HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-3-17, Page 3DANG.Eitg t}10 departure of the boats, The mon 0- get a certain pts ercentage of the vale .1„trtrat. i • rxvzs„ 07 ALL WOMEN BE- SET Wr SECRET TROUBLES. A. Simple and Certain teethed by Vine& the Ills of Girinond and Womanhood May be Overcome, Every woman's heelth depende on her blooel-nts •richnese man its re- gulafity. Sometimes it, is bard to neliete that ism ly a 1 common dis- eaens spring flora the blood, no mat- ter how difterent tbey irtay eeem.It Is bard, -for instauce, to realize that, rheumatient and indieeseion are ,both the canoe of bad Wood. and bcith cured by good blood. But there 004. be a° doubt en the tan() of the eecret' teoubles of a weman's life, ft om fifteen to fifty. Tim blood is plainly the cause of all her irregularities in lioaltin Then eOrees the signs of ee. fent illneae, the headathes; -back- aches and sideaobes; the pale cheelss and duil eyes; the falling appetite end i enable nerve; the bysteria aand biligusaess; the weakness add ianne gothe distress and deemennency and an tee weatnr wretthed, 'feelings that, Attack women in their times of ill health., And tide blood 'is to blame or it all. . Wlinn the bloonees rich './tind red and' regelar, there je little • trouble .in the life of maid 'or moth,- eeer' . That is why Bre Williarno' Pink Pill 'for Pale Peop1e. are wortn their , Weight in gold to every woman. Teey 'actually /slake ' • new blood. Every 'cloee sends galloping through the- veins pure, strong, rah red , blood that strikes at the cruise of ' the ;secret Llebealth. The new t blood restores rogulietity atel braces lel the spe.ial organs for their spec - Lal tasks. In Vas way Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills banish the back- aches and headaches, sha.rpen the ap- petite and the energies, soothe the nerves and bring back the rosy glow , of health to faded cheeks. This is the else ial mission of Dr. Williams' Pink PiAs and there is no other med- icine in» the woila can do it so sue - easefully. Mrs. Geo. Denby, of Til- bury, Ont., lia,s proved the truth of these statements and says so for the benefit her experience may bring to other suffering women. Mrs. Den- by says : "I think Dr. Williams Pink Pills a blessing to suffering. women. For a long time I was a great suf- fe,er from the ailments that afflict • so many of my sex. 1 was,extremely nervous at all times, suffered a great deal with headaches and indigestion. ' fa.ct I was in a most miserable condition wben I began the use of Dr, Williams' 'Pink Pals, but after taking them a short time I began to improve, and thro ugh their further use am altogether like a new we- naan. I am sure if 3actore women -would tone Dr. Williams' Pink' Pills they would, be convinced of the great good they can no." WDr - hat . 1Vi liams' Pink Pills bave 'done for Mrs. Denby they can do for eve y growing girl and ailing woman in Canada, if they are given a fair and reasonable use. But, you must make sure you get, the genuine pills with ihe feel name dDr. Pink Pills for Pile People" on the wrapper around every box. To be had freer). dealers in medicine or by snail „at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2,.50 by writing tbe Dr. Win name' Medicine Co., Brockville, Oat, WHALE HUNTEtTG. 1o' I€ It is Conducted by the Azores' Fishermen. The first island of the Azorean group approached from the westward Is Flores -the inland of flowers. Oely hi fair weather can a Vessel anchor off this island, as there is no harbor. The shore is a precipitous cliff with KEEP TIIE CHILDREN HEALTHY If the childrents digestive organs are all right, the children are all right. They will -be heartsr, rosy, happy and hungry. They will sleep well, and grow well, 'You can get your children right, and keep.,them right by the use of Baby's Own Tab- lets, which cure all stomach and now el troubles, nervousness, irrita- tion while teething; break up colds end fe-vers, prevent croup and des- troy worms. And you have a posi- eive guarantee "that there is no ()pi- eta or harmful drug in this 'medicine. Mrs.' Joseph Herbert, ICillarney, Ont., saysa•-"I am glad te pay that Baby's Own Tablets have done my little cite a great deal of good. have also given some of the Tablets to