HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-3-17, Page 5Ozal er r .cats published every Thursday Horning at the Offlee, IWAIN-STREET, -- EXETER. -By the - ADVOCATE PUBLISHING OOMPANY TERMS OF SUl3SORIPTION,. One Dollar per annum if paid in advence, $1.$O if not so paid. 35.41 SYOxticiatiRaton ion .S4ti lIctit- tSoxs No paper discontinued uutil all arrearages aro paid. Advertisements without specified directions will be published until forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for tranecient advertisements ineerted,for long periods. Beery description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates, Cheques, money orders, &o., for advertising, subsoripttona, oto., to be made payable 0 Sanders & Creech, PROPRIETORS professional Cards. DR: A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D. D. 8., 3 Honor Graduate of Toronto Univol sty. DENTIST. Teeth extraoted without any pain, or any bad effects Office In Fausoa's Block, west side Main street, xeter. DR. D. ALTON ANDERSON (D.D.S. L.D.S L DENTIST - Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Poet Graduate of Chicago School of.Prosthetic Dentistery (with honorable mention.) . - ANuminum, Goldand Vulcanite Plates made in the. neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless an- aesthetic used for painless.. extraction' of teeth. Office one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter. Medical DR. T. P, McLAUGHLIN, MEMBER OF THE College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office, Dash- wood, Ont. Tr. John D. Wilson, Office and Residence,.. 290 1J Queens Ave., London Ont. Special attention paid to diseases of women. Office hours, 12.30 to 4 pm. Legal. 7'110$8017 & CARLING, BARRjsTERS, SOLICI- fJ tors, rotaries, Conveyancers, Oommiesioneas. Solicitors for Molsons Bank, etc. Money to lotus at owestrates et interest. Offices, Main street, Exeter, I. R. CARLING, B.A., L. II. Damon Auctloueers BUBROWN, Winchelsea. 'Licened Auctioneer .. for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex. also -for the township of Osborne. Sales promptly attended to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged at Post Office Winchelsea. The itgloIsons Bank (Chartered by Parliament, 1855.) Head Office, Montreal. Capital Authorized $5,000,000 Itaid up Capital $2,816;420 ICeserve Faud. • ' ' • 2,720,118 fA.S. ELLIOTT, General Manager. EXT;TER BRANCH- Office houra:-10 a.m. to 3 p.m; Saturdays 10 a.m • to ly).na. A. general banking business transacted '' oney advanced to good Farmers ab lowest rates. Ravings Bank Deposits from $1 and upwards receiv- ed. interest allowed at highest current rates, DlcesON a CARLING, N. D. Henno:r, ' Solicitors. Manager. Agu .1111 'cycles ! We are still in the Bicycle trade and this year show some fine speci- mens. The CUSHION FR.A?i1E is the ideal wheel to riche. Prices mod- erate. New ` prises Several New Pianos just put in stock ; newest styles and the best makes. It will pay you to see them. You will be surprised •at the LOW PRICES at which we sell them. Organs of the . Latest makes always in stock, Awing Machines &c. • We are leaders in Sewing Ma- chines --the hest machines tbnt the trade produces are on our floor for your inspection ; also repairs Need- les, etc., for all kinds of sewing nut - chines, always on hand. Call andsee us if in heed of any of the above. ATI° YOU ARE QUIT RIGHT Harvay Bros.Flour Our STAR FLOUR is'niade froin the choicest Ontario and Manitoba •,.wheat. The gttaotity of our Wk1EA:TLET hats been unproved by sterilizing it. 10 lbs. for 25o. Give it a' trial It is "A, FOOD not A "FAD.'" • Our facilities fair the handling of the chopping trade are uasurpassed. T�Te nein Vessot grinder is giving ;teat sritisfaetion, ."'Ms, HARVEY BROS. Millers. iOughS, colds; hoarseness, and other throat ail