HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-3-17, Page 1EIGHTEENTH YEAR, ' h•.• oro 'N..' i' •aw, wvr, Y.h,W+*-. EXETER, ONTARIO HTJRSDAY, MARCH 17, 1904. SINEWICIZIONIMEZIEBIStkatf (New Reading Matter appears in this space each week.) THE GOOD OLD QUAKER ONCE said to his boy: "Nattbn u, it is not what thee reads that muzU es thee smart , • itis not what thee eats that makes thee flit; nor what thee earns that makes thee rich, but what thee SAVES." This saving- habit may be acquired through. the steady use of at Savings. Account at, any of our Branches. Branches in Hurou.Oounty:- . EXETER, CREDITO\r; DASAwOOD, HENSALL. ZURICH, CLINTON THE SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADA Madman & Staubury,• Solicitors F. E. Karn, Manager, Exeter L3i01 NilliiliN Ill DITX GOO . ■ Everything Fashion Calls For, • Everything that is Stylish and Dressy; Everything that is New and 'Up -to -Date, The Latest i2oVe ' i ' , I�tses �n Suitings The Latest Iklovelities in Light -weight Flimsy Fabric The choice and select Colors and Shades are almostbewildering. We enumerate a few of the leading lines dividing them into two classes: STJITINGS. LIGHT-WEIGRT FABRICS Wool Panama Crepe de Cherie Satin Cloths Knop Voile • Wool. Herringbone Twine Voile Wool Venetian and Box Cloths Canvas Cloth Scotch Tweed Suitings Silk and Wool Crepeline Mannish Tweed • Silk and Wool. Ottoman Pebble or Granite Suitings Lustres Blair Athol Albratross Bourette Black Orispines Diamante Cloths Mohair de Chene Carrick Tweeds Gloria Silk and Wool Eolienne For the best Wall Papers, visit bur big display of WALL PAPER new designs this season. Colin McArthur & Co.'s up-to-date factory is the only concern in Canada us - .t ing the perfect equipment known as:the "Double Process." Every print is •clear and sharply defined and the colors stand out more perfectly in our papers than in many others. These are a few of our special designs: • Art Nouveau, Floradora, Empress, Josephine, Bagdad,- Alexander, Doc de Seville. POPLtESTOTsiE & GARDINER. k3Are You Looking FOR AN INYESTjCIEKT? IF SO BUY A FARM IN THE Far Famed Souris River District Then, You'll be a Winner. W. E. I.JAWTON, ALA EDA, ASSA. Correspondence Solicited. - Dr. Ovens, of London, SURGEON DENTIST, SPECIALIST DISEASES of EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT. GLASSES PROPERLY FITTED.. Visits EXETER MONTHLY Office: -Commercial Hotel. Dates of Visits-- Wednesdays, Marek 2, March 30, May 4, June 1, June 29, July 27, September 7, October 4, November 2, November 30. London Of6.ce:-225 Queens Ave. LLOYD P. JONES Organist and Choir Master of the Trivitt .Memorial Church. Teacher -Plano, Organ, Voice, Harmony. ,, Modern methods. Thoroughness, MONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount ofprivate funds to loan on farm and village properties at lov rates of inter. est. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Barristers, Solicitors,,llain et, Exeter Ont ERNEST ELLIOT, CONVEYANCER, ETC. E Private funds to loan on farm and village pro- perty at lowest rates of interest, Aoceunts' collected, OFFICE -Main Street, Exeter. gNElY'0O LOAN, We have unlimited private funds for in. +t entupon. farm or 'pillage property, at j, rates of interest. DIeKS0N & CAlt IMO, Barristers, eta., Exeter+ Black Boar for Service. Tho undersigned has for Service on.Lot 18, Con, r#, Stephen, a thoroughbred Bleak Berkshire Boar, for Service. Robt, Senders, iq Take Notice. Notice is hereby given that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted other than by myself after this date. SA3110EL BASRERVILLE. Exeter, March 7th, 1904. • WANTED; -SEVERAL INDUSTRIOUS PERSONS in each state to travel for house established eleven years and with a large capital, to Gall upon merch- ants and agents for successful and profitable line: Permanent engagement. Weekly cash salary of $24 and all traveling expenses and liotel bills advanced in cash each week., Experience not essential, Men- tion reference and enclose self•addressed envelope., THE NATIONAL, 332 Dearborn St., Chicago. FARM FOR SALE.. The undersigned 19 offering for sale, that desirable farm .in the Township of flay, being Lot O, North Boundary, containing 100 acres. There is on the• premises a good brick house, new bank barn, and out-, houses, good yoursg orchard of apples and