HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-3-10, Page 7GOOD RESULTS.
Are Surd, Follow the Ilse of ;Dr.
Williams Pink Pills—They Never
Pail When Used for Blood and
Nerve Troubles.
The reputation held by Dr. Wil-
liams Pink. Pills not only in Canada.
but throughout the - whole world is
one that cannot be equaled by any
other medicine• No other medicine
in the world is soextensively used
as Dr. Williams Pink Pills, and this
extensive, use is" due solely to the
merit .of the medicine. There pills
are not a common purging medicine;
they are a scientific blood builder
and nerve restorer. Every close helps
i reate, new, rich, red blood, and this
riew blood reaches the root of the
'(iisease and drives it from the ' sys-
tem. That is the whole secret of the
success of this remarlSable 'medicine.
Thousands and thousands testify to
the value of these pills among them
being Mrs. Robert Gibbs, Petit Lam-
eque, N. 13„ who s'rays :—"I wish to
thank you for the good results ob-
tained from the use of Dr. Williams
Pink, Pills. I suffered from kidney
trouble and the pains in the back
were sometimes hard to bear. I
used in all six boxes of the pills anis
Vie trouble lias entirely ilise.epeared.
1 would strotily advise others sutler-
lers to use your pills without delay."
Dr. Williams Pink Pills cure all
blood and nerve troubles such as,
riietrmatism, neuralgia; anaemia,
partial, paralysis, indigestion, pal-
pitation of , the heart and many
othe*s, Sold by all medicine deal-
ers of direct from The Dr. Williams
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., at
50 cents a box or six boxes for
Good memory is a subject regard-
ing which a good deal of nonsense is
habitually talked. We often hear
people say, that they have a good
memory for -certain tnings, but a
bad one for other things. This is a
delusion. A man's memory may be
good or it may be bad, but it can-
not well be good for one thing and
bad for another. It_ might as well
be said that a bottle was good for
holding milk, but bad for holding
water. In the case o1 a feeble intel-
lert . all its faculties will be feeble—
memory, judgment, and all the rest-
but they will not be feeble for one
purpose and vigorous for another.
The fact is that our memory is in it-
self equally powerful or feeble for
,all pdrposes, but we remember best
those things which interest us most,
and so say that we have good mem-
ories for such things, while we forget
those things which do not interest
us, and we say, accordingly, that
nae have had memories for those
irthings, Ilorace Walpole used to say
that his memory wa.s all -retentive as
to the names of persons and of plac-
lates, but that it was absolutely im-
potent in regard to dates. It has
been said of him—by Macaulay -that
he ,could tell you the name of the
grand -aunt of King Ertheiwald, but
that he could not tell you whether
to lived in the year 500 or in the
ear 1500. The truth was that he
"took an interest in names and gena-
logies,but none in dates. •
"My husband is 'dreadfully troubled
with insomnia," said Mrs. Bounder
by. "I3o wakes up about two
o'clock every morning, and then he
can't go to sleep again. He tosses.
about until daylight, and growls and
iusses. so that I can't get any sleep
"My husband used to be troubled
that way," replied Mrs. Smythe -
Smythe, "but I discovered a remedy,
which never fails. I noticed that my
husband always slept the soundest
when was time to get up.
"That's just the way with Bonn -
derby, exactly. But tellme what
you did."
"Well, when Mr. Smythe-Sinythe
woke up in the night and began to
toss about end say he couldn't`get a
'z milies of Peers, ,I eep Shops and
Sell Qn Commiesion.
Many wives and daughters of peers
augment their allowances by opening
shops or selling on commission. Very.
often, too, the craving for novelty
has been responsible for aristocrats
embarking on a business career.
Lady Warwick took up business
a purely philanthropic way for
sale of the beautiful worst done
the girls in the Warwickshire schoo
and opened an emporium in Pond
street, where the work was sold. She
had her full title painted in large
letters on the sign -board. When,
however, she found that shopkeeping
debarred her from going to court she
withdrew from trade and sold Luer
Lady Essex and Mrs. IIwfa Willi-
ams have a laundry at Coombe, Lady
Elphinstone owns a cake shop in Re-
gent street, and Lady Browne hats
tailoring establislunent in Maddox
The Hon, Mrs, Archibald Tumour
has started millinery in Bong street,
and the three pretty Misses Wilson
once opened a dainty hat shop in
Hanover square. On Duke street,
Grosvenor square, Mrs. Guy. Bethell,
whose husband belongs to Lord West-
bury's family, has a little furniture
Many society people make big com-
missions on the sale of motor -cars,
and their best customers are obtain-
ed at race <meet.ings. •
Sir Henry. De. Bathe's son is a
seller of cars, and Mr. C. S. Rolls,
Lord Llangattock's son, has just
opened a garage on Brook street.