Mettle are quickly relieved by VapraCtese. (cue tablets, ten cents Der box All dtugf ista. zijjers If your blood is thin and im- pure, you are miserable all the time, It is pure, richblood that invigorates, strengthens, refreshes. You certainly know Sarsaparilia the medicine that brings good health to the home, the only medicine tested and tried for 60 years. Adoctor'smedicine. "I owe ray Me, without an yi. le Area'. Saresparll)s. It L the nest wwaeffel yl. eine In tide r►or et for Itaeveasosaa. uy ew.tbr Pin13"tirli sato 1 eae)aNtesokiw4 soon h ' aq. Daar.ta. lge 11nL, lhlh . , i. alar a WOW. . J. S. Area Oo., An are 1Os. LeYl .anass.w !Or lssaae�sege Ao r a �c�lthl/aaa Laitativa ist Ayer* each flight arri Y�vepold t ffimariealeil - : Ailsa Craig • Mrs. Cobbledic1 and Miss Essie Cob- biedick have been visiting relatives at Exeter and. Clandeboye. -Mr. and Mrs. D. McArthur .attended the Grand Lodge of the Canadian Home Circle last week at Toronto. -Miss Ella Hen- derson, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Henderson, 18th con., East Wll- liams, was, married on Wednesday of last week at the home of her parents, to John Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Walker, of the same concession. =Geo. Danby, a faithful old employee of A. W. Smith, Maple Lodge, died Monday morning of last week, after a short illness. Deceased was a bachelor a native of Yorkshire, England. One brother at Scaraborca Junction, Ont., is the only living relative. -The ex- ecutors of the estate of the late John Veiteb, recently, with C. Walker as anct'ioneer, sold the Veitch farm of 150 acres for $6,260 to Mr. Wm. Veitch, of Reach. township, Ont :trio county. The price was run up to $6,250 by George Lightfoot of McGillivray. The chat- tels also brought good figures. -Mr. Archie Stewart, townline east, was stricken with paralysis recently and has since been confined to his bed. He is doing as nicely as cnn be expected, resting nicely and suffering no pain. It is the wish of his many friends that he may soon recover his former health and strength. -Donald 0. Stewart who come here some six weeks or more ago, and has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oolin Stewart, East Williams, returned to Westbourne, Man., this' week. He took six horses and,;a car of immigrant's effects with him, His sister. Miss L. A. Stewau t, returned last Wednesday to Westbourue, after spending the winter with her parents. -Hay & Easton's grist mill is running full time again. Their order of coal bas not yet arrived,. but they are get- ting in a supply of woad which will keep them going until it coin es. -Li e u t E. H. 0. Rawlinson who left Ailsa Craig about four years ago. for South Africa has returned on a visit, acc no - partied by Mr. A. Erskine Smith, rein- ing engineer, of London),, Englaud. They intend going as far wast as the Oast. While here they are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Morgan. Not all the Russians au e tra veiling eastward. La,tge numbers are taking Horace Greeley's advice, "Go Nest, Young Maur." 1800 landed off nue steariaer at; New York the other, dal. most of them being, refugees, who slid not want to be drafted into the many. The walking sick, what a crowd of them there are: Persons whoa are thin and weak but not sick enough to go to bed. to Chronic cases" that's what the doctors call them, which in common English means -long sickness. To stop the continued lossof flesh they need Scott's Emulsion. For the feeling of weakness they need Scott's Emulsion. It makes new flesh and gives new life to the weak system. Scott's Emulsion gets thin and weak persons out of the rut. It makes new, rich blood, strengthens the nerves and gives appetite for ordinary food. Scott's Emulsion can be taken as long as sickness lasts and do good all the time.