friends who ha-ve found them egen illy sa.tiefe,etorsr. "All medic -hie dealers sell the Tablets or they will be sent by mail' at 25 cents a box by writing 'The Dr. Williams Medi- aine Co., Brockville, Ont. - --• --• nay fathoms of dark blue water lav- ing the basaltic Sea walls. But ap- proaching the little stoee quay over which the forcible Atlantic tvatees wash with destructive fury in stormy weather is seen 'a narrow padsage be- I,ween walls of black lava and scoriae rieing from which are columns of bas- alt. Tine small chanted leads to a • basin anout aere in extent, Long befiere the anchor has been • dropped, the 'voyager has noticed a tittle shed perched high on corn-, mending point of the, iehued. , The glase shows a patient watclier sitting there spyglass in hand, .froni sunrise to• suneet. Between the basin far below and the lonely watchmen alert en the hill there it a •vital connec- tion. The mail with the spyglass le looking for Whalea, and • though months may We without his seeing bleivr," tbe'vigil never relaxed. On the berteli of the baein are beats sach fitted' • With the latest .trietrue Vents for killing Whales, 'Mete are )ines nicely Coiled the tibia ledigin Wiled harpoons --both fer heed and for use in the geese Everything two- testery readinees for a, (pack and Miceeesful There Is a regelar trete tinder Coni- atand of an old Whaler, arid but •a Thort tilne elajnieS fiesta the moment ne watcher• an the hill giVee the igesel than a W1vale IS in Sight •in 01 the catelt. •It needs all the pluck, knowledge and daring even beldtilgi-lig to whaling, and malty it 1„100.T. 11013 f4tine out never to retUrn, A ligbeleg bull wbale, ,or an angry cow • whale proteeting her calf» is the same whe-• ther met in Bering Sea or off the , 0 weet islands. •Why all this slaughter in tlistee days when petreleion has almost driven Whale 'oil out of the ntarnet? It he to give ney fair lady •delicate per- fumes. ' The anibergols found in the intestinal tract of the whale now causes the purssuit of the cetaceans In, the .older times the whales were brought alongside the whalieg ves- sel, and tnere, by the Means oasharp spades, the 'blubber was cut into equates and twisted aboard to be dried out: The head was eut open and the apermacetti hoisted out in beelrets, while the whaleboue was extracted froth the throat. After this wee, done tile carcass was cut adritt, often carrying with it thousands of dollars worth ol ambergris. • The demand for ambergris at that Period wlin limited, and it was the prewail- ing icinie that aniliergria Was aMor- bid prodect Vontited by the whale. Up, to a few Years a,go all the erne leererris that canoe into the' bands of the manufacturers , af pet iumes was pielted un on the sea,' gerier,ally in the', neighborhood of the. West „Indies and along .the edges , of tbeegulf stniam , up to latitude • $9 deg. It was found floating incakes weighing overa hundred pounds.. In color it is not unlike striped 'marble with blackish spots here and .tnere: - At . present ambergris is woiith:in the London market abaut $1259 a pound. The carcass of a whale, .,00 the boach at Fayal not long ago yielded $8n,000 Worth, se one • can readily understand the vigilance of the watcher on the hill. JAPAN'S FIELD 110SPITALS, Preparation for Taking Care of • the Wounded., The British Medical Journal says: - "1 he marvellous way in which • the Japanese during the last 80 years or so Ilea e in many Ways adopted, and often improved the most modern me- thods of Europaan, nations is, of course, already well known. It is not, however, such familiar know- ledge • . . that their military medical arrangements should be, to use the inevitable expression, so extremely up-to-date as to be scientific:any com- parable with those of any nation, while in point of generosity of the provision of eneclical officers, elasti- city and adaptablenesa to varying conditions, the difference is, perhaps, in favor of Japan. -. Thus, while base hospitals, field hos- pitals, dressing statione of the three types, bearer companies and hospital ships, all find their place, each di- vision of the array has a medical re- serve, which is mobilized simultane- ously, and serves in the base or re- serve hospitals. The medical de- partment also has its own