plums drained and well fenced. This is a good farm and will be:sold reasonably. For particulars apply on the premises, or to Wm. Ching, Hay P,0. NOTICE TO .CREDITORS Of the estate of Margaret- Gourley, late of the Township of Perth, Widow, deceased, Pursuant to Sec. 38, Chapter 130, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario 1807, notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the es• tate of Mar6garet Gourley, late of the Township of 8Tstlorne,in the County Perth, widow, Who died on or about thelath day of February,A. D. 1004, are,' on or before theliof 18 cls March, A. D y.1004 to send by' lost prepaid, to W a' lie TiAdministra- tor fn Y post, p . Gourley, IrktoyAdm{metra• to' of the estate of the said deceased, or to ;Keesr Dickson 3t• 'Carling, his solicitors, their ci,ristiau names and snrnaahes, "addresses and descriptions. the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of theseourities, if any, held by them and that after the last .day aforesaid the said William Joh Gourley will premed. to dis- tribute the assets of the deceased among the Derbies entitled thereto having regard only to the claiins of which they. shall then have notice and that the said \VI11imn John Gourley will not be liable for Do said assets, or any part thereof, to any person or personsof whose claim notice shad not have been received by Min or his sollciters at the time of such distribntlan. Dlckson a Carling, Solicitors far Administrator, Exeter. Dated at Exeter this 20th day of?obrttary, 1904. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. Tho undersigned will oeerier sale by public auc• tion, if not previously sold, on Saturday, April 2nd, 1003, at 2 o'clock p. in., the village property eituatod. on Slmcoe Street, Exeter, being lots 56, 50, 67. There. is on the promises a frame house, frame stable, a number of fruit trees, good well of waft and other conveniences. For partictdars apply to Robt, Delve, Thames Road; or to H. Brown, Auctioneer, Exeter. PASTURE FOR SALE OR TO RENT. The undersigned has on lot. 20, concession 10 Stephen, 120 acres of pasture land, which he will, sell, or rent for the coming season. Tr B. MARTIN, Exeter. FARM TO RENT_ 50 acres 'of good land, being the South Half Lot 17; Concession 4, Township of Stephen, and situate three miles from the Village of Exeter. 'Good frame house arid' good bank barn oir the premises, also and oroh- and and good supply.of water. .Get possession March 1st. Would rent for three year term. For further particulars apply to Charles Box; Exeter P. 0, `(XJANTED.-SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE in this county and adjoinin A territories, to repro - sent and ndvertise an old established business house of solid financial standing• 'Salary 321 weekly,' with expenses, paid each Mondayby. check direct from headquarters Expenses adanced ; position perm- anent. We furnish oyer' thing, Address THE CQ• LUMBIA, 030 Monob Bldg., Chicago, IU. Bale Reeigter• • 0'Perties getting their sale bills printed at the. ADVOCATE °Glee will receive a FREE notice under' this heading until dated sale. • • . Wednesday, March 23, --Farm. stock and irnple. ntents, ate., the property of James Clark lotO, con= cession 7, Stophen. Salo at 1 o'clock, : '11, Brown, Auctioneer. Monday; April 4. -Beal Estate and Household Effects, the property of Jacob` Haist, Crediton. Sale.at 1 o'clock. • B. Brown, Allot: Hay ' The following is the standing of the. pupils in S. S. No. 13. Hay, ' who • took over 500% in the month ofJauuary. The names are• given in order of merit. Sr. IV -Chas. Dunsford4 Laura Hoop- er, Silas Ford.. Sr, III -Fred Smith, Gordon Hooper. Jr. III- Clayton Prouty, Willie Ching, Clifton Prouty. Sr. II -Willie Ferguson, Nelson Sta- cey, Norman McDonald. Jr. II-Flo- rence•Ching, Edie Carrick. Sr. Pt. II -Grant Hooper, Jessie . Carrick, Sid • - ney Smith: Jr. Pt. II-.DuncanChinte, Willie Hooper. MAY R. HoGG-, Teacher. - Whalen • Mr. Wm. Brock, of the 10th con., of Blanshard, is seriously ill, the resoIt of an accident in whichhe was .jam.. med between a load .of hay and the limb of a tree. A,CCrn orr-OnThursda.y morning last Mr. Jabez- Milson met with a painful accident which will confine him to bis home for some weeks. It appears he was standing on the gangway at his barn when a gust of wind blew the door