• There's new strength and flesh in every dose. to send you a few We will be glad doses free. tatre that this pictare the form of a label )e on the *replier of every bottle of Emulsion yott buy. - Chemists, Toronto, OiltariO: 50c, and $1; all druggisti 2 OH C S OF FOREST Ontario Government May Con- sider Such a Proposition. Ex -President Mills of ilio O,A.C, and the Minister of Agriculture Favor .Guelph; 'wail. the )Xluister ***Education W*'ate $'oreetty Taught 1'n. Connoetlete with the University of Toronto-Bentine Proceedings in the House. Toronto, March. 15.Xn lose than an hour the Legislative Assembly advanced a number of bills through various stages.. Nothing of a debate- able nature was touched. Mr, Whitney moved for a return. of correspondence between the 'tTniver- eity of Toronto and the Government, with reference to the construction of a physical laboratory for the Uni- versity. A180, copies Q4 the 'statute te of the Senate of the University pro- viding for the establishment of a department of forestry in the Uni- versity, together with copies of all correspondence relating to the estab-' lishment of such 'department. Chair of Forestry. Hon. Mr. Harcourt said the infor- mation would bo given at ones. As to the physics building it was not long since the matter was called to the attention . of the department.. There would. be room, perhaps, for some of the physics department in the new science building. As to the chair of forestry the matter had been a considerable time before . the de- partment. Prof. Mills, former presi- dent of the O.A.C., hold that the chair should be established at G-uelph and the Minister of Agricul- ture held the same view. His own opinion was that it should be es- tablished in Toronto, but, perhaps, there could be another chair of for- estry at Guelph. The order was granted. Before the House adjourned Mr. Whitney asked the Premier when the Soo Bill would bo up for its second reading, and Dir. Ross said that it would be takers' up this week. Mr. St. John wanted to know when the Temperance 13i11 would be presented. Mr. Ross replied: "1 ani unable to Say definitely at present." First postings. Mr. Little introduced a bill enabl- ing the Royal College of Dental Surgeons to admit John Henry Gor- man as a student. Mr. Cameron i (Huron) to incorporate the Currentt River Power Co. ' Mr. Gibson, to amend. the law in connection with the revision . of the Assessment Act. Mr. Lucas, to amend the act provid- ing for the garnishment of the sal- aries of civil servants. Mr. Smith (Sault Ste. Marie), respecting . the Lac Saul, Rat Portage and 1 o sat- i in Railway Co. Mr. Caldwell, to.I permit Owen B. Van Ett to practice medicine. in the township of Pelee. Mr. Lucas' bill provides that• the i salaries of "outside" civil servants shall be subject to garnishment. The outside civil servants include regis- trar's,. sheriffs, jailers. and other such officers.- - I Me. Harcourt's hill to amend the act respecting boards of education in • certain cities was read a third tilue. The l'Iouse went into committee on several bills, which were advanced a stage. second iteaadie s. fj The following bills were rand a second time: Respecting the Town of. 'Orillla (Tudhope); .respecting the Presbyterian Church at Newmarket (Davis); respecting the Town of Newmarket (Richardson); to con- solidate the floating debt of the ' Town of Wailaceburg (Pardo);' re- specting the Muskako Lake Navi- gation and Hotel Company (Mahaf- fy); to consolidate a portion. of the debt of the Township of Rowney, (Pardo); to confer certain powers on the trustees of the estate of the late John Bacon (Foy); -to incorporate the Windsor and Tecumseh, Electric Railway Company (Lee)-; to confirm ' a sale by the corporation of the City of Guelph to His Majesty .the King, of certain lands in the city (Dow- . noy); respecting the Windsor, Es- sex and Lake Shore Rapid Railway Company (Reaumo); respecting the London, Aylmer and North Shore. Electric Railway Company (Rout- ledge); respecting the Town of Col- ' lingwood (Duff); to confirm bylaw- No. ylawNo. 