In fact, it is now the fashion to be
in trade. and women talk business at
society functions and are Proud to
tell of their successes.
Slie proudly stood by hor husband's.
And by her side stood he,
As he sinned at her with lova
And calmly then said she:
"Before you put your hat on, John,
There's a thing or two I'd say:
I'm going to cook the dinner, John,
You'll eat on your birthday.
"I've read the cook book through,
John; `
Oh, why grow white and cold?
You need .not do a thing, John,.
But just what you are told.
Bring me a spool of coarsest thread
To baste the turkey down,
And then some cloth, the cook book
The dressing should be brown.
"Do not forget to order bone
To bone the ham, and buy
An egg plant fully grown, John,
To make the chicken Pie.
The coffee bean we'll cook by steam,
And as it upward mounts'•
You'll have to. grant at last. John,
You got a wife that counts."
How the Pastor Saved a Life.
A man near Fort Gay, W. Va,,
made an : entire failure in getting
strength from the kind of food he
ate and not knowing that the trou-
ble was with the food kept en los-
ing health until the doctors gave
him up to die.
It was supposed to be consumption
because he was wasting away si c•ad-
ily and slowly dying. His minister
called from time to time end one
day brought along a package of
Grape -Nuts thinking from 'what he
knew of the famous food that per-
haps it might help him. The sick
man took to it at once and from
that day began to get well. In
writing he says:
"I walked to town to -day 3
miles. Have gained over 40 pounds
in about 2 months and my neighbors
doix't know what to say. I fre-
quently am told it wan as if I am
raised •froin the dead.. Everybody
here knows of my case, you can tell
eople to write to the Postmaster
r Rev. L. D.' Bryan. I will make
a sworn statement; .that 'Grape-.Ntits
saved my life." Name given by
Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich.
This is another illustration • that
where all ether food fails ono tan
be brought back to health and
strength on Grape -Nuts. "There's a
"Look ineach package for the
famous little book, "The Road to
Y q
First Boy—"Do you think your
father will let your sister marry Mr.
Comeoften, Johnny?" Second Boy
—"Oh, yes; I know he will. Pa
keeps our dog tied up every night
Good Digestion Shout' wait on Appe
Lite. 'Po have' the stomach well is to have
the nervous system well. Very delicate
are the digestive In some so sen
sitive are they that Ann ospherio • changes
affect tlienf. When they become disete
ranged no .better remedy is procnr'ahle
than Parra elee's Vegetttble Pi Its. Th ey
will assist die digestion so that the heaety
enter will snfler na inconvenience and
will derive all the benefits of hi;i food.
"Does your : wife do muhh fancy
work?" "fancy work? She wen.'t
even let n. porous plaster come into
the house without cror,.heting a red
border round it, 'anti running a yellow
'wink 'of •sleep, I simply walked across o
Usha room, pretended to look, at the
clock, and "said, 'Oh, that all
right. You mustn't go . to sleep
again. It's tinge for you to get up.'
That always put hien to sleep in a
minute "
A witty and attractive young Iady
asked the following question: "What
is the difference between myself and a
clock?" "Mademoiselle, the clocks
tell the hours and you -make us for-
get them," was the reply.
"Would you like the„cause of your
late husband's death explained on the
monument?” asked the sculptor:
°'Weil," replied the widow, "if it
doesri't cost any more, you might en-
grave a couple of cucumbers on it."
If baby is restless or sleepless do
not give it "soothing" meeiciiies to
Make it sleep. These medicines al-
ways contain opiates, and you are
nxerely drugging' the little., one into
temporary insensibility -in fact you
are Vlacing its life in peril. Rest-
lessness and sleeplessness is ostialler.
the result of some trouble of the
stomach or bowels, and if this is
removed the child will sleep natural-
ly, anc1 awake bright and healthy.