against him andlosing his bal- ance fell several feet below. In the fall he sustained a dislocated ankle and the breaking of two small bones in the foot. Medical aid was summoned and the injured 'member is now doing as well as could be expected. Elimville Miss Zeta Andrews returned on Sat- urday after spending a couple of weeks visiting her brother at Cromarty. - Rev. Baker spent the past week at his home in Carlingford. -Mr. Silas Johns has purchased the 100 acre farm of Mr. Albert Andrew, paying about $6,500. Mr. Johns is very fortunate in securing so good a property close to his home. -Mr. Samuel Hunter gave the young people a dance on Thursday evening last and a very enjoyable time was spent. -The Township Council held their monthly meeting on Satur- day and among other business let the contract for several new bridges. -The big skating rink in Mr. J. Johns', field has given the lovers of skating plen tp of amusement the past week. -Mt'. R. .Delbridge was seized on Sunday with an epileptic fit and for a time was ser- iously ill. eriouslyill, The doctor was summoned and the last report states that the lady is not dangerously ill. -Messrs. David Golding, Fred Delbridge, and 0. God - holt each purchased a fine horse at the Elliott sale on Saturday. -Mr. and Mrs. J. Somerville had a lively experience while driving to church on Sunday morning last. The horse they were driving took fright while passing the gate way to Mr. Josh. Johns' house, and attempted to run away.. It was only after great effort that the occu- pants of the rig succeeded in forcing the animal off the road and into the deep snow where it was obliged to stop. No damage was done. Hensall Miss Aggie Shirra has returned from Hamilton, where she has been visiting her another, who is i11 in the hospital. Mrs. Shirra has been a little better:the last few days. Mr. H. J. D. Cook, who was seriously 111 with pneumonia, has been improving. --After being cut off from the wdrld forr over a week, the arrival of the train on Monday was welcomed The merchants are impati- ently waiting for the freight trains.- On Monday, Feb. 20, Mr. J. Shepherd. bought some hogs, but they did not leave till Thursday night, when the car was added to the London train.- The W. C. T. U. is circulating a peti- tion' in favor of local option. On ac- count of trains being cancelled the sup- ply for the Presbyterian church could not come, so Rev. Mr. Savers, of $rucefield preached in the evening. Mr. J. 0. Stoneman went to Tononto to attend the Grand Lodge meeting of the Home Circle. -A number of our citizens bad a hard time of it getting to Goderich on Monday last to attend coni',. The Sherritt case was started, but after the evidence of his wife and daughters had been taken it was post- poned to the minty court In June. - T, Palmer, of Wheatland, North Da- kota, arrived home on Monday and has taken possession of Mr, Spear's restaurant. Mr. Spear willgo to Manitoba after awhile. --On Monday the British and Foreign llible Society celebrated its centennial, and by re- quest the set'vices in the Methodist chureh last Sunday were in keeping with the oeCasiOn. as 14ioWllivray Mr, John Bayes, of McGillivray, bas recently__ purchased the 75 arce farm of Mr, Eli Icing of Stephen, for the hand - panic sun: of $4,500. He intends taking possession next fall. -Mr. Win, Mc- e,regor of Greenway, has.eugaged with. Mr. T. Lane, of Mt, Carmel, for the conning season, -;12r. Patrick O'Dwyer, of Ciladetulye,htis been engaged to teach in Bornish school till mid summer. • ClandeboyP, Miss Hattie Jell has' left on t. short visit to friends' in Galt. -Mr, A Sholts, of Winnipeg, is visiting friends around this .vieinty.-Mrs. Harlem, of this place, went to Parkhill on Wednesdaynight, to see her mother, who is very i11. -Quite a. number of people were driven out of their houses on account of the flood on Tuesday night. -Dr. Sutton purchased a flue driving horse in Toronto. It arrived by train .in Ln- can Saturdry.-Miss Etta -Blackwell, who has been very ill, 'is improving. -a. Mrs. Cobhledick, of, Ailsa Craig, is vis- icing her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Carter, of this place. -Mr. Geo. Liutottintend s moving to the Northwest about the 20th -of this month. He has secured a section of land out there. He has many friends here who wish him suc- cess. Mr. Richard Simpson, of this place, intends moving to Lnean in a •eh'ort tine. -The doctors are very busy just now. Every house around this vicinity hies a patient: -Miss Cunning- ham, late of Chicago, is visiting her brother, Mr, Wm. Cunningbam, who is di.uite ill. • Lucan. METH of Mas. O'NEIL.