iaclepend- dent transport, and every infantry regiment, cavalry, artilery, engineer and general transport battalion has a medical etaff attached to it of a very conwilete kind. Besides all these standing arrange- ments, the regulations provide for an automatic addition to the person- nel of the hospitals in accordance with the number of patients present, without reference, to headquarters. Moreover, so long as a military med- ical officer remains in command ad- ditions may be made from the civili- an population: everything, too, is done to facilitate the co-operation of the Japanese Red Cross Society. The Russian nrrangernents are also good upon paper, and the Russian military surgeons have an advantage over the. majority of their European colleagues inasmuch as that they habitually do' the work of nearly all the civil hospitals. It is not to be forgotten, however, that the Russians will be working at an immense dis- tanee from their real base as far as medical matters are concerned " Young Lady • ''You're vrliat is known as a .woman -hater, aren't you ?" Old Mann "I. am, my dear girl, I am; and I glen, in It. When I was a very young man e. woman ma 'e a fool of me, and Young 'ready: "Anil you never got crier it." DOCTOR'S COFFEE. And Eis Daughter Matched Him. Coffee drinking troubled the family of a physician of Grafton, W. Va.. who describes the situation briefly: "Having suffered quite a while from vertigo, palpitation of the heart and many other derangements of the nervous system and finding no relief froni usual methods of treatmeht, thought to see how much there was in the Fustian argument against cof- fee. - . "So 1 resorted to Posttunt cutting off the coffee, and to my surprise and eatisfaction have found entire relief from all my sufferings, proving con- clusively the baneful eneet of coffee and the way to ba rid of it. "I have found Posture completely tenet] the plaCe, of coffee beth in fla- vor • and irt taste. It is beemning More popular every day with many of our people and is having great demand here. "My daughter, Mrs, Lortg, has been ti tufferer.for a long time from a.ttacke of acute incligeetion. Iny the dirsoriesal of coffee and using Postura in its rilace she has dbtained com- plete relief. have aleo heard from many °there Who have tieert1 your rostum very favorable &temente of its good effeets. • "I preeerlbe Postum hi place of coffee in a great Many cesee and I believe that upon its Ineeite Postern will Come into general 'nee." Nnerte given by Ineisttint Co,, Battle Creek, • Miele. • Look for the fartiotis little heel( "TIM Road to Vrell-viile," hi each packaMe • RES A'VETERAN Results frorn common soaps: czema coarse hands ragged OF TliE 01111EA ' clothes, shrunken flannels. AND HE TELLS WHAT POP'S KIDNEY rums Do.roa, ram He Knows Others Too Who Plate Been Troubled it,te „Kidney Com- plaint, Have 'Used Dodd's Kid- ney Pills and. are Well • PeelPlo To -day. Birdell, Ont. --Mar. 7,-(Spec1e.1)-e Pestinaster Henry Bird of this Pince is one of those grand old men wno carried Britain's flag to victeiry 'over the walls of Sebatitopol. He 'tells many iuteresting tales of thorie "ter- rible days and ales hoW he esennes the pains andaches brought on by SO many days and eights of hard - shins a,nd exposure. t- ' I have been troubled for years," he says, • "with Kidney - Trouble brought on by lying in the trenches in front of Sehastopol where thou - antis of my brothers in arms lost their lives. But every time r feel nisr trouble coming on' I use Dodd's Kid- ney Pills, 1 have found them do nee good each , and every time. "1 never took more than one, or two boxes at a thee .ann so never I gave them a chance to make a eons- I Plete Mire in my case. But when, I feel my trouble coniing back „ • surely use Dodd's Kidney Pins again. • For I know Dodd's Kidney Pills can do even more than is elaim- ed forthem. 1 know some of. • my neighbors who have used them for the sadie trouble as myself and wh9 are well people to -day." The Sultan of Zaneitser is only eighteen years of age, and is • Linnet t' e t eeency of Mr. 