699, of the Township of Corn- wall (Cart); ,to further extend the powers of the Consumers' Gas Com- • pany (Lucas); respecting the King- ston Street Railway • (Pease); re- specting the City of Windsor (Beau- me). rl l~ A(fABKET r. Orals basket' sirrnee-Wheat Futures Firmer -Mee Stook Markets -The Latest QnotatJovs. • Monday Everting, March 14: Liverpool wheat futures elosed to -day 'fid higher than Saturday, told torn futures 3fi4 higher. At Paris wheat futures are quoted 25 cen- times and #lour futures 3,5 centimes lower. At Chicago July wheat closed %ie. higher than Saturday; July corn, Utc higher and. July oats 3fie loweri • • FOIt3ION MIARKETS, London.-Close-Wheut, on passage, rath- er Arm. Maize, on passage, filen, but not active. Spot American ;nixed, 19s 10', d. Pleur,. -spot Minn., 28s. Parl8-..Close-Wheat, tone stonily; March, 21f 55e; July and August, 21f Sec, Flour, tone steady; March, 281 75c; July and Aug.. •291 65e. Antwerp -Wheat, spot, steady; No. 2 Massae; 171 t, TUE vistnWI SUPPLY,, As compared with a Week ago, the visible itupply of wheat iu Callada and the United States has decreased 1,2262,000 busheis; cora tnereased 741000 bushels; outs! lucreased 441,000 bushels, The following is a com- parative statement for the week ending to- day, the preceding week, and the Torre+ ndlii spo $ week of last year;. Mch. 14,'04 Meh. 7,'04. )feh. 14,'03. Wheati bu ..33,306,000 35,03q,000 46,064,000 Oats, bush" ..10,694,000 10.233,000 7,317.000 Corn, bu . 9,867,000 8,428,000 10,91,000 Tu recapitulae, the yislble supply of wheat in Canada and the Vatted States, together with that afloat to Europe, Is 72; 076,000 bushels, 'against 73,088,000 buubeh a week ago, :and 76,730,000 kasha!' a year ago. 1Ga1AYfINd WUIt,AT ltLiu: swim. hollowing are the closing quotations at lm(iurtant wheat centres to -day: Cash, Saes. May; New York . ,• • Chicago 97• Toledo ... ..... 102' 102.. 100% Duluth, No. 1 N 98% 98% 98% TORONTO 8r. LAWRENCE dl.t::'J OM Grata- Wheat, red, bust, 30 9931 to. 'f1 0) Wheat, white, bunk .... r01 100 Wheat, spring, bush .... ) 92 Wheat, goose, bush 0 88 0 933. I Barley, bush 0 47•}2 0 48 Beans, hush ' 1 85 .... Benne, hand-picked' 165 • Rye, bush Peas, bush 0 60 .,.. • Buckwheat, bush , 0 47 }4 0 481 f Oats, bush 0 38 .0 89 LIYJct?Oi)L GRAIN AND PILODUee. Another Atlantlo Line. an terininus of another steamship line, and the service will be com- menced in April. . The lime will bo known as the Transport Canadien, and will run •in. summer between Montreal, Bordeaux and Antwerp. Four steamers have been secured and a fortnightly freight service will bo operated at first. A passenger ser- vice may follow. The steamers al- ready socured are: Tho Ebro, Minho and the Lady Strathcona, the latter 3Y to 35•75. being a new boat. Montreal, March. 15• -Montreal and Halifax are to Le made the • Canadi- • 1.1verpooi, March 14.--Wheat-Spot quiet; No. 1 Cal., 7s Olhd• futures .quiet; Weak nominal; May, Gs S%d; July, es S%d. Corn --Spot firm; American nixed, new, 4s 3d; American mixed, old, 4s 7d; futures quiet; March, 4s 2%d; May, 4s 434d. Hams, short cut steady, 46s 6d; bacon, short-cut, Clear backs, quiet, 87s 68. Lard --Prone western, in tierces, steady, 37s; .American refined, In pails, steady, 37s. Hops -At London (Pacific coast), firm, £6 15s to e7 15s. Petroleum-Itefiued, 71/2d. The Imports of wheat into Liverpool last week :were 20,000 quarters from A tlantie Ports and 89,110 quarters Froin other ports. The trnports of corn from Atlantic ports last week were 33,300 quarters. CATTLE MARKETS. Cables Steady - Trade Brisk, at Mather Lower Prices at Montreal. London, March 14.