Br by s Own 'rablet,l cure ell stomach
and bowel troubles, and the another
lies a solemn assurci ee that the
nie;l.ieine' cantata no opiate or harm-
ful drug. Mrs. Louis Reviile,
Gawas,. Ont,, says--"l!rfy baby suf-
fered from colic, cried a great deal
and was very sleepless. 'After giving
swim Baby's; Own :Tablets' the trouble
'clisappeare(1 ,and through giving hint
an occasional Tablet since, he lice
always been healthy,' and is now a
trong r•ug•geci child. No mother
Add ever 13e without the Tablets
hi the house." You can g;e't Baby's
Own Tablets from any Beales' in.rnocl-
icifio, • or if you write to 'no Dr.
`Williams Medicine leo.,- Brockville,
Ont.. the. Tablets Will be Sent by
*tail at 26 cents ra flea.
ribbon through ._the holes,"
llard.lend soft corns cannot witlistancl
Hollow ay S.; Corn Cure; it is effectual
every time. Get as bottle at once, and be
Tomnpy—"I Wish I wont to school
in Russia." Johnny—"Why?'' by?„ Toni-
iny—"It Must, take all day to call
the name -register there."
P111-001.1td with nauseous, big purge*;
prejudice people against pills generally.
Di. Agnew'., Liver Pills are revolutionizing
the pill detrtltnd they're so pleasant and
easy to take—the doses are small and to Is
the price, to cents for 40 doses, I3ilions-
nese, Sick Headache, Constipation di,
palled. Works like p raiiarm.--,
Christopher Bishop ',Tells How His
r Wife and Brother Were Brought
Back to Health and. Vigor.
Clark's Beach,Nfid.—Feb. 20.—
(Special 1
0. -(Specials -Among the splendid curses'
made by Dodd's Kidney Pills in New
foundland is that of Mrs, Christopher
Bishop, of this place, 'Pile story of
her suffering and oure is told by her
husband as follows:
"My wife suffered for three years
with a weakness in ,the lower part of
her back followed by a shivering cau-
sing weakness, Her legs were swol-
len from her knees to the feet and
Oho had a ,pain in the left side just
under the ribs.
Two doctors attended her, but
failed to cure her when' she : decided
to use Dodd's Kidney Pills, The re-
sults were wonderful and now after
using five boxes, the swelling and
weakness` are goneand :the pain is
gone .with them.
"My brother too suffered a heavy
pain in the back and four doctors
failed to give him relief. Eight box-
es of 'Dodd's Kidney Pills made him a
new man."
If you don't cure the pain in your
back by using. Dodd's•.Kidney Pills it
will grow into :' something svpi•t c—
Dropsy or Rheumatism or Bright's
"What do you think, Mr. ' Dins-
more?" said Miss Frocks. "I lost
niy fine new umbrella to -day, and it
had my name on the handle, too."
"Then you'll ha ie to get another,
of course." replied Mr, Dinsmore,.
"Another 1nhbrella?"
"No anotlier name," •
"Oh, Mr. Dinsmore, this is so sud-
den! Still, you may' ask papa."
Mrs. Young (proudly)—"Tile land-
lord was here to -day; I gave him
the quarter's rent arid showed him
the baby." Young (who was kept
awake last night)—"It would have
been better, my dear, if you had giv-
en him the baby and shown him the
quarter's rent:" '
Lifebuoy Soap --disinfectant — is
strongly recommended by the rnedi-
cal profession as a safeguard against
tnfectiot s diseases.
A woman who wants but little here
below should get married and let it
go at that.
For Nine Years—\1r. Samuel Bryan
Thedforl, writes: "Poe nine years I
suffered with ulceratedsores on my ]e;;
I expended over filer) to physicians, and
tried every preearxtion I heard of er was
recommended for suck disease, but could
get no relief. I at isant yeas recommended
to give Dr. Thomas' Ectlectric Oil a trial,
which has reenited, after using eight bot-
tles (using it interualIy and externally),
it complete cure. I believe ir, is the best
medicine in the world, and I write this to
let others know what it has done for
Many a meek man develops -into a
high stepper when the elevator isn't
rinari's Llnimai Coes Undid
A gentleman who calls another gen-
tleman a liar is no• -gentleman.
For Over Sixty Years
MRP. Wnter,ow'e Soer nia Sup ilae been aged bl
millions of mothers far tlwir children while teething.