'loge, s until lia attains the age .of twenty-one. His Majesty is a woolly -beaded •youth of negroal type, bat be is ,an old "Bar- roi Ian for ,n11 tint, having been educated at the famous school. }le meeried at the age of sixteen his little couein of eleven years .O1 I; but he did not take Ms wife when he attended the Coronation. A man May be won by flattery; lio cane be retained only by cookery. STEADILY FORGING ArfrAD. The Western Assurance Company • is a Plourislaing Financial Concern. Of the many flourishing financial concerns which have their headquar- ters in Toronto, few can point to a more gratifying record than that dis- closed at the annual meeting of the Western Aesurance Company, a full report of which appeared in the col- umns of The Mail and Empire •on Saturday, Feb. 20. The financial statement showed the company to be steadily forging ahead, an appreciable advancement in businees being evi- dent. The income for the year was f3.678,387 .45, and the expenditures were $8,372,474.85, leaving a profit of $805,912.60, or upwards of 15 per cent. on the company's capital stock There was an increase of $131,670.28 in premium earnings and of $10,- 681.71 in interest earnings, while there was a decrease of $3,273.$8 in losses incurred. With assets of $3,- 546,357.25 and a reserve funn of $1.- 289,850, the company's financial po- sition is as secure and firmly estab- lished as wise and efficient manage- ment make it. An interesting portion of ,Presideut George A. Cox's address was that in which he referred to the company's interest in the great fire at Balti- more. Having maintained an agency there for 80 years, it would be un- reasonable to hope to escape without some considerable loss. The com- pany's share of the insurance due had been , estimated at $350,000, which was about equal to the company's iminme for one month. Ile probable advancement of rates in other citiee on similar properties to those de- stroyed will largely ofYset this loss. Mail and Empire, Toronto. TEE LIGET BRIGADE. A Russian Survivor of the Day Tells Eis Experiences. That the charge of the Light Bri- gade seemed to onlookers a riece of magnificent folly is evinent from all reminiscences of that day. First came the attack, of tlie Heavy Bri- gade upon three thousand Russian cavalry. Then, later in the day, the attempt to recapture seven guns taken from the Turks by the Rus- sians in their first advance upor, the redoubts led to the charge of the Light Brigade. "When we saw tbe English coining at us," says a RusAan soleier, "there wee but one thought. 'What fools 1' we said. We never dreamed they would charge." Wan lormovitch, a Russian sur - vivre. of the day, says in his "Recol- lections". "We. were so sorry for them, Tliey were fine" soldiers, and had such fine horses. But the charge -ft was the madcleet thing ever done We could not understand it. had been in the charge by. the Heavy Brigade in the morning, and was wounded; We had all unsaddled end were tired. Suddenly Vele was a cry, The English are comings' •"Our colonel Was envy, and orner- ed tie men to give 00 quarter. wits lying down with n'iy tvotind bandaged when- I saw them (tondos.. We thought they were drunk, from the way they held their lance.e. Ine stead of Carrying Them under their artripits they WaVed them in the ale. Cf eourse, they were easier to g•nard against like -Chet, "Those men Were man, and nevOr eeeined to think of the tremendeue eunibere sgainst there, nor of the feertul enolghter that had taken pane in their ranks `during that nes- rntate rine. Veit they mermen Vs, and dashed 111 among es, slim/ling, (lice, leg awl eursinge 1 fiel'er SAW ertythifig lite in They were irresise tible, end otte men were quite nee Moettligett.'' REDUCES EnCPENSIZ ask ree the tieeesell2Law....witur Trim pRoBABLE REASON. For eeveran minute/3 the young man did not speak., His heart was to full. it was enough for him to know USIA this glorious creature loved him; that tele nati promised to share his fate. With a new and delighted sense of ownership be feria -tee his eyes once inore upon her beauty, and as ha realized that hencefortli it would be his privilege to provide for her wen» h re and happiness, he could have annoet se-ept with joy. Ills good fortune seem incredible. Finally he whispered, tenderly: -- "Wow did it ever happeh, darliog, that eech ft bright, shilling angel as yourself fell in love. with a dull, stu- pid fellow lite me'?" * ''Gooditess knows!" she murmured