- Live cattle steady at lle to 11ele per lb. for steers, dressed. weight; refrigerator beef, 8'}Sc to 90 per lb. bbcep, 18c to 131/e per lb. ToltoNTo J0:4011220N .LIVE STOCK. Recoil/hi of live stock at the Junction co We market were 34 car loads, .:ousisting of 678 cattle, 18 sheep and 2 calves. a o\rxt::AT. saver sTock. -Montreal, March 14. -About 700 head of cattle, 100 cal es cud 20 sheep were ollfered far sale at the east -end abattoir to -day. Trade was brisk at rather lower prices than were paid on last week's markets. Some very prime cattle were sold at 3110 per ib. txaoA mediums said at about 41 ie. and or - Canary mediams.at about 4e - er Ib; common .tock sold at from 2,1Ale to 314c per lb; a very flue calf was sold 16: $14, the others beinging from $3 to'$6 each. • - Sheep sold at 3yic to 8!y,c per lb. Laamhs at is to 45c per lb. - Fat hogs are declining lu prier; good iota. sold at :VAC to near 5Vic pea- ib. ii:Lsr i•:U 'VAL•) :: a..TX, 11 AnxS'r. East Buffalo, March 14. -Cattle- Receipts 4U00 head; best grades higher, .ominoi slow and rower; prime steers, .i,5 to $5.25; ship- ping. $4.50 to 34.00; butcher, 34 to 35 liei- feis 4'3.25 to $4.65;. cows, $3 to 31; bulls, $3 to $1.25; stockers and feeders, $3.25 to 34; stock Heifers, 32.550 to 33; good fresn cows end springers stead; common, $2 to $3 lower; good to choice, 340 to 350; medlhnl to good 330 to 338; common, $20 to 828. Vents-Iteceipts 400 head; 23c lower; $5.50 to 37.50. Bogs --Receipts 12,800 head; active; pigs, $4 to 35; others, 10e to 15a higher• heavy, 39. to 30.05...a few 30.10; nixeal, 3o.95 to 36; Yorkers, $.80 to 35.95; pigs, 35.80 to 30, mostly 35.90; roughs, 35.25 to 35.00; stags, 34.25 to $4.75; dairies, 35.70 to. 3590. Sheep and Iambs -Receipts 20,200 head; active; lambs, 35 .to $6.05; yearlings, $5.25 'to 35.35; wethees, 34.90 to *5.10; eaves, 34.60 to 34.75; sheep, mixed, 33 to $4.85. NEW YORK LIVE STOCK. New York, March 14. -Beeves --Receipts 5440; good steers firm, others steady; bulls steady, good cows steady, others weak; steers, 34,25 to $5.25; bulls, $8.25 to 34.25; co t+ s, $1.75 to 33.25. Exports to -day 19 eat- - tie and 40 sheep; to -morrow, 890 cattle, 1510 sheep and 4100 quarters of beef. Calves - Receipts 8481; the market opened 250 to 50e lower; closed 50a off; veils, 34 to 3,3.25; few choice lute early, $8.871/ to $8.50; little calves, $3 to $3.50; barnyard calves, 32.50 to 33.50. Sheep and lambs -•Receipts 11,418; sheep souk, Jamhs barely steady, 25c louvre thnm timet Friday; sheep, $3.25 to 34.50; no prime sheep here; laanibs, $5.70 to 36.25; one car (choice), 36.50. lIogs-Recelpts 11,068; • market steady; good state hogs,. 35.90 to 30. CHICAGO LIVE '!TOOK. Chicago, March 14. -Cattle Becelpte 25,- 000; market steady to 10c higher; good to prune steers,' 35.20 to 35.80; poor to medium, 33.50 to 35; stocl ode and feeders, 32.60 to $4.30; cows, 31.60 to $4.25; heifers 32.25 to $4; Tanners, $1.60 to 32.50; bulls, 32 to $4; calves, 32.60 to 36.25; Texas fed steers, 34 to• 34.65.. Hogs -Receipts' today 39,000 head; mar- ket mostly 5c lower; closed strong; nixed. and butchers', 35.25 to 35,55; good to choice Leavy, y, $5.40 to 35.60; rough heavy, $5.25 to 35.40; light, $4.83. to $5.35; bulk of sales, 36.20 to 35.45. Sheep. -Receipts 25,000; market steady to 15e higher; good to choice wothees, $4 to 34.75; fair to claolee mixed, $3.50 to $650; Western sleep, $3.50 to 33.25; native lam aft Y,oth Pleaded Ganllfy. Toronto; March 15.-IIaroid Web= stet- and Thomas Fair, the men im- plicated in • the jewelry robberies front the 1'. W. Ellis Company,. pleaded guilty in the police' court yesterday. T. 0, Robinette, K. C., Webster's counsel,asked for a week's remand before sentence is passed up- on them. Mr, Robinette ,stated that the Ellis firm would be reimbursed for any goods stolen by Webster that Were not recovered. 