrible hoarse kind of cry. •often do after wringing flannel, rub ma -bathing ret. home. .. , this another thoin of Laken, of wti,h on noard a packet -boat. 1883 : I
o reearieir he said. god again, with kerosene and wipe dry and theY , But a. few years' experience has un- the Great Slave Lake is the largest. worked ,for a baker. 1884 ' I becalm,
Put 1 qt. sauerkraut in a. baiting disillusionment; the OWnel'S of car- quite tamed. ' Chorister ' in 0. troupe "of strol ling -
Bligh insisten upon thanking this.
lady for her Matinees. She es thcset
present Countess of Darnley.
So keen is the German Empiwor on
Lis younger sons. obtaining a thor-
ougli knowledge of warfare that ne-
insi-ts that some portion of their
nay • shall be devoted to playing a.t
scl'iCis. The 'youngeters receide-
periontal instructions -to build •foi-
tifications of earth and mud, and tile,
result of their labors is el iticised by
a military expert. The Crowr
Prinre, by tee way, is skilled as a.
carpenter, while the Kaiser himself,
having been taught to desie build-
ings as a youth,. is capable of fol-
lowiog the profession of an arehi-,
For a good many eistinguislied
men it must be a milieus experience,
to look hack on the modest ambi-
tion of their earlier days. A corres-
pondent, tor instance, reminds' us of
what it as that Mr. Chamberlain, ,
in days long forgotten, desired to ,
have written on Lis tombstone. When
he first stood as a candidate for the
Birmingham Towe Council lie public-
ly declared that his ambition would
Le amply satiefed if, "wton his-
epitaeh came to be written it could
be said of nim that he planted trces.
in our streets and abolished the
kidney 'pavement s. '
-Sir Thomas Nagliien
whoee. date -Otter is about to be mar- -
lied to Commander Limisden, is a •
dapper little lriehinan who has been
surgeon-in-mei:Mary to a surceseionoo,
of Victorian Vieeroys, . and wlereon
etands easily at the head of his pro-
fer-sion in Melboerne. His private
nospnal on the eummit of Mel-
bourne's western is one of the
landmarks of the city, and while his
was oh' again in half a second. ,er's hat alining in front. was in a 'will elip 'ant on the plotter. dust tt 614. sektolY• antiseptic action, the hy- dre.ses, disguising thenisereee, we a year, e deeotess no. small '
h •
gto pac property of the salt caused may guess, rather as fereeiad Thenges emotrut of time to gratuitous work
"I don't expect you to believe xne.
But I'd like you to hear the rest. It
began one cold day in April, when
ttvo ladies hailed me in Pond Street,
I glanced over my shoulder into the
will be nice and smooth. fortunately brought about no Mien The red Indians of Canada. arefilow a Porter. 3885 : l3aker. 18:86 :
0 s um i a outfrom e e ,
'bus, with my hand on tbe. bell, and and the woman with the snow on dish and cover the top with bacon riages complain of the destruetive a.o- Many of the colonists married
called, 'Only room or one inside!' her hat rose, too, and faced him.. sliced very thin. Bake about half tier' Of tile salt mutr on the varnish &thong the Indians, their chin:Ire/I
They shook their heads at that' and tee backed from her towards the an hour, or until it is well browned and paint,' and the tradesmen. cora.- -being the rate of halt -breeds so cora-
were turning andlY, when a gent in. stairs, still coning eifarieo and she on the top and sides. Pleill of the injure' indicted on goods mon over Canada.
sirie the 'bus said, 'Room for two, followed him. He staggered back When cleaning a fowl, nee ' a tea- , of all kinds by the salt cleat and its The river at Montreal ie exe.esed by
subsequent deliquescenee. Lastly, .a long eal way bridge that count
coriductore I looked againan
, d farther, and she stretched out het — --
the users theinselves, the lead MU- as a weeder for length. tut in the
eure enough there WAS another empe band and touched him. tre gave an Ing for my attendance. But I know
, lhorities and their curn
stoene, have winter people have only to layo lane
ty seat between the gent that had 1, awful yell, and jerked away, and the what I think. i.ediecovered that tee salt %voter ex- on the ice and be Carried across to
Open:en ,end a dark, foreign-looleieg roil caught him beyond the <knees, 1 He leaned forward. and spoke . n" cite such a corrosive arid generally the Oppoeile bank. -
Man. 1 was Puzzled, . 1 a,nd he went over backwards or, to preseively. deetruel Jeri itetion on meta 1 pipes There are planee where haYrnaking
"A week or Vito later, on a Worne, the shining- black asphalt. And I waste "in my opinion, he was dead lee- and fittings that the number of pen- hoe all to be done at night, bezeuse
Runny evealing, inc were pretty full, `alone on the 'bee, With old Bill, the fore he touched , the groundrear
sons cOntracting, for a domestic Belie men 'dare not fate the flies in the hot
it being, about eix o'clock. A young 'driver, twisting round and shoutitig was his complaint—blind shriekin e , 0
0 to ply has fallen from .00 to two, and days of euxtemer.