absently; "I must have a screw loose somewhere." "That, man calleii me a liar, a cad, 'a. scoundrel, and a, puppy. Would ycm advise inc to fight for that?" "By all means. There"o nothing nob- ler in this world, young man, than flgieting for the truth:" $100 Reward, $reo. The res.ders of this paper will In pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to curs In all Its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Core is the only pocitive cur, now ettewe to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatmont u1l � Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting direct - If upon the blood and mucous eurfao- ez of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, aria giving the patient strength by 'building up the constittitir.;^ and assisting nature in do- ing its wori,. The proprietors have KO much faith tO its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address T. J. CHENEV & CO' Toledo, 0. Sold by all Drtiggists, eee. • Talm Brame Family Pills for consti- pation. Mrs. 1Vacnum : "How did that naughty boy of yours hurt himself?" Mrs. Snapper : ''That good little boy of yours hit Elm on the head with a ick," Inc Public .should bear lu mien that Des Thomas' Beleerric 011 bas nothing in common with the impure, dererionifing claes of son:alert medicinal oils. It is eminently pure and really el:a:miens- relieve's', pain and lameuess, stiiinasa of t bet cents and ru necles, and sores Or liurr,s, besides being an excellent spend° for rheumatism, coughs aud bronchial cone plai II LS. "Fre is an artist by profession." "1 knaw that, but •what is he by occupation ?" 01•00••••••••. Linlent CUM glade; A rich uncle's will power is the making of a young man. often Litliilleg Relieves NeuralEit He (who is going .,abroad to seek his fortune) : ''You'll be true to toe, won't you, 'flailing ?" She : "Ye - yes, George -if you're successful." One Short Puff' Clears the flead.-Does your head ache? Have yea pains over your eyes? Is the breath offen- sive? These are certain symptoms of Catarrh. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder will cure most stubborn eases in a mar- vellously earn t time. 11 you've had Catarrh a week its a sure cure, If it, of fifty years' standing it's just es effcdtive. loceats.-57 "Were you carefully brought up, my lad ?" asked the merchant of the applicant for a situation. "Please, ye4, kir, I came up in the hoist, sir," said the respectf youth. -- There never was. and never will be a universal panacea, In one remedy, for all ille to which flesh le heir—the very &ours of many curatives being mice that were the germs of other and dif- ferently seated diseases rooted fa the system ef the patiesiL—what would re- Reve one RI, In turn es ouJd aggravate tho other. 'We have, however. in (lain- fne !eine, wi»e1 obtainable in a sound unadulterated state, a remedy fur many and envious eI5. ety its gradual and judicious use, t"..ie frailest systems are Jed into convalescence and strength, by the influence which Quinit.e exerts on 1,:ature's own restoratives. It relieves the (11'0014111g spirits of those with whom a chronic state of morbid des- pondency and lack of interest in life is a disease, anti, by tranquilizing the nerves disposes to mound mid refreshing eleep--Imparts vigor to the action of the blood, which beingstimulated. coursee throughout the veins. strength- enirs the healthy animal flinctiOna el the system, thereby making activity a necessary result. steer' gth en tit; the frame, and giving life to the digestive organs, which naturaliy demand in- creased eubsuince--resuit, improved ap- petite. Northrop a Lyman of Toroa• to, have given to the public their SU, parlor (Whittle Wiite at the usual ratei and,- gaugal by the cipinion of scion- il$4,44, this trine appronthee nearest per- fection isf any in tile market. All drug- gisti sell it. THE. NEW HIRED MAN. ettil't see that Man you've hired anywhere," said Mrs, Riggs, irritab- ly. "Here you are laid up with rheuene,tisni, and I -need eorne more Woied split up for nindlieg, There! I gee a, Man way over in the crane berey meadow. I belieVe that's him," "Is •the Man standing or sitting?" asked' Mr. Riggs. "Standing," said hi$ Wife. "Then the chances' are it 15 Mime other the tiwaid, "Senlese WS found re wasp's met."' Teaeller (to neW acliolar)--"*Witat does your father work ot, 3 P111111517" Johenee-e"lrleeSse, tuatara, lie dot work at inuthin'; he'e a policemaut" c1101.401A4suommowor moblimmr440414.4.0.ww 1144....416e4p44,4444..c...ma • EXAIVTINA'I'ION FEVER. Tompkins (fteeetietisin) "That Is Dr, Fetterman, a Itussian medical 1.10-lar:L1*,t,rajitanecsr ..X11,)twevte':f Curt', Ire bralulese, 1, ane-looki.g idiots, I tbilitnk1 b;aomr twLeuetvowreatg; married before site met yeue' rroni_ p11312 tse e : "She weer -a. Thate my po;t.alt, when I was twenty- three yerus old." Little but Eestrehirtz.-Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets ere set big man - eons doses thet column inearious drugs or narcotics ---they are the pure vegeiable .liniP/..lei:P-the ec:yisinumedicinal us fruit, and the tablets are pretered extrect from this euro oatainbdigle eforstiroon.asGothine frambtoxxL.se3ifi ceats.--56 A eerva.nt gir.1 was once given some macaroni by sitir mistress to preea-e for ihe table. Nothing the girl s 51 rpri.e, the lady asted :- "liitna't you cook macaroni et your last Owe 7" "Cook it? We used them things to light the gas with!" man, has been malting observations of echoolboys undergoing examina- tion. Ire says that the average ef- fect of an exaraination is to make the pulse beat twenty to the minute quicker. Lewers (Wig° Freed) Nineteen, ent Seep Powder Is a boon to any home. Tt disinfects and cleanat the same time. The feetinine idea of a, spendthrift Is another woman who lives beyond'. her alimony. . A„ 'Panic forihe Del, Meted -Parealsen Veemalle P.11, ity no ine but they magi ly 011 tIt SOCrer iong of 3 he Seely are 13 tt 1 ma: melee seemed teing the liogisie 013011114 10 11.111, Ilf 1W6011 411141 t't'st;wlu ti 411E411 to fell vieoa Miley can lie taken be graduated mods met so nsed that they can be diseen filmed, at any time without re- turn (if the ailments' which they Were used to allay. Niece : "Now, Iln+ le Ned, isn't ' he just, the sweetest little cherub in the Vt o 131 ?'' Ueele : "Well, Lucy, I don't nnow much about cherubs, but as a si ecimen of a plain Leman baby be is certainly a howling ' suc- cess!" Messrs. C. 0, Richards & Co„ YarnioutlaN . S. Gentlemen, -In January last, Fran- cis Leciair, one of the men employ- ed by me, working la the lumber woods, had a tree fall on him, crush- ing him fearfully. lie was, when found placed on a sled and taken home, where grave fears were enter- tained for his recovery, his hips being bedly bruised and his body turned black from his ribs to his feet. We used MINARD'S LINIMENT on him freely to deaden the pain, an.d with the vse of three bottles he was com- pletely cured and -able to return to his work. SAUVEUR DUVAL. Elgin Road, L'Islet Co., Que., May 26th, 1393. CONSUMPTION Ole REASON. Smith -"Where are you going in sach a hurry'?" Jones -"I'm just going to attend an intellectual feast." Smith - "At the theatre, I sup- pose?" Jones -"No: at home. My wife is going to have brains for simper." They -Are Net Violent in Actica.-Some peewee, wheel they wish to eleauen the stomach, resort to Epsom and or her pit ase %aye salts. These. 741e :mealy in their me non, but eerve uo perniertent geed. Their use produces incipient chiiis, ntici It per sisted in they injure the stomach. Nor do they act, upon the intestines in a bene- ficial way. Parrnelee's Vegetable Pills answeranpunmees in this respect, and have no superior. Claude Poppinjay : "Why, don't you patroni e my tailor? give you a splencld Bt." Gee Snob - e. ley : "But docsbeuse a good ma- terial ?" "I should erty so. Why, I had a suit that lasted almost up to the time I paid for it." illuzrd's Ltd -punt Cures lititug, ei •ORANGE LEAVES. A remarkable industry of Paraguay is tee preparation of essence of or- ange leaves. More than 160 years ago the Jesuit priests, who then rt led t' at secluded country, import- ed orange seees and planted groves, wnish I ate now become immense for- ests, filled with small eetablishments for eatracting the esence, vbi h is expo; ted to Fretice and the United Stntes for use in soap a.nd perfuneeey matt g. It is also employed by the natives in Paragnay as a healing ointment and a hair tame. "Ah," sighed Mr. Olciswell, with a languisbirg glance in the direction of til s Pertly, "if I hail only been born in the days of chivalry Elie said, with is. siaill, "weree't you ?" 