-Death on Thursday last removed another of the pioneer and most highly respected resi- dents from onrmidst, in the person of Eleanor Stanley, widow of the late R. H, O'Neil. ' The deceased suffered a stroke of paralysis about five weeks previous to her death from which she never survived. She was born in Lon- don township in the year 1829, conse- quently was in the 75th year of her age. She was married in 1849 to Mr. R. H. O'Neil when the young couple took their up residence inLnean, where they: continously resided all their days. Mrs. O'Neil was of gentle, amiable and kindly disposition, a good wife and a loving mother, a tc'ue friend and a de- vout member of the Episcopalian church. By her friends as well as by her four sons and, twobrothers by whom she is survived, her loss is deeply • nice: •trod, although she had' reached the-iellotted term of life. Her sons are B. S,, Daniel, F. A. and R. A. Her remains were taken to the Holy Trinity church on Saturday, where a short service was held and then con- veyed to St. James burial ground for interment Brinsley. Owing to the storm on Monday the trains were stopped, consequently the mail did not arrive here Tuesday. Misses Annie and Neva Dale visited friends in this vicinity Iast Sunday. - Mrs. W. W. Kerr and -family visited at her mother's, Mrs. Gilbert's, last week. -Mr. Wm. Windsor is still very low. -Miss Florence Edwards, of Lon- don, and the Misses Atkinson, of Lu - can, were the guests of Mrs. John Lewis on Tuesday. -Mr. James Amos entertained a number of young people last Friday evening. -Mr. and Mrs. C. Corbett, of Corbettville, were guests of Mrs. M. Gilbert last Tuesday. -Mr. Wm. Hardy moved last week to the 15th concession of London Township. -Miss Maggie Gilbert left here last Tuesday for Toronto. -Mr. Jas, Keown has beeu laid off duty from an attack of rheumatism. -Mr. Geo. Faulder is slowly improving. -Mrs. Smith is on the sick list. -Mr. Robt. Watson is laid up with la grippe. -Mr. Baxter, of Parkhill, has been visiting his sister, Mrs. W. Weir,-Thefriends in this vicinity will be very sorry to hear of the death of Rev. Mr. Knott, former pastor of this circuit, who died on Thursday, March 10th, at Bryanston, and his remains were interred' at Birr cemetery on Saturday. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of the com- munity. • Centralia DR. J. W. ORME, Centralia Office hours 0 to 10 a.m., 1 to 2 and 7 to 8 p.m. Telephone communication with Lucan and Mount Carmel Mr. W. F. Abbott left on Friday morning for Winnipeg and other points in Manitoba. He will remain about two months. -Dr. Orme is kept very busy these days, there being consider- able sickness in the neighborhood. - Mrs. Wm. Luker had the misfortune to slip on the icy door step of her home, one day last week and broke her arm. The injured member is improving nice- ly. -Mrs Lamport, of Crediton„ a step- daughter of Mrs. Luker, and who had come to visit her mother and to be of some use while her arta was recover- ing, was on Thursday stricken with paralysis almost immediately after en- tering the house, and now lies in a seri- ous condition at Mrs.Laker's home, -- Mrs Chas. Fairhall, Mrs. Tennant and Mr, Wm. Moffatt, all of whom have been on the sick list, are recovering. Crystal City; (Man.) Courier: "On Saturday, March 5th, at the family residence on Greenwood farm, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ring th it Silver M e Wedding. C)n this date, twenty-five years ago, in the village of Centralia, Ont., Miss Adeline Parr and Mr. John J. Ring were united in marriage by the Rev. Walsh. Since that time their united efforts have been directed to• Ward building tip for themselves a comfortable home, and toward making thernselves good citizens of the coun- try. In bothrespects they have been eminently successful; and there is no family in this district which enjoys the respect and esteem of the neigh- bora and friends more than does Mt',' and Mrs. Ring." Mr. o Zurich bz.Adl Sei baba and and Adolph t n an wife, 1 Miss: Rickheil .left for their respective homes in the Northwest, on Tuesday. -Mrs. Zinn, of Cavalier, N. D., who was visiting relatives in town for some time, left Tuesday for Elkton, Mich., to visit her sister. -Dr. Hamilton had his cutter. smashed at Sohcelligs sale en Monday. .Iri some way Mr. Jac. Kellerman's horse got mixed up with it and the result was a broken dash and cross bar. -Mr, John Foster has in- vented a new' kind of cross cut saw. One man can easily wc'rk it and can saw, as .two • lieu .with, a lauce.tooth. John feels quite proud .of it and says it beats anything in that line. -Mr. D. S, „Faust, finding that his store had grown too small for his large stock of drygonds, groceries, etc„ is haying two galleries erected on either side of the walls.of his store. Crediton Mr., and Mrs. Francis Clark, of Gran- ton, spent last Sunday here the guests of Mr. and Ml's. Wm. Lewis. -Miss Doswell, of Dutton; has again accepted the situation as milliner with Mr. C. Zwicker for the coining, season. -Mr. Ernie Hill, of Port Huron, is visiting friends in the village this week. -Mr. Geo. Finkbeiner has returned from Goderich where he was acting as one of the jurors the past week. -Messrs F4fxist and Kelly, of Zurich, spent last Sunday evening in the village. -Mr. Angust Hill has become the possessor of a handsome coach dog. August is a great fancier of dogs. -We are pleased to state that the sick in this neighborhood are improving. Grippe has attacked several of the elderly people but under. the skilful treatment of Dr. Heist they are making rapid progress toward recovery. -An event of unusual importance will take place this week. Particulars will follow. - Miss Dora Etlber, of Zurich, is visiting Miss Clara Wenzel. -We thought last week that blockades on the L. H. & B. would be a thing of the past, but the beginning of this week has found mat- ters in attersin as bad a condition as ever. Our citizens are anxiously awaiting the coming of spring. -Mr. John Either .is wearing a very bread smile these days -its a boy. -Messrs. Michael Hirtzel and James .Clark are drawing brick and sand for the erection of their new dwellings this summer. -Mr. and Mrs. John Wind spent__ last Tuesday, in Eden the guests of Mr. and Mrs.. Lux- ton, -Our young people have been making good use of the . skating the past week. On Monday evening about 35 were invited to Mr. Geo. Hirtzel's where the evening was spent in skat- ing on the ice near his house, after which all went to the horse and spent a few hours in games-a'nd otheramuse- ments. • CHANGE IN BUSINESS. -the firm of J. G. Young & Son, hardware mer- chants of this village, has dissolved partnership. The business will now be carried on by Fred and Herb Young under the name of "Young Bros. Both these young men are very popu- lar in this village and neighborhood and we wish them every success in, their vent ACCIDENT. -Last Friday while . Mr. Fred Mitchell was doing the chores in the stable one of the • horses owned by Mr. Jerry Heaman gave him a severe kick in the face. Although no bones were broken the Dr. was obliged to sew several stitches in the wound. It is indeed very fortunate that the acci- dent wasn't more serious, 0. P. R. -Our citizens are becoming interested in the proposed extension of the Canadian. Pacific Railway. On Monday evening a meeting of the citi- zens of the village was held in Clark's Hall, where the matter was discussed at some length. The meeting selected Messrs. S. Brown and O. .Zwicker to go to London ab the earliest opportun- ity and interview the City Council and the Railway authorities with the ob- ject of having the railway extended through this village. • Usborne Council, Council met March 12th pursuant to adjournment, all the members being present. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed by the Reeve. The members of the council sub- scribed the necessary oath as members of the court of revision, for the trial of appeals against the assessments re. the Gardiner Drain Bylaw. As there were no appeals the assessments were confirmed and the Bylaw laid over for final adoption. The collector having completed his work, his roll was received and; he was paid his salary. The auditors report as rend was adopted and 100 copies ordered to be printed for distribution.. SANDERS & CREECH, Prop's The tender of zL Hill & Co„ of Mitch- ell, to build a Warren Truss Riveted 4 panel bridge, on 'txlep's siduroad, with expanded metal and cement concrete floor for $787, .tied. one Beam Span. bridge at Eliinville for $357, according to plans and speeilications submitted, was accepted. The contractor .allow- ing a deductionof fowl per cent from above pricers by receiving the contract for thetwo bridges will make thea tutu cost $1086.80. • Accounts airman !log to $133 Were passed aud orders issued in payment., Council then adjourned to rtieet Ap- ril 2nd at ]. o'clock,. When ,tenders wiles be received for tiperating'road futtehine, either with horses or traction engine. The' contract to build a number of small cement concrete bridges.8 to 12 feet span and a few au'ched.culverte willalso be let if satisfactory estimates are received. F. Morley, Clerk. ' Tuckersthith. MA,PRIED.-A very pretty 'wedding took place at the residence of .air. Sohn - Hay;, 8th ennoession of Taickersruii:h, on Wednesday, March 2nd, when his eldest daughter, Annie, •, became the bride of Mr. Samuel Colernttn, At 6 o'clock the bride, leaning on the farm of her father,eiiter•e:d the parior to the strains of the wedding march 'played by her cousin, Miss Jessie Fraser. Theceremony, which was it very pretty one, was performed by Rev.Neil Shaw of Egmondville, and took place under a beautifully dec,rated arch of ever- greens. A reception was given in the eveaing by the bride's father to which as large number came to show their es- teem for the bride and groom, and all spent a pleasant evening. The pres- ents to'the bride were costly and num- erous. There were friends present. from Seaforth, Stratford, Wingham, Brussels, Niagara. Falls, Orosshill, Pilot Mound ,(Manitoba), and- Bruce - field. BIRTHS.' WILsoer-On'the 7th inst:, to Mr. affil Mrs. Geo. Wilson; a son. FAIRBAIRlT.-In Stanley, on Mar. 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Fairbairn, daughter. MARRIAGES. GOWER--PFAFF-At . the Methodist parsonage, . Corbett, by the Rev. A. T�hibaudeau, on Wednesday. March 2nd, Daniel Gower, of Stephen, to Caroline Pfaff, of Hay. Scor r-SHARPE-At the .Methodist parsonage, Ooibett, by the Rey. A. Thibaudeau, on Weduesday, March 2nd, George J. Scott, of McGillivray, to Martha Sharpe, of Stephen. WALKER-HENDERSON.-At the borne of the bride's parents, 18th conces- sion, East Williams, by Rev. A. Mc- Kibbin, Miss Ella, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Henderson, to Mr. John Walker, both of East Wil- Iiams, JONES-SPROAT-At the Egmondville manse, on Monday, March 7th. Robt. Jones, of Deloraine, Man., to Miss Jennie Sproat, of Seaforth. OoLEMAN-HAY-At the residence of the bride's father, Tuckersmith, on Wednesday, March 2nd, by the Rev, Neil Shaw, Samuel Coleman to Miss . Anna Hay - TAYLOR. -ANDERSON. -At the reside ence of the bride's parents on Wed- nesday, March 16th, by the Rev. R. W. Knowles, Mr, Frank Taylor, to Miss Hilda, eldest daughter of Mr, Wilson Anderson, all of Crediton. DEATHS DANBY.-At Maple Lodge, on Monday. March 7th, 1904, Geo. Danby aged 76 years and 9 months. JACESON-In' Parkhill, on Saturday, March 5th, MargaretA. Jackson, be- loved wife, of Reuben W. Jackson. aged 29 years. SauTH-In West Williams, on Sunday. March .6th, John Smith, aged 8.7 years 3 months. Sl4IITR-In Clinton, on Wednesday, March 9th, Mrs. Lizzie Jenkins, be- loved wife of J. Smith, aged 68 years. SUTHERLAND --Is Seaforth, on Thurs- day, March 2nd, Wm. Jas. Suther- land, aged. 82 years and 2 months. CLARY -In Tuckersmith, on Saturday. March 5th, the infant child of Mrs and Mrs. Peter Clary. HoGARTH.-At Rogerville, on March 5, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hogarth. O'NEIL.-AtLateen, on Thursday, Main IOW, Eleanor O'Neil, widow of the late R. H. O'Neil, in her 75th year, DAVEY.-In Stephen, Con. 10, on Mar. 12th, Lewis Davey, in his 54th year. Arixtir.aaecc>reaQcxe alk.18o c� ticsaallaaelc=eic-•caelka , 3 Feeds for 1 Cent 'FF The actuacost of I rn ti nal Stock Food. l t ne as A Large Shipment Just st Received In 25c, and 50c. Packages, also Pails at $8.50 HAPPY_THOUCHT RANGES c�c+f4;,AI,.�i4,M. ao■c,■oicaocaac�Fl--�-alica4cAcsEic acar��oiyiA,t The Manufacturers acturers of these Celebrated Ranges have advised us that they can: now fill all orders. Call and Examine this Range. e. Heauiau's H