1#lar r'ureo VOP aha Pi -peeler, Toronto, March. 1 L.• --A. testiruotl- ial will be presented to ..Premier Vass before the olid of the sessloaa in thefor'ns of. It purse of bctweoil $20,000 and $80,000 in stoney, Children Marched Ont.. Pickering, March 15, -Fire was • discovered yesterday afternoon in the basement .oT the rubiic .School building. The pupils ,were dismissed by the teachers, and passedquietly out. The fire alarm was sounded, and the local fire brigade was soon• on the spot, and, with the assistance of the eitiyens, soon extinguished the flamee. The damage to the building will not reach t$50. (rilraarl fL .itaoa•pis (nV.t filen, • Xew York, Hatch t ch 15. -The Cana - dime Government has formally ac-° ceptotl the itrvttatiom to he repro - Seated at the American Congress on Tuberculosis, winch will be held in ooiuleetion with the St. Louis l apo- Sitioll, in October, 1904. • I Mrs. Weisulltz, Buffalo, N. Y., cared of kidney trouble byLydial3. Pi bsm s Vegetable; Compound. Of all the discuses known with which the female organism is &f hated.. kidney disease is the most fatal. In fact, on, leda plfampt dad merest treatment is ap- plied, thewearypatiest seldom our viYes. Being fully aware of this, titre. Pink- • ilam,.earl�yi la her career, gave careful itedyr io;the cub ect, and in producing per tmoody for woman's ills - 144 E. Pia]thalJ►pa's Vegetable made rare that it coq - %heed the • correct combination of ' herbs which was certain to control tbst dreaded disease, Woman's kidney Bead What Mrs. WeissIitx DEAR Mas. Prinaiillf : -For two years my life was simply a burden, entered so with female troubles, and pains donees my back end loins. The doal'astr told me that had kidney teooiles and preseri for' me. For three months I took his medicine, but grew steadily worse. My husband then advised me to try Lydia' E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, and brought home a bottle. It is the great- est blessing ever brought to our home. Within three months 1 was a changed woman. My pain had disappeared,my complexion became clear, my.- eyes bright, and my entire system in good shape."-.• Mas. P.tuss WEISSLITZ, 17& Seneca St., Buffalo, N.Y. -$5000 forfeit If original of above fetter proving genuineness cannot L be produced. Eatons' Brewery Damaged. Owen Sound, March 11. At 7 o'clock this morning fire was discovered in the fan room of the pneumatic malt- ing plant of the Eaton Bros.' Brewing Company, Limited.- The plant, which is the only one of its kind in Canada: was installed •about a year ago at n cost of one hundred thousand dollars. The firemen directed their efforts to save the expensive machinery, and were on the whole, successful. The loss on building and stock, will reach $20,000, and the loss on pia nt..as real- ly as cnn he estimated at present, will be about $20,000 more. Air. Christo- pher Eaton, President of the company stated that the work of rebuilding would he uudertaken at once. The in- surance which was taken in the Mat - ebester, but which has been partly re- insured iu the Sun, Home, Liverpool & London & Globe, Norwich. Union and British America• mltounts to $5,- 000 un the building, $10,000 on machi- nery and $18.000 on stock, a total of only $33,000. The buildings compels. ing the brewing plant were not dum- aged. i _. our 3 rve Is it acting well? Bowels regular? Digestion good? If not, remember Ayers Pills. The kind you have known all your life. J. C. dyer Co., Lowell, Mass. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use hOKINGHAWS BYE FIPT7 ors. R. P. RALU k 00.. NAe IIA, N EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED BACH WEPNESDI1Y Wheat, Barley, 4() 42 Outs........... . .. 