84s -ridden 1 yearge.-"Tf any- iody. wants a written guarantee from me eersoaelly as to my wonderful cure from • eeernatism by South American Rheumatic Cure 1 will be the gladdest woman in the world to give it," says Mrs. John Beau- mont, of Elora. "1 had despaired of re- covery ep to the time of taking this weeder - fel remedy- It cured comp31etely."-e8 THREE MISSING NIGHTS. "0, James Henry!" cried the little woman . sitting up in the bed, all tearful. "I've been keeping account, and out al the last thirty nights you've come home this way twenty- seven." Then Jarhes Henry gave a groan. "What ere you a -groaning fore" she Rieke, alarmed. "Thera three nights!" says James Hairy, Coughing is an outward sign of inward disease. Cure the disease with CorksturiptiorA and the cough wilt stop. Cure Rnikung Try it too:tight. if it doettiq benefit you, We'll ghee your • thoney back. Prices: 15. C. Inette 1$6,506.1;1 LeRoy, N. Ye Toronto, Carl. 16-0 nard's Linimgat fur ade avaireugra She (ea,rneetly) : "Tt must be aw- fully dangerous to be a sol ler:" Um "It is indeed. The woreee are al- ways after us." The perent demand For it pleaennt, safe and reliable a utidore for all affections of die Oreiv and lungs is fully met wi h in Bickle's Al4ti Consumptive . ey r up. It la a merely Vegetable Compound, and acts promptly ewe magieally iu euedning all coughs, colas, loom:MIAS, inflammation of the lungg, ere. It hi so palatable that a child will no: refuse in and it is pat at a price that will not exclude the poor frosa ts benell s ni3ri1get, have you given the gold- fish fi esh v, at er ?" ''No, maam; what's the se?uThey haveent • drunk up what's in there yet." $33.00 to the Pacific Coast Via the Chicago -Union & North-West- ern Line from Chicago daily- during March and April, to San Francisco. Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, Ta- coma. Vaneorraer and other Pacifle Coast points. Very low rates to He- lena., Butte, Spokane, Ogden and Salt Dake City. Corresponding low rates from all points. Daily and per- sonally conducted excursions in Pull: - man tourist sleeping cars to San Francisco, Los Angeles and Portland. through without change, double berth only 87.00. Cholati of routes. For particulars address 13. PL. Bennett, 2 East King St., Toronto, Ont. "What do you nropose to take for your cold ?" said a lady to a sneez- n g ge, Unman.. "Oh I'll sell it very cheap; I won't haggle about the prIce at all," be re, Led. Pot Over Slxv-y Veers MN% Wra/1101ea SOOTa LNG SYP/rr lake IN•^1b IMO le adilions of mothers for the It523114n5 wi»i3e teeiblaa is soothes thi: elat, infant,. 31» gr.tna. al aya awn, awe* wind enlie. reciSates the et &soda ao7a1 howela, sad *04.54 h.st rowiedy for Plarrbres. "ri.entipare vote a tve h.dd by druggist" thr-ughout the world. 14.- stye al iskfor"Itiss.WIT4SLon kkt OTRILin firICIL dr." 1a - THE IDEA 1 He: "So the engagement is broken. off ?" She: "Yes. Ine told her he thoeght she should stop rearing novels and Lead something more sob- etantial-something that woeld im- prove he ." Ile : "Weil 9" She: "Well, the idea of a man in- timating to his fiancee that she could Lo improted in any way !" Foul, Leatfteente, Disgusting Catarrh! ,SagurB fetid In 10 Mintatos And a Radical cute, Does your head renew nave you pains ever your eyes? Is there a con- stant dropping in the throat'3 is the breath offensive? These are certain symptoms of Catarrh. Dr. Agile W Cntsrrha1 Powder win cure most stub- born eases in a mar Velously short time, If you've had criteria a week it's a sure cure. lf it's of fifty years' initialing it's just IA effective. 19 Or, Agnew's Pilts ore the best. 40 Dorms to cents. Eilliard Tables The Beet at the LOW,9114t Price WrIta for Terme REID GROS" Mire Co.'y 723 Keni ate. We * 81.1,31, BAsTEDols le ma at, Mt VOIMITO. Se "11=1"ZyNroffig Mk Of ago* tend for estate& egive extra velum Stave Pure and 413n0inier Send for price Mt 11-04 Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Honey, Apples, AU. sOf FRUITS And Farm Pro duce generally toosign it to te ati.1 we tvill go you good prices THE Dawson Commission Go,, itatneentaCetennr Cee LIMI11.1 4.8-1 Zama No', 1 41.0