1, 60001418 IN ehiM, &offense th vibe. at. acs yein, ea rel
rind anise, regulttes the'ronllct sad ),,trek, end fs thi
best remedy for Diarrha,a. 'Twenty -sae canto a botibi
told LT 4rOgrgists throughout the woeld, ]3e sure and
•dr for "Mae.wiser...weeSoorHnrnASSnffr." 12 -IA
Jimmy—"Let's go down to Tom
Jones' house an' play." Bobby—
' "But,mantma told us to stay here.",
Jiminy="Oh, that's all right; • her
new bonnet's just come."
There is danger in neglecting a. cold
Many wwho have died of congnrnptioa dared
their troubles from cxposnre, followed by
n cold which settled on their lung,s, and in
a short time they' were beyond the skill of
the best physician. IIad they used Dickies'
Anti-Coneudnntt a Syrup. before it was
too late, their lives wdald have been
spared.' This medicine has no equal for
cnring coughs, colds and all affections of
the throat and lungs.
Shop Assistant (to lady looking at
mourning goods) --"That is an excel-
lent „ piece
xcel-lent„piece of goods, matlarn.” Lady
—"Will it do up nicely?" Shop As-
sistant—"0h, yes, madam. I sold
some of that crepe to Mrs. Smith-
several years ago, and to -day she
is wearing it for her this'dhusband."
When the little folks take colds
and coughs, don't neglect thein
and let them strain the tender
membranes of their lungs,
Give them
m hi1!l ob,9
,yr ToThe Lung
It will cure their: quicltiy and
strengthen their lungs. :
t is leasant o
I p t taste,
1'-rfces, BSc,, 30c„ µfid Sit.00. ill
'atrcrtsr.eiy-•aaftilue7k:..i..srern••, rt,o»rsmmtim.'.ht. szk
One touch of nature may make the
whole world kin, but two touches of
your follow man would indicate that
you aro an easy mark.'
"'pt'it down that gleeel" cried Mrs,,
Jri;kvsain, "If you drink that liquor'
I'llnever spoalt to you again as long
as I live!" "My dear," said be, as
he gulped it 'dower, "here's long ilio
to you."
I,xsue 711(' ^ - ()4�.
Sunlight Soap will not injure
your blankets or harden . thenl, It
will make then soft, white and
Sir Oliver Lodge, eminent by hid.
discoveries about electritity, be-
lievesthat he has found a method of.
electrifying the atmosphere on a
largo scale, and that in this manner
dangerous fogs over rivers and har-
bors may be dissipated. In some ex-
periments at. Liverpool be was able
to clear a space more than 100
yards wide in a dense fog. Ile also
thinks it possible that rain may bo
produced by the electrification of
clouds. At a recent meeting of the
Physical Society in London he de-
monstrated his method. Electricity
derived from a high frequency alter-
nator is most effective, but it must
first be turned into a straightaway
current, and Professor Lodge em-
ploys for this purpose the Cooper
ilew.witt mercury vapor -lamp which
possesses the power to rectify an al-
ternating current.
It takes a smart man to write an
unimportant letter.
Slop Reward, Stole.
The readers of this paper 'will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to euro in all its stages, and
that is Catarrh, Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being
a constitutional disease, requiresa
constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure: is taken internally, acting direct-
ly upon the blood and mucous surfac-
es of the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving
the patient strength by building up the
constitution and assisting nature in do-
ing, its worst. The proprietors have
so much faith in its curative powers
that ,they offer One Hundred Dollars for
any case that It fails to cure, Send for
list of testimonials.
Address F. J. CHENEY & 00.,
Toledo, 0.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c,
'fake hall's Family Pills for consti-
When ignorance is bliss it is folly
to discover that you are a fool.
Bright's Disease — lmit:Beds 1
deceptive 1 releintiese 1 has foiled
hundreds of trials by medical science to stem
the tide of its ravages—and not until South
American Kidney Cure proved beyond a
doubt its power to turn back the tide, was
there a gleans of anything but despair for
the victim of this dread form of kidney
disease. -5$
Crabbed Old Man (sarcastically)—
"I don't suppose there is another
baby like that in the world?" Young
Mother—"Oh, yes, there is! I left
the other one of the twins at home
with mother."