80 d2 Peas 00 60 Potatoes, per bag......., ?ii 80 Hay, per ton' 8 00 8 00 Flour, per cwt., roller Butter.; Eggs Rides, per 100 lbs 5 00 Live hogs, per cwt Dressed Hoge .... , 5 75 ' 6 25 Shorts per cwt, 95. 05 Bran per ewt 80 15 10 5 o •THE-- p1CrcQaAts 8ant af Cauda HEAD oFFtcs, MONTIREA1. Capital Paid lJp 6,000,000 'teat - - 2,700,000 A general Banking business: transacted. Interest et moat favorable curreaat rates eliowed on Savings Bank socounte and Deposit Receipts, Commercial Letters of Credit issued, available hs China, Japan and other foreign countries. TravellingLetters of Credit issued to travellers In all parts. of he world, TKOS FUME, GaNaaaq Minoru. y,,g,$SBDEN, Seri oy PPM! Shim T1$rbi'9s CREDITON, ON'i . W. S. CRISHOLM, .. Manager. CREDITON ROLLER MILLS. We are giving excellent satisfaction since Re- modelling our mill. GRISTING and CHOPPING DONE PROMPTLY. SIAtEITza Wood's Phoasphodine, The Great English Remedy, is an old, well estab- lished and reliable preparation. Has been presoribed and used over 40 years. All drug• gists in the Dominica of Canada sell and recommend as beim; the only medicine of its kind that cures and Gives universal satisfaction. It promptly and permanently cores all forms of 1'. crvous Weak- ness, Emissions, Spermatorrhtra, Impotency, and alleffects of abuse or excesses ; the excessive use of Tobacco, Opium or Stimulants, Mental and Brain Worry, all of which lead to Infirmity, Insanity Consumption and an Early Grave. Price it per package or six for .$5. One will please, six will cure. Mailed prompty on re- ceipt of price. fiend for free pamphlet, Address 2.1ie Wood•. Company, Windsor, Oat, Canada, Wood, Plaoapl:odine is sold in Exetct b. 1•1,. 1:rourn- leg ami Lutz, Druggists. Before and after, TO FARMEQS Ohopping and Pollirg. (aro us n call when you R'alilt C'i.op- ping or roiling done. rii3.1 )i' N GUAR t? Ti D. Mill at Electric Light Plant. Snell & Blatohdvida Offer to the Sick i QNL LLTL1 OUR OF MEM FREE AS A TRIAL • DR. SLOCUM, Lung Specialist To Every Sufferer with Consunip$ioii, Catarrh, Bronchitis, La Grippe, Pulmonary and Bronchial Troubles If you have any of the following symptoms it means that the germs of consumption are in your system. Accept Dr. Slocum's generous offer. Are your lungs weak? Do you Cough ? Do you have pains lathe chest? Do you spit up phlegm 7 I% your throat sore and inflamed? Is your appetite bad? Do you have night sweats? Are you losing flesh ? Are you pale, thin and weak? Do sou have ringing in the ears? Do yon have hot flashes ? Ie there dropping in the throat? Is the nose dry and stuffy? Nave you a coated tongue? • Call your disease what youwill, these symptoms indicate that you have in your body the seed; of the most dangerous of maladies. In order to let all people know the marvellous power of his system of treatment, Dr. Slocum has decided to give free to all sufferers es a test bis free trial treatment. ONE WEEK'S TRIAL OF DR. SLOCUM'S SYSTEM OF TREATMENT FREE Nothing could be mere reasonable, more generous than Dr. Slocunl's offer. The Slocum System of Treatment has cured thousands and tens of thousands of cases of consumption in all stages of the disease. A system of treatment that accomplishes more than any one remedy can ever accomplish. A system of complete medicinal and tonic food •treatment that destroys and eliminates nil tuber culosis germs and poison from the system and assists nature in building up healthy lung and body tissue, two essential functions for a permanent cure. Accept Dr. Sinatra's offer to -clay' and be cured at home among friends and loved one,. Simply write' to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, .t'9 King Street West, Toronto, Canada, mention year druggist's name, and state your post and express offices, and yea will redcive the treatment promptly by express, Mention this paper.