i .
fellow With a pipe in hie mouth hope to Inc to know what all the row wee paralysing fear!" , the leakege from tbe joints of the in winter railway, ears are women
Ile steed up and buttoned his coat. street Mains bag caused the death by great etoves.
"igtned-night• air!" he eaid &brunt -10f the trees Platted iit the best , In Areeriea railwaye go elYaight
len , let/vets and promenades, so idiot the Aced iit a More tree Wed easy fush-
"Geed-night, and thank yoni" I engineer to the collo/ration tliat lied ion than is dole in our countier. ten -
returned.' I been the pieneer in the Movement gines are built with a curiotts funnel
"Thank you,"sir1" he Maid elowly. 'thane himself compelled, in art • ex- wider at top than the bottom, to
"You've listened, and you haven't hauseiye report of ite experierice, to let out freely the smoke of wood,
lAnghed, adrait that the systeni bat proted which it often bneoed instead of
coal, le wintee the t, funs only be
Laugbed? Ne; end 1 didh't hate( ti, convict° Janine).
ped on to the step in Oxbridge about. But I wily sat on a seat and
Street. 'I think we're full on tep,'' laughed. They tell Inc I laughed for
said, but I'll have a look,' T Went an hoer, I doe't remember."
tip a few gimps, glanced round, and "And the mann" 1 aid—"thri fore
canto cloWn to hini, outsidet` I cipher?"
Old him. tr in Sure I Saw ono env- "The doctor at the inquest Said,
ty place,' he said. 'You'd better go 'Neck brace,' " he answered shortly.
end find it!' I said, a bit gruff, He "And yob?"
paneet1 me and climbed up. And he "I? I didn't Say nal, the driver, in bed tht ight, When a yottng woe
anything. I was
clide't coin° tieten ;Vein.
After a Minute I folloWed LIM, and
sere eemigh he Ware sitting on the
libido -lost scot,
"dt, told yeti so,' be
orel'a-Players• 1.887 I sold apples
in the streets. 1888 : attimpted
to commit. svienle. 1800 : Copyist
in 0. alwyer's office. 1891 : croesoil
Pas,la on foot. 1802 : I was a lab-
rd•er in the worteliops of a railway,
In the emee year I Poldislied lnY
(list story." .
Lite many other boys wber have .
risen to Crninenco, Lord Chaxles
Deroefei d was the cleo.pnir of both
hP parents and tea:hers. On bie
tididoentli blithe/ay the ehoiee of a
calling wes put before young Beeese
ford by his fether asng him Wheth-
er he wound enter the Army or the
Miner on tal-e up ornere. ''Well,"
ke cantle/elect, "what 18 et to be ?"
"The Wavy," was Dereftern's lm
needitee "And the Navy,
boer ?" purseed tne fateee. /eke 1
to te an admiral, line Neleon."
"Peliaw 1 Lilo /nelson 1 Why Nel-
son.?" "Beretta° I waet, to," "Buteenn
et bonne in bed
gteppell by heaty Leorms, the snow even if you' were to jeln the I'lanne
, Cib
gone evidende of honing see% the man man With anoW oti her not and eon -retirees drifting on 'the line twene witytto you think you veil, eeer bee
fitunable and fall oder tbe toil, and ehoulners eot perctied on the ran A girl niay beliene itt Inele ehtring ty feet d'eeP. qllen the engine will eeme en admiral 1' "entcaute
said he thought he wee drunk, and till moreltig. Laugh ioneedie-Lott- liter engagement, but actur utarringu— 110,V0 0, Mad:1100i called a enoty memw
: to," ee the eeTt Awl tieplia-
they decif ect to do Without adjciiiry non Arteeeers, Well, that'ti another story - piougli, in it front �l t, by heix tiO re,)1st