$33.00 to the Pacific Coast
Via the Chicago -Union & North-West-
ern Line from Chicago daily during
March and April, to San Francisco,
Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, Ta.-
eoma, Vaneot* er and other Pacific
Coast pointe... Very low rates to He-
lena, Butte, Spokane, Ogden and
Salt Lake City. Corresponding low
rates from all points. Daily and per-
sonally conducted excursions in Pull-
man tourist sleeping cars to San
Francisco, Los Angeles and Portland,
through without change, double berth
only $7.00. Choice of routes, For
particulars address 13. H. Bennett, 2
East King St., Toronto, Ont.
An old gentleman,, whilst suffering
from gout used to make use of most
violent language. His son, on one
occasion, in writing to a friend, re-
marked : "You_ will be sorry to hear
that the governor is down with the
foot and mouth disease again.."
Is the best.
Matthias Foley, Oil City, Ont.
Joseph Snows Norway, Me,
Chas. Whooten, Mulgrave, N. S.
Rev. R. 0. Armstrong, Mulgrave,
N. S.
Pierre Landry, sena, Pokemouche,
N. B.
Thomas Wasson, Sheffield', N. B.
t -f
The marl, stammered painf,tlly as he
stood in the dock at the poli,.e-court.
His name was Sissons. It was very
d.iliicult for him to pronounce his
own name. He had the misfortune
to stay out late and mate an up-
roar one night, anis to have to ac-
count for it before the magistrate
the -next morning.
"W4xat is year name ?" asked the
Sissons began to reply :—
Stop that noise and tell nee your
nate e," said the magistrate, impa-
tienti y,
"ti S••ss-ssee-sedase<l---^.''r
'''Phat will do," said the 'magic-
trate, severely. "Policeman, what
is this mall charged with '?"
"I think; yer honor, he's charged.
wi'd .sody water.
"t really ,cannot see what sho finds,
attractive about him. "'Why,,
there are thousands of reasons for
her loving_: him." "What are they"?"
"Dollars .''
,`.,.1.mr' "moo,'
asscsaitetty wars e.
Canadian Order of Chosen Friends.
Z.eLzaxr aGi'=7AiTfl ' .1. Z. .X511..
Total increase approved applications ,,, 8,868
Total Increase in Surplus Funds ,,; ,., ;, $100,000.00
Total Memberships ,,, , ., 26,000
Total Surplus Funds 8420,000.00
Organizers wanted. Write.
Grand Recorder, Hamilton, Ont., or Grand Organizer, Hamilton, Ont.,
Any. rirst-Clave Grocer Can Supply You.
Maud "Were you upset by the ban
failure?" 13ob—"1Vefl, I lost
k Ono of the most interesting and
my difficult feats of railroad engineering
ever undertaken has just been coni
pleted by the owners of "The Over-
land Route," Union Pacific and
Southern Pacific Railroad—the build-
ing of a bridge across the Groat Salt
Lake between Ogden, Utah, and Lu-
ella Nevada. "',
The cut off runs from Ogden west
15 miles over level country before
reaching the lake proper, then across
the 'east arm of the Lake 9 miles to
Promontory. Then five miles of solid
road bed and then 19 miles west over
the west arm of the Lake toward Lu-
cie and thence across the Great Salt'
y Lake Desert to Lucia, Nevada.
- Arross the east arm of the Lake. it
- will be almost a continuous fillin sup-
ported by trestle. Near the middle
of this will be a gap of 600 feet of
open trestle work left for the waters
of the Bear river which flow into the
arm of the Lake.
Across Promontory Point runs five
miles of solid road bed ' and here dif-
ficult work was encountered..
Across the west arm of the Lake is
11 miles of trestle work with afillin
approach at each end of four miles.
In completing the work of spanning
the Lake, one great difficulty was en-
countered across the east arra by the
settling of fillips and trestle work. .
This was caused by the salt of. the
flow of the Bear river having collec-
ted for centuries over the bottom of
the Lake and having formed a salt
wall of 100 feet, It took 1,000 tons
of rock in piles whiekh. appear to have
reached the bottom of the Lake pro-
per and xvhich has resulted in a firm
and splendid road bed.
"It is intended to reduce the run-
ning time from Salt Lake to Chicago
to 36' hours, and put passengers into
1' ewv York in 56 hours . from Salt
Love may be blind, but there is ale
ways a spark of feeling between love
infira's Liniment Cures Barns! etc,
When it comes to acquiring a know-
ledge of schoolbooks the small boy
profers absent treatment.
A Pill for Generous Enters.—Tllere are
many per.eous of healthy appetite and poor
digestion who, after a hearty meal are
subject to much suffering. The food of
which they helve partaken lies like lead in
their stomnohs. Headache, depression, a
smothering feeling follow. ns so af-
flicted is unfit for imemese or work of All
kind. - In this condition i?arzneleo'a. Vase
table Piil'i will briug'relief.• They will las
Sim the a einulalion of the ailment, .an
used :wed/eling to directions will rester
healthy digestion,
Haskell : - "What's Bobby cryieg
for ?" Mrs. Haskell : "Oh 1 the
poor boy caught his finger in the
pantry door." Haskell : "H'm ! Eie
evidently didn't get the jam he was
looping for that tithe,"
Bixby Haamer's.—Dr. Agnew's Oint-
ment soothes, quiets, and effects quick and
effective cures in all skin eruptions eemmon
to baby during teething time. It Is harm-
less to the hair in cases of Scald Head, and
metes .Eczema, Salt Rheum and all Skin
Diseases of older people. gs cents. -53
Few married women would flirt
were it not for the indifference of
Pleasant as syrup; nothing equals it
ee a worm medicine; the name is Mother
Grave's Worm lixterniisawr. The great
st worm destroyer of the age.
Papa : "You were up late last
night, daughter ?" Daughter : "Yes,
papa; our Fresh -Air Club met on the
ve arida." Papa : "Who belongs to
your Fresh -Air Club ?" Daug^ter
(slowly and somewhat reluctantly)
"Well, papa, there are may two 01
us at present—Jack" anti—me."
Lament Prelims kenIa SgNs.d
Yon seldom find a brainy man with
a round head. The head that con-
tains lots of brains either is very
long from front to bads- or else ir-
regular. Yoe can learn something
of a man's mental ability by the hat
he wears. If his head is so bumpy
that it seems as if he never could
get, a hat to fit him, he probably is
a genius or an eccentric in some par-
ticular line. If his head is long from
front to back, he is a clear thinker
and keen as a razor. So, if your
hat costs more money than your
friend's hat does, and you are hard-
er to fit, be consoled by ,considering
that your brain is worth more..
Dons pay a Was
qtr n
h w o
who tikes all day rubbing the life
out of`your clothes to get there clean,
you can do the washing yourself--
ourselfsitting down—with a
New Century
or you can.
make the
work easier
and batten --
leave i.iine for
other ele.tning
-- and save the wear on your clothes.
Bey a New Century and throw away
yetir useless washboard, ask yeas'
hardware dealxrto show it LoY ou—
or write to us for booklet.
The 1MCWiswes.t. 1l1te Co„ LYS.
, wv- « i nd'rf`.
inard's Linc, ens for safe everywird
Willie ".Let's play we're married."
Little Bessie --"Have you ever played
it with any other girl?" •
"No." Little leseie—"Then you
can't practise on me."
Pain v Eyes
Relieved in 10 Minutes
That dull, wretched pain in the head
just over the eyes is one of the surest
signs that' the seeds of catarrh have
been sown, and it's your wanting to
administer the quickest and surest
treatment to prevent the seating of this
dreaded malady. Dr. Agnew's Catarr-
hal Powder will stop all pain in ten
minutes, and cure. ie
Dr. Agnew's Ointment soothes all skin
diseases. 35 Cents.
� u' re 77 Kl7'CMO dTO,8A8Y,
5P' CIAL ,:"
rend for oattil11.—og, `wWegive04 ertea mite.
notes aura and aa,naira,�„
Scud For price list
p±t�y�I ESW8 CP
And Farm Pro
duce .gencraliyl
catssigti it t, .o to
Sill we will i
you good prices
it feet witdo, 4 Peet 1iirglt# Iireinc4„ng hinges and :lztteh,..,.;.a,,:.,:+,$2.75
10 font wide, 4 fiat high, tncinding ldnges artdlatch 575
Other sizes is proportion.
'it`FtTE Pot„.0,3z wTM.E l 1NCz CO. 1.12ln ited,t ,
Re-la___%wwHhY.AltaiwwMmxt __,,v+,..4G•m i�4e.M'R
Sal plte.
by tie or 111111
loeil do'rle.M
Walksevi}'ie, Montreal, W anipnpr St. al,ai°:ti°